How can I cope with the uncertainty of the pandemic?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Bring awareness to how you feel, draw on your current strategies, and work towards acceptance of uncertainty. Things seem to be in a state of change and you may feel like you are on a rollercoaster. New guidelines, unknowns about return to work and school, and changing expectations about how our lives will be Read more…
July 31, 2021
¿Puedo recibir una vacuna COVID-19 si estoy emabarazada?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Puedo recibir una vacuna COVID-19 si estoy embarazada, intento quedar embarazada o creo que tal vez quiera embarazarme pronto? A: Sí. La evidencia científica disponible hasta la fecha demuestra que las vacunas COVID-19 en uso aquí en EE.UU. son seguras y efectivas durante el embarazo y no tienen un impacto negativo en la fertilidad. Read more…
July 30, 2021
Cómo pensar como un científico.
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los científicos comparten ciertos hábitos de metales, independientemente de si estudiamos patógenos, personas o plantas. Como escribió el astrónomo legendario Carl Sagan: “La ciencia es una forma de pensar mucho más que un conjunto de conocimientos.” Hoy lanzamos una serie ocasional sobre “Cómo pensar como un científico”, comenzando con tres valores clave que los científicos Read more…
July 30, 2021
What do the new CDC mask guidelines really mean?
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: The take-home message is that mitigation works. What we have learned from four influenza pandemics, HIV, and SARS pandemics in the last 100 years is that taking steps to protect ourselves and others works. The CDC guidelines released earlier suggest that vaccinated people in virus hotspots across the country should wear masks indoors. This Read more…
July 29, 2021
What is the difference between absolute risk and relative risk and why on Earth should I care?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: It turns out, how we describe risks REALLY matters and helps us better understand our healthcare choices. Read below for a review of how risk is calculated and communicated (and can be used for trickery!). The TLDR version: Absolute risk reduction is the number you actually want to know most of the time. Buckle Read more…
July 28, 2021
¿Qué es la terapia genética?
Biology/Immunity Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Qué es la terapia genética ? ¿En qué se diferencia de las vacunas? R: Las terapias genéticas tratan enfermedades utilizando herramientas genéticas. Las vacunas no cambian su ADN. Por lo general, las terapias genéticas funcionan al realizar cambios duraderos en su ADN – el “libro de recetas” genético que prevea las instrucciones para crearlo Read more…
July 28, 2021
What should I do about the large discrepancies in vaccine efficacy against the Delta variant being reported across studies?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Delta variant, waning immunity, imperfect measurement, or something else? There are a number of reasons why COVID-19 vaccine efficacy may differ across studies. These new reports are measuring the effectiveness of the vaccines in real world settings instead of in a clinical trial. Isolating individual variables in a real-world setting can be difficult. Instead, Read more…
July 27, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In recognition of the rising threat posed by the Delta variant, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today revised their guidance regarding mask use for vaccinated people. ➡️ Highlights of the new recommendations: 💥 Vaccinated people should wear a mask in public indoor settings if they are in an area of substantial Read more…
July 27, 2021
If I got the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine, do I need a booster because of Delta?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Reply hazy, try again. 🎱 While some scientists are sharing their own personal decision to boost their J&J vaccine with an mRNA second dose, the US vaccine regulators have not endorsed this strategy. This can put clinicians and pharmacists in a tough spot if a patient requests it. Meanwhile, many countries including Canada and Read more…
July 26, 2021
¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P. ¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia? Hay formas realmente seguras de utilizarlos? R. ✳️ ✳️ Los baños públicos pueden presentar un mayor riesgo de COVID-19 que otros espacios públicos. Le ofrecemos algunos consejos para reducir este riesgo. Los baños pueden conllevar un riesgo alto de exposición al virus que causa el Read more…
July 26, 2021
Why are 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK among the vaccinated?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: I heard 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK are among the vaccinated. What’s going on, this sounds bad? A: This is a confusing statistic, for sure. This number is actually good news and reflects the really high vaccine coverage of the older population in the UK. 🙋♀ Wait, what now? Let me explain! Read more…
July 25, 2021
Si no tengo efectos secundarios de la vacuna COVID-19, ¿significa que es menos efectiva?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. No significa que es menos efectiva. ¡Está funcionando bien! ➡️ Nuevos datos no muestran correlación entre la severidad de los efectos secundarios y los niveles de anticuerpos contra el SARS-CoV-2 después de la vacunación. 🔥 Si bien los efectos secundarios de la vacuna, también conocidos como “reactogenicidad”, pueden ser una señal reconfortante para Read more…
July 24, 2021
Keeping Kids Safe Who Are More Vulnerable to COVID-19
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls gets many questions from parents concerned about how to keep their kids healthy and safe from COVID. Although this is an understandable consideration for ALL parents, we want to take a moment to acknowledge the extra considerations faced by families whose kids may be more vulnerable to Read more…
July 23, 2021
¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día? R: Las personas no vacunadas, en mayor parte. P: ¿La variante “Delta” cambiará esto? R: Probablemente no. A medida que los nuevos casos de COVID-19 disminuyen en los EE.UU. y Canadá, pero aumentan en otros lugares, la pregunta es: ¿quién está sufriendo la carga de los nuevos Read more…
July 23, 2021
What can I do to stop health misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Last week, the United States Surgeon General issued and Advisory titled “Confronting Health Misinformation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Building a Healthy Information Environment”. It outlines action steps for anyone to take to stop the spread of misinformation. For example, you can: -Learn how to identify and avoid sharing health misinformation -Engage with Read more…
July 22, 2021
UK’s Vaccine Rollout Dramatically Reduced COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A picture IS worth 1000 words. While the demographers among us had a hard time not seeing population pyramids here (please note this is days on the y axis, not age!), we think the image tells a pretty compelling story. Figure Source h/t to Nerdy Girl Dr. Alison Buttenheim for sharing this image on twitter! Read more…
July 21, 2021
¿Las vacunas contra COVID-19 reducen la transmisión?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Continúa acumulándose evidencia de que algunas de las vacunas REDUCEN TANTO LAS INFECCIONES ASINTOMÁTICAS Y LA TRANSMISIÓN. ➡️ Mientras que las Nerdy Girls siguen soñando de un mundo donde la transmisión se prueba explícitamente en los ensayos clínicos (☎️ llámenos la próxima vez), los datos siguen llegando de todo el mundo y sugieren Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do monoclonal antibody treatments help for COVID-19 infection, and where do I get them?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Short answer: Yes. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. For the long answer, keep reading! Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are similar to Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do immunocompromised people need a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. Maybe. Emerging data suggest that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine can induce a better immune response in some immunocompromised people. The CDC is expected to meet in the near future to discuss a possible 3-dose vaccine regimen for immunocompromised people. In the meantime, the CDC has stated that the current vaccine regimen may Read more…
July 20, 2021
You’ve got to be kidding me: Monkeypox?!
General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…
A: Bring awareness to how you feel, draw on your current strategies, and work towards acceptance of uncertainty. Things seem to be in a state of change and you may feel like you are on a rollercoaster. New guidelines, unknowns about return to work and school, and changing expectations about how our lives will be Read more…
¿Puedo recibir una vacuna COVID-19 si estoy emabarazada?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Puedo recibir una vacuna COVID-19 si estoy embarazada, intento quedar embarazada o creo que tal vez quiera embarazarme pronto? A: Sí. La evidencia científica disponible hasta la fecha demuestra que las vacunas COVID-19 en uso aquí en EE.UU. son seguras y efectivas durante el embarazo y no tienen un impacto negativo en la fertilidad. Read more…
July 30, 2021
Cómo pensar como un científico.
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los científicos comparten ciertos hábitos de metales, independientemente de si estudiamos patógenos, personas o plantas. Como escribió el astrónomo legendario Carl Sagan: “La ciencia es una forma de pensar mucho más que un conjunto de conocimientos.” Hoy lanzamos una serie ocasional sobre “Cómo pensar como un científico”, comenzando con tres valores clave que los científicos Read more…
July 30, 2021
What do the new CDC mask guidelines really mean?
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: The take-home message is that mitigation works. What we have learned from four influenza pandemics, HIV, and SARS pandemics in the last 100 years is that taking steps to protect ourselves and others works. The CDC guidelines released earlier suggest that vaccinated people in virus hotspots across the country should wear masks indoors. This Read more…
July 29, 2021
What is the difference between absolute risk and relative risk and why on Earth should I care?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: It turns out, how we describe risks REALLY matters and helps us better understand our healthcare choices. Read below for a review of how risk is calculated and communicated (and can be used for trickery!). The TLDR version: Absolute risk reduction is the number you actually want to know most of the time. Buckle Read more…
July 28, 2021
¿Qué es la terapia genética?
Biology/Immunity Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Qué es la terapia genética ? ¿En qué se diferencia de las vacunas? R: Las terapias genéticas tratan enfermedades utilizando herramientas genéticas. Las vacunas no cambian su ADN. Por lo general, las terapias genéticas funcionan al realizar cambios duraderos en su ADN – el “libro de recetas” genético que prevea las instrucciones para crearlo Read more…
July 28, 2021
What should I do about the large discrepancies in vaccine efficacy against the Delta variant being reported across studies?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Delta variant, waning immunity, imperfect measurement, or something else? There are a number of reasons why COVID-19 vaccine efficacy may differ across studies. These new reports are measuring the effectiveness of the vaccines in real world settings instead of in a clinical trial. Isolating individual variables in a real-world setting can be difficult. Instead, Read more…
July 27, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In recognition of the rising threat posed by the Delta variant, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today revised their guidance regarding mask use for vaccinated people. ➡️ Highlights of the new recommendations: 💥 Vaccinated people should wear a mask in public indoor settings if they are in an area of substantial Read more…
July 27, 2021
If I got the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine, do I need a booster because of Delta?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Reply hazy, try again. 🎱 While some scientists are sharing their own personal decision to boost their J&J vaccine with an mRNA second dose, the US vaccine regulators have not endorsed this strategy. This can put clinicians and pharmacists in a tough spot if a patient requests it. Meanwhile, many countries including Canada and Read more…
July 26, 2021
¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P. ¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia? Hay formas realmente seguras de utilizarlos? R. ✳️ ✳️ Los baños públicos pueden presentar un mayor riesgo de COVID-19 que otros espacios públicos. Le ofrecemos algunos consejos para reducir este riesgo. Los baños pueden conllevar un riesgo alto de exposición al virus que causa el Read more…
July 26, 2021
Why are 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK among the vaccinated?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: I heard 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK are among the vaccinated. What’s going on, this sounds bad? A: This is a confusing statistic, for sure. This number is actually good news and reflects the really high vaccine coverage of the older population in the UK. 🙋♀ Wait, what now? Let me explain! Read more…
July 25, 2021
Si no tengo efectos secundarios de la vacuna COVID-19, ¿significa que es menos efectiva?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. No significa que es menos efectiva. ¡Está funcionando bien! ➡️ Nuevos datos no muestran correlación entre la severidad de los efectos secundarios y los niveles de anticuerpos contra el SARS-CoV-2 después de la vacunación. 🔥 Si bien los efectos secundarios de la vacuna, también conocidos como “reactogenicidad”, pueden ser una señal reconfortante para Read more…
July 24, 2021
Keeping Kids Safe Who Are More Vulnerable to COVID-19
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls gets many questions from parents concerned about how to keep their kids healthy and safe from COVID. Although this is an understandable consideration for ALL parents, we want to take a moment to acknowledge the extra considerations faced by families whose kids may be more vulnerable to Read more…
July 23, 2021
¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día? R: Las personas no vacunadas, en mayor parte. P: ¿La variante “Delta” cambiará esto? R: Probablemente no. A medida que los nuevos casos de COVID-19 disminuyen en los EE.UU. y Canadá, pero aumentan en otros lugares, la pregunta es: ¿quién está sufriendo la carga de los nuevos Read more…
July 23, 2021
What can I do to stop health misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Last week, the United States Surgeon General issued and Advisory titled “Confronting Health Misinformation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Building a Healthy Information Environment”. It outlines action steps for anyone to take to stop the spread of misinformation. For example, you can: -Learn how to identify and avoid sharing health misinformation -Engage with Read more…
July 22, 2021
UK’s Vaccine Rollout Dramatically Reduced COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A picture IS worth 1000 words. While the demographers among us had a hard time not seeing population pyramids here (please note this is days on the y axis, not age!), we think the image tells a pretty compelling story. Figure Source h/t to Nerdy Girl Dr. Alison Buttenheim for sharing this image on twitter! Read more…
July 21, 2021
¿Las vacunas contra COVID-19 reducen la transmisión?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Continúa acumulándose evidencia de que algunas de las vacunas REDUCEN TANTO LAS INFECCIONES ASINTOMÁTICAS Y LA TRANSMISIÓN. ➡️ Mientras que las Nerdy Girls siguen soñando de un mundo donde la transmisión se prueba explícitamente en los ensayos clínicos (☎️ llámenos la próxima vez), los datos siguen llegando de todo el mundo y sugieren Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do monoclonal antibody treatments help for COVID-19 infection, and where do I get them?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Short answer: Yes. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. For the long answer, keep reading! Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are similar to Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do immunocompromised people need a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. Maybe. Emerging data suggest that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine can induce a better immune response in some immunocompromised people. The CDC is expected to meet in the near future to discuss a possible 3-dose vaccine regimen for immunocompromised people. In the meantime, the CDC has stated that the current vaccine regimen may Read more…
July 20, 2021
You’ve got to be kidding me: Monkeypox?!
General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…
P: ¿Puedo recibir una vacuna COVID-19 si estoy embarazada, intento quedar embarazada o creo que tal vez quiera embarazarme pronto? A: Sí. La evidencia científica disponible hasta la fecha demuestra que las vacunas COVID-19 en uso aquí en EE.UU. son seguras y efectivas durante el embarazo y no tienen un impacto negativo en la fertilidad. Read more…
Cómo pensar como un científico.
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Los científicos comparten ciertos hábitos de metales, independientemente de si estudiamos patógenos, personas o plantas. Como escribió el astrónomo legendario Carl Sagan: “La ciencia es una forma de pensar mucho más que un conjunto de conocimientos.” Hoy lanzamos una serie ocasional sobre “Cómo pensar como un científico”, comenzando con tres valores clave que los científicos Read more…
July 30, 2021
What do the new CDC mask guidelines really mean?
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: The take-home message is that mitigation works. What we have learned from four influenza pandemics, HIV, and SARS pandemics in the last 100 years is that taking steps to protect ourselves and others works. The CDC guidelines released earlier suggest that vaccinated people in virus hotspots across the country should wear masks indoors. This Read more…
July 29, 2021
What is the difference between absolute risk and relative risk and why on Earth should I care?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: It turns out, how we describe risks REALLY matters and helps us better understand our healthcare choices. Read below for a review of how risk is calculated and communicated (and can be used for trickery!). The TLDR version: Absolute risk reduction is the number you actually want to know most of the time. Buckle Read more…
July 28, 2021
¿Qué es la terapia genética?
Biology/Immunity Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Qué es la terapia genética ? ¿En qué se diferencia de las vacunas? R: Las terapias genéticas tratan enfermedades utilizando herramientas genéticas. Las vacunas no cambian su ADN. Por lo general, las terapias genéticas funcionan al realizar cambios duraderos en su ADN – el “libro de recetas” genético que prevea las instrucciones para crearlo Read more…
July 28, 2021
What should I do about the large discrepancies in vaccine efficacy against the Delta variant being reported across studies?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Delta variant, waning immunity, imperfect measurement, or something else? There are a number of reasons why COVID-19 vaccine efficacy may differ across studies. These new reports are measuring the effectiveness of the vaccines in real world settings instead of in a clinical trial. Isolating individual variables in a real-world setting can be difficult. Instead, Read more…
July 27, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In recognition of the rising threat posed by the Delta variant, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today revised their guidance regarding mask use for vaccinated people. ➡️ Highlights of the new recommendations: 💥 Vaccinated people should wear a mask in public indoor settings if they are in an area of substantial Read more…
July 27, 2021
If I got the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine, do I need a booster because of Delta?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Reply hazy, try again. 🎱 While some scientists are sharing their own personal decision to boost their J&J vaccine with an mRNA second dose, the US vaccine regulators have not endorsed this strategy. This can put clinicians and pharmacists in a tough spot if a patient requests it. Meanwhile, many countries including Canada and Read more…
July 26, 2021
¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P. ¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia? Hay formas realmente seguras de utilizarlos? R. ✳️ ✳️ Los baños públicos pueden presentar un mayor riesgo de COVID-19 que otros espacios públicos. Le ofrecemos algunos consejos para reducir este riesgo. Los baños pueden conllevar un riesgo alto de exposición al virus que causa el Read more…
July 26, 2021
Why are 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK among the vaccinated?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: I heard 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK are among the vaccinated. What’s going on, this sounds bad? A: This is a confusing statistic, for sure. This number is actually good news and reflects the really high vaccine coverage of the older population in the UK. 🙋♀ Wait, what now? Let me explain! Read more…
July 25, 2021
Si no tengo efectos secundarios de la vacuna COVID-19, ¿significa que es menos efectiva?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. No significa que es menos efectiva. ¡Está funcionando bien! ➡️ Nuevos datos no muestran correlación entre la severidad de los efectos secundarios y los niveles de anticuerpos contra el SARS-CoV-2 después de la vacunación. 🔥 Si bien los efectos secundarios de la vacuna, también conocidos como “reactogenicidad”, pueden ser una señal reconfortante para Read more…
July 24, 2021
Keeping Kids Safe Who Are More Vulnerable to COVID-19
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls gets many questions from parents concerned about how to keep their kids healthy and safe from COVID. Although this is an understandable consideration for ALL parents, we want to take a moment to acknowledge the extra considerations faced by families whose kids may be more vulnerable to Read more…
July 23, 2021
¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día? R: Las personas no vacunadas, en mayor parte. P: ¿La variante “Delta” cambiará esto? R: Probablemente no. A medida que los nuevos casos de COVID-19 disminuyen en los EE.UU. y Canadá, pero aumentan en otros lugares, la pregunta es: ¿quién está sufriendo la carga de los nuevos Read more…
July 23, 2021
What can I do to stop health misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Last week, the United States Surgeon General issued and Advisory titled “Confronting Health Misinformation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Building a Healthy Information Environment”. It outlines action steps for anyone to take to stop the spread of misinformation. For example, you can: -Learn how to identify and avoid sharing health misinformation -Engage with Read more…
July 22, 2021
UK’s Vaccine Rollout Dramatically Reduced COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A picture IS worth 1000 words. While the demographers among us had a hard time not seeing population pyramids here (please note this is days on the y axis, not age!), we think the image tells a pretty compelling story. Figure Source h/t to Nerdy Girl Dr. Alison Buttenheim for sharing this image on twitter! Read more…
July 21, 2021
¿Las vacunas contra COVID-19 reducen la transmisión?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Continúa acumulándose evidencia de que algunas de las vacunas REDUCEN TANTO LAS INFECCIONES ASINTOMÁTICAS Y LA TRANSMISIÓN. ➡️ Mientras que las Nerdy Girls siguen soñando de un mundo donde la transmisión se prueba explícitamente en los ensayos clínicos (☎️ llámenos la próxima vez), los datos siguen llegando de todo el mundo y sugieren Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do monoclonal antibody treatments help for COVID-19 infection, and where do I get them?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Short answer: Yes. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. For the long answer, keep reading! Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are similar to Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do immunocompromised people need a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. Maybe. Emerging data suggest that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine can induce a better immune response in some immunocompromised people. The CDC is expected to meet in the near future to discuss a possible 3-dose vaccine regimen for immunocompromised people. In the meantime, the CDC has stated that the current vaccine regimen may Read more…
July 20, 2021
You’ve got to be kidding me: Monkeypox?!
General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…
Los científicos comparten ciertos hábitos de metales, independientemente de si estudiamos patógenos, personas o plantas. Como escribió el astrónomo legendario Carl Sagan: “La ciencia es una forma de pensar mucho más que un conjunto de conocimientos.” Hoy lanzamos una serie ocasional sobre “Cómo pensar como un científico”, comenzando con tres valores clave que los científicos Read more…
What do the new CDC mask guidelines really mean?
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: The take-home message is that mitigation works. What we have learned from four influenza pandemics, HIV, and SARS pandemics in the last 100 years is that taking steps to protect ourselves and others works. The CDC guidelines released earlier suggest that vaccinated people in virus hotspots across the country should wear masks indoors. This Read more…
July 29, 2021
What is the difference between absolute risk and relative risk and why on Earth should I care?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: It turns out, how we describe risks REALLY matters and helps us better understand our healthcare choices. Read below for a review of how risk is calculated and communicated (and can be used for trickery!). The TLDR version: Absolute risk reduction is the number you actually want to know most of the time. Buckle Read more…
July 28, 2021
¿Qué es la terapia genética?
Biology/Immunity Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Qué es la terapia genética ? ¿En qué se diferencia de las vacunas? R: Las terapias genéticas tratan enfermedades utilizando herramientas genéticas. Las vacunas no cambian su ADN. Por lo general, las terapias genéticas funcionan al realizar cambios duraderos en su ADN – el “libro de recetas” genético que prevea las instrucciones para crearlo Read more…
July 28, 2021
What should I do about the large discrepancies in vaccine efficacy against the Delta variant being reported across studies?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Delta variant, waning immunity, imperfect measurement, or something else? There are a number of reasons why COVID-19 vaccine efficacy may differ across studies. These new reports are measuring the effectiveness of the vaccines in real world settings instead of in a clinical trial. Isolating individual variables in a real-world setting can be difficult. Instead, Read more…
July 27, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In recognition of the rising threat posed by the Delta variant, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today revised their guidance regarding mask use for vaccinated people. ➡️ Highlights of the new recommendations: 💥 Vaccinated people should wear a mask in public indoor settings if they are in an area of substantial Read more…
July 27, 2021
If I got the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine, do I need a booster because of Delta?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Reply hazy, try again. 🎱 While some scientists are sharing their own personal decision to boost their J&J vaccine with an mRNA second dose, the US vaccine regulators have not endorsed this strategy. This can put clinicians and pharmacists in a tough spot if a patient requests it. Meanwhile, many countries including Canada and Read more…
July 26, 2021
¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P. ¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia? Hay formas realmente seguras de utilizarlos? R. ✳️ ✳️ Los baños públicos pueden presentar un mayor riesgo de COVID-19 que otros espacios públicos. Le ofrecemos algunos consejos para reducir este riesgo. Los baños pueden conllevar un riesgo alto de exposición al virus que causa el Read more…
July 26, 2021
Why are 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK among the vaccinated?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: I heard 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK are among the vaccinated. What’s going on, this sounds bad? A: This is a confusing statistic, for sure. This number is actually good news and reflects the really high vaccine coverage of the older population in the UK. 🙋♀ Wait, what now? Let me explain! Read more…
July 25, 2021
Si no tengo efectos secundarios de la vacuna COVID-19, ¿significa que es menos efectiva?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. No significa que es menos efectiva. ¡Está funcionando bien! ➡️ Nuevos datos no muestran correlación entre la severidad de los efectos secundarios y los niveles de anticuerpos contra el SARS-CoV-2 después de la vacunación. 🔥 Si bien los efectos secundarios de la vacuna, también conocidos como “reactogenicidad”, pueden ser una señal reconfortante para Read more…
July 24, 2021
Keeping Kids Safe Who Are More Vulnerable to COVID-19
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls gets many questions from parents concerned about how to keep their kids healthy and safe from COVID. Although this is an understandable consideration for ALL parents, we want to take a moment to acknowledge the extra considerations faced by families whose kids may be more vulnerable to Read more…
July 23, 2021
¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día? R: Las personas no vacunadas, en mayor parte. P: ¿La variante “Delta” cambiará esto? R: Probablemente no. A medida que los nuevos casos de COVID-19 disminuyen en los EE.UU. y Canadá, pero aumentan en otros lugares, la pregunta es: ¿quién está sufriendo la carga de los nuevos Read more…
July 23, 2021
What can I do to stop health misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Last week, the United States Surgeon General issued and Advisory titled “Confronting Health Misinformation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Building a Healthy Information Environment”. It outlines action steps for anyone to take to stop the spread of misinformation. For example, you can: -Learn how to identify and avoid sharing health misinformation -Engage with Read more…
July 22, 2021
UK’s Vaccine Rollout Dramatically Reduced COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A picture IS worth 1000 words. While the demographers among us had a hard time not seeing population pyramids here (please note this is days on the y axis, not age!), we think the image tells a pretty compelling story. Figure Source h/t to Nerdy Girl Dr. Alison Buttenheim for sharing this image on twitter! Read more…
July 21, 2021
¿Las vacunas contra COVID-19 reducen la transmisión?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Continúa acumulándose evidencia de que algunas de las vacunas REDUCEN TANTO LAS INFECCIONES ASINTOMÁTICAS Y LA TRANSMISIÓN. ➡️ Mientras que las Nerdy Girls siguen soñando de un mundo donde la transmisión se prueba explícitamente en los ensayos clínicos (☎️ llámenos la próxima vez), los datos siguen llegando de todo el mundo y sugieren Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do monoclonal antibody treatments help for COVID-19 infection, and where do I get them?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Short answer: Yes. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. For the long answer, keep reading! Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are similar to Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do immunocompromised people need a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. Maybe. Emerging data suggest that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine can induce a better immune response in some immunocompromised people. The CDC is expected to meet in the near future to discuss a possible 3-dose vaccine regimen for immunocompromised people. In the meantime, the CDC has stated that the current vaccine regimen may Read more…
July 20, 2021
You’ve got to be kidding me: Monkeypox?!
General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…
A: The take-home message is that mitigation works. What we have learned from four influenza pandemics, HIV, and SARS pandemics in the last 100 years is that taking steps to protect ourselves and others works. The CDC guidelines released earlier suggest that vaccinated people in virus hotspots across the country should wear masks indoors. This Read more…
What is the difference between absolute risk and relative risk and why on Earth should I care?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: It turns out, how we describe risks REALLY matters and helps us better understand our healthcare choices. Read below for a review of how risk is calculated and communicated (and can be used for trickery!). The TLDR version: Absolute risk reduction is the number you actually want to know most of the time. Buckle Read more…
July 28, 2021
¿Qué es la terapia genética?
Biology/Immunity Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Qué es la terapia genética ? ¿En qué se diferencia de las vacunas? R: Las terapias genéticas tratan enfermedades utilizando herramientas genéticas. Las vacunas no cambian su ADN. Por lo general, las terapias genéticas funcionan al realizar cambios duraderos en su ADN – el “libro de recetas” genético que prevea las instrucciones para crearlo Read more…
July 28, 2021
What should I do about the large discrepancies in vaccine efficacy against the Delta variant being reported across studies?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Delta variant, waning immunity, imperfect measurement, or something else? There are a number of reasons why COVID-19 vaccine efficacy may differ across studies. These new reports are measuring the effectiveness of the vaccines in real world settings instead of in a clinical trial. Isolating individual variables in a real-world setting can be difficult. Instead, Read more…
July 27, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In recognition of the rising threat posed by the Delta variant, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today revised their guidance regarding mask use for vaccinated people. ➡️ Highlights of the new recommendations: 💥 Vaccinated people should wear a mask in public indoor settings if they are in an area of substantial Read more…
July 27, 2021
If I got the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine, do I need a booster because of Delta?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Reply hazy, try again. 🎱 While some scientists are sharing their own personal decision to boost their J&J vaccine with an mRNA second dose, the US vaccine regulators have not endorsed this strategy. This can put clinicians and pharmacists in a tough spot if a patient requests it. Meanwhile, many countries including Canada and Read more…
July 26, 2021
¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P. ¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia? Hay formas realmente seguras de utilizarlos? R. ✳️ ✳️ Los baños públicos pueden presentar un mayor riesgo de COVID-19 que otros espacios públicos. Le ofrecemos algunos consejos para reducir este riesgo. Los baños pueden conllevar un riesgo alto de exposición al virus que causa el Read more…
July 26, 2021
Why are 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK among the vaccinated?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: I heard 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK are among the vaccinated. What’s going on, this sounds bad? A: This is a confusing statistic, for sure. This number is actually good news and reflects the really high vaccine coverage of the older population in the UK. 🙋♀ Wait, what now? Let me explain! Read more…
July 25, 2021
Si no tengo efectos secundarios de la vacuna COVID-19, ¿significa que es menos efectiva?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. No significa que es menos efectiva. ¡Está funcionando bien! ➡️ Nuevos datos no muestran correlación entre la severidad de los efectos secundarios y los niveles de anticuerpos contra el SARS-CoV-2 después de la vacunación. 🔥 Si bien los efectos secundarios de la vacuna, también conocidos como “reactogenicidad”, pueden ser una señal reconfortante para Read more…
July 24, 2021
Keeping Kids Safe Who Are More Vulnerable to COVID-19
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls gets many questions from parents concerned about how to keep their kids healthy and safe from COVID. Although this is an understandable consideration for ALL parents, we want to take a moment to acknowledge the extra considerations faced by families whose kids may be more vulnerable to Read more…
July 23, 2021
¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día? R: Las personas no vacunadas, en mayor parte. P: ¿La variante “Delta” cambiará esto? R: Probablemente no. A medida que los nuevos casos de COVID-19 disminuyen en los EE.UU. y Canadá, pero aumentan en otros lugares, la pregunta es: ¿quién está sufriendo la carga de los nuevos Read more…
July 23, 2021
What can I do to stop health misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Last week, the United States Surgeon General issued and Advisory titled “Confronting Health Misinformation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Building a Healthy Information Environment”. It outlines action steps for anyone to take to stop the spread of misinformation. For example, you can: -Learn how to identify and avoid sharing health misinformation -Engage with Read more…
July 22, 2021
UK’s Vaccine Rollout Dramatically Reduced COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A picture IS worth 1000 words. While the demographers among us had a hard time not seeing population pyramids here (please note this is days on the y axis, not age!), we think the image tells a pretty compelling story. Figure Source h/t to Nerdy Girl Dr. Alison Buttenheim for sharing this image on twitter! Read more…
July 21, 2021
¿Las vacunas contra COVID-19 reducen la transmisión?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Continúa acumulándose evidencia de que algunas de las vacunas REDUCEN TANTO LAS INFECCIONES ASINTOMÁTICAS Y LA TRANSMISIÓN. ➡️ Mientras que las Nerdy Girls siguen soñando de un mundo donde la transmisión se prueba explícitamente en los ensayos clínicos (☎️ llámenos la próxima vez), los datos siguen llegando de todo el mundo y sugieren Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do monoclonal antibody treatments help for COVID-19 infection, and where do I get them?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Short answer: Yes. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. For the long answer, keep reading! Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are similar to Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do immunocompromised people need a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. Maybe. Emerging data suggest that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine can induce a better immune response in some immunocompromised people. The CDC is expected to meet in the near future to discuss a possible 3-dose vaccine regimen for immunocompromised people. In the meantime, the CDC has stated that the current vaccine regimen may Read more…
July 20, 2021
You’ve got to be kidding me: Monkeypox?!
General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…
A: It turns out, how we describe risks REALLY matters and helps us better understand our healthcare choices. Read below for a review of how risk is calculated and communicated (and can be used for trickery!). The TLDR version: Absolute risk reduction is the number you actually want to know most of the time. Buckle Read more…
¿Qué es la terapia genética?
Biology/Immunity Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Qué es la terapia genética ? ¿En qué se diferencia de las vacunas? R: Las terapias genéticas tratan enfermedades utilizando herramientas genéticas. Las vacunas no cambian su ADN. Por lo general, las terapias genéticas funcionan al realizar cambios duraderos en su ADN – el “libro de recetas” genético que prevea las instrucciones para crearlo Read more…
July 28, 2021
What should I do about the large discrepancies in vaccine efficacy against the Delta variant being reported across studies?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Delta variant, waning immunity, imperfect measurement, or something else? There are a number of reasons why COVID-19 vaccine efficacy may differ across studies. These new reports are measuring the effectiveness of the vaccines in real world settings instead of in a clinical trial. Isolating individual variables in a real-world setting can be difficult. Instead, Read more…
July 27, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In recognition of the rising threat posed by the Delta variant, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today revised their guidance regarding mask use for vaccinated people. ➡️ Highlights of the new recommendations: 💥 Vaccinated people should wear a mask in public indoor settings if they are in an area of substantial Read more…
July 27, 2021
If I got the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine, do I need a booster because of Delta?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Reply hazy, try again. 🎱 While some scientists are sharing their own personal decision to boost their J&J vaccine with an mRNA second dose, the US vaccine regulators have not endorsed this strategy. This can put clinicians and pharmacists in a tough spot if a patient requests it. Meanwhile, many countries including Canada and Read more…
July 26, 2021
¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P. ¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia? Hay formas realmente seguras de utilizarlos? R. ✳️ ✳️ Los baños públicos pueden presentar un mayor riesgo de COVID-19 que otros espacios públicos. Le ofrecemos algunos consejos para reducir este riesgo. Los baños pueden conllevar un riesgo alto de exposición al virus que causa el Read more…
July 26, 2021
Why are 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK among the vaccinated?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: I heard 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK are among the vaccinated. What’s going on, this sounds bad? A: This is a confusing statistic, for sure. This number is actually good news and reflects the really high vaccine coverage of the older population in the UK. 🙋♀ Wait, what now? Let me explain! Read more…
July 25, 2021
Si no tengo efectos secundarios de la vacuna COVID-19, ¿significa que es menos efectiva?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. No significa que es menos efectiva. ¡Está funcionando bien! ➡️ Nuevos datos no muestran correlación entre la severidad de los efectos secundarios y los niveles de anticuerpos contra el SARS-CoV-2 después de la vacunación. 🔥 Si bien los efectos secundarios de la vacuna, también conocidos como “reactogenicidad”, pueden ser una señal reconfortante para Read more…
July 24, 2021
Keeping Kids Safe Who Are More Vulnerable to COVID-19
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls gets many questions from parents concerned about how to keep their kids healthy and safe from COVID. Although this is an understandable consideration for ALL parents, we want to take a moment to acknowledge the extra considerations faced by families whose kids may be more vulnerable to Read more…
July 23, 2021
¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día? R: Las personas no vacunadas, en mayor parte. P: ¿La variante “Delta” cambiará esto? R: Probablemente no. A medida que los nuevos casos de COVID-19 disminuyen en los EE.UU. y Canadá, pero aumentan en otros lugares, la pregunta es: ¿quién está sufriendo la carga de los nuevos Read more…
July 23, 2021
What can I do to stop health misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Last week, the United States Surgeon General issued and Advisory titled “Confronting Health Misinformation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Building a Healthy Information Environment”. It outlines action steps for anyone to take to stop the spread of misinformation. For example, you can: -Learn how to identify and avoid sharing health misinformation -Engage with Read more…
July 22, 2021
UK’s Vaccine Rollout Dramatically Reduced COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A picture IS worth 1000 words. While the demographers among us had a hard time not seeing population pyramids here (please note this is days on the y axis, not age!), we think the image tells a pretty compelling story. Figure Source h/t to Nerdy Girl Dr. Alison Buttenheim for sharing this image on twitter! Read more…
July 21, 2021
¿Las vacunas contra COVID-19 reducen la transmisión?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Continúa acumulándose evidencia de que algunas de las vacunas REDUCEN TANTO LAS INFECCIONES ASINTOMÁTICAS Y LA TRANSMISIÓN. ➡️ Mientras que las Nerdy Girls siguen soñando de un mundo donde la transmisión se prueba explícitamente en los ensayos clínicos (☎️ llámenos la próxima vez), los datos siguen llegando de todo el mundo y sugieren Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do monoclonal antibody treatments help for COVID-19 infection, and where do I get them?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Short answer: Yes. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. For the long answer, keep reading! Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are similar to Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do immunocompromised people need a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. Maybe. Emerging data suggest that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine can induce a better immune response in some immunocompromised people. The CDC is expected to meet in the near future to discuss a possible 3-dose vaccine regimen for immunocompromised people. In the meantime, the CDC has stated that the current vaccine regimen may Read more…
July 20, 2021
You’ve got to be kidding me: Monkeypox?!
General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…
P: ¿Qué es la terapia genética ? ¿En qué se diferencia de las vacunas? R: Las terapias genéticas tratan enfermedades utilizando herramientas genéticas. Las vacunas no cambian su ADN. Por lo general, las terapias genéticas funcionan al realizar cambios duraderos en su ADN – el “libro de recetas” genético que prevea las instrucciones para crearlo Read more…
What should I do about the large discrepancies in vaccine efficacy against the Delta variant being reported across studies?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Delta variant, waning immunity, imperfect measurement, or something else? There are a number of reasons why COVID-19 vaccine efficacy may differ across studies. These new reports are measuring the effectiveness of the vaccines in real world settings instead of in a clinical trial. Isolating individual variables in a real-world setting can be difficult. Instead, Read more…
July 27, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In recognition of the rising threat posed by the Delta variant, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today revised their guidance regarding mask use for vaccinated people. ➡️ Highlights of the new recommendations: 💥 Vaccinated people should wear a mask in public indoor settings if they are in an area of substantial Read more…
July 27, 2021
If I got the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine, do I need a booster because of Delta?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Reply hazy, try again. 🎱 While some scientists are sharing their own personal decision to boost their J&J vaccine with an mRNA second dose, the US vaccine regulators have not endorsed this strategy. This can put clinicians and pharmacists in a tough spot if a patient requests it. Meanwhile, many countries including Canada and Read more…
July 26, 2021
¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P. ¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia? Hay formas realmente seguras de utilizarlos? R. ✳️ ✳️ Los baños públicos pueden presentar un mayor riesgo de COVID-19 que otros espacios públicos. Le ofrecemos algunos consejos para reducir este riesgo. Los baños pueden conllevar un riesgo alto de exposición al virus que causa el Read more…
July 26, 2021
Why are 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK among the vaccinated?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: I heard 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK are among the vaccinated. What’s going on, this sounds bad? A: This is a confusing statistic, for sure. This number is actually good news and reflects the really high vaccine coverage of the older population in the UK. 🙋♀ Wait, what now? Let me explain! Read more…
July 25, 2021
Si no tengo efectos secundarios de la vacuna COVID-19, ¿significa que es menos efectiva?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. No significa que es menos efectiva. ¡Está funcionando bien! ➡️ Nuevos datos no muestran correlación entre la severidad de los efectos secundarios y los niveles de anticuerpos contra el SARS-CoV-2 después de la vacunación. 🔥 Si bien los efectos secundarios de la vacuna, también conocidos como “reactogenicidad”, pueden ser una señal reconfortante para Read more…
July 24, 2021
Keeping Kids Safe Who Are More Vulnerable to COVID-19
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls gets many questions from parents concerned about how to keep their kids healthy and safe from COVID. Although this is an understandable consideration for ALL parents, we want to take a moment to acknowledge the extra considerations faced by families whose kids may be more vulnerable to Read more…
July 23, 2021
¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día? R: Las personas no vacunadas, en mayor parte. P: ¿La variante “Delta” cambiará esto? R: Probablemente no. A medida que los nuevos casos de COVID-19 disminuyen en los EE.UU. y Canadá, pero aumentan en otros lugares, la pregunta es: ¿quién está sufriendo la carga de los nuevos Read more…
July 23, 2021
What can I do to stop health misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Last week, the United States Surgeon General issued and Advisory titled “Confronting Health Misinformation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Building a Healthy Information Environment”. It outlines action steps for anyone to take to stop the spread of misinformation. For example, you can: -Learn how to identify and avoid sharing health misinformation -Engage with Read more…
July 22, 2021
UK’s Vaccine Rollout Dramatically Reduced COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A picture IS worth 1000 words. While the demographers among us had a hard time not seeing population pyramids here (please note this is days on the y axis, not age!), we think the image tells a pretty compelling story. Figure Source h/t to Nerdy Girl Dr. Alison Buttenheim for sharing this image on twitter! Read more…
July 21, 2021
¿Las vacunas contra COVID-19 reducen la transmisión?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Continúa acumulándose evidencia de que algunas de las vacunas REDUCEN TANTO LAS INFECCIONES ASINTOMÁTICAS Y LA TRANSMISIÓN. ➡️ Mientras que las Nerdy Girls siguen soñando de un mundo donde la transmisión se prueba explícitamente en los ensayos clínicos (☎️ llámenos la próxima vez), los datos siguen llegando de todo el mundo y sugieren Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do monoclonal antibody treatments help for COVID-19 infection, and where do I get them?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Short answer: Yes. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. For the long answer, keep reading! Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are similar to Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do immunocompromised people need a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. Maybe. Emerging data suggest that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine can induce a better immune response in some immunocompromised people. The CDC is expected to meet in the near future to discuss a possible 3-dose vaccine regimen for immunocompromised people. In the meantime, the CDC has stated that the current vaccine regimen may Read more…
July 20, 2021
You’ve got to be kidding me: Monkeypox?!
General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…
A: Delta variant, waning immunity, imperfect measurement, or something else? There are a number of reasons why COVID-19 vaccine efficacy may differ across studies. These new reports are measuring the effectiveness of the vaccines in real world settings instead of in a clinical trial. Isolating individual variables in a real-world setting can be difficult. Instead, Read more…
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In recognition of the rising threat posed by the Delta variant, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today revised their guidance regarding mask use for vaccinated people. ➡️ Highlights of the new recommendations: 💥 Vaccinated people should wear a mask in public indoor settings if they are in an area of substantial Read more…
July 27, 2021
If I got the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine, do I need a booster because of Delta?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Reply hazy, try again. 🎱 While some scientists are sharing their own personal decision to boost their J&J vaccine with an mRNA second dose, the US vaccine regulators have not endorsed this strategy. This can put clinicians and pharmacists in a tough spot if a patient requests it. Meanwhile, many countries including Canada and Read more…
July 26, 2021
¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P. ¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia? Hay formas realmente seguras de utilizarlos? R. ✳️ ✳️ Los baños públicos pueden presentar un mayor riesgo de COVID-19 que otros espacios públicos. Le ofrecemos algunos consejos para reducir este riesgo. Los baños pueden conllevar un riesgo alto de exposición al virus que causa el Read more…
July 26, 2021
Why are 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK among the vaccinated?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: I heard 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK are among the vaccinated. What’s going on, this sounds bad? A: This is a confusing statistic, for sure. This number is actually good news and reflects the really high vaccine coverage of the older population in the UK. 🙋♀ Wait, what now? Let me explain! Read more…
July 25, 2021
Si no tengo efectos secundarios de la vacuna COVID-19, ¿significa que es menos efectiva?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. No significa que es menos efectiva. ¡Está funcionando bien! ➡️ Nuevos datos no muestran correlación entre la severidad de los efectos secundarios y los niveles de anticuerpos contra el SARS-CoV-2 después de la vacunación. 🔥 Si bien los efectos secundarios de la vacuna, también conocidos como “reactogenicidad”, pueden ser una señal reconfortante para Read more…
July 24, 2021
Keeping Kids Safe Who Are More Vulnerable to COVID-19
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls gets many questions from parents concerned about how to keep their kids healthy and safe from COVID. Although this is an understandable consideration for ALL parents, we want to take a moment to acknowledge the extra considerations faced by families whose kids may be more vulnerable to Read more…
July 23, 2021
¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día? R: Las personas no vacunadas, en mayor parte. P: ¿La variante “Delta” cambiará esto? R: Probablemente no. A medida que los nuevos casos de COVID-19 disminuyen en los EE.UU. y Canadá, pero aumentan en otros lugares, la pregunta es: ¿quién está sufriendo la carga de los nuevos Read more…
July 23, 2021
What can I do to stop health misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Last week, the United States Surgeon General issued and Advisory titled “Confronting Health Misinformation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Building a Healthy Information Environment”. It outlines action steps for anyone to take to stop the spread of misinformation. For example, you can: -Learn how to identify and avoid sharing health misinformation -Engage with Read more…
July 22, 2021
UK’s Vaccine Rollout Dramatically Reduced COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A picture IS worth 1000 words. While the demographers among us had a hard time not seeing population pyramids here (please note this is days on the y axis, not age!), we think the image tells a pretty compelling story. Figure Source h/t to Nerdy Girl Dr. Alison Buttenheim for sharing this image on twitter! Read more…
July 21, 2021
¿Las vacunas contra COVID-19 reducen la transmisión?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Continúa acumulándose evidencia de que algunas de las vacunas REDUCEN TANTO LAS INFECCIONES ASINTOMÁTICAS Y LA TRANSMISIÓN. ➡️ Mientras que las Nerdy Girls siguen soñando de un mundo donde la transmisión se prueba explícitamente en los ensayos clínicos (☎️ llámenos la próxima vez), los datos siguen llegando de todo el mundo y sugieren Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do monoclonal antibody treatments help for COVID-19 infection, and where do I get them?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Short answer: Yes. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. For the long answer, keep reading! Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are similar to Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do immunocompromised people need a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. Maybe. Emerging data suggest that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine can induce a better immune response in some immunocompromised people. The CDC is expected to meet in the near future to discuss a possible 3-dose vaccine regimen for immunocompromised people. In the meantime, the CDC has stated that the current vaccine regimen may Read more…
July 20, 2021
You’ve got to be kidding me: Monkeypox?!
General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…
In recognition of the rising threat posed by the Delta variant, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today revised their guidance regarding mask use for vaccinated people. ➡️ Highlights of the new recommendations: 💥 Vaccinated people should wear a mask in public indoor settings if they are in an area of substantial Read more…
If I got the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine, do I need a booster because of Delta?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Reply hazy, try again. 🎱 While some scientists are sharing their own personal decision to boost their J&J vaccine with an mRNA second dose, the US vaccine regulators have not endorsed this strategy. This can put clinicians and pharmacists in a tough spot if a patient requests it. Meanwhile, many countries including Canada and Read more…
July 26, 2021
¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P. ¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia? Hay formas realmente seguras de utilizarlos? R. ✳️ ✳️ Los baños públicos pueden presentar un mayor riesgo de COVID-19 que otros espacios públicos. Le ofrecemos algunos consejos para reducir este riesgo. Los baños pueden conllevar un riesgo alto de exposición al virus que causa el Read more…
July 26, 2021
Why are 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK among the vaccinated?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: I heard 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK are among the vaccinated. What’s going on, this sounds bad? A: This is a confusing statistic, for sure. This number is actually good news and reflects the really high vaccine coverage of the older population in the UK. 🙋♀ Wait, what now? Let me explain! Read more…
July 25, 2021
Si no tengo efectos secundarios de la vacuna COVID-19, ¿significa que es menos efectiva?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. No significa que es menos efectiva. ¡Está funcionando bien! ➡️ Nuevos datos no muestran correlación entre la severidad de los efectos secundarios y los niveles de anticuerpos contra el SARS-CoV-2 después de la vacunación. 🔥 Si bien los efectos secundarios de la vacuna, también conocidos como “reactogenicidad”, pueden ser una señal reconfortante para Read more…
July 24, 2021
Keeping Kids Safe Who Are More Vulnerable to COVID-19
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls gets many questions from parents concerned about how to keep their kids healthy and safe from COVID. Although this is an understandable consideration for ALL parents, we want to take a moment to acknowledge the extra considerations faced by families whose kids may be more vulnerable to Read more…
July 23, 2021
¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día? R: Las personas no vacunadas, en mayor parte. P: ¿La variante “Delta” cambiará esto? R: Probablemente no. A medida que los nuevos casos de COVID-19 disminuyen en los EE.UU. y Canadá, pero aumentan en otros lugares, la pregunta es: ¿quién está sufriendo la carga de los nuevos Read more…
July 23, 2021
What can I do to stop health misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Last week, the United States Surgeon General issued and Advisory titled “Confronting Health Misinformation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Building a Healthy Information Environment”. It outlines action steps for anyone to take to stop the spread of misinformation. For example, you can: -Learn how to identify and avoid sharing health misinformation -Engage with Read more…
July 22, 2021
UK’s Vaccine Rollout Dramatically Reduced COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A picture IS worth 1000 words. While the demographers among us had a hard time not seeing population pyramids here (please note this is days on the y axis, not age!), we think the image tells a pretty compelling story. Figure Source h/t to Nerdy Girl Dr. Alison Buttenheim for sharing this image on twitter! Read more…
July 21, 2021
¿Las vacunas contra COVID-19 reducen la transmisión?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Continúa acumulándose evidencia de que algunas de las vacunas REDUCEN TANTO LAS INFECCIONES ASINTOMÁTICAS Y LA TRANSMISIÓN. ➡️ Mientras que las Nerdy Girls siguen soñando de un mundo donde la transmisión se prueba explícitamente en los ensayos clínicos (☎️ llámenos la próxima vez), los datos siguen llegando de todo el mundo y sugieren Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do monoclonal antibody treatments help for COVID-19 infection, and where do I get them?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Short answer: Yes. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. For the long answer, keep reading! Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are similar to Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do immunocompromised people need a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. Maybe. Emerging data suggest that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine can induce a better immune response in some immunocompromised people. The CDC is expected to meet in the near future to discuss a possible 3-dose vaccine regimen for immunocompromised people. In the meantime, the CDC has stated that the current vaccine regimen may Read more…
July 20, 2021
You’ve got to be kidding me: Monkeypox?!
General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…
A: Reply hazy, try again. 🎱 While some scientists are sharing their own personal decision to boost their J&J vaccine with an mRNA second dose, the US vaccine regulators have not endorsed this strategy. This can put clinicians and pharmacists in a tough spot if a patient requests it. Meanwhile, many countries including Canada and Read more…
¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P. ¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia? Hay formas realmente seguras de utilizarlos? R. ✳️ ✳️ Los baños públicos pueden presentar un mayor riesgo de COVID-19 que otros espacios públicos. Le ofrecemos algunos consejos para reducir este riesgo. Los baños pueden conllevar un riesgo alto de exposición al virus que causa el Read more…
July 26, 2021
Why are 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK among the vaccinated?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: I heard 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK are among the vaccinated. What’s going on, this sounds bad? A: This is a confusing statistic, for sure. This number is actually good news and reflects the really high vaccine coverage of the older population in the UK. 🙋♀ Wait, what now? Let me explain! Read more…
July 25, 2021
Si no tengo efectos secundarios de la vacuna COVID-19, ¿significa que es menos efectiva?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. No significa que es menos efectiva. ¡Está funcionando bien! ➡️ Nuevos datos no muestran correlación entre la severidad de los efectos secundarios y los niveles de anticuerpos contra el SARS-CoV-2 después de la vacunación. 🔥 Si bien los efectos secundarios de la vacuna, también conocidos como “reactogenicidad”, pueden ser una señal reconfortante para Read more…
July 24, 2021
Keeping Kids Safe Who Are More Vulnerable to COVID-19
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls gets many questions from parents concerned about how to keep their kids healthy and safe from COVID. Although this is an understandable consideration for ALL parents, we want to take a moment to acknowledge the extra considerations faced by families whose kids may be more vulnerable to Read more…
July 23, 2021
¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día? R: Las personas no vacunadas, en mayor parte. P: ¿La variante “Delta” cambiará esto? R: Probablemente no. A medida que los nuevos casos de COVID-19 disminuyen en los EE.UU. y Canadá, pero aumentan en otros lugares, la pregunta es: ¿quién está sufriendo la carga de los nuevos Read more…
July 23, 2021
What can I do to stop health misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Last week, the United States Surgeon General issued and Advisory titled “Confronting Health Misinformation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Building a Healthy Information Environment”. It outlines action steps for anyone to take to stop the spread of misinformation. For example, you can: -Learn how to identify and avoid sharing health misinformation -Engage with Read more…
July 22, 2021
UK’s Vaccine Rollout Dramatically Reduced COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A picture IS worth 1000 words. While the demographers among us had a hard time not seeing population pyramids here (please note this is days on the y axis, not age!), we think the image tells a pretty compelling story. Figure Source h/t to Nerdy Girl Dr. Alison Buttenheim for sharing this image on twitter! Read more…
July 21, 2021
¿Las vacunas contra COVID-19 reducen la transmisión?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Continúa acumulándose evidencia de que algunas de las vacunas REDUCEN TANTO LAS INFECCIONES ASINTOMÁTICAS Y LA TRANSMISIÓN. ➡️ Mientras que las Nerdy Girls siguen soñando de un mundo donde la transmisión se prueba explícitamente en los ensayos clínicos (☎️ llámenos la próxima vez), los datos siguen llegando de todo el mundo y sugieren Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do monoclonal antibody treatments help for COVID-19 infection, and where do I get them?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Short answer: Yes. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. For the long answer, keep reading! Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are similar to Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do immunocompromised people need a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. Maybe. Emerging data suggest that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine can induce a better immune response in some immunocompromised people. The CDC is expected to meet in the near future to discuss a possible 3-dose vaccine regimen for immunocompromised people. In the meantime, the CDC has stated that the current vaccine regimen may Read more…
July 20, 2021
You’ve got to be kidding me: Monkeypox?!
General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…
P. ¿Es mejor evitar los baños públicos durante la pandemia? Hay formas realmente seguras de utilizarlos? R. ✳️ ✳️ Los baños públicos pueden presentar un mayor riesgo de COVID-19 que otros espacios públicos. Le ofrecemos algunos consejos para reducir este riesgo. Los baños pueden conllevar un riesgo alto de exposición al virus que causa el Read more…
Why are 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK among the vaccinated?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: I heard 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK are among the vaccinated. What’s going on, this sounds bad? A: This is a confusing statistic, for sure. This number is actually good news and reflects the really high vaccine coverage of the older population in the UK. 🙋♀ Wait, what now? Let me explain! Read more…
July 25, 2021
Si no tengo efectos secundarios de la vacuna COVID-19, ¿significa que es menos efectiva?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. No significa que es menos efectiva. ¡Está funcionando bien! ➡️ Nuevos datos no muestran correlación entre la severidad de los efectos secundarios y los niveles de anticuerpos contra el SARS-CoV-2 después de la vacunación. 🔥 Si bien los efectos secundarios de la vacuna, también conocidos como “reactogenicidad”, pueden ser una señal reconfortante para Read more…
July 24, 2021
Keeping Kids Safe Who Are More Vulnerable to COVID-19
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls gets many questions from parents concerned about how to keep their kids healthy and safe from COVID. Although this is an understandable consideration for ALL parents, we want to take a moment to acknowledge the extra considerations faced by families whose kids may be more vulnerable to Read more…
July 23, 2021
¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día? R: Las personas no vacunadas, en mayor parte. P: ¿La variante “Delta” cambiará esto? R: Probablemente no. A medida que los nuevos casos de COVID-19 disminuyen en los EE.UU. y Canadá, pero aumentan en otros lugares, la pregunta es: ¿quién está sufriendo la carga de los nuevos Read more…
July 23, 2021
What can I do to stop health misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Last week, the United States Surgeon General issued and Advisory titled “Confronting Health Misinformation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Building a Healthy Information Environment”. It outlines action steps for anyone to take to stop the spread of misinformation. For example, you can: -Learn how to identify and avoid sharing health misinformation -Engage with Read more…
July 22, 2021
UK’s Vaccine Rollout Dramatically Reduced COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A picture IS worth 1000 words. While the demographers among us had a hard time not seeing population pyramids here (please note this is days on the y axis, not age!), we think the image tells a pretty compelling story. Figure Source h/t to Nerdy Girl Dr. Alison Buttenheim for sharing this image on twitter! Read more…
July 21, 2021
¿Las vacunas contra COVID-19 reducen la transmisión?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Continúa acumulándose evidencia de que algunas de las vacunas REDUCEN TANTO LAS INFECCIONES ASINTOMÁTICAS Y LA TRANSMISIÓN. ➡️ Mientras que las Nerdy Girls siguen soñando de un mundo donde la transmisión se prueba explícitamente en los ensayos clínicos (☎️ llámenos la próxima vez), los datos siguen llegando de todo el mundo y sugieren Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do monoclonal antibody treatments help for COVID-19 infection, and where do I get them?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Short answer: Yes. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. For the long answer, keep reading! Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are similar to Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do immunocompromised people need a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. Maybe. Emerging data suggest that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine can induce a better immune response in some immunocompromised people. The CDC is expected to meet in the near future to discuss a possible 3-dose vaccine regimen for immunocompromised people. In the meantime, the CDC has stated that the current vaccine regimen may Read more…
July 20, 2021
You’ve got to be kidding me: Monkeypox?!
General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…
Q: I heard 40% of COVID hospitalizations in the UK are among the vaccinated. What’s going on, this sounds bad? A: This is a confusing statistic, for sure. This number is actually good news and reflects the really high vaccine coverage of the older population in the UK. 🙋♀ Wait, what now? Let me explain! Read more…
Si no tengo efectos secundarios de la vacuna COVID-19, ¿significa que es menos efectiva?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: No. No significa que es menos efectiva. ¡Está funcionando bien! ➡️ Nuevos datos no muestran correlación entre la severidad de los efectos secundarios y los niveles de anticuerpos contra el SARS-CoV-2 después de la vacunación. 🔥 Si bien los efectos secundarios de la vacuna, también conocidos como “reactogenicidad”, pueden ser una señal reconfortante para Read more…
July 24, 2021
Keeping Kids Safe Who Are More Vulnerable to COVID-19
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls gets many questions from parents concerned about how to keep their kids healthy and safe from COVID. Although this is an understandable consideration for ALL parents, we want to take a moment to acknowledge the extra considerations faced by families whose kids may be more vulnerable to Read more…
July 23, 2021
¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día? R: Las personas no vacunadas, en mayor parte. P: ¿La variante “Delta” cambiará esto? R: Probablemente no. A medida que los nuevos casos de COVID-19 disminuyen en los EE.UU. y Canadá, pero aumentan en otros lugares, la pregunta es: ¿quién está sufriendo la carga de los nuevos Read more…
July 23, 2021
What can I do to stop health misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Last week, the United States Surgeon General issued and Advisory titled “Confronting Health Misinformation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Building a Healthy Information Environment”. It outlines action steps for anyone to take to stop the spread of misinformation. For example, you can: -Learn how to identify and avoid sharing health misinformation -Engage with Read more…
July 22, 2021
UK’s Vaccine Rollout Dramatically Reduced COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A picture IS worth 1000 words. While the demographers among us had a hard time not seeing population pyramids here (please note this is days on the y axis, not age!), we think the image tells a pretty compelling story. Figure Source h/t to Nerdy Girl Dr. Alison Buttenheim for sharing this image on twitter! Read more…
July 21, 2021
¿Las vacunas contra COVID-19 reducen la transmisión?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Continúa acumulándose evidencia de que algunas de las vacunas REDUCEN TANTO LAS INFECCIONES ASINTOMÁTICAS Y LA TRANSMISIÓN. ➡️ Mientras que las Nerdy Girls siguen soñando de un mundo donde la transmisión se prueba explícitamente en los ensayos clínicos (☎️ llámenos la próxima vez), los datos siguen llegando de todo el mundo y sugieren Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do monoclonal antibody treatments help for COVID-19 infection, and where do I get them?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Short answer: Yes. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. For the long answer, keep reading! Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are similar to Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do immunocompromised people need a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. Maybe. Emerging data suggest that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine can induce a better immune response in some immunocompromised people. The CDC is expected to meet in the near future to discuss a possible 3-dose vaccine regimen for immunocompromised people. In the meantime, the CDC has stated that the current vaccine regimen may Read more…
July 20, 2021
You’ve got to be kidding me: Monkeypox?!
General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…
R: No. No significa que es menos efectiva. ¡Está funcionando bien! ➡️ Nuevos datos no muestran correlación entre la severidad de los efectos secundarios y los niveles de anticuerpos contra el SARS-CoV-2 después de la vacunación. 🔥 Si bien los efectos secundarios de la vacuna, también conocidos como “reactogenicidad”, pueden ser una señal reconfortante para Read more…
Keeping Kids Safe Who Are More Vulnerable to COVID-19
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls gets many questions from parents concerned about how to keep their kids healthy and safe from COVID. Although this is an understandable consideration for ALL parents, we want to take a moment to acknowledge the extra considerations faced by families whose kids may be more vulnerable to Read more…
July 23, 2021
¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día? R: Las personas no vacunadas, en mayor parte. P: ¿La variante “Delta” cambiará esto? R: Probablemente no. A medida que los nuevos casos de COVID-19 disminuyen en los EE.UU. y Canadá, pero aumentan en otros lugares, la pregunta es: ¿quién está sufriendo la carga de los nuevos Read more…
July 23, 2021
What can I do to stop health misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Last week, the United States Surgeon General issued and Advisory titled “Confronting Health Misinformation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Building a Healthy Information Environment”. It outlines action steps for anyone to take to stop the spread of misinformation. For example, you can: -Learn how to identify and avoid sharing health misinformation -Engage with Read more…
July 22, 2021
UK’s Vaccine Rollout Dramatically Reduced COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A picture IS worth 1000 words. While the demographers among us had a hard time not seeing population pyramids here (please note this is days on the y axis, not age!), we think the image tells a pretty compelling story. Figure Source h/t to Nerdy Girl Dr. Alison Buttenheim for sharing this image on twitter! Read more…
July 21, 2021
¿Las vacunas contra COVID-19 reducen la transmisión?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Continúa acumulándose evidencia de que algunas de las vacunas REDUCEN TANTO LAS INFECCIONES ASINTOMÁTICAS Y LA TRANSMISIÓN. ➡️ Mientras que las Nerdy Girls siguen soñando de un mundo donde la transmisión se prueba explícitamente en los ensayos clínicos (☎️ llámenos la próxima vez), los datos siguen llegando de todo el mundo y sugieren Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do monoclonal antibody treatments help for COVID-19 infection, and where do I get them?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Short answer: Yes. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. For the long answer, keep reading! Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are similar to Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do immunocompromised people need a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. Maybe. Emerging data suggest that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine can induce a better immune response in some immunocompromised people. The CDC is expected to meet in the near future to discuss a possible 3-dose vaccine regimen for immunocompromised people. In the meantime, the CDC has stated that the current vaccine regimen may Read more…
July 20, 2021
You’ve got to be kidding me: Monkeypox?!
General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls gets many questions from parents concerned about how to keep their kids healthy and safe from COVID. Although this is an understandable consideration for ALL parents, we want to take a moment to acknowledge the extra considerations faced by families whose kids may be more vulnerable to Read more…
¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
P: ¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día? R: Las personas no vacunadas, en mayor parte. P: ¿La variante “Delta” cambiará esto? R: Probablemente no. A medida que los nuevos casos de COVID-19 disminuyen en los EE.UU. y Canadá, pero aumentan en otros lugares, la pregunta es: ¿quién está sufriendo la carga de los nuevos Read more…
July 23, 2021
What can I do to stop health misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Last week, the United States Surgeon General issued and Advisory titled “Confronting Health Misinformation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Building a Healthy Information Environment”. It outlines action steps for anyone to take to stop the spread of misinformation. For example, you can: -Learn how to identify and avoid sharing health misinformation -Engage with Read more…
July 22, 2021
UK’s Vaccine Rollout Dramatically Reduced COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A picture IS worth 1000 words. While the demographers among us had a hard time not seeing population pyramids here (please note this is days on the y axis, not age!), we think the image tells a pretty compelling story. Figure Source h/t to Nerdy Girl Dr. Alison Buttenheim for sharing this image on twitter! Read more…
July 21, 2021
¿Las vacunas contra COVID-19 reducen la transmisión?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Continúa acumulándose evidencia de que algunas de las vacunas REDUCEN TANTO LAS INFECCIONES ASINTOMÁTICAS Y LA TRANSMISIÓN. ➡️ Mientras que las Nerdy Girls siguen soñando de un mundo donde la transmisión se prueba explícitamente en los ensayos clínicos (☎️ llámenos la próxima vez), los datos siguen llegando de todo el mundo y sugieren Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do monoclonal antibody treatments help for COVID-19 infection, and where do I get them?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Short answer: Yes. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. For the long answer, keep reading! Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are similar to Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do immunocompromised people need a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. Maybe. Emerging data suggest that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine can induce a better immune response in some immunocompromised people. The CDC is expected to meet in the near future to discuss a possible 3-dose vaccine regimen for immunocompromised people. In the meantime, the CDC has stated that the current vaccine regimen may Read more…
July 20, 2021
You’ve got to be kidding me: Monkeypox?!
General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…
P: ¿Quién está contrayendo COVID-19 hoy en día? R: Las personas no vacunadas, en mayor parte. P: ¿La variante “Delta” cambiará esto? R: Probablemente no. A medida que los nuevos casos de COVID-19 disminuyen en los EE.UU. y Canadá, pero aumentan en otros lugares, la pregunta es: ¿quién está sufriendo la carga de los nuevos Read more…
What can I do to stop health misinformation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Last week, the United States Surgeon General issued and Advisory titled “Confronting Health Misinformation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Building a Healthy Information Environment”. It outlines action steps for anyone to take to stop the spread of misinformation. For example, you can: -Learn how to identify and avoid sharing health misinformation -Engage with Read more…
July 22, 2021
UK’s Vaccine Rollout Dramatically Reduced COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A picture IS worth 1000 words. While the demographers among us had a hard time not seeing population pyramids here (please note this is days on the y axis, not age!), we think the image tells a pretty compelling story. Figure Source h/t to Nerdy Girl Dr. Alison Buttenheim for sharing this image on twitter! Read more…
July 21, 2021
¿Las vacunas contra COVID-19 reducen la transmisión?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Continúa acumulándose evidencia de que algunas de las vacunas REDUCEN TANTO LAS INFECCIONES ASINTOMÁTICAS Y LA TRANSMISIÓN. ➡️ Mientras que las Nerdy Girls siguen soñando de un mundo donde la transmisión se prueba explícitamente en los ensayos clínicos (☎️ llámenos la próxima vez), los datos siguen llegando de todo el mundo y sugieren Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do monoclonal antibody treatments help for COVID-19 infection, and where do I get them?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Short answer: Yes. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. For the long answer, keep reading! Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are similar to Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do immunocompromised people need a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. Maybe. Emerging data suggest that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine can induce a better immune response in some immunocompromised people. The CDC is expected to meet in the near future to discuss a possible 3-dose vaccine regimen for immunocompromised people. In the meantime, the CDC has stated that the current vaccine regimen may Read more…
July 20, 2021
You’ve got to be kidding me: Monkeypox?!
General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…
A: Last week, the United States Surgeon General issued and Advisory titled “Confronting Health Misinformation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Building a Healthy Information Environment”. It outlines action steps for anyone to take to stop the spread of misinformation. For example, you can: -Learn how to identify and avoid sharing health misinformation -Engage with Read more…
UK’s Vaccine Rollout Dramatically Reduced COVID-19 Deaths
Data and Metrics Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A picture IS worth 1000 words. While the demographers among us had a hard time not seeing population pyramids here (please note this is days on the y axis, not age!), we think the image tells a pretty compelling story. Figure Source h/t to Nerdy Girl Dr. Alison Buttenheim for sharing this image on twitter! Read more…
July 21, 2021
¿Las vacunas contra COVID-19 reducen la transmisión?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Continúa acumulándose evidencia de que algunas de las vacunas REDUCEN TANTO LAS INFECCIONES ASINTOMÁTICAS Y LA TRANSMISIÓN. ➡️ Mientras que las Nerdy Girls siguen soñando de un mundo donde la transmisión se prueba explícitamente en los ensayos clínicos (☎️ llámenos la próxima vez), los datos siguen llegando de todo el mundo y sugieren Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do monoclonal antibody treatments help for COVID-19 infection, and where do I get them?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Short answer: Yes. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. For the long answer, keep reading! Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are similar to Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do immunocompromised people need a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. Maybe. Emerging data suggest that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine can induce a better immune response in some immunocompromised people. The CDC is expected to meet in the near future to discuss a possible 3-dose vaccine regimen for immunocompromised people. In the meantime, the CDC has stated that the current vaccine regimen may Read more…
July 20, 2021
You’ve got to be kidding me: Monkeypox?!
General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…
A picture IS worth 1000 words. While the demographers among us had a hard time not seeing population pyramids here (please note this is days on the y axis, not age!), we think the image tells a pretty compelling story. Figure Source h/t to Nerdy Girl Dr. Alison Buttenheim for sharing this image on twitter! Read more…
¿Las vacunas contra COVID-19 reducen la transmisión?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
R: ¡SÍ! Continúa acumulándose evidencia de que algunas de las vacunas REDUCEN TANTO LAS INFECCIONES ASINTOMÁTICAS Y LA TRANSMISIÓN. ➡️ Mientras que las Nerdy Girls siguen soñando de un mundo donde la transmisión se prueba explícitamente en los ensayos clínicos (☎️ llámenos la próxima vez), los datos siguen llegando de todo el mundo y sugieren Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do monoclonal antibody treatments help for COVID-19 infection, and where do I get them?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Short answer: Yes. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. For the long answer, keep reading! Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are similar to Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do immunocompromised people need a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. Maybe. Emerging data suggest that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine can induce a better immune response in some immunocompromised people. The CDC is expected to meet in the near future to discuss a possible 3-dose vaccine regimen for immunocompromised people. In the meantime, the CDC has stated that the current vaccine regimen may Read more…
July 20, 2021
You’ve got to be kidding me: Monkeypox?!
General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…
R: ¡SÍ! Continúa acumulándose evidencia de que algunas de las vacunas REDUCEN TANTO LAS INFECCIONES ASINTOMÁTICAS Y LA TRANSMISIÓN. ➡️ Mientras que las Nerdy Girls siguen soñando de un mundo donde la transmisión se prueba explícitamente en los ensayos clínicos (☎️ llámenos la próxima vez), los datos siguen llegando de todo el mundo y sugieren Read more…
Do monoclonal antibody treatments help for COVID-19 infection, and where do I get them?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Short answer: Yes. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. For the long answer, keep reading! Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are similar to Read more…
July 21, 2021
Do immunocompromised people need a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. Maybe. Emerging data suggest that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine can induce a better immune response in some immunocompromised people. The CDC is expected to meet in the near future to discuss a possible 3-dose vaccine regimen for immunocompromised people. In the meantime, the CDC has stated that the current vaccine regimen may Read more…
July 20, 2021
You’ve got to be kidding me: Monkeypox?!
General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…
A: Short answer: Yes. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. For the long answer, keep reading! Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are similar to Read more…
Do immunocompromised people need a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. Maybe. Emerging data suggest that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine can induce a better immune response in some immunocompromised people. The CDC is expected to meet in the near future to discuss a possible 3-dose vaccine regimen for immunocompromised people. In the meantime, the CDC has stated that the current vaccine regimen may Read more…
July 20, 2021
You’ve got to be kidding me: Monkeypox?!
General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…
A. Maybe. Emerging data suggest that a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine can induce a better immune response in some immunocompromised people. The CDC is expected to meet in the near future to discuss a possible 3-dose vaccine regimen for immunocompromised people. In the meantime, the CDC has stated that the current vaccine regimen may Read more…
You’ve got to be kidding me: Monkeypox?!
General Health
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…
Yes, it’s true: CDC has confirmed a case of the rare tropical disease known as monkeypox in a Dallas, TX resident who recently returned from travel in Nigeria. Here’s what you need to know about monkeypox. First of all, unless you spend time in central or western Africa, you’re probably not going to get it. Read more…