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COVID Variants

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Should I be worried about coronavirus HKU-5?

COVID Variants Infectious Diseases

HKU5 coronavirus is unlikely to lead to a pandemic, but to prevent future coronavirus pandemics it is important to support scientific research, emerging disease surveillance, and vaccine and medication development. Main points: HKU5-CoV-2 did not infect laboratory cells under controlled conditions as well as the virus that causes COVID-19 Current antivirals and monoclonal antibodies inhibited Read more…

Additional COVID vaccines approved for everyone ages 65+

COVID Variants Infectious Diseases Vaccines

Additional COVID vaccines approved for everyone ages 65+ Last week the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to recommend additional doses of the 2024-2025 COVID vaccine for certain groups: • Everyone 65 years and older and anyone with a moderately or severely weakened immune system should receive a second dose of the 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine 6 Read more…

The available data supports that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective

COVID Variants Infectious Diseases Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines

Q: I was sent the bulletin from the Florida Health Department regarding 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccines. It contains a lot of confusing and concerning pieces of information. Can you help me understand it? A: The Florida Department of Health’s bulletin contains a lot of misleading and inaccurate statements. They fail to mention the risks of infection Read more…

Is it a cold or COVID? 3 good reasons to test.

COVID Variants Infectious Diseases Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing

There are still lots of practical reasons to test for COVID if you have any symptoms or an exposure. Knowledge is power! There is STILL lots of COVID around. While the bad summer surge may have peaked, back-to-school means lots of new opportunities for transmission that may slow the decline in cases. You may find yourself Read more…

💥 Some Good News! BA.2.86 is looking less scary than we thought.

COVID Variants Vaccines

As we covered last week, the new BA.2.86 variant raised eyebrows because of its high number of mutations, which made it look as different from current variants as Omicron was from Delta. Since then, we’ve gotten new data from several different laboratories testing the behavior of BA.2.86. All reached similar conclusions which were reassuring: ➡️ Read more…

Nerdy Girls Live 08/24/23

COVID Variants Infectious Diseases Treatments Vaccines Videos

Those Nerdy Girls answer your questions about COVID-19 and flu, including boosters, risk, new variant, and nasal sprays. Hosted by: – Andrea Harmony, NP-C, PMHS: TNG Contributing Writer & Family Nurse Practitioner – Chana Davis, PhD: TNG Contributing Writer & Founder of Fueled by Science ➡️ Welcome and Intros (0:00-0:46) ➡️ Is COVID-19 the new Read more…

Nerdy Girls Live 06/22/23

COVID Variants Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos

Those Nerdy Girls discuss COVID-19 risks, precautions, and boosters. Hosted by: – Jenn Dowd, PhD: TNG Editor in Chief & Founding Member – Chana Davis, PhD: TNG Contributing Writer & Founder of Fueled by Science ➡️ Hello and Introductions (00:00-01:12) ➡️ Current COVID-19 risk level (What is it and how is it measured?) (1:13-5:13) ➡️ Read more…