I still have a few questions about my indoor and outdoor activities? Help!
Socializing Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: We can help! Remember, when you are doing activities indoors, ventilation helps. And plan most activities outdoors to minimize exposure to SARS-COV-2. Can I leave the air conditioner on if I have an indoor activity? According to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), yes but with a few considerations: Read more…
August 8, 2020
Is it safe to start seeing friends indoors?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Not yet. While there are ways to minimize risks when indoors (increasing ventilation with outdoor air by opening windows or circulating air/using a high quality air filter/minimizing length of indoor interaction), experts still agree that the outdoors are where we should be. This point is very much emphasized in a recent preprint. TL; DR: Read more…
July 28, 2020
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 19, 2020
Dang it’s hot. Is it unsafe to spend time in places with air conditioning?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. It’s all about air flow! Most air conditioner systems primarily recirculate indoor air without introducing that much air from the outside. Unfortunately, if viral particles are already inside the air-conditioned space, the particles continue to be recirculated, potentially infecting others. One of the early case studies about air conditioning investigated an air-conditioned windowless restaurant Read more…
July 4, 2020
Happy 4th of July to our American followers!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A reminder from the Nerdy Girls to “Stay SMART” while you celebrate: S: SPACE –Keep your distance, 6ft or more! M: MASK — Keep it on! #maskup A: AIR — Keep it fresh! Outside is best! R: RESTRICT — Keep it small! Restrict socializing to a small and stable group of friends and family. T: Read more…
June 30, 2020
How do I facilitate outdoor playdates?! Please help!
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Boy how we empathize – safer socializing outdoors with kids is tricky. We’re here to help! The Nerdy Girls’ Outdoor Playdate Checklist helps you balance the need for children’s socialization with the need to reduce infection risk. Context: Yesterday the Nerdy Girl/IMPACT4HC team had the opportunity to talk about outdoor socializing with the wonderful Read more…
June 28, 2020
Why is outdoors safer than indoors?
Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: If I’m outside, do I still have to worry about all the other things like staying 6 ft apart and wearing a mask? A: As highlighted in this NYT article, there are two main reasons why transmission of SARS-CoV-2 may be lower in outdoor settings compared to indoor settings: Airflow and Space! When a Read more…
June 27, 2020
We are vacationing with another family in a shared rental house in July.
Families/Kids Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
We wipe down our groceries. They don’t. We wear masks whenever we’re outside. They don’t. How is this going to work? I really need this to be a relaxing break for everyone but I’m already stressed. A: Oh, we hear you! Several Nerdy Girls are negotiating similar arrangements this summer. To help make this smooth Read more…
June 22, 2020
I don’t currently have any symptoms, but I want to visit older family members soon, so I went and got a PCR test for COVID-19 (i.e., the kind that detects *current* infection). My test came back negative, so I am in the clear, right?
Socializing Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Not necessarily. You should consider the possibility that you got a negative test result even though you are truly infected. After you are exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the amount of virus in your body builds up over time, reaching its highest level, right before symptom onset. It can take 2-14 days (average of 5-6) from Read more…
June 15, 2020
I hear that the CDC has recently published tips on “personal and social activities.” Can you please provide an overview?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: The CDC urges people to consider four factors prior to engaging in any given activity: (1) Extent of disease burden in your community; (2) Likelihood you’ll be coming into contact with potentially exposed individuals; (3) Your personal/household risk for a bad COVID outcome should you be exposed; (4) Ability to adapt personally protective behaviors Read more…
June 14, 2020
Restaurants in my city are reopening for outdoor dining. Is that safe?
Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: It’s probably safe for you as a diner. But also consider if it’s safe for kitchen crew and wait staff. Several Nerdy Girls live in Philadelphia, where restaurants were allowed to resume outdoor or sidewalk service as of Friday night. One of us (Alison) was interviewed by a local magazine about the safety of Read more…
June 12, 2020
How risky are my favorite places and activities?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe Travel
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: A group of Michigan-based COVID-19 experts has put together a helpful set of activity “rankings.” TL;DR: Skip the buffet. Opt for tennis instead. Context: Nerdy Girls are here to help you #StaySMART this summer! A refresher of our SMART principles: S – Space. Keep your distance. M – Mask. Keep it on. A – Read more…
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
June 4, 2020
There’s inevitably going to be some socializing this summer. How do I stay safe?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: How do I tell my kids and my parents to stay safe? A: Stay SMART! Wow, these are some unusual times! Some of us are in the streets every day with large groups (see our recent posts on that), some of us haven’t left our homes in months. But many of us are starting Read more…
May 26, 2020
What activities can we do safely and which are better to avoid this summer?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: With some modifications, there are opportunities to have some fun this summer. Promise. Risk happens on a continuum with all events outside your home carrying some level of risk. Some activities carry higher risks than others. It’s best to choose lower risk activities to limit transmission of the virus within your community and beyond. Read more…
May 23, 2020
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
With the unofficial start of summer, and as states begin to re-open, this is just a follow-up on our previous post to help you assess which activities are low, medium, and high risk for transmission this weekend and beyond. These are a couple of graphics to help you visualize the spectrum of risk. Hang on your Read more…
May 21, 2020
Is it safe to eat at restaurants yet? Even if I can go to a restaurant, should I?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: All steps at venturing out will involve risk, so the first step is to weigh infection prevalence (and increases or decreases) in your region and personal risk factors. It’s still best to opt for takeout or delivery if you are high risk or live with someone who is…no shame in not rushing out! If Read more…
May 17, 2020
I live a simple life. I don’t go to dance clubs or bars. If we practice social distancing, will it be okay to return to church? I miss being with other people.
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: I understand. This is hard. Unfortunately, any activity (e.g., grocery store, church, birthday party) where you are in an enclosed space with a group of people poses a risk. Being outdoors and keeping interactions brief likely minimizes this risk. Take this recent CDC report of a 61-person choir that met for 2.5 hours on Read more…
May 16, 2020
Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Q: I have a bad case of Saturday Night Fever after being cooped up for so long! Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state? A: Sadly the answer is no. (Editorial note: this Nerdy Girl really loves to dance, and empathizes). In epidemiology speak, nightclubs and Read more…
May 13, 2020
My teen seems to need more independence with friends, home routine, and schedule? I feel terrible about all the missed events this year (graduation, starting college, sports). Wouldn’t it help them if we relaxed a little bit with our rules?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…
A: We can help! Remember, when you are doing activities indoors, ventilation helps. And plan most activities outdoors to minimize exposure to SARS-COV-2. Can I leave the air conditioner on if I have an indoor activity? According to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), yes but with a few considerations: Read more…
Is it safe to start seeing friends indoors?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Not yet. While there are ways to minimize risks when indoors (increasing ventilation with outdoor air by opening windows or circulating air/using a high quality air filter/minimizing length of indoor interaction), experts still agree that the outdoors are where we should be. This point is very much emphasized in a recent preprint. TL; DR: Read more…
July 28, 2020
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 19, 2020
Dang it’s hot. Is it unsafe to spend time in places with air conditioning?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. It’s all about air flow! Most air conditioner systems primarily recirculate indoor air without introducing that much air from the outside. Unfortunately, if viral particles are already inside the air-conditioned space, the particles continue to be recirculated, potentially infecting others. One of the early case studies about air conditioning investigated an air-conditioned windowless restaurant Read more…
July 4, 2020
Happy 4th of July to our American followers!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A reminder from the Nerdy Girls to “Stay SMART” while you celebrate: S: SPACE –Keep your distance, 6ft or more! M: MASK — Keep it on! #maskup A: AIR — Keep it fresh! Outside is best! R: RESTRICT — Keep it small! Restrict socializing to a small and stable group of friends and family. T: Read more…
June 30, 2020
How do I facilitate outdoor playdates?! Please help!
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Boy how we empathize – safer socializing outdoors with kids is tricky. We’re here to help! The Nerdy Girls’ Outdoor Playdate Checklist helps you balance the need for children’s socialization with the need to reduce infection risk. Context: Yesterday the Nerdy Girl/IMPACT4HC team had the opportunity to talk about outdoor socializing with the wonderful Read more…
June 28, 2020
Why is outdoors safer than indoors?
Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: If I’m outside, do I still have to worry about all the other things like staying 6 ft apart and wearing a mask? A: As highlighted in this NYT article, there are two main reasons why transmission of SARS-CoV-2 may be lower in outdoor settings compared to indoor settings: Airflow and Space! When a Read more…
June 27, 2020
We are vacationing with another family in a shared rental house in July.
Families/Kids Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
We wipe down our groceries. They don’t. We wear masks whenever we’re outside. They don’t. How is this going to work? I really need this to be a relaxing break for everyone but I’m already stressed. A: Oh, we hear you! Several Nerdy Girls are negotiating similar arrangements this summer. To help make this smooth Read more…
June 22, 2020
I don’t currently have any symptoms, but I want to visit older family members soon, so I went and got a PCR test for COVID-19 (i.e., the kind that detects *current* infection). My test came back negative, so I am in the clear, right?
Socializing Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Not necessarily. You should consider the possibility that you got a negative test result even though you are truly infected. After you are exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the amount of virus in your body builds up over time, reaching its highest level, right before symptom onset. It can take 2-14 days (average of 5-6) from Read more…
June 15, 2020
I hear that the CDC has recently published tips on “personal and social activities.” Can you please provide an overview?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: The CDC urges people to consider four factors prior to engaging in any given activity: (1) Extent of disease burden in your community; (2) Likelihood you’ll be coming into contact with potentially exposed individuals; (3) Your personal/household risk for a bad COVID outcome should you be exposed; (4) Ability to adapt personally protective behaviors Read more…
June 14, 2020
Restaurants in my city are reopening for outdoor dining. Is that safe?
Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: It’s probably safe for you as a diner. But also consider if it’s safe for kitchen crew and wait staff. Several Nerdy Girls live in Philadelphia, where restaurants were allowed to resume outdoor or sidewalk service as of Friday night. One of us (Alison) was interviewed by a local magazine about the safety of Read more…
June 12, 2020
How risky are my favorite places and activities?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe Travel
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: A group of Michigan-based COVID-19 experts has put together a helpful set of activity “rankings.” TL;DR: Skip the buffet. Opt for tennis instead. Context: Nerdy Girls are here to help you #StaySMART this summer! A refresher of our SMART principles: S – Space. Keep your distance. M – Mask. Keep it on. A – Read more…
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
June 4, 2020
There’s inevitably going to be some socializing this summer. How do I stay safe?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: How do I tell my kids and my parents to stay safe? A: Stay SMART! Wow, these are some unusual times! Some of us are in the streets every day with large groups (see our recent posts on that), some of us haven’t left our homes in months. But many of us are starting Read more…
May 26, 2020
What activities can we do safely and which are better to avoid this summer?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: With some modifications, there are opportunities to have some fun this summer. Promise. Risk happens on a continuum with all events outside your home carrying some level of risk. Some activities carry higher risks than others. It’s best to choose lower risk activities to limit transmission of the virus within your community and beyond. Read more…
May 23, 2020
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
With the unofficial start of summer, and as states begin to re-open, this is just a follow-up on our previous post to help you assess which activities are low, medium, and high risk for transmission this weekend and beyond. These are a couple of graphics to help you visualize the spectrum of risk. Hang on your Read more…
May 21, 2020
Is it safe to eat at restaurants yet? Even if I can go to a restaurant, should I?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: All steps at venturing out will involve risk, so the first step is to weigh infection prevalence (and increases or decreases) in your region and personal risk factors. It’s still best to opt for takeout or delivery if you are high risk or live with someone who is…no shame in not rushing out! If Read more…
May 17, 2020
I live a simple life. I don’t go to dance clubs or bars. If we practice social distancing, will it be okay to return to church? I miss being with other people.
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: I understand. This is hard. Unfortunately, any activity (e.g., grocery store, church, birthday party) where you are in an enclosed space with a group of people poses a risk. Being outdoors and keeping interactions brief likely minimizes this risk. Take this recent CDC report of a 61-person choir that met for 2.5 hours on Read more…
May 16, 2020
Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Q: I have a bad case of Saturday Night Fever after being cooped up for so long! Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state? A: Sadly the answer is no. (Editorial note: this Nerdy Girl really loves to dance, and empathizes). In epidemiology speak, nightclubs and Read more…
May 13, 2020
My teen seems to need more independence with friends, home routine, and schedule? I feel terrible about all the missed events this year (graduation, starting college, sports). Wouldn’t it help them if we relaxed a little bit with our rules?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…
A: Not yet. While there are ways to minimize risks when indoors (increasing ventilation with outdoor air by opening windows or circulating air/using a high quality air filter/minimizing length of indoor interaction), experts still agree that the outdoors are where we should be. This point is very much emphasized in a recent preprint. TL; DR: Read more…
With cases rising again around the US, is the concept of a “pod” or “bubble” of connected households still reasonable?
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
July 19, 2020
Dang it’s hot. Is it unsafe to spend time in places with air conditioning?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. It’s all about air flow! Most air conditioner systems primarily recirculate indoor air without introducing that much air from the outside. Unfortunately, if viral particles are already inside the air-conditioned space, the particles continue to be recirculated, potentially infecting others. One of the early case studies about air conditioning investigated an air-conditioned windowless restaurant Read more…
July 4, 2020
Happy 4th of July to our American followers!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A reminder from the Nerdy Girls to “Stay SMART” while you celebrate: S: SPACE –Keep your distance, 6ft or more! M: MASK — Keep it on! #maskup A: AIR — Keep it fresh! Outside is best! R: RESTRICT — Keep it small! Restrict socializing to a small and stable group of friends and family. T: Read more…
June 30, 2020
How do I facilitate outdoor playdates?! Please help!
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Boy how we empathize – safer socializing outdoors with kids is tricky. We’re here to help! The Nerdy Girls’ Outdoor Playdate Checklist helps you balance the need for children’s socialization with the need to reduce infection risk. Context: Yesterday the Nerdy Girl/IMPACT4HC team had the opportunity to talk about outdoor socializing with the wonderful Read more…
June 28, 2020
Why is outdoors safer than indoors?
Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: If I’m outside, do I still have to worry about all the other things like staying 6 ft apart and wearing a mask? A: As highlighted in this NYT article, there are two main reasons why transmission of SARS-CoV-2 may be lower in outdoor settings compared to indoor settings: Airflow and Space! When a Read more…
June 27, 2020
We are vacationing with another family in a shared rental house in July.
Families/Kids Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
We wipe down our groceries. They don’t. We wear masks whenever we’re outside. They don’t. How is this going to work? I really need this to be a relaxing break for everyone but I’m already stressed. A: Oh, we hear you! Several Nerdy Girls are negotiating similar arrangements this summer. To help make this smooth Read more…
June 22, 2020
I don’t currently have any symptoms, but I want to visit older family members soon, so I went and got a PCR test for COVID-19 (i.e., the kind that detects *current* infection). My test came back negative, so I am in the clear, right?
Socializing Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Not necessarily. You should consider the possibility that you got a negative test result even though you are truly infected. After you are exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the amount of virus in your body builds up over time, reaching its highest level, right before symptom onset. It can take 2-14 days (average of 5-6) from Read more…
June 15, 2020
I hear that the CDC has recently published tips on “personal and social activities.” Can you please provide an overview?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: The CDC urges people to consider four factors prior to engaging in any given activity: (1) Extent of disease burden in your community; (2) Likelihood you’ll be coming into contact with potentially exposed individuals; (3) Your personal/household risk for a bad COVID outcome should you be exposed; (4) Ability to adapt personally protective behaviors Read more…
June 14, 2020
Restaurants in my city are reopening for outdoor dining. Is that safe?
Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: It’s probably safe for you as a diner. But also consider if it’s safe for kitchen crew and wait staff. Several Nerdy Girls live in Philadelphia, where restaurants were allowed to resume outdoor or sidewalk service as of Friday night. One of us (Alison) was interviewed by a local magazine about the safety of Read more…
June 12, 2020
How risky are my favorite places and activities?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe Travel
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: A group of Michigan-based COVID-19 experts has put together a helpful set of activity “rankings.” TL;DR: Skip the buffet. Opt for tennis instead. Context: Nerdy Girls are here to help you #StaySMART this summer! A refresher of our SMART principles: S – Space. Keep your distance. M – Mask. Keep it on. A – Read more…
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
June 4, 2020
There’s inevitably going to be some socializing this summer. How do I stay safe?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: How do I tell my kids and my parents to stay safe? A: Stay SMART! Wow, these are some unusual times! Some of us are in the streets every day with large groups (see our recent posts on that), some of us haven’t left our homes in months. But many of us are starting Read more…
May 26, 2020
What activities can we do safely and which are better to avoid this summer?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: With some modifications, there are opportunities to have some fun this summer. Promise. Risk happens on a continuum with all events outside your home carrying some level of risk. Some activities carry higher risks than others. It’s best to choose lower risk activities to limit transmission of the virus within your community and beyond. Read more…
May 23, 2020
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
With the unofficial start of summer, and as states begin to re-open, this is just a follow-up on our previous post to help you assess which activities are low, medium, and high risk for transmission this weekend and beyond. These are a couple of graphics to help you visualize the spectrum of risk. Hang on your Read more…
May 21, 2020
Is it safe to eat at restaurants yet? Even if I can go to a restaurant, should I?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: All steps at venturing out will involve risk, so the first step is to weigh infection prevalence (and increases or decreases) in your region and personal risk factors. It’s still best to opt for takeout or delivery if you are high risk or live with someone who is…no shame in not rushing out! If Read more…
May 17, 2020
I live a simple life. I don’t go to dance clubs or bars. If we practice social distancing, will it be okay to return to church? I miss being with other people.
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: I understand. This is hard. Unfortunately, any activity (e.g., grocery store, church, birthday party) where you are in an enclosed space with a group of people poses a risk. Being outdoors and keeping interactions brief likely minimizes this risk. Take this recent CDC report of a 61-person choir that met for 2.5 hours on Read more…
May 16, 2020
Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Q: I have a bad case of Saturday Night Fever after being cooped up for so long! Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state? A: Sadly the answer is no. (Editorial note: this Nerdy Girl really loves to dance, and empathizes). In epidemiology speak, nightclubs and Read more…
May 13, 2020
My teen seems to need more independence with friends, home routine, and schedule? I feel terrible about all the missed events this year (graduation, starting college, sports). Wouldn’t it help them if we relaxed a little bit with our rules?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…
A: Yes, but…it’s a good time to make sure your bubble hasn’t gotten so big it is about to burst, and check for any holes you need to patch to avoid COVID-19 leaking in! In fact, if you never bubbled in the first place, this may be the perfect time to scale back your interactions Read more…
Dang it’s hot. Is it unsafe to spend time in places with air conditioning?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. It’s all about air flow! Most air conditioner systems primarily recirculate indoor air without introducing that much air from the outside. Unfortunately, if viral particles are already inside the air-conditioned space, the particles continue to be recirculated, potentially infecting others. One of the early case studies about air conditioning investigated an air-conditioned windowless restaurant Read more…
July 4, 2020
Happy 4th of July to our American followers!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A reminder from the Nerdy Girls to “Stay SMART” while you celebrate: S: SPACE –Keep your distance, 6ft or more! M: MASK — Keep it on! #maskup A: AIR — Keep it fresh! Outside is best! R: RESTRICT — Keep it small! Restrict socializing to a small and stable group of friends and family. T: Read more…
June 30, 2020
How do I facilitate outdoor playdates?! Please help!
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Boy how we empathize – safer socializing outdoors with kids is tricky. We’re here to help! The Nerdy Girls’ Outdoor Playdate Checklist helps you balance the need for children’s socialization with the need to reduce infection risk. Context: Yesterday the Nerdy Girl/IMPACT4HC team had the opportunity to talk about outdoor socializing with the wonderful Read more…
June 28, 2020
Why is outdoors safer than indoors?
Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: If I’m outside, do I still have to worry about all the other things like staying 6 ft apart and wearing a mask? A: As highlighted in this NYT article, there are two main reasons why transmission of SARS-CoV-2 may be lower in outdoor settings compared to indoor settings: Airflow and Space! When a Read more…
June 27, 2020
We are vacationing with another family in a shared rental house in July.
Families/Kids Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
We wipe down our groceries. They don’t. We wear masks whenever we’re outside. They don’t. How is this going to work? I really need this to be a relaxing break for everyone but I’m already stressed. A: Oh, we hear you! Several Nerdy Girls are negotiating similar arrangements this summer. To help make this smooth Read more…
June 22, 2020
I don’t currently have any symptoms, but I want to visit older family members soon, so I went and got a PCR test for COVID-19 (i.e., the kind that detects *current* infection). My test came back negative, so I am in the clear, right?
Socializing Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Not necessarily. You should consider the possibility that you got a negative test result even though you are truly infected. After you are exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the amount of virus in your body builds up over time, reaching its highest level, right before symptom onset. It can take 2-14 days (average of 5-6) from Read more…
June 15, 2020
I hear that the CDC has recently published tips on “personal and social activities.” Can you please provide an overview?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: The CDC urges people to consider four factors prior to engaging in any given activity: (1) Extent of disease burden in your community; (2) Likelihood you’ll be coming into contact with potentially exposed individuals; (3) Your personal/household risk for a bad COVID outcome should you be exposed; (4) Ability to adapt personally protective behaviors Read more…
June 14, 2020
Restaurants in my city are reopening for outdoor dining. Is that safe?
Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: It’s probably safe for you as a diner. But also consider if it’s safe for kitchen crew and wait staff. Several Nerdy Girls live in Philadelphia, where restaurants were allowed to resume outdoor or sidewalk service as of Friday night. One of us (Alison) was interviewed by a local magazine about the safety of Read more…
June 12, 2020
How risky are my favorite places and activities?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe Travel
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: A group of Michigan-based COVID-19 experts has put together a helpful set of activity “rankings.” TL;DR: Skip the buffet. Opt for tennis instead. Context: Nerdy Girls are here to help you #StaySMART this summer! A refresher of our SMART principles: S – Space. Keep your distance. M – Mask. Keep it on. A – Read more…
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
June 4, 2020
There’s inevitably going to be some socializing this summer. How do I stay safe?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: How do I tell my kids and my parents to stay safe? A: Stay SMART! Wow, these are some unusual times! Some of us are in the streets every day with large groups (see our recent posts on that), some of us haven’t left our homes in months. But many of us are starting Read more…
May 26, 2020
What activities can we do safely and which are better to avoid this summer?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: With some modifications, there are opportunities to have some fun this summer. Promise. Risk happens on a continuum with all events outside your home carrying some level of risk. Some activities carry higher risks than others. It’s best to choose lower risk activities to limit transmission of the virus within your community and beyond. Read more…
May 23, 2020
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
With the unofficial start of summer, and as states begin to re-open, this is just a follow-up on our previous post to help you assess which activities are low, medium, and high risk for transmission this weekend and beyond. These are a couple of graphics to help you visualize the spectrum of risk. Hang on your Read more…
May 21, 2020
Is it safe to eat at restaurants yet? Even if I can go to a restaurant, should I?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: All steps at venturing out will involve risk, so the first step is to weigh infection prevalence (and increases or decreases) in your region and personal risk factors. It’s still best to opt for takeout or delivery if you are high risk or live with someone who is…no shame in not rushing out! If Read more…
May 17, 2020
I live a simple life. I don’t go to dance clubs or bars. If we practice social distancing, will it be okay to return to church? I miss being with other people.
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: I understand. This is hard. Unfortunately, any activity (e.g., grocery store, church, birthday party) where you are in an enclosed space with a group of people poses a risk. Being outdoors and keeping interactions brief likely minimizes this risk. Take this recent CDC report of a 61-person choir that met for 2.5 hours on Read more…
May 16, 2020
Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Q: I have a bad case of Saturday Night Fever after being cooped up for so long! Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state? A: Sadly the answer is no. (Editorial note: this Nerdy Girl really loves to dance, and empathizes). In epidemiology speak, nightclubs and Read more…
May 13, 2020
My teen seems to need more independence with friends, home routine, and schedule? I feel terrible about all the missed events this year (graduation, starting college, sports). Wouldn’t it help them if we relaxed a little bit with our rules?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…
A. It’s all about air flow! Most air conditioner systems primarily recirculate indoor air without introducing that much air from the outside. Unfortunately, if viral particles are already inside the air-conditioned space, the particles continue to be recirculated, potentially infecting others. One of the early case studies about air conditioning investigated an air-conditioned windowless restaurant Read more…
Happy 4th of July to our American followers!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A reminder from the Nerdy Girls to “Stay SMART” while you celebrate: S: SPACE –Keep your distance, 6ft or more! M: MASK — Keep it on! #maskup A: AIR — Keep it fresh! Outside is best! R: RESTRICT — Keep it small! Restrict socializing to a small and stable group of friends and family. T: Read more…
June 30, 2020
How do I facilitate outdoor playdates?! Please help!
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Boy how we empathize – safer socializing outdoors with kids is tricky. We’re here to help! The Nerdy Girls’ Outdoor Playdate Checklist helps you balance the need for children’s socialization with the need to reduce infection risk. Context: Yesterday the Nerdy Girl/IMPACT4HC team had the opportunity to talk about outdoor socializing with the wonderful Read more…
June 28, 2020
Why is outdoors safer than indoors?
Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: If I’m outside, do I still have to worry about all the other things like staying 6 ft apart and wearing a mask? A: As highlighted in this NYT article, there are two main reasons why transmission of SARS-CoV-2 may be lower in outdoor settings compared to indoor settings: Airflow and Space! When a Read more…
June 27, 2020
We are vacationing with another family in a shared rental house in July.
Families/Kids Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
We wipe down our groceries. They don’t. We wear masks whenever we’re outside. They don’t. How is this going to work? I really need this to be a relaxing break for everyone but I’m already stressed. A: Oh, we hear you! Several Nerdy Girls are negotiating similar arrangements this summer. To help make this smooth Read more…
June 22, 2020
I don’t currently have any symptoms, but I want to visit older family members soon, so I went and got a PCR test for COVID-19 (i.e., the kind that detects *current* infection). My test came back negative, so I am in the clear, right?
Socializing Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Not necessarily. You should consider the possibility that you got a negative test result even though you are truly infected. After you are exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the amount of virus in your body builds up over time, reaching its highest level, right before symptom onset. It can take 2-14 days (average of 5-6) from Read more…
June 15, 2020
I hear that the CDC has recently published tips on “personal and social activities.” Can you please provide an overview?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: The CDC urges people to consider four factors prior to engaging in any given activity: (1) Extent of disease burden in your community; (2) Likelihood you’ll be coming into contact with potentially exposed individuals; (3) Your personal/household risk for a bad COVID outcome should you be exposed; (4) Ability to adapt personally protective behaviors Read more…
June 14, 2020
Restaurants in my city are reopening for outdoor dining. Is that safe?
Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: It’s probably safe for you as a diner. But also consider if it’s safe for kitchen crew and wait staff. Several Nerdy Girls live in Philadelphia, where restaurants were allowed to resume outdoor or sidewalk service as of Friday night. One of us (Alison) was interviewed by a local magazine about the safety of Read more…
June 12, 2020
How risky are my favorite places and activities?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe Travel
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: A group of Michigan-based COVID-19 experts has put together a helpful set of activity “rankings.” TL;DR: Skip the buffet. Opt for tennis instead. Context: Nerdy Girls are here to help you #StaySMART this summer! A refresher of our SMART principles: S – Space. Keep your distance. M – Mask. Keep it on. A – Read more…
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
June 4, 2020
There’s inevitably going to be some socializing this summer. How do I stay safe?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: How do I tell my kids and my parents to stay safe? A: Stay SMART! Wow, these are some unusual times! Some of us are in the streets every day with large groups (see our recent posts on that), some of us haven’t left our homes in months. But many of us are starting Read more…
May 26, 2020
What activities can we do safely and which are better to avoid this summer?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: With some modifications, there are opportunities to have some fun this summer. Promise. Risk happens on a continuum with all events outside your home carrying some level of risk. Some activities carry higher risks than others. It’s best to choose lower risk activities to limit transmission of the virus within your community and beyond. Read more…
May 23, 2020
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
With the unofficial start of summer, and as states begin to re-open, this is just a follow-up on our previous post to help you assess which activities are low, medium, and high risk for transmission this weekend and beyond. These are a couple of graphics to help you visualize the spectrum of risk. Hang on your Read more…
May 21, 2020
Is it safe to eat at restaurants yet? Even if I can go to a restaurant, should I?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: All steps at venturing out will involve risk, so the first step is to weigh infection prevalence (and increases or decreases) in your region and personal risk factors. It’s still best to opt for takeout or delivery if you are high risk or live with someone who is…no shame in not rushing out! If Read more…
May 17, 2020
I live a simple life. I don’t go to dance clubs or bars. If we practice social distancing, will it be okay to return to church? I miss being with other people.
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: I understand. This is hard. Unfortunately, any activity (e.g., grocery store, church, birthday party) where you are in an enclosed space with a group of people poses a risk. Being outdoors and keeping interactions brief likely minimizes this risk. Take this recent CDC report of a 61-person choir that met for 2.5 hours on Read more…
May 16, 2020
Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Q: I have a bad case of Saturday Night Fever after being cooped up for so long! Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state? A: Sadly the answer is no. (Editorial note: this Nerdy Girl really loves to dance, and empathizes). In epidemiology speak, nightclubs and Read more…
May 13, 2020
My teen seems to need more independence with friends, home routine, and schedule? I feel terrible about all the missed events this year (graduation, starting college, sports). Wouldn’t it help them if we relaxed a little bit with our rules?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…
A reminder from the Nerdy Girls to “Stay SMART” while you celebrate: S: SPACE –Keep your distance, 6ft or more! M: MASK — Keep it on! #maskup A: AIR — Keep it fresh! Outside is best! R: RESTRICT — Keep it small! Restrict socializing to a small and stable group of friends and family. T: Read more…
How do I facilitate outdoor playdates?! Please help!
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Boy how we empathize – safer socializing outdoors with kids is tricky. We’re here to help! The Nerdy Girls’ Outdoor Playdate Checklist helps you balance the need for children’s socialization with the need to reduce infection risk. Context: Yesterday the Nerdy Girl/IMPACT4HC team had the opportunity to talk about outdoor socializing with the wonderful Read more…
June 28, 2020
Why is outdoors safer than indoors?
Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: If I’m outside, do I still have to worry about all the other things like staying 6 ft apart and wearing a mask? A: As highlighted in this NYT article, there are two main reasons why transmission of SARS-CoV-2 may be lower in outdoor settings compared to indoor settings: Airflow and Space! When a Read more…
June 27, 2020
We are vacationing with another family in a shared rental house in July.
Families/Kids Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
We wipe down our groceries. They don’t. We wear masks whenever we’re outside. They don’t. How is this going to work? I really need this to be a relaxing break for everyone but I’m already stressed. A: Oh, we hear you! Several Nerdy Girls are negotiating similar arrangements this summer. To help make this smooth Read more…
June 22, 2020
I don’t currently have any symptoms, but I want to visit older family members soon, so I went and got a PCR test for COVID-19 (i.e., the kind that detects *current* infection). My test came back negative, so I am in the clear, right?
Socializing Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Not necessarily. You should consider the possibility that you got a negative test result even though you are truly infected. After you are exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the amount of virus in your body builds up over time, reaching its highest level, right before symptom onset. It can take 2-14 days (average of 5-6) from Read more…
June 15, 2020
I hear that the CDC has recently published tips on “personal and social activities.” Can you please provide an overview?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: The CDC urges people to consider four factors prior to engaging in any given activity: (1) Extent of disease burden in your community; (2) Likelihood you’ll be coming into contact with potentially exposed individuals; (3) Your personal/household risk for a bad COVID outcome should you be exposed; (4) Ability to adapt personally protective behaviors Read more…
June 14, 2020
Restaurants in my city are reopening for outdoor dining. Is that safe?
Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: It’s probably safe for you as a diner. But also consider if it’s safe for kitchen crew and wait staff. Several Nerdy Girls live in Philadelphia, where restaurants were allowed to resume outdoor or sidewalk service as of Friday night. One of us (Alison) was interviewed by a local magazine about the safety of Read more…
June 12, 2020
How risky are my favorite places and activities?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe Travel
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: A group of Michigan-based COVID-19 experts has put together a helpful set of activity “rankings.” TL;DR: Skip the buffet. Opt for tennis instead. Context: Nerdy Girls are here to help you #StaySMART this summer! A refresher of our SMART principles: S – Space. Keep your distance. M – Mask. Keep it on. A – Read more…
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
June 4, 2020
There’s inevitably going to be some socializing this summer. How do I stay safe?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: How do I tell my kids and my parents to stay safe? A: Stay SMART! Wow, these are some unusual times! Some of us are in the streets every day with large groups (see our recent posts on that), some of us haven’t left our homes in months. But many of us are starting Read more…
May 26, 2020
What activities can we do safely and which are better to avoid this summer?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: With some modifications, there are opportunities to have some fun this summer. Promise. Risk happens on a continuum with all events outside your home carrying some level of risk. Some activities carry higher risks than others. It’s best to choose lower risk activities to limit transmission of the virus within your community and beyond. Read more…
May 23, 2020
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
With the unofficial start of summer, and as states begin to re-open, this is just a follow-up on our previous post to help you assess which activities are low, medium, and high risk for transmission this weekend and beyond. These are a couple of graphics to help you visualize the spectrum of risk. Hang on your Read more…
May 21, 2020
Is it safe to eat at restaurants yet? Even if I can go to a restaurant, should I?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: All steps at venturing out will involve risk, so the first step is to weigh infection prevalence (and increases or decreases) in your region and personal risk factors. It’s still best to opt for takeout or delivery if you are high risk or live with someone who is…no shame in not rushing out! If Read more…
May 17, 2020
I live a simple life. I don’t go to dance clubs or bars. If we practice social distancing, will it be okay to return to church? I miss being with other people.
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: I understand. This is hard. Unfortunately, any activity (e.g., grocery store, church, birthday party) where you are in an enclosed space with a group of people poses a risk. Being outdoors and keeping interactions brief likely minimizes this risk. Take this recent CDC report of a 61-person choir that met for 2.5 hours on Read more…
May 16, 2020
Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Q: I have a bad case of Saturday Night Fever after being cooped up for so long! Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state? A: Sadly the answer is no. (Editorial note: this Nerdy Girl really loves to dance, and empathizes). In epidemiology speak, nightclubs and Read more…
May 13, 2020
My teen seems to need more independence with friends, home routine, and schedule? I feel terrible about all the missed events this year (graduation, starting college, sports). Wouldn’t it help them if we relaxed a little bit with our rules?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…
A: Boy how we empathize – safer socializing outdoors with kids is tricky. We’re here to help! The Nerdy Girls’ Outdoor Playdate Checklist helps you balance the need for children’s socialization with the need to reduce infection risk. Context: Yesterday the Nerdy Girl/IMPACT4HC team had the opportunity to talk about outdoor socializing with the wonderful Read more…
Why is outdoors safer than indoors?
Socializing Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: If I’m outside, do I still have to worry about all the other things like staying 6 ft apart and wearing a mask? A: As highlighted in this NYT article, there are two main reasons why transmission of SARS-CoV-2 may be lower in outdoor settings compared to indoor settings: Airflow and Space! When a Read more…
June 27, 2020
We are vacationing with another family in a shared rental house in July.
Families/Kids Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
We wipe down our groceries. They don’t. We wear masks whenever we’re outside. They don’t. How is this going to work? I really need this to be a relaxing break for everyone but I’m already stressed. A: Oh, we hear you! Several Nerdy Girls are negotiating similar arrangements this summer. To help make this smooth Read more…
June 22, 2020
I don’t currently have any symptoms, but I want to visit older family members soon, so I went and got a PCR test for COVID-19 (i.e., the kind that detects *current* infection). My test came back negative, so I am in the clear, right?
Socializing Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Not necessarily. You should consider the possibility that you got a negative test result even though you are truly infected. After you are exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the amount of virus in your body builds up over time, reaching its highest level, right before symptom onset. It can take 2-14 days (average of 5-6) from Read more…
June 15, 2020
I hear that the CDC has recently published tips on “personal and social activities.” Can you please provide an overview?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: The CDC urges people to consider four factors prior to engaging in any given activity: (1) Extent of disease burden in your community; (2) Likelihood you’ll be coming into contact with potentially exposed individuals; (3) Your personal/household risk for a bad COVID outcome should you be exposed; (4) Ability to adapt personally protective behaviors Read more…
June 14, 2020
Restaurants in my city are reopening for outdoor dining. Is that safe?
Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: It’s probably safe for you as a diner. But also consider if it’s safe for kitchen crew and wait staff. Several Nerdy Girls live in Philadelphia, where restaurants were allowed to resume outdoor or sidewalk service as of Friday night. One of us (Alison) was interviewed by a local magazine about the safety of Read more…
June 12, 2020
How risky are my favorite places and activities?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe Travel
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: A group of Michigan-based COVID-19 experts has put together a helpful set of activity “rankings.” TL;DR: Skip the buffet. Opt for tennis instead. Context: Nerdy Girls are here to help you #StaySMART this summer! A refresher of our SMART principles: S – Space. Keep your distance. M – Mask. Keep it on. A – Read more…
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
June 4, 2020
There’s inevitably going to be some socializing this summer. How do I stay safe?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: How do I tell my kids and my parents to stay safe? A: Stay SMART! Wow, these are some unusual times! Some of us are in the streets every day with large groups (see our recent posts on that), some of us haven’t left our homes in months. But many of us are starting Read more…
May 26, 2020
What activities can we do safely and which are better to avoid this summer?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: With some modifications, there are opportunities to have some fun this summer. Promise. Risk happens on a continuum with all events outside your home carrying some level of risk. Some activities carry higher risks than others. It’s best to choose lower risk activities to limit transmission of the virus within your community and beyond. Read more…
May 23, 2020
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
With the unofficial start of summer, and as states begin to re-open, this is just a follow-up on our previous post to help you assess which activities are low, medium, and high risk for transmission this weekend and beyond. These are a couple of graphics to help you visualize the spectrum of risk. Hang on your Read more…
May 21, 2020
Is it safe to eat at restaurants yet? Even if I can go to a restaurant, should I?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: All steps at venturing out will involve risk, so the first step is to weigh infection prevalence (and increases or decreases) in your region and personal risk factors. It’s still best to opt for takeout or delivery if you are high risk or live with someone who is…no shame in not rushing out! If Read more…
May 17, 2020
I live a simple life. I don’t go to dance clubs or bars. If we practice social distancing, will it be okay to return to church? I miss being with other people.
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: I understand. This is hard. Unfortunately, any activity (e.g., grocery store, church, birthday party) where you are in an enclosed space with a group of people poses a risk. Being outdoors and keeping interactions brief likely minimizes this risk. Take this recent CDC report of a 61-person choir that met for 2.5 hours on Read more…
May 16, 2020
Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Q: I have a bad case of Saturday Night Fever after being cooped up for so long! Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state? A: Sadly the answer is no. (Editorial note: this Nerdy Girl really loves to dance, and empathizes). In epidemiology speak, nightclubs and Read more…
May 13, 2020
My teen seems to need more independence with friends, home routine, and schedule? I feel terrible about all the missed events this year (graduation, starting college, sports). Wouldn’t it help them if we relaxed a little bit with our rules?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…
Q: If I’m outside, do I still have to worry about all the other things like staying 6 ft apart and wearing a mask? A: As highlighted in this NYT article, there are two main reasons why transmission of SARS-CoV-2 may be lower in outdoor settings compared to indoor settings: Airflow and Space! When a Read more…
We are vacationing with another family in a shared rental house in July.
Families/Kids Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
We wipe down our groceries. They don’t. We wear masks whenever we’re outside. They don’t. How is this going to work? I really need this to be a relaxing break for everyone but I’m already stressed. A: Oh, we hear you! Several Nerdy Girls are negotiating similar arrangements this summer. To help make this smooth Read more…
June 22, 2020
I don’t currently have any symptoms, but I want to visit older family members soon, so I went and got a PCR test for COVID-19 (i.e., the kind that detects *current* infection). My test came back negative, so I am in the clear, right?
Socializing Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Not necessarily. You should consider the possibility that you got a negative test result even though you are truly infected. After you are exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the amount of virus in your body builds up over time, reaching its highest level, right before symptom onset. It can take 2-14 days (average of 5-6) from Read more…
June 15, 2020
I hear that the CDC has recently published tips on “personal and social activities.” Can you please provide an overview?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: The CDC urges people to consider four factors prior to engaging in any given activity: (1) Extent of disease burden in your community; (2) Likelihood you’ll be coming into contact with potentially exposed individuals; (3) Your personal/household risk for a bad COVID outcome should you be exposed; (4) Ability to adapt personally protective behaviors Read more…
June 14, 2020
Restaurants in my city are reopening for outdoor dining. Is that safe?
Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: It’s probably safe for you as a diner. But also consider if it’s safe for kitchen crew and wait staff. Several Nerdy Girls live in Philadelphia, where restaurants were allowed to resume outdoor or sidewalk service as of Friday night. One of us (Alison) was interviewed by a local magazine about the safety of Read more…
June 12, 2020
How risky are my favorite places and activities?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe Travel
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: A group of Michigan-based COVID-19 experts has put together a helpful set of activity “rankings.” TL;DR: Skip the buffet. Opt for tennis instead. Context: Nerdy Girls are here to help you #StaySMART this summer! A refresher of our SMART principles: S – Space. Keep your distance. M – Mask. Keep it on. A – Read more…
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
June 4, 2020
There’s inevitably going to be some socializing this summer. How do I stay safe?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: How do I tell my kids and my parents to stay safe? A: Stay SMART! Wow, these are some unusual times! Some of us are in the streets every day with large groups (see our recent posts on that), some of us haven’t left our homes in months. But many of us are starting Read more…
May 26, 2020
What activities can we do safely and which are better to avoid this summer?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: With some modifications, there are opportunities to have some fun this summer. Promise. Risk happens on a continuum with all events outside your home carrying some level of risk. Some activities carry higher risks than others. It’s best to choose lower risk activities to limit transmission of the virus within your community and beyond. Read more…
May 23, 2020
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
With the unofficial start of summer, and as states begin to re-open, this is just a follow-up on our previous post to help you assess which activities are low, medium, and high risk for transmission this weekend and beyond. These are a couple of graphics to help you visualize the spectrum of risk. Hang on your Read more…
May 21, 2020
Is it safe to eat at restaurants yet? Even if I can go to a restaurant, should I?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: All steps at venturing out will involve risk, so the first step is to weigh infection prevalence (and increases or decreases) in your region and personal risk factors. It’s still best to opt for takeout or delivery if you are high risk or live with someone who is…no shame in not rushing out! If Read more…
May 17, 2020
I live a simple life. I don’t go to dance clubs or bars. If we practice social distancing, will it be okay to return to church? I miss being with other people.
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: I understand. This is hard. Unfortunately, any activity (e.g., grocery store, church, birthday party) where you are in an enclosed space with a group of people poses a risk. Being outdoors and keeping interactions brief likely minimizes this risk. Take this recent CDC report of a 61-person choir that met for 2.5 hours on Read more…
May 16, 2020
Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Q: I have a bad case of Saturday Night Fever after being cooped up for so long! Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state? A: Sadly the answer is no. (Editorial note: this Nerdy Girl really loves to dance, and empathizes). In epidemiology speak, nightclubs and Read more…
May 13, 2020
My teen seems to need more independence with friends, home routine, and schedule? I feel terrible about all the missed events this year (graduation, starting college, sports). Wouldn’t it help them if we relaxed a little bit with our rules?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…
We wipe down our groceries. They don’t. We wear masks whenever we’re outside. They don’t. How is this going to work? I really need this to be a relaxing break for everyone but I’m already stressed. A: Oh, we hear you! Several Nerdy Girls are negotiating similar arrangements this summer. To help make this smooth Read more…
I don’t currently have any symptoms, but I want to visit older family members soon, so I went and got a PCR test for COVID-19 (i.e., the kind that detects *current* infection). My test came back negative, so I am in the clear, right?
Socializing Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Not necessarily. You should consider the possibility that you got a negative test result even though you are truly infected. After you are exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the amount of virus in your body builds up over time, reaching its highest level, right before symptom onset. It can take 2-14 days (average of 5-6) from Read more…
June 15, 2020
I hear that the CDC has recently published tips on “personal and social activities.” Can you please provide an overview?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: The CDC urges people to consider four factors prior to engaging in any given activity: (1) Extent of disease burden in your community; (2) Likelihood you’ll be coming into contact with potentially exposed individuals; (3) Your personal/household risk for a bad COVID outcome should you be exposed; (4) Ability to adapt personally protective behaviors Read more…
June 14, 2020
Restaurants in my city are reopening for outdoor dining. Is that safe?
Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: It’s probably safe for you as a diner. But also consider if it’s safe for kitchen crew and wait staff. Several Nerdy Girls live in Philadelphia, where restaurants were allowed to resume outdoor or sidewalk service as of Friday night. One of us (Alison) was interviewed by a local magazine about the safety of Read more…
June 12, 2020
How risky are my favorite places and activities?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe Travel
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: A group of Michigan-based COVID-19 experts has put together a helpful set of activity “rankings.” TL;DR: Skip the buffet. Opt for tennis instead. Context: Nerdy Girls are here to help you #StaySMART this summer! A refresher of our SMART principles: S – Space. Keep your distance. M – Mask. Keep it on. A – Read more…
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
June 4, 2020
There’s inevitably going to be some socializing this summer. How do I stay safe?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: How do I tell my kids and my parents to stay safe? A: Stay SMART! Wow, these are some unusual times! Some of us are in the streets every day with large groups (see our recent posts on that), some of us haven’t left our homes in months. But many of us are starting Read more…
May 26, 2020
What activities can we do safely and which are better to avoid this summer?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: With some modifications, there are opportunities to have some fun this summer. Promise. Risk happens on a continuum with all events outside your home carrying some level of risk. Some activities carry higher risks than others. It’s best to choose lower risk activities to limit transmission of the virus within your community and beyond. Read more…
May 23, 2020
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
With the unofficial start of summer, and as states begin to re-open, this is just a follow-up on our previous post to help you assess which activities are low, medium, and high risk for transmission this weekend and beyond. These are a couple of graphics to help you visualize the spectrum of risk. Hang on your Read more…
May 21, 2020
Is it safe to eat at restaurants yet? Even if I can go to a restaurant, should I?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: All steps at venturing out will involve risk, so the first step is to weigh infection prevalence (and increases or decreases) in your region and personal risk factors. It’s still best to opt for takeout or delivery if you are high risk or live with someone who is…no shame in not rushing out! If Read more…
May 17, 2020
I live a simple life. I don’t go to dance clubs or bars. If we practice social distancing, will it be okay to return to church? I miss being with other people.
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: I understand. This is hard. Unfortunately, any activity (e.g., grocery store, church, birthday party) where you are in an enclosed space with a group of people poses a risk. Being outdoors and keeping interactions brief likely minimizes this risk. Take this recent CDC report of a 61-person choir that met for 2.5 hours on Read more…
May 16, 2020
Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Q: I have a bad case of Saturday Night Fever after being cooped up for so long! Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state? A: Sadly the answer is no. (Editorial note: this Nerdy Girl really loves to dance, and empathizes). In epidemiology speak, nightclubs and Read more…
May 13, 2020
My teen seems to need more independence with friends, home routine, and schedule? I feel terrible about all the missed events this year (graduation, starting college, sports). Wouldn’t it help them if we relaxed a little bit with our rules?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…
A: Not necessarily. You should consider the possibility that you got a negative test result even though you are truly infected. After you are exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the amount of virus in your body builds up over time, reaching its highest level, right before symptom onset. It can take 2-14 days (average of 5-6) from Read more…
I hear that the CDC has recently published tips on “personal and social activities.” Can you please provide an overview?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: The CDC urges people to consider four factors prior to engaging in any given activity: (1) Extent of disease burden in your community; (2) Likelihood you’ll be coming into contact with potentially exposed individuals; (3) Your personal/household risk for a bad COVID outcome should you be exposed; (4) Ability to adapt personally protective behaviors Read more…
June 14, 2020
Restaurants in my city are reopening for outdoor dining. Is that safe?
Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: It’s probably safe for you as a diner. But also consider if it’s safe for kitchen crew and wait staff. Several Nerdy Girls live in Philadelphia, where restaurants were allowed to resume outdoor or sidewalk service as of Friday night. One of us (Alison) was interviewed by a local magazine about the safety of Read more…
June 12, 2020
How risky are my favorite places and activities?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe Travel
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: A group of Michigan-based COVID-19 experts has put together a helpful set of activity “rankings.” TL;DR: Skip the buffet. Opt for tennis instead. Context: Nerdy Girls are here to help you #StaySMART this summer! A refresher of our SMART principles: S – Space. Keep your distance. M – Mask. Keep it on. A – Read more…
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
June 4, 2020
There’s inevitably going to be some socializing this summer. How do I stay safe?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: How do I tell my kids and my parents to stay safe? A: Stay SMART! Wow, these are some unusual times! Some of us are in the streets every day with large groups (see our recent posts on that), some of us haven’t left our homes in months. But many of us are starting Read more…
May 26, 2020
What activities can we do safely and which are better to avoid this summer?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: With some modifications, there are opportunities to have some fun this summer. Promise. Risk happens on a continuum with all events outside your home carrying some level of risk. Some activities carry higher risks than others. It’s best to choose lower risk activities to limit transmission of the virus within your community and beyond. Read more…
May 23, 2020
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
With the unofficial start of summer, and as states begin to re-open, this is just a follow-up on our previous post to help you assess which activities are low, medium, and high risk for transmission this weekend and beyond. These are a couple of graphics to help you visualize the spectrum of risk. Hang on your Read more…
May 21, 2020
Is it safe to eat at restaurants yet? Even if I can go to a restaurant, should I?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: All steps at venturing out will involve risk, so the first step is to weigh infection prevalence (and increases or decreases) in your region and personal risk factors. It’s still best to opt for takeout or delivery if you are high risk or live with someone who is…no shame in not rushing out! If Read more…
May 17, 2020
I live a simple life. I don’t go to dance clubs or bars. If we practice social distancing, will it be okay to return to church? I miss being with other people.
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: I understand. This is hard. Unfortunately, any activity (e.g., grocery store, church, birthday party) where you are in an enclosed space with a group of people poses a risk. Being outdoors and keeping interactions brief likely minimizes this risk. Take this recent CDC report of a 61-person choir that met for 2.5 hours on Read more…
May 16, 2020
Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Q: I have a bad case of Saturday Night Fever after being cooped up for so long! Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state? A: Sadly the answer is no. (Editorial note: this Nerdy Girl really loves to dance, and empathizes). In epidemiology speak, nightclubs and Read more…
May 13, 2020
My teen seems to need more independence with friends, home routine, and schedule? I feel terrible about all the missed events this year (graduation, starting college, sports). Wouldn’t it help them if we relaxed a little bit with our rules?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…
A: The CDC urges people to consider four factors prior to engaging in any given activity: (1) Extent of disease burden in your community; (2) Likelihood you’ll be coming into contact with potentially exposed individuals; (3) Your personal/household risk for a bad COVID outcome should you be exposed; (4) Ability to adapt personally protective behaviors Read more…
Restaurants in my city are reopening for outdoor dining. Is that safe?
Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: It’s probably safe for you as a diner. But also consider if it’s safe for kitchen crew and wait staff. Several Nerdy Girls live in Philadelphia, where restaurants were allowed to resume outdoor or sidewalk service as of Friday night. One of us (Alison) was interviewed by a local magazine about the safety of Read more…
June 12, 2020
How risky are my favorite places and activities?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe Travel
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: A group of Michigan-based COVID-19 experts has put together a helpful set of activity “rankings.” TL;DR: Skip the buffet. Opt for tennis instead. Context: Nerdy Girls are here to help you #StaySMART this summer! A refresher of our SMART principles: S – Space. Keep your distance. M – Mask. Keep it on. A – Read more…
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
June 4, 2020
There’s inevitably going to be some socializing this summer. How do I stay safe?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: How do I tell my kids and my parents to stay safe? A: Stay SMART! Wow, these are some unusual times! Some of us are in the streets every day with large groups (see our recent posts on that), some of us haven’t left our homes in months. But many of us are starting Read more…
May 26, 2020
What activities can we do safely and which are better to avoid this summer?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: With some modifications, there are opportunities to have some fun this summer. Promise. Risk happens on a continuum with all events outside your home carrying some level of risk. Some activities carry higher risks than others. It’s best to choose lower risk activities to limit transmission of the virus within your community and beyond. Read more…
May 23, 2020
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
With the unofficial start of summer, and as states begin to re-open, this is just a follow-up on our previous post to help you assess which activities are low, medium, and high risk for transmission this weekend and beyond. These are a couple of graphics to help you visualize the spectrum of risk. Hang on your Read more…
May 21, 2020
Is it safe to eat at restaurants yet? Even if I can go to a restaurant, should I?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: All steps at venturing out will involve risk, so the first step is to weigh infection prevalence (and increases or decreases) in your region and personal risk factors. It’s still best to opt for takeout or delivery if you are high risk or live with someone who is…no shame in not rushing out! If Read more…
May 17, 2020
I live a simple life. I don’t go to dance clubs or bars. If we practice social distancing, will it be okay to return to church? I miss being with other people.
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: I understand. This is hard. Unfortunately, any activity (e.g., grocery store, church, birthday party) where you are in an enclosed space with a group of people poses a risk. Being outdoors and keeping interactions brief likely minimizes this risk. Take this recent CDC report of a 61-person choir that met for 2.5 hours on Read more…
May 16, 2020
Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Q: I have a bad case of Saturday Night Fever after being cooped up for so long! Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state? A: Sadly the answer is no. (Editorial note: this Nerdy Girl really loves to dance, and empathizes). In epidemiology speak, nightclubs and Read more…
May 13, 2020
My teen seems to need more independence with friends, home routine, and schedule? I feel terrible about all the missed events this year (graduation, starting college, sports). Wouldn’t it help them if we relaxed a little bit with our rules?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…
A: It’s probably safe for you as a diner. But also consider if it’s safe for kitchen crew and wait staff. Several Nerdy Girls live in Philadelphia, where restaurants were allowed to resume outdoor or sidewalk service as of Friday night. One of us (Alison) was interviewed by a local magazine about the safety of Read more…
How risky are my favorite places and activities?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe Travel
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: A group of Michigan-based COVID-19 experts has put together a helpful set of activity “rankings.” TL;DR: Skip the buffet. Opt for tennis instead. Context: Nerdy Girls are here to help you #StaySMART this summer! A refresher of our SMART principles: S – Space. Keep your distance. M – Mask. Keep it on. A – Read more…
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
June 4, 2020
There’s inevitably going to be some socializing this summer. How do I stay safe?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: How do I tell my kids and my parents to stay safe? A: Stay SMART! Wow, these are some unusual times! Some of us are in the streets every day with large groups (see our recent posts on that), some of us haven’t left our homes in months. But many of us are starting Read more…
May 26, 2020
What activities can we do safely and which are better to avoid this summer?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: With some modifications, there are opportunities to have some fun this summer. Promise. Risk happens on a continuum with all events outside your home carrying some level of risk. Some activities carry higher risks than others. It’s best to choose lower risk activities to limit transmission of the virus within your community and beyond. Read more…
May 23, 2020
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
With the unofficial start of summer, and as states begin to re-open, this is just a follow-up on our previous post to help you assess which activities are low, medium, and high risk for transmission this weekend and beyond. These are a couple of graphics to help you visualize the spectrum of risk. Hang on your Read more…
May 21, 2020
Is it safe to eat at restaurants yet? Even if I can go to a restaurant, should I?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: All steps at venturing out will involve risk, so the first step is to weigh infection prevalence (and increases or decreases) in your region and personal risk factors. It’s still best to opt for takeout or delivery if you are high risk or live with someone who is…no shame in not rushing out! If Read more…
May 17, 2020
I live a simple life. I don’t go to dance clubs or bars. If we practice social distancing, will it be okay to return to church? I miss being with other people.
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: I understand. This is hard. Unfortunately, any activity (e.g., grocery store, church, birthday party) where you are in an enclosed space with a group of people poses a risk. Being outdoors and keeping interactions brief likely minimizes this risk. Take this recent CDC report of a 61-person choir that met for 2.5 hours on Read more…
May 16, 2020
Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Q: I have a bad case of Saturday Night Fever after being cooped up for so long! Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state? A: Sadly the answer is no. (Editorial note: this Nerdy Girl really loves to dance, and empathizes). In epidemiology speak, nightclubs and Read more…
May 13, 2020
My teen seems to need more independence with friends, home routine, and schedule? I feel terrible about all the missed events this year (graduation, starting college, sports). Wouldn’t it help them if we relaxed a little bit with our rules?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…
A: A group of Michigan-based COVID-19 experts has put together a helpful set of activity “rankings.” TL;DR: Skip the buffet. Opt for tennis instead. Context: Nerdy Girls are here to help you #StaySMART this summer! A refresher of our SMART principles: S – Space. Keep your distance. M – Mask. Keep it on. A – Read more…
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
June 4, 2020
There’s inevitably going to be some socializing this summer. How do I stay safe?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: How do I tell my kids and my parents to stay safe? A: Stay SMART! Wow, these are some unusual times! Some of us are in the streets every day with large groups (see our recent posts on that), some of us haven’t left our homes in months. But many of us are starting Read more…
May 26, 2020
What activities can we do safely and which are better to avoid this summer?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: With some modifications, there are opportunities to have some fun this summer. Promise. Risk happens on a continuum with all events outside your home carrying some level of risk. Some activities carry higher risks than others. It’s best to choose lower risk activities to limit transmission of the virus within your community and beyond. Read more…
May 23, 2020
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
With the unofficial start of summer, and as states begin to re-open, this is just a follow-up on our previous post to help you assess which activities are low, medium, and high risk for transmission this weekend and beyond. These are a couple of graphics to help you visualize the spectrum of risk. Hang on your Read more…
May 21, 2020
Is it safe to eat at restaurants yet? Even if I can go to a restaurant, should I?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: All steps at venturing out will involve risk, so the first step is to weigh infection prevalence (and increases or decreases) in your region and personal risk factors. It’s still best to opt for takeout or delivery if you are high risk or live with someone who is…no shame in not rushing out! If Read more…
May 17, 2020
I live a simple life. I don’t go to dance clubs or bars. If we practice social distancing, will it be okay to return to church? I miss being with other people.
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: I understand. This is hard. Unfortunately, any activity (e.g., grocery store, church, birthday party) where you are in an enclosed space with a group of people poses a risk. Being outdoors and keeping interactions brief likely minimizes this risk. Take this recent CDC report of a 61-person choir that met for 2.5 hours on Read more…
May 16, 2020
Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Q: I have a bad case of Saturday Night Fever after being cooped up for so long! Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state? A: Sadly the answer is no. (Editorial note: this Nerdy Girl really loves to dance, and empathizes). In epidemiology speak, nightclubs and Read more…
May 13, 2020
My teen seems to need more independence with friends, home routine, and schedule? I feel terrible about all the missed events this year (graduation, starting college, sports). Wouldn’t it help them if we relaxed a little bit with our rules?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
There’s inevitably going to be some socializing this summer. How do I stay safe?
Families/Kids Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: How do I tell my kids and my parents to stay safe? A: Stay SMART! Wow, these are some unusual times! Some of us are in the streets every day with large groups (see our recent posts on that), some of us haven’t left our homes in months. But many of us are starting Read more…
May 26, 2020
What activities can we do safely and which are better to avoid this summer?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: With some modifications, there are opportunities to have some fun this summer. Promise. Risk happens on a continuum with all events outside your home carrying some level of risk. Some activities carry higher risks than others. It’s best to choose lower risk activities to limit transmission of the virus within your community and beyond. Read more…
May 23, 2020
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
With the unofficial start of summer, and as states begin to re-open, this is just a follow-up on our previous post to help you assess which activities are low, medium, and high risk for transmission this weekend and beyond. These are a couple of graphics to help you visualize the spectrum of risk. Hang on your Read more…
May 21, 2020
Is it safe to eat at restaurants yet? Even if I can go to a restaurant, should I?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: All steps at venturing out will involve risk, so the first step is to weigh infection prevalence (and increases or decreases) in your region and personal risk factors. It’s still best to opt for takeout or delivery if you are high risk or live with someone who is…no shame in not rushing out! If Read more…
May 17, 2020
I live a simple life. I don’t go to dance clubs or bars. If we practice social distancing, will it be okay to return to church? I miss being with other people.
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: I understand. This is hard. Unfortunately, any activity (e.g., grocery store, church, birthday party) where you are in an enclosed space with a group of people poses a risk. Being outdoors and keeping interactions brief likely minimizes this risk. Take this recent CDC report of a 61-person choir that met for 2.5 hours on Read more…
May 16, 2020
Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Q: I have a bad case of Saturday Night Fever after being cooped up for so long! Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state? A: Sadly the answer is no. (Editorial note: this Nerdy Girl really loves to dance, and empathizes). In epidemiology speak, nightclubs and Read more…
May 13, 2020
My teen seems to need more independence with friends, home routine, and schedule? I feel terrible about all the missed events this year (graduation, starting college, sports). Wouldn’t it help them if we relaxed a little bit with our rules?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…
Q: How do I tell my kids and my parents to stay safe? A: Stay SMART! Wow, these are some unusual times! Some of us are in the streets every day with large groups (see our recent posts on that), some of us haven’t left our homes in months. But many of us are starting Read more…
What activities can we do safely and which are better to avoid this summer?
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: With some modifications, there are opportunities to have some fun this summer. Promise. Risk happens on a continuum with all events outside your home carrying some level of risk. Some activities carry higher risks than others. It’s best to choose lower risk activities to limit transmission of the virus within your community and beyond. Read more…
May 23, 2020
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
With the unofficial start of summer, and as states begin to re-open, this is just a follow-up on our previous post to help you assess which activities are low, medium, and high risk for transmission this weekend and beyond. These are a couple of graphics to help you visualize the spectrum of risk. Hang on your Read more…
May 21, 2020
Is it safe to eat at restaurants yet? Even if I can go to a restaurant, should I?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: All steps at venturing out will involve risk, so the first step is to weigh infection prevalence (and increases or decreases) in your region and personal risk factors. It’s still best to opt for takeout or delivery if you are high risk or live with someone who is…no shame in not rushing out! If Read more…
May 17, 2020
I live a simple life. I don’t go to dance clubs or bars. If we practice social distancing, will it be okay to return to church? I miss being with other people.
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: I understand. This is hard. Unfortunately, any activity (e.g., grocery store, church, birthday party) where you are in an enclosed space with a group of people poses a risk. Being outdoors and keeping interactions brief likely minimizes this risk. Take this recent CDC report of a 61-person choir that met for 2.5 hours on Read more…
May 16, 2020
Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Q: I have a bad case of Saturday Night Fever after being cooped up for so long! Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state? A: Sadly the answer is no. (Editorial note: this Nerdy Girl really loves to dance, and empathizes). In epidemiology speak, nightclubs and Read more…
May 13, 2020
My teen seems to need more independence with friends, home routine, and schedule? I feel terrible about all the missed events this year (graduation, starting college, sports). Wouldn’t it help them if we relaxed a little bit with our rules?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…
A: With some modifications, there are opportunities to have some fun this summer. Promise. Risk happens on a continuum with all events outside your home carrying some level of risk. Some activities carry higher risks than others. It’s best to choose lower risk activities to limit transmission of the virus within your community and beyond. Read more…
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, everyone!
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
With the unofficial start of summer, and as states begin to re-open, this is just a follow-up on our previous post to help you assess which activities are low, medium, and high risk for transmission this weekend and beyond. These are a couple of graphics to help you visualize the spectrum of risk. Hang on your Read more…
May 21, 2020
Is it safe to eat at restaurants yet? Even if I can go to a restaurant, should I?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: All steps at venturing out will involve risk, so the first step is to weigh infection prevalence (and increases or decreases) in your region and personal risk factors. It’s still best to opt for takeout or delivery if you are high risk or live with someone who is…no shame in not rushing out! If Read more…
May 17, 2020
I live a simple life. I don’t go to dance clubs or bars. If we practice social distancing, will it be okay to return to church? I miss being with other people.
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: I understand. This is hard. Unfortunately, any activity (e.g., grocery store, church, birthday party) where you are in an enclosed space with a group of people poses a risk. Being outdoors and keeping interactions brief likely minimizes this risk. Take this recent CDC report of a 61-person choir that met for 2.5 hours on Read more…
May 16, 2020
Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Q: I have a bad case of Saturday Night Fever after being cooped up for so long! Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state? A: Sadly the answer is no. (Editorial note: this Nerdy Girl really loves to dance, and empathizes). In epidemiology speak, nightclubs and Read more…
May 13, 2020
My teen seems to need more independence with friends, home routine, and schedule? I feel terrible about all the missed events this year (graduation, starting college, sports). Wouldn’t it help them if we relaxed a little bit with our rules?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…
With the unofficial start of summer, and as states begin to re-open, this is just a follow-up on our previous post to help you assess which activities are low, medium, and high risk for transmission this weekend and beyond. These are a couple of graphics to help you visualize the spectrum of risk. Hang on your Read more…
Is it safe to eat at restaurants yet? Even if I can go to a restaurant, should I?
Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: All steps at venturing out will involve risk, so the first step is to weigh infection prevalence (and increases or decreases) in your region and personal risk factors. It’s still best to opt for takeout or delivery if you are high risk or live with someone who is…no shame in not rushing out! If Read more…
May 17, 2020
I live a simple life. I don’t go to dance clubs or bars. If we practice social distancing, will it be okay to return to church? I miss being with other people.
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: I understand. This is hard. Unfortunately, any activity (e.g., grocery store, church, birthday party) where you are in an enclosed space with a group of people poses a risk. Being outdoors and keeping interactions brief likely minimizes this risk. Take this recent CDC report of a 61-person choir that met for 2.5 hours on Read more…
May 16, 2020
Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Q: I have a bad case of Saturday Night Fever after being cooped up for so long! Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state? A: Sadly the answer is no. (Editorial note: this Nerdy Girl really loves to dance, and empathizes). In epidemiology speak, nightclubs and Read more…
May 13, 2020
My teen seems to need more independence with friends, home routine, and schedule? I feel terrible about all the missed events this year (graduation, starting college, sports). Wouldn’t it help them if we relaxed a little bit with our rules?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…
A: All steps at venturing out will involve risk, so the first step is to weigh infection prevalence (and increases or decreases) in your region and personal risk factors. It’s still best to opt for takeout or delivery if you are high risk or live with someone who is…no shame in not rushing out! If Read more…
I live a simple life. I don’t go to dance clubs or bars. If we practice social distancing, will it be okay to return to church? I miss being with other people.
Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: I understand. This is hard. Unfortunately, any activity (e.g., grocery store, church, birthday party) where you are in an enclosed space with a group of people poses a risk. Being outdoors and keeping interactions brief likely minimizes this risk. Take this recent CDC report of a 61-person choir that met for 2.5 hours on Read more…
May 16, 2020
Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Q: I have a bad case of Saturday Night Fever after being cooped up for so long! Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state? A: Sadly the answer is no. (Editorial note: this Nerdy Girl really loves to dance, and empathizes). In epidemiology speak, nightclubs and Read more…
May 13, 2020
My teen seems to need more independence with friends, home routine, and schedule? I feel terrible about all the missed events this year (graduation, starting college, sports). Wouldn’t it help them if we relaxed a little bit with our rules?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…
A: I understand. This is hard. Unfortunately, any activity (e.g., grocery store, church, birthday party) where you are in an enclosed space with a group of people poses a risk. Being outdoors and keeping interactions brief likely minimizes this risk. Take this recent CDC report of a 61-person choir that met for 2.5 hours on Read more…
Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state?
Socializing Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Q: I have a bad case of Saturday Night Fever after being cooped up for so long! Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state? A: Sadly the answer is no. (Editorial note: this Nerdy Girl really loves to dance, and empathizes). In epidemiology speak, nightclubs and Read more…
May 13, 2020
My teen seems to need more independence with friends, home routine, and schedule? I feel terrible about all the missed events this year (graduation, starting college, sports). Wouldn’t it help them if we relaxed a little bit with our rules?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…
Q: I have a bad case of Saturday Night Fever after being cooped up for so long! Is it safe to head out to the nightclubs/bars now that they’re reopening in my state? A: Sadly the answer is no. (Editorial note: this Nerdy Girl really loves to dance, and empathizes). In epidemiology speak, nightclubs and Read more…
My teen seems to need more independence with friends, home routine, and schedule? I feel terrible about all the missed events this year (graduation, starting college, sports). Wouldn’t it help them if we relaxed a little bit with our rules?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…
A: Yes and no. Social activity (i.e. school and the life it creates) is critical for young people and their development. They are also beginning to express themselves as individuals, to create their own support networks, to have freedom to their identity, and to simply spend time outside of the home. However, all of this Read more…