A Nerdy Girl Guide to Breast Cancer Awareness
General Health Reproductive Health
MacKenzie (Kenzie) Isaac, MA
As we close out Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Those Nerdy Girls is offering a glimpse into the risk factors, (mis)perceptions, and disparities surrounding breast cancer with the hopes of expanding people’s perspectives and encouraging more far-reaching advocacy! Please enjoy the infographic slides we put together:
October 30, 2024
Should your baby get a Vitamin K shot?
Rebecca Raskin-Wish
Yes! Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization recommend the vitamin K shot for every newborn. Vitamin K is extremely important for blood clotting and we aren’t born with any, so it’s necessary to give babies an extra boost of Vitamin K to make sure they don’t bleed too much. What Read more…
October 29, 2024
Additional COVID vaccines approved for everyone ages 65+
COVID Variants Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Additional COVID vaccines approved for everyone ages 65+ Last week the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to recommend additional doses of the 2024-2025 COVID vaccine for certain groups: • Everyone 65 years and older and anyone with a moderately or severely weakened immune system should receive a second dose of the 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine 6 Read more…
October 28, 2024
What’s the latest on Bird Flu?
Infectious Diseases
Sandy Laping
(This information is up to date as of October 27, 2024, 9am EDT) The risk to humans remains low. Although bird flu infections continue to be found on cattle and poultry farms and have infected some people working there, there are no signs that human-to-human transmission is happening yet. Public health scientists are keeping a Read more…
October 25, 2024
Nerdy Girls Live 10/25/24 – Your COVID Vaccine Questions Answered
Vaccines Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls answer your questions about COVID vaccines including Novavax, side effects, timing, and more. Hosted by: – Chana Davis, PhD @thosenerdygirls x @fueledbyscience – Andrea Harmony NP-C, PMHS @thosenerdygirls – Gayle Mendoza, MPH, BSN, RN @thosenerdygirls Always seek the advice of your health care provider with questions about your medical care. ➡️ 0:00 Read more…
October 25, 2024
Why does global vaccine equity matter?
Infectious Diseases Social and Racial Justice Vaccines
Elisabeth Adkins Marnik, PhD
Q: Why does ensuring people all over the world have access to vaccines matter? Are there ways we can help ensure global vaccine access? A: Vaccine access is a global issue that saves lives and reduces the spread of pathogens worldwide. We can contribute by advocating for funding global vaccine initiatives and supporting organizations dedicated Read more…
October 24, 2024
What are Dense Breasts?
Reproductive Health
Katherine Cartwright, DO, MPH
Q: What are Dense Breasts? – Christine from Washington, D.C. A: We say breasts are dense if they have more fibrous and connective tissue. Less dense breasts have more fat and less fibrous tissue. Tissue is typically graded from A through D in terms of density. A is almost entirely fat, while D is almost Read more…
October 22, 2024
How does intimate partner violence impact pregnancy?
Reproductive Health
Roopa Seshadri, PhD, AM
How does intimate partner violence impact pregnancy? TL;DR: Survivors of intimate partner violence during pregnancy, both parents and infants, experience long-term emotional trauma and chronic health problems, and timely support can help prevent it. *If you or anyone you know needs help, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). Read more…
October 21, 2024
On October 11, 2024, we celebrated the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl
Social and Racial Justice
Gayle Mendoza, MPH, BSN, RN
This year’s theme is “Girls’ vision for the future.” The theme represents “the need for urgent action and persistent hope, driven by the power of girls’ voices and vision for the future.” As we noted last week, this celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face Read more…
October 19, 2024
How can I navigate election misinformation in the coming weeks?
Social and Racial Justice Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Use the new Misinformation Dashboard from The News Literacy Project! TL;DR: The Misinformation Dashboard catalogs and categorizes viral election-related misinformation by theme and method used to spread it. Being aware of these themes and ways misinformation is spread can help us better recognize it and pause before sharing it. Check it out here: https://misinfodashboard.newslit.org/! As Read more…
October 18, 2024
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens?
Families/Kids General Health
Ashley Sever, MPH
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens? TL;DR: Nicotine pouches are small, flavored microfiber pouches that deliver nicotine through the mouth and gums. As with any nicotine product, they are highly addictive and come with potential risks for developing teen brains. Trusted adults can help. As a millennial who grew up Read more…
October 17, 2024
October 18th is World Menopause Day
Aging Reproductive Health
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
In recognition of World Menopause Day on October 18, 2024, Those Nerdy Girls wants to send you a big, sweaty hug and highlight our posts on this important topic. There is a dire need for unbiased information given that the menopause space is filled with misinformation and predatory marketing. Many of us are right there Read more…
October 16, 2024
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns?
Social and Racial Justice
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns? A: Using correct names and gender pronouns can make a significant difference in someone’s life. Pronouns are the words we use to refer to ourselves or someone else when not using a name. Gender pronouns specifically refer to people and possessions (she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, ze/zir/zirs, etc.) The 2022 U.S. Read more…
October 15, 2024
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test?
Aging Reproductive Health
Katherine Cartwright, DO, MPH
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test? TL;DR No. Routine “hormone testing” in perimenopause and menopause is not recommended. At-home urine and saliva tests are not helpful in determining “stage” of perimenopause or need for treatment. Menopause transition Menopause is the normal process that occurs when the ovaries stop working. It Read more…
October 14, 2024
Today is Indigenous People’s Day
Social and Racial Justice
On this Indigenous People’s Day, Those Nerdy Girls would like to share some principles common to many Indigenous groups that help inform their public health initiatives: 1. Recognition of how today’s actions will impact the next 7 generations 2. Acting in honor of ancestors who fought to ensure their survival and elders who carry on Read more…
October 11, 2024
Who should get an RSV vaccine?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: New RSV vaccines can dramatically reduce the disease burden for babies and older adults. While RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) doesn’t get quite as much media attention as COVID-19 or the flu, it’s still a respiratory virus to watch out for. While it feels like a “common cold” for many, RSV can quickly turn dangerous for Read more…
October 10, 2024
October 11, 2024, is the International Day of the Girl.
Social and Racial Justice Women in STEM
October 11, 2024, is the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl. This celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.” The International Day of the Girl: ✊ Focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face ✊ Promotes Read more…
October 9, 2024
Do You Really Have “Cortisol Face?”
General Health
Rebecca Raskin-Wish
Social media has been obsessed with “Cortisol Face,” but you probably don’t have it. While chronically elevated levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) may contribute to weight gain, “cortisol face” isn’t a real thing unless you have a condition called Cushing’s Syndrome. You might have seen TikTok videos about “cortisol face” or “cortisol pooch” that Read more…
October 7, 2024
What is there to know about the Marburg virus outbreak in Rwanda?
Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, happening in Rwanda right now. While the global risk remains low, here’s what you need to know about the origins of the outbreak and how it’s evolving. This information is current as of 10/3, 6:55am. There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, Read more…
October 5, 2024
Q: What are all the ways people can vote?
Social and Racial Justice
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What are all the ways people can vote? A: In-person, by mail, and absentee. Once you are registered, there are several options for voting. See below for information on these options and make sure to check deadlines in your state for each one. In-person voting: On election day, November 5th, you can vote in-person. Read more…
As we close out Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Those Nerdy Girls is offering a glimpse into the risk factors, (mis)perceptions, and disparities surrounding breast cancer with the hopes of expanding people’s perspectives and encouraging more far-reaching advocacy! Please enjoy the infographic slides we put together:
Should your baby get a Vitamin K shot?
Rebecca Raskin-Wish
Yes! Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization recommend the vitamin K shot for every newborn. Vitamin K is extremely important for blood clotting and we aren’t born with any, so it’s necessary to give babies an extra boost of Vitamin K to make sure they don’t bleed too much. What Read more…
October 29, 2024
Additional COVID vaccines approved for everyone ages 65+
COVID Variants Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Additional COVID vaccines approved for everyone ages 65+ Last week the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to recommend additional doses of the 2024-2025 COVID vaccine for certain groups: • Everyone 65 years and older and anyone with a moderately or severely weakened immune system should receive a second dose of the 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine 6 Read more…
October 28, 2024
What’s the latest on Bird Flu?
Infectious Diseases
Sandy Laping
(This information is up to date as of October 27, 2024, 9am EDT) The risk to humans remains low. Although bird flu infections continue to be found on cattle and poultry farms and have infected some people working there, there are no signs that human-to-human transmission is happening yet. Public health scientists are keeping a Read more…
October 25, 2024
Nerdy Girls Live 10/25/24 – Your COVID Vaccine Questions Answered
Vaccines Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls answer your questions about COVID vaccines including Novavax, side effects, timing, and more. Hosted by: – Chana Davis, PhD @thosenerdygirls x @fueledbyscience – Andrea Harmony NP-C, PMHS @thosenerdygirls – Gayle Mendoza, MPH, BSN, RN @thosenerdygirls Always seek the advice of your health care provider with questions about your medical care. ➡️ 0:00 Read more…
October 25, 2024
Why does global vaccine equity matter?
Infectious Diseases Social and Racial Justice Vaccines
Elisabeth Adkins Marnik, PhD
Q: Why does ensuring people all over the world have access to vaccines matter? Are there ways we can help ensure global vaccine access? A: Vaccine access is a global issue that saves lives and reduces the spread of pathogens worldwide. We can contribute by advocating for funding global vaccine initiatives and supporting organizations dedicated Read more…
October 24, 2024
What are Dense Breasts?
Reproductive Health
Katherine Cartwright, DO, MPH
Q: What are Dense Breasts? – Christine from Washington, D.C. A: We say breasts are dense if they have more fibrous and connective tissue. Less dense breasts have more fat and less fibrous tissue. Tissue is typically graded from A through D in terms of density. A is almost entirely fat, while D is almost Read more…
October 22, 2024
How does intimate partner violence impact pregnancy?
Reproductive Health
Roopa Seshadri, PhD, AM
How does intimate partner violence impact pregnancy? TL;DR: Survivors of intimate partner violence during pregnancy, both parents and infants, experience long-term emotional trauma and chronic health problems, and timely support can help prevent it. *If you or anyone you know needs help, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). Read more…
October 21, 2024
On October 11, 2024, we celebrated the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl
Social and Racial Justice
Gayle Mendoza, MPH, BSN, RN
This year’s theme is “Girls’ vision for the future.” The theme represents “the need for urgent action and persistent hope, driven by the power of girls’ voices and vision for the future.” As we noted last week, this celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face Read more…
October 19, 2024
How can I navigate election misinformation in the coming weeks?
Social and Racial Justice Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Use the new Misinformation Dashboard from The News Literacy Project! TL;DR: The Misinformation Dashboard catalogs and categorizes viral election-related misinformation by theme and method used to spread it. Being aware of these themes and ways misinformation is spread can help us better recognize it and pause before sharing it. Check it out here: https://misinfodashboard.newslit.org/! As Read more…
October 18, 2024
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens?
Families/Kids General Health
Ashley Sever, MPH
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens? TL;DR: Nicotine pouches are small, flavored microfiber pouches that deliver nicotine through the mouth and gums. As with any nicotine product, they are highly addictive and come with potential risks for developing teen brains. Trusted adults can help. As a millennial who grew up Read more…
October 17, 2024
October 18th is World Menopause Day
Aging Reproductive Health
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
In recognition of World Menopause Day on October 18, 2024, Those Nerdy Girls wants to send you a big, sweaty hug and highlight our posts on this important topic. There is a dire need for unbiased information given that the menopause space is filled with misinformation and predatory marketing. Many of us are right there Read more…
October 16, 2024
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns?
Social and Racial Justice
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns? A: Using correct names and gender pronouns can make a significant difference in someone’s life. Pronouns are the words we use to refer to ourselves or someone else when not using a name. Gender pronouns specifically refer to people and possessions (she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, ze/zir/zirs, etc.) The 2022 U.S. Read more…
October 15, 2024
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test?
Aging Reproductive Health
Katherine Cartwright, DO, MPH
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test? TL;DR No. Routine “hormone testing” in perimenopause and menopause is not recommended. At-home urine and saliva tests are not helpful in determining “stage” of perimenopause or need for treatment. Menopause transition Menopause is the normal process that occurs when the ovaries stop working. It Read more…
October 14, 2024
Today is Indigenous People’s Day
Social and Racial Justice
On this Indigenous People’s Day, Those Nerdy Girls would like to share some principles common to many Indigenous groups that help inform their public health initiatives: 1. Recognition of how today’s actions will impact the next 7 generations 2. Acting in honor of ancestors who fought to ensure their survival and elders who carry on Read more…
October 11, 2024
Who should get an RSV vaccine?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: New RSV vaccines can dramatically reduce the disease burden for babies and older adults. While RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) doesn’t get quite as much media attention as COVID-19 or the flu, it’s still a respiratory virus to watch out for. While it feels like a “common cold” for many, RSV can quickly turn dangerous for Read more…
October 10, 2024
October 11, 2024, is the International Day of the Girl.
Social and Racial Justice Women in STEM
October 11, 2024, is the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl. This celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.” The International Day of the Girl: ✊ Focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face ✊ Promotes Read more…
October 9, 2024
Do You Really Have “Cortisol Face?”
General Health
Rebecca Raskin-Wish
Social media has been obsessed with “Cortisol Face,” but you probably don’t have it. While chronically elevated levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) may contribute to weight gain, “cortisol face” isn’t a real thing unless you have a condition called Cushing’s Syndrome. You might have seen TikTok videos about “cortisol face” or “cortisol pooch” that Read more…
October 7, 2024
What is there to know about the Marburg virus outbreak in Rwanda?
Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, happening in Rwanda right now. While the global risk remains low, here’s what you need to know about the origins of the outbreak and how it’s evolving. This information is current as of 10/3, 6:55am. There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, Read more…
October 5, 2024
Q: What are all the ways people can vote?
Social and Racial Justice
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What are all the ways people can vote? A: In-person, by mail, and absentee. Once you are registered, there are several options for voting. See below for information on these options and make sure to check deadlines in your state for each one. In-person voting: On election day, November 5th, you can vote in-person. Read more…
Yes! Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization recommend the vitamin K shot for every newborn. Vitamin K is extremely important for blood clotting and we aren’t born with any, so it’s necessary to give babies an extra boost of Vitamin K to make sure they don’t bleed too much. What Read more…
Additional COVID vaccines approved for everyone ages 65+
COVID Variants Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Additional COVID vaccines approved for everyone ages 65+ Last week the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to recommend additional doses of the 2024-2025 COVID vaccine for certain groups: • Everyone 65 years and older and anyone with a moderately or severely weakened immune system should receive a second dose of the 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine 6 Read more…
October 28, 2024
What’s the latest on Bird Flu?
Infectious Diseases
Sandy Laping
(This information is up to date as of October 27, 2024, 9am EDT) The risk to humans remains low. Although bird flu infections continue to be found on cattle and poultry farms and have infected some people working there, there are no signs that human-to-human transmission is happening yet. Public health scientists are keeping a Read more…
October 25, 2024
Nerdy Girls Live 10/25/24 – Your COVID Vaccine Questions Answered
Vaccines Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls answer your questions about COVID vaccines including Novavax, side effects, timing, and more. Hosted by: – Chana Davis, PhD @thosenerdygirls x @fueledbyscience – Andrea Harmony NP-C, PMHS @thosenerdygirls – Gayle Mendoza, MPH, BSN, RN @thosenerdygirls Always seek the advice of your health care provider with questions about your medical care. ➡️ 0:00 Read more…
October 25, 2024
Why does global vaccine equity matter?
Infectious Diseases Social and Racial Justice Vaccines
Elisabeth Adkins Marnik, PhD
Q: Why does ensuring people all over the world have access to vaccines matter? Are there ways we can help ensure global vaccine access? A: Vaccine access is a global issue that saves lives and reduces the spread of pathogens worldwide. We can contribute by advocating for funding global vaccine initiatives and supporting organizations dedicated Read more…
October 24, 2024
What are Dense Breasts?
Reproductive Health
Katherine Cartwright, DO, MPH
Q: What are Dense Breasts? – Christine from Washington, D.C. A: We say breasts are dense if they have more fibrous and connective tissue. Less dense breasts have more fat and less fibrous tissue. Tissue is typically graded from A through D in terms of density. A is almost entirely fat, while D is almost Read more…
October 22, 2024
How does intimate partner violence impact pregnancy?
Reproductive Health
Roopa Seshadri, PhD, AM
How does intimate partner violence impact pregnancy? TL;DR: Survivors of intimate partner violence during pregnancy, both parents and infants, experience long-term emotional trauma and chronic health problems, and timely support can help prevent it. *If you or anyone you know needs help, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). Read more…
October 21, 2024
On October 11, 2024, we celebrated the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl
Social and Racial Justice
Gayle Mendoza, MPH, BSN, RN
This year’s theme is “Girls’ vision for the future.” The theme represents “the need for urgent action and persistent hope, driven by the power of girls’ voices and vision for the future.” As we noted last week, this celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face Read more…
October 19, 2024
How can I navigate election misinformation in the coming weeks?
Social and Racial Justice Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Use the new Misinformation Dashboard from The News Literacy Project! TL;DR: The Misinformation Dashboard catalogs and categorizes viral election-related misinformation by theme and method used to spread it. Being aware of these themes and ways misinformation is spread can help us better recognize it and pause before sharing it. Check it out here: https://misinfodashboard.newslit.org/! As Read more…
October 18, 2024
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens?
Families/Kids General Health
Ashley Sever, MPH
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens? TL;DR: Nicotine pouches are small, flavored microfiber pouches that deliver nicotine through the mouth and gums. As with any nicotine product, they are highly addictive and come with potential risks for developing teen brains. Trusted adults can help. As a millennial who grew up Read more…
October 17, 2024
October 18th is World Menopause Day
Aging Reproductive Health
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
In recognition of World Menopause Day on October 18, 2024, Those Nerdy Girls wants to send you a big, sweaty hug and highlight our posts on this important topic. There is a dire need for unbiased information given that the menopause space is filled with misinformation and predatory marketing. Many of us are right there Read more…
October 16, 2024
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns?
Social and Racial Justice
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns? A: Using correct names and gender pronouns can make a significant difference in someone’s life. Pronouns are the words we use to refer to ourselves or someone else when not using a name. Gender pronouns specifically refer to people and possessions (she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, ze/zir/zirs, etc.) The 2022 U.S. Read more…
October 15, 2024
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test?
Aging Reproductive Health
Katherine Cartwright, DO, MPH
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test? TL;DR No. Routine “hormone testing” in perimenopause and menopause is not recommended. At-home urine and saliva tests are not helpful in determining “stage” of perimenopause or need for treatment. Menopause transition Menopause is the normal process that occurs when the ovaries stop working. It Read more…
October 14, 2024
Today is Indigenous People’s Day
Social and Racial Justice
On this Indigenous People’s Day, Those Nerdy Girls would like to share some principles common to many Indigenous groups that help inform their public health initiatives: 1. Recognition of how today’s actions will impact the next 7 generations 2. Acting in honor of ancestors who fought to ensure their survival and elders who carry on Read more…
October 11, 2024
Who should get an RSV vaccine?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: New RSV vaccines can dramatically reduce the disease burden for babies and older adults. While RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) doesn’t get quite as much media attention as COVID-19 or the flu, it’s still a respiratory virus to watch out for. While it feels like a “common cold” for many, RSV can quickly turn dangerous for Read more…
October 10, 2024
October 11, 2024, is the International Day of the Girl.
Social and Racial Justice Women in STEM
October 11, 2024, is the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl. This celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.” The International Day of the Girl: ✊ Focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face ✊ Promotes Read more…
October 9, 2024
Do You Really Have “Cortisol Face?”
General Health
Rebecca Raskin-Wish
Social media has been obsessed with “Cortisol Face,” but you probably don’t have it. While chronically elevated levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) may contribute to weight gain, “cortisol face” isn’t a real thing unless you have a condition called Cushing’s Syndrome. You might have seen TikTok videos about “cortisol face” or “cortisol pooch” that Read more…
October 7, 2024
What is there to know about the Marburg virus outbreak in Rwanda?
Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, happening in Rwanda right now. While the global risk remains low, here’s what you need to know about the origins of the outbreak and how it’s evolving. This information is current as of 10/3, 6:55am. There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, Read more…
October 5, 2024
Q: What are all the ways people can vote?
Social and Racial Justice
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What are all the ways people can vote? A: In-person, by mail, and absentee. Once you are registered, there are several options for voting. See below for information on these options and make sure to check deadlines in your state for each one. In-person voting: On election day, November 5th, you can vote in-person. Read more…
Additional COVID vaccines approved for everyone ages 65+ Last week the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to recommend additional doses of the 2024-2025 COVID vaccine for certain groups: • Everyone 65 years and older and anyone with a moderately or severely weakened immune system should receive a second dose of the 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine 6 Read more…
What’s the latest on Bird Flu?
Infectious Diseases
Sandy Laping
(This information is up to date as of October 27, 2024, 9am EDT) The risk to humans remains low. Although bird flu infections continue to be found on cattle and poultry farms and have infected some people working there, there are no signs that human-to-human transmission is happening yet. Public health scientists are keeping a Read more…
October 25, 2024
Nerdy Girls Live 10/25/24 – Your COVID Vaccine Questions Answered
Vaccines Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls answer your questions about COVID vaccines including Novavax, side effects, timing, and more. Hosted by: – Chana Davis, PhD @thosenerdygirls x @fueledbyscience – Andrea Harmony NP-C, PMHS @thosenerdygirls – Gayle Mendoza, MPH, BSN, RN @thosenerdygirls Always seek the advice of your health care provider with questions about your medical care. ➡️ 0:00 Read more…
October 25, 2024
Why does global vaccine equity matter?
Infectious Diseases Social and Racial Justice Vaccines
Elisabeth Adkins Marnik, PhD
Q: Why does ensuring people all over the world have access to vaccines matter? Are there ways we can help ensure global vaccine access? A: Vaccine access is a global issue that saves lives and reduces the spread of pathogens worldwide. We can contribute by advocating for funding global vaccine initiatives and supporting organizations dedicated Read more…
October 24, 2024
What are Dense Breasts?
Reproductive Health
Katherine Cartwright, DO, MPH
Q: What are Dense Breasts? – Christine from Washington, D.C. A: We say breasts are dense if they have more fibrous and connective tissue. Less dense breasts have more fat and less fibrous tissue. Tissue is typically graded from A through D in terms of density. A is almost entirely fat, while D is almost Read more…
October 22, 2024
How does intimate partner violence impact pregnancy?
Reproductive Health
Roopa Seshadri, PhD, AM
How does intimate partner violence impact pregnancy? TL;DR: Survivors of intimate partner violence during pregnancy, both parents and infants, experience long-term emotional trauma and chronic health problems, and timely support can help prevent it. *If you or anyone you know needs help, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). Read more…
October 21, 2024
On October 11, 2024, we celebrated the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl
Social and Racial Justice
Gayle Mendoza, MPH, BSN, RN
This year’s theme is “Girls’ vision for the future.” The theme represents “the need for urgent action and persistent hope, driven by the power of girls’ voices and vision for the future.” As we noted last week, this celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face Read more…
October 19, 2024
How can I navigate election misinformation in the coming weeks?
Social and Racial Justice Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Use the new Misinformation Dashboard from The News Literacy Project! TL;DR: The Misinformation Dashboard catalogs and categorizes viral election-related misinformation by theme and method used to spread it. Being aware of these themes and ways misinformation is spread can help us better recognize it and pause before sharing it. Check it out here: https://misinfodashboard.newslit.org/! As Read more…
October 18, 2024
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens?
Families/Kids General Health
Ashley Sever, MPH
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens? TL;DR: Nicotine pouches are small, flavored microfiber pouches that deliver nicotine through the mouth and gums. As with any nicotine product, they are highly addictive and come with potential risks for developing teen brains. Trusted adults can help. As a millennial who grew up Read more…
October 17, 2024
October 18th is World Menopause Day
Aging Reproductive Health
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
In recognition of World Menopause Day on October 18, 2024, Those Nerdy Girls wants to send you a big, sweaty hug and highlight our posts on this important topic. There is a dire need for unbiased information given that the menopause space is filled with misinformation and predatory marketing. Many of us are right there Read more…
October 16, 2024
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns?
Social and Racial Justice
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns? A: Using correct names and gender pronouns can make a significant difference in someone’s life. Pronouns are the words we use to refer to ourselves or someone else when not using a name. Gender pronouns specifically refer to people and possessions (she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, ze/zir/zirs, etc.) The 2022 U.S. Read more…
October 15, 2024
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test?
Aging Reproductive Health
Katherine Cartwright, DO, MPH
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test? TL;DR No. Routine “hormone testing” in perimenopause and menopause is not recommended. At-home urine and saliva tests are not helpful in determining “stage” of perimenopause or need for treatment. Menopause transition Menopause is the normal process that occurs when the ovaries stop working. It Read more…
October 14, 2024
Today is Indigenous People’s Day
Social and Racial Justice
On this Indigenous People’s Day, Those Nerdy Girls would like to share some principles common to many Indigenous groups that help inform their public health initiatives: 1. Recognition of how today’s actions will impact the next 7 generations 2. Acting in honor of ancestors who fought to ensure their survival and elders who carry on Read more…
October 11, 2024
Who should get an RSV vaccine?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: New RSV vaccines can dramatically reduce the disease burden for babies and older adults. While RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) doesn’t get quite as much media attention as COVID-19 or the flu, it’s still a respiratory virus to watch out for. While it feels like a “common cold” for many, RSV can quickly turn dangerous for Read more…
October 10, 2024
October 11, 2024, is the International Day of the Girl.
Social and Racial Justice Women in STEM
October 11, 2024, is the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl. This celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.” The International Day of the Girl: ✊ Focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face ✊ Promotes Read more…
October 9, 2024
Do You Really Have “Cortisol Face?”
General Health
Rebecca Raskin-Wish
Social media has been obsessed with “Cortisol Face,” but you probably don’t have it. While chronically elevated levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) may contribute to weight gain, “cortisol face” isn’t a real thing unless you have a condition called Cushing’s Syndrome. You might have seen TikTok videos about “cortisol face” or “cortisol pooch” that Read more…
October 7, 2024
What is there to know about the Marburg virus outbreak in Rwanda?
Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, happening in Rwanda right now. While the global risk remains low, here’s what you need to know about the origins of the outbreak and how it’s evolving. This information is current as of 10/3, 6:55am. There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, Read more…
October 5, 2024
Q: What are all the ways people can vote?
Social and Racial Justice
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What are all the ways people can vote? A: In-person, by mail, and absentee. Once you are registered, there are several options for voting. See below for information on these options and make sure to check deadlines in your state for each one. In-person voting: On election day, November 5th, you can vote in-person. Read more…
(This information is up to date as of October 27, 2024, 9am EDT) The risk to humans remains low. Although bird flu infections continue to be found on cattle and poultry farms and have infected some people working there, there are no signs that human-to-human transmission is happening yet. Public health scientists are keeping a Read more…
Nerdy Girls Live 10/25/24 – Your COVID Vaccine Questions Answered
Vaccines Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls answer your questions about COVID vaccines including Novavax, side effects, timing, and more. Hosted by: – Chana Davis, PhD @thosenerdygirls x @fueledbyscience – Andrea Harmony NP-C, PMHS @thosenerdygirls – Gayle Mendoza, MPH, BSN, RN @thosenerdygirls Always seek the advice of your health care provider with questions about your medical care. ➡️ 0:00 Read more…
October 25, 2024
Why does global vaccine equity matter?
Infectious Diseases Social and Racial Justice Vaccines
Elisabeth Adkins Marnik, PhD
Q: Why does ensuring people all over the world have access to vaccines matter? Are there ways we can help ensure global vaccine access? A: Vaccine access is a global issue that saves lives and reduces the spread of pathogens worldwide. We can contribute by advocating for funding global vaccine initiatives and supporting organizations dedicated Read more…
October 24, 2024
What are Dense Breasts?
Reproductive Health
Katherine Cartwright, DO, MPH
Q: What are Dense Breasts? – Christine from Washington, D.C. A: We say breasts are dense if they have more fibrous and connective tissue. Less dense breasts have more fat and less fibrous tissue. Tissue is typically graded from A through D in terms of density. A is almost entirely fat, while D is almost Read more…
October 22, 2024
How does intimate partner violence impact pregnancy?
Reproductive Health
Roopa Seshadri, PhD, AM
How does intimate partner violence impact pregnancy? TL;DR: Survivors of intimate partner violence during pregnancy, both parents and infants, experience long-term emotional trauma and chronic health problems, and timely support can help prevent it. *If you or anyone you know needs help, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). Read more…
October 21, 2024
On October 11, 2024, we celebrated the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl
Social and Racial Justice
Gayle Mendoza, MPH, BSN, RN
This year’s theme is “Girls’ vision for the future.” The theme represents “the need for urgent action and persistent hope, driven by the power of girls’ voices and vision for the future.” As we noted last week, this celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face Read more…
October 19, 2024
How can I navigate election misinformation in the coming weeks?
Social and Racial Justice Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Use the new Misinformation Dashboard from The News Literacy Project! TL;DR: The Misinformation Dashboard catalogs and categorizes viral election-related misinformation by theme and method used to spread it. Being aware of these themes and ways misinformation is spread can help us better recognize it and pause before sharing it. Check it out here: https://misinfodashboard.newslit.org/! As Read more…
October 18, 2024
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens?
Families/Kids General Health
Ashley Sever, MPH
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens? TL;DR: Nicotine pouches are small, flavored microfiber pouches that deliver nicotine through the mouth and gums. As with any nicotine product, they are highly addictive and come with potential risks for developing teen brains. Trusted adults can help. As a millennial who grew up Read more…
October 17, 2024
October 18th is World Menopause Day
Aging Reproductive Health
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
In recognition of World Menopause Day on October 18, 2024, Those Nerdy Girls wants to send you a big, sweaty hug and highlight our posts on this important topic. There is a dire need for unbiased information given that the menopause space is filled with misinformation and predatory marketing. Many of us are right there Read more…
October 16, 2024
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns?
Social and Racial Justice
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns? A: Using correct names and gender pronouns can make a significant difference in someone’s life. Pronouns are the words we use to refer to ourselves or someone else when not using a name. Gender pronouns specifically refer to people and possessions (she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, ze/zir/zirs, etc.) The 2022 U.S. Read more…
October 15, 2024
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test?
Aging Reproductive Health
Katherine Cartwright, DO, MPH
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test? TL;DR No. Routine “hormone testing” in perimenopause and menopause is not recommended. At-home urine and saliva tests are not helpful in determining “stage” of perimenopause or need for treatment. Menopause transition Menopause is the normal process that occurs when the ovaries stop working. It Read more…
October 14, 2024
Today is Indigenous People’s Day
Social and Racial Justice
On this Indigenous People’s Day, Those Nerdy Girls would like to share some principles common to many Indigenous groups that help inform their public health initiatives: 1. Recognition of how today’s actions will impact the next 7 generations 2. Acting in honor of ancestors who fought to ensure their survival and elders who carry on Read more…
October 11, 2024
Who should get an RSV vaccine?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: New RSV vaccines can dramatically reduce the disease burden for babies and older adults. While RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) doesn’t get quite as much media attention as COVID-19 or the flu, it’s still a respiratory virus to watch out for. While it feels like a “common cold” for many, RSV can quickly turn dangerous for Read more…
October 10, 2024
October 11, 2024, is the International Day of the Girl.
Social and Racial Justice Women in STEM
October 11, 2024, is the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl. This celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.” The International Day of the Girl: ✊ Focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face ✊ Promotes Read more…
October 9, 2024
Do You Really Have “Cortisol Face?”
General Health
Rebecca Raskin-Wish
Social media has been obsessed with “Cortisol Face,” but you probably don’t have it. While chronically elevated levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) may contribute to weight gain, “cortisol face” isn’t a real thing unless you have a condition called Cushing’s Syndrome. You might have seen TikTok videos about “cortisol face” or “cortisol pooch” that Read more…
October 7, 2024
What is there to know about the Marburg virus outbreak in Rwanda?
Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, happening in Rwanda right now. While the global risk remains low, here’s what you need to know about the origins of the outbreak and how it’s evolving. This information is current as of 10/3, 6:55am. There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, Read more…
October 5, 2024
Q: What are all the ways people can vote?
Social and Racial Justice
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What are all the ways people can vote? A: In-person, by mail, and absentee. Once you are registered, there are several options for voting. See below for information on these options and make sure to check deadlines in your state for each one. In-person voting: On election day, November 5th, you can vote in-person. Read more…
Those Nerdy Girls answer your questions about COVID vaccines including Novavax, side effects, timing, and more. Hosted by: – Chana Davis, PhD @thosenerdygirls x @fueledbyscience – Andrea Harmony NP-C, PMHS @thosenerdygirls – Gayle Mendoza, MPH, BSN, RN @thosenerdygirls Always seek the advice of your health care provider with questions about your medical care. ➡️ 0:00 Read more…
Why does global vaccine equity matter?
Infectious Diseases Social and Racial Justice Vaccines
Elisabeth Adkins Marnik, PhD
Q: Why does ensuring people all over the world have access to vaccines matter? Are there ways we can help ensure global vaccine access? A: Vaccine access is a global issue that saves lives and reduces the spread of pathogens worldwide. We can contribute by advocating for funding global vaccine initiatives and supporting organizations dedicated Read more…
October 24, 2024
What are Dense Breasts?
Reproductive Health
Katherine Cartwright, DO, MPH
Q: What are Dense Breasts? – Christine from Washington, D.C. A: We say breasts are dense if they have more fibrous and connective tissue. Less dense breasts have more fat and less fibrous tissue. Tissue is typically graded from A through D in terms of density. A is almost entirely fat, while D is almost Read more…
October 22, 2024
How does intimate partner violence impact pregnancy?
Reproductive Health
Roopa Seshadri, PhD, AM
How does intimate partner violence impact pregnancy? TL;DR: Survivors of intimate partner violence during pregnancy, both parents and infants, experience long-term emotional trauma and chronic health problems, and timely support can help prevent it. *If you or anyone you know needs help, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). Read more…
October 21, 2024
On October 11, 2024, we celebrated the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl
Social and Racial Justice
Gayle Mendoza, MPH, BSN, RN
This year’s theme is “Girls’ vision for the future.” The theme represents “the need for urgent action and persistent hope, driven by the power of girls’ voices and vision for the future.” As we noted last week, this celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face Read more…
October 19, 2024
How can I navigate election misinformation in the coming weeks?
Social and Racial Justice Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Use the new Misinformation Dashboard from The News Literacy Project! TL;DR: The Misinformation Dashboard catalogs and categorizes viral election-related misinformation by theme and method used to spread it. Being aware of these themes and ways misinformation is spread can help us better recognize it and pause before sharing it. Check it out here: https://misinfodashboard.newslit.org/! As Read more…
October 18, 2024
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens?
Families/Kids General Health
Ashley Sever, MPH
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens? TL;DR: Nicotine pouches are small, flavored microfiber pouches that deliver nicotine through the mouth and gums. As with any nicotine product, they are highly addictive and come with potential risks for developing teen brains. Trusted adults can help. As a millennial who grew up Read more…
October 17, 2024
October 18th is World Menopause Day
Aging Reproductive Health
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
In recognition of World Menopause Day on October 18, 2024, Those Nerdy Girls wants to send you a big, sweaty hug and highlight our posts on this important topic. There is a dire need for unbiased information given that the menopause space is filled with misinformation and predatory marketing. Many of us are right there Read more…
October 16, 2024
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns?
Social and Racial Justice
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns? A: Using correct names and gender pronouns can make a significant difference in someone’s life. Pronouns are the words we use to refer to ourselves or someone else when not using a name. Gender pronouns specifically refer to people and possessions (she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, ze/zir/zirs, etc.) The 2022 U.S. Read more…
October 15, 2024
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test?
Aging Reproductive Health
Katherine Cartwright, DO, MPH
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test? TL;DR No. Routine “hormone testing” in perimenopause and menopause is not recommended. At-home urine and saliva tests are not helpful in determining “stage” of perimenopause or need for treatment. Menopause transition Menopause is the normal process that occurs when the ovaries stop working. It Read more…
October 14, 2024
Today is Indigenous People’s Day
Social and Racial Justice
On this Indigenous People’s Day, Those Nerdy Girls would like to share some principles common to many Indigenous groups that help inform their public health initiatives: 1. Recognition of how today’s actions will impact the next 7 generations 2. Acting in honor of ancestors who fought to ensure their survival and elders who carry on Read more…
October 11, 2024
Who should get an RSV vaccine?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: New RSV vaccines can dramatically reduce the disease burden for babies and older adults. While RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) doesn’t get quite as much media attention as COVID-19 or the flu, it’s still a respiratory virus to watch out for. While it feels like a “common cold” for many, RSV can quickly turn dangerous for Read more…
October 10, 2024
October 11, 2024, is the International Day of the Girl.
Social and Racial Justice Women in STEM
October 11, 2024, is the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl. This celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.” The International Day of the Girl: ✊ Focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face ✊ Promotes Read more…
October 9, 2024
Do You Really Have “Cortisol Face?”
General Health
Rebecca Raskin-Wish
Social media has been obsessed with “Cortisol Face,” but you probably don’t have it. While chronically elevated levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) may contribute to weight gain, “cortisol face” isn’t a real thing unless you have a condition called Cushing’s Syndrome. You might have seen TikTok videos about “cortisol face” or “cortisol pooch” that Read more…
October 7, 2024
What is there to know about the Marburg virus outbreak in Rwanda?
Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, happening in Rwanda right now. While the global risk remains low, here’s what you need to know about the origins of the outbreak and how it’s evolving. This information is current as of 10/3, 6:55am. There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, Read more…
October 5, 2024
Q: What are all the ways people can vote?
Social and Racial Justice
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What are all the ways people can vote? A: In-person, by mail, and absentee. Once you are registered, there are several options for voting. See below for information on these options and make sure to check deadlines in your state for each one. In-person voting: On election day, November 5th, you can vote in-person. Read more…
Q: Why does ensuring people all over the world have access to vaccines matter? Are there ways we can help ensure global vaccine access? A: Vaccine access is a global issue that saves lives and reduces the spread of pathogens worldwide. We can contribute by advocating for funding global vaccine initiatives and supporting organizations dedicated Read more…
What are Dense Breasts?
Reproductive Health
Katherine Cartwright, DO, MPH
Q: What are Dense Breasts? – Christine from Washington, D.C. A: We say breasts are dense if they have more fibrous and connective tissue. Less dense breasts have more fat and less fibrous tissue. Tissue is typically graded from A through D in terms of density. A is almost entirely fat, while D is almost Read more…
October 22, 2024
How does intimate partner violence impact pregnancy?
Reproductive Health
Roopa Seshadri, PhD, AM
How does intimate partner violence impact pregnancy? TL;DR: Survivors of intimate partner violence during pregnancy, both parents and infants, experience long-term emotional trauma and chronic health problems, and timely support can help prevent it. *If you or anyone you know needs help, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). Read more…
October 21, 2024
On October 11, 2024, we celebrated the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl
Social and Racial Justice
Gayle Mendoza, MPH, BSN, RN
This year’s theme is “Girls’ vision for the future.” The theme represents “the need for urgent action and persistent hope, driven by the power of girls’ voices and vision for the future.” As we noted last week, this celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face Read more…
October 19, 2024
How can I navigate election misinformation in the coming weeks?
Social and Racial Justice Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Use the new Misinformation Dashboard from The News Literacy Project! TL;DR: The Misinformation Dashboard catalogs and categorizes viral election-related misinformation by theme and method used to spread it. Being aware of these themes and ways misinformation is spread can help us better recognize it and pause before sharing it. Check it out here: https://misinfodashboard.newslit.org/! As Read more…
October 18, 2024
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens?
Families/Kids General Health
Ashley Sever, MPH
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens? TL;DR: Nicotine pouches are small, flavored microfiber pouches that deliver nicotine through the mouth and gums. As with any nicotine product, they are highly addictive and come with potential risks for developing teen brains. Trusted adults can help. As a millennial who grew up Read more…
October 17, 2024
October 18th is World Menopause Day
Aging Reproductive Health
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
In recognition of World Menopause Day on October 18, 2024, Those Nerdy Girls wants to send you a big, sweaty hug and highlight our posts on this important topic. There is a dire need for unbiased information given that the menopause space is filled with misinformation and predatory marketing. Many of us are right there Read more…
October 16, 2024
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns?
Social and Racial Justice
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns? A: Using correct names and gender pronouns can make a significant difference in someone’s life. Pronouns are the words we use to refer to ourselves or someone else when not using a name. Gender pronouns specifically refer to people and possessions (she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, ze/zir/zirs, etc.) The 2022 U.S. Read more…
October 15, 2024
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test?
Aging Reproductive Health
Katherine Cartwright, DO, MPH
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test? TL;DR No. Routine “hormone testing” in perimenopause and menopause is not recommended. At-home urine and saliva tests are not helpful in determining “stage” of perimenopause or need for treatment. Menopause transition Menopause is the normal process that occurs when the ovaries stop working. It Read more…
October 14, 2024
Today is Indigenous People’s Day
Social and Racial Justice
On this Indigenous People’s Day, Those Nerdy Girls would like to share some principles common to many Indigenous groups that help inform their public health initiatives: 1. Recognition of how today’s actions will impact the next 7 generations 2. Acting in honor of ancestors who fought to ensure their survival and elders who carry on Read more…
October 11, 2024
Who should get an RSV vaccine?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: New RSV vaccines can dramatically reduce the disease burden for babies and older adults. While RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) doesn’t get quite as much media attention as COVID-19 or the flu, it’s still a respiratory virus to watch out for. While it feels like a “common cold” for many, RSV can quickly turn dangerous for Read more…
October 10, 2024
October 11, 2024, is the International Day of the Girl.
Social and Racial Justice Women in STEM
October 11, 2024, is the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl. This celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.” The International Day of the Girl: ✊ Focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face ✊ Promotes Read more…
October 9, 2024
Do You Really Have “Cortisol Face?”
General Health
Rebecca Raskin-Wish
Social media has been obsessed with “Cortisol Face,” but you probably don’t have it. While chronically elevated levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) may contribute to weight gain, “cortisol face” isn’t a real thing unless you have a condition called Cushing’s Syndrome. You might have seen TikTok videos about “cortisol face” or “cortisol pooch” that Read more…
October 7, 2024
What is there to know about the Marburg virus outbreak in Rwanda?
Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, happening in Rwanda right now. While the global risk remains low, here’s what you need to know about the origins of the outbreak and how it’s evolving. This information is current as of 10/3, 6:55am. There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, Read more…
October 5, 2024
Q: What are all the ways people can vote?
Social and Racial Justice
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What are all the ways people can vote? A: In-person, by mail, and absentee. Once you are registered, there are several options for voting. See below for information on these options and make sure to check deadlines in your state for each one. In-person voting: On election day, November 5th, you can vote in-person. Read more…
Q: What are Dense Breasts? – Christine from Washington, D.C. A: We say breasts are dense if they have more fibrous and connective tissue. Less dense breasts have more fat and less fibrous tissue. Tissue is typically graded from A through D in terms of density. A is almost entirely fat, while D is almost Read more…
How does intimate partner violence impact pregnancy?
Reproductive Health
Roopa Seshadri, PhD, AM
How does intimate partner violence impact pregnancy? TL;DR: Survivors of intimate partner violence during pregnancy, both parents and infants, experience long-term emotional trauma and chronic health problems, and timely support can help prevent it. *If you or anyone you know needs help, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). Read more…
October 21, 2024
On October 11, 2024, we celebrated the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl
Social and Racial Justice
Gayle Mendoza, MPH, BSN, RN
This year’s theme is “Girls’ vision for the future.” The theme represents “the need for urgent action and persistent hope, driven by the power of girls’ voices and vision for the future.” As we noted last week, this celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face Read more…
October 19, 2024
How can I navigate election misinformation in the coming weeks?
Social and Racial Justice Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Use the new Misinformation Dashboard from The News Literacy Project! TL;DR: The Misinformation Dashboard catalogs and categorizes viral election-related misinformation by theme and method used to spread it. Being aware of these themes and ways misinformation is spread can help us better recognize it and pause before sharing it. Check it out here: https://misinfodashboard.newslit.org/! As Read more…
October 18, 2024
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens?
Families/Kids General Health
Ashley Sever, MPH
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens? TL;DR: Nicotine pouches are small, flavored microfiber pouches that deliver nicotine through the mouth and gums. As with any nicotine product, they are highly addictive and come with potential risks for developing teen brains. Trusted adults can help. As a millennial who grew up Read more…
October 17, 2024
October 18th is World Menopause Day
Aging Reproductive Health
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
In recognition of World Menopause Day on October 18, 2024, Those Nerdy Girls wants to send you a big, sweaty hug and highlight our posts on this important topic. There is a dire need for unbiased information given that the menopause space is filled with misinformation and predatory marketing. Many of us are right there Read more…
October 16, 2024
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns?
Social and Racial Justice
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns? A: Using correct names and gender pronouns can make a significant difference in someone’s life. Pronouns are the words we use to refer to ourselves or someone else when not using a name. Gender pronouns specifically refer to people and possessions (she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, ze/zir/zirs, etc.) The 2022 U.S. Read more…
October 15, 2024
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test?
Aging Reproductive Health
Katherine Cartwright, DO, MPH
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test? TL;DR No. Routine “hormone testing” in perimenopause and menopause is not recommended. At-home urine and saliva tests are not helpful in determining “stage” of perimenopause or need for treatment. Menopause transition Menopause is the normal process that occurs when the ovaries stop working. It Read more…
October 14, 2024
Today is Indigenous People’s Day
Social and Racial Justice
On this Indigenous People’s Day, Those Nerdy Girls would like to share some principles common to many Indigenous groups that help inform their public health initiatives: 1. Recognition of how today’s actions will impact the next 7 generations 2. Acting in honor of ancestors who fought to ensure their survival and elders who carry on Read more…
October 11, 2024
Who should get an RSV vaccine?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: New RSV vaccines can dramatically reduce the disease burden for babies and older adults. While RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) doesn’t get quite as much media attention as COVID-19 or the flu, it’s still a respiratory virus to watch out for. While it feels like a “common cold” for many, RSV can quickly turn dangerous for Read more…
October 10, 2024
October 11, 2024, is the International Day of the Girl.
Social and Racial Justice Women in STEM
October 11, 2024, is the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl. This celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.” The International Day of the Girl: ✊ Focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face ✊ Promotes Read more…
October 9, 2024
Do You Really Have “Cortisol Face?”
General Health
Rebecca Raskin-Wish
Social media has been obsessed with “Cortisol Face,” but you probably don’t have it. While chronically elevated levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) may contribute to weight gain, “cortisol face” isn’t a real thing unless you have a condition called Cushing’s Syndrome. You might have seen TikTok videos about “cortisol face” or “cortisol pooch” that Read more…
October 7, 2024
What is there to know about the Marburg virus outbreak in Rwanda?
Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, happening in Rwanda right now. While the global risk remains low, here’s what you need to know about the origins of the outbreak and how it’s evolving. This information is current as of 10/3, 6:55am. There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, Read more…
October 5, 2024
Q: What are all the ways people can vote?
Social and Racial Justice
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What are all the ways people can vote? A: In-person, by mail, and absentee. Once you are registered, there are several options for voting. See below for information on these options and make sure to check deadlines in your state for each one. In-person voting: On election day, November 5th, you can vote in-person. Read more…
How does intimate partner violence impact pregnancy? TL;DR: Survivors of intimate partner violence during pregnancy, both parents and infants, experience long-term emotional trauma and chronic health problems, and timely support can help prevent it. *If you or anyone you know needs help, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). Read more…
On October 11, 2024, we celebrated the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl
Social and Racial Justice
Gayle Mendoza, MPH, BSN, RN
This year’s theme is “Girls’ vision for the future.” The theme represents “the need for urgent action and persistent hope, driven by the power of girls’ voices and vision for the future.” As we noted last week, this celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face Read more…
October 19, 2024
How can I navigate election misinformation in the coming weeks?
Social and Racial Justice Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Use the new Misinformation Dashboard from The News Literacy Project! TL;DR: The Misinformation Dashboard catalogs and categorizes viral election-related misinformation by theme and method used to spread it. Being aware of these themes and ways misinformation is spread can help us better recognize it and pause before sharing it. Check it out here: https://misinfodashboard.newslit.org/! As Read more…
October 18, 2024
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens?
Families/Kids General Health
Ashley Sever, MPH
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens? TL;DR: Nicotine pouches are small, flavored microfiber pouches that deliver nicotine through the mouth and gums. As with any nicotine product, they are highly addictive and come with potential risks for developing teen brains. Trusted adults can help. As a millennial who grew up Read more…
October 17, 2024
October 18th is World Menopause Day
Aging Reproductive Health
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
In recognition of World Menopause Day on October 18, 2024, Those Nerdy Girls wants to send you a big, sweaty hug and highlight our posts on this important topic. There is a dire need for unbiased information given that the menopause space is filled with misinformation and predatory marketing. Many of us are right there Read more…
October 16, 2024
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns?
Social and Racial Justice
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns? A: Using correct names and gender pronouns can make a significant difference in someone’s life. Pronouns are the words we use to refer to ourselves or someone else when not using a name. Gender pronouns specifically refer to people and possessions (she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, ze/zir/zirs, etc.) The 2022 U.S. Read more…
October 15, 2024
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test?
Aging Reproductive Health
Katherine Cartwright, DO, MPH
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test? TL;DR No. Routine “hormone testing” in perimenopause and menopause is not recommended. At-home urine and saliva tests are not helpful in determining “stage” of perimenopause or need for treatment. Menopause transition Menopause is the normal process that occurs when the ovaries stop working. It Read more…
October 14, 2024
Today is Indigenous People’s Day
Social and Racial Justice
On this Indigenous People’s Day, Those Nerdy Girls would like to share some principles common to many Indigenous groups that help inform their public health initiatives: 1. Recognition of how today’s actions will impact the next 7 generations 2. Acting in honor of ancestors who fought to ensure their survival and elders who carry on Read more…
October 11, 2024
Who should get an RSV vaccine?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: New RSV vaccines can dramatically reduce the disease burden for babies and older adults. While RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) doesn’t get quite as much media attention as COVID-19 or the flu, it’s still a respiratory virus to watch out for. While it feels like a “common cold” for many, RSV can quickly turn dangerous for Read more…
October 10, 2024
October 11, 2024, is the International Day of the Girl.
Social and Racial Justice Women in STEM
October 11, 2024, is the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl. This celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.” The International Day of the Girl: ✊ Focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face ✊ Promotes Read more…
October 9, 2024
Do You Really Have “Cortisol Face?”
General Health
Rebecca Raskin-Wish
Social media has been obsessed with “Cortisol Face,” but you probably don’t have it. While chronically elevated levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) may contribute to weight gain, “cortisol face” isn’t a real thing unless you have a condition called Cushing’s Syndrome. You might have seen TikTok videos about “cortisol face” or “cortisol pooch” that Read more…
October 7, 2024
What is there to know about the Marburg virus outbreak in Rwanda?
Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, happening in Rwanda right now. While the global risk remains low, here’s what you need to know about the origins of the outbreak and how it’s evolving. This information is current as of 10/3, 6:55am. There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, Read more…
October 5, 2024
Q: What are all the ways people can vote?
Social and Racial Justice
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What are all the ways people can vote? A: In-person, by mail, and absentee. Once you are registered, there are several options for voting. See below for information on these options and make sure to check deadlines in your state for each one. In-person voting: On election day, November 5th, you can vote in-person. Read more…
This year’s theme is “Girls’ vision for the future.” The theme represents “the need for urgent action and persistent hope, driven by the power of girls’ voices and vision for the future.” As we noted last week, this celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face Read more…
How can I navigate election misinformation in the coming weeks?
Social and Racial Justice Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Use the new Misinformation Dashboard from The News Literacy Project! TL;DR: The Misinformation Dashboard catalogs and categorizes viral election-related misinformation by theme and method used to spread it. Being aware of these themes and ways misinformation is spread can help us better recognize it and pause before sharing it. Check it out here: https://misinfodashboard.newslit.org/! As Read more…
October 18, 2024
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens?
Families/Kids General Health
Ashley Sever, MPH
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens? TL;DR: Nicotine pouches are small, flavored microfiber pouches that deliver nicotine through the mouth and gums. As with any nicotine product, they are highly addictive and come with potential risks for developing teen brains. Trusted adults can help. As a millennial who grew up Read more…
October 17, 2024
October 18th is World Menopause Day
Aging Reproductive Health
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
In recognition of World Menopause Day on October 18, 2024, Those Nerdy Girls wants to send you a big, sweaty hug and highlight our posts on this important topic. There is a dire need for unbiased information given that the menopause space is filled with misinformation and predatory marketing. Many of us are right there Read more…
October 16, 2024
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns?
Social and Racial Justice
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns? A: Using correct names and gender pronouns can make a significant difference in someone’s life. Pronouns are the words we use to refer to ourselves or someone else when not using a name. Gender pronouns specifically refer to people and possessions (she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, ze/zir/zirs, etc.) The 2022 U.S. Read more…
October 15, 2024
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test?
Aging Reproductive Health
Katherine Cartwright, DO, MPH
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test? TL;DR No. Routine “hormone testing” in perimenopause and menopause is not recommended. At-home urine and saliva tests are not helpful in determining “stage” of perimenopause or need for treatment. Menopause transition Menopause is the normal process that occurs when the ovaries stop working. It Read more…
October 14, 2024
Today is Indigenous People’s Day
Social and Racial Justice
On this Indigenous People’s Day, Those Nerdy Girls would like to share some principles common to many Indigenous groups that help inform their public health initiatives: 1. Recognition of how today’s actions will impact the next 7 generations 2. Acting in honor of ancestors who fought to ensure their survival and elders who carry on Read more…
October 11, 2024
Who should get an RSV vaccine?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: New RSV vaccines can dramatically reduce the disease burden for babies and older adults. While RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) doesn’t get quite as much media attention as COVID-19 or the flu, it’s still a respiratory virus to watch out for. While it feels like a “common cold” for many, RSV can quickly turn dangerous for Read more…
October 10, 2024
October 11, 2024, is the International Day of the Girl.
Social and Racial Justice Women in STEM
October 11, 2024, is the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl. This celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.” The International Day of the Girl: ✊ Focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face ✊ Promotes Read more…
October 9, 2024
Do You Really Have “Cortisol Face?”
General Health
Rebecca Raskin-Wish
Social media has been obsessed with “Cortisol Face,” but you probably don’t have it. While chronically elevated levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) may contribute to weight gain, “cortisol face” isn’t a real thing unless you have a condition called Cushing’s Syndrome. You might have seen TikTok videos about “cortisol face” or “cortisol pooch” that Read more…
October 7, 2024
What is there to know about the Marburg virus outbreak in Rwanda?
Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, happening in Rwanda right now. While the global risk remains low, here’s what you need to know about the origins of the outbreak and how it’s evolving. This information is current as of 10/3, 6:55am. There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, Read more…
October 5, 2024
Q: What are all the ways people can vote?
Social and Racial Justice
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What are all the ways people can vote? A: In-person, by mail, and absentee. Once you are registered, there are several options for voting. See below for information on these options and make sure to check deadlines in your state for each one. In-person voting: On election day, November 5th, you can vote in-person. Read more…
Use the new Misinformation Dashboard from The News Literacy Project! TL;DR: The Misinformation Dashboard catalogs and categorizes viral election-related misinformation by theme and method used to spread it. Being aware of these themes and ways misinformation is spread can help us better recognize it and pause before sharing it. Check it out here: https://misinfodashboard.newslit.org/! As Read more…
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens?
Families/Kids General Health
Ashley Sever, MPH
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens? TL;DR: Nicotine pouches are small, flavored microfiber pouches that deliver nicotine through the mouth and gums. As with any nicotine product, they are highly addictive and come with potential risks for developing teen brains. Trusted adults can help. As a millennial who grew up Read more…
October 17, 2024
October 18th is World Menopause Day
Aging Reproductive Health
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
In recognition of World Menopause Day on October 18, 2024, Those Nerdy Girls wants to send you a big, sweaty hug and highlight our posts on this important topic. There is a dire need for unbiased information given that the menopause space is filled with misinformation and predatory marketing. Many of us are right there Read more…
October 16, 2024
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns?
Social and Racial Justice
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns? A: Using correct names and gender pronouns can make a significant difference in someone’s life. Pronouns are the words we use to refer to ourselves or someone else when not using a name. Gender pronouns specifically refer to people and possessions (she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, ze/zir/zirs, etc.) The 2022 U.S. Read more…
October 15, 2024
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test?
Aging Reproductive Health
Katherine Cartwright, DO, MPH
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test? TL;DR No. Routine “hormone testing” in perimenopause and menopause is not recommended. At-home urine and saliva tests are not helpful in determining “stage” of perimenopause or need for treatment. Menopause transition Menopause is the normal process that occurs when the ovaries stop working. It Read more…
October 14, 2024
Today is Indigenous People’s Day
Social and Racial Justice
On this Indigenous People’s Day, Those Nerdy Girls would like to share some principles common to many Indigenous groups that help inform their public health initiatives: 1. Recognition of how today’s actions will impact the next 7 generations 2. Acting in honor of ancestors who fought to ensure their survival and elders who carry on Read more…
October 11, 2024
Who should get an RSV vaccine?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: New RSV vaccines can dramatically reduce the disease burden for babies and older adults. While RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) doesn’t get quite as much media attention as COVID-19 or the flu, it’s still a respiratory virus to watch out for. While it feels like a “common cold” for many, RSV can quickly turn dangerous for Read more…
October 10, 2024
October 11, 2024, is the International Day of the Girl.
Social and Racial Justice Women in STEM
October 11, 2024, is the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl. This celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.” The International Day of the Girl: ✊ Focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face ✊ Promotes Read more…
October 9, 2024
Do You Really Have “Cortisol Face?”
General Health
Rebecca Raskin-Wish
Social media has been obsessed with “Cortisol Face,” but you probably don’t have it. While chronically elevated levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) may contribute to weight gain, “cortisol face” isn’t a real thing unless you have a condition called Cushing’s Syndrome. You might have seen TikTok videos about “cortisol face” or “cortisol pooch” that Read more…
October 7, 2024
What is there to know about the Marburg virus outbreak in Rwanda?
Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, happening in Rwanda right now. While the global risk remains low, here’s what you need to know about the origins of the outbreak and how it’s evolving. This information is current as of 10/3, 6:55am. There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, Read more…
October 5, 2024
Q: What are all the ways people can vote?
Social and Racial Justice
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What are all the ways people can vote? A: In-person, by mail, and absentee. Once you are registered, there are several options for voting. See below for information on these options and make sure to check deadlines in your state for each one. In-person voting: On election day, November 5th, you can vote in-person. Read more…
What are nicotine pouches, and what are their risks for teens? TL;DR: Nicotine pouches are small, flavored microfiber pouches that deliver nicotine through the mouth and gums. As with any nicotine product, they are highly addictive and come with potential risks for developing teen brains. Trusted adults can help. As a millennial who grew up Read more…
October 18th is World Menopause Day
Aging Reproductive Health
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
In recognition of World Menopause Day on October 18, 2024, Those Nerdy Girls wants to send you a big, sweaty hug and highlight our posts on this important topic. There is a dire need for unbiased information given that the menopause space is filled with misinformation and predatory marketing. Many of us are right there Read more…
October 16, 2024
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns?
Social and Racial Justice
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns? A: Using correct names and gender pronouns can make a significant difference in someone’s life. Pronouns are the words we use to refer to ourselves or someone else when not using a name. Gender pronouns specifically refer to people and possessions (she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, ze/zir/zirs, etc.) The 2022 U.S. Read more…
October 15, 2024
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test?
Aging Reproductive Health
Katherine Cartwright, DO, MPH
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test? TL;DR No. Routine “hormone testing” in perimenopause and menopause is not recommended. At-home urine and saliva tests are not helpful in determining “stage” of perimenopause or need for treatment. Menopause transition Menopause is the normal process that occurs when the ovaries stop working. It Read more…
October 14, 2024
Today is Indigenous People’s Day
Social and Racial Justice
On this Indigenous People’s Day, Those Nerdy Girls would like to share some principles common to many Indigenous groups that help inform their public health initiatives: 1. Recognition of how today’s actions will impact the next 7 generations 2. Acting in honor of ancestors who fought to ensure their survival and elders who carry on Read more…
October 11, 2024
Who should get an RSV vaccine?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: New RSV vaccines can dramatically reduce the disease burden for babies and older adults. While RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) doesn’t get quite as much media attention as COVID-19 or the flu, it’s still a respiratory virus to watch out for. While it feels like a “common cold” for many, RSV can quickly turn dangerous for Read more…
October 10, 2024
October 11, 2024, is the International Day of the Girl.
Social and Racial Justice Women in STEM
October 11, 2024, is the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl. This celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.” The International Day of the Girl: ✊ Focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face ✊ Promotes Read more…
October 9, 2024
Do You Really Have “Cortisol Face?”
General Health
Rebecca Raskin-Wish
Social media has been obsessed with “Cortisol Face,” but you probably don’t have it. While chronically elevated levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) may contribute to weight gain, “cortisol face” isn’t a real thing unless you have a condition called Cushing’s Syndrome. You might have seen TikTok videos about “cortisol face” or “cortisol pooch” that Read more…
October 7, 2024
What is there to know about the Marburg virus outbreak in Rwanda?
Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, happening in Rwanda right now. While the global risk remains low, here’s what you need to know about the origins of the outbreak and how it’s evolving. This information is current as of 10/3, 6:55am. There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, Read more…
October 5, 2024
Q: What are all the ways people can vote?
Social and Racial Justice
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What are all the ways people can vote? A: In-person, by mail, and absentee. Once you are registered, there are several options for voting. See below for information on these options and make sure to check deadlines in your state for each one. In-person voting: On election day, November 5th, you can vote in-person. Read more…
In recognition of World Menopause Day on October 18, 2024, Those Nerdy Girls wants to send you a big, sweaty hug and highlight our posts on this important topic. There is a dire need for unbiased information given that the menopause space is filled with misinformation and predatory marketing. Many of us are right there Read more…
Q: Why are people sharing their pronouns?
Social and Racial JusticeQ: Why are people sharing their pronouns? A: Using correct names and gender pronouns can make a significant difference in someone’s life. Pronouns are the words we use to refer to ourselves or someone else when not using a name. Gender pronouns specifically refer to people and possessions (she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, ze/zir/zirs, etc.) The 2022 U.S. Read more…
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test?
Aging Reproductive Health
Katherine Cartwright, DO, MPH
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test? TL;DR No. Routine “hormone testing” in perimenopause and menopause is not recommended. At-home urine and saliva tests are not helpful in determining “stage” of perimenopause or need for treatment. Menopause transition Menopause is the normal process that occurs when the ovaries stop working. It Read more…
October 14, 2024
Today is Indigenous People’s Day
Social and Racial Justice
On this Indigenous People’s Day, Those Nerdy Girls would like to share some principles common to many Indigenous groups that help inform their public health initiatives: 1. Recognition of how today’s actions will impact the next 7 generations 2. Acting in honor of ancestors who fought to ensure their survival and elders who carry on Read more…
October 11, 2024
Who should get an RSV vaccine?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: New RSV vaccines can dramatically reduce the disease burden for babies and older adults. While RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) doesn’t get quite as much media attention as COVID-19 or the flu, it’s still a respiratory virus to watch out for. While it feels like a “common cold” for many, RSV can quickly turn dangerous for Read more…
October 10, 2024
October 11, 2024, is the International Day of the Girl.
Social and Racial Justice Women in STEM
October 11, 2024, is the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl. This celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.” The International Day of the Girl: ✊ Focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face ✊ Promotes Read more…
October 9, 2024
Do You Really Have “Cortisol Face?”
General Health
Rebecca Raskin-Wish
Social media has been obsessed with “Cortisol Face,” but you probably don’t have it. While chronically elevated levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) may contribute to weight gain, “cortisol face” isn’t a real thing unless you have a condition called Cushing’s Syndrome. You might have seen TikTok videos about “cortisol face” or “cortisol pooch” that Read more…
October 7, 2024
What is there to know about the Marburg virus outbreak in Rwanda?
Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, happening in Rwanda right now. While the global risk remains low, here’s what you need to know about the origins of the outbreak and how it’s evolving. This information is current as of 10/3, 6:55am. There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, Read more…
October 5, 2024
Q: What are all the ways people can vote?
Social and Racial Justice
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What are all the ways people can vote? A: In-person, by mail, and absentee. Once you are registered, there are several options for voting. See below for information on these options and make sure to check deadlines in your state for each one. In-person voting: On election day, November 5th, you can vote in-person. Read more…
Should I check my hormones in perimenopause with an at-home test? TL;DR No. Routine “hormone testing” in perimenopause and menopause is not recommended. At-home urine and saliva tests are not helpful in determining “stage” of perimenopause or need for treatment. Menopause transition Menopause is the normal process that occurs when the ovaries stop working. It Read more…
Today is Indigenous People’s Day
Social and Racial Justice
On this Indigenous People’s Day, Those Nerdy Girls would like to share some principles common to many Indigenous groups that help inform their public health initiatives: 1. Recognition of how today’s actions will impact the next 7 generations 2. Acting in honor of ancestors who fought to ensure their survival and elders who carry on Read more…
October 11, 2024
Who should get an RSV vaccine?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: New RSV vaccines can dramatically reduce the disease burden for babies and older adults. While RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) doesn’t get quite as much media attention as COVID-19 or the flu, it’s still a respiratory virus to watch out for. While it feels like a “common cold” for many, RSV can quickly turn dangerous for Read more…
October 10, 2024
October 11, 2024, is the International Day of the Girl.
Social and Racial Justice Women in STEM
October 11, 2024, is the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl. This celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.” The International Day of the Girl: ✊ Focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face ✊ Promotes Read more…
October 9, 2024
Do You Really Have “Cortisol Face?”
General Health
Rebecca Raskin-Wish
Social media has been obsessed with “Cortisol Face,” but you probably don’t have it. While chronically elevated levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) may contribute to weight gain, “cortisol face” isn’t a real thing unless you have a condition called Cushing’s Syndrome. You might have seen TikTok videos about “cortisol face” or “cortisol pooch” that Read more…
October 7, 2024
What is there to know about the Marburg virus outbreak in Rwanda?
Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, happening in Rwanda right now. While the global risk remains low, here’s what you need to know about the origins of the outbreak and how it’s evolving. This information is current as of 10/3, 6:55am. There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, Read more…
October 5, 2024
Q: What are all the ways people can vote?
Social and Racial Justice
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What are all the ways people can vote? A: In-person, by mail, and absentee. Once you are registered, there are several options for voting. See below for information on these options and make sure to check deadlines in your state for each one. In-person voting: On election day, November 5th, you can vote in-person. Read more…
On this Indigenous People’s Day, Those Nerdy Girls would like to share some principles common to many Indigenous groups that help inform their public health initiatives: 1. Recognition of how today’s actions will impact the next 7 generations 2. Acting in honor of ancestors who fought to ensure their survival and elders who carry on Read more…
Who should get an RSV vaccine?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TL;DR: New RSV vaccines can dramatically reduce the disease burden for babies and older adults. While RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) doesn’t get quite as much media attention as COVID-19 or the flu, it’s still a respiratory virus to watch out for. While it feels like a “common cold” for many, RSV can quickly turn dangerous for Read more…
October 10, 2024
October 11, 2024, is the International Day of the Girl.
Social and Racial Justice Women in STEM
October 11, 2024, is the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl. This celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.” The International Day of the Girl: ✊ Focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face ✊ Promotes Read more…
October 9, 2024
Do You Really Have “Cortisol Face?”
General Health
Rebecca Raskin-Wish
Social media has been obsessed with “Cortisol Face,” but you probably don’t have it. While chronically elevated levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) may contribute to weight gain, “cortisol face” isn’t a real thing unless you have a condition called Cushing’s Syndrome. You might have seen TikTok videos about “cortisol face” or “cortisol pooch” that Read more…
October 7, 2024
What is there to know about the Marburg virus outbreak in Rwanda?
Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, happening in Rwanda right now. While the global risk remains low, here’s what you need to know about the origins of the outbreak and how it’s evolving. This information is current as of 10/3, 6:55am. There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, Read more…
October 5, 2024
Q: What are all the ways people can vote?
Social and Racial Justice
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What are all the ways people can vote? A: In-person, by mail, and absentee. Once you are registered, there are several options for voting. See below for information on these options and make sure to check deadlines in your state for each one. In-person voting: On election day, November 5th, you can vote in-person. Read more…
TL;DR: New RSV vaccines can dramatically reduce the disease burden for babies and older adults. While RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) doesn’t get quite as much media attention as COVID-19 or the flu, it’s still a respiratory virus to watch out for. While it feels like a “common cold” for many, RSV can quickly turn dangerous for Read more…
October 11, 2024, is the International Day of the Girl.
Social and Racial Justice Women in STEM
October 11, 2024, is the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl. This celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.” The International Day of the Girl: ✊ Focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face ✊ Promotes Read more…
October 9, 2024
Do You Really Have “Cortisol Face?”
General Health
Rebecca Raskin-Wish
Social media has been obsessed with “Cortisol Face,” but you probably don’t have it. While chronically elevated levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) may contribute to weight gain, “cortisol face” isn’t a real thing unless you have a condition called Cushing’s Syndrome. You might have seen TikTok videos about “cortisol face” or “cortisol pooch” that Read more…
October 7, 2024
What is there to know about the Marburg virus outbreak in Rwanda?
Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, happening in Rwanda right now. While the global risk remains low, here’s what you need to know about the origins of the outbreak and how it’s evolving. This information is current as of 10/3, 6:55am. There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, Read more…
October 5, 2024
Q: What are all the ways people can vote?
Social and Racial Justice
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What are all the ways people can vote? A: In-person, by mail, and absentee. Once you are registered, there are several options for voting. See below for information on these options and make sure to check deadlines in your state for each one. In-person voting: On election day, November 5th, you can vote in-person. Read more…
October 11, 2024, is the 12th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl. This celebration was started by the United Nations to “recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.” The International Day of the Girl: ✊ Focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face ✊ Promotes Read more…
Do You Really Have “Cortisol Face?”
General Health
Rebecca Raskin-Wish
Social media has been obsessed with “Cortisol Face,” but you probably don’t have it. While chronically elevated levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) may contribute to weight gain, “cortisol face” isn’t a real thing unless you have a condition called Cushing’s Syndrome. You might have seen TikTok videos about “cortisol face” or “cortisol pooch” that Read more…
October 7, 2024
What is there to know about the Marburg virus outbreak in Rwanda?
Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, happening in Rwanda right now. While the global risk remains low, here’s what you need to know about the origins of the outbreak and how it’s evolving. This information is current as of 10/3, 6:55am. There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, Read more…
October 5, 2024
Q: What are all the ways people can vote?
Social and Racial Justice
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What are all the ways people can vote? A: In-person, by mail, and absentee. Once you are registered, there are several options for voting. See below for information on these options and make sure to check deadlines in your state for each one. In-person voting: On election day, November 5th, you can vote in-person. Read more…
Social media has been obsessed with “Cortisol Face,” but you probably don’t have it. While chronically elevated levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) may contribute to weight gain, “cortisol face” isn’t a real thing unless you have a condition called Cushing’s Syndrome. You might have seen TikTok videos about “cortisol face” or “cortisol pooch” that Read more…
What is there to know about the Marburg virus outbreak in Rwanda?
Infectious Diseases
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, happening in Rwanda right now. While the global risk remains low, here’s what you need to know about the origins of the outbreak and how it’s evolving. This information is current as of 10/3, 6:55am. There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, Read more…
October 5, 2024
Q: What are all the ways people can vote?
Social and Racial Justice
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What are all the ways people can vote? A: In-person, by mail, and absentee. Once you are registered, there are several options for voting. See below for information on these options and make sure to check deadlines in your state for each one. In-person voting: On election day, November 5th, you can vote in-person. Read more…
There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, happening in Rwanda right now. While the global risk remains low, here’s what you need to know about the origins of the outbreak and how it’s evolving. This information is current as of 10/3, 6:55am. There’s a frightening outbreak of Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever, Read more…
Q: What are all the ways people can vote?
Social and Racial Justice
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: What are all the ways people can vote? A: In-person, by mail, and absentee. Once you are registered, there are several options for voting. See below for information on these options and make sure to check deadlines in your state for each one. In-person voting: On election day, November 5th, you can vote in-person. Read more…
Q: What are all the ways people can vote? A: In-person, by mail, and absentee. Once you are registered, there are several options for voting. See below for information on these options and make sure to check deadlines in your state for each one. In-person voting: On election day, November 5th, you can vote in-person. Read more…