Posts from Those Nerdy Girls

All the posts from our Those Nerdy Girls Facebook page dating back to May 1st, 2020, are currently archived here and can be searched for by category, key words, etc. Be sure to check back often as additional posts are being added each day.

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Is Dry January effective?

General Health

Even though January is over, it’s a good time to look back and talk about whether the concept of Dry January is actually effective. TL;DR: Dry January can be effective to reset your relationship with alcohol. However, heavier drinkers may need more time to heal. That depends on your goals and relationship with alcohol. Dry Read more…

When is it time to stop driving?


Driving “retirement” doesn’t need to be a cold turkey process. It may look different for everyone, but proactive planning can save lives and preserve independence. Several options can make the transition smoother for you or a loved one. Identify specific driving concerns and engage in thoughtful discussions to help preserve independence, safety, and function. Driving Read more…

Are the updated COVID vaccines preventing severe disease?

Infectious Diseases Vaccines

Yes. The updated COVID vaccines are showing strong protection against severe disease in the real-world. Several new studies have estimated the effectiveness of the updated (XBB.1.5- targeted) COVID vaccines that rolled out this past fall. In the Netherlands, researchers linked data on hospital admissions to vaccine registry data for people who were at least 60. Their fall Read more…

Are puberty blockers helpful or harmful to trans youth?

Families/Kids Mental Health Reproductive Health

A: Current evidence suggests that puberty blockers, which hit the pause button on puberty and are reversible, significantly improve the mental health of trans youth while reducing the risk of needing future surgeries. A recent study showed that trans teens who were treated with puberty blockers had significantly less anxiety, depression, and stress compared to Read more…

I never had chickenpox as a child. Do I need the shingles vaccine?

Infectious Diseases Vaccines

Yes, even if you believe that you never had chickenpox as a kid, you should still get the shingles vaccine. CDC’s recommendation for shingles vaccine is specific about this. The shingles vaccine (Shingrix) is recommended for everyone over age 50 and certain younger people—whether or not they report any history of herpes zoster infection (chickenpox). Read more…