The past few years have been difficult. How do I know if I have PTSD?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
PTSD is complex, but in a nutshell, it is the body’s response to a stressful or fear provoking event. It causes our bodies to go into a constant state of preparation to fight something dangerous or scary. Over time this can lead to depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, and physical health symptoms. PTSD is not something Read more…
March 30, 2023
¿Qué es un trastorno alimentario?
General Health Mental Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
En el último mes tuvimos la Semana Nacional de Concienciación sobre los Trastornos Alimentarios. Siga leyendo para saber un poco más sobre los trastornos alimentarios y cómo obtener ayuda. ¿Qué son los trastornos alimentarios? Los trastornos alimentarios son enfermedades graves, responsables de dolencias médicas y físicas. Se definen como cambios en los comportamientos y patrones Read more…
March 30, 2023
Hot flashes and mood swings in perimenopause! Make ‘em go away!
Reproductive Health
Ugh! We are right there with you! Perimenopause (the time before, during, and right after menopause) is a normal and expected process for ~50% of the human population. Nevertheless.The.Symptoms.Can.Stink. 🔥Studies show between 50-85% of us experience hot flashes during the late menopausal transition and early postmenopause. For most of us, these are mild to moderate. Read more…
March 29, 2023
Is there any update on additional COVID booster shots?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
“Receiving more than one updated booster is not currently authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.” The US CDC issued the above guidance this week (March 27th), stating: “At this time, one updated booster dose is recommended for everyone in order to maintain protection from severe illness.” **Correction: This article was corrected on March Read more…
March 28, 2023
¿Qué dice la ciencia sobre el horario de verano y el impacto en la salud?
General Health Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los científicos del sueño y del sistema circadiano recomienda por poner fin al cambios de hora que se hace dos veces al año. Sin embargo, en lugar de cambiar al horario de verano permanente (que da más luz al final del día), los datos demuestran que el horario estándar permanente (que da más luz al Read more…
March 27, 2023
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Reproductive Health
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Signs point to yes. Previous small studies suggested a link between COVID-19 and ED, but we now have… firmer evidence. A large study using US insurance claims data compared men who were infected with COVID-19 between Jan 2020-Jan 2021 (so pre-vaccine) to men with similar characteristics without an infection. Men with a COVID-19 infection were Read more…
March 26, 2023
El cambio de hora tiene consecuencias para la salud
General Health Posts en Español
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Estas gráficas fueron creadas por La Secretaria de Salud de México (@gobmexico) y cubren unos factores que el gobierno mexicano usó para eliminar el horario de verano en la mayor parte del país, excepto en sus fronteras. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en estas gráficas. Para cualquier Read more…
March 25, 2023
Is there an easy way to search your past posts?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: YES! You can search our past posts at! If you don’t find a post answering your question, you can submit a question to us via our question box here! Since March 2020, Those Nerdy Girls have answered 2000+ questions on our Facebook pages (Those Nerdy Girls and our Spanish-language site Las Nerdy Girls) Read more…
March 24, 2023
Can I get the COVID-19 vaccine booster if I am fasting for Ramadan?
A: Yes, you can and Ramadan Mubarak! Islamic leaders and scholars agree that getting the COVID-19 vaccine does not break the fast for Ramadan. If you have not yet gotten your primary vaccine series or bivalent booster, you still can! Read on for more answers to your questions about Ramadan and COVID-19 vaccines. Ramadan is Read more…
March 23, 2023
Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
📢 Did you know that…we have a SPANISH LANGUAGE TEAM? Las Nerdy Girls have been sharing our same reliable, factual, and practical information out there since September of 2020! We tailor the information for Spanish speakers in the U.S. and internationally and use a good mix of sources from governments, non-governmental organizations, and studies to Read more…
March 22, 2023
You need some Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more!
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
You want it! You need it! Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more! 💥 Shop here! 💥 Your purchases will help financially support the science communication mission of Those Nerdy Girls. P.S. We’d love to see pics of you and your friends and family sporting their new TNG swag. You might even be featured Read more…
March 22, 2023
Es importante cuidar su corazón: ¿qué pruebas de detección de enfermedades cardiovasculares existen?
General Health Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Las Nerdy Girls quieren ayudar a las personas a identificar los síntomas y reducir el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV). Un buen comienzo es un estilo de vida saludable que incluya ejercicio regular, una dieta baja en grasas saturadas y alimentos muy procesados e intentar controlar el estrés. También puede detectar el riesgo de ECV Read more…
March 21, 2023
Is it true that a previous COVID-19 infection is just as good as a vaccine?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Yes…and no. A past COVID-19 infection does provide good protection against re-infection and severe disease–IF you survived your first infection. Vaccination is still by far the safest way to get your first look at the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and build immune defenses for a future encounter. A recent meta-analysis of 65 studies from 19 countries Read more…
March 20, 2023
Hoy es el Día Internacional de la Felicidad ✨, el Dr. Paul Croarkin, psiquiatra de la @Mayo Clinic explica qué es y cómo cultivarla 💛
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta gráfica no fue creada por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en esta gráfica. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. ¡Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente! ¡Gracias! Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 20, 2023
Re-introducing the Reproductive Health Squad!
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Those Nerdy Girls are thrilled to re-introduce our Reproductive Health Squad, a group of contributing writers with expertise in all things reproductive health. This includes birth control, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, sexual health, lactation, and abortion, among other topics. Don’t forget to submit your questions! Submit questions to our question box here! Link to original Those Read more…
March 18, 2023
Brain Fog is NOT just in your head.
Clinical Symptoms Long COVID Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
What is brain fog then? Brain fog describes a group of symptoms that are caused by the body. Researchers and clinicians are starting to think of it more like a neurological disease. TL; DR: Brain fog is a general term used to describe many issues including poor attention, memory, and planning abilities. This can happen Read more…
March 17, 2023
El VIH y las mujeres
Data and Metrics Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Women in STEM
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Hoy presentamos una serie de gráficas sobre el VIH en las mujeres publicadas por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Los datos deben interpretarse con cautela debido al impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19, pero todavía son recursos importantes. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Pueden haber algunas Read more…
March 17, 2023
How long does COVID hang around in the air?
Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…
March 16, 2023
Will there be a nasal spray COVID-19 vaccine?
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Scientists are working on it, but it may be a year or longer before they are available in the U.S. and E.U. Several groups in the U.S. are working to develop nasal vaccines for COVD-19, but most are still doing pre-clinical trials in animals. Two groups have progressed to studying humans, and one of Read more…
March 15, 2023
¿Las personas vacunadas “mueren de repente”?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Inglaterra acaba de publicar nuevos datos exhaustivos que comparan las muertes por TODAS las causas según el estado de vacunación de COVID. En todos los grupos de edad, las tasas de mortalidad son sistemáticamente más bajas entre las personas vacunadas que entre las no vacunadas. También se pueden Read more…
PTSD is complex, but in a nutshell, it is the body’s response to a stressful or fear provoking event. It causes our bodies to go into a constant state of preparation to fight something dangerous or scary. Over time this can lead to depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, and physical health symptoms. PTSD is not something Read more…
¿Qué es un trastorno alimentario?
General Health Mental Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
En el último mes tuvimos la Semana Nacional de Concienciación sobre los Trastornos Alimentarios. Siga leyendo para saber un poco más sobre los trastornos alimentarios y cómo obtener ayuda. ¿Qué son los trastornos alimentarios? Los trastornos alimentarios son enfermedades graves, responsables de dolencias médicas y físicas. Se definen como cambios en los comportamientos y patrones Read more…
March 30, 2023
Hot flashes and mood swings in perimenopause! Make ‘em go away!
Reproductive Health
Ugh! We are right there with you! Perimenopause (the time before, during, and right after menopause) is a normal and expected process for ~50% of the human population. Nevertheless.The.Symptoms.Can.Stink. 🔥Studies show between 50-85% of us experience hot flashes during the late menopausal transition and early postmenopause. For most of us, these are mild to moderate. Read more…
March 29, 2023
Is there any update on additional COVID booster shots?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
“Receiving more than one updated booster is not currently authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.” The US CDC issued the above guidance this week (March 27th), stating: “At this time, one updated booster dose is recommended for everyone in order to maintain protection from severe illness.” **Correction: This article was corrected on March Read more…
March 28, 2023
¿Qué dice la ciencia sobre el horario de verano y el impacto en la salud?
General Health Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los científicos del sueño y del sistema circadiano recomienda por poner fin al cambios de hora que se hace dos veces al año. Sin embargo, en lugar de cambiar al horario de verano permanente (que da más luz al final del día), los datos demuestran que el horario estándar permanente (que da más luz al Read more…
March 27, 2023
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Reproductive Health
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Signs point to yes. Previous small studies suggested a link between COVID-19 and ED, but we now have… firmer evidence. A large study using US insurance claims data compared men who were infected with COVID-19 between Jan 2020-Jan 2021 (so pre-vaccine) to men with similar characteristics without an infection. Men with a COVID-19 infection were Read more…
March 26, 2023
El cambio de hora tiene consecuencias para la salud
General Health Posts en Español
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Estas gráficas fueron creadas por La Secretaria de Salud de México (@gobmexico) y cubren unos factores que el gobierno mexicano usó para eliminar el horario de verano en la mayor parte del país, excepto en sus fronteras. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en estas gráficas. Para cualquier Read more…
March 25, 2023
Is there an easy way to search your past posts?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: YES! You can search our past posts at! If you don’t find a post answering your question, you can submit a question to us via our question box here! Since March 2020, Those Nerdy Girls have answered 2000+ questions on our Facebook pages (Those Nerdy Girls and our Spanish-language site Las Nerdy Girls) Read more…
March 24, 2023
Can I get the COVID-19 vaccine booster if I am fasting for Ramadan?
A: Yes, you can and Ramadan Mubarak! Islamic leaders and scholars agree that getting the COVID-19 vaccine does not break the fast for Ramadan. If you have not yet gotten your primary vaccine series or bivalent booster, you still can! Read on for more answers to your questions about Ramadan and COVID-19 vaccines. Ramadan is Read more…
March 23, 2023
Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
📢 Did you know that…we have a SPANISH LANGUAGE TEAM? Las Nerdy Girls have been sharing our same reliable, factual, and practical information out there since September of 2020! We tailor the information for Spanish speakers in the U.S. and internationally and use a good mix of sources from governments, non-governmental organizations, and studies to Read more…
March 22, 2023
You need some Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more!
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
You want it! You need it! Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more! 💥 Shop here! 💥 Your purchases will help financially support the science communication mission of Those Nerdy Girls. P.S. We’d love to see pics of you and your friends and family sporting their new TNG swag. You might even be featured Read more…
March 22, 2023
Es importante cuidar su corazón: ¿qué pruebas de detección de enfermedades cardiovasculares existen?
General Health Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Las Nerdy Girls quieren ayudar a las personas a identificar los síntomas y reducir el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV). Un buen comienzo es un estilo de vida saludable que incluya ejercicio regular, una dieta baja en grasas saturadas y alimentos muy procesados e intentar controlar el estrés. También puede detectar el riesgo de ECV Read more…
March 21, 2023
Is it true that a previous COVID-19 infection is just as good as a vaccine?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Yes…and no. A past COVID-19 infection does provide good protection against re-infection and severe disease–IF you survived your first infection. Vaccination is still by far the safest way to get your first look at the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and build immune defenses for a future encounter. A recent meta-analysis of 65 studies from 19 countries Read more…
March 20, 2023
Hoy es el Día Internacional de la Felicidad ✨, el Dr. Paul Croarkin, psiquiatra de la @Mayo Clinic explica qué es y cómo cultivarla 💛
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta gráfica no fue creada por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en esta gráfica. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. ¡Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente! ¡Gracias! Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 20, 2023
Re-introducing the Reproductive Health Squad!
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Those Nerdy Girls are thrilled to re-introduce our Reproductive Health Squad, a group of contributing writers with expertise in all things reproductive health. This includes birth control, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, sexual health, lactation, and abortion, among other topics. Don’t forget to submit your questions! Submit questions to our question box here! Link to original Those Read more…
March 18, 2023
Brain Fog is NOT just in your head.
Clinical Symptoms Long COVID Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
What is brain fog then? Brain fog describes a group of symptoms that are caused by the body. Researchers and clinicians are starting to think of it more like a neurological disease. TL; DR: Brain fog is a general term used to describe many issues including poor attention, memory, and planning abilities. This can happen Read more…
March 17, 2023
El VIH y las mujeres
Data and Metrics Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Women in STEM
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Hoy presentamos una serie de gráficas sobre el VIH en las mujeres publicadas por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Los datos deben interpretarse con cautela debido al impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19, pero todavía son recursos importantes. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Pueden haber algunas Read more…
March 17, 2023
How long does COVID hang around in the air?
Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…
March 16, 2023
Will there be a nasal spray COVID-19 vaccine?
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Scientists are working on it, but it may be a year or longer before they are available in the U.S. and E.U. Several groups in the U.S. are working to develop nasal vaccines for COVD-19, but most are still doing pre-clinical trials in animals. Two groups have progressed to studying humans, and one of Read more…
March 15, 2023
¿Las personas vacunadas “mueren de repente”?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Inglaterra acaba de publicar nuevos datos exhaustivos que comparan las muertes por TODAS las causas según el estado de vacunación de COVID. En todos los grupos de edad, las tasas de mortalidad son sistemáticamente más bajas entre las personas vacunadas que entre las no vacunadas. También se pueden Read more…
En el último mes tuvimos la Semana Nacional de Concienciación sobre los Trastornos Alimentarios. Siga leyendo para saber un poco más sobre los trastornos alimentarios y cómo obtener ayuda. ¿Qué son los trastornos alimentarios? Los trastornos alimentarios son enfermedades graves, responsables de dolencias médicas y físicas. Se definen como cambios en los comportamientos y patrones Read more…
Hot flashes and mood swings in perimenopause! Make ‘em go away!
Reproductive Health
Ugh! We are right there with you! Perimenopause (the time before, during, and right after menopause) is a normal and expected process for ~50% of the human population. Nevertheless.The.Symptoms.Can.Stink. 🔥Studies show between 50-85% of us experience hot flashes during the late menopausal transition and early postmenopause. For most of us, these are mild to moderate. Read more…
March 29, 2023
Is there any update on additional COVID booster shots?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
“Receiving more than one updated booster is not currently authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.” The US CDC issued the above guidance this week (March 27th), stating: “At this time, one updated booster dose is recommended for everyone in order to maintain protection from severe illness.” **Correction: This article was corrected on March Read more…
March 28, 2023
¿Qué dice la ciencia sobre el horario de verano y el impacto en la salud?
General Health Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los científicos del sueño y del sistema circadiano recomienda por poner fin al cambios de hora que se hace dos veces al año. Sin embargo, en lugar de cambiar al horario de verano permanente (que da más luz al final del día), los datos demuestran que el horario estándar permanente (que da más luz al Read more…
March 27, 2023
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Reproductive Health
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Signs point to yes. Previous small studies suggested a link between COVID-19 and ED, but we now have… firmer evidence. A large study using US insurance claims data compared men who were infected with COVID-19 between Jan 2020-Jan 2021 (so pre-vaccine) to men with similar characteristics without an infection. Men with a COVID-19 infection were Read more…
March 26, 2023
El cambio de hora tiene consecuencias para la salud
General Health Posts en Español
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Estas gráficas fueron creadas por La Secretaria de Salud de México (@gobmexico) y cubren unos factores que el gobierno mexicano usó para eliminar el horario de verano en la mayor parte del país, excepto en sus fronteras. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en estas gráficas. Para cualquier Read more…
March 25, 2023
Is there an easy way to search your past posts?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: YES! You can search our past posts at! If you don’t find a post answering your question, you can submit a question to us via our question box here! Since March 2020, Those Nerdy Girls have answered 2000+ questions on our Facebook pages (Those Nerdy Girls and our Spanish-language site Las Nerdy Girls) Read more…
March 24, 2023
Can I get the COVID-19 vaccine booster if I am fasting for Ramadan?
A: Yes, you can and Ramadan Mubarak! Islamic leaders and scholars agree that getting the COVID-19 vaccine does not break the fast for Ramadan. If you have not yet gotten your primary vaccine series or bivalent booster, you still can! Read on for more answers to your questions about Ramadan and COVID-19 vaccines. Ramadan is Read more…
March 23, 2023
Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
📢 Did you know that…we have a SPANISH LANGUAGE TEAM? Las Nerdy Girls have been sharing our same reliable, factual, and practical information out there since September of 2020! We tailor the information for Spanish speakers in the U.S. and internationally and use a good mix of sources from governments, non-governmental organizations, and studies to Read more…
March 22, 2023
You need some Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more!
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
You want it! You need it! Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more! 💥 Shop here! 💥 Your purchases will help financially support the science communication mission of Those Nerdy Girls. P.S. We’d love to see pics of you and your friends and family sporting their new TNG swag. You might even be featured Read more…
March 22, 2023
Es importante cuidar su corazón: ¿qué pruebas de detección de enfermedades cardiovasculares existen?
General Health Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Las Nerdy Girls quieren ayudar a las personas a identificar los síntomas y reducir el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV). Un buen comienzo es un estilo de vida saludable que incluya ejercicio regular, una dieta baja en grasas saturadas y alimentos muy procesados e intentar controlar el estrés. También puede detectar el riesgo de ECV Read more…
March 21, 2023
Is it true that a previous COVID-19 infection is just as good as a vaccine?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Yes…and no. A past COVID-19 infection does provide good protection against re-infection and severe disease–IF you survived your first infection. Vaccination is still by far the safest way to get your first look at the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and build immune defenses for a future encounter. A recent meta-analysis of 65 studies from 19 countries Read more…
March 20, 2023
Hoy es el Día Internacional de la Felicidad ✨, el Dr. Paul Croarkin, psiquiatra de la @Mayo Clinic explica qué es y cómo cultivarla 💛
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta gráfica no fue creada por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en esta gráfica. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. ¡Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente! ¡Gracias! Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 20, 2023
Re-introducing the Reproductive Health Squad!
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Those Nerdy Girls are thrilled to re-introduce our Reproductive Health Squad, a group of contributing writers with expertise in all things reproductive health. This includes birth control, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, sexual health, lactation, and abortion, among other topics. Don’t forget to submit your questions! Submit questions to our question box here! Link to original Those Read more…
March 18, 2023
Brain Fog is NOT just in your head.
Clinical Symptoms Long COVID Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
What is brain fog then? Brain fog describes a group of symptoms that are caused by the body. Researchers and clinicians are starting to think of it more like a neurological disease. TL; DR: Brain fog is a general term used to describe many issues including poor attention, memory, and planning abilities. This can happen Read more…
March 17, 2023
El VIH y las mujeres
Data and Metrics Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Women in STEM
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Hoy presentamos una serie de gráficas sobre el VIH en las mujeres publicadas por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Los datos deben interpretarse con cautela debido al impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19, pero todavía son recursos importantes. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Pueden haber algunas Read more…
March 17, 2023
How long does COVID hang around in the air?
Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…
March 16, 2023
Will there be a nasal spray COVID-19 vaccine?
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Scientists are working on it, but it may be a year or longer before they are available in the U.S. and E.U. Several groups in the U.S. are working to develop nasal vaccines for COVD-19, but most are still doing pre-clinical trials in animals. Two groups have progressed to studying humans, and one of Read more…
March 15, 2023
¿Las personas vacunadas “mueren de repente”?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Inglaterra acaba de publicar nuevos datos exhaustivos que comparan las muertes por TODAS las causas según el estado de vacunación de COVID. En todos los grupos de edad, las tasas de mortalidad son sistemáticamente más bajas entre las personas vacunadas que entre las no vacunadas. También se pueden Read more…
Ugh! We are right there with you! Perimenopause (the time before, during, and right after menopause) is a normal and expected process for ~50% of the human population. Nevertheless.The.Symptoms.Can.Stink. 🔥Studies show between 50-85% of us experience hot flashes during the late menopausal transition and early postmenopause. For most of us, these are mild to moderate. Read more…
Is there any update on additional COVID booster shots?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
“Receiving more than one updated booster is not currently authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.” The US CDC issued the above guidance this week (March 27th), stating: “At this time, one updated booster dose is recommended for everyone in order to maintain protection from severe illness.” **Correction: This article was corrected on March Read more…
March 28, 2023
¿Qué dice la ciencia sobre el horario de verano y el impacto en la salud?
General Health Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los científicos del sueño y del sistema circadiano recomienda por poner fin al cambios de hora que se hace dos veces al año. Sin embargo, en lugar de cambiar al horario de verano permanente (que da más luz al final del día), los datos demuestran que el horario estándar permanente (que da más luz al Read more…
March 27, 2023
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Reproductive Health
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Signs point to yes. Previous small studies suggested a link between COVID-19 and ED, but we now have… firmer evidence. A large study using US insurance claims data compared men who were infected with COVID-19 between Jan 2020-Jan 2021 (so pre-vaccine) to men with similar characteristics without an infection. Men with a COVID-19 infection were Read more…
March 26, 2023
El cambio de hora tiene consecuencias para la salud
General Health Posts en Español
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Estas gráficas fueron creadas por La Secretaria de Salud de México (@gobmexico) y cubren unos factores que el gobierno mexicano usó para eliminar el horario de verano en la mayor parte del país, excepto en sus fronteras. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en estas gráficas. Para cualquier Read more…
March 25, 2023
Is there an easy way to search your past posts?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: YES! You can search our past posts at! If you don’t find a post answering your question, you can submit a question to us via our question box here! Since March 2020, Those Nerdy Girls have answered 2000+ questions on our Facebook pages (Those Nerdy Girls and our Spanish-language site Las Nerdy Girls) Read more…
March 24, 2023
Can I get the COVID-19 vaccine booster if I am fasting for Ramadan?
A: Yes, you can and Ramadan Mubarak! Islamic leaders and scholars agree that getting the COVID-19 vaccine does not break the fast for Ramadan. If you have not yet gotten your primary vaccine series or bivalent booster, you still can! Read on for more answers to your questions about Ramadan and COVID-19 vaccines. Ramadan is Read more…
March 23, 2023
Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
📢 Did you know that…we have a SPANISH LANGUAGE TEAM? Las Nerdy Girls have been sharing our same reliable, factual, and practical information out there since September of 2020! We tailor the information for Spanish speakers in the U.S. and internationally and use a good mix of sources from governments, non-governmental organizations, and studies to Read more…
March 22, 2023
You need some Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more!
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
You want it! You need it! Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more! 💥 Shop here! 💥 Your purchases will help financially support the science communication mission of Those Nerdy Girls. P.S. We’d love to see pics of you and your friends and family sporting their new TNG swag. You might even be featured Read more…
March 22, 2023
Es importante cuidar su corazón: ¿qué pruebas de detección de enfermedades cardiovasculares existen?
General Health Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Las Nerdy Girls quieren ayudar a las personas a identificar los síntomas y reducir el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV). Un buen comienzo es un estilo de vida saludable que incluya ejercicio regular, una dieta baja en grasas saturadas y alimentos muy procesados e intentar controlar el estrés. También puede detectar el riesgo de ECV Read more…
March 21, 2023
Is it true that a previous COVID-19 infection is just as good as a vaccine?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Yes…and no. A past COVID-19 infection does provide good protection against re-infection and severe disease–IF you survived your first infection. Vaccination is still by far the safest way to get your first look at the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and build immune defenses for a future encounter. A recent meta-analysis of 65 studies from 19 countries Read more…
March 20, 2023
Hoy es el Día Internacional de la Felicidad ✨, el Dr. Paul Croarkin, psiquiatra de la @Mayo Clinic explica qué es y cómo cultivarla 💛
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta gráfica no fue creada por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en esta gráfica. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. ¡Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente! ¡Gracias! Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 20, 2023
Re-introducing the Reproductive Health Squad!
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Those Nerdy Girls are thrilled to re-introduce our Reproductive Health Squad, a group of contributing writers with expertise in all things reproductive health. This includes birth control, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, sexual health, lactation, and abortion, among other topics. Don’t forget to submit your questions! Submit questions to our question box here! Link to original Those Read more…
March 18, 2023
Brain Fog is NOT just in your head.
Clinical Symptoms Long COVID Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
What is brain fog then? Brain fog describes a group of symptoms that are caused by the body. Researchers and clinicians are starting to think of it more like a neurological disease. TL; DR: Brain fog is a general term used to describe many issues including poor attention, memory, and planning abilities. This can happen Read more…
March 17, 2023
El VIH y las mujeres
Data and Metrics Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Women in STEM
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Hoy presentamos una serie de gráficas sobre el VIH en las mujeres publicadas por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Los datos deben interpretarse con cautela debido al impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19, pero todavía son recursos importantes. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Pueden haber algunas Read more…
March 17, 2023
How long does COVID hang around in the air?
Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…
March 16, 2023
Will there be a nasal spray COVID-19 vaccine?
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Scientists are working on it, but it may be a year or longer before they are available in the U.S. and E.U. Several groups in the U.S. are working to develop nasal vaccines for COVD-19, but most are still doing pre-clinical trials in animals. Two groups have progressed to studying humans, and one of Read more…
March 15, 2023
¿Las personas vacunadas “mueren de repente”?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Inglaterra acaba de publicar nuevos datos exhaustivos que comparan las muertes por TODAS las causas según el estado de vacunación de COVID. En todos los grupos de edad, las tasas de mortalidad son sistemáticamente más bajas entre las personas vacunadas que entre las no vacunadas. También se pueden Read more…
“Receiving more than one updated booster is not currently authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.” The US CDC issued the above guidance this week (March 27th), stating: “At this time, one updated booster dose is recommended for everyone in order to maintain protection from severe illness.” **Correction: This article was corrected on March Read more…
¿Qué dice la ciencia sobre el horario de verano y el impacto en la salud?
General Health Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los científicos del sueño y del sistema circadiano recomienda por poner fin al cambios de hora que se hace dos veces al año. Sin embargo, en lugar de cambiar al horario de verano permanente (que da más luz al final del día), los datos demuestran que el horario estándar permanente (que da más luz al Read more…
March 27, 2023
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Reproductive Health
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Signs point to yes. Previous small studies suggested a link between COVID-19 and ED, but we now have… firmer evidence. A large study using US insurance claims data compared men who were infected with COVID-19 between Jan 2020-Jan 2021 (so pre-vaccine) to men with similar characteristics without an infection. Men with a COVID-19 infection were Read more…
March 26, 2023
El cambio de hora tiene consecuencias para la salud
General Health Posts en Español
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Estas gráficas fueron creadas por La Secretaria de Salud de México (@gobmexico) y cubren unos factores que el gobierno mexicano usó para eliminar el horario de verano en la mayor parte del país, excepto en sus fronteras. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en estas gráficas. Para cualquier Read more…
March 25, 2023
Is there an easy way to search your past posts?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: YES! You can search our past posts at! If you don’t find a post answering your question, you can submit a question to us via our question box here! Since March 2020, Those Nerdy Girls have answered 2000+ questions on our Facebook pages (Those Nerdy Girls and our Spanish-language site Las Nerdy Girls) Read more…
March 24, 2023
Can I get the COVID-19 vaccine booster if I am fasting for Ramadan?
A: Yes, you can and Ramadan Mubarak! Islamic leaders and scholars agree that getting the COVID-19 vaccine does not break the fast for Ramadan. If you have not yet gotten your primary vaccine series or bivalent booster, you still can! Read on for more answers to your questions about Ramadan and COVID-19 vaccines. Ramadan is Read more…
March 23, 2023
Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
📢 Did you know that…we have a SPANISH LANGUAGE TEAM? Las Nerdy Girls have been sharing our same reliable, factual, and practical information out there since September of 2020! We tailor the information for Spanish speakers in the U.S. and internationally and use a good mix of sources from governments, non-governmental organizations, and studies to Read more…
March 22, 2023
You need some Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more!
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
You want it! You need it! Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more! 💥 Shop here! 💥 Your purchases will help financially support the science communication mission of Those Nerdy Girls. P.S. We’d love to see pics of you and your friends and family sporting their new TNG swag. You might even be featured Read more…
March 22, 2023
Es importante cuidar su corazón: ¿qué pruebas de detección de enfermedades cardiovasculares existen?
General Health Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Las Nerdy Girls quieren ayudar a las personas a identificar los síntomas y reducir el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV). Un buen comienzo es un estilo de vida saludable que incluya ejercicio regular, una dieta baja en grasas saturadas y alimentos muy procesados e intentar controlar el estrés. También puede detectar el riesgo de ECV Read more…
March 21, 2023
Is it true that a previous COVID-19 infection is just as good as a vaccine?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Yes…and no. A past COVID-19 infection does provide good protection against re-infection and severe disease–IF you survived your first infection. Vaccination is still by far the safest way to get your first look at the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and build immune defenses for a future encounter. A recent meta-analysis of 65 studies from 19 countries Read more…
March 20, 2023
Hoy es el Día Internacional de la Felicidad ✨, el Dr. Paul Croarkin, psiquiatra de la @Mayo Clinic explica qué es y cómo cultivarla 💛
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta gráfica no fue creada por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en esta gráfica. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. ¡Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente! ¡Gracias! Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 20, 2023
Re-introducing the Reproductive Health Squad!
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Those Nerdy Girls are thrilled to re-introduce our Reproductive Health Squad, a group of contributing writers with expertise in all things reproductive health. This includes birth control, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, sexual health, lactation, and abortion, among other topics. Don’t forget to submit your questions! Submit questions to our question box here! Link to original Those Read more…
March 18, 2023
Brain Fog is NOT just in your head.
Clinical Symptoms Long COVID Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
What is brain fog then? Brain fog describes a group of symptoms that are caused by the body. Researchers and clinicians are starting to think of it more like a neurological disease. TL; DR: Brain fog is a general term used to describe many issues including poor attention, memory, and planning abilities. This can happen Read more…
March 17, 2023
El VIH y las mujeres
Data and Metrics Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Women in STEM
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Hoy presentamos una serie de gráficas sobre el VIH en las mujeres publicadas por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Los datos deben interpretarse con cautela debido al impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19, pero todavía son recursos importantes. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Pueden haber algunas Read more…
March 17, 2023
How long does COVID hang around in the air?
Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…
March 16, 2023
Will there be a nasal spray COVID-19 vaccine?
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Scientists are working on it, but it may be a year or longer before they are available in the U.S. and E.U. Several groups in the U.S. are working to develop nasal vaccines for COVD-19, but most are still doing pre-clinical trials in animals. Two groups have progressed to studying humans, and one of Read more…
March 15, 2023
¿Las personas vacunadas “mueren de repente”?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Inglaterra acaba de publicar nuevos datos exhaustivos que comparan las muertes por TODAS las causas según el estado de vacunación de COVID. En todos los grupos de edad, las tasas de mortalidad son sistemáticamente más bajas entre las personas vacunadas que entre las no vacunadas. También se pueden Read more…
Los científicos del sueño y del sistema circadiano recomienda por poner fin al cambios de hora que se hace dos veces al año. Sin embargo, en lugar de cambiar al horario de verano permanente (que da más luz al final del día), los datos demuestran que el horario estándar permanente (que da más luz al Read more…
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Reproductive Health
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Signs point to yes. Previous small studies suggested a link between COVID-19 and ED, but we now have… firmer evidence. A large study using US insurance claims data compared men who were infected with COVID-19 between Jan 2020-Jan 2021 (so pre-vaccine) to men with similar characteristics without an infection. Men with a COVID-19 infection were Read more…
March 26, 2023
El cambio de hora tiene consecuencias para la salud
General Health Posts en Español
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Estas gráficas fueron creadas por La Secretaria de Salud de México (@gobmexico) y cubren unos factores que el gobierno mexicano usó para eliminar el horario de verano en la mayor parte del país, excepto en sus fronteras. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en estas gráficas. Para cualquier Read more…
March 25, 2023
Is there an easy way to search your past posts?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: YES! You can search our past posts at! If you don’t find a post answering your question, you can submit a question to us via our question box here! Since March 2020, Those Nerdy Girls have answered 2000+ questions on our Facebook pages (Those Nerdy Girls and our Spanish-language site Las Nerdy Girls) Read more…
March 24, 2023
Can I get the COVID-19 vaccine booster if I am fasting for Ramadan?
A: Yes, you can and Ramadan Mubarak! Islamic leaders and scholars agree that getting the COVID-19 vaccine does not break the fast for Ramadan. If you have not yet gotten your primary vaccine series or bivalent booster, you still can! Read on for more answers to your questions about Ramadan and COVID-19 vaccines. Ramadan is Read more…
March 23, 2023
Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
📢 Did you know that…we have a SPANISH LANGUAGE TEAM? Las Nerdy Girls have been sharing our same reliable, factual, and practical information out there since September of 2020! We tailor the information for Spanish speakers in the U.S. and internationally and use a good mix of sources from governments, non-governmental organizations, and studies to Read more…
March 22, 2023
You need some Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more!
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
You want it! You need it! Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more! 💥 Shop here! 💥 Your purchases will help financially support the science communication mission of Those Nerdy Girls. P.S. We’d love to see pics of you and your friends and family sporting their new TNG swag. You might even be featured Read more…
March 22, 2023
Es importante cuidar su corazón: ¿qué pruebas de detección de enfermedades cardiovasculares existen?
General Health Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Las Nerdy Girls quieren ayudar a las personas a identificar los síntomas y reducir el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV). Un buen comienzo es un estilo de vida saludable que incluya ejercicio regular, una dieta baja en grasas saturadas y alimentos muy procesados e intentar controlar el estrés. También puede detectar el riesgo de ECV Read more…
March 21, 2023
Is it true that a previous COVID-19 infection is just as good as a vaccine?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Yes…and no. A past COVID-19 infection does provide good protection against re-infection and severe disease–IF you survived your first infection. Vaccination is still by far the safest way to get your first look at the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and build immune defenses for a future encounter. A recent meta-analysis of 65 studies from 19 countries Read more…
March 20, 2023
Hoy es el Día Internacional de la Felicidad ✨, el Dr. Paul Croarkin, psiquiatra de la @Mayo Clinic explica qué es y cómo cultivarla 💛
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta gráfica no fue creada por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en esta gráfica. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. ¡Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente! ¡Gracias! Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 20, 2023
Re-introducing the Reproductive Health Squad!
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Those Nerdy Girls are thrilled to re-introduce our Reproductive Health Squad, a group of contributing writers with expertise in all things reproductive health. This includes birth control, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, sexual health, lactation, and abortion, among other topics. Don’t forget to submit your questions! Submit questions to our question box here! Link to original Those Read more…
March 18, 2023
Brain Fog is NOT just in your head.
Clinical Symptoms Long COVID Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
What is brain fog then? Brain fog describes a group of symptoms that are caused by the body. Researchers and clinicians are starting to think of it more like a neurological disease. TL; DR: Brain fog is a general term used to describe many issues including poor attention, memory, and planning abilities. This can happen Read more…
March 17, 2023
El VIH y las mujeres
Data and Metrics Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Women in STEM
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Hoy presentamos una serie de gráficas sobre el VIH en las mujeres publicadas por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Los datos deben interpretarse con cautela debido al impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19, pero todavía son recursos importantes. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Pueden haber algunas Read more…
March 17, 2023
How long does COVID hang around in the air?
Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…
March 16, 2023
Will there be a nasal spray COVID-19 vaccine?
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Scientists are working on it, but it may be a year or longer before they are available in the U.S. and E.U. Several groups in the U.S. are working to develop nasal vaccines for COVD-19, but most are still doing pre-clinical trials in animals. Two groups have progressed to studying humans, and one of Read more…
March 15, 2023
¿Las personas vacunadas “mueren de repente”?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Inglaterra acaba de publicar nuevos datos exhaustivos que comparan las muertes por TODAS las causas según el estado de vacunación de COVID. En todos los grupos de edad, las tasas de mortalidad son sistemáticamente más bajas entre las personas vacunadas que entre las no vacunadas. También se pueden Read more…
Signs point to yes. Previous small studies suggested a link between COVID-19 and ED, but we now have… firmer evidence. A large study using US insurance claims data compared men who were infected with COVID-19 between Jan 2020-Jan 2021 (so pre-vaccine) to men with similar characteristics without an infection. Men with a COVID-19 infection were Read more…
El cambio de hora tiene consecuencias para la salud
General Health Posts en Español
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Estas gráficas fueron creadas por La Secretaria de Salud de México (@gobmexico) y cubren unos factores que el gobierno mexicano usó para eliminar el horario de verano en la mayor parte del país, excepto en sus fronteras. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en estas gráficas. Para cualquier Read more…
March 25, 2023
Is there an easy way to search your past posts?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: YES! You can search our past posts at! If you don’t find a post answering your question, you can submit a question to us via our question box here! Since March 2020, Those Nerdy Girls have answered 2000+ questions on our Facebook pages (Those Nerdy Girls and our Spanish-language site Las Nerdy Girls) Read more…
March 24, 2023
Can I get the COVID-19 vaccine booster if I am fasting for Ramadan?
A: Yes, you can and Ramadan Mubarak! Islamic leaders and scholars agree that getting the COVID-19 vaccine does not break the fast for Ramadan. If you have not yet gotten your primary vaccine series or bivalent booster, you still can! Read on for more answers to your questions about Ramadan and COVID-19 vaccines. Ramadan is Read more…
March 23, 2023
Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
📢 Did you know that…we have a SPANISH LANGUAGE TEAM? Las Nerdy Girls have been sharing our same reliable, factual, and practical information out there since September of 2020! We tailor the information for Spanish speakers in the U.S. and internationally and use a good mix of sources from governments, non-governmental organizations, and studies to Read more…
March 22, 2023
You need some Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more!
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
You want it! You need it! Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more! 💥 Shop here! 💥 Your purchases will help financially support the science communication mission of Those Nerdy Girls. P.S. We’d love to see pics of you and your friends and family sporting their new TNG swag. You might even be featured Read more…
March 22, 2023
Es importante cuidar su corazón: ¿qué pruebas de detección de enfermedades cardiovasculares existen?
General Health Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Las Nerdy Girls quieren ayudar a las personas a identificar los síntomas y reducir el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV). Un buen comienzo es un estilo de vida saludable que incluya ejercicio regular, una dieta baja en grasas saturadas y alimentos muy procesados e intentar controlar el estrés. También puede detectar el riesgo de ECV Read more…
March 21, 2023
Is it true that a previous COVID-19 infection is just as good as a vaccine?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Yes…and no. A past COVID-19 infection does provide good protection against re-infection and severe disease–IF you survived your first infection. Vaccination is still by far the safest way to get your first look at the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and build immune defenses for a future encounter. A recent meta-analysis of 65 studies from 19 countries Read more…
March 20, 2023
Hoy es el Día Internacional de la Felicidad ✨, el Dr. Paul Croarkin, psiquiatra de la @Mayo Clinic explica qué es y cómo cultivarla 💛
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta gráfica no fue creada por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en esta gráfica. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. ¡Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente! ¡Gracias! Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 20, 2023
Re-introducing the Reproductive Health Squad!
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Those Nerdy Girls are thrilled to re-introduce our Reproductive Health Squad, a group of contributing writers with expertise in all things reproductive health. This includes birth control, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, sexual health, lactation, and abortion, among other topics. Don’t forget to submit your questions! Submit questions to our question box here! Link to original Those Read more…
March 18, 2023
Brain Fog is NOT just in your head.
Clinical Symptoms Long COVID Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
What is brain fog then? Brain fog describes a group of symptoms that are caused by the body. Researchers and clinicians are starting to think of it more like a neurological disease. TL; DR: Brain fog is a general term used to describe many issues including poor attention, memory, and planning abilities. This can happen Read more…
March 17, 2023
El VIH y las mujeres
Data and Metrics Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Women in STEM
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Hoy presentamos una serie de gráficas sobre el VIH en las mujeres publicadas por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Los datos deben interpretarse con cautela debido al impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19, pero todavía son recursos importantes. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Pueden haber algunas Read more…
March 17, 2023
How long does COVID hang around in the air?
Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…
March 16, 2023
Will there be a nasal spray COVID-19 vaccine?
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Scientists are working on it, but it may be a year or longer before they are available in the U.S. and E.U. Several groups in the U.S. are working to develop nasal vaccines for COVD-19, but most are still doing pre-clinical trials in animals. Two groups have progressed to studying humans, and one of Read more…
March 15, 2023
¿Las personas vacunadas “mueren de repente”?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Inglaterra acaba de publicar nuevos datos exhaustivos que comparan las muertes por TODAS las causas según el estado de vacunación de COVID. En todos los grupos de edad, las tasas de mortalidad son sistemáticamente más bajas entre las personas vacunadas que entre las no vacunadas. También se pueden Read more…
Estas gráficas fueron creadas por La Secretaria de Salud de México (@gobmexico) y cubren unos factores que el gobierno mexicano usó para eliminar el horario de verano en la mayor parte del país, excepto en sus fronteras. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en estas gráficas. Para cualquier Read more…
Is there an easy way to search your past posts?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: YES! You can search our past posts at! If you don’t find a post answering your question, you can submit a question to us via our question box here! Since March 2020, Those Nerdy Girls have answered 2000+ questions on our Facebook pages (Those Nerdy Girls and our Spanish-language site Las Nerdy Girls) Read more…
March 24, 2023
Can I get the COVID-19 vaccine booster if I am fasting for Ramadan?
A: Yes, you can and Ramadan Mubarak! Islamic leaders and scholars agree that getting the COVID-19 vaccine does not break the fast for Ramadan. If you have not yet gotten your primary vaccine series or bivalent booster, you still can! Read on for more answers to your questions about Ramadan and COVID-19 vaccines. Ramadan is Read more…
March 23, 2023
Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
📢 Did you know that…we have a SPANISH LANGUAGE TEAM? Las Nerdy Girls have been sharing our same reliable, factual, and practical information out there since September of 2020! We tailor the information for Spanish speakers in the U.S. and internationally and use a good mix of sources from governments, non-governmental organizations, and studies to Read more…
March 22, 2023
You need some Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more!
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
You want it! You need it! Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more! 💥 Shop here! 💥 Your purchases will help financially support the science communication mission of Those Nerdy Girls. P.S. We’d love to see pics of you and your friends and family sporting their new TNG swag. You might even be featured Read more…
March 22, 2023
Es importante cuidar su corazón: ¿qué pruebas de detección de enfermedades cardiovasculares existen?
General Health Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Las Nerdy Girls quieren ayudar a las personas a identificar los síntomas y reducir el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV). Un buen comienzo es un estilo de vida saludable que incluya ejercicio regular, una dieta baja en grasas saturadas y alimentos muy procesados e intentar controlar el estrés. También puede detectar el riesgo de ECV Read more…
March 21, 2023
Is it true that a previous COVID-19 infection is just as good as a vaccine?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Yes…and no. A past COVID-19 infection does provide good protection against re-infection and severe disease–IF you survived your first infection. Vaccination is still by far the safest way to get your first look at the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and build immune defenses for a future encounter. A recent meta-analysis of 65 studies from 19 countries Read more…
March 20, 2023
Hoy es el Día Internacional de la Felicidad ✨, el Dr. Paul Croarkin, psiquiatra de la @Mayo Clinic explica qué es y cómo cultivarla 💛
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta gráfica no fue creada por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en esta gráfica. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. ¡Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente! ¡Gracias! Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 20, 2023
Re-introducing the Reproductive Health Squad!
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Those Nerdy Girls are thrilled to re-introduce our Reproductive Health Squad, a group of contributing writers with expertise in all things reproductive health. This includes birth control, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, sexual health, lactation, and abortion, among other topics. Don’t forget to submit your questions! Submit questions to our question box here! Link to original Those Read more…
March 18, 2023
Brain Fog is NOT just in your head.
Clinical Symptoms Long COVID Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
What is brain fog then? Brain fog describes a group of symptoms that are caused by the body. Researchers and clinicians are starting to think of it more like a neurological disease. TL; DR: Brain fog is a general term used to describe many issues including poor attention, memory, and planning abilities. This can happen Read more…
March 17, 2023
El VIH y las mujeres
Data and Metrics Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Women in STEM
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Hoy presentamos una serie de gráficas sobre el VIH en las mujeres publicadas por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Los datos deben interpretarse con cautela debido al impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19, pero todavía son recursos importantes. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Pueden haber algunas Read more…
March 17, 2023
How long does COVID hang around in the air?
Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…
March 16, 2023
Will there be a nasal spray COVID-19 vaccine?
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Scientists are working on it, but it may be a year or longer before they are available in the U.S. and E.U. Several groups in the U.S. are working to develop nasal vaccines for COVD-19, but most are still doing pre-clinical trials in animals. Two groups have progressed to studying humans, and one of Read more…
March 15, 2023
¿Las personas vacunadas “mueren de repente”?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Inglaterra acaba de publicar nuevos datos exhaustivos que comparan las muertes por TODAS las causas según el estado de vacunación de COVID. En todos los grupos de edad, las tasas de mortalidad son sistemáticamente más bajas entre las personas vacunadas que entre las no vacunadas. También se pueden Read more…
A: YES! You can search our past posts at! If you don’t find a post answering your question, you can submit a question to us via our question box here! Since March 2020, Those Nerdy Girls have answered 2000+ questions on our Facebook pages (Those Nerdy Girls and our Spanish-language site Las Nerdy Girls) Read more…
Can I get the COVID-19 vaccine booster if I am fasting for Ramadan?
VaccinesA: Yes, you can and Ramadan Mubarak! Islamic leaders and scholars agree that getting the COVID-19 vaccine does not break the fast for Ramadan. If you have not yet gotten your primary vaccine series or bivalent booster, you still can! Read on for more answers to your questions about Ramadan and COVID-19 vaccines. Ramadan is Read more…
Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
📢 Did you know that…we have a SPANISH LANGUAGE TEAM? Las Nerdy Girls have been sharing our same reliable, factual, and practical information out there since September of 2020! We tailor the information for Spanish speakers in the U.S. and internationally and use a good mix of sources from governments, non-governmental organizations, and studies to Read more…
March 22, 2023
You need some Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more!
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
You want it! You need it! Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more! 💥 Shop here! 💥 Your purchases will help financially support the science communication mission of Those Nerdy Girls. P.S. We’d love to see pics of you and your friends and family sporting their new TNG swag. You might even be featured Read more…
March 22, 2023
Es importante cuidar su corazón: ¿qué pruebas de detección de enfermedades cardiovasculares existen?
General Health Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Las Nerdy Girls quieren ayudar a las personas a identificar los síntomas y reducir el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV). Un buen comienzo es un estilo de vida saludable que incluya ejercicio regular, una dieta baja en grasas saturadas y alimentos muy procesados e intentar controlar el estrés. También puede detectar el riesgo de ECV Read more…
March 21, 2023
Is it true that a previous COVID-19 infection is just as good as a vaccine?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Yes…and no. A past COVID-19 infection does provide good protection against re-infection and severe disease–IF you survived your first infection. Vaccination is still by far the safest way to get your first look at the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and build immune defenses for a future encounter. A recent meta-analysis of 65 studies from 19 countries Read more…
March 20, 2023
Hoy es el Día Internacional de la Felicidad ✨, el Dr. Paul Croarkin, psiquiatra de la @Mayo Clinic explica qué es y cómo cultivarla 💛
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta gráfica no fue creada por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en esta gráfica. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. ¡Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente! ¡Gracias! Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 20, 2023
Re-introducing the Reproductive Health Squad!
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Those Nerdy Girls are thrilled to re-introduce our Reproductive Health Squad, a group of contributing writers with expertise in all things reproductive health. This includes birth control, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, sexual health, lactation, and abortion, among other topics. Don’t forget to submit your questions! Submit questions to our question box here! Link to original Those Read more…
March 18, 2023
Brain Fog is NOT just in your head.
Clinical Symptoms Long COVID Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
What is brain fog then? Brain fog describes a group of symptoms that are caused by the body. Researchers and clinicians are starting to think of it more like a neurological disease. TL; DR: Brain fog is a general term used to describe many issues including poor attention, memory, and planning abilities. This can happen Read more…
March 17, 2023
El VIH y las mujeres
Data and Metrics Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Women in STEM
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Hoy presentamos una serie de gráficas sobre el VIH en las mujeres publicadas por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Los datos deben interpretarse con cautela debido al impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19, pero todavía son recursos importantes. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Pueden haber algunas Read more…
March 17, 2023
How long does COVID hang around in the air?
Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…
March 16, 2023
Will there be a nasal spray COVID-19 vaccine?
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Scientists are working on it, but it may be a year or longer before they are available in the U.S. and E.U. Several groups in the U.S. are working to develop nasal vaccines for COVD-19, but most are still doing pre-clinical trials in animals. Two groups have progressed to studying humans, and one of Read more…
March 15, 2023
¿Las personas vacunadas “mueren de repente”?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Inglaterra acaba de publicar nuevos datos exhaustivos que comparan las muertes por TODAS las causas según el estado de vacunación de COVID. En todos los grupos de edad, las tasas de mortalidad son sistemáticamente más bajas entre las personas vacunadas que entre las no vacunadas. También se pueden Read more…
📢 Did you know that…we have a SPANISH LANGUAGE TEAM? Las Nerdy Girls have been sharing our same reliable, factual, and practical information out there since September of 2020! We tailor the information for Spanish speakers in the U.S. and internationally and use a good mix of sources from governments, non-governmental organizations, and studies to Read more…
You need some Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more!
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
You want it! You need it! Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more! 💥 Shop here! 💥 Your purchases will help financially support the science communication mission of Those Nerdy Girls. P.S. We’d love to see pics of you and your friends and family sporting their new TNG swag. You might even be featured Read more…
March 22, 2023
Es importante cuidar su corazón: ¿qué pruebas de detección de enfermedades cardiovasculares existen?
General Health Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Las Nerdy Girls quieren ayudar a las personas a identificar los síntomas y reducir el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV). Un buen comienzo es un estilo de vida saludable que incluya ejercicio regular, una dieta baja en grasas saturadas y alimentos muy procesados e intentar controlar el estrés. También puede detectar el riesgo de ECV Read more…
March 21, 2023
Is it true that a previous COVID-19 infection is just as good as a vaccine?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Yes…and no. A past COVID-19 infection does provide good protection against re-infection and severe disease–IF you survived your first infection. Vaccination is still by far the safest way to get your first look at the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and build immune defenses for a future encounter. A recent meta-analysis of 65 studies from 19 countries Read more…
March 20, 2023
Hoy es el Día Internacional de la Felicidad ✨, el Dr. Paul Croarkin, psiquiatra de la @Mayo Clinic explica qué es y cómo cultivarla 💛
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta gráfica no fue creada por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en esta gráfica. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. ¡Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente! ¡Gracias! Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 20, 2023
Re-introducing the Reproductive Health Squad!
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Those Nerdy Girls are thrilled to re-introduce our Reproductive Health Squad, a group of contributing writers with expertise in all things reproductive health. This includes birth control, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, sexual health, lactation, and abortion, among other topics. Don’t forget to submit your questions! Submit questions to our question box here! Link to original Those Read more…
March 18, 2023
Brain Fog is NOT just in your head.
Clinical Symptoms Long COVID Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
What is brain fog then? Brain fog describes a group of symptoms that are caused by the body. Researchers and clinicians are starting to think of it more like a neurological disease. TL; DR: Brain fog is a general term used to describe many issues including poor attention, memory, and planning abilities. This can happen Read more…
March 17, 2023
El VIH y las mujeres
Data and Metrics Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Women in STEM
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Hoy presentamos una serie de gráficas sobre el VIH en las mujeres publicadas por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Los datos deben interpretarse con cautela debido al impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19, pero todavía son recursos importantes. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Pueden haber algunas Read more…
March 17, 2023
How long does COVID hang around in the air?
Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…
March 16, 2023
Will there be a nasal spray COVID-19 vaccine?
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Scientists are working on it, but it may be a year or longer before they are available in the U.S. and E.U. Several groups in the U.S. are working to develop nasal vaccines for COVD-19, but most are still doing pre-clinical trials in animals. Two groups have progressed to studying humans, and one of Read more…
March 15, 2023
¿Las personas vacunadas “mueren de repente”?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Inglaterra acaba de publicar nuevos datos exhaustivos que comparan las muertes por TODAS las causas según el estado de vacunación de COVID. En todos los grupos de edad, las tasas de mortalidad son sistemáticamente más bajas entre las personas vacunadas que entre las no vacunadas. También se pueden Read more…
You want it! You need it! Nerdy swag! Mugs, tees, wine chillers, and more! 💥 Shop here! 💥 Your purchases will help financially support the science communication mission of Those Nerdy Girls. P.S. We’d love to see pics of you and your friends and family sporting their new TNG swag. You might even be featured Read more…
Es importante cuidar su corazón: ¿qué pruebas de detección de enfermedades cardiovasculares existen?
General Health Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Las Nerdy Girls quieren ayudar a las personas a identificar los síntomas y reducir el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV). Un buen comienzo es un estilo de vida saludable que incluya ejercicio regular, una dieta baja en grasas saturadas y alimentos muy procesados e intentar controlar el estrés. También puede detectar el riesgo de ECV Read more…
March 21, 2023
Is it true that a previous COVID-19 infection is just as good as a vaccine?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Yes…and no. A past COVID-19 infection does provide good protection against re-infection and severe disease–IF you survived your first infection. Vaccination is still by far the safest way to get your first look at the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and build immune defenses for a future encounter. A recent meta-analysis of 65 studies from 19 countries Read more…
March 20, 2023
Hoy es el Día Internacional de la Felicidad ✨, el Dr. Paul Croarkin, psiquiatra de la @Mayo Clinic explica qué es y cómo cultivarla 💛
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta gráfica no fue creada por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en esta gráfica. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. ¡Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente! ¡Gracias! Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 20, 2023
Re-introducing the Reproductive Health Squad!
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Those Nerdy Girls are thrilled to re-introduce our Reproductive Health Squad, a group of contributing writers with expertise in all things reproductive health. This includes birth control, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, sexual health, lactation, and abortion, among other topics. Don’t forget to submit your questions! Submit questions to our question box here! Link to original Those Read more…
March 18, 2023
Brain Fog is NOT just in your head.
Clinical Symptoms Long COVID Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
What is brain fog then? Brain fog describes a group of symptoms that are caused by the body. Researchers and clinicians are starting to think of it more like a neurological disease. TL; DR: Brain fog is a general term used to describe many issues including poor attention, memory, and planning abilities. This can happen Read more…
March 17, 2023
El VIH y las mujeres
Data and Metrics Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Women in STEM
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Hoy presentamos una serie de gráficas sobre el VIH en las mujeres publicadas por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Los datos deben interpretarse con cautela debido al impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19, pero todavía son recursos importantes. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Pueden haber algunas Read more…
March 17, 2023
How long does COVID hang around in the air?
Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…
March 16, 2023
Will there be a nasal spray COVID-19 vaccine?
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Scientists are working on it, but it may be a year or longer before they are available in the U.S. and E.U. Several groups in the U.S. are working to develop nasal vaccines for COVD-19, but most are still doing pre-clinical trials in animals. Two groups have progressed to studying humans, and one of Read more…
March 15, 2023
¿Las personas vacunadas “mueren de repente”?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Inglaterra acaba de publicar nuevos datos exhaustivos que comparan las muertes por TODAS las causas según el estado de vacunación de COVID. En todos los grupos de edad, las tasas de mortalidad son sistemáticamente más bajas entre las personas vacunadas que entre las no vacunadas. También se pueden Read more…
Las Nerdy Girls quieren ayudar a las personas a identificar los síntomas y reducir el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV). Un buen comienzo es un estilo de vida saludable que incluya ejercicio regular, una dieta baja en grasas saturadas y alimentos muy procesados e intentar controlar el estrés. También puede detectar el riesgo de ECV Read more…
Is it true that a previous COVID-19 infection is just as good as a vaccine?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Yes…and no. A past COVID-19 infection does provide good protection against re-infection and severe disease–IF you survived your first infection. Vaccination is still by far the safest way to get your first look at the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and build immune defenses for a future encounter. A recent meta-analysis of 65 studies from 19 countries Read more…
March 20, 2023
Hoy es el Día Internacional de la Felicidad ✨, el Dr. Paul Croarkin, psiquiatra de la @Mayo Clinic explica qué es y cómo cultivarla 💛
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta gráfica no fue creada por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en esta gráfica. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. ¡Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente! ¡Gracias! Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 20, 2023
Re-introducing the Reproductive Health Squad!
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Those Nerdy Girls are thrilled to re-introduce our Reproductive Health Squad, a group of contributing writers with expertise in all things reproductive health. This includes birth control, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, sexual health, lactation, and abortion, among other topics. Don’t forget to submit your questions! Submit questions to our question box here! Link to original Those Read more…
March 18, 2023
Brain Fog is NOT just in your head.
Clinical Symptoms Long COVID Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
What is brain fog then? Brain fog describes a group of symptoms that are caused by the body. Researchers and clinicians are starting to think of it more like a neurological disease. TL; DR: Brain fog is a general term used to describe many issues including poor attention, memory, and planning abilities. This can happen Read more…
March 17, 2023
El VIH y las mujeres
Data and Metrics Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Women in STEM
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Hoy presentamos una serie de gráficas sobre el VIH en las mujeres publicadas por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Los datos deben interpretarse con cautela debido al impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19, pero todavía son recursos importantes. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Pueden haber algunas Read more…
March 17, 2023
How long does COVID hang around in the air?
Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…
March 16, 2023
Will there be a nasal spray COVID-19 vaccine?
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Scientists are working on it, but it may be a year or longer before they are available in the U.S. and E.U. Several groups in the U.S. are working to develop nasal vaccines for COVD-19, but most are still doing pre-clinical trials in animals. Two groups have progressed to studying humans, and one of Read more…
March 15, 2023
¿Las personas vacunadas “mueren de repente”?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Inglaterra acaba de publicar nuevos datos exhaustivos que comparan las muertes por TODAS las causas según el estado de vacunación de COVID. En todos los grupos de edad, las tasas de mortalidad son sistemáticamente más bajas entre las personas vacunadas que entre las no vacunadas. También se pueden Read more…
Yes…and no. A past COVID-19 infection does provide good protection against re-infection and severe disease–IF you survived your first infection. Vaccination is still by far the safest way to get your first look at the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and build immune defenses for a future encounter. A recent meta-analysis of 65 studies from 19 countries Read more…
Hoy es el Día Internacional de la Felicidad ✨, el Dr. Paul Croarkin, psiquiatra de la @Mayo Clinic explica qué es y cómo cultivarla 💛
General Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta gráfica no fue creada por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en esta gráfica. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. ¡Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente! ¡Gracias! Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
March 20, 2023
Re-introducing the Reproductive Health Squad!
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Those Nerdy Girls are thrilled to re-introduce our Reproductive Health Squad, a group of contributing writers with expertise in all things reproductive health. This includes birth control, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, sexual health, lactation, and abortion, among other topics. Don’t forget to submit your questions! Submit questions to our question box here! Link to original Those Read more…
March 18, 2023
Brain Fog is NOT just in your head.
Clinical Symptoms Long COVID Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
What is brain fog then? Brain fog describes a group of symptoms that are caused by the body. Researchers and clinicians are starting to think of it more like a neurological disease. TL; DR: Brain fog is a general term used to describe many issues including poor attention, memory, and planning abilities. This can happen Read more…
March 17, 2023
El VIH y las mujeres
Data and Metrics Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Women in STEM
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Hoy presentamos una serie de gráficas sobre el VIH en las mujeres publicadas por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Los datos deben interpretarse con cautela debido al impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19, pero todavía son recursos importantes. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Pueden haber algunas Read more…
March 17, 2023
How long does COVID hang around in the air?
Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…
March 16, 2023
Will there be a nasal spray COVID-19 vaccine?
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Scientists are working on it, but it may be a year or longer before they are available in the U.S. and E.U. Several groups in the U.S. are working to develop nasal vaccines for COVD-19, but most are still doing pre-clinical trials in animals. Two groups have progressed to studying humans, and one of Read more…
March 15, 2023
¿Las personas vacunadas “mueren de repente”?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Inglaterra acaba de publicar nuevos datos exhaustivos que comparan las muertes por TODAS las causas según el estado de vacunación de COVID. En todos los grupos de edad, las tasas de mortalidad son sistemáticamente más bajas entre las personas vacunadas que entre las no vacunadas. También se pueden Read more…
Esta gráfica no fue creada por Las Nerdy Girls. Puede haber algunas inconsistencias en esta gráfica. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. ¡Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente! ¡Gracias! Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
Re-introducing the Reproductive Health Squad!
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Those Nerdy Girls are thrilled to re-introduce our Reproductive Health Squad, a group of contributing writers with expertise in all things reproductive health. This includes birth control, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, sexual health, lactation, and abortion, among other topics. Don’t forget to submit your questions! Submit questions to our question box here! Link to original Those Read more…
March 18, 2023
Brain Fog is NOT just in your head.
Clinical Symptoms Long COVID Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
What is brain fog then? Brain fog describes a group of symptoms that are caused by the body. Researchers and clinicians are starting to think of it more like a neurological disease. TL; DR: Brain fog is a general term used to describe many issues including poor attention, memory, and planning abilities. This can happen Read more…
March 17, 2023
El VIH y las mujeres
Data and Metrics Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Women in STEM
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Hoy presentamos una serie de gráficas sobre el VIH en las mujeres publicadas por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Los datos deben interpretarse con cautela debido al impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19, pero todavía son recursos importantes. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Pueden haber algunas Read more…
March 17, 2023
How long does COVID hang around in the air?
Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…
March 16, 2023
Will there be a nasal spray COVID-19 vaccine?
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Scientists are working on it, but it may be a year or longer before they are available in the U.S. and E.U. Several groups in the U.S. are working to develop nasal vaccines for COVD-19, but most are still doing pre-clinical trials in animals. Two groups have progressed to studying humans, and one of Read more…
March 15, 2023
¿Las personas vacunadas “mueren de repente”?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Inglaterra acaba de publicar nuevos datos exhaustivos que comparan las muertes por TODAS las causas según el estado de vacunación de COVID. En todos los grupos de edad, las tasas de mortalidad son sistemáticamente más bajas entre las personas vacunadas que entre las no vacunadas. También se pueden Read more…
Those Nerdy Girls are thrilled to re-introduce our Reproductive Health Squad, a group of contributing writers with expertise in all things reproductive health. This includes birth control, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, sexual health, lactation, and abortion, among other topics. Don’t forget to submit your questions! Submit questions to our question box here! Link to original Those Read more…
Brain Fog is NOT just in your head.
Clinical Symptoms Long COVID Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
What is brain fog then? Brain fog describes a group of symptoms that are caused by the body. Researchers and clinicians are starting to think of it more like a neurological disease. TL; DR: Brain fog is a general term used to describe many issues including poor attention, memory, and planning abilities. This can happen Read more…
March 17, 2023
El VIH y las mujeres
Data and Metrics Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Women in STEM
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Hoy presentamos una serie de gráficas sobre el VIH en las mujeres publicadas por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Los datos deben interpretarse con cautela debido al impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19, pero todavía son recursos importantes. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Pueden haber algunas Read more…
March 17, 2023
How long does COVID hang around in the air?
Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…
March 16, 2023
Will there be a nasal spray COVID-19 vaccine?
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Scientists are working on it, but it may be a year or longer before they are available in the U.S. and E.U. Several groups in the U.S. are working to develop nasal vaccines for COVD-19, but most are still doing pre-clinical trials in animals. Two groups have progressed to studying humans, and one of Read more…
March 15, 2023
¿Las personas vacunadas “mueren de repente”?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Inglaterra acaba de publicar nuevos datos exhaustivos que comparan las muertes por TODAS las causas según el estado de vacunación de COVID. En todos los grupos de edad, las tasas de mortalidad son sistemáticamente más bajas entre las personas vacunadas que entre las no vacunadas. También se pueden Read more…
What is brain fog then? Brain fog describes a group of symptoms that are caused by the body. Researchers and clinicians are starting to think of it more like a neurological disease. TL; DR: Brain fog is a general term used to describe many issues including poor attention, memory, and planning abilities. This can happen Read more…
El VIH y las mujeres
Data and Metrics Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Women in STEM
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Hoy presentamos una serie de gráficas sobre el VIH en las mujeres publicadas por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Los datos deben interpretarse con cautela debido al impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19, pero todavía son recursos importantes. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Pueden haber algunas Read more…
March 17, 2023
How long does COVID hang around in the air?
Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…
March 16, 2023
Will there be a nasal spray COVID-19 vaccine?
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Scientists are working on it, but it may be a year or longer before they are available in the U.S. and E.U. Several groups in the U.S. are working to develop nasal vaccines for COVD-19, but most are still doing pre-clinical trials in animals. Two groups have progressed to studying humans, and one of Read more…
March 15, 2023
¿Las personas vacunadas “mueren de repente”?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Inglaterra acaba de publicar nuevos datos exhaustivos que comparan las muertes por TODAS las causas según el estado de vacunación de COVID. En todos los grupos de edad, las tasas de mortalidad son sistemáticamente más bajas entre las personas vacunadas que entre las no vacunadas. También se pueden Read more…
Hoy presentamos una serie de gráficas sobre el VIH en las mujeres publicadas por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Los datos deben interpretarse con cautela debido al impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19, pero todavía son recursos importantes. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Pueden haber algunas Read more…
How long does COVID hang around in the air?
Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…
March 16, 2023
Will there be a nasal spray COVID-19 vaccine?
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Scientists are working on it, but it may be a year or longer before they are available in the U.S. and E.U. Several groups in the U.S. are working to develop nasal vaccines for COVD-19, but most are still doing pre-clinical trials in animals. Two groups have progressed to studying humans, and one of Read more…
March 15, 2023
¿Las personas vacunadas “mueren de repente”?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Inglaterra acaba de publicar nuevos datos exhaustivos que comparan las muertes por TODAS las causas según el estado de vacunación de COVID. En todos los grupos de edad, las tasas de mortalidad son sistemáticamente más bajas entre las personas vacunadas que entre las no vacunadas. También se pueden Read more…
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…
Will there be a nasal spray COVID-19 vaccine?
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Scientists are working on it, but it may be a year or longer before they are available in the U.S. and E.U. Several groups in the U.S. are working to develop nasal vaccines for COVD-19, but most are still doing pre-clinical trials in animals. Two groups have progressed to studying humans, and one of Read more…
March 15, 2023
¿Las personas vacunadas “mueren de repente”?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Inglaterra acaba de publicar nuevos datos exhaustivos que comparan las muertes por TODAS las causas según el estado de vacunación de COVID. En todos los grupos de edad, las tasas de mortalidad son sistemáticamente más bajas entre las personas vacunadas que entre las no vacunadas. También se pueden Read more…
A: Scientists are working on it, but it may be a year or longer before they are available in the U.S. and E.U. Several groups in the U.S. are working to develop nasal vaccines for COVD-19, but most are still doing pre-clinical trials in animals. Two groups have progressed to studying humans, and one of Read more…
¿Las personas vacunadas “mueren de repente”?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Inglaterra acaba de publicar nuevos datos exhaustivos que comparan las muertes por TODAS las causas según el estado de vacunación de COVID. En todos los grupos de edad, las tasas de mortalidad son sistemáticamente más bajas entre las personas vacunadas que entre las no vacunadas. También se pueden Read more…
No. La Oficina Nacional de Estadística de Inglaterra acaba de publicar nuevos datos exhaustivos que comparan las muertes por TODAS las causas según el estado de vacunación de COVID. En todos los grupos de edad, las tasas de mortalidad son sistemáticamente más bajas entre las personas vacunadas que entre las no vacunadas. También se pueden Read more…