March 17, 2023
El VIH y las mujeres
Data and Metrics Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Women in STEM
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Hoy presentamos una serie de gráficas sobre el VIH en las mujeres publicadas por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Los datos deben interpretarse con cautela debido al impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19, pero todavía son recursos importantes. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Pueden haber algunas Read more…
March 17, 2023
How long does COVID hang around in the air?
Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…
Hoy presentamos una serie de gráficas sobre el VIH en las mujeres publicadas por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. Los datos deben interpretarse con cautela debido al impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19, pero todavía son recursos importantes. Estas gráficas no fueron creadas por Las Nerdy Girls. Pueden haber algunas Read more…
March 17, 2023
How long does COVID hang around in the air?
Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…
A: There is a range, but generally speaking, COVID can hang around in the air for hours. When a person exhales, they release “particles” of various sizes. When the person is infected with COVID-19, those particles will contain the contagious virus. Particles come in all sorts of sizes, from microscopic to visible. The largest fall Read more…