¡Refutando los mitos de la vasectomía!
Posts en Español Reproductive Health Uncertainty and Misinformation![](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/AK-Headshot-23-scaled-e1703273927440.jpg)
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Hay muchos mitos circulando en el internet sobre la vasectomía. ¡Vamos a refutar estos mitos! Primero, ¿qué es la vasectomía? La vasectomía es un procedimiento quirúrgico en el cual se cortan o bloquean los tubos (llamados conductos deferentes) del escroto que conducen el esperma fuera de los testículos. De esta manera, el esperma no puede Read more…
August 14, 2022
Las Fases Sintomáticas de la Viruela del Mono / Viruela símica
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Recientemente tuvimos unas publicaciones sobre la viruela del mono / símica. Lo que necesita saber ahora sobre la viruela del mono ¿Qué tan preocupado debería estar por la viruela del mono? La gráfica que compartimos hoy fue creada por @actasanitaria y no por Querida Pandemia. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese Read more…
August 13, 2022
What is self-care, and why is it Important?
General Health Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
TL; DR: Self-care is a set of things people do to support their overall health and wellness (mental and physical). Self-care can support emotional, physical, and/or spiritual well-being among other areas of life. It is not something that you do only if you have time. It is important for your health. We talk a lot Read more…
August 12, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 08-12-22
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases School Treatments Vaccines Videos
Those Nerdy Girls answer your questions about Monkeypox, masking at school, bivalent boosters, COVID-19 rebound, and more. Hosted by: – Malia Jones, PhD, MPH: Dear Pandemic Co-Founder & former EIC – Chana Davis, PhD: Dear Pandemic Contributing Writer & Founder, Fueled by Science ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-0:46) ➡️ Monkeypox – How worried should I Read more…
August 12, 2022
¿Qué debo hacer si me da COVID en vacaciones 🌴?
Posts en Español Travel
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La variante BA.5 puede evadir la inmunidad existente mejor que las variantes originales de Omicron. Ahora más que nunca se están escuchando sobre más infecciones de COVID-19, especialmente entre las personas que viajan. Viajar y ver a familiares y amigos es algo para apreciar. Sin embargo, viajar durante la pandemia de coronavirus es complicado y Read more…
August 12, 2022
Those Nerdy Girls Welcome the Reproductive Health Squad
Reproductive Health
Those Nerdy Girls remain committed to providing you with practical, factual, no-nonsense answers to all your everyday health questions, and today, we’re excited to introduce the Reproductive Health Squad. This team of women scientists and health care providers has the expertise to answer your real, embarrassing or even scary questions about all aspects of sexual Read more…
August 11, 2022
Are there any updates on Evusheld, the long-lasting preventative COVID-19 treatment?
Megan Madsen, DO
A: Evusheld helps prevent COVID infections for up to 6 months. Despite the ~7 million Americans who are significantly immunocompromised, only 400,000 doses have been administered so far, suggesting a lack of awareness among patients and doctors. Evusheld is a combination of two monoclonal antibodies authorized as a PREVENTATIVE treatment for people with compromised immune Read more…
August 10, 2022
What is confirmation bias? What is motivated reasoning? How do they impact the spread of misinformation?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Confirmation bias happens when we accept information that confirms our pre-existing ideas or beliefs, but ignore or question information that does not. Motivated reasoning happens when we only seek out information that confirms what we already think is true. Both ways of distorted thinking can lead us to share information without critically assessing it Read more…
August 9, 2022
Solo los hechos: Anticoncepción de emergencia
Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Comprender las opciones de planificación familiar y la salud reproductiva es fundamental. Una opción es la anticoncepción de emergencia. Esto no reemplaza los métodos anticonceptivos de rutina, pero es seguro y efectivo cuando es necesario. ➡¿Qué es anticoncepción de emergencia? La anticoncepción de emergencia es una forma segura y efectiva de prevenir el embarazo hasta Read more…
August 9, 2022
If a variant has mutations in the spike protein, does that mean the vaccines won’t work?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
Tl;dr: mutations can make vaccines less effective, but that doesn’t mean they render them useless. Immunity isn’t all or nothing, and the current vaccines still provide protection, especially against severe disease and death. Many have been concerned that because (so far) our COVID vaccines have used the spike protein from the original SARS-CoV-2 virus (also Read more…
August 8, 2022
Have BA.5 cases peaked? That means it’s all downhill from here, right?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sort of…. Remember that even if cases come down as quickly as they rise, there will be as many cases *after* the peak as before (think area under the curve!). In the U.S. there is some indication that hospitalizations during this BA.5 wave have peaked. Since hospitalizations are a lagging indicator of infections, this Read more…
August 8, 2022
Dear Readers: What are your best and worst pandemic purchases?
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Dear Readers: Who has made some awesome (or not-so-awesome) purchases during the pandemic? We’ve (thankfully) passed the days of hoarding toilet paper, but Those Nerdy Girls know that stressful times may still call for retail therapy, whether small impulse buys (celebrity gossip rags, anyone?) or big splurges (hello, inflatable hot tubs). Some purchases have worked Read more…
August 7, 2022
El polio todavía existe y es importante reconocer los síntomas, como se transmite el virus, y cómo prevenir la transmisión por que la poliomielitis no tiene cura, pero es prevenible.
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La gráfica que compartimos hoy fue creada por @yucatan.salud y no por Querida Pandemia. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente ¡Gracias! Fuente Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
August 6, 2022
Las tasas de vacunación están en declive. Necesitamos hacerlo mejor.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las tasas de vacunación están cayendo y millones de niños no han sido vacunados en lo que va de la pandemia. Las vacunas son cruciales para prevenir enfermedades infantiles graves y salvar vidas. La vacunación es una de la intervenciones en materia de salud pública más importantes de todos los tiempos. Tenemos vacunas para prevenir Read more…
August 6, 2022
Do antihistamines help with Long COVID symptoms?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
TL; DR: There are a few published case reports and LOTS of stories from long COVID support groups about how antihistamines [(“histamine receptor antagonists” (HRAs)] can decrease long COVID symptoms. While they may help, we need more information to know who they help, when they should be taken, and how they should be taken. ❓What Read more…
August 5, 2022
Let’s talk about school start times.
Families/Kids General Health School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
An interview with Nerdy Guest Dr. Terra Ziporyn Snider Q: Tell us a little about yourself and how you became interested in school start times. A: As both a mother of 3 and a medical historian and writer (former associate editor at JAMA and co-author of The New Harvard Guide to Women’s Health), I’ve been Read more…
August 4, 2022
¿Qué tan preocupado debería estar por la viruela del mono?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Para la mayoría de las personas, el riesgo actual de contraer la viruela del mono es muy bajo. Es probable que los temores de que haya un brote de la viruela del mono para el regreso a la escuela sean exagerados. (NOTA: esta evaluación de riesgo se basa en datos actuales. Como siempre, la actualizaremos Read more…
August 4, 2022
Happy National Immunization Awareness Month!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements of all time and August is the month to celebrate! Vaccines do more than just protecting us from diseases (although that is pretty freaking great!). They also support a functional economy, keep kids in school and adults at work, reduce poverty, prevent disease outbreaks, improve health Read more…
August 3, 2022
La vacuna de Novavax es una nueva vacuna disponible en EE.UU. y muchos otros países. Los profesionales de la salud pública esperan que la forma en que funciona tranquilice a algunas personas que tienen dudas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A diferencia de todas las demás vacunas disponibles hasta ahora, esta vacuna *no* recluta nuestras células para que produzcan la proteína de la espiga del SARS-CoV-2. En cambio, simplemente contiene la proteína de la espiga. No contiene el virus completo, por lo que no puede causar una infección. Esto es similar a la forma en Read more…
August 3, 2022
Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
GOOD NEWS: Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon (September). LESS GOOD NEWS: Americans under age 50 will have to wait for these new shots to get their 2nd boosters. While there had been chatter about offering 2nd boosters to Americans under age 50 soon to stave off the rising BA.5 wave, the FDA Read more…
Hay muchos mitos circulando en el internet sobre la vasectomía. ¡Vamos a refutar estos mitos! Primero, ¿qué es la vasectomía? La vasectomía es un procedimiento quirúrgico en el cual se cortan o bloquean los tubos (llamados conductos deferentes) del escroto que conducen el esperma fuera de los testículos. De esta manera, el esperma no puede Read more…
Las Fases Sintomáticas de la Viruela del Mono / Viruela símica
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español![](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Heidi_cropped-e1659201240114.jpg)
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Recientemente tuvimos unas publicaciones sobre la viruela del mono / símica. Lo que necesita saber ahora sobre la viruela del mono ¿Qué tan preocupado debería estar por la viruela del mono? La gráfica que compartimos hoy fue creada por @actasanitaria y no por Querida Pandemia. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese Read more…
August 13, 2022
What is self-care, and why is it Important?
General Health Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
TL; DR: Self-care is a set of things people do to support their overall health and wellness (mental and physical). Self-care can support emotional, physical, and/or spiritual well-being among other areas of life. It is not something that you do only if you have time. It is important for your health. We talk a lot Read more…
August 12, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 08-12-22
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases School Treatments Vaccines Videos
Those Nerdy Girls answer your questions about Monkeypox, masking at school, bivalent boosters, COVID-19 rebound, and more. Hosted by: – Malia Jones, PhD, MPH: Dear Pandemic Co-Founder & former EIC – Chana Davis, PhD: Dear Pandemic Contributing Writer & Founder, Fueled by Science ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-0:46) ➡️ Monkeypox – How worried should I Read more…
August 12, 2022
¿Qué debo hacer si me da COVID en vacaciones 🌴?
Posts en Español Travel
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La variante BA.5 puede evadir la inmunidad existente mejor que las variantes originales de Omicron. Ahora más que nunca se están escuchando sobre más infecciones de COVID-19, especialmente entre las personas que viajan. Viajar y ver a familiares y amigos es algo para apreciar. Sin embargo, viajar durante la pandemia de coronavirus es complicado y Read more…
August 12, 2022
Those Nerdy Girls Welcome the Reproductive Health Squad
Reproductive Health
Those Nerdy Girls remain committed to providing you with practical, factual, no-nonsense answers to all your everyday health questions, and today, we’re excited to introduce the Reproductive Health Squad. This team of women scientists and health care providers has the expertise to answer your real, embarrassing or even scary questions about all aspects of sexual Read more…
August 11, 2022
Are there any updates on Evusheld, the long-lasting preventative COVID-19 treatment?
Megan Madsen, DO
A: Evusheld helps prevent COVID infections for up to 6 months. Despite the ~7 million Americans who are significantly immunocompromised, only 400,000 doses have been administered so far, suggesting a lack of awareness among patients and doctors. Evusheld is a combination of two monoclonal antibodies authorized as a PREVENTATIVE treatment for people with compromised immune Read more…
August 10, 2022
What is confirmation bias? What is motivated reasoning? How do they impact the spread of misinformation?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Confirmation bias happens when we accept information that confirms our pre-existing ideas or beliefs, but ignore or question information that does not. Motivated reasoning happens when we only seek out information that confirms what we already think is true. Both ways of distorted thinking can lead us to share information without critically assessing it Read more…
August 9, 2022
Solo los hechos: Anticoncepción de emergencia
Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Comprender las opciones de planificación familiar y la salud reproductiva es fundamental. Una opción es la anticoncepción de emergencia. Esto no reemplaza los métodos anticonceptivos de rutina, pero es seguro y efectivo cuando es necesario. ➡¿Qué es anticoncepción de emergencia? La anticoncepción de emergencia es una forma segura y efectiva de prevenir el embarazo hasta Read more…
August 9, 2022
If a variant has mutations in the spike protein, does that mean the vaccines won’t work?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
Tl;dr: mutations can make vaccines less effective, but that doesn’t mean they render them useless. Immunity isn’t all or nothing, and the current vaccines still provide protection, especially against severe disease and death. Many have been concerned that because (so far) our COVID vaccines have used the spike protein from the original SARS-CoV-2 virus (also Read more…
August 8, 2022
Have BA.5 cases peaked? That means it’s all downhill from here, right?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sort of…. Remember that even if cases come down as quickly as they rise, there will be as many cases *after* the peak as before (think area under the curve!). In the U.S. there is some indication that hospitalizations during this BA.5 wave have peaked. Since hospitalizations are a lagging indicator of infections, this Read more…
August 8, 2022
Dear Readers: What are your best and worst pandemic purchases?
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Dear Readers: Who has made some awesome (or not-so-awesome) purchases during the pandemic? We’ve (thankfully) passed the days of hoarding toilet paper, but Those Nerdy Girls know that stressful times may still call for retail therapy, whether small impulse buys (celebrity gossip rags, anyone?) or big splurges (hello, inflatable hot tubs). Some purchases have worked Read more…
August 7, 2022
El polio todavía existe y es importante reconocer los síntomas, como se transmite el virus, y cómo prevenir la transmisión por que la poliomielitis no tiene cura, pero es prevenible.
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La gráfica que compartimos hoy fue creada por @yucatan.salud y no por Querida Pandemia. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente ¡Gracias! Fuente Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
August 6, 2022
Las tasas de vacunación están en declive. Necesitamos hacerlo mejor.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las tasas de vacunación están cayendo y millones de niños no han sido vacunados en lo que va de la pandemia. Las vacunas son cruciales para prevenir enfermedades infantiles graves y salvar vidas. La vacunación es una de la intervenciones en materia de salud pública más importantes de todos los tiempos. Tenemos vacunas para prevenir Read more…
August 6, 2022
Do antihistamines help with Long COVID symptoms?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
TL; DR: There are a few published case reports and LOTS of stories from long COVID support groups about how antihistamines [(“histamine receptor antagonists” (HRAs)] can decrease long COVID symptoms. While they may help, we need more information to know who they help, when they should be taken, and how they should be taken. ❓What Read more…
August 5, 2022
Let’s talk about school start times.
Families/Kids General Health School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
An interview with Nerdy Guest Dr. Terra Ziporyn Snider Q: Tell us a little about yourself and how you became interested in school start times. A: As both a mother of 3 and a medical historian and writer (former associate editor at JAMA and co-author of The New Harvard Guide to Women’s Health), I’ve been Read more…
August 4, 2022
¿Qué tan preocupado debería estar por la viruela del mono?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Para la mayoría de las personas, el riesgo actual de contraer la viruela del mono es muy bajo. Es probable que los temores de que haya un brote de la viruela del mono para el regreso a la escuela sean exagerados. (NOTA: esta evaluación de riesgo se basa en datos actuales. Como siempre, la actualizaremos Read more…
August 4, 2022
Happy National Immunization Awareness Month!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements of all time and August is the month to celebrate! Vaccines do more than just protecting us from diseases (although that is pretty freaking great!). They also support a functional economy, keep kids in school and adults at work, reduce poverty, prevent disease outbreaks, improve health Read more…
August 3, 2022
La vacuna de Novavax es una nueva vacuna disponible en EE.UU. y muchos otros países. Los profesionales de la salud pública esperan que la forma en que funciona tranquilice a algunas personas que tienen dudas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A diferencia de todas las demás vacunas disponibles hasta ahora, esta vacuna *no* recluta nuestras células para que produzcan la proteína de la espiga del SARS-CoV-2. En cambio, simplemente contiene la proteína de la espiga. No contiene el virus completo, por lo que no puede causar una infección. Esto es similar a la forma en Read more…
August 3, 2022
Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
GOOD NEWS: Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon (September). LESS GOOD NEWS: Americans under age 50 will have to wait for these new shots to get their 2nd boosters. While there had been chatter about offering 2nd boosters to Americans under age 50 soon to stave off the rising BA.5 wave, the FDA Read more…
Recientemente tuvimos unas publicaciones sobre la viruela del mono / símica. Lo que necesita saber ahora sobre la viruela del mono ¿Qué tan preocupado debería estar por la viruela del mono? La gráfica que compartimos hoy fue creada por @actasanitaria y no por Querida Pandemia. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese Read more…
What is self-care, and why is it Important?
General Health Mental Health![](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/AK-Headshot-23-scaled-e1703273927440.jpg)
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
TL; DR: Self-care is a set of things people do to support their overall health and wellness (mental and physical). Self-care can support emotional, physical, and/or spiritual well-being among other areas of life. It is not something that you do only if you have time. It is important for your health. We talk a lot Read more…
August 12, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 08-12-22
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases School Treatments Vaccines Videos
Those Nerdy Girls answer your questions about Monkeypox, masking at school, bivalent boosters, COVID-19 rebound, and more. Hosted by: – Malia Jones, PhD, MPH: Dear Pandemic Co-Founder & former EIC – Chana Davis, PhD: Dear Pandemic Contributing Writer & Founder, Fueled by Science ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-0:46) ➡️ Monkeypox – How worried should I Read more…
August 12, 2022
¿Qué debo hacer si me da COVID en vacaciones 🌴?
Posts en Español Travel
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La variante BA.5 puede evadir la inmunidad existente mejor que las variantes originales de Omicron. Ahora más que nunca se están escuchando sobre más infecciones de COVID-19, especialmente entre las personas que viajan. Viajar y ver a familiares y amigos es algo para apreciar. Sin embargo, viajar durante la pandemia de coronavirus es complicado y Read more…
August 12, 2022
Those Nerdy Girls Welcome the Reproductive Health Squad
Reproductive Health
Those Nerdy Girls remain committed to providing you with practical, factual, no-nonsense answers to all your everyday health questions, and today, we’re excited to introduce the Reproductive Health Squad. This team of women scientists and health care providers has the expertise to answer your real, embarrassing or even scary questions about all aspects of sexual Read more…
August 11, 2022
Are there any updates on Evusheld, the long-lasting preventative COVID-19 treatment?
Megan Madsen, DO
A: Evusheld helps prevent COVID infections for up to 6 months. Despite the ~7 million Americans who are significantly immunocompromised, only 400,000 doses have been administered so far, suggesting a lack of awareness among patients and doctors. Evusheld is a combination of two monoclonal antibodies authorized as a PREVENTATIVE treatment for people with compromised immune Read more…
August 10, 2022
What is confirmation bias? What is motivated reasoning? How do they impact the spread of misinformation?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Confirmation bias happens when we accept information that confirms our pre-existing ideas or beliefs, but ignore or question information that does not. Motivated reasoning happens when we only seek out information that confirms what we already think is true. Both ways of distorted thinking can lead us to share information without critically assessing it Read more…
August 9, 2022
Solo los hechos: Anticoncepción de emergencia
Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Comprender las opciones de planificación familiar y la salud reproductiva es fundamental. Una opción es la anticoncepción de emergencia. Esto no reemplaza los métodos anticonceptivos de rutina, pero es seguro y efectivo cuando es necesario. ➡¿Qué es anticoncepción de emergencia? La anticoncepción de emergencia es una forma segura y efectiva de prevenir el embarazo hasta Read more…
August 9, 2022
If a variant has mutations in the spike protein, does that mean the vaccines won’t work?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
Tl;dr: mutations can make vaccines less effective, but that doesn’t mean they render them useless. Immunity isn’t all or nothing, and the current vaccines still provide protection, especially against severe disease and death. Many have been concerned that because (so far) our COVID vaccines have used the spike protein from the original SARS-CoV-2 virus (also Read more…
August 8, 2022
Have BA.5 cases peaked? That means it’s all downhill from here, right?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sort of…. Remember that even if cases come down as quickly as they rise, there will be as many cases *after* the peak as before (think area under the curve!). In the U.S. there is some indication that hospitalizations during this BA.5 wave have peaked. Since hospitalizations are a lagging indicator of infections, this Read more…
August 8, 2022
Dear Readers: What are your best and worst pandemic purchases?
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Dear Readers: Who has made some awesome (or not-so-awesome) purchases during the pandemic? We’ve (thankfully) passed the days of hoarding toilet paper, but Those Nerdy Girls know that stressful times may still call for retail therapy, whether small impulse buys (celebrity gossip rags, anyone?) or big splurges (hello, inflatable hot tubs). Some purchases have worked Read more…
August 7, 2022
El polio todavía existe y es importante reconocer los síntomas, como se transmite el virus, y cómo prevenir la transmisión por que la poliomielitis no tiene cura, pero es prevenible.
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La gráfica que compartimos hoy fue creada por @yucatan.salud y no por Querida Pandemia. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente ¡Gracias! Fuente Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
August 6, 2022
Las tasas de vacunación están en declive. Necesitamos hacerlo mejor.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las tasas de vacunación están cayendo y millones de niños no han sido vacunados en lo que va de la pandemia. Las vacunas son cruciales para prevenir enfermedades infantiles graves y salvar vidas. La vacunación es una de la intervenciones en materia de salud pública más importantes de todos los tiempos. Tenemos vacunas para prevenir Read more…
August 6, 2022
Do antihistamines help with Long COVID symptoms?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
TL; DR: There are a few published case reports and LOTS of stories from long COVID support groups about how antihistamines [(“histamine receptor antagonists” (HRAs)] can decrease long COVID symptoms. While they may help, we need more information to know who they help, when they should be taken, and how they should be taken. ❓What Read more…
August 5, 2022
Let’s talk about school start times.
Families/Kids General Health School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
An interview with Nerdy Guest Dr. Terra Ziporyn Snider Q: Tell us a little about yourself and how you became interested in school start times. A: As both a mother of 3 and a medical historian and writer (former associate editor at JAMA and co-author of The New Harvard Guide to Women’s Health), I’ve been Read more…
August 4, 2022
¿Qué tan preocupado debería estar por la viruela del mono?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Para la mayoría de las personas, el riesgo actual de contraer la viruela del mono es muy bajo. Es probable que los temores de que haya un brote de la viruela del mono para el regreso a la escuela sean exagerados. (NOTA: esta evaluación de riesgo se basa en datos actuales. Como siempre, la actualizaremos Read more…
August 4, 2022
Happy National Immunization Awareness Month!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements of all time and August is the month to celebrate! Vaccines do more than just protecting us from diseases (although that is pretty freaking great!). They also support a functional economy, keep kids in school and adults at work, reduce poverty, prevent disease outbreaks, improve health Read more…
August 3, 2022
La vacuna de Novavax es una nueva vacuna disponible en EE.UU. y muchos otros países. Los profesionales de la salud pública esperan que la forma en que funciona tranquilice a algunas personas que tienen dudas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A diferencia de todas las demás vacunas disponibles hasta ahora, esta vacuna *no* recluta nuestras células para que produzcan la proteína de la espiga del SARS-CoV-2. En cambio, simplemente contiene la proteína de la espiga. No contiene el virus completo, por lo que no puede causar una infección. Esto es similar a la forma en Read more…
August 3, 2022
Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
GOOD NEWS: Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon (September). LESS GOOD NEWS: Americans under age 50 will have to wait for these new shots to get their 2nd boosters. While there had been chatter about offering 2nd boosters to Americans under age 50 soon to stave off the rising BA.5 wave, the FDA Read more…
TL; DR: Self-care is a set of things people do to support their overall health and wellness (mental and physical). Self-care can support emotional, physical, and/or spiritual well-being among other areas of life. It is not something that you do only if you have time. It is important for your health. We talk a lot Read more…
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 08-12-22
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases School Treatments Vaccines VideosThose Nerdy Girls answer your questions about Monkeypox, masking at school, bivalent boosters, COVID-19 rebound, and more. Hosted by: – Malia Jones, PhD, MPH: Dear Pandemic Co-Founder & former EIC – Chana Davis, PhD: Dear Pandemic Contributing Writer & Founder, Fueled by Science ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-0:46) ➡️ Monkeypox – How worried should I Read more…
¿Qué debo hacer si me da COVID en vacaciones 🌴?
Posts en Español Travel![Tita Smyth Escobedo PM-IT](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/TitaSmythEscobedo-scaled-e1595023694923.jpg)
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La variante BA.5 puede evadir la inmunidad existente mejor que las variantes originales de Omicron. Ahora más que nunca se están escuchando sobre más infecciones de COVID-19, especialmente entre las personas que viajan. Viajar y ver a familiares y amigos es algo para apreciar. Sin embargo, viajar durante la pandemia de coronavirus es complicado y Read more…
August 12, 2022
Those Nerdy Girls Welcome the Reproductive Health Squad
Reproductive Health
Those Nerdy Girls remain committed to providing you with practical, factual, no-nonsense answers to all your everyday health questions, and today, we’re excited to introduce the Reproductive Health Squad. This team of women scientists and health care providers has the expertise to answer your real, embarrassing or even scary questions about all aspects of sexual Read more…
August 11, 2022
Are there any updates on Evusheld, the long-lasting preventative COVID-19 treatment?
Megan Madsen, DO
A: Evusheld helps prevent COVID infections for up to 6 months. Despite the ~7 million Americans who are significantly immunocompromised, only 400,000 doses have been administered so far, suggesting a lack of awareness among patients and doctors. Evusheld is a combination of two monoclonal antibodies authorized as a PREVENTATIVE treatment for people with compromised immune Read more…
August 10, 2022
What is confirmation bias? What is motivated reasoning? How do they impact the spread of misinformation?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Confirmation bias happens when we accept information that confirms our pre-existing ideas or beliefs, but ignore or question information that does not. Motivated reasoning happens when we only seek out information that confirms what we already think is true. Both ways of distorted thinking can lead us to share information without critically assessing it Read more…
August 9, 2022
Solo los hechos: Anticoncepción de emergencia
Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Comprender las opciones de planificación familiar y la salud reproductiva es fundamental. Una opción es la anticoncepción de emergencia. Esto no reemplaza los métodos anticonceptivos de rutina, pero es seguro y efectivo cuando es necesario. ➡¿Qué es anticoncepción de emergencia? La anticoncepción de emergencia es una forma segura y efectiva de prevenir el embarazo hasta Read more…
August 9, 2022
If a variant has mutations in the spike protein, does that mean the vaccines won’t work?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
Tl;dr: mutations can make vaccines less effective, but that doesn’t mean they render them useless. Immunity isn’t all or nothing, and the current vaccines still provide protection, especially against severe disease and death. Many have been concerned that because (so far) our COVID vaccines have used the spike protein from the original SARS-CoV-2 virus (also Read more…
August 8, 2022
Have BA.5 cases peaked? That means it’s all downhill from here, right?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sort of…. Remember that even if cases come down as quickly as they rise, there will be as many cases *after* the peak as before (think area under the curve!). In the U.S. there is some indication that hospitalizations during this BA.5 wave have peaked. Since hospitalizations are a lagging indicator of infections, this Read more…
August 8, 2022
Dear Readers: What are your best and worst pandemic purchases?
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Dear Readers: Who has made some awesome (or not-so-awesome) purchases during the pandemic? We’ve (thankfully) passed the days of hoarding toilet paper, but Those Nerdy Girls know that stressful times may still call for retail therapy, whether small impulse buys (celebrity gossip rags, anyone?) or big splurges (hello, inflatable hot tubs). Some purchases have worked Read more…
August 7, 2022
El polio todavía existe y es importante reconocer los síntomas, como se transmite el virus, y cómo prevenir la transmisión por que la poliomielitis no tiene cura, pero es prevenible.
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La gráfica que compartimos hoy fue creada por @yucatan.salud y no por Querida Pandemia. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente ¡Gracias! Fuente Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
August 6, 2022
Las tasas de vacunación están en declive. Necesitamos hacerlo mejor.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las tasas de vacunación están cayendo y millones de niños no han sido vacunados en lo que va de la pandemia. Las vacunas son cruciales para prevenir enfermedades infantiles graves y salvar vidas. La vacunación es una de la intervenciones en materia de salud pública más importantes de todos los tiempos. Tenemos vacunas para prevenir Read more…
August 6, 2022
Do antihistamines help with Long COVID symptoms?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
TL; DR: There are a few published case reports and LOTS of stories from long COVID support groups about how antihistamines [(“histamine receptor antagonists” (HRAs)] can decrease long COVID symptoms. While they may help, we need more information to know who they help, when they should be taken, and how they should be taken. ❓What Read more…
August 5, 2022
Let’s talk about school start times.
Families/Kids General Health School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
An interview with Nerdy Guest Dr. Terra Ziporyn Snider Q: Tell us a little about yourself and how you became interested in school start times. A: As both a mother of 3 and a medical historian and writer (former associate editor at JAMA and co-author of The New Harvard Guide to Women’s Health), I’ve been Read more…
August 4, 2022
¿Qué tan preocupado debería estar por la viruela del mono?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Para la mayoría de las personas, el riesgo actual de contraer la viruela del mono es muy bajo. Es probable que los temores de que haya un brote de la viruela del mono para el regreso a la escuela sean exagerados. (NOTA: esta evaluación de riesgo se basa en datos actuales. Como siempre, la actualizaremos Read more…
August 4, 2022
Happy National Immunization Awareness Month!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements of all time and August is the month to celebrate! Vaccines do more than just protecting us from diseases (although that is pretty freaking great!). They also support a functional economy, keep kids in school and adults at work, reduce poverty, prevent disease outbreaks, improve health Read more…
August 3, 2022
La vacuna de Novavax es una nueva vacuna disponible en EE.UU. y muchos otros países. Los profesionales de la salud pública esperan que la forma en que funciona tranquilice a algunas personas que tienen dudas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A diferencia de todas las demás vacunas disponibles hasta ahora, esta vacuna *no* recluta nuestras células para que produzcan la proteína de la espiga del SARS-CoV-2. En cambio, simplemente contiene la proteína de la espiga. No contiene el virus completo, por lo que no puede causar una infección. Esto es similar a la forma en Read more…
August 3, 2022
Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
GOOD NEWS: Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon (September). LESS GOOD NEWS: Americans under age 50 will have to wait for these new shots to get their 2nd boosters. While there had been chatter about offering 2nd boosters to Americans under age 50 soon to stave off the rising BA.5 wave, the FDA Read more…
La variante BA.5 puede evadir la inmunidad existente mejor que las variantes originales de Omicron. Ahora más que nunca se están escuchando sobre más infecciones de COVID-19, especialmente entre las personas que viajan. Viajar y ver a familiares y amigos es algo para apreciar. Sin embargo, viajar durante la pandemia de coronavirus es complicado y Read more…
Those Nerdy Girls Welcome the Reproductive Health Squad
Reproductive HealthThose Nerdy Girls remain committed to providing you with practical, factual, no-nonsense answers to all your everyday health questions, and today, we’re excited to introduce the Reproductive Health Squad. This team of women scientists and health care providers has the expertise to answer your real, embarrassing or even scary questions about all aspects of sexual Read more…
Are there any updates on Evusheld, the long-lasting preventative COVID-19 treatment?
Megan Madsen, DO
A: Evusheld helps prevent COVID infections for up to 6 months. Despite the ~7 million Americans who are significantly immunocompromised, only 400,000 doses have been administered so far, suggesting a lack of awareness among patients and doctors. Evusheld is a combination of two monoclonal antibodies authorized as a PREVENTATIVE treatment for people with compromised immune Read more…
August 10, 2022
What is confirmation bias? What is motivated reasoning? How do they impact the spread of misinformation?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Confirmation bias happens when we accept information that confirms our pre-existing ideas or beliefs, but ignore or question information that does not. Motivated reasoning happens when we only seek out information that confirms what we already think is true. Both ways of distorted thinking can lead us to share information without critically assessing it Read more…
August 9, 2022
Solo los hechos: Anticoncepción de emergencia
Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Comprender las opciones de planificación familiar y la salud reproductiva es fundamental. Una opción es la anticoncepción de emergencia. Esto no reemplaza los métodos anticonceptivos de rutina, pero es seguro y efectivo cuando es necesario. ➡¿Qué es anticoncepción de emergencia? La anticoncepción de emergencia es una forma segura y efectiva de prevenir el embarazo hasta Read more…
August 9, 2022
If a variant has mutations in the spike protein, does that mean the vaccines won’t work?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
Tl;dr: mutations can make vaccines less effective, but that doesn’t mean they render them useless. Immunity isn’t all or nothing, and the current vaccines still provide protection, especially against severe disease and death. Many have been concerned that because (so far) our COVID vaccines have used the spike protein from the original SARS-CoV-2 virus (also Read more…
August 8, 2022
Have BA.5 cases peaked? That means it’s all downhill from here, right?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sort of…. Remember that even if cases come down as quickly as they rise, there will be as many cases *after* the peak as before (think area under the curve!). In the U.S. there is some indication that hospitalizations during this BA.5 wave have peaked. Since hospitalizations are a lagging indicator of infections, this Read more…
August 8, 2022
Dear Readers: What are your best and worst pandemic purchases?
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Dear Readers: Who has made some awesome (or not-so-awesome) purchases during the pandemic? We’ve (thankfully) passed the days of hoarding toilet paper, but Those Nerdy Girls know that stressful times may still call for retail therapy, whether small impulse buys (celebrity gossip rags, anyone?) or big splurges (hello, inflatable hot tubs). Some purchases have worked Read more…
August 7, 2022
El polio todavía existe y es importante reconocer los síntomas, como se transmite el virus, y cómo prevenir la transmisión por que la poliomielitis no tiene cura, pero es prevenible.
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La gráfica que compartimos hoy fue creada por @yucatan.salud y no por Querida Pandemia. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente ¡Gracias! Fuente Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
August 6, 2022
Las tasas de vacunación están en declive. Necesitamos hacerlo mejor.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las tasas de vacunación están cayendo y millones de niños no han sido vacunados en lo que va de la pandemia. Las vacunas son cruciales para prevenir enfermedades infantiles graves y salvar vidas. La vacunación es una de la intervenciones en materia de salud pública más importantes de todos los tiempos. Tenemos vacunas para prevenir Read more…
August 6, 2022
Do antihistamines help with Long COVID symptoms?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
TL; DR: There are a few published case reports and LOTS of stories from long COVID support groups about how antihistamines [(“histamine receptor antagonists” (HRAs)] can decrease long COVID symptoms. While they may help, we need more information to know who they help, when they should be taken, and how they should be taken. ❓What Read more…
August 5, 2022
Let’s talk about school start times.
Families/Kids General Health School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
An interview with Nerdy Guest Dr. Terra Ziporyn Snider Q: Tell us a little about yourself and how you became interested in school start times. A: As both a mother of 3 and a medical historian and writer (former associate editor at JAMA and co-author of The New Harvard Guide to Women’s Health), I’ve been Read more…
August 4, 2022
¿Qué tan preocupado debería estar por la viruela del mono?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Para la mayoría de las personas, el riesgo actual de contraer la viruela del mono es muy bajo. Es probable que los temores de que haya un brote de la viruela del mono para el regreso a la escuela sean exagerados. (NOTA: esta evaluación de riesgo se basa en datos actuales. Como siempre, la actualizaremos Read more…
August 4, 2022
Happy National Immunization Awareness Month!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements of all time and August is the month to celebrate! Vaccines do more than just protecting us from diseases (although that is pretty freaking great!). They also support a functional economy, keep kids in school and adults at work, reduce poverty, prevent disease outbreaks, improve health Read more…
August 3, 2022
La vacuna de Novavax es una nueva vacuna disponible en EE.UU. y muchos otros países. Los profesionales de la salud pública esperan que la forma en que funciona tranquilice a algunas personas que tienen dudas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A diferencia de todas las demás vacunas disponibles hasta ahora, esta vacuna *no* recluta nuestras células para que produzcan la proteína de la espiga del SARS-CoV-2. En cambio, simplemente contiene la proteína de la espiga. No contiene el virus completo, por lo que no puede causar una infección. Esto es similar a la forma en Read more…
August 3, 2022
Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
GOOD NEWS: Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon (September). LESS GOOD NEWS: Americans under age 50 will have to wait for these new shots to get their 2nd boosters. While there had been chatter about offering 2nd boosters to Americans under age 50 soon to stave off the rising BA.5 wave, the FDA Read more…
A: Evusheld helps prevent COVID infections for up to 6 months. Despite the ~7 million Americans who are significantly immunocompromised, only 400,000 doses have been administered so far, suggesting a lack of awareness among patients and doctors. Evusheld is a combination of two monoclonal antibodies authorized as a PREVENTATIVE treatment for people with compromised immune Read more…
What is confirmation bias? What is motivated reasoning? How do they impact the spread of misinformation?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation![](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/SimanekAmanda2022.5-1-e1663247212601.jpg)
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Confirmation bias happens when we accept information that confirms our pre-existing ideas or beliefs, but ignore or question information that does not. Motivated reasoning happens when we only seek out information that confirms what we already think is true. Both ways of distorted thinking can lead us to share information without critically assessing it Read more…
August 9, 2022
Solo los hechos: Anticoncepción de emergencia
Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Comprender las opciones de planificación familiar y la salud reproductiva es fundamental. Una opción es la anticoncepción de emergencia. Esto no reemplaza los métodos anticonceptivos de rutina, pero es seguro y efectivo cuando es necesario. ➡¿Qué es anticoncepción de emergencia? La anticoncepción de emergencia es una forma segura y efectiva de prevenir el embarazo hasta Read more…
August 9, 2022
If a variant has mutations in the spike protein, does that mean the vaccines won’t work?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
Tl;dr: mutations can make vaccines less effective, but that doesn’t mean they render them useless. Immunity isn’t all or nothing, and the current vaccines still provide protection, especially against severe disease and death. Many have been concerned that because (so far) our COVID vaccines have used the spike protein from the original SARS-CoV-2 virus (also Read more…
August 8, 2022
Have BA.5 cases peaked? That means it’s all downhill from here, right?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sort of…. Remember that even if cases come down as quickly as they rise, there will be as many cases *after* the peak as before (think area under the curve!). In the U.S. there is some indication that hospitalizations during this BA.5 wave have peaked. Since hospitalizations are a lagging indicator of infections, this Read more…
August 8, 2022
Dear Readers: What are your best and worst pandemic purchases?
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Dear Readers: Who has made some awesome (or not-so-awesome) purchases during the pandemic? We’ve (thankfully) passed the days of hoarding toilet paper, but Those Nerdy Girls know that stressful times may still call for retail therapy, whether small impulse buys (celebrity gossip rags, anyone?) or big splurges (hello, inflatable hot tubs). Some purchases have worked Read more…
August 7, 2022
El polio todavía existe y es importante reconocer los síntomas, como se transmite el virus, y cómo prevenir la transmisión por que la poliomielitis no tiene cura, pero es prevenible.
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La gráfica que compartimos hoy fue creada por @yucatan.salud y no por Querida Pandemia. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente ¡Gracias! Fuente Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
August 6, 2022
Las tasas de vacunación están en declive. Necesitamos hacerlo mejor.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las tasas de vacunación están cayendo y millones de niños no han sido vacunados en lo que va de la pandemia. Las vacunas son cruciales para prevenir enfermedades infantiles graves y salvar vidas. La vacunación es una de la intervenciones en materia de salud pública más importantes de todos los tiempos. Tenemos vacunas para prevenir Read more…
August 6, 2022
Do antihistamines help with Long COVID symptoms?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
TL; DR: There are a few published case reports and LOTS of stories from long COVID support groups about how antihistamines [(“histamine receptor antagonists” (HRAs)] can decrease long COVID symptoms. While they may help, we need more information to know who they help, when they should be taken, and how they should be taken. ❓What Read more…
August 5, 2022
Let’s talk about school start times.
Families/Kids General Health School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
An interview with Nerdy Guest Dr. Terra Ziporyn Snider Q: Tell us a little about yourself and how you became interested in school start times. A: As both a mother of 3 and a medical historian and writer (former associate editor at JAMA and co-author of The New Harvard Guide to Women’s Health), I’ve been Read more…
August 4, 2022
¿Qué tan preocupado debería estar por la viruela del mono?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Para la mayoría de las personas, el riesgo actual de contraer la viruela del mono es muy bajo. Es probable que los temores de que haya un brote de la viruela del mono para el regreso a la escuela sean exagerados. (NOTA: esta evaluación de riesgo se basa en datos actuales. Como siempre, la actualizaremos Read more…
August 4, 2022
Happy National Immunization Awareness Month!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements of all time and August is the month to celebrate! Vaccines do more than just protecting us from diseases (although that is pretty freaking great!). They also support a functional economy, keep kids in school and adults at work, reduce poverty, prevent disease outbreaks, improve health Read more…
August 3, 2022
La vacuna de Novavax es una nueva vacuna disponible en EE.UU. y muchos otros países. Los profesionales de la salud pública esperan que la forma en que funciona tranquilice a algunas personas que tienen dudas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A diferencia de todas las demás vacunas disponibles hasta ahora, esta vacuna *no* recluta nuestras células para que produzcan la proteína de la espiga del SARS-CoV-2. En cambio, simplemente contiene la proteína de la espiga. No contiene el virus completo, por lo que no puede causar una infección. Esto es similar a la forma en Read more…
August 3, 2022
Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
GOOD NEWS: Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon (September). LESS GOOD NEWS: Americans under age 50 will have to wait for these new shots to get their 2nd boosters. While there had been chatter about offering 2nd boosters to Americans under age 50 soon to stave off the rising BA.5 wave, the FDA Read more…
A: Confirmation bias happens when we accept information that confirms our pre-existing ideas or beliefs, but ignore or question information that does not. Motivated reasoning happens when we only seek out information that confirms what we already think is true. Both ways of distorted thinking can lead us to share information without critically assessing it Read more…
Solo los hechos: Anticoncepción de emergencia
Posts en Español Reproductive Health![Sandra Albrecht Ph.D. MPH](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Sandra-Albrecht-PhD-e1595018225617.png)
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Comprender las opciones de planificación familiar y la salud reproductiva es fundamental. Una opción es la anticoncepción de emergencia. Esto no reemplaza los métodos anticonceptivos de rutina, pero es seguro y efectivo cuando es necesario. ➡¿Qué es anticoncepción de emergencia? La anticoncepción de emergencia es una forma segura y efectiva de prevenir el embarazo hasta Read more…
August 9, 2022
If a variant has mutations in the spike protein, does that mean the vaccines won’t work?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
Tl;dr: mutations can make vaccines less effective, but that doesn’t mean they render them useless. Immunity isn’t all or nothing, and the current vaccines still provide protection, especially against severe disease and death. Many have been concerned that because (so far) our COVID vaccines have used the spike protein from the original SARS-CoV-2 virus (also Read more…
August 8, 2022
Have BA.5 cases peaked? That means it’s all downhill from here, right?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sort of…. Remember that even if cases come down as quickly as they rise, there will be as many cases *after* the peak as before (think area under the curve!). In the U.S. there is some indication that hospitalizations during this BA.5 wave have peaked. Since hospitalizations are a lagging indicator of infections, this Read more…
August 8, 2022
Dear Readers: What are your best and worst pandemic purchases?
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Dear Readers: Who has made some awesome (or not-so-awesome) purchases during the pandemic? We’ve (thankfully) passed the days of hoarding toilet paper, but Those Nerdy Girls know that stressful times may still call for retail therapy, whether small impulse buys (celebrity gossip rags, anyone?) or big splurges (hello, inflatable hot tubs). Some purchases have worked Read more…
August 7, 2022
El polio todavía existe y es importante reconocer los síntomas, como se transmite el virus, y cómo prevenir la transmisión por que la poliomielitis no tiene cura, pero es prevenible.
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La gráfica que compartimos hoy fue creada por @yucatan.salud y no por Querida Pandemia. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente ¡Gracias! Fuente Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
August 6, 2022
Las tasas de vacunación están en declive. Necesitamos hacerlo mejor.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las tasas de vacunación están cayendo y millones de niños no han sido vacunados en lo que va de la pandemia. Las vacunas son cruciales para prevenir enfermedades infantiles graves y salvar vidas. La vacunación es una de la intervenciones en materia de salud pública más importantes de todos los tiempos. Tenemos vacunas para prevenir Read more…
August 6, 2022
Do antihistamines help with Long COVID symptoms?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
TL; DR: There are a few published case reports and LOTS of stories from long COVID support groups about how antihistamines [(“histamine receptor antagonists” (HRAs)] can decrease long COVID symptoms. While they may help, we need more information to know who they help, when they should be taken, and how they should be taken. ❓What Read more…
August 5, 2022
Let’s talk about school start times.
Families/Kids General Health School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
An interview with Nerdy Guest Dr. Terra Ziporyn Snider Q: Tell us a little about yourself and how you became interested in school start times. A: As both a mother of 3 and a medical historian and writer (former associate editor at JAMA and co-author of The New Harvard Guide to Women’s Health), I’ve been Read more…
August 4, 2022
¿Qué tan preocupado debería estar por la viruela del mono?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Para la mayoría de las personas, el riesgo actual de contraer la viruela del mono es muy bajo. Es probable que los temores de que haya un brote de la viruela del mono para el regreso a la escuela sean exagerados. (NOTA: esta evaluación de riesgo se basa en datos actuales. Como siempre, la actualizaremos Read more…
August 4, 2022
Happy National Immunization Awareness Month!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements of all time and August is the month to celebrate! Vaccines do more than just protecting us from diseases (although that is pretty freaking great!). They also support a functional economy, keep kids in school and adults at work, reduce poverty, prevent disease outbreaks, improve health Read more…
August 3, 2022
La vacuna de Novavax es una nueva vacuna disponible en EE.UU. y muchos otros países. Los profesionales de la salud pública esperan que la forma en que funciona tranquilice a algunas personas que tienen dudas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A diferencia de todas las demás vacunas disponibles hasta ahora, esta vacuna *no* recluta nuestras células para que produzcan la proteína de la espiga del SARS-CoV-2. En cambio, simplemente contiene la proteína de la espiga. No contiene el virus completo, por lo que no puede causar una infección. Esto es similar a la forma en Read more…
August 3, 2022
Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
GOOD NEWS: Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon (September). LESS GOOD NEWS: Americans under age 50 will have to wait for these new shots to get their 2nd boosters. While there had been chatter about offering 2nd boosters to Americans under age 50 soon to stave off the rising BA.5 wave, the FDA Read more…
Comprender las opciones de planificación familiar y la salud reproductiva es fundamental. Una opción es la anticoncepción de emergencia. Esto no reemplaza los métodos anticonceptivos de rutina, pero es seguro y efectivo cuando es necesario. ➡¿Qué es anticoncepción de emergencia? La anticoncepción de emergencia es una forma segura y efectiva de prevenir el embarazo hasta Read more…
If a variant has mutations in the spike protein, does that mean the vaccines won’t work?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines![](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/87C52E19-1123-46DC-9F02-260622D3F945_1_201_a-1.jpeg)
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
Tl;dr: mutations can make vaccines less effective, but that doesn’t mean they render them useless. Immunity isn’t all or nothing, and the current vaccines still provide protection, especially against severe disease and death. Many have been concerned that because (so far) our COVID vaccines have used the spike protein from the original SARS-CoV-2 virus (also Read more…
August 8, 2022
Have BA.5 cases peaked? That means it’s all downhill from here, right?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sort of…. Remember that even if cases come down as quickly as they rise, there will be as many cases *after* the peak as before (think area under the curve!). In the U.S. there is some indication that hospitalizations during this BA.5 wave have peaked. Since hospitalizations are a lagging indicator of infections, this Read more…
August 8, 2022
Dear Readers: What are your best and worst pandemic purchases?
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Dear Readers: Who has made some awesome (or not-so-awesome) purchases during the pandemic? We’ve (thankfully) passed the days of hoarding toilet paper, but Those Nerdy Girls know that stressful times may still call for retail therapy, whether small impulse buys (celebrity gossip rags, anyone?) or big splurges (hello, inflatable hot tubs). Some purchases have worked Read more…
August 7, 2022
El polio todavía existe y es importante reconocer los síntomas, como se transmite el virus, y cómo prevenir la transmisión por que la poliomielitis no tiene cura, pero es prevenible.
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La gráfica que compartimos hoy fue creada por @yucatan.salud y no por Querida Pandemia. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente ¡Gracias! Fuente Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
August 6, 2022
Las tasas de vacunación están en declive. Necesitamos hacerlo mejor.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las tasas de vacunación están cayendo y millones de niños no han sido vacunados en lo que va de la pandemia. Las vacunas son cruciales para prevenir enfermedades infantiles graves y salvar vidas. La vacunación es una de la intervenciones en materia de salud pública más importantes de todos los tiempos. Tenemos vacunas para prevenir Read more…
August 6, 2022
Do antihistamines help with Long COVID symptoms?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
TL; DR: There are a few published case reports and LOTS of stories from long COVID support groups about how antihistamines [(“histamine receptor antagonists” (HRAs)] can decrease long COVID symptoms. While they may help, we need more information to know who they help, when they should be taken, and how they should be taken. ❓What Read more…
August 5, 2022
Let’s talk about school start times.
Families/Kids General Health School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
An interview with Nerdy Guest Dr. Terra Ziporyn Snider Q: Tell us a little about yourself and how you became interested in school start times. A: As both a mother of 3 and a medical historian and writer (former associate editor at JAMA and co-author of The New Harvard Guide to Women’s Health), I’ve been Read more…
August 4, 2022
¿Qué tan preocupado debería estar por la viruela del mono?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Para la mayoría de las personas, el riesgo actual de contraer la viruela del mono es muy bajo. Es probable que los temores de que haya un brote de la viruela del mono para el regreso a la escuela sean exagerados. (NOTA: esta evaluación de riesgo se basa en datos actuales. Como siempre, la actualizaremos Read more…
August 4, 2022
Happy National Immunization Awareness Month!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements of all time and August is the month to celebrate! Vaccines do more than just protecting us from diseases (although that is pretty freaking great!). They also support a functional economy, keep kids in school and adults at work, reduce poverty, prevent disease outbreaks, improve health Read more…
August 3, 2022
La vacuna de Novavax es una nueva vacuna disponible en EE.UU. y muchos otros países. Los profesionales de la salud pública esperan que la forma en que funciona tranquilice a algunas personas que tienen dudas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A diferencia de todas las demás vacunas disponibles hasta ahora, esta vacuna *no* recluta nuestras células para que produzcan la proteína de la espiga del SARS-CoV-2. En cambio, simplemente contiene la proteína de la espiga. No contiene el virus completo, por lo que no puede causar una infección. Esto es similar a la forma en Read more…
August 3, 2022
Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
GOOD NEWS: Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon (September). LESS GOOD NEWS: Americans under age 50 will have to wait for these new shots to get their 2nd boosters. While there had been chatter about offering 2nd boosters to Americans under age 50 soon to stave off the rising BA.5 wave, the FDA Read more…
Tl;dr: mutations can make vaccines less effective, but that doesn’t mean they render them useless. Immunity isn’t all or nothing, and the current vaccines still provide protection, especially against severe disease and death. Many have been concerned that because (so far) our COVID vaccines have used the spike protein from the original SARS-CoV-2 virus (also Read more…
Have BA.5 cases peaked? That means it’s all downhill from here, right?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread![Jennifer Beam Dowd Ph.D.](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Jennifer-Beam-Dowd-PhD.-e1595010241109.png)
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sort of…. Remember that even if cases come down as quickly as they rise, there will be as many cases *after* the peak as before (think area under the curve!). In the U.S. there is some indication that hospitalizations during this BA.5 wave have peaked. Since hospitalizations are a lagging indicator of infections, this Read more…
August 8, 2022
Dear Readers: What are your best and worst pandemic purchases?
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Dear Readers: Who has made some awesome (or not-so-awesome) purchases during the pandemic? We’ve (thankfully) passed the days of hoarding toilet paper, but Those Nerdy Girls know that stressful times may still call for retail therapy, whether small impulse buys (celebrity gossip rags, anyone?) or big splurges (hello, inflatable hot tubs). Some purchases have worked Read more…
August 7, 2022
El polio todavía existe y es importante reconocer los síntomas, como se transmite el virus, y cómo prevenir la transmisión por que la poliomielitis no tiene cura, pero es prevenible.
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La gráfica que compartimos hoy fue creada por @yucatan.salud y no por Querida Pandemia. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente ¡Gracias! Fuente Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
August 6, 2022
Las tasas de vacunación están en declive. Necesitamos hacerlo mejor.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las tasas de vacunación están cayendo y millones de niños no han sido vacunados en lo que va de la pandemia. Las vacunas son cruciales para prevenir enfermedades infantiles graves y salvar vidas. La vacunación es una de la intervenciones en materia de salud pública más importantes de todos los tiempos. Tenemos vacunas para prevenir Read more…
August 6, 2022
Do antihistamines help with Long COVID symptoms?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
TL; DR: There are a few published case reports and LOTS of stories from long COVID support groups about how antihistamines [(“histamine receptor antagonists” (HRAs)] can decrease long COVID symptoms. While they may help, we need more information to know who they help, when they should be taken, and how they should be taken. ❓What Read more…
August 5, 2022
Let’s talk about school start times.
Families/Kids General Health School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
An interview with Nerdy Guest Dr. Terra Ziporyn Snider Q: Tell us a little about yourself and how you became interested in school start times. A: As both a mother of 3 and a medical historian and writer (former associate editor at JAMA and co-author of The New Harvard Guide to Women’s Health), I’ve been Read more…
August 4, 2022
¿Qué tan preocupado debería estar por la viruela del mono?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Para la mayoría de las personas, el riesgo actual de contraer la viruela del mono es muy bajo. Es probable que los temores de que haya un brote de la viruela del mono para el regreso a la escuela sean exagerados. (NOTA: esta evaluación de riesgo se basa en datos actuales. Como siempre, la actualizaremos Read more…
August 4, 2022
Happy National Immunization Awareness Month!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements of all time and August is the month to celebrate! Vaccines do more than just protecting us from diseases (although that is pretty freaking great!). They also support a functional economy, keep kids in school and adults at work, reduce poverty, prevent disease outbreaks, improve health Read more…
August 3, 2022
La vacuna de Novavax es una nueva vacuna disponible en EE.UU. y muchos otros países. Los profesionales de la salud pública esperan que la forma en que funciona tranquilice a algunas personas que tienen dudas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A diferencia de todas las demás vacunas disponibles hasta ahora, esta vacuna *no* recluta nuestras células para que produzcan la proteína de la espiga del SARS-CoV-2. En cambio, simplemente contiene la proteína de la espiga. No contiene el virus completo, por lo que no puede causar una infección. Esto es similar a la forma en Read more…
August 3, 2022
Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
GOOD NEWS: Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon (September). LESS GOOD NEWS: Americans under age 50 will have to wait for these new shots to get their 2nd boosters. While there had been chatter about offering 2nd boosters to Americans under age 50 soon to stave off the rising BA.5 wave, the FDA Read more…
A: Sort of…. Remember that even if cases come down as quickly as they rise, there will be as many cases *after* the peak as before (think area under the curve!). In the U.S. there is some indication that hospitalizations during this BA.5 wave have peaked. Since hospitalizations are a lagging indicator of infections, this Read more…
Dear Readers: What are your best and worst pandemic purchases?
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Dear Readers: Who has made some awesome (or not-so-awesome) purchases during the pandemic? We’ve (thankfully) passed the days of hoarding toilet paper, but Those Nerdy Girls know that stressful times may still call for retail therapy, whether small impulse buys (celebrity gossip rags, anyone?) or big splurges (hello, inflatable hot tubs). Some purchases have worked Read more…
August 7, 2022
El polio todavía existe y es importante reconocer los síntomas, como se transmite el virus, y cómo prevenir la transmisión por que la poliomielitis no tiene cura, pero es prevenible.
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La gráfica que compartimos hoy fue creada por @yucatan.salud y no por Querida Pandemia. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente ¡Gracias! Fuente Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
August 6, 2022
Las tasas de vacunación están en declive. Necesitamos hacerlo mejor.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las tasas de vacunación están cayendo y millones de niños no han sido vacunados en lo que va de la pandemia. Las vacunas son cruciales para prevenir enfermedades infantiles graves y salvar vidas. La vacunación es una de la intervenciones en materia de salud pública más importantes de todos los tiempos. Tenemos vacunas para prevenir Read more…
August 6, 2022
Do antihistamines help with Long COVID symptoms?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
TL; DR: There are a few published case reports and LOTS of stories from long COVID support groups about how antihistamines [(“histamine receptor antagonists” (HRAs)] can decrease long COVID symptoms. While they may help, we need more information to know who they help, when they should be taken, and how they should be taken. ❓What Read more…
August 5, 2022
Let’s talk about school start times.
Families/Kids General Health School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
An interview with Nerdy Guest Dr. Terra Ziporyn Snider Q: Tell us a little about yourself and how you became interested in school start times. A: As both a mother of 3 and a medical historian and writer (former associate editor at JAMA and co-author of The New Harvard Guide to Women’s Health), I’ve been Read more…
August 4, 2022
¿Qué tan preocupado debería estar por la viruela del mono?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Para la mayoría de las personas, el riesgo actual de contraer la viruela del mono es muy bajo. Es probable que los temores de que haya un brote de la viruela del mono para el regreso a la escuela sean exagerados. (NOTA: esta evaluación de riesgo se basa en datos actuales. Como siempre, la actualizaremos Read more…
August 4, 2022
Happy National Immunization Awareness Month!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements of all time and August is the month to celebrate! Vaccines do more than just protecting us from diseases (although that is pretty freaking great!). They also support a functional economy, keep kids in school and adults at work, reduce poverty, prevent disease outbreaks, improve health Read more…
August 3, 2022
La vacuna de Novavax es una nueva vacuna disponible en EE.UU. y muchos otros países. Los profesionales de la salud pública esperan que la forma en que funciona tranquilice a algunas personas que tienen dudas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A diferencia de todas las demás vacunas disponibles hasta ahora, esta vacuna *no* recluta nuestras células para que produzcan la proteína de la espiga del SARS-CoV-2. En cambio, simplemente contiene la proteína de la espiga. No contiene el virus completo, por lo que no puede causar una infección. Esto es similar a la forma en Read more…
August 3, 2022
Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
GOOD NEWS: Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon (September). LESS GOOD NEWS: Americans under age 50 will have to wait for these new shots to get their 2nd boosters. While there had been chatter about offering 2nd boosters to Americans under age 50 soon to stave off the rising BA.5 wave, the FDA Read more…
Dear Readers: Who has made some awesome (or not-so-awesome) purchases during the pandemic? We’ve (thankfully) passed the days of hoarding toilet paper, but Those Nerdy Girls know that stressful times may still call for retail therapy, whether small impulse buys (celebrity gossip rags, anyone?) or big splurges (hello, inflatable hot tubs). Some purchases have worked Read more…
El polio todavía existe y es importante reconocer los síntomas, como se transmite el virus, y cómo prevenir la transmisión por que la poliomielitis no tiene cura, pero es prevenible.
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español![Tita Smyth Escobedo PM-IT](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/TitaSmythEscobedo-scaled-e1595023694923.jpg)
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La gráfica que compartimos hoy fue creada por @yucatan.salud y no por Querida Pandemia. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente ¡Gracias! Fuente Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
August 6, 2022
Las tasas de vacunación están en declive. Necesitamos hacerlo mejor.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las tasas de vacunación están cayendo y millones de niños no han sido vacunados en lo que va de la pandemia. Las vacunas son cruciales para prevenir enfermedades infantiles graves y salvar vidas. La vacunación es una de la intervenciones en materia de salud pública más importantes de todos los tiempos. Tenemos vacunas para prevenir Read more…
August 6, 2022
Do antihistamines help with Long COVID symptoms?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
TL; DR: There are a few published case reports and LOTS of stories from long COVID support groups about how antihistamines [(“histamine receptor antagonists” (HRAs)] can decrease long COVID symptoms. While they may help, we need more information to know who they help, when they should be taken, and how they should be taken. ❓What Read more…
August 5, 2022
Let’s talk about school start times.
Families/Kids General Health School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
An interview with Nerdy Guest Dr. Terra Ziporyn Snider Q: Tell us a little about yourself and how you became interested in school start times. A: As both a mother of 3 and a medical historian and writer (former associate editor at JAMA and co-author of The New Harvard Guide to Women’s Health), I’ve been Read more…
August 4, 2022
¿Qué tan preocupado debería estar por la viruela del mono?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Para la mayoría de las personas, el riesgo actual de contraer la viruela del mono es muy bajo. Es probable que los temores de que haya un brote de la viruela del mono para el regreso a la escuela sean exagerados. (NOTA: esta evaluación de riesgo se basa en datos actuales. Como siempre, la actualizaremos Read more…
August 4, 2022
Happy National Immunization Awareness Month!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements of all time and August is the month to celebrate! Vaccines do more than just protecting us from diseases (although that is pretty freaking great!). They also support a functional economy, keep kids in school and adults at work, reduce poverty, prevent disease outbreaks, improve health Read more…
August 3, 2022
La vacuna de Novavax es una nueva vacuna disponible en EE.UU. y muchos otros países. Los profesionales de la salud pública esperan que la forma en que funciona tranquilice a algunas personas que tienen dudas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A diferencia de todas las demás vacunas disponibles hasta ahora, esta vacuna *no* recluta nuestras células para que produzcan la proteína de la espiga del SARS-CoV-2. En cambio, simplemente contiene la proteína de la espiga. No contiene el virus completo, por lo que no puede causar una infección. Esto es similar a la forma en Read more…
August 3, 2022
Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
GOOD NEWS: Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon (September). LESS GOOD NEWS: Americans under age 50 will have to wait for these new shots to get their 2nd boosters. While there had been chatter about offering 2nd boosters to Americans under age 50 soon to stave off the rising BA.5 wave, the FDA Read more…
La gráfica que compartimos hoy fue creada por @yucatan.salud y no por Querida Pandemia. Para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre esta gráfica, por favor comuníquese con la fuente. Para cualquier otra pregunta, no dude en enviarnos sus preguntas directamente ¡Gracias! Fuente Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
Las tasas de vacunación están en declive. Necesitamos hacerlo mejor.
Families/Kids Posts en Español Vaccines![Tita Smyth Escobedo PM-IT](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/TitaSmythEscobedo-scaled-e1595023694923.jpg)
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las tasas de vacunación están cayendo y millones de niños no han sido vacunados en lo que va de la pandemia. Las vacunas son cruciales para prevenir enfermedades infantiles graves y salvar vidas. La vacunación es una de la intervenciones en materia de salud pública más importantes de todos los tiempos. Tenemos vacunas para prevenir Read more…
August 6, 2022
Do antihistamines help with Long COVID symptoms?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
TL; DR: There are a few published case reports and LOTS of stories from long COVID support groups about how antihistamines [(“histamine receptor antagonists” (HRAs)] can decrease long COVID symptoms. While they may help, we need more information to know who they help, when they should be taken, and how they should be taken. ❓What Read more…
August 5, 2022
Let’s talk about school start times.
Families/Kids General Health School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
An interview with Nerdy Guest Dr. Terra Ziporyn Snider Q: Tell us a little about yourself and how you became interested in school start times. A: As both a mother of 3 and a medical historian and writer (former associate editor at JAMA and co-author of The New Harvard Guide to Women’s Health), I’ve been Read more…
August 4, 2022
¿Qué tan preocupado debería estar por la viruela del mono?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Para la mayoría de las personas, el riesgo actual de contraer la viruela del mono es muy bajo. Es probable que los temores de que haya un brote de la viruela del mono para el regreso a la escuela sean exagerados. (NOTA: esta evaluación de riesgo se basa en datos actuales. Como siempre, la actualizaremos Read more…
August 4, 2022
Happy National Immunization Awareness Month!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements of all time and August is the month to celebrate! Vaccines do more than just protecting us from diseases (although that is pretty freaking great!). They also support a functional economy, keep kids in school and adults at work, reduce poverty, prevent disease outbreaks, improve health Read more…
August 3, 2022
La vacuna de Novavax es una nueva vacuna disponible en EE.UU. y muchos otros países. Los profesionales de la salud pública esperan que la forma en que funciona tranquilice a algunas personas que tienen dudas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A diferencia de todas las demás vacunas disponibles hasta ahora, esta vacuna *no* recluta nuestras células para que produzcan la proteína de la espiga del SARS-CoV-2. En cambio, simplemente contiene la proteína de la espiga. No contiene el virus completo, por lo que no puede causar una infección. Esto es similar a la forma en Read more…
August 3, 2022
Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
GOOD NEWS: Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon (September). LESS GOOD NEWS: Americans under age 50 will have to wait for these new shots to get their 2nd boosters. While there had been chatter about offering 2nd boosters to Americans under age 50 soon to stave off the rising BA.5 wave, the FDA Read more…
Las tasas de vacunación están cayendo y millones de niños no han sido vacunados en lo que va de la pandemia. Las vacunas son cruciales para prevenir enfermedades infantiles graves y salvar vidas. La vacunación es una de la intervenciones en materia de salud pública más importantes de todos los tiempos. Tenemos vacunas para prevenir Read more…
Do antihistamines help with Long COVID symptoms?
Long COVID![](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/AK-Headshot-23-scaled-e1703273927440.jpg)
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
TL; DR: There are a few published case reports and LOTS of stories from long COVID support groups about how antihistamines [(“histamine receptor antagonists” (HRAs)] can decrease long COVID symptoms. While they may help, we need more information to know who they help, when they should be taken, and how they should be taken. ❓What Read more…
August 5, 2022
Let’s talk about school start times.
Families/Kids General Health School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
An interview with Nerdy Guest Dr. Terra Ziporyn Snider Q: Tell us a little about yourself and how you became interested in school start times. A: As both a mother of 3 and a medical historian and writer (former associate editor at JAMA and co-author of The New Harvard Guide to Women’s Health), I’ve been Read more…
August 4, 2022
¿Qué tan preocupado debería estar por la viruela del mono?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Para la mayoría de las personas, el riesgo actual de contraer la viruela del mono es muy bajo. Es probable que los temores de que haya un brote de la viruela del mono para el regreso a la escuela sean exagerados. (NOTA: esta evaluación de riesgo se basa en datos actuales. Como siempre, la actualizaremos Read more…
August 4, 2022
Happy National Immunization Awareness Month!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements of all time and August is the month to celebrate! Vaccines do more than just protecting us from diseases (although that is pretty freaking great!). They also support a functional economy, keep kids in school and adults at work, reduce poverty, prevent disease outbreaks, improve health Read more…
August 3, 2022
La vacuna de Novavax es una nueva vacuna disponible en EE.UU. y muchos otros países. Los profesionales de la salud pública esperan que la forma en que funciona tranquilice a algunas personas que tienen dudas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A diferencia de todas las demás vacunas disponibles hasta ahora, esta vacuna *no* recluta nuestras células para que produzcan la proteína de la espiga del SARS-CoV-2. En cambio, simplemente contiene la proteína de la espiga. No contiene el virus completo, por lo que no puede causar una infección. Esto es similar a la forma en Read more…
August 3, 2022
Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
GOOD NEWS: Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon (September). LESS GOOD NEWS: Americans under age 50 will have to wait for these new shots to get their 2nd boosters. While there had been chatter about offering 2nd boosters to Americans under age 50 soon to stave off the rising BA.5 wave, the FDA Read more…
TL; DR: There are a few published case reports and LOTS of stories from long COVID support groups about how antihistamines [(“histamine receptor antagonists” (HRAs)] can decrease long COVID symptoms. While they may help, we need more information to know who they help, when they should be taken, and how they should be taken. ❓What Read more…
Let’s talk about school start times.
Families/Kids General Health School![Lauren Hale Ph.D. MA](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Lauren-Hale-PhD-e1595017739402.png)
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
An interview with Nerdy Guest Dr. Terra Ziporyn Snider Q: Tell us a little about yourself and how you became interested in school start times. A: As both a mother of 3 and a medical historian and writer (former associate editor at JAMA and co-author of The New Harvard Guide to Women’s Health), I’ve been Read more…
August 4, 2022
¿Qué tan preocupado debería estar por la viruela del mono?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Para la mayoría de las personas, el riesgo actual de contraer la viruela del mono es muy bajo. Es probable que los temores de que haya un brote de la viruela del mono para el regreso a la escuela sean exagerados. (NOTA: esta evaluación de riesgo se basa en datos actuales. Como siempre, la actualizaremos Read more…
August 4, 2022
Happy National Immunization Awareness Month!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements of all time and August is the month to celebrate! Vaccines do more than just protecting us from diseases (although that is pretty freaking great!). They also support a functional economy, keep kids in school and adults at work, reduce poverty, prevent disease outbreaks, improve health Read more…
August 3, 2022
La vacuna de Novavax es una nueva vacuna disponible en EE.UU. y muchos otros países. Los profesionales de la salud pública esperan que la forma en que funciona tranquilice a algunas personas que tienen dudas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A diferencia de todas las demás vacunas disponibles hasta ahora, esta vacuna *no* recluta nuestras células para que produzcan la proteína de la espiga del SARS-CoV-2. En cambio, simplemente contiene la proteína de la espiga. No contiene el virus completo, por lo que no puede causar una infección. Esto es similar a la forma en Read more…
August 3, 2022
Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
GOOD NEWS: Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon (September). LESS GOOD NEWS: Americans under age 50 will have to wait for these new shots to get their 2nd boosters. While there had been chatter about offering 2nd boosters to Americans under age 50 soon to stave off the rising BA.5 wave, the FDA Read more…
An interview with Nerdy Guest Dr. Terra Ziporyn Snider Q: Tell us a little about yourself and how you became interested in school start times. A: As both a mother of 3 and a medical historian and writer (former associate editor at JAMA and co-author of The New Harvard Guide to Women’s Health), I’ve been Read more…
¿Qué tan preocupado debería estar por la viruela del mono?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español![Sandra Albrecht Ph.D. MPH](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Sandra-Albrecht-PhD-e1595018225617.png)
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Para la mayoría de las personas, el riesgo actual de contraer la viruela del mono es muy bajo. Es probable que los temores de que haya un brote de la viruela del mono para el regreso a la escuela sean exagerados. (NOTA: esta evaluación de riesgo se basa en datos actuales. Como siempre, la actualizaremos Read more…
August 4, 2022
Happy National Immunization Awareness Month!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements of all time and August is the month to celebrate! Vaccines do more than just protecting us from diseases (although that is pretty freaking great!). They also support a functional economy, keep kids in school and adults at work, reduce poverty, prevent disease outbreaks, improve health Read more…
August 3, 2022
La vacuna de Novavax es una nueva vacuna disponible en EE.UU. y muchos otros países. Los profesionales de la salud pública esperan que la forma en que funciona tranquilice a algunas personas que tienen dudas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A diferencia de todas las demás vacunas disponibles hasta ahora, esta vacuna *no* recluta nuestras células para que produzcan la proteína de la espiga del SARS-CoV-2. En cambio, simplemente contiene la proteína de la espiga. No contiene el virus completo, por lo que no puede causar una infección. Esto es similar a la forma en Read more…
August 3, 2022
Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
GOOD NEWS: Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon (September). LESS GOOD NEWS: Americans under age 50 will have to wait for these new shots to get their 2nd boosters. While there had been chatter about offering 2nd boosters to Americans under age 50 soon to stave off the rising BA.5 wave, the FDA Read more…
Para la mayoría de las personas, el riesgo actual de contraer la viruela del mono es muy bajo. Es probable que los temores de que haya un brote de la viruela del mono para el regreso a la escuela sean exagerados. (NOTA: esta evaluación de riesgo se basa en datos actuales. Como siempre, la actualizaremos Read more…
Happy National Immunization Awareness Month!
Families/Kids Vaccines![](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Sarah-e1605206437616.jpg)
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements of all time and August is the month to celebrate! Vaccines do more than just protecting us from diseases (although that is pretty freaking great!). They also support a functional economy, keep kids in school and adults at work, reduce poverty, prevent disease outbreaks, improve health Read more…
August 3, 2022
La vacuna de Novavax es una nueva vacuna disponible en EE.UU. y muchos otros países. Los profesionales de la salud pública esperan que la forma en que funciona tranquilice a algunas personas que tienen dudas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A diferencia de todas las demás vacunas disponibles hasta ahora, esta vacuna *no* recluta nuestras células para que produzcan la proteína de la espiga del SARS-CoV-2. En cambio, simplemente contiene la proteína de la espiga. No contiene el virus completo, por lo que no puede causar una infección. Esto es similar a la forma en Read more…
August 3, 2022
Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
GOOD NEWS: Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon (September). LESS GOOD NEWS: Americans under age 50 will have to wait for these new shots to get their 2nd boosters. While there had been chatter about offering 2nd boosters to Americans under age 50 soon to stave off the rising BA.5 wave, the FDA Read more…
Vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements of all time and August is the month to celebrate! Vaccines do more than just protecting us from diseases (although that is pretty freaking great!). They also support a functional economy, keep kids in school and adults at work, reduce poverty, prevent disease outbreaks, improve health Read more…
La vacuna de Novavax es una nueva vacuna disponible en EE.UU. y muchos otros países. Los profesionales de la salud pública esperan que la forma en que funciona tranquilice a algunas personas que tienen dudas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19.
Posts en Español Vaccines![Sandra Albrecht Ph.D. MPH](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Sandra-Albrecht-PhD-e1595018225617.png)
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
A diferencia de todas las demás vacunas disponibles hasta ahora, esta vacuna *no* recluta nuestras células para que produzcan la proteína de la espiga del SARS-CoV-2. En cambio, simplemente contiene la proteína de la espiga. No contiene el virus completo, por lo que no puede causar una infección. Esto es similar a la forma en Read more…
August 3, 2022
Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
GOOD NEWS: Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon (September). LESS GOOD NEWS: Americans under age 50 will have to wait for these new shots to get their 2nd boosters. While there had been chatter about offering 2nd boosters to Americans under age 50 soon to stave off the rising BA.5 wave, the FDA Read more…
A diferencia de todas las demás vacunas disponibles hasta ahora, esta vacuna *no* recluta nuestras células para que produzcan la proteína de la espiga del SARS-CoV-2. En cambio, simplemente contiene la proteína de la espiga. No contiene el virus completo, por lo que no puede causar una infección. Esto es similar a la forma en Read more…
Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon
Vaccines![Jennifer Beam Dowd Ph.D.](https://thosenerdygirls.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Jennifer-Beam-Dowd-PhD.-e1595010241109.png)
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
GOOD NEWS: Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon (September). LESS GOOD NEWS: Americans under age 50 will have to wait for these new shots to get their 2nd boosters. While there had been chatter about offering 2nd boosters to Americans under age 50 soon to stave off the rising BA.5 wave, the FDA Read more…
GOOD NEWS: Omicron-updated boosters are coming to the U.S. soon (September). LESS GOOD NEWS: Americans under age 50 will have to wait for these new shots to get their 2nd boosters. While there had been chatter about offering 2nd boosters to Americans under age 50 soon to stave off the rising BA.5 wave, the FDA Read more…