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Clinical Symptoms

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Are we seeing more colorectal cancer cases in younger adults?

Clinical Symptoms Health & Wellness Hot Health Topics

Yes. There is a recent global uptick in colorectal cancer rates among adults under 50. If you are aged 45 or older (or <45  with increased risk of colorectal cancer due to family history or certain medical conditions), talk to your clinician about getting screened. In the US, colorectal cancer (CRC) – cancer that starts in Read more…

How do I get back to my normal exercise after a COVID-19 infection?

Clinical Symptoms Long COVID

Exercise intolerance is one of the most commonly reported long-term symptoms of COVID-19 infection. Scientists continue to research the underlying cause of these symptoms with attention on the autonomic nervous system. This post provides information on two common symptoms of exercise intolerance after COVID-19 and strategies to support your recovery. Nerdy Girl Ashley here. I Read more…

Is a rash a symptom of Omicron?

Clinical Symptoms

Yes! But likely not the only symptom. TL;DR: Many viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, can cause a rash, usually in addition to other more common symptoms. There have been cases of different kinds of rashes associated with COVID-19 infections, although it’s too early to tell if there is a specific Omicron rash. If you have a new Read more…

I have COVID-19. What should I do to take care of myself?

Clinical Symptoms

A: Here are some self-care tips from our visiting scholar, Dr. Maya Clark-Cutaia. Dr. Clark-Cutaia is a nurse practitioner and researcher who has triaged thousands of patients experiencing COVID-19 symptoms in the last 18 months. Perhaps you are experiencing fevers, cough, shortness of breath, congestion, headache, sore throat. Maybe you have some nausea or diarrhea. Read more…

What are COVID nails?

Clinical Symptoms

A. TL;DR. Some COVID-19 survivors have noticed that their fingernails have developed horizontal grooves. While these nail markings do not occur in all COVID-19 patients, they could be caused by a temporary interruption in nail growth. These changes are not permanent and nothing to worry about. We continue to learn new things about COVID-19, which Read more…

Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED) or affect sperm? (Updated 5/24/21)

Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms

A: It’s possible. #VaxUpToGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. COVID-19 infection HAS been associated with a reduction in sperm counts in early research. A recent study found Read more…