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What might socializing look like when shelter-in-place orders are lifted?

Reopening Socializing

A: Social distancing will remain important when shelter-in-place orders are lifted. For many regions, the elements needed to reopen society have not yet been achieved: declining rates of infection, adequate testing supply, and the ability to trace the contacts of new infections to appropriately isolate and treat. When shelter-in-place orders are lifted, restructuring social networks Read more…

Can’t I please just visit just one friend?


Great explainer and data visualization from some top notch social network scientists: “Humans are social animals, and reducing connectivity in social networks is hard. Every additional connection that we can postpone until COVID-19 is under control has the potential to save one or more lives. Yes, every one. You may never know whether it made Read more…

I miss my family and friends. What is the risk of getting together for a small gathering?

Families/Kids Socializing

A: Small gatherings of any size are highly discouraged. A recent publication by the CDC outlines the sequence of infections (contact tracing) among a cluster of Covid-19 infections in Chicago following a funeral and a birthday party. One positive individual attended both events and subsequently infected *15* family and friends, not counting asymptomatic carriers and Read more…