It’s Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month!
Women in STEM
As we wind down this beautiful month of May, we would like to take a moment to highlight Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. People of Asian and Pacific Islander ancestries are from approximately 50 distinct ethnic groups speaking over 100 languages. These ancestries include Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Filipino, Vietnamese, Korean, Hawaiian, and more. Read more…
May 27, 2023
Estoy luchando con mi salud mental y lo que estoy haciendo no está funcionando. Estoy bien, pero no estoy bien. ¿Qué puedo hacer para sentirme mejor?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Su especialista en salud mental está aquí para hablar de esto 🫖. No está solo. Algunas personas quieren hacer algunos pequeños cambios por su cuenta y ver si ayudan o simplemente no sienten que estén mejorando incluso con terapia y medicación. Qué hacer cuando quiere hacer cambios por su cuenta: 📅 Empiece por mantener una Read more…
May 26, 2023
Nerdy Girls Live 05/26/23
Data and Metrics Health Policy Videos
Those Nerdy Girls present the facts, bust myths, and discuss solutions to the gun violence crisis in America. Hosted by: – Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Contributing Writer at TNG, co-Founder of Critica & Author of Denying to the Grave – Chana Davis, PhD: TNG Contributing Writer & Founder of Fueled by Science ➡️ Hello and Read more…
May 25, 2023
¿Es seguro no tener un período menstrual con anticonceptivos?
Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Sí, una persona puede detener los períodos menstruales de manera segura si está tomando anticonceptivos hormonales. Los periodos menstruales no suelen ser divertidos. Aparte de las molestias, también pueden provocar calambres, hemorragias abundantes, dolores de cabeza y síntomas en el estado de ánimo. En los casos graves, los periodos pueden ser incapacitantes y perturbar el Read more…
May 25, 2023
What is the framing effect?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The framing effect is a cognitive bias in which our choices are more influenced by how information is presented than the information itself. We can overcome the framing effect by purposefully rephrasing information to reflect both positive and negative aspects of the choice, separating the information from the razzle dazzle, and gathering as much Read more…
May 24, 2023
What is gun violence, and who does it affect?
Data and Metrics Health Policy
Gun violence has become an alarming public health crisis in the United States. Its toll goes well beyond the thousands of lives lost each year. It devastates families and communities. It threatens our sense of safety and security. In a series on gun violence as a public health issue, we explain the different types of Read more…
May 22, 2023
What’s going on with mammography screening guidelines?
General Health
Mammograms are a useful screening tool for breast cancer, but they aren’t perfect tests. Figuring out how best to use them is tricky and changes over time. In early May, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released a draft of their updated guidelines for breast cancer screening. They now propose changing the starting Read more…
May 19, 2023
💥 ¡Por fin! Dosis adicionales de refuerzos bivalentes de COVID-19 disponibles en EE. UU. para *ciertos* grupos poblacionales
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
La FDA, por sus siglas en inglés, modificó la autorización de uso de emergencia en los Estados Unidos de las vacunas de ARNm de Moderna y Pfizer. Estos cambios han sido aprobados oficialmente por los CDC. Ahora se permite una dosis adicional de vacuna bivalente para: ➡️ Personas de al menos 65 años con más Read more…
May 19, 2023
What is this drug Ozempic I keep hearing about?
General Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Ozempic is a drug used to treat diabetes and has lately been touted as a helpful option to stimulate weight loss. Ozempic (semaglutide) was approved in 2017 for the treatment of diabetes. Sometime in 2022, the drug’s manufacturer, Novo Nordisk, announced that the drug was in short supply in part due to “incredible” demand. Read more…
May 18, 2023
What is availability bias?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Availability bias, also called availability heuristic, is a type of cognitive bias that occurs when we rely disproportionately on the most readily available information to make decisions or judgments rather than the most representative or accurate data. Reflection and review of all available data can help us mitigate this particular bias. Sometimes do you Read more…
May 17, 2023
¿Es la anticoncepción de emergencia lo mismo que el aborto?
Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La anticoncepción de emergencia evita el embarazo. No pone fin al embarazo. Para una persona que no quiere quedar embarazada, ayuda a *prevenir* la necesidad de abortar. Existen dos tipos de anticoncepción de urgencia: las píldoras y los DIU (dispositivos intrauterinos). ✳️Las píldoras hormonales: Sólo contienen la hormona levonorgestrel y están disponibles para personas Read more…
May 17, 2023
How can I keep track of COVID levels in my area now that cases are not being reported?
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Follow the feces. Wastewater data is one of our best remaining tools for COVID-19 surveillance. With the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency in the US, the US CDC will stop reporting community levels of COVID-19 cases or positivity rates. The accuracy of these numbers has also likely declined over time as people tested Read more…
May 15, 2023
How can I boost my child’s immunity to misinformation?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
To help your child separate fact from fiction, teach them to: be skeptical, use credible sources, think critically, and embrace learning through science. Start early, and weave these lessons into everyday life. Back when we were young, we Nerdy Girls used encyclopedias, reference books, and textbooks to learn. These days, we are surrounded by a Read more…
May 13, 2023
Loneliness is an epidemic… AND Social Connection Matters!
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
⏰ The Surgeon General recently raised the alarm on the importance of social connection as a remedy for 😢 loneliness😢. Social connection is as simple as being connected to other people, to your community, and to the larger society. 📉This isn’t a new trend 📉. Since the 1970s, people have noticed that many of us, Read more…
May 13, 2023
¿Qué es entonces la niebla mental?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La niebla mental es un término general que se utiliza para describir muchos problemas, como la falta de atención, memoria y capacidad de planificación. Esto puede ocurrir después de una infección o lesión. Estamos aprendiendo más sobre sus causas, pero parece que tras una infección se producen cambios en el sistema inmunitario y en el Read more…
May 11, 2023
¿La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente contra el COVID-19 contribuye a prevenir el contagio?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Respuesta corta: ¡sí! La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente brinda protección adicional contra infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 para personas que habían recibido previamente las primeras vacunas de ARNm. El CDC acaba de publicar un nuevo estudio que analizó la eficacia del refuerzo bivalente para prevenir infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 en comparación con la vacuna monovalente, que Read more…
May 11, 2023
What do we know about the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people? Is it safe?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine will be given to pregnant people and passes on RSV immunity to their newborns. RSV is a serious respiratory infection that can cause hospitalization and death in infants. Clinical trials showed a good safety profile. About RSV and recent outbreaks RSV is a common respiratory infection that Read more…
May 10, 2023
It is Teacher Appreciation Week!
Those Nerdy Girls want to take a moment to honor those who dedicate their lives to educating the next generation. Whether in PreK-12 or at the university level or education in your area of expertise, you are the ones who ensure that we continue to strive for and value a civil society, progress in the Read more…
May 10, 2023
¿Es el virus de COVID-19 resultado de una “fuga de laboratorio”?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No sabemos con certeza de dónde vino el SARS-CoV-2, pero la mayoría de las pruebas hasta la fecha respaldan la explicación natural de un “desdoblamiento” (es decir, el virus pasó de los animales a los humanos). Han pasado más de 3 años desde el inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19 y todavía no podemos precisar Read more…
May 10, 2023
What are the Horn and Halo Effects?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The Horn and Halo Effects are cognitive biases where our first impression influences our decision making and how we feel about someone. This impression can be based on a single characteristic that is not actually relevant, such as their race, gender identity, or even how attractive we find someone. To break this cycle, we Read more…
As we wind down this beautiful month of May, we would like to take a moment to highlight Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. People of Asian and Pacific Islander ancestries are from approximately 50 distinct ethnic groups speaking over 100 languages. These ancestries include Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Filipino, Vietnamese, Korean, Hawaiian, and more. Read more…
Estoy luchando con mi salud mental y lo que estoy haciendo no está funcionando. Estoy bien, pero no estoy bien. ¿Qué puedo hacer para sentirme mejor?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Su especialista en salud mental está aquí para hablar de esto 🫖. No está solo. Algunas personas quieren hacer algunos pequeños cambios por su cuenta y ver si ayudan o simplemente no sienten que estén mejorando incluso con terapia y medicación. Qué hacer cuando quiere hacer cambios por su cuenta: 📅 Empiece por mantener una Read more…
May 26, 2023
Nerdy Girls Live 05/26/23
Data and Metrics Health Policy Videos
Those Nerdy Girls present the facts, bust myths, and discuss solutions to the gun violence crisis in America. Hosted by: – Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Contributing Writer at TNG, co-Founder of Critica & Author of Denying to the Grave – Chana Davis, PhD: TNG Contributing Writer & Founder of Fueled by Science ➡️ Hello and Read more…
May 25, 2023
¿Es seguro no tener un período menstrual con anticonceptivos?
Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Sí, una persona puede detener los períodos menstruales de manera segura si está tomando anticonceptivos hormonales. Los periodos menstruales no suelen ser divertidos. Aparte de las molestias, también pueden provocar calambres, hemorragias abundantes, dolores de cabeza y síntomas en el estado de ánimo. En los casos graves, los periodos pueden ser incapacitantes y perturbar el Read more…
May 25, 2023
What is the framing effect?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The framing effect is a cognitive bias in which our choices are more influenced by how information is presented than the information itself. We can overcome the framing effect by purposefully rephrasing information to reflect both positive and negative aspects of the choice, separating the information from the razzle dazzle, and gathering as much Read more…
May 24, 2023
What is gun violence, and who does it affect?
Data and Metrics Health Policy
Gun violence has become an alarming public health crisis in the United States. Its toll goes well beyond the thousands of lives lost each year. It devastates families and communities. It threatens our sense of safety and security. In a series on gun violence as a public health issue, we explain the different types of Read more…
May 22, 2023
What’s going on with mammography screening guidelines?
General Health
Mammograms are a useful screening tool for breast cancer, but they aren’t perfect tests. Figuring out how best to use them is tricky and changes over time. In early May, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released a draft of their updated guidelines for breast cancer screening. They now propose changing the starting Read more…
May 19, 2023
💥 ¡Por fin! Dosis adicionales de refuerzos bivalentes de COVID-19 disponibles en EE. UU. para *ciertos* grupos poblacionales
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
La FDA, por sus siglas en inglés, modificó la autorización de uso de emergencia en los Estados Unidos de las vacunas de ARNm de Moderna y Pfizer. Estos cambios han sido aprobados oficialmente por los CDC. Ahora se permite una dosis adicional de vacuna bivalente para: ➡️ Personas de al menos 65 años con más Read more…
May 19, 2023
What is this drug Ozempic I keep hearing about?
General Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Ozempic is a drug used to treat diabetes and has lately been touted as a helpful option to stimulate weight loss. Ozempic (semaglutide) was approved in 2017 for the treatment of diabetes. Sometime in 2022, the drug’s manufacturer, Novo Nordisk, announced that the drug was in short supply in part due to “incredible” demand. Read more…
May 18, 2023
What is availability bias?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Availability bias, also called availability heuristic, is a type of cognitive bias that occurs when we rely disproportionately on the most readily available information to make decisions or judgments rather than the most representative or accurate data. Reflection and review of all available data can help us mitigate this particular bias. Sometimes do you Read more…
May 17, 2023
¿Es la anticoncepción de emergencia lo mismo que el aborto?
Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La anticoncepción de emergencia evita el embarazo. No pone fin al embarazo. Para una persona que no quiere quedar embarazada, ayuda a *prevenir* la necesidad de abortar. Existen dos tipos de anticoncepción de urgencia: las píldoras y los DIU (dispositivos intrauterinos). ✳️Las píldoras hormonales: Sólo contienen la hormona levonorgestrel y están disponibles para personas Read more…
May 17, 2023
How can I keep track of COVID levels in my area now that cases are not being reported?
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Follow the feces. Wastewater data is one of our best remaining tools for COVID-19 surveillance. With the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency in the US, the US CDC will stop reporting community levels of COVID-19 cases or positivity rates. The accuracy of these numbers has also likely declined over time as people tested Read more…
May 15, 2023
How can I boost my child’s immunity to misinformation?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
To help your child separate fact from fiction, teach them to: be skeptical, use credible sources, think critically, and embrace learning through science. Start early, and weave these lessons into everyday life. Back when we were young, we Nerdy Girls used encyclopedias, reference books, and textbooks to learn. These days, we are surrounded by a Read more…
May 13, 2023
Loneliness is an epidemic… AND Social Connection Matters!
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
⏰ The Surgeon General recently raised the alarm on the importance of social connection as a remedy for 😢 loneliness😢. Social connection is as simple as being connected to other people, to your community, and to the larger society. 📉This isn’t a new trend 📉. Since the 1970s, people have noticed that many of us, Read more…
May 13, 2023
¿Qué es entonces la niebla mental?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La niebla mental es un término general que se utiliza para describir muchos problemas, como la falta de atención, memoria y capacidad de planificación. Esto puede ocurrir después de una infección o lesión. Estamos aprendiendo más sobre sus causas, pero parece que tras una infección se producen cambios en el sistema inmunitario y en el Read more…
May 11, 2023
¿La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente contra el COVID-19 contribuye a prevenir el contagio?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Respuesta corta: ¡sí! La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente brinda protección adicional contra infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 para personas que habían recibido previamente las primeras vacunas de ARNm. El CDC acaba de publicar un nuevo estudio que analizó la eficacia del refuerzo bivalente para prevenir infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 en comparación con la vacuna monovalente, que Read more…
May 11, 2023
What do we know about the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people? Is it safe?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine will be given to pregnant people and passes on RSV immunity to their newborns. RSV is a serious respiratory infection that can cause hospitalization and death in infants. Clinical trials showed a good safety profile. About RSV and recent outbreaks RSV is a common respiratory infection that Read more…
May 10, 2023
It is Teacher Appreciation Week!
Those Nerdy Girls want to take a moment to honor those who dedicate their lives to educating the next generation. Whether in PreK-12 or at the university level or education in your area of expertise, you are the ones who ensure that we continue to strive for and value a civil society, progress in the Read more…
May 10, 2023
¿Es el virus de COVID-19 resultado de una “fuga de laboratorio”?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No sabemos con certeza de dónde vino el SARS-CoV-2, pero la mayoría de las pruebas hasta la fecha respaldan la explicación natural de un “desdoblamiento” (es decir, el virus pasó de los animales a los humanos). Han pasado más de 3 años desde el inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19 y todavía no podemos precisar Read more…
May 10, 2023
What are the Horn and Halo Effects?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The Horn and Halo Effects are cognitive biases where our first impression influences our decision making and how we feel about someone. This impression can be based on a single characteristic that is not actually relevant, such as their race, gender identity, or even how attractive we find someone. To break this cycle, we Read more…
Su especialista en salud mental está aquí para hablar de esto 🫖. No está solo. Algunas personas quieren hacer algunos pequeños cambios por su cuenta y ver si ayudan o simplemente no sienten que estén mejorando incluso con terapia y medicación. Qué hacer cuando quiere hacer cambios por su cuenta: 📅 Empiece por mantener una Read more…
Nerdy Girls Live 05/26/23
Data and Metrics Health Policy VideosThose Nerdy Girls present the facts, bust myths, and discuss solutions to the gun violence crisis in America. Hosted by: – Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Contributing Writer at TNG, co-Founder of Critica & Author of Denying to the Grave – Chana Davis, PhD: TNG Contributing Writer & Founder of Fueled by Science ➡️ Hello and Read more…
¿Es seguro no tener un período menstrual con anticonceptivos?
Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Sí, una persona puede detener los períodos menstruales de manera segura si está tomando anticonceptivos hormonales. Los periodos menstruales no suelen ser divertidos. Aparte de las molestias, también pueden provocar calambres, hemorragias abundantes, dolores de cabeza y síntomas en el estado de ánimo. En los casos graves, los periodos pueden ser incapacitantes y perturbar el Read more…
May 25, 2023
What is the framing effect?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The framing effect is a cognitive bias in which our choices are more influenced by how information is presented than the information itself. We can overcome the framing effect by purposefully rephrasing information to reflect both positive and negative aspects of the choice, separating the information from the razzle dazzle, and gathering as much Read more…
May 24, 2023
What is gun violence, and who does it affect?
Data and Metrics Health Policy
Gun violence has become an alarming public health crisis in the United States. Its toll goes well beyond the thousands of lives lost each year. It devastates families and communities. It threatens our sense of safety and security. In a series on gun violence as a public health issue, we explain the different types of Read more…
May 22, 2023
What’s going on with mammography screening guidelines?
General Health
Mammograms are a useful screening tool for breast cancer, but they aren’t perfect tests. Figuring out how best to use them is tricky and changes over time. In early May, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released a draft of their updated guidelines for breast cancer screening. They now propose changing the starting Read more…
May 19, 2023
💥 ¡Por fin! Dosis adicionales de refuerzos bivalentes de COVID-19 disponibles en EE. UU. para *ciertos* grupos poblacionales
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
La FDA, por sus siglas en inglés, modificó la autorización de uso de emergencia en los Estados Unidos de las vacunas de ARNm de Moderna y Pfizer. Estos cambios han sido aprobados oficialmente por los CDC. Ahora se permite una dosis adicional de vacuna bivalente para: ➡️ Personas de al menos 65 años con más Read more…
May 19, 2023
What is this drug Ozempic I keep hearing about?
General Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Ozempic is a drug used to treat diabetes and has lately been touted as a helpful option to stimulate weight loss. Ozempic (semaglutide) was approved in 2017 for the treatment of diabetes. Sometime in 2022, the drug’s manufacturer, Novo Nordisk, announced that the drug was in short supply in part due to “incredible” demand. Read more…
May 18, 2023
What is availability bias?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Availability bias, also called availability heuristic, is a type of cognitive bias that occurs when we rely disproportionately on the most readily available information to make decisions or judgments rather than the most representative or accurate data. Reflection and review of all available data can help us mitigate this particular bias. Sometimes do you Read more…
May 17, 2023
¿Es la anticoncepción de emergencia lo mismo que el aborto?
Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La anticoncepción de emergencia evita el embarazo. No pone fin al embarazo. Para una persona que no quiere quedar embarazada, ayuda a *prevenir* la necesidad de abortar. Existen dos tipos de anticoncepción de urgencia: las píldoras y los DIU (dispositivos intrauterinos). ✳️Las píldoras hormonales: Sólo contienen la hormona levonorgestrel y están disponibles para personas Read more…
May 17, 2023
How can I keep track of COVID levels in my area now that cases are not being reported?
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Follow the feces. Wastewater data is one of our best remaining tools for COVID-19 surveillance. With the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency in the US, the US CDC will stop reporting community levels of COVID-19 cases or positivity rates. The accuracy of these numbers has also likely declined over time as people tested Read more…
May 15, 2023
How can I boost my child’s immunity to misinformation?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
To help your child separate fact from fiction, teach them to: be skeptical, use credible sources, think critically, and embrace learning through science. Start early, and weave these lessons into everyday life. Back when we were young, we Nerdy Girls used encyclopedias, reference books, and textbooks to learn. These days, we are surrounded by a Read more…
May 13, 2023
Loneliness is an epidemic… AND Social Connection Matters!
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
⏰ The Surgeon General recently raised the alarm on the importance of social connection as a remedy for 😢 loneliness😢. Social connection is as simple as being connected to other people, to your community, and to the larger society. 📉This isn’t a new trend 📉. Since the 1970s, people have noticed that many of us, Read more…
May 13, 2023
¿Qué es entonces la niebla mental?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La niebla mental es un término general que se utiliza para describir muchos problemas, como la falta de atención, memoria y capacidad de planificación. Esto puede ocurrir después de una infección o lesión. Estamos aprendiendo más sobre sus causas, pero parece que tras una infección se producen cambios en el sistema inmunitario y en el Read more…
May 11, 2023
¿La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente contra el COVID-19 contribuye a prevenir el contagio?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Respuesta corta: ¡sí! La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente brinda protección adicional contra infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 para personas que habían recibido previamente las primeras vacunas de ARNm. El CDC acaba de publicar un nuevo estudio que analizó la eficacia del refuerzo bivalente para prevenir infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 en comparación con la vacuna monovalente, que Read more…
May 11, 2023
What do we know about the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people? Is it safe?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine will be given to pregnant people and passes on RSV immunity to their newborns. RSV is a serious respiratory infection that can cause hospitalization and death in infants. Clinical trials showed a good safety profile. About RSV and recent outbreaks RSV is a common respiratory infection that Read more…
May 10, 2023
It is Teacher Appreciation Week!
Those Nerdy Girls want to take a moment to honor those who dedicate their lives to educating the next generation. Whether in PreK-12 or at the university level or education in your area of expertise, you are the ones who ensure that we continue to strive for and value a civil society, progress in the Read more…
May 10, 2023
¿Es el virus de COVID-19 resultado de una “fuga de laboratorio”?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No sabemos con certeza de dónde vino el SARS-CoV-2, pero la mayoría de las pruebas hasta la fecha respaldan la explicación natural de un “desdoblamiento” (es decir, el virus pasó de los animales a los humanos). Han pasado más de 3 años desde el inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19 y todavía no podemos precisar Read more…
May 10, 2023
What are the Horn and Halo Effects?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The Horn and Halo Effects are cognitive biases where our first impression influences our decision making and how we feel about someone. This impression can be based on a single characteristic that is not actually relevant, such as their race, gender identity, or even how attractive we find someone. To break this cycle, we Read more…
Sí, una persona puede detener los períodos menstruales de manera segura si está tomando anticonceptivos hormonales. Los periodos menstruales no suelen ser divertidos. Aparte de las molestias, también pueden provocar calambres, hemorragias abundantes, dolores de cabeza y síntomas en el estado de ánimo. En los casos graves, los periodos pueden ser incapacitantes y perturbar el Read more…
What is the framing effect?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The framing effect is a cognitive bias in which our choices are more influenced by how information is presented than the information itself. We can overcome the framing effect by purposefully rephrasing information to reflect both positive and negative aspects of the choice, separating the information from the razzle dazzle, and gathering as much Read more…
May 24, 2023
What is gun violence, and who does it affect?
Data and Metrics Health Policy
Gun violence has become an alarming public health crisis in the United States. Its toll goes well beyond the thousands of lives lost each year. It devastates families and communities. It threatens our sense of safety and security. In a series on gun violence as a public health issue, we explain the different types of Read more…
May 22, 2023
What’s going on with mammography screening guidelines?
General Health
Mammograms are a useful screening tool for breast cancer, but they aren’t perfect tests. Figuring out how best to use them is tricky and changes over time. In early May, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released a draft of their updated guidelines for breast cancer screening. They now propose changing the starting Read more…
May 19, 2023
💥 ¡Por fin! Dosis adicionales de refuerzos bivalentes de COVID-19 disponibles en EE. UU. para *ciertos* grupos poblacionales
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
La FDA, por sus siglas en inglés, modificó la autorización de uso de emergencia en los Estados Unidos de las vacunas de ARNm de Moderna y Pfizer. Estos cambios han sido aprobados oficialmente por los CDC. Ahora se permite una dosis adicional de vacuna bivalente para: ➡️ Personas de al menos 65 años con más Read more…
May 19, 2023
What is this drug Ozempic I keep hearing about?
General Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Ozempic is a drug used to treat diabetes and has lately been touted as a helpful option to stimulate weight loss. Ozempic (semaglutide) was approved in 2017 for the treatment of diabetes. Sometime in 2022, the drug’s manufacturer, Novo Nordisk, announced that the drug was in short supply in part due to “incredible” demand. Read more…
May 18, 2023
What is availability bias?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Availability bias, also called availability heuristic, is a type of cognitive bias that occurs when we rely disproportionately on the most readily available information to make decisions or judgments rather than the most representative or accurate data. Reflection and review of all available data can help us mitigate this particular bias. Sometimes do you Read more…
May 17, 2023
¿Es la anticoncepción de emergencia lo mismo que el aborto?
Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La anticoncepción de emergencia evita el embarazo. No pone fin al embarazo. Para una persona que no quiere quedar embarazada, ayuda a *prevenir* la necesidad de abortar. Existen dos tipos de anticoncepción de urgencia: las píldoras y los DIU (dispositivos intrauterinos). ✳️Las píldoras hormonales: Sólo contienen la hormona levonorgestrel y están disponibles para personas Read more…
May 17, 2023
How can I keep track of COVID levels in my area now that cases are not being reported?
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Follow the feces. Wastewater data is one of our best remaining tools for COVID-19 surveillance. With the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency in the US, the US CDC will stop reporting community levels of COVID-19 cases or positivity rates. The accuracy of these numbers has also likely declined over time as people tested Read more…
May 15, 2023
How can I boost my child’s immunity to misinformation?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
To help your child separate fact from fiction, teach them to: be skeptical, use credible sources, think critically, and embrace learning through science. Start early, and weave these lessons into everyday life. Back when we were young, we Nerdy Girls used encyclopedias, reference books, and textbooks to learn. These days, we are surrounded by a Read more…
May 13, 2023
Loneliness is an epidemic… AND Social Connection Matters!
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
⏰ The Surgeon General recently raised the alarm on the importance of social connection as a remedy for 😢 loneliness😢. Social connection is as simple as being connected to other people, to your community, and to the larger society. 📉This isn’t a new trend 📉. Since the 1970s, people have noticed that many of us, Read more…
May 13, 2023
¿Qué es entonces la niebla mental?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La niebla mental es un término general que se utiliza para describir muchos problemas, como la falta de atención, memoria y capacidad de planificación. Esto puede ocurrir después de una infección o lesión. Estamos aprendiendo más sobre sus causas, pero parece que tras una infección se producen cambios en el sistema inmunitario y en el Read more…
May 11, 2023
¿La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente contra el COVID-19 contribuye a prevenir el contagio?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Respuesta corta: ¡sí! La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente brinda protección adicional contra infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 para personas que habían recibido previamente las primeras vacunas de ARNm. El CDC acaba de publicar un nuevo estudio que analizó la eficacia del refuerzo bivalente para prevenir infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 en comparación con la vacuna monovalente, que Read more…
May 11, 2023
What do we know about the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people? Is it safe?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine will be given to pregnant people and passes on RSV immunity to their newborns. RSV is a serious respiratory infection that can cause hospitalization and death in infants. Clinical trials showed a good safety profile. About RSV and recent outbreaks RSV is a common respiratory infection that Read more…
May 10, 2023
It is Teacher Appreciation Week!
Those Nerdy Girls want to take a moment to honor those who dedicate their lives to educating the next generation. Whether in PreK-12 or at the university level or education in your area of expertise, you are the ones who ensure that we continue to strive for and value a civil society, progress in the Read more…
May 10, 2023
¿Es el virus de COVID-19 resultado de una “fuga de laboratorio”?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No sabemos con certeza de dónde vino el SARS-CoV-2, pero la mayoría de las pruebas hasta la fecha respaldan la explicación natural de un “desdoblamiento” (es decir, el virus pasó de los animales a los humanos). Han pasado más de 3 años desde el inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19 y todavía no podemos precisar Read more…
May 10, 2023
What are the Horn and Halo Effects?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The Horn and Halo Effects are cognitive biases where our first impression influences our decision making and how we feel about someone. This impression can be based on a single characteristic that is not actually relevant, such as their race, gender identity, or even how attractive we find someone. To break this cycle, we Read more…
Tl;dr: The framing effect is a cognitive bias in which our choices are more influenced by how information is presented than the information itself. We can overcome the framing effect by purposefully rephrasing information to reflect both positive and negative aspects of the choice, separating the information from the razzle dazzle, and gathering as much Read more…
What is gun violence, and who does it affect?
Data and Metrics Health Policy
Gun violence has become an alarming public health crisis in the United States. Its toll goes well beyond the thousands of lives lost each year. It devastates families and communities. It threatens our sense of safety and security. In a series on gun violence as a public health issue, we explain the different types of Read more…
May 22, 2023
What’s going on with mammography screening guidelines?
General Health
Mammograms are a useful screening tool for breast cancer, but they aren’t perfect tests. Figuring out how best to use them is tricky and changes over time. In early May, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released a draft of their updated guidelines for breast cancer screening. They now propose changing the starting Read more…
May 19, 2023
💥 ¡Por fin! Dosis adicionales de refuerzos bivalentes de COVID-19 disponibles en EE. UU. para *ciertos* grupos poblacionales
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
La FDA, por sus siglas en inglés, modificó la autorización de uso de emergencia en los Estados Unidos de las vacunas de ARNm de Moderna y Pfizer. Estos cambios han sido aprobados oficialmente por los CDC. Ahora se permite una dosis adicional de vacuna bivalente para: ➡️ Personas de al menos 65 años con más Read more…
May 19, 2023
What is this drug Ozempic I keep hearing about?
General Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Ozempic is a drug used to treat diabetes and has lately been touted as a helpful option to stimulate weight loss. Ozempic (semaglutide) was approved in 2017 for the treatment of diabetes. Sometime in 2022, the drug’s manufacturer, Novo Nordisk, announced that the drug was in short supply in part due to “incredible” demand. Read more…
May 18, 2023
What is availability bias?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Availability bias, also called availability heuristic, is a type of cognitive bias that occurs when we rely disproportionately on the most readily available information to make decisions or judgments rather than the most representative or accurate data. Reflection and review of all available data can help us mitigate this particular bias. Sometimes do you Read more…
May 17, 2023
¿Es la anticoncepción de emergencia lo mismo que el aborto?
Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La anticoncepción de emergencia evita el embarazo. No pone fin al embarazo. Para una persona que no quiere quedar embarazada, ayuda a *prevenir* la necesidad de abortar. Existen dos tipos de anticoncepción de urgencia: las píldoras y los DIU (dispositivos intrauterinos). ✳️Las píldoras hormonales: Sólo contienen la hormona levonorgestrel y están disponibles para personas Read more…
May 17, 2023
How can I keep track of COVID levels in my area now that cases are not being reported?
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Follow the feces. Wastewater data is one of our best remaining tools for COVID-19 surveillance. With the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency in the US, the US CDC will stop reporting community levels of COVID-19 cases or positivity rates. The accuracy of these numbers has also likely declined over time as people tested Read more…
May 15, 2023
How can I boost my child’s immunity to misinformation?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
To help your child separate fact from fiction, teach them to: be skeptical, use credible sources, think critically, and embrace learning through science. Start early, and weave these lessons into everyday life. Back when we were young, we Nerdy Girls used encyclopedias, reference books, and textbooks to learn. These days, we are surrounded by a Read more…
May 13, 2023
Loneliness is an epidemic… AND Social Connection Matters!
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
⏰ The Surgeon General recently raised the alarm on the importance of social connection as a remedy for 😢 loneliness😢. Social connection is as simple as being connected to other people, to your community, and to the larger society. 📉This isn’t a new trend 📉. Since the 1970s, people have noticed that many of us, Read more…
May 13, 2023
¿Qué es entonces la niebla mental?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La niebla mental es un término general que se utiliza para describir muchos problemas, como la falta de atención, memoria y capacidad de planificación. Esto puede ocurrir después de una infección o lesión. Estamos aprendiendo más sobre sus causas, pero parece que tras una infección se producen cambios en el sistema inmunitario y en el Read more…
May 11, 2023
¿La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente contra el COVID-19 contribuye a prevenir el contagio?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Respuesta corta: ¡sí! La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente brinda protección adicional contra infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 para personas que habían recibido previamente las primeras vacunas de ARNm. El CDC acaba de publicar un nuevo estudio que analizó la eficacia del refuerzo bivalente para prevenir infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 en comparación con la vacuna monovalente, que Read more…
May 11, 2023
What do we know about the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people? Is it safe?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine will be given to pregnant people and passes on RSV immunity to their newborns. RSV is a serious respiratory infection that can cause hospitalization and death in infants. Clinical trials showed a good safety profile. About RSV and recent outbreaks RSV is a common respiratory infection that Read more…
May 10, 2023
It is Teacher Appreciation Week!
Those Nerdy Girls want to take a moment to honor those who dedicate their lives to educating the next generation. Whether in PreK-12 or at the university level or education in your area of expertise, you are the ones who ensure that we continue to strive for and value a civil society, progress in the Read more…
May 10, 2023
¿Es el virus de COVID-19 resultado de una “fuga de laboratorio”?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No sabemos con certeza de dónde vino el SARS-CoV-2, pero la mayoría de las pruebas hasta la fecha respaldan la explicación natural de un “desdoblamiento” (es decir, el virus pasó de los animales a los humanos). Han pasado más de 3 años desde el inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19 y todavía no podemos precisar Read more…
May 10, 2023
What are the Horn and Halo Effects?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The Horn and Halo Effects are cognitive biases where our first impression influences our decision making and how we feel about someone. This impression can be based on a single characteristic that is not actually relevant, such as their race, gender identity, or even how attractive we find someone. To break this cycle, we Read more…
Gun violence has become an alarming public health crisis in the United States. Its toll goes well beyond the thousands of lives lost each year. It devastates families and communities. It threatens our sense of safety and security. In a series on gun violence as a public health issue, we explain the different types of Read more…
What’s going on with mammography screening guidelines?
General HealthMammograms are a useful screening tool for breast cancer, but they aren’t perfect tests. Figuring out how best to use them is tricky and changes over time. In early May, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released a draft of their updated guidelines for breast cancer screening. They now propose changing the starting Read more…
💥 ¡Por fin! Dosis adicionales de refuerzos bivalentes de COVID-19 disponibles en EE. UU. para *ciertos* grupos poblacionales
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
La FDA, por sus siglas en inglés, modificó la autorización de uso de emergencia en los Estados Unidos de las vacunas de ARNm de Moderna y Pfizer. Estos cambios han sido aprobados oficialmente por los CDC. Ahora se permite una dosis adicional de vacuna bivalente para: ➡️ Personas de al menos 65 años con más Read more…
May 19, 2023
What is this drug Ozempic I keep hearing about?
General Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Ozempic is a drug used to treat diabetes and has lately been touted as a helpful option to stimulate weight loss. Ozempic (semaglutide) was approved in 2017 for the treatment of diabetes. Sometime in 2022, the drug’s manufacturer, Novo Nordisk, announced that the drug was in short supply in part due to “incredible” demand. Read more…
May 18, 2023
What is availability bias?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Availability bias, also called availability heuristic, is a type of cognitive bias that occurs when we rely disproportionately on the most readily available information to make decisions or judgments rather than the most representative or accurate data. Reflection and review of all available data can help us mitigate this particular bias. Sometimes do you Read more…
May 17, 2023
¿Es la anticoncepción de emergencia lo mismo que el aborto?
Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La anticoncepción de emergencia evita el embarazo. No pone fin al embarazo. Para una persona que no quiere quedar embarazada, ayuda a *prevenir* la necesidad de abortar. Existen dos tipos de anticoncepción de urgencia: las píldoras y los DIU (dispositivos intrauterinos). ✳️Las píldoras hormonales: Sólo contienen la hormona levonorgestrel y están disponibles para personas Read more…
May 17, 2023
How can I keep track of COVID levels in my area now that cases are not being reported?
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Follow the feces. Wastewater data is one of our best remaining tools for COVID-19 surveillance. With the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency in the US, the US CDC will stop reporting community levels of COVID-19 cases or positivity rates. The accuracy of these numbers has also likely declined over time as people tested Read more…
May 15, 2023
How can I boost my child’s immunity to misinformation?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
To help your child separate fact from fiction, teach them to: be skeptical, use credible sources, think critically, and embrace learning through science. Start early, and weave these lessons into everyday life. Back when we were young, we Nerdy Girls used encyclopedias, reference books, and textbooks to learn. These days, we are surrounded by a Read more…
May 13, 2023
Loneliness is an epidemic… AND Social Connection Matters!
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
⏰ The Surgeon General recently raised the alarm on the importance of social connection as a remedy for 😢 loneliness😢. Social connection is as simple as being connected to other people, to your community, and to the larger society. 📉This isn’t a new trend 📉. Since the 1970s, people have noticed that many of us, Read more…
May 13, 2023
¿Qué es entonces la niebla mental?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La niebla mental es un término general que se utiliza para describir muchos problemas, como la falta de atención, memoria y capacidad de planificación. Esto puede ocurrir después de una infección o lesión. Estamos aprendiendo más sobre sus causas, pero parece que tras una infección se producen cambios en el sistema inmunitario y en el Read more…
May 11, 2023
¿La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente contra el COVID-19 contribuye a prevenir el contagio?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Respuesta corta: ¡sí! La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente brinda protección adicional contra infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 para personas que habían recibido previamente las primeras vacunas de ARNm. El CDC acaba de publicar un nuevo estudio que analizó la eficacia del refuerzo bivalente para prevenir infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 en comparación con la vacuna monovalente, que Read more…
May 11, 2023
What do we know about the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people? Is it safe?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine will be given to pregnant people and passes on RSV immunity to their newborns. RSV is a serious respiratory infection that can cause hospitalization and death in infants. Clinical trials showed a good safety profile. About RSV and recent outbreaks RSV is a common respiratory infection that Read more…
May 10, 2023
It is Teacher Appreciation Week!
Those Nerdy Girls want to take a moment to honor those who dedicate their lives to educating the next generation. Whether in PreK-12 or at the university level or education in your area of expertise, you are the ones who ensure that we continue to strive for and value a civil society, progress in the Read more…
May 10, 2023
¿Es el virus de COVID-19 resultado de una “fuga de laboratorio”?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No sabemos con certeza de dónde vino el SARS-CoV-2, pero la mayoría de las pruebas hasta la fecha respaldan la explicación natural de un “desdoblamiento” (es decir, el virus pasó de los animales a los humanos). Han pasado más de 3 años desde el inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19 y todavía no podemos precisar Read more…
May 10, 2023
What are the Horn and Halo Effects?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The Horn and Halo Effects are cognitive biases where our first impression influences our decision making and how we feel about someone. This impression can be based on a single characteristic that is not actually relevant, such as their race, gender identity, or even how attractive we find someone. To break this cycle, we Read more…
La FDA, por sus siglas en inglés, modificó la autorización de uso de emergencia en los Estados Unidos de las vacunas de ARNm de Moderna y Pfizer. Estos cambios han sido aprobados oficialmente por los CDC. Ahora se permite una dosis adicional de vacuna bivalente para: ➡️ Personas de al menos 65 años con más Read more…
What is this drug Ozempic I keep hearing about?
General Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Ozempic is a drug used to treat diabetes and has lately been touted as a helpful option to stimulate weight loss. Ozempic (semaglutide) was approved in 2017 for the treatment of diabetes. Sometime in 2022, the drug’s manufacturer, Novo Nordisk, announced that the drug was in short supply in part due to “incredible” demand. Read more…
May 18, 2023
What is availability bias?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Availability bias, also called availability heuristic, is a type of cognitive bias that occurs when we rely disproportionately on the most readily available information to make decisions or judgments rather than the most representative or accurate data. Reflection and review of all available data can help us mitigate this particular bias. Sometimes do you Read more…
May 17, 2023
¿Es la anticoncepción de emergencia lo mismo que el aborto?
Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La anticoncepción de emergencia evita el embarazo. No pone fin al embarazo. Para una persona que no quiere quedar embarazada, ayuda a *prevenir* la necesidad de abortar. Existen dos tipos de anticoncepción de urgencia: las píldoras y los DIU (dispositivos intrauterinos). ✳️Las píldoras hormonales: Sólo contienen la hormona levonorgestrel y están disponibles para personas Read more…
May 17, 2023
How can I keep track of COVID levels in my area now that cases are not being reported?
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Follow the feces. Wastewater data is one of our best remaining tools for COVID-19 surveillance. With the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency in the US, the US CDC will stop reporting community levels of COVID-19 cases or positivity rates. The accuracy of these numbers has also likely declined over time as people tested Read more…
May 15, 2023
How can I boost my child’s immunity to misinformation?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
To help your child separate fact from fiction, teach them to: be skeptical, use credible sources, think critically, and embrace learning through science. Start early, and weave these lessons into everyday life. Back when we were young, we Nerdy Girls used encyclopedias, reference books, and textbooks to learn. These days, we are surrounded by a Read more…
May 13, 2023
Loneliness is an epidemic… AND Social Connection Matters!
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
⏰ The Surgeon General recently raised the alarm on the importance of social connection as a remedy for 😢 loneliness😢. Social connection is as simple as being connected to other people, to your community, and to the larger society. 📉This isn’t a new trend 📉. Since the 1970s, people have noticed that many of us, Read more…
May 13, 2023
¿Qué es entonces la niebla mental?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La niebla mental es un término general que se utiliza para describir muchos problemas, como la falta de atención, memoria y capacidad de planificación. Esto puede ocurrir después de una infección o lesión. Estamos aprendiendo más sobre sus causas, pero parece que tras una infección se producen cambios en el sistema inmunitario y en el Read more…
May 11, 2023
¿La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente contra el COVID-19 contribuye a prevenir el contagio?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Respuesta corta: ¡sí! La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente brinda protección adicional contra infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 para personas que habían recibido previamente las primeras vacunas de ARNm. El CDC acaba de publicar un nuevo estudio que analizó la eficacia del refuerzo bivalente para prevenir infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 en comparación con la vacuna monovalente, que Read more…
May 11, 2023
What do we know about the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people? Is it safe?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine will be given to pregnant people and passes on RSV immunity to their newborns. RSV is a serious respiratory infection that can cause hospitalization and death in infants. Clinical trials showed a good safety profile. About RSV and recent outbreaks RSV is a common respiratory infection that Read more…
May 10, 2023
It is Teacher Appreciation Week!
Those Nerdy Girls want to take a moment to honor those who dedicate their lives to educating the next generation. Whether in PreK-12 or at the university level or education in your area of expertise, you are the ones who ensure that we continue to strive for and value a civil society, progress in the Read more…
May 10, 2023
¿Es el virus de COVID-19 resultado de una “fuga de laboratorio”?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No sabemos con certeza de dónde vino el SARS-CoV-2, pero la mayoría de las pruebas hasta la fecha respaldan la explicación natural de un “desdoblamiento” (es decir, el virus pasó de los animales a los humanos). Han pasado más de 3 años desde el inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19 y todavía no podemos precisar Read more…
May 10, 2023
What are the Horn and Halo Effects?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The Horn and Halo Effects are cognitive biases where our first impression influences our decision making and how we feel about someone. This impression can be based on a single characteristic that is not actually relevant, such as their race, gender identity, or even how attractive we find someone. To break this cycle, we Read more…
A: Ozempic is a drug used to treat diabetes and has lately been touted as a helpful option to stimulate weight loss. Ozempic (semaglutide) was approved in 2017 for the treatment of diabetes. Sometime in 2022, the drug’s manufacturer, Novo Nordisk, announced that the drug was in short supply in part due to “incredible” demand. Read more…
What is availability bias?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Availability bias, also called availability heuristic, is a type of cognitive bias that occurs when we rely disproportionately on the most readily available information to make decisions or judgments rather than the most representative or accurate data. Reflection and review of all available data can help us mitigate this particular bias. Sometimes do you Read more…
May 17, 2023
¿Es la anticoncepción de emergencia lo mismo que el aborto?
Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La anticoncepción de emergencia evita el embarazo. No pone fin al embarazo. Para una persona que no quiere quedar embarazada, ayuda a *prevenir* la necesidad de abortar. Existen dos tipos de anticoncepción de urgencia: las píldoras y los DIU (dispositivos intrauterinos). ✳️Las píldoras hormonales: Sólo contienen la hormona levonorgestrel y están disponibles para personas Read more…
May 17, 2023
How can I keep track of COVID levels in my area now that cases are not being reported?
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Follow the feces. Wastewater data is one of our best remaining tools for COVID-19 surveillance. With the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency in the US, the US CDC will stop reporting community levels of COVID-19 cases or positivity rates. The accuracy of these numbers has also likely declined over time as people tested Read more…
May 15, 2023
How can I boost my child’s immunity to misinformation?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
To help your child separate fact from fiction, teach them to: be skeptical, use credible sources, think critically, and embrace learning through science. Start early, and weave these lessons into everyday life. Back when we were young, we Nerdy Girls used encyclopedias, reference books, and textbooks to learn. These days, we are surrounded by a Read more…
May 13, 2023
Loneliness is an epidemic… AND Social Connection Matters!
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
⏰ The Surgeon General recently raised the alarm on the importance of social connection as a remedy for 😢 loneliness😢. Social connection is as simple as being connected to other people, to your community, and to the larger society. 📉This isn’t a new trend 📉. Since the 1970s, people have noticed that many of us, Read more…
May 13, 2023
¿Qué es entonces la niebla mental?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La niebla mental es un término general que se utiliza para describir muchos problemas, como la falta de atención, memoria y capacidad de planificación. Esto puede ocurrir después de una infección o lesión. Estamos aprendiendo más sobre sus causas, pero parece que tras una infección se producen cambios en el sistema inmunitario y en el Read more…
May 11, 2023
¿La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente contra el COVID-19 contribuye a prevenir el contagio?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Respuesta corta: ¡sí! La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente brinda protección adicional contra infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 para personas que habían recibido previamente las primeras vacunas de ARNm. El CDC acaba de publicar un nuevo estudio que analizó la eficacia del refuerzo bivalente para prevenir infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 en comparación con la vacuna monovalente, que Read more…
May 11, 2023
What do we know about the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people? Is it safe?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine will be given to pregnant people and passes on RSV immunity to their newborns. RSV is a serious respiratory infection that can cause hospitalization and death in infants. Clinical trials showed a good safety profile. About RSV and recent outbreaks RSV is a common respiratory infection that Read more…
May 10, 2023
It is Teacher Appreciation Week!
Those Nerdy Girls want to take a moment to honor those who dedicate their lives to educating the next generation. Whether in PreK-12 or at the university level or education in your area of expertise, you are the ones who ensure that we continue to strive for and value a civil society, progress in the Read more…
May 10, 2023
¿Es el virus de COVID-19 resultado de una “fuga de laboratorio”?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No sabemos con certeza de dónde vino el SARS-CoV-2, pero la mayoría de las pruebas hasta la fecha respaldan la explicación natural de un “desdoblamiento” (es decir, el virus pasó de los animales a los humanos). Han pasado más de 3 años desde el inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19 y todavía no podemos precisar Read more…
May 10, 2023
What are the Horn and Halo Effects?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The Horn and Halo Effects are cognitive biases where our first impression influences our decision making and how we feel about someone. This impression can be based on a single characteristic that is not actually relevant, such as their race, gender identity, or even how attractive we find someone. To break this cycle, we Read more…
Tl;dr: Availability bias, also called availability heuristic, is a type of cognitive bias that occurs when we rely disproportionately on the most readily available information to make decisions or judgments rather than the most representative or accurate data. Reflection and review of all available data can help us mitigate this particular bias. Sometimes do you Read more…
¿Es la anticoncepción de emergencia lo mismo que el aborto?
Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No. La anticoncepción de emergencia evita el embarazo. No pone fin al embarazo. Para una persona que no quiere quedar embarazada, ayuda a *prevenir* la necesidad de abortar. Existen dos tipos de anticoncepción de urgencia: las píldoras y los DIU (dispositivos intrauterinos). ✳️Las píldoras hormonales: Sólo contienen la hormona levonorgestrel y están disponibles para personas Read more…
May 17, 2023
How can I keep track of COVID levels in my area now that cases are not being reported?
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Follow the feces. Wastewater data is one of our best remaining tools for COVID-19 surveillance. With the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency in the US, the US CDC will stop reporting community levels of COVID-19 cases or positivity rates. The accuracy of these numbers has also likely declined over time as people tested Read more…
May 15, 2023
How can I boost my child’s immunity to misinformation?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
To help your child separate fact from fiction, teach them to: be skeptical, use credible sources, think critically, and embrace learning through science. Start early, and weave these lessons into everyday life. Back when we were young, we Nerdy Girls used encyclopedias, reference books, and textbooks to learn. These days, we are surrounded by a Read more…
May 13, 2023
Loneliness is an epidemic… AND Social Connection Matters!
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
⏰ The Surgeon General recently raised the alarm on the importance of social connection as a remedy for 😢 loneliness😢. Social connection is as simple as being connected to other people, to your community, and to the larger society. 📉This isn’t a new trend 📉. Since the 1970s, people have noticed that many of us, Read more…
May 13, 2023
¿Qué es entonces la niebla mental?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La niebla mental es un término general que se utiliza para describir muchos problemas, como la falta de atención, memoria y capacidad de planificación. Esto puede ocurrir después de una infección o lesión. Estamos aprendiendo más sobre sus causas, pero parece que tras una infección se producen cambios en el sistema inmunitario y en el Read more…
May 11, 2023
¿La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente contra el COVID-19 contribuye a prevenir el contagio?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Respuesta corta: ¡sí! La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente brinda protección adicional contra infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 para personas que habían recibido previamente las primeras vacunas de ARNm. El CDC acaba de publicar un nuevo estudio que analizó la eficacia del refuerzo bivalente para prevenir infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 en comparación con la vacuna monovalente, que Read more…
May 11, 2023
What do we know about the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people? Is it safe?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine will be given to pregnant people and passes on RSV immunity to their newborns. RSV is a serious respiratory infection that can cause hospitalization and death in infants. Clinical trials showed a good safety profile. About RSV and recent outbreaks RSV is a common respiratory infection that Read more…
May 10, 2023
It is Teacher Appreciation Week!
Those Nerdy Girls want to take a moment to honor those who dedicate their lives to educating the next generation. Whether in PreK-12 or at the university level or education in your area of expertise, you are the ones who ensure that we continue to strive for and value a civil society, progress in the Read more…
May 10, 2023
¿Es el virus de COVID-19 resultado de una “fuga de laboratorio”?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No sabemos con certeza de dónde vino el SARS-CoV-2, pero la mayoría de las pruebas hasta la fecha respaldan la explicación natural de un “desdoblamiento” (es decir, el virus pasó de los animales a los humanos). Han pasado más de 3 años desde el inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19 y todavía no podemos precisar Read more…
May 10, 2023
What are the Horn and Halo Effects?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The Horn and Halo Effects are cognitive biases where our first impression influences our decision making and how we feel about someone. This impression can be based on a single characteristic that is not actually relevant, such as their race, gender identity, or even how attractive we find someone. To break this cycle, we Read more…
No. La anticoncepción de emergencia evita el embarazo. No pone fin al embarazo. Para una persona que no quiere quedar embarazada, ayuda a *prevenir* la necesidad de abortar. Existen dos tipos de anticoncepción de urgencia: las píldoras y los DIU (dispositivos intrauterinos). ✳️Las píldoras hormonales: Sólo contienen la hormona levonorgestrel y están disponibles para personas Read more…
How can I keep track of COVID levels in my area now that cases are not being reported?
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Follow the feces. Wastewater data is one of our best remaining tools for COVID-19 surveillance. With the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency in the US, the US CDC will stop reporting community levels of COVID-19 cases or positivity rates. The accuracy of these numbers has also likely declined over time as people tested Read more…
May 15, 2023
How can I boost my child’s immunity to misinformation?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation
To help your child separate fact from fiction, teach them to: be skeptical, use credible sources, think critically, and embrace learning through science. Start early, and weave these lessons into everyday life. Back when we were young, we Nerdy Girls used encyclopedias, reference books, and textbooks to learn. These days, we are surrounded by a Read more…
May 13, 2023
Loneliness is an epidemic… AND Social Connection Matters!
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
⏰ The Surgeon General recently raised the alarm on the importance of social connection as a remedy for 😢 loneliness😢. Social connection is as simple as being connected to other people, to your community, and to the larger society. 📉This isn’t a new trend 📉. Since the 1970s, people have noticed that many of us, Read more…
May 13, 2023
¿Qué es entonces la niebla mental?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La niebla mental es un término general que se utiliza para describir muchos problemas, como la falta de atención, memoria y capacidad de planificación. Esto puede ocurrir después de una infección o lesión. Estamos aprendiendo más sobre sus causas, pero parece que tras una infección se producen cambios en el sistema inmunitario y en el Read more…
May 11, 2023
¿La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente contra el COVID-19 contribuye a prevenir el contagio?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Respuesta corta: ¡sí! La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente brinda protección adicional contra infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 para personas que habían recibido previamente las primeras vacunas de ARNm. El CDC acaba de publicar un nuevo estudio que analizó la eficacia del refuerzo bivalente para prevenir infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 en comparación con la vacuna monovalente, que Read more…
May 11, 2023
What do we know about the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people? Is it safe?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine will be given to pregnant people and passes on RSV immunity to their newborns. RSV is a serious respiratory infection that can cause hospitalization and death in infants. Clinical trials showed a good safety profile. About RSV and recent outbreaks RSV is a common respiratory infection that Read more…
May 10, 2023
It is Teacher Appreciation Week!
Those Nerdy Girls want to take a moment to honor those who dedicate their lives to educating the next generation. Whether in PreK-12 or at the university level or education in your area of expertise, you are the ones who ensure that we continue to strive for and value a civil society, progress in the Read more…
May 10, 2023
¿Es el virus de COVID-19 resultado de una “fuga de laboratorio”?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No sabemos con certeza de dónde vino el SARS-CoV-2, pero la mayoría de las pruebas hasta la fecha respaldan la explicación natural de un “desdoblamiento” (es decir, el virus pasó de los animales a los humanos). Han pasado más de 3 años desde el inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19 y todavía no podemos precisar Read more…
May 10, 2023
What are the Horn and Halo Effects?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The Horn and Halo Effects are cognitive biases where our first impression influences our decision making and how we feel about someone. This impression can be based on a single characteristic that is not actually relevant, such as their race, gender identity, or even how attractive we find someone. To break this cycle, we Read more…
Follow the feces. Wastewater data is one of our best remaining tools for COVID-19 surveillance. With the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency in the US, the US CDC will stop reporting community levels of COVID-19 cases or positivity rates. The accuracy of these numbers has also likely declined over time as people tested Read more…
How can I boost my child’s immunity to misinformation?
Data Literacy Uncertainty and MisinformationTo help your child separate fact from fiction, teach them to: be skeptical, use credible sources, think critically, and embrace learning through science. Start early, and weave these lessons into everyday life. Back when we were young, we Nerdy Girls used encyclopedias, reference books, and textbooks to learn. These days, we are surrounded by a Read more…
Loneliness is an epidemic… AND Social Connection Matters!
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
⏰ The Surgeon General recently raised the alarm on the importance of social connection as a remedy for 😢 loneliness😢. Social connection is as simple as being connected to other people, to your community, and to the larger society. 📉This isn’t a new trend 📉. Since the 1970s, people have noticed that many of us, Read more…
May 13, 2023
¿Qué es entonces la niebla mental?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La niebla mental es un término general que se utiliza para describir muchos problemas, como la falta de atención, memoria y capacidad de planificación. Esto puede ocurrir después de una infección o lesión. Estamos aprendiendo más sobre sus causas, pero parece que tras una infección se producen cambios en el sistema inmunitario y en el Read more…
May 11, 2023
¿La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente contra el COVID-19 contribuye a prevenir el contagio?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Respuesta corta: ¡sí! La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente brinda protección adicional contra infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 para personas que habían recibido previamente las primeras vacunas de ARNm. El CDC acaba de publicar un nuevo estudio que analizó la eficacia del refuerzo bivalente para prevenir infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 en comparación con la vacuna monovalente, que Read more…
May 11, 2023
What do we know about the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people? Is it safe?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine will be given to pregnant people and passes on RSV immunity to their newborns. RSV is a serious respiratory infection that can cause hospitalization and death in infants. Clinical trials showed a good safety profile. About RSV and recent outbreaks RSV is a common respiratory infection that Read more…
May 10, 2023
It is Teacher Appreciation Week!
Those Nerdy Girls want to take a moment to honor those who dedicate their lives to educating the next generation. Whether in PreK-12 or at the university level or education in your area of expertise, you are the ones who ensure that we continue to strive for and value a civil society, progress in the Read more…
May 10, 2023
¿Es el virus de COVID-19 resultado de una “fuga de laboratorio”?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No sabemos con certeza de dónde vino el SARS-CoV-2, pero la mayoría de las pruebas hasta la fecha respaldan la explicación natural de un “desdoblamiento” (es decir, el virus pasó de los animales a los humanos). Han pasado más de 3 años desde el inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19 y todavía no podemos precisar Read more…
May 10, 2023
What are the Horn and Halo Effects?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The Horn and Halo Effects are cognitive biases where our first impression influences our decision making and how we feel about someone. This impression can be based on a single characteristic that is not actually relevant, such as their race, gender identity, or even how attractive we find someone. To break this cycle, we Read more…
⏰ The Surgeon General recently raised the alarm on the importance of social connection as a remedy for 😢 loneliness😢. Social connection is as simple as being connected to other people, to your community, and to the larger society. 📉This isn’t a new trend 📉. Since the 1970s, people have noticed that many of us, Read more…
¿Qué es entonces la niebla mental?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
La niebla mental es un término general que se utiliza para describir muchos problemas, como la falta de atención, memoria y capacidad de planificación. Esto puede ocurrir después de una infección o lesión. Estamos aprendiendo más sobre sus causas, pero parece que tras una infección se producen cambios en el sistema inmunitario y en el Read more…
May 11, 2023
¿La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente contra el COVID-19 contribuye a prevenir el contagio?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Respuesta corta: ¡sí! La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente brinda protección adicional contra infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 para personas que habían recibido previamente las primeras vacunas de ARNm. El CDC acaba de publicar un nuevo estudio que analizó la eficacia del refuerzo bivalente para prevenir infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 en comparación con la vacuna monovalente, que Read more…
May 11, 2023
What do we know about the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people? Is it safe?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine will be given to pregnant people and passes on RSV immunity to their newborns. RSV is a serious respiratory infection that can cause hospitalization and death in infants. Clinical trials showed a good safety profile. About RSV and recent outbreaks RSV is a common respiratory infection that Read more…
May 10, 2023
It is Teacher Appreciation Week!
Those Nerdy Girls want to take a moment to honor those who dedicate their lives to educating the next generation. Whether in PreK-12 or at the university level or education in your area of expertise, you are the ones who ensure that we continue to strive for and value a civil society, progress in the Read more…
May 10, 2023
¿Es el virus de COVID-19 resultado de una “fuga de laboratorio”?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No sabemos con certeza de dónde vino el SARS-CoV-2, pero la mayoría de las pruebas hasta la fecha respaldan la explicación natural de un “desdoblamiento” (es decir, el virus pasó de los animales a los humanos). Han pasado más de 3 años desde el inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19 y todavía no podemos precisar Read more…
May 10, 2023
What are the Horn and Halo Effects?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The Horn and Halo Effects are cognitive biases where our first impression influences our decision making and how we feel about someone. This impression can be based on a single characteristic that is not actually relevant, such as their race, gender identity, or even how attractive we find someone. To break this cycle, we Read more…
La niebla mental es un término general que se utiliza para describir muchos problemas, como la falta de atención, memoria y capacidad de planificación. Esto puede ocurrir después de una infección o lesión. Estamos aprendiendo más sobre sus causas, pero parece que tras una infección se producen cambios en el sistema inmunitario y en el Read more…
¿La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente contra el COVID-19 contribuye a prevenir el contagio?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Respuesta corta: ¡sí! La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente brinda protección adicional contra infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 para personas que habían recibido previamente las primeras vacunas de ARNm. El CDC acaba de publicar un nuevo estudio que analizó la eficacia del refuerzo bivalente para prevenir infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 en comparación con la vacuna monovalente, que Read more…
May 11, 2023
What do we know about the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people? Is it safe?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine will be given to pregnant people and passes on RSV immunity to their newborns. RSV is a serious respiratory infection that can cause hospitalization and death in infants. Clinical trials showed a good safety profile. About RSV and recent outbreaks RSV is a common respiratory infection that Read more…
May 10, 2023
It is Teacher Appreciation Week!
Those Nerdy Girls want to take a moment to honor those who dedicate their lives to educating the next generation. Whether in PreK-12 or at the university level or education in your area of expertise, you are the ones who ensure that we continue to strive for and value a civil society, progress in the Read more…
May 10, 2023
¿Es el virus de COVID-19 resultado de una “fuga de laboratorio”?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No sabemos con certeza de dónde vino el SARS-CoV-2, pero la mayoría de las pruebas hasta la fecha respaldan la explicación natural de un “desdoblamiento” (es decir, el virus pasó de los animales a los humanos). Han pasado más de 3 años desde el inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19 y todavía no podemos precisar Read more…
May 10, 2023
What are the Horn and Halo Effects?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The Horn and Halo Effects are cognitive biases where our first impression influences our decision making and how we feel about someone. This impression can be based on a single characteristic that is not actually relevant, such as their race, gender identity, or even how attractive we find someone. To break this cycle, we Read more…
Respuesta corta: ¡sí! La vacuna de refuerzo bivalente brinda protección adicional contra infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 para personas que habían recibido previamente las primeras vacunas de ARNm. El CDC acaba de publicar un nuevo estudio que analizó la eficacia del refuerzo bivalente para prevenir infecciones sintomáticas de COVID-19 en comparación con la vacuna monovalente, que Read more…
What do we know about the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people? Is it safe?
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine will be given to pregnant people and passes on RSV immunity to their newborns. RSV is a serious respiratory infection that can cause hospitalization and death in infants. Clinical trials showed a good safety profile. About RSV and recent outbreaks RSV is a common respiratory infection that Read more…
May 10, 2023
It is Teacher Appreciation Week!
Those Nerdy Girls want to take a moment to honor those who dedicate their lives to educating the next generation. Whether in PreK-12 or at the university level or education in your area of expertise, you are the ones who ensure that we continue to strive for and value a civil society, progress in the Read more…
May 10, 2023
¿Es el virus de COVID-19 resultado de una “fuga de laboratorio”?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No sabemos con certeza de dónde vino el SARS-CoV-2, pero la mayoría de las pruebas hasta la fecha respaldan la explicación natural de un “desdoblamiento” (es decir, el virus pasó de los animales a los humanos). Han pasado más de 3 años desde el inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19 y todavía no podemos precisar Read more…
May 10, 2023
What are the Horn and Halo Effects?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The Horn and Halo Effects are cognitive biases where our first impression influences our decision making and how we feel about someone. This impression can be based on a single characteristic that is not actually relevant, such as their race, gender identity, or even how attractive we find someone. To break this cycle, we Read more…
A: The new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine will be given to pregnant people and passes on RSV immunity to their newborns. RSV is a serious respiratory infection that can cause hospitalization and death in infants. Clinical trials showed a good safety profile. About RSV and recent outbreaks RSV is a common respiratory infection that Read more…
It is Teacher Appreciation Week!
Those Nerdy Girls want to take a moment to honor those who dedicate their lives to educating the next generation. Whether in PreK-12 or at the university level or education in your area of expertise, you are the ones who ensure that we continue to strive for and value a civil society, progress in the Read more…
May 10, 2023
¿Es el virus de COVID-19 resultado de una “fuga de laboratorio”?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No sabemos con certeza de dónde vino el SARS-CoV-2, pero la mayoría de las pruebas hasta la fecha respaldan la explicación natural de un “desdoblamiento” (es decir, el virus pasó de los animales a los humanos). Han pasado más de 3 años desde el inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19 y todavía no podemos precisar Read more…
May 10, 2023
What are the Horn and Halo Effects?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The Horn and Halo Effects are cognitive biases where our first impression influences our decision making and how we feel about someone. This impression can be based on a single characteristic that is not actually relevant, such as their race, gender identity, or even how attractive we find someone. To break this cycle, we Read more…
Those Nerdy Girls want to take a moment to honor those who dedicate their lives to educating the next generation. Whether in PreK-12 or at the university level or education in your area of expertise, you are the ones who ensure that we continue to strive for and value a civil society, progress in the Read more…
¿Es el virus de COVID-19 resultado de una “fuga de laboratorio”?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
No sabemos con certeza de dónde vino el SARS-CoV-2, pero la mayoría de las pruebas hasta la fecha respaldan la explicación natural de un “desdoblamiento” (es decir, el virus pasó de los animales a los humanos). Han pasado más de 3 años desde el inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19 y todavía no podemos precisar Read more…
May 10, 2023
What are the Horn and Halo Effects?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The Horn and Halo Effects are cognitive biases where our first impression influences our decision making and how we feel about someone. This impression can be based on a single characteristic that is not actually relevant, such as their race, gender identity, or even how attractive we find someone. To break this cycle, we Read more…
No sabemos con certeza de dónde vino el SARS-CoV-2, pero la mayoría de las pruebas hasta la fecha respaldan la explicación natural de un “desdoblamiento” (es decir, el virus pasó de los animales a los humanos). Han pasado más de 3 años desde el inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19 y todavía no podemos precisar Read more…
What are the Horn and Halo Effects?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: The Horn and Halo Effects are cognitive biases where our first impression influences our decision making and how we feel about someone. This impression can be based on a single characteristic that is not actually relevant, such as their race, gender identity, or even how attractive we find someone. To break this cycle, we Read more…
Tl;dr: The Horn and Halo Effects are cognitive biases where our first impression influences our decision making and how we feel about someone. This impression can be based on a single characteristic that is not actually relevant, such as their race, gender identity, or even how attractive we find someone. To break this cycle, we Read more…