Is setting a New Year’s Resolution a recipe for disaster?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Not at all! You can make those resolutions happen….well, at least one or two of them. TL; DR: Lots of people set goals (aka resolutions or intentions) around this time of year. When you set your goals, make sure you focus on the what, why, and how. 🫖 Tell me more. Lots of us Read more…
December 31, 2022
¡Auxilio! Hay escasez de medicamentos para la fiebre. ¿Cómo cuido a mi hijo si tiene fiebre?
Families/Kids Posts en Español Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
TL:DR: La fiebre suele ser una señal de que el cuerpo está luchando contra una infección o enfermedad. Es una de las formas en que nuestro sistema inmunológico responde a la infección. Los medicamentos para aminorar la fiebre y el dolor, como el paracetamol y el ibuprofeno, son una opción para los niños que se Read more…
December 30, 2022
Any ideas for year-end giving?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Support the science communication work of Those Nerdy Girls! Those Nerdy Girls aren’t going anywhere. While our work was born in a moment of crisis (a really long moment), the need for accessible, practical science is evident now more than ever. This year we’ve expanded our work with a new Reproductive Health squad to Read more…
December 28, 2022
Does the bivalent COVID-19 booster provide better protection against COVID-19?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Yes! The new bivalent booster vaccine does give additional protection against symptomatic COVID-19 infections, reduces emergency department and urgent care visits, and reduces the risk of hospitalization. In September 2022, the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended that all persons aged 12 and up who had already gotten their primary series of Read more…
December 27, 2022
¿Debería vacunarme contra la influenza si ya la tuve durante esta temporada?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Sí! La vacuna contra la influenza protege ante CUATRO cepas. Y por otra parte ¡no querrá volver a contagiarse! TL;DR: Es difícil saber con qué cepa se infectó o cuál será la dominante en los próximos meses. Vacúnese si ya ha tenido influenza o incluso si ha sospechado tenerla. La vacuna actual es “tetravalente”, lo Read more…
December 24, 2022
Feeling the holiday blues?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
💙 Everybody has the blues, sometimes. Almost 50% of us at this time of year, to be specific. The holiday week between 🎄 Christmas and 🎊 New Year’s Day can be a difficult one. Of course some of us have joyful feelings and good memories, but others feel lonely, sad, empty, or not physically well, Read more…
December 24, 2022
✨Les deseamos a usted y a sus seres queridos unas felices fiestas ✨
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Recuerde hacerse una prueba rapida 🧪 antes de reunirse, use una mascarilla 😷 alrededor de las personas que están en riesgo y vacúnese 💉si aún no lo ha hecho. 📮Si aún no lo ha hecho, envíe sus preguntas a nuestro buzón de preguntas. ¡Agradecemos a todos ustedes por estar aquí y ayudar a apoyar nuestra Read more…
December 23, 2022
When during my cycle can I get pregnant?
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Most people are in their “fertile window” from about day 10-17 after the first day of their period, but this can vary a LOT. In people not taking hormonal types of birth control, the uterus and ovaries tend to go through a cycle, trying about once a month to get the body pregnant. The Read more…
December 22, 2022
Prepárese para el frío!
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Será un fin de semana de temperaturas muy bajas y esta gráfica nos guía en cómo podemos prepararnos para este clima invernal extremo que tendremos en EE.UU. Esta gráfica fue creada por el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de Huston-Galveston. Fuente aquí Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 22, 2022
When should I be testing for Covid-19 with so many other respiratory viruses going around?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Megan Madsen, DO
A: It’s still a good idea to test if you have cold symptoms, know you were exposed, or are visiting anyone vulnerable to severe COVID disease. If it feels like everyone you know has had a cold or upper respiratory illness in the last 3 months, Those Nerdy Girls are right there with you. The Read more…
December 21, 2022
¿Existe una manera fácil de averiguar si soy elegible para una vacuna de refuerzo contra el COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Sí, en EE.UU. hay una herramienta útil en línea que le puede indicar si es elegible para un refuerzo en función de su edad, las dosis que ya recibió y si está inmunocomprometido. ✳️ Visite esta página, responda algunas preguntas y descubra si es elegible para el nuevo refuerzo bivalente COVID-19 (que se dirige tanto Read more…
December 21, 2022
How can I stay safe during the holidays?
Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Think in terms of harm reduction. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Just in time for Christmas, COVID is again on the rise. Flu and RSV may be peaking—but remember that there are often as many cases *after* a peak as before it. As we approach the festive season how can Read more…
December 20, 2022
I want to use an effective method of birth control, but how can I pay for it? It can be expensive!
Reproductive Health
If you or someone you know is struggling to pay for contraception, there are many options available. The most effective reversible forms of birth control, the IUD and the Implant, can cost from $400-$1300 if you’re paying out of pocket. While they last for years, that up front cost can be tough. Pills, patches, rings, Read more…
December 19, 2022
What is the contagious period for the flu?
Infectious Diseases Uncategorized
Chana Davis, PhD
People with flu are most contagious in the three to five days after they first feel sick. This is a bit later than COVID-19, which often spreads a day or two before symptoms. You might infect someone as early as a day before or as late as a week after becoming sick, but this is Read more…
December 18, 2022
Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Heidi Schutz, PhD
¡A partir del 15 de diciembre Hogares de EE. UU. pueden ordenar 4 pruebas rápidas GRATUITAS! Los pasos son fáciles: 🌟 Visite a este sitio 🌟 Ingrese su nombre y dirección (y correo electrónico si desea notificaciones de envío) 🌟 Tenga en cuenta que si vive en Puerto Rico, deberá completar la sección denominada urbanización Read more…
December 16, 2022
Can I get contraception through the mail?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Yes! Getting contraception through the mail is a safe and secure alternative to seeking out contraception in person. Getting contraception through the mail is a great alternative to in-person care. It’s easier and faster, especially in areas of the country where women’s health clinics are not widely available. Right now, to get a prescription, Read more…
December 15, 2022
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Starting *today*, U.S. households can order 4 *FREE* rapid tests!!! The steps are easy: 🌟 Visit 🌟 Enter your name and address (and email if you want shipping notifications) 🌟 Tests will start shipping next week Order now to get tests you can use before holiday and new year’s gatherings! 🎉🎉🎉 P.S. If you Read more…
December 15, 2022
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra la influenza?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí. Las vacunas contra la influenza previenen cientos de miles de contagios y salvan miles de vidas año con año. La respuesta a la pregunta “qué tan bien funcionan” no es un tono blanco o negro porque el virus cambia de año en año, e incluso a veces dentro de una misma temporada. Sin embargo, Read more…
December 15, 2022
There are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Bad news! Because the Omicron subvariants of COVID-19 have become dominant in the US, there are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19. The newer circulating variants of COVID-19, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 have taken over, accounting for about 68% of all the circulating COVID-19 virus. This isn’t great news for us. Our last Read more…
December 14, 2022
Is it normal to be extremely anxious six months after having a baby? Everyone tells me it will get better.
Mental Health Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…
A: Not at all! You can make those resolutions happen….well, at least one or two of them. TL; DR: Lots of people set goals (aka resolutions or intentions) around this time of year. When you set your goals, make sure you focus on the what, why, and how. 🫖 Tell me more. Lots of us Read more…
¡Auxilio! Hay escasez de medicamentos para la fiebre. ¿Cómo cuido a mi hijo si tiene fiebre?
Families/Kids Posts en Español Treatments
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
TL:DR: La fiebre suele ser una señal de que el cuerpo está luchando contra una infección o enfermedad. Es una de las formas en que nuestro sistema inmunológico responde a la infección. Los medicamentos para aminorar la fiebre y el dolor, como el paracetamol y el ibuprofeno, son una opción para los niños que se Read more…
December 30, 2022
Any ideas for year-end giving?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Support the science communication work of Those Nerdy Girls! Those Nerdy Girls aren’t going anywhere. While our work was born in a moment of crisis (a really long moment), the need for accessible, practical science is evident now more than ever. This year we’ve expanded our work with a new Reproductive Health squad to Read more…
December 28, 2022
Does the bivalent COVID-19 booster provide better protection against COVID-19?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Yes! The new bivalent booster vaccine does give additional protection against symptomatic COVID-19 infections, reduces emergency department and urgent care visits, and reduces the risk of hospitalization. In September 2022, the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended that all persons aged 12 and up who had already gotten their primary series of Read more…
December 27, 2022
¿Debería vacunarme contra la influenza si ya la tuve durante esta temporada?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Sí! La vacuna contra la influenza protege ante CUATRO cepas. Y por otra parte ¡no querrá volver a contagiarse! TL;DR: Es difícil saber con qué cepa se infectó o cuál será la dominante en los próximos meses. Vacúnese si ya ha tenido influenza o incluso si ha sospechado tenerla. La vacuna actual es “tetravalente”, lo Read more…
December 24, 2022
Feeling the holiday blues?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
💙 Everybody has the blues, sometimes. Almost 50% of us at this time of year, to be specific. The holiday week between 🎄 Christmas and 🎊 New Year’s Day can be a difficult one. Of course some of us have joyful feelings and good memories, but others feel lonely, sad, empty, or not physically well, Read more…
December 24, 2022
✨Les deseamos a usted y a sus seres queridos unas felices fiestas ✨
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Recuerde hacerse una prueba rapida 🧪 antes de reunirse, use una mascarilla 😷 alrededor de las personas que están en riesgo y vacúnese 💉si aún no lo ha hecho. 📮Si aún no lo ha hecho, envíe sus preguntas a nuestro buzón de preguntas. ¡Agradecemos a todos ustedes por estar aquí y ayudar a apoyar nuestra Read more…
December 23, 2022
When during my cycle can I get pregnant?
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Most people are in their “fertile window” from about day 10-17 after the first day of their period, but this can vary a LOT. In people not taking hormonal types of birth control, the uterus and ovaries tend to go through a cycle, trying about once a month to get the body pregnant. The Read more…
December 22, 2022
Prepárese para el frío!
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Será un fin de semana de temperaturas muy bajas y esta gráfica nos guía en cómo podemos prepararnos para este clima invernal extremo que tendremos en EE.UU. Esta gráfica fue creada por el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de Huston-Galveston. Fuente aquí Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 22, 2022
When should I be testing for Covid-19 with so many other respiratory viruses going around?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Megan Madsen, DO
A: It’s still a good idea to test if you have cold symptoms, know you were exposed, or are visiting anyone vulnerable to severe COVID disease. If it feels like everyone you know has had a cold or upper respiratory illness in the last 3 months, Those Nerdy Girls are right there with you. The Read more…
December 21, 2022
¿Existe una manera fácil de averiguar si soy elegible para una vacuna de refuerzo contra el COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Sí, en EE.UU. hay una herramienta útil en línea que le puede indicar si es elegible para un refuerzo en función de su edad, las dosis que ya recibió y si está inmunocomprometido. ✳️ Visite esta página, responda algunas preguntas y descubra si es elegible para el nuevo refuerzo bivalente COVID-19 (que se dirige tanto Read more…
December 21, 2022
How can I stay safe during the holidays?
Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Think in terms of harm reduction. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Just in time for Christmas, COVID is again on the rise. Flu and RSV may be peaking—but remember that there are often as many cases *after* a peak as before it. As we approach the festive season how can Read more…
December 20, 2022
I want to use an effective method of birth control, but how can I pay for it? It can be expensive!
Reproductive Health
If you or someone you know is struggling to pay for contraception, there are many options available. The most effective reversible forms of birth control, the IUD and the Implant, can cost from $400-$1300 if you’re paying out of pocket. While they last for years, that up front cost can be tough. Pills, patches, rings, Read more…
December 19, 2022
What is the contagious period for the flu?
Infectious Diseases Uncategorized
Chana Davis, PhD
People with flu are most contagious in the three to five days after they first feel sick. This is a bit later than COVID-19, which often spreads a day or two before symptoms. You might infect someone as early as a day before or as late as a week after becoming sick, but this is Read more…
December 18, 2022
Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Heidi Schutz, PhD
¡A partir del 15 de diciembre Hogares de EE. UU. pueden ordenar 4 pruebas rápidas GRATUITAS! Los pasos son fáciles: 🌟 Visite a este sitio 🌟 Ingrese su nombre y dirección (y correo electrónico si desea notificaciones de envío) 🌟 Tenga en cuenta que si vive en Puerto Rico, deberá completar la sección denominada urbanización Read more…
December 16, 2022
Can I get contraception through the mail?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Yes! Getting contraception through the mail is a safe and secure alternative to seeking out contraception in person. Getting contraception through the mail is a great alternative to in-person care. It’s easier and faster, especially in areas of the country where women’s health clinics are not widely available. Right now, to get a prescription, Read more…
December 15, 2022
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Starting *today*, U.S. households can order 4 *FREE* rapid tests!!! The steps are easy: 🌟 Visit 🌟 Enter your name and address (and email if you want shipping notifications) 🌟 Tests will start shipping next week Order now to get tests you can use before holiday and new year’s gatherings! 🎉🎉🎉 P.S. If you Read more…
December 15, 2022
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra la influenza?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí. Las vacunas contra la influenza previenen cientos de miles de contagios y salvan miles de vidas año con año. La respuesta a la pregunta “qué tan bien funcionan” no es un tono blanco o negro porque el virus cambia de año en año, e incluso a veces dentro de una misma temporada. Sin embargo, Read more…
December 15, 2022
There are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Bad news! Because the Omicron subvariants of COVID-19 have become dominant in the US, there are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19. The newer circulating variants of COVID-19, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 have taken over, accounting for about 68% of all the circulating COVID-19 virus. This isn’t great news for us. Our last Read more…
December 14, 2022
Is it normal to be extremely anxious six months after having a baby? Everyone tells me it will get better.
Mental Health Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…
TL:DR: La fiebre suele ser una señal de que el cuerpo está luchando contra una infección o enfermedad. Es una de las formas en que nuestro sistema inmunológico responde a la infección. Los medicamentos para aminorar la fiebre y el dolor, como el paracetamol y el ibuprofeno, son una opción para los niños que se Read more…
Any ideas for year-end giving?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Support the science communication work of Those Nerdy Girls! Those Nerdy Girls aren’t going anywhere. While our work was born in a moment of crisis (a really long moment), the need for accessible, practical science is evident now more than ever. This year we’ve expanded our work with a new Reproductive Health squad to Read more…
December 28, 2022
Does the bivalent COVID-19 booster provide better protection against COVID-19?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Yes! The new bivalent booster vaccine does give additional protection against symptomatic COVID-19 infections, reduces emergency department and urgent care visits, and reduces the risk of hospitalization. In September 2022, the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended that all persons aged 12 and up who had already gotten their primary series of Read more…
December 27, 2022
¿Debería vacunarme contra la influenza si ya la tuve durante esta temporada?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Sí! La vacuna contra la influenza protege ante CUATRO cepas. Y por otra parte ¡no querrá volver a contagiarse! TL;DR: Es difícil saber con qué cepa se infectó o cuál será la dominante en los próximos meses. Vacúnese si ya ha tenido influenza o incluso si ha sospechado tenerla. La vacuna actual es “tetravalente”, lo Read more…
December 24, 2022
Feeling the holiday blues?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
💙 Everybody has the blues, sometimes. Almost 50% of us at this time of year, to be specific. The holiday week between 🎄 Christmas and 🎊 New Year’s Day can be a difficult one. Of course some of us have joyful feelings and good memories, but others feel lonely, sad, empty, or not physically well, Read more…
December 24, 2022
✨Les deseamos a usted y a sus seres queridos unas felices fiestas ✨
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Recuerde hacerse una prueba rapida 🧪 antes de reunirse, use una mascarilla 😷 alrededor de las personas que están en riesgo y vacúnese 💉si aún no lo ha hecho. 📮Si aún no lo ha hecho, envíe sus preguntas a nuestro buzón de preguntas. ¡Agradecemos a todos ustedes por estar aquí y ayudar a apoyar nuestra Read more…
December 23, 2022
When during my cycle can I get pregnant?
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Most people are in their “fertile window” from about day 10-17 after the first day of their period, but this can vary a LOT. In people not taking hormonal types of birth control, the uterus and ovaries tend to go through a cycle, trying about once a month to get the body pregnant. The Read more…
December 22, 2022
Prepárese para el frío!
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Será un fin de semana de temperaturas muy bajas y esta gráfica nos guía en cómo podemos prepararnos para este clima invernal extremo que tendremos en EE.UU. Esta gráfica fue creada por el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de Huston-Galveston. Fuente aquí Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 22, 2022
When should I be testing for Covid-19 with so many other respiratory viruses going around?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Megan Madsen, DO
A: It’s still a good idea to test if you have cold symptoms, know you were exposed, or are visiting anyone vulnerable to severe COVID disease. If it feels like everyone you know has had a cold or upper respiratory illness in the last 3 months, Those Nerdy Girls are right there with you. The Read more…
December 21, 2022
¿Existe una manera fácil de averiguar si soy elegible para una vacuna de refuerzo contra el COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Sí, en EE.UU. hay una herramienta útil en línea que le puede indicar si es elegible para un refuerzo en función de su edad, las dosis que ya recibió y si está inmunocomprometido. ✳️ Visite esta página, responda algunas preguntas y descubra si es elegible para el nuevo refuerzo bivalente COVID-19 (que se dirige tanto Read more…
December 21, 2022
How can I stay safe during the holidays?
Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Think in terms of harm reduction. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Just in time for Christmas, COVID is again on the rise. Flu and RSV may be peaking—but remember that there are often as many cases *after* a peak as before it. As we approach the festive season how can Read more…
December 20, 2022
I want to use an effective method of birth control, but how can I pay for it? It can be expensive!
Reproductive Health
If you or someone you know is struggling to pay for contraception, there are many options available. The most effective reversible forms of birth control, the IUD and the Implant, can cost from $400-$1300 if you’re paying out of pocket. While they last for years, that up front cost can be tough. Pills, patches, rings, Read more…
December 19, 2022
What is the contagious period for the flu?
Infectious Diseases Uncategorized
Chana Davis, PhD
People with flu are most contagious in the three to five days after they first feel sick. This is a bit later than COVID-19, which often spreads a day or two before symptoms. You might infect someone as early as a day before or as late as a week after becoming sick, but this is Read more…
December 18, 2022
Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Heidi Schutz, PhD
¡A partir del 15 de diciembre Hogares de EE. UU. pueden ordenar 4 pruebas rápidas GRATUITAS! Los pasos son fáciles: 🌟 Visite a este sitio 🌟 Ingrese su nombre y dirección (y correo electrónico si desea notificaciones de envío) 🌟 Tenga en cuenta que si vive en Puerto Rico, deberá completar la sección denominada urbanización Read more…
December 16, 2022
Can I get contraception through the mail?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Yes! Getting contraception through the mail is a safe and secure alternative to seeking out contraception in person. Getting contraception through the mail is a great alternative to in-person care. It’s easier and faster, especially in areas of the country where women’s health clinics are not widely available. Right now, to get a prescription, Read more…
December 15, 2022
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Starting *today*, U.S. households can order 4 *FREE* rapid tests!!! The steps are easy: 🌟 Visit 🌟 Enter your name and address (and email if you want shipping notifications) 🌟 Tests will start shipping next week Order now to get tests you can use before holiday and new year’s gatherings! 🎉🎉🎉 P.S. If you Read more…
December 15, 2022
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra la influenza?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí. Las vacunas contra la influenza previenen cientos de miles de contagios y salvan miles de vidas año con año. La respuesta a la pregunta “qué tan bien funcionan” no es un tono blanco o negro porque el virus cambia de año en año, e incluso a veces dentro de una misma temporada. Sin embargo, Read more…
December 15, 2022
There are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Bad news! Because the Omicron subvariants of COVID-19 have become dominant in the US, there are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19. The newer circulating variants of COVID-19, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 have taken over, accounting for about 68% of all the circulating COVID-19 virus. This isn’t great news for us. Our last Read more…
December 14, 2022
Is it normal to be extremely anxious six months after having a baby? Everyone tells me it will get better.
Mental Health Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…
A: Support the science communication work of Those Nerdy Girls! Those Nerdy Girls aren’t going anywhere. While our work was born in a moment of crisis (a really long moment), the need for accessible, practical science is evident now more than ever. This year we’ve expanded our work with a new Reproductive Health squad to Read more…
Does the bivalent COVID-19 booster provide better protection against COVID-19?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Yes! The new bivalent booster vaccine does give additional protection against symptomatic COVID-19 infections, reduces emergency department and urgent care visits, and reduces the risk of hospitalization. In September 2022, the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended that all persons aged 12 and up who had already gotten their primary series of Read more…
December 27, 2022
¿Debería vacunarme contra la influenza si ya la tuve durante esta temporada?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Sí! La vacuna contra la influenza protege ante CUATRO cepas. Y por otra parte ¡no querrá volver a contagiarse! TL;DR: Es difícil saber con qué cepa se infectó o cuál será la dominante en los próximos meses. Vacúnese si ya ha tenido influenza o incluso si ha sospechado tenerla. La vacuna actual es “tetravalente”, lo Read more…
December 24, 2022
Feeling the holiday blues?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
💙 Everybody has the blues, sometimes. Almost 50% of us at this time of year, to be specific. The holiday week between 🎄 Christmas and 🎊 New Year’s Day can be a difficult one. Of course some of us have joyful feelings and good memories, but others feel lonely, sad, empty, or not physically well, Read more…
December 24, 2022
✨Les deseamos a usted y a sus seres queridos unas felices fiestas ✨
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Recuerde hacerse una prueba rapida 🧪 antes de reunirse, use una mascarilla 😷 alrededor de las personas que están en riesgo y vacúnese 💉si aún no lo ha hecho. 📮Si aún no lo ha hecho, envíe sus preguntas a nuestro buzón de preguntas. ¡Agradecemos a todos ustedes por estar aquí y ayudar a apoyar nuestra Read more…
December 23, 2022
When during my cycle can I get pregnant?
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Most people are in their “fertile window” from about day 10-17 after the first day of their period, but this can vary a LOT. In people not taking hormonal types of birth control, the uterus and ovaries tend to go through a cycle, trying about once a month to get the body pregnant. The Read more…
December 22, 2022
Prepárese para el frío!
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Será un fin de semana de temperaturas muy bajas y esta gráfica nos guía en cómo podemos prepararnos para este clima invernal extremo que tendremos en EE.UU. Esta gráfica fue creada por el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de Huston-Galveston. Fuente aquí Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 22, 2022
When should I be testing for Covid-19 with so many other respiratory viruses going around?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Megan Madsen, DO
A: It’s still a good idea to test if you have cold symptoms, know you were exposed, or are visiting anyone vulnerable to severe COVID disease. If it feels like everyone you know has had a cold or upper respiratory illness in the last 3 months, Those Nerdy Girls are right there with you. The Read more…
December 21, 2022
¿Existe una manera fácil de averiguar si soy elegible para una vacuna de refuerzo contra el COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Sí, en EE.UU. hay una herramienta útil en línea que le puede indicar si es elegible para un refuerzo en función de su edad, las dosis que ya recibió y si está inmunocomprometido. ✳️ Visite esta página, responda algunas preguntas y descubra si es elegible para el nuevo refuerzo bivalente COVID-19 (que se dirige tanto Read more…
December 21, 2022
How can I stay safe during the holidays?
Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Think in terms of harm reduction. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Just in time for Christmas, COVID is again on the rise. Flu and RSV may be peaking—but remember that there are often as many cases *after* a peak as before it. As we approach the festive season how can Read more…
December 20, 2022
I want to use an effective method of birth control, but how can I pay for it? It can be expensive!
Reproductive Health
If you or someone you know is struggling to pay for contraception, there are many options available. The most effective reversible forms of birth control, the IUD and the Implant, can cost from $400-$1300 if you’re paying out of pocket. While they last for years, that up front cost can be tough. Pills, patches, rings, Read more…
December 19, 2022
What is the contagious period for the flu?
Infectious Diseases Uncategorized
Chana Davis, PhD
People with flu are most contagious in the three to five days after they first feel sick. This is a bit later than COVID-19, which often spreads a day or two before symptoms. You might infect someone as early as a day before or as late as a week after becoming sick, but this is Read more…
December 18, 2022
Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Heidi Schutz, PhD
¡A partir del 15 de diciembre Hogares de EE. UU. pueden ordenar 4 pruebas rápidas GRATUITAS! Los pasos son fáciles: 🌟 Visite a este sitio 🌟 Ingrese su nombre y dirección (y correo electrónico si desea notificaciones de envío) 🌟 Tenga en cuenta que si vive en Puerto Rico, deberá completar la sección denominada urbanización Read more…
December 16, 2022
Can I get contraception through the mail?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Yes! Getting contraception through the mail is a safe and secure alternative to seeking out contraception in person. Getting contraception through the mail is a great alternative to in-person care. It’s easier and faster, especially in areas of the country where women’s health clinics are not widely available. Right now, to get a prescription, Read more…
December 15, 2022
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Starting *today*, U.S. households can order 4 *FREE* rapid tests!!! The steps are easy: 🌟 Visit 🌟 Enter your name and address (and email if you want shipping notifications) 🌟 Tests will start shipping next week Order now to get tests you can use before holiday and new year’s gatherings! 🎉🎉🎉 P.S. If you Read more…
December 15, 2022
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra la influenza?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí. Las vacunas contra la influenza previenen cientos de miles de contagios y salvan miles de vidas año con año. La respuesta a la pregunta “qué tan bien funcionan” no es un tono blanco o negro porque el virus cambia de año en año, e incluso a veces dentro de una misma temporada. Sin embargo, Read more…
December 15, 2022
There are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Bad news! Because the Omicron subvariants of COVID-19 have become dominant in the US, there are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19. The newer circulating variants of COVID-19, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 have taken over, accounting for about 68% of all the circulating COVID-19 virus. This isn’t great news for us. Our last Read more…
December 14, 2022
Is it normal to be extremely anxious six months after having a baby? Everyone tells me it will get better.
Mental Health Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…
TL;DR: Yes! The new bivalent booster vaccine does give additional protection against symptomatic COVID-19 infections, reduces emergency department and urgent care visits, and reduces the risk of hospitalization. In September 2022, the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended that all persons aged 12 and up who had already gotten their primary series of Read more…
¿Debería vacunarme contra la influenza si ya la tuve durante esta temporada?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Sí! La vacuna contra la influenza protege ante CUATRO cepas. Y por otra parte ¡no querrá volver a contagiarse! TL;DR: Es difícil saber con qué cepa se infectó o cuál será la dominante en los próximos meses. Vacúnese si ya ha tenido influenza o incluso si ha sospechado tenerla. La vacuna actual es “tetravalente”, lo Read more…
December 24, 2022
Feeling the holiday blues?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
💙 Everybody has the blues, sometimes. Almost 50% of us at this time of year, to be specific. The holiday week between 🎄 Christmas and 🎊 New Year’s Day can be a difficult one. Of course some of us have joyful feelings and good memories, but others feel lonely, sad, empty, or not physically well, Read more…
December 24, 2022
✨Les deseamos a usted y a sus seres queridos unas felices fiestas ✨
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Recuerde hacerse una prueba rapida 🧪 antes de reunirse, use una mascarilla 😷 alrededor de las personas que están en riesgo y vacúnese 💉si aún no lo ha hecho. 📮Si aún no lo ha hecho, envíe sus preguntas a nuestro buzón de preguntas. ¡Agradecemos a todos ustedes por estar aquí y ayudar a apoyar nuestra Read more…
December 23, 2022
When during my cycle can I get pregnant?
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Most people are in their “fertile window” from about day 10-17 after the first day of their period, but this can vary a LOT. In people not taking hormonal types of birth control, the uterus and ovaries tend to go through a cycle, trying about once a month to get the body pregnant. The Read more…
December 22, 2022
Prepárese para el frío!
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Será un fin de semana de temperaturas muy bajas y esta gráfica nos guía en cómo podemos prepararnos para este clima invernal extremo que tendremos en EE.UU. Esta gráfica fue creada por el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de Huston-Galveston. Fuente aquí Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 22, 2022
When should I be testing for Covid-19 with so many other respiratory viruses going around?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Megan Madsen, DO
A: It’s still a good idea to test if you have cold symptoms, know you were exposed, or are visiting anyone vulnerable to severe COVID disease. If it feels like everyone you know has had a cold or upper respiratory illness in the last 3 months, Those Nerdy Girls are right there with you. The Read more…
December 21, 2022
¿Existe una manera fácil de averiguar si soy elegible para una vacuna de refuerzo contra el COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Sí, en EE.UU. hay una herramienta útil en línea que le puede indicar si es elegible para un refuerzo en función de su edad, las dosis que ya recibió y si está inmunocomprometido. ✳️ Visite esta página, responda algunas preguntas y descubra si es elegible para el nuevo refuerzo bivalente COVID-19 (que se dirige tanto Read more…
December 21, 2022
How can I stay safe during the holidays?
Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Think in terms of harm reduction. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Just in time for Christmas, COVID is again on the rise. Flu and RSV may be peaking—but remember that there are often as many cases *after* a peak as before it. As we approach the festive season how can Read more…
December 20, 2022
I want to use an effective method of birth control, but how can I pay for it? It can be expensive!
Reproductive Health
If you or someone you know is struggling to pay for contraception, there are many options available. The most effective reversible forms of birth control, the IUD and the Implant, can cost from $400-$1300 if you’re paying out of pocket. While they last for years, that up front cost can be tough. Pills, patches, rings, Read more…
December 19, 2022
What is the contagious period for the flu?
Infectious Diseases Uncategorized
Chana Davis, PhD
People with flu are most contagious in the three to five days after they first feel sick. This is a bit later than COVID-19, which often spreads a day or two before symptoms. You might infect someone as early as a day before or as late as a week after becoming sick, but this is Read more…
December 18, 2022
Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Heidi Schutz, PhD
¡A partir del 15 de diciembre Hogares de EE. UU. pueden ordenar 4 pruebas rápidas GRATUITAS! Los pasos son fáciles: 🌟 Visite a este sitio 🌟 Ingrese su nombre y dirección (y correo electrónico si desea notificaciones de envío) 🌟 Tenga en cuenta que si vive en Puerto Rico, deberá completar la sección denominada urbanización Read more…
December 16, 2022
Can I get contraception through the mail?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Yes! Getting contraception through the mail is a safe and secure alternative to seeking out contraception in person. Getting contraception through the mail is a great alternative to in-person care. It’s easier and faster, especially in areas of the country where women’s health clinics are not widely available. Right now, to get a prescription, Read more…
December 15, 2022
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Starting *today*, U.S. households can order 4 *FREE* rapid tests!!! The steps are easy: 🌟 Visit 🌟 Enter your name and address (and email if you want shipping notifications) 🌟 Tests will start shipping next week Order now to get tests you can use before holiday and new year’s gatherings! 🎉🎉🎉 P.S. If you Read more…
December 15, 2022
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra la influenza?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí. Las vacunas contra la influenza previenen cientos de miles de contagios y salvan miles de vidas año con año. La respuesta a la pregunta “qué tan bien funcionan” no es un tono blanco o negro porque el virus cambia de año en año, e incluso a veces dentro de una misma temporada. Sin embargo, Read more…
December 15, 2022
There are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Bad news! Because the Omicron subvariants of COVID-19 have become dominant in the US, there are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19. The newer circulating variants of COVID-19, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 have taken over, accounting for about 68% of all the circulating COVID-19 virus. This isn’t great news for us. Our last Read more…
December 14, 2022
Is it normal to be extremely anxious six months after having a baby? Everyone tells me it will get better.
Mental Health Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…
¡Sí! La vacuna contra la influenza protege ante CUATRO cepas. Y por otra parte ¡no querrá volver a contagiarse! TL;DR: Es difícil saber con qué cepa se infectó o cuál será la dominante en los próximos meses. Vacúnese si ya ha tenido influenza o incluso si ha sospechado tenerla. La vacuna actual es “tetravalente”, lo Read more…
Feeling the holiday blues?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
💙 Everybody has the blues, sometimes. Almost 50% of us at this time of year, to be specific. The holiday week between 🎄 Christmas and 🎊 New Year’s Day can be a difficult one. Of course some of us have joyful feelings and good memories, but others feel lonely, sad, empty, or not physically well, Read more…
December 24, 2022
✨Les deseamos a usted y a sus seres queridos unas felices fiestas ✨
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Recuerde hacerse una prueba rapida 🧪 antes de reunirse, use una mascarilla 😷 alrededor de las personas que están en riesgo y vacúnese 💉si aún no lo ha hecho. 📮Si aún no lo ha hecho, envíe sus preguntas a nuestro buzón de preguntas. ¡Agradecemos a todos ustedes por estar aquí y ayudar a apoyar nuestra Read more…
December 23, 2022
When during my cycle can I get pregnant?
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Most people are in their “fertile window” from about day 10-17 after the first day of their period, but this can vary a LOT. In people not taking hormonal types of birth control, the uterus and ovaries tend to go through a cycle, trying about once a month to get the body pregnant. The Read more…
December 22, 2022
Prepárese para el frío!
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Será un fin de semana de temperaturas muy bajas y esta gráfica nos guía en cómo podemos prepararnos para este clima invernal extremo que tendremos en EE.UU. Esta gráfica fue creada por el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de Huston-Galveston. Fuente aquí Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 22, 2022
When should I be testing for Covid-19 with so many other respiratory viruses going around?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Megan Madsen, DO
A: It’s still a good idea to test if you have cold symptoms, know you were exposed, or are visiting anyone vulnerable to severe COVID disease. If it feels like everyone you know has had a cold or upper respiratory illness in the last 3 months, Those Nerdy Girls are right there with you. The Read more…
December 21, 2022
¿Existe una manera fácil de averiguar si soy elegible para una vacuna de refuerzo contra el COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Sí, en EE.UU. hay una herramienta útil en línea que le puede indicar si es elegible para un refuerzo en función de su edad, las dosis que ya recibió y si está inmunocomprometido. ✳️ Visite esta página, responda algunas preguntas y descubra si es elegible para el nuevo refuerzo bivalente COVID-19 (que se dirige tanto Read more…
December 21, 2022
How can I stay safe during the holidays?
Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Think in terms of harm reduction. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Just in time for Christmas, COVID is again on the rise. Flu and RSV may be peaking—but remember that there are often as many cases *after* a peak as before it. As we approach the festive season how can Read more…
December 20, 2022
I want to use an effective method of birth control, but how can I pay for it? It can be expensive!
Reproductive Health
If you or someone you know is struggling to pay for contraception, there are many options available. The most effective reversible forms of birth control, the IUD and the Implant, can cost from $400-$1300 if you’re paying out of pocket. While they last for years, that up front cost can be tough. Pills, patches, rings, Read more…
December 19, 2022
What is the contagious period for the flu?
Infectious Diseases Uncategorized
Chana Davis, PhD
People with flu are most contagious in the three to five days after they first feel sick. This is a bit later than COVID-19, which often spreads a day or two before symptoms. You might infect someone as early as a day before or as late as a week after becoming sick, but this is Read more…
December 18, 2022
Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Heidi Schutz, PhD
¡A partir del 15 de diciembre Hogares de EE. UU. pueden ordenar 4 pruebas rápidas GRATUITAS! Los pasos son fáciles: 🌟 Visite a este sitio 🌟 Ingrese su nombre y dirección (y correo electrónico si desea notificaciones de envío) 🌟 Tenga en cuenta que si vive en Puerto Rico, deberá completar la sección denominada urbanización Read more…
December 16, 2022
Can I get contraception through the mail?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Yes! Getting contraception through the mail is a safe and secure alternative to seeking out contraception in person. Getting contraception through the mail is a great alternative to in-person care. It’s easier and faster, especially in areas of the country where women’s health clinics are not widely available. Right now, to get a prescription, Read more…
December 15, 2022
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Starting *today*, U.S. households can order 4 *FREE* rapid tests!!! The steps are easy: 🌟 Visit 🌟 Enter your name and address (and email if you want shipping notifications) 🌟 Tests will start shipping next week Order now to get tests you can use before holiday and new year’s gatherings! 🎉🎉🎉 P.S. If you Read more…
December 15, 2022
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra la influenza?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí. Las vacunas contra la influenza previenen cientos de miles de contagios y salvan miles de vidas año con año. La respuesta a la pregunta “qué tan bien funcionan” no es un tono blanco o negro porque el virus cambia de año en año, e incluso a veces dentro de una misma temporada. Sin embargo, Read more…
December 15, 2022
There are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Bad news! Because the Omicron subvariants of COVID-19 have become dominant in the US, there are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19. The newer circulating variants of COVID-19, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 have taken over, accounting for about 68% of all the circulating COVID-19 virus. This isn’t great news for us. Our last Read more…
December 14, 2022
Is it normal to be extremely anxious six months after having a baby? Everyone tells me it will get better.
Mental Health Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…
💙 Everybody has the blues, sometimes. Almost 50% of us at this time of year, to be specific. The holiday week between 🎄 Christmas and 🎊 New Year’s Day can be a difficult one. Of course some of us have joyful feelings and good memories, but others feel lonely, sad, empty, or not physically well, Read more…
✨Les deseamos a usted y a sus seres queridos unas felices fiestas ✨
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Recuerde hacerse una prueba rapida 🧪 antes de reunirse, use una mascarilla 😷 alrededor de las personas que están en riesgo y vacúnese 💉si aún no lo ha hecho. 📮Si aún no lo ha hecho, envíe sus preguntas a nuestro buzón de preguntas. ¡Agradecemos a todos ustedes por estar aquí y ayudar a apoyar nuestra Read more…
December 23, 2022
When during my cycle can I get pregnant?
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Most people are in their “fertile window” from about day 10-17 after the first day of their period, but this can vary a LOT. In people not taking hormonal types of birth control, the uterus and ovaries tend to go through a cycle, trying about once a month to get the body pregnant. The Read more…
December 22, 2022
Prepárese para el frío!
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Será un fin de semana de temperaturas muy bajas y esta gráfica nos guía en cómo podemos prepararnos para este clima invernal extremo que tendremos en EE.UU. Esta gráfica fue creada por el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de Huston-Galveston. Fuente aquí Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 22, 2022
When should I be testing for Covid-19 with so many other respiratory viruses going around?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Megan Madsen, DO
A: It’s still a good idea to test if you have cold symptoms, know you were exposed, or are visiting anyone vulnerable to severe COVID disease. If it feels like everyone you know has had a cold or upper respiratory illness in the last 3 months, Those Nerdy Girls are right there with you. The Read more…
December 21, 2022
¿Existe una manera fácil de averiguar si soy elegible para una vacuna de refuerzo contra el COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Sí, en EE.UU. hay una herramienta útil en línea que le puede indicar si es elegible para un refuerzo en función de su edad, las dosis que ya recibió y si está inmunocomprometido. ✳️ Visite esta página, responda algunas preguntas y descubra si es elegible para el nuevo refuerzo bivalente COVID-19 (que se dirige tanto Read more…
December 21, 2022
How can I stay safe during the holidays?
Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Think in terms of harm reduction. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Just in time for Christmas, COVID is again on the rise. Flu and RSV may be peaking—but remember that there are often as many cases *after* a peak as before it. As we approach the festive season how can Read more…
December 20, 2022
I want to use an effective method of birth control, but how can I pay for it? It can be expensive!
Reproductive Health
If you or someone you know is struggling to pay for contraception, there are many options available. The most effective reversible forms of birth control, the IUD and the Implant, can cost from $400-$1300 if you’re paying out of pocket. While they last for years, that up front cost can be tough. Pills, patches, rings, Read more…
December 19, 2022
What is the contagious period for the flu?
Infectious Diseases Uncategorized
Chana Davis, PhD
People with flu are most contagious in the three to five days after they first feel sick. This is a bit later than COVID-19, which often spreads a day or two before symptoms. You might infect someone as early as a day before or as late as a week after becoming sick, but this is Read more…
December 18, 2022
Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Heidi Schutz, PhD
¡A partir del 15 de diciembre Hogares de EE. UU. pueden ordenar 4 pruebas rápidas GRATUITAS! Los pasos son fáciles: 🌟 Visite a este sitio 🌟 Ingrese su nombre y dirección (y correo electrónico si desea notificaciones de envío) 🌟 Tenga en cuenta que si vive en Puerto Rico, deberá completar la sección denominada urbanización Read more…
December 16, 2022
Can I get contraception through the mail?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Yes! Getting contraception through the mail is a safe and secure alternative to seeking out contraception in person. Getting contraception through the mail is a great alternative to in-person care. It’s easier and faster, especially in areas of the country where women’s health clinics are not widely available. Right now, to get a prescription, Read more…
December 15, 2022
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Starting *today*, U.S. households can order 4 *FREE* rapid tests!!! The steps are easy: 🌟 Visit 🌟 Enter your name and address (and email if you want shipping notifications) 🌟 Tests will start shipping next week Order now to get tests you can use before holiday and new year’s gatherings! 🎉🎉🎉 P.S. If you Read more…
December 15, 2022
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra la influenza?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí. Las vacunas contra la influenza previenen cientos de miles de contagios y salvan miles de vidas año con año. La respuesta a la pregunta “qué tan bien funcionan” no es un tono blanco o negro porque el virus cambia de año en año, e incluso a veces dentro de una misma temporada. Sin embargo, Read more…
December 15, 2022
There are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Bad news! Because the Omicron subvariants of COVID-19 have become dominant in the US, there are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19. The newer circulating variants of COVID-19, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 have taken over, accounting for about 68% of all the circulating COVID-19 virus. This isn’t great news for us. Our last Read more…
December 14, 2022
Is it normal to be extremely anxious six months after having a baby? Everyone tells me it will get better.
Mental Health Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…
Recuerde hacerse una prueba rapida 🧪 antes de reunirse, use una mascarilla 😷 alrededor de las personas que están en riesgo y vacúnese 💉si aún no lo ha hecho. 📮Si aún no lo ha hecho, envíe sus preguntas a nuestro buzón de preguntas. ¡Agradecemos a todos ustedes por estar aquí y ayudar a apoyar nuestra Read more…
When during my cycle can I get pregnant?
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Most people are in their “fertile window” from about day 10-17 after the first day of their period, but this can vary a LOT. In people not taking hormonal types of birth control, the uterus and ovaries tend to go through a cycle, trying about once a month to get the body pregnant. The Read more…
December 22, 2022
Prepárese para el frío!
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Será un fin de semana de temperaturas muy bajas y esta gráfica nos guía en cómo podemos prepararnos para este clima invernal extremo que tendremos en EE.UU. Esta gráfica fue creada por el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de Huston-Galveston. Fuente aquí Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 22, 2022
When should I be testing for Covid-19 with so many other respiratory viruses going around?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Megan Madsen, DO
A: It’s still a good idea to test if you have cold symptoms, know you were exposed, or are visiting anyone vulnerable to severe COVID disease. If it feels like everyone you know has had a cold or upper respiratory illness in the last 3 months, Those Nerdy Girls are right there with you. The Read more…
December 21, 2022
¿Existe una manera fácil de averiguar si soy elegible para una vacuna de refuerzo contra el COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Sí, en EE.UU. hay una herramienta útil en línea que le puede indicar si es elegible para un refuerzo en función de su edad, las dosis que ya recibió y si está inmunocomprometido. ✳️ Visite esta página, responda algunas preguntas y descubra si es elegible para el nuevo refuerzo bivalente COVID-19 (que se dirige tanto Read more…
December 21, 2022
How can I stay safe during the holidays?
Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Think in terms of harm reduction. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Just in time for Christmas, COVID is again on the rise. Flu and RSV may be peaking—but remember that there are often as many cases *after* a peak as before it. As we approach the festive season how can Read more…
December 20, 2022
I want to use an effective method of birth control, but how can I pay for it? It can be expensive!
Reproductive Health
If you or someone you know is struggling to pay for contraception, there are many options available. The most effective reversible forms of birth control, the IUD and the Implant, can cost from $400-$1300 if you’re paying out of pocket. While they last for years, that up front cost can be tough. Pills, patches, rings, Read more…
December 19, 2022
What is the contagious period for the flu?
Infectious Diseases Uncategorized
Chana Davis, PhD
People with flu are most contagious in the three to five days after they first feel sick. This is a bit later than COVID-19, which often spreads a day or two before symptoms. You might infect someone as early as a day before or as late as a week after becoming sick, but this is Read more…
December 18, 2022
Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Heidi Schutz, PhD
¡A partir del 15 de diciembre Hogares de EE. UU. pueden ordenar 4 pruebas rápidas GRATUITAS! Los pasos son fáciles: 🌟 Visite a este sitio 🌟 Ingrese su nombre y dirección (y correo electrónico si desea notificaciones de envío) 🌟 Tenga en cuenta que si vive en Puerto Rico, deberá completar la sección denominada urbanización Read more…
December 16, 2022
Can I get contraception through the mail?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Yes! Getting contraception through the mail is a safe and secure alternative to seeking out contraception in person. Getting contraception through the mail is a great alternative to in-person care. It’s easier and faster, especially in areas of the country where women’s health clinics are not widely available. Right now, to get a prescription, Read more…
December 15, 2022
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Starting *today*, U.S. households can order 4 *FREE* rapid tests!!! The steps are easy: 🌟 Visit 🌟 Enter your name and address (and email if you want shipping notifications) 🌟 Tests will start shipping next week Order now to get tests you can use before holiday and new year’s gatherings! 🎉🎉🎉 P.S. If you Read more…
December 15, 2022
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra la influenza?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí. Las vacunas contra la influenza previenen cientos de miles de contagios y salvan miles de vidas año con año. La respuesta a la pregunta “qué tan bien funcionan” no es un tono blanco o negro porque el virus cambia de año en año, e incluso a veces dentro de una misma temporada. Sin embargo, Read more…
December 15, 2022
There are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Bad news! Because the Omicron subvariants of COVID-19 have become dominant in the US, there are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19. The newer circulating variants of COVID-19, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 have taken over, accounting for about 68% of all the circulating COVID-19 virus. This isn’t great news for us. Our last Read more…
December 14, 2022
Is it normal to be extremely anxious six months after having a baby? Everyone tells me it will get better.
Mental Health Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…
A: Most people are in their “fertile window” from about day 10-17 after the first day of their period, but this can vary a LOT. In people not taking hormonal types of birth control, the uterus and ovaries tend to go through a cycle, trying about once a month to get the body pregnant. The Read more…
Prepárese para el frío!
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Será un fin de semana de temperaturas muy bajas y esta gráfica nos guía en cómo podemos prepararnos para este clima invernal extremo que tendremos en EE.UU. Esta gráfica fue creada por el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de Huston-Galveston. Fuente aquí Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 22, 2022
When should I be testing for Covid-19 with so many other respiratory viruses going around?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Megan Madsen, DO
A: It’s still a good idea to test if you have cold symptoms, know you were exposed, or are visiting anyone vulnerable to severe COVID disease. If it feels like everyone you know has had a cold or upper respiratory illness in the last 3 months, Those Nerdy Girls are right there with you. The Read more…
December 21, 2022
¿Existe una manera fácil de averiguar si soy elegible para una vacuna de refuerzo contra el COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Sí, en EE.UU. hay una herramienta útil en línea que le puede indicar si es elegible para un refuerzo en función de su edad, las dosis que ya recibió y si está inmunocomprometido. ✳️ Visite esta página, responda algunas preguntas y descubra si es elegible para el nuevo refuerzo bivalente COVID-19 (que se dirige tanto Read more…
December 21, 2022
How can I stay safe during the holidays?
Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Think in terms of harm reduction. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Just in time for Christmas, COVID is again on the rise. Flu and RSV may be peaking—but remember that there are often as many cases *after* a peak as before it. As we approach the festive season how can Read more…
December 20, 2022
I want to use an effective method of birth control, but how can I pay for it? It can be expensive!
Reproductive Health
If you or someone you know is struggling to pay for contraception, there are many options available. The most effective reversible forms of birth control, the IUD and the Implant, can cost from $400-$1300 if you’re paying out of pocket. While they last for years, that up front cost can be tough. Pills, patches, rings, Read more…
December 19, 2022
What is the contagious period for the flu?
Infectious Diseases Uncategorized
Chana Davis, PhD
People with flu are most contagious in the three to five days after they first feel sick. This is a bit later than COVID-19, which often spreads a day or two before symptoms. You might infect someone as early as a day before or as late as a week after becoming sick, but this is Read more…
December 18, 2022
Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Heidi Schutz, PhD
¡A partir del 15 de diciembre Hogares de EE. UU. pueden ordenar 4 pruebas rápidas GRATUITAS! Los pasos son fáciles: 🌟 Visite a este sitio 🌟 Ingrese su nombre y dirección (y correo electrónico si desea notificaciones de envío) 🌟 Tenga en cuenta que si vive en Puerto Rico, deberá completar la sección denominada urbanización Read more…
December 16, 2022
Can I get contraception through the mail?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Yes! Getting contraception through the mail is a safe and secure alternative to seeking out contraception in person. Getting contraception through the mail is a great alternative to in-person care. It’s easier and faster, especially in areas of the country where women’s health clinics are not widely available. Right now, to get a prescription, Read more…
December 15, 2022
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Starting *today*, U.S. households can order 4 *FREE* rapid tests!!! The steps are easy: 🌟 Visit 🌟 Enter your name and address (and email if you want shipping notifications) 🌟 Tests will start shipping next week Order now to get tests you can use before holiday and new year’s gatherings! 🎉🎉🎉 P.S. If you Read more…
December 15, 2022
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra la influenza?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí. Las vacunas contra la influenza previenen cientos de miles de contagios y salvan miles de vidas año con año. La respuesta a la pregunta “qué tan bien funcionan” no es un tono blanco o negro porque el virus cambia de año en año, e incluso a veces dentro de una misma temporada. Sin embargo, Read more…
December 15, 2022
There are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Bad news! Because the Omicron subvariants of COVID-19 have become dominant in the US, there are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19. The newer circulating variants of COVID-19, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 have taken over, accounting for about 68% of all the circulating COVID-19 virus. This isn’t great news for us. Our last Read more…
December 14, 2022
Is it normal to be extremely anxious six months after having a baby? Everyone tells me it will get better.
Mental Health Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…
Será un fin de semana de temperaturas muy bajas y esta gráfica nos guía en cómo podemos prepararnos para este clima invernal extremo que tendremos en EE.UU. Esta gráfica fue creada por el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de Huston-Galveston. Fuente aquí Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
When should I be testing for Covid-19 with so many other respiratory viruses going around?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Megan Madsen, DO
A: It’s still a good idea to test if you have cold symptoms, know you were exposed, or are visiting anyone vulnerable to severe COVID disease. If it feels like everyone you know has had a cold or upper respiratory illness in the last 3 months, Those Nerdy Girls are right there with you. The Read more…
December 21, 2022
¿Existe una manera fácil de averiguar si soy elegible para una vacuna de refuerzo contra el COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Sí, en EE.UU. hay una herramienta útil en línea que le puede indicar si es elegible para un refuerzo en función de su edad, las dosis que ya recibió y si está inmunocomprometido. ✳️ Visite esta página, responda algunas preguntas y descubra si es elegible para el nuevo refuerzo bivalente COVID-19 (que se dirige tanto Read more…
December 21, 2022
How can I stay safe during the holidays?
Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Think in terms of harm reduction. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Just in time for Christmas, COVID is again on the rise. Flu and RSV may be peaking—but remember that there are often as many cases *after* a peak as before it. As we approach the festive season how can Read more…
December 20, 2022
I want to use an effective method of birth control, but how can I pay for it? It can be expensive!
Reproductive Health
If you or someone you know is struggling to pay for contraception, there are many options available. The most effective reversible forms of birth control, the IUD and the Implant, can cost from $400-$1300 if you’re paying out of pocket. While they last for years, that up front cost can be tough. Pills, patches, rings, Read more…
December 19, 2022
What is the contagious period for the flu?
Infectious Diseases Uncategorized
Chana Davis, PhD
People with flu are most contagious in the three to five days after they first feel sick. This is a bit later than COVID-19, which often spreads a day or two before symptoms. You might infect someone as early as a day before or as late as a week after becoming sick, but this is Read more…
December 18, 2022
Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Heidi Schutz, PhD
¡A partir del 15 de diciembre Hogares de EE. UU. pueden ordenar 4 pruebas rápidas GRATUITAS! Los pasos son fáciles: 🌟 Visite a este sitio 🌟 Ingrese su nombre y dirección (y correo electrónico si desea notificaciones de envío) 🌟 Tenga en cuenta que si vive en Puerto Rico, deberá completar la sección denominada urbanización Read more…
December 16, 2022
Can I get contraception through the mail?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Yes! Getting contraception through the mail is a safe and secure alternative to seeking out contraception in person. Getting contraception through the mail is a great alternative to in-person care. It’s easier and faster, especially in areas of the country where women’s health clinics are not widely available. Right now, to get a prescription, Read more…
December 15, 2022
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Starting *today*, U.S. households can order 4 *FREE* rapid tests!!! The steps are easy: 🌟 Visit 🌟 Enter your name and address (and email if you want shipping notifications) 🌟 Tests will start shipping next week Order now to get tests you can use before holiday and new year’s gatherings! 🎉🎉🎉 P.S. If you Read more…
December 15, 2022
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra la influenza?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí. Las vacunas contra la influenza previenen cientos de miles de contagios y salvan miles de vidas año con año. La respuesta a la pregunta “qué tan bien funcionan” no es un tono blanco o negro porque el virus cambia de año en año, e incluso a veces dentro de una misma temporada. Sin embargo, Read more…
December 15, 2022
There are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Bad news! Because the Omicron subvariants of COVID-19 have become dominant in the US, there are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19. The newer circulating variants of COVID-19, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 have taken over, accounting for about 68% of all the circulating COVID-19 virus. This isn’t great news for us. Our last Read more…
December 14, 2022
Is it normal to be extremely anxious six months after having a baby? Everyone tells me it will get better.
Mental Health Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…
A: It’s still a good idea to test if you have cold symptoms, know you were exposed, or are visiting anyone vulnerable to severe COVID disease. If it feels like everyone you know has had a cold or upper respiratory illness in the last 3 months, Those Nerdy Girls are right there with you. The Read more…
¿Existe una manera fácil de averiguar si soy elegible para una vacuna de refuerzo contra el COVID-19 en EE.UU.?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Sí, en EE.UU. hay una herramienta útil en línea que le puede indicar si es elegible para un refuerzo en función de su edad, las dosis que ya recibió y si está inmunocomprometido. ✳️ Visite esta página, responda algunas preguntas y descubra si es elegible para el nuevo refuerzo bivalente COVID-19 (que se dirige tanto Read more…
December 21, 2022
How can I stay safe during the holidays?
Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Think in terms of harm reduction. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Just in time for Christmas, COVID is again on the rise. Flu and RSV may be peaking—but remember that there are often as many cases *after* a peak as before it. As we approach the festive season how can Read more…
December 20, 2022
I want to use an effective method of birth control, but how can I pay for it? It can be expensive!
Reproductive Health
If you or someone you know is struggling to pay for contraception, there are many options available. The most effective reversible forms of birth control, the IUD and the Implant, can cost from $400-$1300 if you’re paying out of pocket. While they last for years, that up front cost can be tough. Pills, patches, rings, Read more…
December 19, 2022
What is the contagious period for the flu?
Infectious Diseases Uncategorized
Chana Davis, PhD
People with flu are most contagious in the three to five days after they first feel sick. This is a bit later than COVID-19, which often spreads a day or two before symptoms. You might infect someone as early as a day before or as late as a week after becoming sick, but this is Read more…
December 18, 2022
Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Heidi Schutz, PhD
¡A partir del 15 de diciembre Hogares de EE. UU. pueden ordenar 4 pruebas rápidas GRATUITAS! Los pasos son fáciles: 🌟 Visite a este sitio 🌟 Ingrese su nombre y dirección (y correo electrónico si desea notificaciones de envío) 🌟 Tenga en cuenta que si vive en Puerto Rico, deberá completar la sección denominada urbanización Read more…
December 16, 2022
Can I get contraception through the mail?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Yes! Getting contraception through the mail is a safe and secure alternative to seeking out contraception in person. Getting contraception through the mail is a great alternative to in-person care. It’s easier and faster, especially in areas of the country where women’s health clinics are not widely available. Right now, to get a prescription, Read more…
December 15, 2022
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Starting *today*, U.S. households can order 4 *FREE* rapid tests!!! The steps are easy: 🌟 Visit 🌟 Enter your name and address (and email if you want shipping notifications) 🌟 Tests will start shipping next week Order now to get tests you can use before holiday and new year’s gatherings! 🎉🎉🎉 P.S. If you Read more…
December 15, 2022
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra la influenza?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí. Las vacunas contra la influenza previenen cientos de miles de contagios y salvan miles de vidas año con año. La respuesta a la pregunta “qué tan bien funcionan” no es un tono blanco o negro porque el virus cambia de año en año, e incluso a veces dentro de una misma temporada. Sin embargo, Read more…
December 15, 2022
There are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Bad news! Because the Omicron subvariants of COVID-19 have become dominant in the US, there are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19. The newer circulating variants of COVID-19, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 have taken over, accounting for about 68% of all the circulating COVID-19 virus. This isn’t great news for us. Our last Read more…
December 14, 2022
Is it normal to be extremely anxious six months after having a baby? Everyone tells me it will get better.
Mental Health Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…
Sí, en EE.UU. hay una herramienta útil en línea que le puede indicar si es elegible para un refuerzo en función de su edad, las dosis que ya recibió y si está inmunocomprometido. ✳️ Visite esta página, responda algunas preguntas y descubra si es elegible para el nuevo refuerzo bivalente COVID-19 (que se dirige tanto Read more…
How can I stay safe during the holidays?
Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Think in terms of harm reduction. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Just in time for Christmas, COVID is again on the rise. Flu and RSV may be peaking—but remember that there are often as many cases *after* a peak as before it. As we approach the festive season how can Read more…
December 20, 2022
I want to use an effective method of birth control, but how can I pay for it? It can be expensive!
Reproductive Health
If you or someone you know is struggling to pay for contraception, there are many options available. The most effective reversible forms of birth control, the IUD and the Implant, can cost from $400-$1300 if you’re paying out of pocket. While they last for years, that up front cost can be tough. Pills, patches, rings, Read more…
December 19, 2022
What is the contagious period for the flu?
Infectious Diseases Uncategorized
Chana Davis, PhD
People with flu are most contagious in the three to five days after they first feel sick. This is a bit later than COVID-19, which often spreads a day or two before symptoms. You might infect someone as early as a day before or as late as a week after becoming sick, but this is Read more…
December 18, 2022
Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Heidi Schutz, PhD
¡A partir del 15 de diciembre Hogares de EE. UU. pueden ordenar 4 pruebas rápidas GRATUITAS! Los pasos son fáciles: 🌟 Visite a este sitio 🌟 Ingrese su nombre y dirección (y correo electrónico si desea notificaciones de envío) 🌟 Tenga en cuenta que si vive en Puerto Rico, deberá completar la sección denominada urbanización Read more…
December 16, 2022
Can I get contraception through the mail?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Yes! Getting contraception through the mail is a safe and secure alternative to seeking out contraception in person. Getting contraception through the mail is a great alternative to in-person care. It’s easier and faster, especially in areas of the country where women’s health clinics are not widely available. Right now, to get a prescription, Read more…
December 15, 2022
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Starting *today*, U.S. households can order 4 *FREE* rapid tests!!! The steps are easy: 🌟 Visit 🌟 Enter your name and address (and email if you want shipping notifications) 🌟 Tests will start shipping next week Order now to get tests you can use before holiday and new year’s gatherings! 🎉🎉🎉 P.S. If you Read more…
December 15, 2022
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra la influenza?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí. Las vacunas contra la influenza previenen cientos de miles de contagios y salvan miles de vidas año con año. La respuesta a la pregunta “qué tan bien funcionan” no es un tono blanco o negro porque el virus cambia de año en año, e incluso a veces dentro de una misma temporada. Sin embargo, Read more…
December 15, 2022
There are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Bad news! Because the Omicron subvariants of COVID-19 have become dominant in the US, there are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19. The newer circulating variants of COVID-19, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 have taken over, accounting for about 68% of all the circulating COVID-19 virus. This isn’t great news for us. Our last Read more…
December 14, 2022
Is it normal to be extremely anxious six months after having a baby? Everyone tells me it will get better.
Mental Health Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…
Think in terms of harm reduction. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Just in time for Christmas, COVID is again on the rise. Flu and RSV may be peaking—but remember that there are often as many cases *after* a peak as before it. As we approach the festive season how can Read more…
I want to use an effective method of birth control, but how can I pay for it? It can be expensive!
Reproductive HealthIf you or someone you know is struggling to pay for contraception, there are many options available. The most effective reversible forms of birth control, the IUD and the Implant, can cost from $400-$1300 if you’re paying out of pocket. While they last for years, that up front cost can be tough. Pills, patches, rings, Read more…
What is the contagious period for the flu?
Infectious Diseases Uncategorized
Chana Davis, PhD
People with flu are most contagious in the three to five days after they first feel sick. This is a bit later than COVID-19, which often spreads a day or two before symptoms. You might infect someone as early as a day before or as late as a week after becoming sick, but this is Read more…
December 18, 2022
Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Heidi Schutz, PhD
¡A partir del 15 de diciembre Hogares de EE. UU. pueden ordenar 4 pruebas rápidas GRATUITAS! Los pasos son fáciles: 🌟 Visite a este sitio 🌟 Ingrese su nombre y dirección (y correo electrónico si desea notificaciones de envío) 🌟 Tenga en cuenta que si vive en Puerto Rico, deberá completar la sección denominada urbanización Read more…
December 16, 2022
Can I get contraception through the mail?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Yes! Getting contraception through the mail is a safe and secure alternative to seeking out contraception in person. Getting contraception through the mail is a great alternative to in-person care. It’s easier and faster, especially in areas of the country where women’s health clinics are not widely available. Right now, to get a prescription, Read more…
December 15, 2022
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Starting *today*, U.S. households can order 4 *FREE* rapid tests!!! The steps are easy: 🌟 Visit 🌟 Enter your name and address (and email if you want shipping notifications) 🌟 Tests will start shipping next week Order now to get tests you can use before holiday and new year’s gatherings! 🎉🎉🎉 P.S. If you Read more…
December 15, 2022
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra la influenza?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí. Las vacunas contra la influenza previenen cientos de miles de contagios y salvan miles de vidas año con año. La respuesta a la pregunta “qué tan bien funcionan” no es un tono blanco o negro porque el virus cambia de año en año, e incluso a veces dentro de una misma temporada. Sin embargo, Read more…
December 15, 2022
There are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Bad news! Because the Omicron subvariants of COVID-19 have become dominant in the US, there are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19. The newer circulating variants of COVID-19, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 have taken over, accounting for about 68% of all the circulating COVID-19 virus. This isn’t great news for us. Our last Read more…
December 14, 2022
Is it normal to be extremely anxious six months after having a baby? Everyone tells me it will get better.
Mental Health Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…
People with flu are most contagious in the three to five days after they first feel sick. This is a bit later than COVID-19, which often spreads a day or two before symptoms. You might infect someone as early as a day before or as late as a week after becoming sick, but this is Read more…
Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Heidi Schutz, PhD
¡A partir del 15 de diciembre Hogares de EE. UU. pueden ordenar 4 pruebas rápidas GRATUITAS! Los pasos son fáciles: 🌟 Visite a este sitio 🌟 Ingrese su nombre y dirección (y correo electrónico si desea notificaciones de envío) 🌟 Tenga en cuenta que si vive en Puerto Rico, deberá completar la sección denominada urbanización Read more…
December 16, 2022
Can I get contraception through the mail?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Yes! Getting contraception through the mail is a safe and secure alternative to seeking out contraception in person. Getting contraception through the mail is a great alternative to in-person care. It’s easier and faster, especially in areas of the country where women’s health clinics are not widely available. Right now, to get a prescription, Read more…
December 15, 2022
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Starting *today*, U.S. households can order 4 *FREE* rapid tests!!! The steps are easy: 🌟 Visit 🌟 Enter your name and address (and email if you want shipping notifications) 🌟 Tests will start shipping next week Order now to get tests you can use before holiday and new year’s gatherings! 🎉🎉🎉 P.S. If you Read more…
December 15, 2022
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra la influenza?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí. Las vacunas contra la influenza previenen cientos de miles de contagios y salvan miles de vidas año con año. La respuesta a la pregunta “qué tan bien funcionan” no es un tono blanco o negro porque el virus cambia de año en año, e incluso a veces dentro de una misma temporada. Sin embargo, Read more…
December 15, 2022
There are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Bad news! Because the Omicron subvariants of COVID-19 have become dominant in the US, there are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19. The newer circulating variants of COVID-19, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 have taken over, accounting for about 68% of all the circulating COVID-19 virus. This isn’t great news for us. Our last Read more…
December 14, 2022
Is it normal to be extremely anxious six months after having a baby? Everyone tells me it will get better.
Mental Health Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…
¡A partir del 15 de diciembre Hogares de EE. UU. pueden ordenar 4 pruebas rápidas GRATUITAS! Los pasos son fáciles: 🌟 Visite a este sitio 🌟 Ingrese su nombre y dirección (y correo electrónico si desea notificaciones de envío) 🌟 Tenga en cuenta que si vive en Puerto Rico, deberá completar la sección denominada urbanización Read more…
Can I get contraception through the mail?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Yes! Getting contraception through the mail is a safe and secure alternative to seeking out contraception in person. Getting contraception through the mail is a great alternative to in-person care. It’s easier and faster, especially in areas of the country where women’s health clinics are not widely available. Right now, to get a prescription, Read more…
December 15, 2022
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Starting *today*, U.S. households can order 4 *FREE* rapid tests!!! The steps are easy: 🌟 Visit 🌟 Enter your name and address (and email if you want shipping notifications) 🌟 Tests will start shipping next week Order now to get tests you can use before holiday and new year’s gatherings! 🎉🎉🎉 P.S. If you Read more…
December 15, 2022
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra la influenza?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí. Las vacunas contra la influenza previenen cientos de miles de contagios y salvan miles de vidas año con año. La respuesta a la pregunta “qué tan bien funcionan” no es un tono blanco o negro porque el virus cambia de año en año, e incluso a veces dentro de una misma temporada. Sin embargo, Read more…
December 15, 2022
There are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Bad news! Because the Omicron subvariants of COVID-19 have become dominant in the US, there are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19. The newer circulating variants of COVID-19, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 have taken over, accounting for about 68% of all the circulating COVID-19 virus. This isn’t great news for us. Our last Read more…
December 14, 2022
Is it normal to be extremely anxious six months after having a baby? Everyone tells me it will get better.
Mental Health Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…
A: Yes! Getting contraception through the mail is a safe and secure alternative to seeking out contraception in person. Getting contraception through the mail is a great alternative to in-person care. It’s easier and faster, especially in areas of the country where women’s health clinics are not widely available. Right now, to get a prescription, Read more…
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Starting *today*, U.S. households can order 4 *FREE* rapid tests!!! The steps are easy: 🌟 Visit 🌟 Enter your name and address (and email if you want shipping notifications) 🌟 Tests will start shipping next week Order now to get tests you can use before holiday and new year’s gatherings! 🎉🎉🎉 P.S. If you Read more…
December 15, 2022
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra la influenza?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí. Las vacunas contra la influenza previenen cientos de miles de contagios y salvan miles de vidas año con año. La respuesta a la pregunta “qué tan bien funcionan” no es un tono blanco o negro porque el virus cambia de año en año, e incluso a veces dentro de una misma temporada. Sin embargo, Read more…
December 15, 2022
There are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Bad news! Because the Omicron subvariants of COVID-19 have become dominant in the US, there are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19. The newer circulating variants of COVID-19, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 have taken over, accounting for about 68% of all the circulating COVID-19 virus. This isn’t great news for us. Our last Read more…
December 14, 2022
Is it normal to be extremely anxious six months after having a baby? Everyone tells me it will get better.
Mental Health Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…
Starting *today*, U.S. households can order 4 *FREE* rapid tests!!! The steps are easy: 🌟 Visit 🌟 Enter your name and address (and email if you want shipping notifications) 🌟 Tests will start shipping next week Order now to get tests you can use before holiday and new year’s gatherings! 🎉🎉🎉 P.S. If you Read more…
¿Funcionan las vacunas contra la influenza?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí. Las vacunas contra la influenza previenen cientos de miles de contagios y salvan miles de vidas año con año. La respuesta a la pregunta “qué tan bien funcionan” no es un tono blanco o negro porque el virus cambia de año en año, e incluso a veces dentro de una misma temporada. Sin embargo, Read more…
December 15, 2022
There are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Bad news! Because the Omicron subvariants of COVID-19 have become dominant in the US, there are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19. The newer circulating variants of COVID-19, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 have taken over, accounting for about 68% of all the circulating COVID-19 virus. This isn’t great news for us. Our last Read more…
December 14, 2022
Is it normal to be extremely anxious six months after having a baby? Everyone tells me it will get better.
Mental Health Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…
Sí. Las vacunas contra la influenza previenen cientos de miles de contagios y salvan miles de vidas año con año. La respuesta a la pregunta “qué tan bien funcionan” no es un tono blanco o negro porque el virus cambia de año en año, e incluso a veces dentro de una misma temporada. Sin embargo, Read more…
There are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Bad news! Because the Omicron subvariants of COVID-19 have become dominant in the US, there are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19. The newer circulating variants of COVID-19, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 have taken over, accounting for about 68% of all the circulating COVID-19 virus. This isn’t great news for us. Our last Read more…
December 14, 2022
Is it normal to be extremely anxious six months after having a baby? Everyone tells me it will get better.
Mental Health Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…
Bad news! Because the Omicron subvariants of COVID-19 have become dominant in the US, there are NO monoclonal antibodies currently authorized to treat COVID-19. The newer circulating variants of COVID-19, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1 have taken over, accounting for about 68% of all the circulating COVID-19 virus. This isn’t great news for us. Our last Read more…
Is it normal to be extremely anxious six months after having a baby? Everyone tells me it will get better.
Mental Health Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…
A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…