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Has the COVID pandemic helped increase animal adoptions?

Families/Kids Reopening

A: TL;DR. Yes, initially, pet adoptions increased substantially. However, as many people are returning to their regularly scheduled routines of in-person school and office, there’s been an increase in the return of recently rescued pets. While some folks are regularly checking the charts for daily new COVID-19 cases and deaths, employees at animal shelters have Read more…

It’s feeling like a particularly strange and confusing stage of the pandemic?! Yikes!

Mental Health Reopening Uncertainty and Misinformation

A: Indeed. Welcome to the #pandexit. Pandexit (n.) The final phase of a pandemic. The messy, halting, confusing labyrinth we must navigate to get from where we are to our new normal. Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Christine Whelan, who are also colleagues at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, teamed up to define and Read more…

Can children spread COVID-19 in child care facilities (children 5 and under)?

Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing

From our follower Question Box!! A: Yes, while we know that children are less likely to experience severe illness due to COVID-19, increasing evidence tells us that children can spread (transmit) the virus. But, it is not clear if they are more likely to do so than adults or if likelihood of transmission varies by Read more…

What should I be considering when it comes to deciding on participation in team sports for my kids this Fall?

Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe

A: Great question from a follower! We recommend keeping in mind three main things when considering the safety of a team sport: Space, Sharing and Stability! Space -To what extent is physical closeness a requirement of team play? -Can players socially distance when not in the field of play? -Can spectators socially distance? -Can team Read more…

What safety precautions for clothing, supplies, and shoes can I take if I am sending my children back to school?

Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening School Staying Safe

A: While there are no stringent guidelines, we know that we should wash everything frequently with soap and water. Continue to follow SMART guidelines. And make it a routine and it will be easier to remember. Here are some guidelines for children returning to school in descending order of importance: 1) Reinforce hand washing. Pack Read more…

My kid is returning to college, living off campus with a friend “pod” and attending classes (mostly remotely).

Families/Kids Reopening School Staying Safe

Q: What advice can I give about being responsible and safe? I know they are eager for normal college social life, but I am really worried abut COVID risk. A: Suggest that the pod makes a PACT: Protection, Accountability, Commitment, Trust. Protection/Prevention: The group can determine together the specific prevention measures and behaviors they will Read more…

How frequently should students in a college community get tested in order to prevent large COVID-19 outbreaks?

Reopening School Testing and Contact Tracing

A: Every 2 days, according to one recently-published model. Every 2 days!? Whaaaaah???? With hundreds of thousands of students around the country headed back to college campuses this month, COVID testing is something every college needs to plan for: Who, how, and how often? The “how often” question was answered last week in a study Read more…