¡Ayuda! ¿Estoy languideciendo?
Mental Health Posts en Español![Sandra Albrecht Ph.D. MPH](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Sandra-Albrecht-PhD-e1595018225617.png)
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R. No tema… la Dra. Aparna Kumar, especialista en salud mental, ¡está aquí para hablar sobre esta condición! 😢 ¿Qué es la languidez? Languidecer es vivir pero tener poca alegría, propósito o objetivo. Es pasar por los movimientos de la vida diaria, pero no sentirse bien al respecto. También puede resultar difícil dar los siguientes Read more…
July 19, 2021
Why might Delta be more transmissible?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: In the words of virologist Dr. Angela Rasmussen, “people infected with Delta are shedding a s**t-ton more virus than with earlier variants.” A newly released study has provided some clues to Delta’s transmissibility tricks by testing viral loads in quarantined close contacts of confirmed cases. Contacts were tested daily by PCR, and the course Read more…
July 17, 2021
¿Tengo derecho a saber si los trabajadores de la salud que me atienden han recibido la vacuna COVID-19?
Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: Absolutamente puede preguntarle a su médico👨⚕️ (o cualquier otro profesional con el que esté interactuando) si recibió la vacuna COVID-19. Pero no tienen que responder. No tiene derecho a conocer el estado de sus vacunas. Pero si se sentiría incómodo con un “no” o una no respuesta, debe sentirse empoderado para discutir esa inquietud Read more…
July 17, 2021
Can I get a COVID-19 vaccine if I am pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or think I might want to get pregnant soon?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes. The scientific evidence available to date points to COVID-19 vaccines being safe and effective during pregnancy and having no negative impact on fertility. While pregnant people were not enrolled in the vaccine trials, 23 people got pregnant during the Pfizer trial and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has now Read more…
July 16, 2021
Si tuve COVID, ¿Aún necesito vacunarme?
Vaccines Videos
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R. Este breve video creado por nuestros colegas en el Wisconsin Department of Health Services (Departamento de Servicios para la Salud del estado de Wisconsin) en EE.UU. ofrece la respuesta: También ofrecemos una respuesta más detallada en una publicación anterior. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
July 15, 2021
Escucho muchas opiniones contradictorias sobre lo que es seguro y lo que no lo es. ¡Ayuda!
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: Los humanos son malos para evaluar el riesgo. Somos aún peores para determinar si algo es un riesgo real o hipotético. Al desafiar nuestras suposiciones psicológicas, podemos ser consumidores más inteligentes de información científica. Nuestro sentido personal de lo que es arriesgado y lo que es seguro es una *sensación.* Y las sensaciones no Read more…
July 15, 2021
Should contact lens wearers take special precautions to avoid getting COVID-19?
General Health Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: There is no evidence that the 45 million contact lens wearers in the US are at greater risk of getting COVID-19 than eyeglass wearers. Because the virus that causes COVID-19 is spread from person-to-person by respiratory droplets, there is little risk of spreading it by touching your eyes. The likelihood of getting COVID-19 by Read more…
July 14, 2021
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra COVID-19 para prevenir infecciones en los hogares de ancianos?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Las vacunas de ARNm realmente funcionan, incluso en esta población de alto riesgo. Un nuevo estudio muestra el éxito real de las vacunas de ARNm para reducir la infección entre los residentes de hogares de ancianos. Muchas veces, las personas con varias enfermedades crónicas y personas mayores no se incluyen en los ensayos Read more…
July 14, 2021
Is the HPV vaccine safe?
Families/Kids General Health Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Yes! HPV vaccines have been shown to be very safe and effective! Though side effects can occur, they are typically mild and don’t cause any lasting problems. HPV vaccination reduces the risk of HPV infection, genital warts, cervical pre-cancers, and even cervical cancer! Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a super common virus that is the Read more…
July 13, 2021
¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.? R: No. Las empresas, empleador, familia, o amigos pueden preguntarle sobre el estatus de vacunación sin violar la ley HIPAA. La Ley de Tranferencia y Responsabilidad Read more…
July 13, 2021
Update on RSV Infections
Families/Kids General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
RSV (respiratory syncytial virus infection) is one of the dozens of viruses that can cause “the common cold.” But it’s one to watch out for: it’s highly contagious and unlike some of the other common cold causes, RSV can turn dangerous. Preemies, infants, young children; people with immune, lung, or heart disease; and older adults Read more…
July 12, 2021
Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising – Update from England
COVID Variants Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
🏴 POSTCARDS FROM ENGLAND 🏴: Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising. The lads still did everyone proud, but the boisterous Euro Cup crowds may not have been the best news for COVID-19 cases over the past several weeks. Cases continue to rise in the UK, thanks to the more transmissible Delta variant Read more…
July 12, 2021
¿La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) dijo que los niños *no* deben recibir la vacuna COVID-19?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. La OMS dijo que en lugares donde los suministros de vacunas son limitados, vacunar a los niños no es una prioridad. Durante las últimas semanas, las publicaciones virales en las redes sociales y algunos canales populares contra las vacunas difundieron información errónea 👎 sobre la postura de la OMS acerca de la vacunación Read more…
July 12, 2021
Do we really need a booster vaccine already?!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Probably not. But scientists are keeping an eye on it. This week Pfizer/BioNTech announced they will request approval in the U.S. for a 3rd dose of their current vaccine in case it is needed—which they said may be as soon as 6-12 months after full vaccination. CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials Read more…
July 11, 2021
Un saludo desde el Reino Unido: novedades sobre la variante Delta
COVID Variants Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los casos continúan subiendo en el Reino Unido a pesar de los niveles altos de vacunación, reporta la “Nerdy Girl,” Dra. Jennifer Dowd, residente de este país. La variante Delta es ahora más del 90% de las infecciones en el Reino Unido y se estima que es un 40-50% más transmisible que la variante Alfa Read more…
July 10, 2021
CDC Updated Guidance on Schools
Families/Kids School
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
We know that school re-opening is already on the minds of many followers. Kids under 12 are not yet eligible for vaccination (nor under 18s in the UK). We’re planning much more school discussion to come, but a quick take on the CDC’s updated guidance on schools from Prof. Joseph Allen: Pros: 1. places primacy Read more…
July 10, 2021
How can I keep kids safe around water?
General Health Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Swimming is a great way to beat the heat and get some healthy, fun exercise outdoors and there are simple steps that we can take to protect children from water injury and drowning. Learn CPR, fence off pools, keep a watchful eye on children around water, teach kiddos how to swim, and use life Read more…
July 9, 2021
Excess Mortality in the U.S. in 2020
Data and Metrics
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
July 8, 2021
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
¿Hay información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas contra COVID-19 en personas que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…
R. No tema… la Dra. Aparna Kumar, especialista en salud mental, ¡está aquí para hablar sobre esta condición! 😢 ¿Qué es la languidez? Languidecer es vivir pero tener poca alegría, propósito o objetivo. Es pasar por los movimientos de la vida diaria, pero no sentirse bien al respecto. También puede resultar difícil dar los siguientes Read more…
Why might Delta be more transmissible?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants![Jennifer Beam Dowd Ph.D.](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Jennifer-Beam-Dowd-PhD.-e1595010241109.png)
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: In the words of virologist Dr. Angela Rasmussen, “people infected with Delta are shedding a s**t-ton more virus than with earlier variants.” A newly released study has provided some clues to Delta’s transmissibility tricks by testing viral loads in quarantined close contacts of confirmed cases. Contacts were tested daily by PCR, and the course Read more…
July 17, 2021
¿Tengo derecho a saber si los trabajadores de la salud que me atienden han recibido la vacuna COVID-19?
Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: Absolutamente puede preguntarle a su médico👨⚕️ (o cualquier otro profesional con el que esté interactuando) si recibió la vacuna COVID-19. Pero no tienen que responder. No tiene derecho a conocer el estado de sus vacunas. Pero si se sentiría incómodo con un “no” o una no respuesta, debe sentirse empoderado para discutir esa inquietud Read more…
July 17, 2021
Can I get a COVID-19 vaccine if I am pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or think I might want to get pregnant soon?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes. The scientific evidence available to date points to COVID-19 vaccines being safe and effective during pregnancy and having no negative impact on fertility. While pregnant people were not enrolled in the vaccine trials, 23 people got pregnant during the Pfizer trial and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has now Read more…
July 16, 2021
Si tuve COVID, ¿Aún necesito vacunarme?
Vaccines Videos
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R. Este breve video creado por nuestros colegas en el Wisconsin Department of Health Services (Departamento de Servicios para la Salud del estado de Wisconsin) en EE.UU. ofrece la respuesta: También ofrecemos una respuesta más detallada en una publicación anterior. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
July 15, 2021
Escucho muchas opiniones contradictorias sobre lo que es seguro y lo que no lo es. ¡Ayuda!
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: Los humanos son malos para evaluar el riesgo. Somos aún peores para determinar si algo es un riesgo real o hipotético. Al desafiar nuestras suposiciones psicológicas, podemos ser consumidores más inteligentes de información científica. Nuestro sentido personal de lo que es arriesgado y lo que es seguro es una *sensación.* Y las sensaciones no Read more…
July 15, 2021
Should contact lens wearers take special precautions to avoid getting COVID-19?
General Health Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: There is no evidence that the 45 million contact lens wearers in the US are at greater risk of getting COVID-19 than eyeglass wearers. Because the virus that causes COVID-19 is spread from person-to-person by respiratory droplets, there is little risk of spreading it by touching your eyes. The likelihood of getting COVID-19 by Read more…
July 14, 2021
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra COVID-19 para prevenir infecciones en los hogares de ancianos?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Las vacunas de ARNm realmente funcionan, incluso en esta población de alto riesgo. Un nuevo estudio muestra el éxito real de las vacunas de ARNm para reducir la infección entre los residentes de hogares de ancianos. Muchas veces, las personas con varias enfermedades crónicas y personas mayores no se incluyen en los ensayos Read more…
July 14, 2021
Is the HPV vaccine safe?
Families/Kids General Health Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Yes! HPV vaccines have been shown to be very safe and effective! Though side effects can occur, they are typically mild and don’t cause any lasting problems. HPV vaccination reduces the risk of HPV infection, genital warts, cervical pre-cancers, and even cervical cancer! Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a super common virus that is the Read more…
July 13, 2021
¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.? R: No. Las empresas, empleador, familia, o amigos pueden preguntarle sobre el estatus de vacunación sin violar la ley HIPAA. La Ley de Tranferencia y Responsabilidad Read more…
July 13, 2021
Update on RSV Infections
Families/Kids General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
RSV (respiratory syncytial virus infection) is one of the dozens of viruses that can cause “the common cold.” But it’s one to watch out for: it’s highly contagious and unlike some of the other common cold causes, RSV can turn dangerous. Preemies, infants, young children; people with immune, lung, or heart disease; and older adults Read more…
July 12, 2021
Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising – Update from England
COVID Variants Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
🏴 POSTCARDS FROM ENGLAND 🏴: Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising. The lads still did everyone proud, but the boisterous Euro Cup crowds may not have been the best news for COVID-19 cases over the past several weeks. Cases continue to rise in the UK, thanks to the more transmissible Delta variant Read more…
July 12, 2021
¿La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) dijo que los niños *no* deben recibir la vacuna COVID-19?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. La OMS dijo que en lugares donde los suministros de vacunas son limitados, vacunar a los niños no es una prioridad. Durante las últimas semanas, las publicaciones virales en las redes sociales y algunos canales populares contra las vacunas difundieron información errónea 👎 sobre la postura de la OMS acerca de la vacunación Read more…
July 12, 2021
Do we really need a booster vaccine already?!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Probably not. But scientists are keeping an eye on it. This week Pfizer/BioNTech announced they will request approval in the U.S. for a 3rd dose of their current vaccine in case it is needed—which they said may be as soon as 6-12 months after full vaccination. CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials Read more…
July 11, 2021
Un saludo desde el Reino Unido: novedades sobre la variante Delta
COVID Variants Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los casos continúan subiendo en el Reino Unido a pesar de los niveles altos de vacunación, reporta la “Nerdy Girl,” Dra. Jennifer Dowd, residente de este país. La variante Delta es ahora más del 90% de las infecciones en el Reino Unido y se estima que es un 40-50% más transmisible que la variante Alfa Read more…
July 10, 2021
CDC Updated Guidance on Schools
Families/Kids School
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
We know that school re-opening is already on the minds of many followers. Kids under 12 are not yet eligible for vaccination (nor under 18s in the UK). We’re planning much more school discussion to come, but a quick take on the CDC’s updated guidance on schools from Prof. Joseph Allen: Pros: 1. places primacy Read more…
July 10, 2021
How can I keep kids safe around water?
General Health Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Swimming is a great way to beat the heat and get some healthy, fun exercise outdoors and there are simple steps that we can take to protect children from water injury and drowning. Learn CPR, fence off pools, keep a watchful eye on children around water, teach kiddos how to swim, and use life Read more…
July 9, 2021
Excess Mortality in the U.S. in 2020
Data and Metrics
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
July 8, 2021
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
¿Hay información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas contra COVID-19 en personas que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…
A: In the words of virologist Dr. Angela Rasmussen, “people infected with Delta are shedding a s**t-ton more virus than with earlier variants.” A newly released study has provided some clues to Delta’s transmissibility tricks by testing viral loads in quarantined close contacts of confirmed cases. Contacts were tested daily by PCR, and the course Read more…
¿Tengo derecho a saber si los trabajadores de la salud que me atienden han recibido la vacuna COVID-19?
Posts en Español![Sandra Albrecht Ph.D. MPH](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Sandra-Albrecht-PhD-e1595018225617.png)
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: Absolutamente puede preguntarle a su médico👨⚕️ (o cualquier otro profesional con el que esté interactuando) si recibió la vacuna COVID-19. Pero no tienen que responder. No tiene derecho a conocer el estado de sus vacunas. Pero si se sentiría incómodo con un “no” o una no respuesta, debe sentirse empoderado para discutir esa inquietud Read more…
July 17, 2021
Can I get a COVID-19 vaccine if I am pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or think I might want to get pregnant soon?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes. The scientific evidence available to date points to COVID-19 vaccines being safe and effective during pregnancy and having no negative impact on fertility. While pregnant people were not enrolled in the vaccine trials, 23 people got pregnant during the Pfizer trial and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has now Read more…
July 16, 2021
Si tuve COVID, ¿Aún necesito vacunarme?
Vaccines Videos
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R. Este breve video creado por nuestros colegas en el Wisconsin Department of Health Services (Departamento de Servicios para la Salud del estado de Wisconsin) en EE.UU. ofrece la respuesta: También ofrecemos una respuesta más detallada en una publicación anterior. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
July 15, 2021
Escucho muchas opiniones contradictorias sobre lo que es seguro y lo que no lo es. ¡Ayuda!
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: Los humanos son malos para evaluar el riesgo. Somos aún peores para determinar si algo es un riesgo real o hipotético. Al desafiar nuestras suposiciones psicológicas, podemos ser consumidores más inteligentes de información científica. Nuestro sentido personal de lo que es arriesgado y lo que es seguro es una *sensación.* Y las sensaciones no Read more…
July 15, 2021
Should contact lens wearers take special precautions to avoid getting COVID-19?
General Health Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: There is no evidence that the 45 million contact lens wearers in the US are at greater risk of getting COVID-19 than eyeglass wearers. Because the virus that causes COVID-19 is spread from person-to-person by respiratory droplets, there is little risk of spreading it by touching your eyes. The likelihood of getting COVID-19 by Read more…
July 14, 2021
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra COVID-19 para prevenir infecciones en los hogares de ancianos?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Las vacunas de ARNm realmente funcionan, incluso en esta población de alto riesgo. Un nuevo estudio muestra el éxito real de las vacunas de ARNm para reducir la infección entre los residentes de hogares de ancianos. Muchas veces, las personas con varias enfermedades crónicas y personas mayores no se incluyen en los ensayos Read more…
July 14, 2021
Is the HPV vaccine safe?
Families/Kids General Health Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Yes! HPV vaccines have been shown to be very safe and effective! Though side effects can occur, they are typically mild and don’t cause any lasting problems. HPV vaccination reduces the risk of HPV infection, genital warts, cervical pre-cancers, and even cervical cancer! Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a super common virus that is the Read more…
July 13, 2021
¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.? R: No. Las empresas, empleador, familia, o amigos pueden preguntarle sobre el estatus de vacunación sin violar la ley HIPAA. La Ley de Tranferencia y Responsabilidad Read more…
July 13, 2021
Update on RSV Infections
Families/Kids General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
RSV (respiratory syncytial virus infection) is one of the dozens of viruses that can cause “the common cold.” But it’s one to watch out for: it’s highly contagious and unlike some of the other common cold causes, RSV can turn dangerous. Preemies, infants, young children; people with immune, lung, or heart disease; and older adults Read more…
July 12, 2021
Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising – Update from England
COVID Variants Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
🏴 POSTCARDS FROM ENGLAND 🏴: Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising. The lads still did everyone proud, but the boisterous Euro Cup crowds may not have been the best news for COVID-19 cases over the past several weeks. Cases continue to rise in the UK, thanks to the more transmissible Delta variant Read more…
July 12, 2021
¿La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) dijo que los niños *no* deben recibir la vacuna COVID-19?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. La OMS dijo que en lugares donde los suministros de vacunas son limitados, vacunar a los niños no es una prioridad. Durante las últimas semanas, las publicaciones virales en las redes sociales y algunos canales populares contra las vacunas difundieron información errónea 👎 sobre la postura de la OMS acerca de la vacunación Read more…
July 12, 2021
Do we really need a booster vaccine already?!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Probably not. But scientists are keeping an eye on it. This week Pfizer/BioNTech announced they will request approval in the U.S. for a 3rd dose of their current vaccine in case it is needed—which they said may be as soon as 6-12 months after full vaccination. CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials Read more…
July 11, 2021
Un saludo desde el Reino Unido: novedades sobre la variante Delta
COVID Variants Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los casos continúan subiendo en el Reino Unido a pesar de los niveles altos de vacunación, reporta la “Nerdy Girl,” Dra. Jennifer Dowd, residente de este país. La variante Delta es ahora más del 90% de las infecciones en el Reino Unido y se estima que es un 40-50% más transmisible que la variante Alfa Read more…
July 10, 2021
CDC Updated Guidance on Schools
Families/Kids School
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
We know that school re-opening is already on the minds of many followers. Kids under 12 are not yet eligible for vaccination (nor under 18s in the UK). We’re planning much more school discussion to come, but a quick take on the CDC’s updated guidance on schools from Prof. Joseph Allen: Pros: 1. places primacy Read more…
July 10, 2021
How can I keep kids safe around water?
General Health Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Swimming is a great way to beat the heat and get some healthy, fun exercise outdoors and there are simple steps that we can take to protect children from water injury and drowning. Learn CPR, fence off pools, keep a watchful eye on children around water, teach kiddos how to swim, and use life Read more…
July 9, 2021
Excess Mortality in the U.S. in 2020
Data and Metrics
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
July 8, 2021
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
¿Hay información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas contra COVID-19 en personas que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…
R: Absolutamente puede preguntarle a su médico👨⚕️ (o cualquier otro profesional con el que esté interactuando) si recibió la vacuna COVID-19. Pero no tienen que responder. No tiene derecho a conocer el estado de sus vacunas. Pero si se sentiría incómodo con un “no” o una no respuesta, debe sentirse empoderado para discutir esa inquietud Read more…
Can I get a COVID-19 vaccine if I am pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or think I might want to get pregnant soon?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes. The scientific evidence available to date points to COVID-19 vaccines being safe and effective during pregnancy and having no negative impact on fertility. While pregnant people were not enrolled in the vaccine trials, 23 people got pregnant during the Pfizer trial and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has now Read more…
July 16, 2021
Si tuve COVID, ¿Aún necesito vacunarme?
Vaccines Videos
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R. Este breve video creado por nuestros colegas en el Wisconsin Department of Health Services (Departamento de Servicios para la Salud del estado de Wisconsin) en EE.UU. ofrece la respuesta: También ofrecemos una respuesta más detallada en una publicación anterior. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
July 15, 2021
Escucho muchas opiniones contradictorias sobre lo que es seguro y lo que no lo es. ¡Ayuda!
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: Los humanos son malos para evaluar el riesgo. Somos aún peores para determinar si algo es un riesgo real o hipotético. Al desafiar nuestras suposiciones psicológicas, podemos ser consumidores más inteligentes de información científica. Nuestro sentido personal de lo que es arriesgado y lo que es seguro es una *sensación.* Y las sensaciones no Read more…
July 15, 2021
Should contact lens wearers take special precautions to avoid getting COVID-19?
General Health Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: There is no evidence that the 45 million contact lens wearers in the US are at greater risk of getting COVID-19 than eyeglass wearers. Because the virus that causes COVID-19 is spread from person-to-person by respiratory droplets, there is little risk of spreading it by touching your eyes. The likelihood of getting COVID-19 by Read more…
July 14, 2021
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra COVID-19 para prevenir infecciones en los hogares de ancianos?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Las vacunas de ARNm realmente funcionan, incluso en esta población de alto riesgo. Un nuevo estudio muestra el éxito real de las vacunas de ARNm para reducir la infección entre los residentes de hogares de ancianos. Muchas veces, las personas con varias enfermedades crónicas y personas mayores no se incluyen en los ensayos Read more…
July 14, 2021
Is the HPV vaccine safe?
Families/Kids General Health Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Yes! HPV vaccines have been shown to be very safe and effective! Though side effects can occur, they are typically mild and don’t cause any lasting problems. HPV vaccination reduces the risk of HPV infection, genital warts, cervical pre-cancers, and even cervical cancer! Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a super common virus that is the Read more…
July 13, 2021
¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.? R: No. Las empresas, empleador, familia, o amigos pueden preguntarle sobre el estatus de vacunación sin violar la ley HIPAA. La Ley de Tranferencia y Responsabilidad Read more…
July 13, 2021
Update on RSV Infections
Families/Kids General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
RSV (respiratory syncytial virus infection) is one of the dozens of viruses that can cause “the common cold.” But it’s one to watch out for: it’s highly contagious and unlike some of the other common cold causes, RSV can turn dangerous. Preemies, infants, young children; people with immune, lung, or heart disease; and older adults Read more…
July 12, 2021
Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising – Update from England
COVID Variants Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
🏴 POSTCARDS FROM ENGLAND 🏴: Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising. The lads still did everyone proud, but the boisterous Euro Cup crowds may not have been the best news for COVID-19 cases over the past several weeks. Cases continue to rise in the UK, thanks to the more transmissible Delta variant Read more…
July 12, 2021
¿La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) dijo que los niños *no* deben recibir la vacuna COVID-19?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. La OMS dijo que en lugares donde los suministros de vacunas son limitados, vacunar a los niños no es una prioridad. Durante las últimas semanas, las publicaciones virales en las redes sociales y algunos canales populares contra las vacunas difundieron información errónea 👎 sobre la postura de la OMS acerca de la vacunación Read more…
July 12, 2021
Do we really need a booster vaccine already?!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Probably not. But scientists are keeping an eye on it. This week Pfizer/BioNTech announced they will request approval in the U.S. for a 3rd dose of their current vaccine in case it is needed—which they said may be as soon as 6-12 months after full vaccination. CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials Read more…
July 11, 2021
Un saludo desde el Reino Unido: novedades sobre la variante Delta
COVID Variants Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los casos continúan subiendo en el Reino Unido a pesar de los niveles altos de vacunación, reporta la “Nerdy Girl,” Dra. Jennifer Dowd, residente de este país. La variante Delta es ahora más del 90% de las infecciones en el Reino Unido y se estima que es un 40-50% más transmisible que la variante Alfa Read more…
July 10, 2021
CDC Updated Guidance on Schools
Families/Kids School
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
We know that school re-opening is already on the minds of many followers. Kids under 12 are not yet eligible for vaccination (nor under 18s in the UK). We’re planning much more school discussion to come, but a quick take on the CDC’s updated guidance on schools from Prof. Joseph Allen: Pros: 1. places primacy Read more…
July 10, 2021
How can I keep kids safe around water?
General Health Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Swimming is a great way to beat the heat and get some healthy, fun exercise outdoors and there are simple steps that we can take to protect children from water injury and drowning. Learn CPR, fence off pools, keep a watchful eye on children around water, teach kiddos how to swim, and use life Read more…
July 9, 2021
Excess Mortality in the U.S. in 2020
Data and Metrics
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
July 8, 2021
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
¿Hay información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas contra COVID-19 en personas que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…
A: Yes. The scientific evidence available to date points to COVID-19 vaccines being safe and effective during pregnancy and having no negative impact on fertility. While pregnant people were not enrolled in the vaccine trials, 23 people got pregnant during the Pfizer trial and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has now Read more…
Si tuve COVID, ¿Aún necesito vacunarme?
Vaccines Videos![Sandra Albrecht Ph.D. MPH](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Sandra-Albrecht-PhD-e1595018225617.png)
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R. Este breve video creado por nuestros colegas en el Wisconsin Department of Health Services (Departamento de Servicios para la Salud del estado de Wisconsin) en EE.UU. ofrece la respuesta: También ofrecemos una respuesta más detallada en una publicación anterior. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
July 15, 2021
Escucho muchas opiniones contradictorias sobre lo que es seguro y lo que no lo es. ¡Ayuda!
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: Los humanos son malos para evaluar el riesgo. Somos aún peores para determinar si algo es un riesgo real o hipotético. Al desafiar nuestras suposiciones psicológicas, podemos ser consumidores más inteligentes de información científica. Nuestro sentido personal de lo que es arriesgado y lo que es seguro es una *sensación.* Y las sensaciones no Read more…
July 15, 2021
Should contact lens wearers take special precautions to avoid getting COVID-19?
General Health Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: There is no evidence that the 45 million contact lens wearers in the US are at greater risk of getting COVID-19 than eyeglass wearers. Because the virus that causes COVID-19 is spread from person-to-person by respiratory droplets, there is little risk of spreading it by touching your eyes. The likelihood of getting COVID-19 by Read more…
July 14, 2021
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra COVID-19 para prevenir infecciones en los hogares de ancianos?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Las vacunas de ARNm realmente funcionan, incluso en esta población de alto riesgo. Un nuevo estudio muestra el éxito real de las vacunas de ARNm para reducir la infección entre los residentes de hogares de ancianos. Muchas veces, las personas con varias enfermedades crónicas y personas mayores no se incluyen en los ensayos Read more…
July 14, 2021
Is the HPV vaccine safe?
Families/Kids General Health Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Yes! HPV vaccines have been shown to be very safe and effective! Though side effects can occur, they are typically mild and don’t cause any lasting problems. HPV vaccination reduces the risk of HPV infection, genital warts, cervical pre-cancers, and even cervical cancer! Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a super common virus that is the Read more…
July 13, 2021
¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.? R: No. Las empresas, empleador, familia, o amigos pueden preguntarle sobre el estatus de vacunación sin violar la ley HIPAA. La Ley de Tranferencia y Responsabilidad Read more…
July 13, 2021
Update on RSV Infections
Families/Kids General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
RSV (respiratory syncytial virus infection) is one of the dozens of viruses that can cause “the common cold.” But it’s one to watch out for: it’s highly contagious and unlike some of the other common cold causes, RSV can turn dangerous. Preemies, infants, young children; people with immune, lung, or heart disease; and older adults Read more…
July 12, 2021
Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising – Update from England
COVID Variants Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
🏴 POSTCARDS FROM ENGLAND 🏴: Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising. The lads still did everyone proud, but the boisterous Euro Cup crowds may not have been the best news for COVID-19 cases over the past several weeks. Cases continue to rise in the UK, thanks to the more transmissible Delta variant Read more…
July 12, 2021
¿La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) dijo que los niños *no* deben recibir la vacuna COVID-19?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. La OMS dijo que en lugares donde los suministros de vacunas son limitados, vacunar a los niños no es una prioridad. Durante las últimas semanas, las publicaciones virales en las redes sociales y algunos canales populares contra las vacunas difundieron información errónea 👎 sobre la postura de la OMS acerca de la vacunación Read more…
July 12, 2021
Do we really need a booster vaccine already?!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Probably not. But scientists are keeping an eye on it. This week Pfizer/BioNTech announced they will request approval in the U.S. for a 3rd dose of their current vaccine in case it is needed—which they said may be as soon as 6-12 months after full vaccination. CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials Read more…
July 11, 2021
Un saludo desde el Reino Unido: novedades sobre la variante Delta
COVID Variants Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los casos continúan subiendo en el Reino Unido a pesar de los niveles altos de vacunación, reporta la “Nerdy Girl,” Dra. Jennifer Dowd, residente de este país. La variante Delta es ahora más del 90% de las infecciones en el Reino Unido y se estima que es un 40-50% más transmisible que la variante Alfa Read more…
July 10, 2021
CDC Updated Guidance on Schools
Families/Kids School
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
We know that school re-opening is already on the minds of many followers. Kids under 12 are not yet eligible for vaccination (nor under 18s in the UK). We’re planning much more school discussion to come, but a quick take on the CDC’s updated guidance on schools from Prof. Joseph Allen: Pros: 1. places primacy Read more…
July 10, 2021
How can I keep kids safe around water?
General Health Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Swimming is a great way to beat the heat and get some healthy, fun exercise outdoors and there are simple steps that we can take to protect children from water injury and drowning. Learn CPR, fence off pools, keep a watchful eye on children around water, teach kiddos how to swim, and use life Read more…
July 9, 2021
Excess Mortality in the U.S. in 2020
Data and Metrics
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
July 8, 2021
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
¿Hay información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas contra COVID-19 en personas que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…
R. Este breve video creado por nuestros colegas en el Wisconsin Department of Health Services (Departamento de Servicios para la Salud del estado de Wisconsin) en EE.UU. ofrece la respuesta: También ofrecemos una respuesta más detallada en una publicación anterior. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
Escucho muchas opiniones contradictorias sobre lo que es seguro y lo que no lo es. ¡Ayuda!
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation![Sandra Albrecht Ph.D. MPH](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Sandra-Albrecht-PhD-e1595018225617.png)
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: Los humanos son malos para evaluar el riesgo. Somos aún peores para determinar si algo es un riesgo real o hipotético. Al desafiar nuestras suposiciones psicológicas, podemos ser consumidores más inteligentes de información científica. Nuestro sentido personal de lo que es arriesgado y lo que es seguro es una *sensación.* Y las sensaciones no Read more…
July 15, 2021
Should contact lens wearers take special precautions to avoid getting COVID-19?
General Health Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: There is no evidence that the 45 million contact lens wearers in the US are at greater risk of getting COVID-19 than eyeglass wearers. Because the virus that causes COVID-19 is spread from person-to-person by respiratory droplets, there is little risk of spreading it by touching your eyes. The likelihood of getting COVID-19 by Read more…
July 14, 2021
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra COVID-19 para prevenir infecciones en los hogares de ancianos?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Las vacunas de ARNm realmente funcionan, incluso en esta población de alto riesgo. Un nuevo estudio muestra el éxito real de las vacunas de ARNm para reducir la infección entre los residentes de hogares de ancianos. Muchas veces, las personas con varias enfermedades crónicas y personas mayores no se incluyen en los ensayos Read more…
July 14, 2021
Is the HPV vaccine safe?
Families/Kids General Health Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Yes! HPV vaccines have been shown to be very safe and effective! Though side effects can occur, they are typically mild and don’t cause any lasting problems. HPV vaccination reduces the risk of HPV infection, genital warts, cervical pre-cancers, and even cervical cancer! Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a super common virus that is the Read more…
July 13, 2021
¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.? R: No. Las empresas, empleador, familia, o amigos pueden preguntarle sobre el estatus de vacunación sin violar la ley HIPAA. La Ley de Tranferencia y Responsabilidad Read more…
July 13, 2021
Update on RSV Infections
Families/Kids General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
RSV (respiratory syncytial virus infection) is one of the dozens of viruses that can cause “the common cold.” But it’s one to watch out for: it’s highly contagious and unlike some of the other common cold causes, RSV can turn dangerous. Preemies, infants, young children; people with immune, lung, or heart disease; and older adults Read more…
July 12, 2021
Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising – Update from England
COVID Variants Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
🏴 POSTCARDS FROM ENGLAND 🏴: Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising. The lads still did everyone proud, but the boisterous Euro Cup crowds may not have been the best news for COVID-19 cases over the past several weeks. Cases continue to rise in the UK, thanks to the more transmissible Delta variant Read more…
July 12, 2021
¿La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) dijo que los niños *no* deben recibir la vacuna COVID-19?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. La OMS dijo que en lugares donde los suministros de vacunas son limitados, vacunar a los niños no es una prioridad. Durante las últimas semanas, las publicaciones virales en las redes sociales y algunos canales populares contra las vacunas difundieron información errónea 👎 sobre la postura de la OMS acerca de la vacunación Read more…
July 12, 2021
Do we really need a booster vaccine already?!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Probably not. But scientists are keeping an eye on it. This week Pfizer/BioNTech announced they will request approval in the U.S. for a 3rd dose of their current vaccine in case it is needed—which they said may be as soon as 6-12 months after full vaccination. CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials Read more…
July 11, 2021
Un saludo desde el Reino Unido: novedades sobre la variante Delta
COVID Variants Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los casos continúan subiendo en el Reino Unido a pesar de los niveles altos de vacunación, reporta la “Nerdy Girl,” Dra. Jennifer Dowd, residente de este país. La variante Delta es ahora más del 90% de las infecciones en el Reino Unido y se estima que es un 40-50% más transmisible que la variante Alfa Read more…
July 10, 2021
CDC Updated Guidance on Schools
Families/Kids School
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
We know that school re-opening is already on the minds of many followers. Kids under 12 are not yet eligible for vaccination (nor under 18s in the UK). We’re planning much more school discussion to come, but a quick take on the CDC’s updated guidance on schools from Prof. Joseph Allen: Pros: 1. places primacy Read more…
July 10, 2021
How can I keep kids safe around water?
General Health Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Swimming is a great way to beat the heat and get some healthy, fun exercise outdoors and there are simple steps that we can take to protect children from water injury and drowning. Learn CPR, fence off pools, keep a watchful eye on children around water, teach kiddos how to swim, and use life Read more…
July 9, 2021
Excess Mortality in the U.S. in 2020
Data and Metrics
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
July 8, 2021
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
¿Hay información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas contra COVID-19 en personas que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…
R: Los humanos son malos para evaluar el riesgo. Somos aún peores para determinar si algo es un riesgo real o hipotético. Al desafiar nuestras suposiciones psicológicas, podemos ser consumidores más inteligentes de información científica. Nuestro sentido personal de lo que es arriesgado y lo que es seguro es una *sensación.* Y las sensaciones no Read more…
Should contact lens wearers take special precautions to avoid getting COVID-19?
General Health Infection and Spread![](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Dr.-Dena-cropped.png)
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: There is no evidence that the 45 million contact lens wearers in the US are at greater risk of getting COVID-19 than eyeglass wearers. Because the virus that causes COVID-19 is spread from person-to-person by respiratory droplets, there is little risk of spreading it by touching your eyes. The likelihood of getting COVID-19 by Read more…
July 14, 2021
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra COVID-19 para prevenir infecciones en los hogares de ancianos?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Las vacunas de ARNm realmente funcionan, incluso en esta población de alto riesgo. Un nuevo estudio muestra el éxito real de las vacunas de ARNm para reducir la infección entre los residentes de hogares de ancianos. Muchas veces, las personas con varias enfermedades crónicas y personas mayores no se incluyen en los ensayos Read more…
July 14, 2021
Is the HPV vaccine safe?
Families/Kids General Health Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Yes! HPV vaccines have been shown to be very safe and effective! Though side effects can occur, they are typically mild and don’t cause any lasting problems. HPV vaccination reduces the risk of HPV infection, genital warts, cervical pre-cancers, and even cervical cancer! Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a super common virus that is the Read more…
July 13, 2021
¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.? R: No. Las empresas, empleador, familia, o amigos pueden preguntarle sobre el estatus de vacunación sin violar la ley HIPAA. La Ley de Tranferencia y Responsabilidad Read more…
July 13, 2021
Update on RSV Infections
Families/Kids General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
RSV (respiratory syncytial virus infection) is one of the dozens of viruses that can cause “the common cold.” But it’s one to watch out for: it’s highly contagious and unlike some of the other common cold causes, RSV can turn dangerous. Preemies, infants, young children; people with immune, lung, or heart disease; and older adults Read more…
July 12, 2021
Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising – Update from England
COVID Variants Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
🏴 POSTCARDS FROM ENGLAND 🏴: Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising. The lads still did everyone proud, but the boisterous Euro Cup crowds may not have been the best news for COVID-19 cases over the past several weeks. Cases continue to rise in the UK, thanks to the more transmissible Delta variant Read more…
July 12, 2021
¿La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) dijo que los niños *no* deben recibir la vacuna COVID-19?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. La OMS dijo que en lugares donde los suministros de vacunas son limitados, vacunar a los niños no es una prioridad. Durante las últimas semanas, las publicaciones virales en las redes sociales y algunos canales populares contra las vacunas difundieron información errónea 👎 sobre la postura de la OMS acerca de la vacunación Read more…
July 12, 2021
Do we really need a booster vaccine already?!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Probably not. But scientists are keeping an eye on it. This week Pfizer/BioNTech announced they will request approval in the U.S. for a 3rd dose of their current vaccine in case it is needed—which they said may be as soon as 6-12 months after full vaccination. CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials Read more…
July 11, 2021
Un saludo desde el Reino Unido: novedades sobre la variante Delta
COVID Variants Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los casos continúan subiendo en el Reino Unido a pesar de los niveles altos de vacunación, reporta la “Nerdy Girl,” Dra. Jennifer Dowd, residente de este país. La variante Delta es ahora más del 90% de las infecciones en el Reino Unido y se estima que es un 40-50% más transmisible que la variante Alfa Read more…
July 10, 2021
CDC Updated Guidance on Schools
Families/Kids School
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
We know that school re-opening is already on the minds of many followers. Kids under 12 are not yet eligible for vaccination (nor under 18s in the UK). We’re planning much more school discussion to come, but a quick take on the CDC’s updated guidance on schools from Prof. Joseph Allen: Pros: 1. places primacy Read more…
July 10, 2021
How can I keep kids safe around water?
General Health Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Swimming is a great way to beat the heat and get some healthy, fun exercise outdoors and there are simple steps that we can take to protect children from water injury and drowning. Learn CPR, fence off pools, keep a watchful eye on children around water, teach kiddos how to swim, and use life Read more…
July 9, 2021
Excess Mortality in the U.S. in 2020
Data and Metrics
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
July 8, 2021
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
¿Hay información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas contra COVID-19 en personas que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…
A: There is no evidence that the 45 million contact lens wearers in the US are at greater risk of getting COVID-19 than eyeglass wearers. Because the virus that causes COVID-19 is spread from person-to-person by respiratory droplets, there is little risk of spreading it by touching your eyes. The likelihood of getting COVID-19 by Read more…
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra COVID-19 para prevenir infecciones en los hogares de ancianos?
Posts en Español Vaccines![Sandra Albrecht Ph.D. MPH](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Sandra-Albrecht-PhD-e1595018225617.png)
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Las vacunas de ARNm realmente funcionan, incluso en esta población de alto riesgo. Un nuevo estudio muestra el éxito real de las vacunas de ARNm para reducir la infección entre los residentes de hogares de ancianos. Muchas veces, las personas con varias enfermedades crónicas y personas mayores no se incluyen en los ensayos Read more…
July 14, 2021
Is the HPV vaccine safe?
Families/Kids General Health Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Yes! HPV vaccines have been shown to be very safe and effective! Though side effects can occur, they are typically mild and don’t cause any lasting problems. HPV vaccination reduces the risk of HPV infection, genital warts, cervical pre-cancers, and even cervical cancer! Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a super common virus that is the Read more…
July 13, 2021
¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.? R: No. Las empresas, empleador, familia, o amigos pueden preguntarle sobre el estatus de vacunación sin violar la ley HIPAA. La Ley de Tranferencia y Responsabilidad Read more…
July 13, 2021
Update on RSV Infections
Families/Kids General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
RSV (respiratory syncytial virus infection) is one of the dozens of viruses that can cause “the common cold.” But it’s one to watch out for: it’s highly contagious and unlike some of the other common cold causes, RSV can turn dangerous. Preemies, infants, young children; people with immune, lung, or heart disease; and older adults Read more…
July 12, 2021
Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising – Update from England
COVID Variants Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
🏴 POSTCARDS FROM ENGLAND 🏴: Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising. The lads still did everyone proud, but the boisterous Euro Cup crowds may not have been the best news for COVID-19 cases over the past several weeks. Cases continue to rise in the UK, thanks to the more transmissible Delta variant Read more…
July 12, 2021
¿La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) dijo que los niños *no* deben recibir la vacuna COVID-19?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. La OMS dijo que en lugares donde los suministros de vacunas son limitados, vacunar a los niños no es una prioridad. Durante las últimas semanas, las publicaciones virales en las redes sociales y algunos canales populares contra las vacunas difundieron información errónea 👎 sobre la postura de la OMS acerca de la vacunación Read more…
July 12, 2021
Do we really need a booster vaccine already?!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Probably not. But scientists are keeping an eye on it. This week Pfizer/BioNTech announced they will request approval in the U.S. for a 3rd dose of their current vaccine in case it is needed—which they said may be as soon as 6-12 months after full vaccination. CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials Read more…
July 11, 2021
Un saludo desde el Reino Unido: novedades sobre la variante Delta
COVID Variants Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los casos continúan subiendo en el Reino Unido a pesar de los niveles altos de vacunación, reporta la “Nerdy Girl,” Dra. Jennifer Dowd, residente de este país. La variante Delta es ahora más del 90% de las infecciones en el Reino Unido y se estima que es un 40-50% más transmisible que la variante Alfa Read more…
July 10, 2021
CDC Updated Guidance on Schools
Families/Kids School
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
We know that school re-opening is already on the minds of many followers. Kids under 12 are not yet eligible for vaccination (nor under 18s in the UK). We’re planning much more school discussion to come, but a quick take on the CDC’s updated guidance on schools from Prof. Joseph Allen: Pros: 1. places primacy Read more…
July 10, 2021
How can I keep kids safe around water?
General Health Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Swimming is a great way to beat the heat and get some healthy, fun exercise outdoors and there are simple steps that we can take to protect children from water injury and drowning. Learn CPR, fence off pools, keep a watchful eye on children around water, teach kiddos how to swim, and use life Read more…
July 9, 2021
Excess Mortality in the U.S. in 2020
Data and Metrics
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
July 8, 2021
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
¿Hay información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas contra COVID-19 en personas que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…
R: ¡SÍ! Las vacunas de ARNm realmente funcionan, incluso en esta población de alto riesgo. Un nuevo estudio muestra el éxito real de las vacunas de ARNm para reducir la infección entre los residentes de hogares de ancianos. Muchas veces, las personas con varias enfermedades crónicas y personas mayores no se incluyen en los ensayos Read more…
Is the HPV vaccine safe?
Families/Kids General Health Vaccines![](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Sarah-e1605206437616.jpg)
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Yes! HPV vaccines have been shown to be very safe and effective! Though side effects can occur, they are typically mild and don’t cause any lasting problems. HPV vaccination reduces the risk of HPV infection, genital warts, cervical pre-cancers, and even cervical cancer! Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a super common virus that is the Read more…
July 13, 2021
¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.? R: No. Las empresas, empleador, familia, o amigos pueden preguntarle sobre el estatus de vacunación sin violar la ley HIPAA. La Ley de Tranferencia y Responsabilidad Read more…
July 13, 2021
Update on RSV Infections
Families/Kids General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
RSV (respiratory syncytial virus infection) is one of the dozens of viruses that can cause “the common cold.” But it’s one to watch out for: it’s highly contagious and unlike some of the other common cold causes, RSV can turn dangerous. Preemies, infants, young children; people with immune, lung, or heart disease; and older adults Read more…
July 12, 2021
Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising – Update from England
COVID Variants Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
🏴 POSTCARDS FROM ENGLAND 🏴: Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising. The lads still did everyone proud, but the boisterous Euro Cup crowds may not have been the best news for COVID-19 cases over the past several weeks. Cases continue to rise in the UK, thanks to the more transmissible Delta variant Read more…
July 12, 2021
¿La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) dijo que los niños *no* deben recibir la vacuna COVID-19?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. La OMS dijo que en lugares donde los suministros de vacunas son limitados, vacunar a los niños no es una prioridad. Durante las últimas semanas, las publicaciones virales en las redes sociales y algunos canales populares contra las vacunas difundieron información errónea 👎 sobre la postura de la OMS acerca de la vacunación Read more…
July 12, 2021
Do we really need a booster vaccine already?!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Probably not. But scientists are keeping an eye on it. This week Pfizer/BioNTech announced they will request approval in the U.S. for a 3rd dose of their current vaccine in case it is needed—which they said may be as soon as 6-12 months after full vaccination. CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials Read more…
July 11, 2021
Un saludo desde el Reino Unido: novedades sobre la variante Delta
COVID Variants Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los casos continúan subiendo en el Reino Unido a pesar de los niveles altos de vacunación, reporta la “Nerdy Girl,” Dra. Jennifer Dowd, residente de este país. La variante Delta es ahora más del 90% de las infecciones en el Reino Unido y se estima que es un 40-50% más transmisible que la variante Alfa Read more…
July 10, 2021
CDC Updated Guidance on Schools
Families/Kids School
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
We know that school re-opening is already on the minds of many followers. Kids under 12 are not yet eligible for vaccination (nor under 18s in the UK). We’re planning much more school discussion to come, but a quick take on the CDC’s updated guidance on schools from Prof. Joseph Allen: Pros: 1. places primacy Read more…
July 10, 2021
How can I keep kids safe around water?
General Health Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Swimming is a great way to beat the heat and get some healthy, fun exercise outdoors and there are simple steps that we can take to protect children from water injury and drowning. Learn CPR, fence off pools, keep a watchful eye on children around water, teach kiddos how to swim, and use life Read more…
July 9, 2021
Excess Mortality in the U.S. in 2020
Data and Metrics
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
July 8, 2021
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
¿Hay información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas contra COVID-19 en personas que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…
A: Yes! HPV vaccines have been shown to be very safe and effective! Though side effects can occur, they are typically mild and don’t cause any lasting problems. HPV vaccination reduces the risk of HPV infection, genital warts, cervical pre-cancers, and even cervical cancer! Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a super common virus that is the Read more…
¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines![Sandra Albrecht Ph.D. MPH](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Sandra-Albrecht-PhD-e1595018225617.png)
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.? R: No. Las empresas, empleador, familia, o amigos pueden preguntarle sobre el estatus de vacunación sin violar la ley HIPAA. La Ley de Tranferencia y Responsabilidad Read more…
July 13, 2021
Update on RSV Infections
Families/Kids General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
RSV (respiratory syncytial virus infection) is one of the dozens of viruses that can cause “the common cold.” But it’s one to watch out for: it’s highly contagious and unlike some of the other common cold causes, RSV can turn dangerous. Preemies, infants, young children; people with immune, lung, or heart disease; and older adults Read more…
July 12, 2021
Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising – Update from England
COVID Variants Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
🏴 POSTCARDS FROM ENGLAND 🏴: Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising. The lads still did everyone proud, but the boisterous Euro Cup crowds may not have been the best news for COVID-19 cases over the past several weeks. Cases continue to rise in the UK, thanks to the more transmissible Delta variant Read more…
July 12, 2021
¿La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) dijo que los niños *no* deben recibir la vacuna COVID-19?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. La OMS dijo que en lugares donde los suministros de vacunas son limitados, vacunar a los niños no es una prioridad. Durante las últimas semanas, las publicaciones virales en las redes sociales y algunos canales populares contra las vacunas difundieron información errónea 👎 sobre la postura de la OMS acerca de la vacunación Read more…
July 12, 2021
Do we really need a booster vaccine already?!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Probably not. But scientists are keeping an eye on it. This week Pfizer/BioNTech announced they will request approval in the U.S. for a 3rd dose of their current vaccine in case it is needed—which they said may be as soon as 6-12 months after full vaccination. CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials Read more…
July 11, 2021
Un saludo desde el Reino Unido: novedades sobre la variante Delta
COVID Variants Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los casos continúan subiendo en el Reino Unido a pesar de los niveles altos de vacunación, reporta la “Nerdy Girl,” Dra. Jennifer Dowd, residente de este país. La variante Delta es ahora más del 90% de las infecciones en el Reino Unido y se estima que es un 40-50% más transmisible que la variante Alfa Read more…
July 10, 2021
CDC Updated Guidance on Schools
Families/Kids School
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
We know that school re-opening is already on the minds of many followers. Kids under 12 are not yet eligible for vaccination (nor under 18s in the UK). We’re planning much more school discussion to come, but a quick take on the CDC’s updated guidance on schools from Prof. Joseph Allen: Pros: 1. places primacy Read more…
July 10, 2021
How can I keep kids safe around water?
General Health Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Swimming is a great way to beat the heat and get some healthy, fun exercise outdoors and there are simple steps that we can take to protect children from water injury and drowning. Learn CPR, fence off pools, keep a watchful eye on children around water, teach kiddos how to swim, and use life Read more…
July 9, 2021
Excess Mortality in the U.S. in 2020
Data and Metrics
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
July 8, 2021
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
¿Hay información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas contra COVID-19 en personas que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…
P: ¿Es una violación de la ley HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) si alguien me pregunta si he recibido la vacuna contra COVID-19 en EE.UU.? R: No. Las empresas, empleador, familia, o amigos pueden preguntarle sobre el estatus de vacunación sin violar la ley HIPAA. La Ley de Tranferencia y Responsabilidad Read more…
Update on RSV Infections
Families/Kids General Health![](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Malia-e1684338601250.jpeg)
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
RSV (respiratory syncytial virus infection) is one of the dozens of viruses that can cause “the common cold.” But it’s one to watch out for: it’s highly contagious and unlike some of the other common cold causes, RSV can turn dangerous. Preemies, infants, young children; people with immune, lung, or heart disease; and older adults Read more…
July 12, 2021
Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising – Update from England
COVID Variants Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
🏴 POSTCARDS FROM ENGLAND 🏴: Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising. The lads still did everyone proud, but the boisterous Euro Cup crowds may not have been the best news for COVID-19 cases over the past several weeks. Cases continue to rise in the UK, thanks to the more transmissible Delta variant Read more…
July 12, 2021
¿La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) dijo que los niños *no* deben recibir la vacuna COVID-19?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. La OMS dijo que en lugares donde los suministros de vacunas son limitados, vacunar a los niños no es una prioridad. Durante las últimas semanas, las publicaciones virales en las redes sociales y algunos canales populares contra las vacunas difundieron información errónea 👎 sobre la postura de la OMS acerca de la vacunación Read more…
July 12, 2021
Do we really need a booster vaccine already?!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Probably not. But scientists are keeping an eye on it. This week Pfizer/BioNTech announced they will request approval in the U.S. for a 3rd dose of their current vaccine in case it is needed—which they said may be as soon as 6-12 months after full vaccination. CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials Read more…
July 11, 2021
Un saludo desde el Reino Unido: novedades sobre la variante Delta
COVID Variants Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los casos continúan subiendo en el Reino Unido a pesar de los niveles altos de vacunación, reporta la “Nerdy Girl,” Dra. Jennifer Dowd, residente de este país. La variante Delta es ahora más del 90% de las infecciones en el Reino Unido y se estima que es un 40-50% más transmisible que la variante Alfa Read more…
July 10, 2021
CDC Updated Guidance on Schools
Families/Kids School
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
We know that school re-opening is already on the minds of many followers. Kids under 12 are not yet eligible for vaccination (nor under 18s in the UK). We’re planning much more school discussion to come, but a quick take on the CDC’s updated guidance on schools from Prof. Joseph Allen: Pros: 1. places primacy Read more…
July 10, 2021
How can I keep kids safe around water?
General Health Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Swimming is a great way to beat the heat and get some healthy, fun exercise outdoors and there are simple steps that we can take to protect children from water injury and drowning. Learn CPR, fence off pools, keep a watchful eye on children around water, teach kiddos how to swim, and use life Read more…
July 9, 2021
Excess Mortality in the U.S. in 2020
Data and Metrics
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
July 8, 2021
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
¿Hay información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas contra COVID-19 en personas que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…
RSV (respiratory syncytial virus infection) is one of the dozens of viruses that can cause “the common cold.” But it’s one to watch out for: it’s highly contagious and unlike some of the other common cold causes, RSV can turn dangerous. Preemies, infants, young children; people with immune, lung, or heart disease; and older adults Read more…
Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising – Update from England
COVID Variants Data and Metrics![Jennifer Beam Dowd Ph.D.](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Jennifer-Beam-Dowd-PhD.-e1595010241109.png)
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
🏴 POSTCARDS FROM ENGLAND 🏴: Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising. The lads still did everyone proud, but the boisterous Euro Cup crowds may not have been the best news for COVID-19 cases over the past several weeks. Cases continue to rise in the UK, thanks to the more transmissible Delta variant Read more…
July 12, 2021
¿La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) dijo que los niños *no* deben recibir la vacuna COVID-19?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. La OMS dijo que en lugares donde los suministros de vacunas son limitados, vacunar a los niños no es una prioridad. Durante las últimas semanas, las publicaciones virales en las redes sociales y algunos canales populares contra las vacunas difundieron información errónea 👎 sobre la postura de la OMS acerca de la vacunación Read more…
July 12, 2021
Do we really need a booster vaccine already?!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Probably not. But scientists are keeping an eye on it. This week Pfizer/BioNTech announced they will request approval in the U.S. for a 3rd dose of their current vaccine in case it is needed—which they said may be as soon as 6-12 months after full vaccination. CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials Read more…
July 11, 2021
Un saludo desde el Reino Unido: novedades sobre la variante Delta
COVID Variants Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los casos continúan subiendo en el Reino Unido a pesar de los niveles altos de vacunación, reporta la “Nerdy Girl,” Dra. Jennifer Dowd, residente de este país. La variante Delta es ahora más del 90% de las infecciones en el Reino Unido y se estima que es un 40-50% más transmisible que la variante Alfa Read more…
July 10, 2021
CDC Updated Guidance on Schools
Families/Kids School
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
We know that school re-opening is already on the minds of many followers. Kids under 12 are not yet eligible for vaccination (nor under 18s in the UK). We’re planning much more school discussion to come, but a quick take on the CDC’s updated guidance on schools from Prof. Joseph Allen: Pros: 1. places primacy Read more…
July 10, 2021
How can I keep kids safe around water?
General Health Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Swimming is a great way to beat the heat and get some healthy, fun exercise outdoors and there are simple steps that we can take to protect children from water injury and drowning. Learn CPR, fence off pools, keep a watchful eye on children around water, teach kiddos how to swim, and use life Read more…
July 9, 2021
Excess Mortality in the U.S. in 2020
Data and Metrics
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
July 8, 2021
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
¿Hay información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas contra COVID-19 en personas que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…
🏴 POSTCARDS FROM ENGLAND 🏴: Euro Cup heartbreak, big crowds, and Delta still rising. The lads still did everyone proud, but the boisterous Euro Cup crowds may not have been the best news for COVID-19 cases over the past several weeks. Cases continue to rise in the UK, thanks to the more transmissible Delta variant Read more…
¿La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) dijo que los niños *no* deben recibir la vacuna COVID-19?
Posts en Español Vaccines![Sandra Albrecht Ph.D. MPH](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Sandra-Albrecht-PhD-e1595018225617.png)
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. La OMS dijo que en lugares donde los suministros de vacunas son limitados, vacunar a los niños no es una prioridad. Durante las últimas semanas, las publicaciones virales en las redes sociales y algunos canales populares contra las vacunas difundieron información errónea 👎 sobre la postura de la OMS acerca de la vacunación Read more…
July 12, 2021
Do we really need a booster vaccine already?!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Probably not. But scientists are keeping an eye on it. This week Pfizer/BioNTech announced they will request approval in the U.S. for a 3rd dose of their current vaccine in case it is needed—which they said may be as soon as 6-12 months after full vaccination. CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials Read more…
July 11, 2021
Un saludo desde el Reino Unido: novedades sobre la variante Delta
COVID Variants Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los casos continúan subiendo en el Reino Unido a pesar de los niveles altos de vacunación, reporta la “Nerdy Girl,” Dra. Jennifer Dowd, residente de este país. La variante Delta es ahora más del 90% de las infecciones en el Reino Unido y se estima que es un 40-50% más transmisible que la variante Alfa Read more…
July 10, 2021
CDC Updated Guidance on Schools
Families/Kids School
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
We know that school re-opening is already on the minds of many followers. Kids under 12 are not yet eligible for vaccination (nor under 18s in the UK). We’re planning much more school discussion to come, but a quick take on the CDC’s updated guidance on schools from Prof. Joseph Allen: Pros: 1. places primacy Read more…
July 10, 2021
How can I keep kids safe around water?
General Health Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Swimming is a great way to beat the heat and get some healthy, fun exercise outdoors and there are simple steps that we can take to protect children from water injury and drowning. Learn CPR, fence off pools, keep a watchful eye on children around water, teach kiddos how to swim, and use life Read more…
July 9, 2021
Excess Mortality in the U.S. in 2020
Data and Metrics
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
July 8, 2021
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
¿Hay información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas contra COVID-19 en personas que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…
R: No. La OMS dijo que en lugares donde los suministros de vacunas son limitados, vacunar a los niños no es una prioridad. Durante las últimas semanas, las publicaciones virales en las redes sociales y algunos canales populares contra las vacunas difundieron información errónea 👎 sobre la postura de la OMS acerca de la vacunación Read more…
Do we really need a booster vaccine already?!
Vaccines![Jennifer Beam Dowd Ph.D.](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Jennifer-Beam-Dowd-PhD.-e1595010241109.png)
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Probably not. But scientists are keeping an eye on it. This week Pfizer/BioNTech announced they will request approval in the U.S. for a 3rd dose of their current vaccine in case it is needed—which they said may be as soon as 6-12 months after full vaccination. CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials Read more…
July 11, 2021
Un saludo desde el Reino Unido: novedades sobre la variante Delta
COVID Variants Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los casos continúan subiendo en el Reino Unido a pesar de los niveles altos de vacunación, reporta la “Nerdy Girl,” Dra. Jennifer Dowd, residente de este país. La variante Delta es ahora más del 90% de las infecciones en el Reino Unido y se estima que es un 40-50% más transmisible que la variante Alfa Read more…
July 10, 2021
CDC Updated Guidance on Schools
Families/Kids School
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
We know that school re-opening is already on the minds of many followers. Kids under 12 are not yet eligible for vaccination (nor under 18s in the UK). We’re planning much more school discussion to come, but a quick take on the CDC’s updated guidance on schools from Prof. Joseph Allen: Pros: 1. places primacy Read more…
July 10, 2021
How can I keep kids safe around water?
General Health Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Swimming is a great way to beat the heat and get some healthy, fun exercise outdoors and there are simple steps that we can take to protect children from water injury and drowning. Learn CPR, fence off pools, keep a watchful eye on children around water, teach kiddos how to swim, and use life Read more…
July 9, 2021
Excess Mortality in the U.S. in 2020
Data and Metrics
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
July 8, 2021
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
¿Hay información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas contra COVID-19 en personas que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…
A: Probably not. But scientists are keeping an eye on it. This week Pfizer/BioNTech announced they will request approval in the U.S. for a 3rd dose of their current vaccine in case it is needed—which they said may be as soon as 6-12 months after full vaccination. CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials Read more…
Un saludo desde el Reino Unido: novedades sobre la variante Delta
COVID Variants Data and Metrics Posts en Español![Sandra Albrecht Ph.D. MPH](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Sandra-Albrecht-PhD-e1595018225617.png)
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los casos continúan subiendo en el Reino Unido a pesar de los niveles altos de vacunación, reporta la “Nerdy Girl,” Dra. Jennifer Dowd, residente de este país. La variante Delta es ahora más del 90% de las infecciones en el Reino Unido y se estima que es un 40-50% más transmisible que la variante Alfa Read more…
July 10, 2021
CDC Updated Guidance on Schools
Families/Kids School
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
We know that school re-opening is already on the minds of many followers. Kids under 12 are not yet eligible for vaccination (nor under 18s in the UK). We’re planning much more school discussion to come, but a quick take on the CDC’s updated guidance on schools from Prof. Joseph Allen: Pros: 1. places primacy Read more…
July 10, 2021
How can I keep kids safe around water?
General Health Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Swimming is a great way to beat the heat and get some healthy, fun exercise outdoors and there are simple steps that we can take to protect children from water injury and drowning. Learn CPR, fence off pools, keep a watchful eye on children around water, teach kiddos how to swim, and use life Read more…
July 9, 2021
Excess Mortality in the U.S. in 2020
Data and Metrics
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
July 8, 2021
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
¿Hay información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas contra COVID-19 en personas que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…
Los casos continúan subiendo en el Reino Unido a pesar de los niveles altos de vacunación, reporta la “Nerdy Girl,” Dra. Jennifer Dowd, residente de este país. La variante Delta es ahora más del 90% de las infecciones en el Reino Unido y se estima que es un 40-50% más transmisible que la variante Alfa Read more…
CDC Updated Guidance on Schools
Families/Kids School![Jennifer Beam Dowd Ph.D.](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Jennifer-Beam-Dowd-PhD.-e1595010241109.png)
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
We know that school re-opening is already on the minds of many followers. Kids under 12 are not yet eligible for vaccination (nor under 18s in the UK). We’re planning much more school discussion to come, but a quick take on the CDC’s updated guidance on schools from Prof. Joseph Allen: Pros: 1. places primacy Read more…
July 10, 2021
How can I keep kids safe around water?
General Health Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Swimming is a great way to beat the heat and get some healthy, fun exercise outdoors and there are simple steps that we can take to protect children from water injury and drowning. Learn CPR, fence off pools, keep a watchful eye on children around water, teach kiddos how to swim, and use life Read more…
July 9, 2021
Excess Mortality in the U.S. in 2020
Data and Metrics
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
July 8, 2021
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
¿Hay información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas contra COVID-19 en personas que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…
We know that school re-opening is already on the minds of many followers. Kids under 12 are not yet eligible for vaccination (nor under 18s in the UK). We’re planning much more school discussion to come, but a quick take on the CDC’s updated guidance on schools from Prof. Joseph Allen: Pros: 1. places primacy Read more…
How can I keep kids safe around water?
General Health Staying Safe![](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Sarah-e1605206437616.jpg)
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Swimming is a great way to beat the heat and get some healthy, fun exercise outdoors and there are simple steps that we can take to protect children from water injury and drowning. Learn CPR, fence off pools, keep a watchful eye on children around water, teach kiddos how to swim, and use life Read more…
July 9, 2021
Excess Mortality in the U.S. in 2020
Data and Metrics
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
July 8, 2021
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
¿Hay información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas contra COVID-19 en personas que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…
A: Swimming is a great way to beat the heat and get some healthy, fun exercise outdoors and there are simple steps that we can take to protect children from water injury and drowning. Learn CPR, fence off pools, keep a watchful eye on children around water, teach kiddos how to swim, and use life Read more…
Excess Mortality in the U.S. in 2020
Data and Metrics![Lauren Hale Ph.D. MA](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Lauren-Hale-PhD-e1595017739402.png)
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
July 8, 2021
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
¿Hay información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas contra COVID-19 en personas que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread![](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Dr.-Dena-cropped.png)
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
¿Hay información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas contra COVID-19 en personas que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
¿Hay información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas contra COVID-19 en personas que toman medicamentos inmunosupresores?
Posts en Español Vaccines![Sandra Albrecht Ph.D. MPH](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Sandra-Albrecht-PhD-e1595018225617.png)
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…
P: “Mi hija tiene Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (EII) y está tomando el medicamento inmunosupresor, Remicade (infliximab). ¿Existe información sobre la respuesta inmune a las vacunas COVID-19 en personas que toman estas medicinas?” R: Algunas personas tomando algunos medicamentos inmunosupresores muestran respuestas más débiles a la vacuna contra COVID-19. Remicade es uno de estos medicamentos inmunosupresores. Read more…