Does Ivermectin help treat or prevent COVID-19?
Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We don’t know for sure, but the best available existing data does not support its use to treat or prevent COVID-19. Lots of studies are ongoing and may give us a clearer answer over time. Ivermectin is a medicine that is used to treat infections from parasites (like worms) in people and animals. People Read more…
August 19, 2021
¿Mis hijos recibirán protección si utilizan la mascarilla, incluso si la mayoría de otros niños no la utilizan?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
¡SÍ! Una mascarilla bien ajustada puede proveer protección al que la utiliza (aunque el uso de dos mascarillas sigue siendo más eficaz). Sabemos que los planes para quitar los mandatos de mascarillas en las escuelas de los EE.UU. tiene preocupados a muchos padres de familia de niños aún no vacunados, especialmente con el aumento de Read more…
August 18, 2021
What are the best masks for kids?
Families/Kids Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
We know this is a HOT topic among parents sending their kids back to school right now, and we wanted to share some recommendations from aerosol scientist and Nerdy Girl favorite Dr. Linsey Marr and her colleague Dr. Aaron Prussin from Virginia Tech. We are posting their advice below: “The most important factors to consider Read more…
August 17, 2021
📊 DATA SNAPSHOT: Hospital Strain 📊
Data and Metrics
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
How do we keep a pulse check on COVID-induced hospital overwhelm? Researchers monitor strain with a summary metric: % of total hospital beds filled with COVID-19 patients. No metric is perfect, but this one’s pretty darn useful. And by this measure, things are looking pretty grim in southern hospitals right now. Here’s the skinny on Read more…
August 17, 2021
Los CDC recomiendan la vacunación contra COVID-19 durante el embarazo
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La semana pasada, los CDC en EE.UU. actualizaron su guía para *recomendar* la vacunación contra Covid-19 para TODOS los mayores de 12 años, incluidos aquellos que puedan estar embarazadas, amamantando o que estén tratando de quedar embarazadas. Anteriormente, los CDC habían declarado que “si está embarazada, *puede* recibir una vacuna contra Covid-19”. ➡️ Estas son Read more…
August 17, 2021
Dear Pandemic Shout-Out to Healthcare Workers
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Although the nightly cheering for health care workers doesn’t happen anymore, Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls wants these heroes to know how much we appreciate their efforts, now more than ever. We recognize the vast challenges they face right now as they fight the daunting wave of Delta variant across the United State. We know that Read more…
August 16, 2021
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
This week the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated their guidance to *recommend* Covid-19 vaccination for EVERYONE ages 12 and older, including those who may be pregnant, breastfeeding, or who are trying to get pregnant. Previously the CDC had stated that “If you are pregnant, you *can* receive a Covid-19 vaccine.” ➡️ Read more…
August 16, 2021
Autorización de la tercera dosis de la vacuna COVID-19 para personas inmunodeprimidas en los EEUU
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El 12 de agosto, la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos de los Estados Unidos (FDA) autorizó una dosis adicional de las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna para ciertas personas inmunodeprimidas mayores de 12 años. El 13 de agosto, el Comité Asesor de Prácticas de Inmunización (ACIP) de los CDC también votó para recomendar estas dosis adicionales. Read more…
August 15, 2021
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aquí en EE.UU, a medida que vemos a más niños hospitalizados con COVID-19, y a medida que nuestros sistemas hospitalarios alcanzan la capacidad máxima con pacientes adultos que en su mayoría no están vacunados, nuestros colegas Impact crearon esta infografía para ayudar a los adultos a comprender por qué es importante estar completamente vacunado. Enlace Read more…
August 14, 2021
What can I do to prepare for back to school?
Families/Kids School
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Delta and a fourth wave of COVID-19 was not the plan. In this unfortunate reality, focus and flexibility will go a long way. Back-to-school will be bumpy. The timing of the Delta surge in the United States is overlapping with the return to classes for students. This is complicated, frustrating, scary (and many other Read more…
August 13, 2021
3rd Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Authorized for Immunocompromised in US
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥BREAKING💥: 3rd dose COVID-19 vaccine authorization & recommendation for immunocompromised in the U.S. Yesterday (August 12th,) the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized an additional dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for certain immunocompromised individuals ages 12+. Today (August 13th) the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) also voted to recommend these Read more…
August 13, 2021
How can I help my 8th grader manage anxiety about the upcoming school year?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Many young people are struggling with anxiety and stress about the upcoming uncertainties surrounding the school year. We can help them by focusing on the basics of mental wellness and creating an environment that is supportive. We can also create a strong framework for young people, a “scaffold,” to offer tools to find solutions for Read more…
August 13, 2021
¿Por qué la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta es tan diferente entre los estudios?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
¿Inmunidad decreciente, medición imperfecta o algo más? Hay varias razones por las que la eficacia de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 puede diferir entre los estudios. Los nuevos estudios están midiendo la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta en entornos del mundo real en lugar de en un ensayo clínico. En estudios del Read more…
August 12, 2021
Should I lie to get my not-yet-12-year-old vaccinated before school starts?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: No. This is a bad idea for a few reasons, which I’ll get to below. But first I want to offer some solidarity. As the parent of an 11-year-old looking at the start of 6th grade in just 3 weeks, I feel you. I know exactly how you arrived at this question. I also Read more…
August 12, 2021
What is psychological PPE (personal protective equipment)?
Mental Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
August 11, 2021
Will my kids get any protection if they wear a mask, but most other kids are not wearing one?
Families/Kids Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. A well-fitted mask can provide good protection for the wearer (though two-sided masking remains most effective). We know that plans to drop mask mandates in many schools have many parents of unvaccinated children on edge, especially with the rise of the more transmissible Delta variant. While we encourage parents to communicate concerns they Read more…
August 11, 2021
Si recibí la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, ¿necesito una vacuna de refuerzo debido a la variante Delta?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
August 11, 2021
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 9, 2021
¿Por qué la variante “Delta” del virus que causa COVID-19 puede ser más transmisible?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…
A: We don’t know for sure, but the best available existing data does not support its use to treat or prevent COVID-19. Lots of studies are ongoing and may give us a clearer answer over time. Ivermectin is a medicine that is used to treat infections from parasites (like worms) in people and animals. People Read more…
¿Mis hijos recibirán protección si utilizan la mascarilla, incluso si la mayoría de otros niños no la utilizan?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
¡SÍ! Una mascarilla bien ajustada puede proveer protección al que la utiliza (aunque el uso de dos mascarillas sigue siendo más eficaz). Sabemos que los planes para quitar los mandatos de mascarillas en las escuelas de los EE.UU. tiene preocupados a muchos padres de familia de niños aún no vacunados, especialmente con el aumento de Read more…
August 18, 2021
What are the best masks for kids?
Families/Kids Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
We know this is a HOT topic among parents sending their kids back to school right now, and we wanted to share some recommendations from aerosol scientist and Nerdy Girl favorite Dr. Linsey Marr and her colleague Dr. Aaron Prussin from Virginia Tech. We are posting their advice below: “The most important factors to consider Read more…
August 17, 2021
📊 DATA SNAPSHOT: Hospital Strain 📊
Data and Metrics
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
How do we keep a pulse check on COVID-induced hospital overwhelm? Researchers monitor strain with a summary metric: % of total hospital beds filled with COVID-19 patients. No metric is perfect, but this one’s pretty darn useful. And by this measure, things are looking pretty grim in southern hospitals right now. Here’s the skinny on Read more…
August 17, 2021
Los CDC recomiendan la vacunación contra COVID-19 durante el embarazo
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La semana pasada, los CDC en EE.UU. actualizaron su guía para *recomendar* la vacunación contra Covid-19 para TODOS los mayores de 12 años, incluidos aquellos que puedan estar embarazadas, amamantando o que estén tratando de quedar embarazadas. Anteriormente, los CDC habían declarado que “si está embarazada, *puede* recibir una vacuna contra Covid-19”. ➡️ Estas son Read more…
August 17, 2021
Dear Pandemic Shout-Out to Healthcare Workers
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Although the nightly cheering for health care workers doesn’t happen anymore, Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls wants these heroes to know how much we appreciate their efforts, now more than ever. We recognize the vast challenges they face right now as they fight the daunting wave of Delta variant across the United State. We know that Read more…
August 16, 2021
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
This week the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated their guidance to *recommend* Covid-19 vaccination for EVERYONE ages 12 and older, including those who may be pregnant, breastfeeding, or who are trying to get pregnant. Previously the CDC had stated that “If you are pregnant, you *can* receive a Covid-19 vaccine.” ➡️ Read more…
August 16, 2021
Autorización de la tercera dosis de la vacuna COVID-19 para personas inmunodeprimidas en los EEUU
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El 12 de agosto, la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos de los Estados Unidos (FDA) autorizó una dosis adicional de las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna para ciertas personas inmunodeprimidas mayores de 12 años. El 13 de agosto, el Comité Asesor de Prácticas de Inmunización (ACIP) de los CDC también votó para recomendar estas dosis adicionales. Read more…
August 15, 2021
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aquí en EE.UU, a medida que vemos a más niños hospitalizados con COVID-19, y a medida que nuestros sistemas hospitalarios alcanzan la capacidad máxima con pacientes adultos que en su mayoría no están vacunados, nuestros colegas Impact crearon esta infografía para ayudar a los adultos a comprender por qué es importante estar completamente vacunado. Enlace Read more…
August 14, 2021
What can I do to prepare for back to school?
Families/Kids School
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Delta and a fourth wave of COVID-19 was not the plan. In this unfortunate reality, focus and flexibility will go a long way. Back-to-school will be bumpy. The timing of the Delta surge in the United States is overlapping with the return to classes for students. This is complicated, frustrating, scary (and many other Read more…
August 13, 2021
3rd Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Authorized for Immunocompromised in US
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥BREAKING💥: 3rd dose COVID-19 vaccine authorization & recommendation for immunocompromised in the U.S. Yesterday (August 12th,) the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized an additional dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for certain immunocompromised individuals ages 12+. Today (August 13th) the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) also voted to recommend these Read more…
August 13, 2021
How can I help my 8th grader manage anxiety about the upcoming school year?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Many young people are struggling with anxiety and stress about the upcoming uncertainties surrounding the school year. We can help them by focusing on the basics of mental wellness and creating an environment that is supportive. We can also create a strong framework for young people, a “scaffold,” to offer tools to find solutions for Read more…
August 13, 2021
¿Por qué la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta es tan diferente entre los estudios?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
¿Inmunidad decreciente, medición imperfecta o algo más? Hay varias razones por las que la eficacia de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 puede diferir entre los estudios. Los nuevos estudios están midiendo la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta en entornos del mundo real en lugar de en un ensayo clínico. En estudios del Read more…
August 12, 2021
Should I lie to get my not-yet-12-year-old vaccinated before school starts?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: No. This is a bad idea for a few reasons, which I’ll get to below. But first I want to offer some solidarity. As the parent of an 11-year-old looking at the start of 6th grade in just 3 weeks, I feel you. I know exactly how you arrived at this question. I also Read more…
August 12, 2021
What is psychological PPE (personal protective equipment)?
Mental Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
August 11, 2021
Will my kids get any protection if they wear a mask, but most other kids are not wearing one?
Families/Kids Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. A well-fitted mask can provide good protection for the wearer (though two-sided masking remains most effective). We know that plans to drop mask mandates in many schools have many parents of unvaccinated children on edge, especially with the rise of the more transmissible Delta variant. While we encourage parents to communicate concerns they Read more…
August 11, 2021
Si recibí la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, ¿necesito una vacuna de refuerzo debido a la variante Delta?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
August 11, 2021
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 9, 2021
¿Por qué la variante “Delta” del virus que causa COVID-19 puede ser más transmisible?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…
¡SÍ! Una mascarilla bien ajustada puede proveer protección al que la utiliza (aunque el uso de dos mascarillas sigue siendo más eficaz). Sabemos que los planes para quitar los mandatos de mascarillas en las escuelas de los EE.UU. tiene preocupados a muchos padres de familia de niños aún no vacunados, especialmente con el aumento de Read more…
What are the best masks for kids?
Families/Kids Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
We know this is a HOT topic among parents sending their kids back to school right now, and we wanted to share some recommendations from aerosol scientist and Nerdy Girl favorite Dr. Linsey Marr and her colleague Dr. Aaron Prussin from Virginia Tech. We are posting their advice below: “The most important factors to consider Read more…
August 17, 2021
📊 DATA SNAPSHOT: Hospital Strain 📊
Data and Metrics
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
How do we keep a pulse check on COVID-induced hospital overwhelm? Researchers monitor strain with a summary metric: % of total hospital beds filled with COVID-19 patients. No metric is perfect, but this one’s pretty darn useful. And by this measure, things are looking pretty grim in southern hospitals right now. Here’s the skinny on Read more…
August 17, 2021
Los CDC recomiendan la vacunación contra COVID-19 durante el embarazo
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La semana pasada, los CDC en EE.UU. actualizaron su guía para *recomendar* la vacunación contra Covid-19 para TODOS los mayores de 12 años, incluidos aquellos que puedan estar embarazadas, amamantando o que estén tratando de quedar embarazadas. Anteriormente, los CDC habían declarado que “si está embarazada, *puede* recibir una vacuna contra Covid-19”. ➡️ Estas son Read more…
August 17, 2021
Dear Pandemic Shout-Out to Healthcare Workers
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Although the nightly cheering for health care workers doesn’t happen anymore, Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls wants these heroes to know how much we appreciate their efforts, now more than ever. We recognize the vast challenges they face right now as they fight the daunting wave of Delta variant across the United State. We know that Read more…
August 16, 2021
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
This week the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated their guidance to *recommend* Covid-19 vaccination for EVERYONE ages 12 and older, including those who may be pregnant, breastfeeding, or who are trying to get pregnant. Previously the CDC had stated that “If you are pregnant, you *can* receive a Covid-19 vaccine.” ➡️ Read more…
August 16, 2021
Autorización de la tercera dosis de la vacuna COVID-19 para personas inmunodeprimidas en los EEUU
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El 12 de agosto, la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos de los Estados Unidos (FDA) autorizó una dosis adicional de las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna para ciertas personas inmunodeprimidas mayores de 12 años. El 13 de agosto, el Comité Asesor de Prácticas de Inmunización (ACIP) de los CDC también votó para recomendar estas dosis adicionales. Read more…
August 15, 2021
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aquí en EE.UU, a medida que vemos a más niños hospitalizados con COVID-19, y a medida que nuestros sistemas hospitalarios alcanzan la capacidad máxima con pacientes adultos que en su mayoría no están vacunados, nuestros colegas Impact crearon esta infografía para ayudar a los adultos a comprender por qué es importante estar completamente vacunado. Enlace Read more…
August 14, 2021
What can I do to prepare for back to school?
Families/Kids School
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Delta and a fourth wave of COVID-19 was not the plan. In this unfortunate reality, focus and flexibility will go a long way. Back-to-school will be bumpy. The timing of the Delta surge in the United States is overlapping with the return to classes for students. This is complicated, frustrating, scary (and many other Read more…
August 13, 2021
3rd Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Authorized for Immunocompromised in US
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥BREAKING💥: 3rd dose COVID-19 vaccine authorization & recommendation for immunocompromised in the U.S. Yesterday (August 12th,) the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized an additional dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for certain immunocompromised individuals ages 12+. Today (August 13th) the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) also voted to recommend these Read more…
August 13, 2021
How can I help my 8th grader manage anxiety about the upcoming school year?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Many young people are struggling with anxiety and stress about the upcoming uncertainties surrounding the school year. We can help them by focusing on the basics of mental wellness and creating an environment that is supportive. We can also create a strong framework for young people, a “scaffold,” to offer tools to find solutions for Read more…
August 13, 2021
¿Por qué la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta es tan diferente entre los estudios?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
¿Inmunidad decreciente, medición imperfecta o algo más? Hay varias razones por las que la eficacia de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 puede diferir entre los estudios. Los nuevos estudios están midiendo la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta en entornos del mundo real en lugar de en un ensayo clínico. En estudios del Read more…
August 12, 2021
Should I lie to get my not-yet-12-year-old vaccinated before school starts?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: No. This is a bad idea for a few reasons, which I’ll get to below. But first I want to offer some solidarity. As the parent of an 11-year-old looking at the start of 6th grade in just 3 weeks, I feel you. I know exactly how you arrived at this question. I also Read more…
August 12, 2021
What is psychological PPE (personal protective equipment)?
Mental Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
August 11, 2021
Will my kids get any protection if they wear a mask, but most other kids are not wearing one?
Families/Kids Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. A well-fitted mask can provide good protection for the wearer (though two-sided masking remains most effective). We know that plans to drop mask mandates in many schools have many parents of unvaccinated children on edge, especially with the rise of the more transmissible Delta variant. While we encourage parents to communicate concerns they Read more…
August 11, 2021
Si recibí la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, ¿necesito una vacuna de refuerzo debido a la variante Delta?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
August 11, 2021
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 9, 2021
¿Por qué la variante “Delta” del virus que causa COVID-19 puede ser más transmisible?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…
We know this is a HOT topic among parents sending their kids back to school right now, and we wanted to share some recommendations from aerosol scientist and Nerdy Girl favorite Dr. Linsey Marr and her colleague Dr. Aaron Prussin from Virginia Tech. We are posting their advice below: “The most important factors to consider Read more…
📊 DATA SNAPSHOT: Hospital Strain 📊
Data and Metrics
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
How do we keep a pulse check on COVID-induced hospital overwhelm? Researchers monitor strain with a summary metric: % of total hospital beds filled with COVID-19 patients. No metric is perfect, but this one’s pretty darn useful. And by this measure, things are looking pretty grim in southern hospitals right now. Here’s the skinny on Read more…
August 17, 2021
Los CDC recomiendan la vacunación contra COVID-19 durante el embarazo
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La semana pasada, los CDC en EE.UU. actualizaron su guía para *recomendar* la vacunación contra Covid-19 para TODOS los mayores de 12 años, incluidos aquellos que puedan estar embarazadas, amamantando o que estén tratando de quedar embarazadas. Anteriormente, los CDC habían declarado que “si está embarazada, *puede* recibir una vacuna contra Covid-19”. ➡️ Estas son Read more…
August 17, 2021
Dear Pandemic Shout-Out to Healthcare Workers
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Although the nightly cheering for health care workers doesn’t happen anymore, Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls wants these heroes to know how much we appreciate their efforts, now more than ever. We recognize the vast challenges they face right now as they fight the daunting wave of Delta variant across the United State. We know that Read more…
August 16, 2021
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
This week the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated their guidance to *recommend* Covid-19 vaccination for EVERYONE ages 12 and older, including those who may be pregnant, breastfeeding, or who are trying to get pregnant. Previously the CDC had stated that “If you are pregnant, you *can* receive a Covid-19 vaccine.” ➡️ Read more…
August 16, 2021
Autorización de la tercera dosis de la vacuna COVID-19 para personas inmunodeprimidas en los EEUU
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El 12 de agosto, la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos de los Estados Unidos (FDA) autorizó una dosis adicional de las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna para ciertas personas inmunodeprimidas mayores de 12 años. El 13 de agosto, el Comité Asesor de Prácticas de Inmunización (ACIP) de los CDC también votó para recomendar estas dosis adicionales. Read more…
August 15, 2021
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aquí en EE.UU, a medida que vemos a más niños hospitalizados con COVID-19, y a medida que nuestros sistemas hospitalarios alcanzan la capacidad máxima con pacientes adultos que en su mayoría no están vacunados, nuestros colegas Impact crearon esta infografía para ayudar a los adultos a comprender por qué es importante estar completamente vacunado. Enlace Read more…
August 14, 2021
What can I do to prepare for back to school?
Families/Kids School
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Delta and a fourth wave of COVID-19 was not the plan. In this unfortunate reality, focus and flexibility will go a long way. Back-to-school will be bumpy. The timing of the Delta surge in the United States is overlapping with the return to classes for students. This is complicated, frustrating, scary (and many other Read more…
August 13, 2021
3rd Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Authorized for Immunocompromised in US
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥BREAKING💥: 3rd dose COVID-19 vaccine authorization & recommendation for immunocompromised in the U.S. Yesterday (August 12th,) the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized an additional dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for certain immunocompromised individuals ages 12+. Today (August 13th) the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) also voted to recommend these Read more…
August 13, 2021
How can I help my 8th grader manage anxiety about the upcoming school year?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Many young people are struggling with anxiety and stress about the upcoming uncertainties surrounding the school year. We can help them by focusing on the basics of mental wellness and creating an environment that is supportive. We can also create a strong framework for young people, a “scaffold,” to offer tools to find solutions for Read more…
August 13, 2021
¿Por qué la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta es tan diferente entre los estudios?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
¿Inmunidad decreciente, medición imperfecta o algo más? Hay varias razones por las que la eficacia de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 puede diferir entre los estudios. Los nuevos estudios están midiendo la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta en entornos del mundo real en lugar de en un ensayo clínico. En estudios del Read more…
August 12, 2021
Should I lie to get my not-yet-12-year-old vaccinated before school starts?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: No. This is a bad idea for a few reasons, which I’ll get to below. But first I want to offer some solidarity. As the parent of an 11-year-old looking at the start of 6th grade in just 3 weeks, I feel you. I know exactly how you arrived at this question. I also Read more…
August 12, 2021
What is psychological PPE (personal protective equipment)?
Mental Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
August 11, 2021
Will my kids get any protection if they wear a mask, but most other kids are not wearing one?
Families/Kids Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. A well-fitted mask can provide good protection for the wearer (though two-sided masking remains most effective). We know that plans to drop mask mandates in many schools have many parents of unvaccinated children on edge, especially with the rise of the more transmissible Delta variant. While we encourage parents to communicate concerns they Read more…
August 11, 2021
Si recibí la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, ¿necesito una vacuna de refuerzo debido a la variante Delta?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
August 11, 2021
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 9, 2021
¿Por qué la variante “Delta” del virus que causa COVID-19 puede ser más transmisible?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…
How do we keep a pulse check on COVID-induced hospital overwhelm? Researchers monitor strain with a summary metric: % of total hospital beds filled with COVID-19 patients. No metric is perfect, but this one’s pretty darn useful. And by this measure, things are looking pretty grim in southern hospitals right now. Here’s the skinny on Read more…
Los CDC recomiendan la vacunación contra COVID-19 durante el embarazo
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La semana pasada, los CDC en EE.UU. actualizaron su guía para *recomendar* la vacunación contra Covid-19 para TODOS los mayores de 12 años, incluidos aquellos que puedan estar embarazadas, amamantando o que estén tratando de quedar embarazadas. Anteriormente, los CDC habían declarado que “si está embarazada, *puede* recibir una vacuna contra Covid-19”. ➡️ Estas son Read more…
August 17, 2021
Dear Pandemic Shout-Out to Healthcare Workers
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Although the nightly cheering for health care workers doesn’t happen anymore, Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls wants these heroes to know how much we appreciate their efforts, now more than ever. We recognize the vast challenges they face right now as they fight the daunting wave of Delta variant across the United State. We know that Read more…
August 16, 2021
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
This week the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated their guidance to *recommend* Covid-19 vaccination for EVERYONE ages 12 and older, including those who may be pregnant, breastfeeding, or who are trying to get pregnant. Previously the CDC had stated that “If you are pregnant, you *can* receive a Covid-19 vaccine.” ➡️ Read more…
August 16, 2021
Autorización de la tercera dosis de la vacuna COVID-19 para personas inmunodeprimidas en los EEUU
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El 12 de agosto, la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos de los Estados Unidos (FDA) autorizó una dosis adicional de las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna para ciertas personas inmunodeprimidas mayores de 12 años. El 13 de agosto, el Comité Asesor de Prácticas de Inmunización (ACIP) de los CDC también votó para recomendar estas dosis adicionales. Read more…
August 15, 2021
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aquí en EE.UU, a medida que vemos a más niños hospitalizados con COVID-19, y a medida que nuestros sistemas hospitalarios alcanzan la capacidad máxima con pacientes adultos que en su mayoría no están vacunados, nuestros colegas Impact crearon esta infografía para ayudar a los adultos a comprender por qué es importante estar completamente vacunado. Enlace Read more…
August 14, 2021
What can I do to prepare for back to school?
Families/Kids School
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Delta and a fourth wave of COVID-19 was not the plan. In this unfortunate reality, focus and flexibility will go a long way. Back-to-school will be bumpy. The timing of the Delta surge in the United States is overlapping with the return to classes for students. This is complicated, frustrating, scary (and many other Read more…
August 13, 2021
3rd Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Authorized for Immunocompromised in US
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥BREAKING💥: 3rd dose COVID-19 vaccine authorization & recommendation for immunocompromised in the U.S. Yesterday (August 12th,) the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized an additional dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for certain immunocompromised individuals ages 12+. Today (August 13th) the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) also voted to recommend these Read more…
August 13, 2021
How can I help my 8th grader manage anxiety about the upcoming school year?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Many young people are struggling with anxiety and stress about the upcoming uncertainties surrounding the school year. We can help them by focusing on the basics of mental wellness and creating an environment that is supportive. We can also create a strong framework for young people, a “scaffold,” to offer tools to find solutions for Read more…
August 13, 2021
¿Por qué la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta es tan diferente entre los estudios?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
¿Inmunidad decreciente, medición imperfecta o algo más? Hay varias razones por las que la eficacia de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 puede diferir entre los estudios. Los nuevos estudios están midiendo la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta en entornos del mundo real en lugar de en un ensayo clínico. En estudios del Read more…
August 12, 2021
Should I lie to get my not-yet-12-year-old vaccinated before school starts?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: No. This is a bad idea for a few reasons, which I’ll get to below. But first I want to offer some solidarity. As the parent of an 11-year-old looking at the start of 6th grade in just 3 weeks, I feel you. I know exactly how you arrived at this question. I also Read more…
August 12, 2021
What is psychological PPE (personal protective equipment)?
Mental Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
August 11, 2021
Will my kids get any protection if they wear a mask, but most other kids are not wearing one?
Families/Kids Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. A well-fitted mask can provide good protection for the wearer (though two-sided masking remains most effective). We know that plans to drop mask mandates in many schools have many parents of unvaccinated children on edge, especially with the rise of the more transmissible Delta variant. While we encourage parents to communicate concerns they Read more…
August 11, 2021
Si recibí la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, ¿necesito una vacuna de refuerzo debido a la variante Delta?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
August 11, 2021
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 9, 2021
¿Por qué la variante “Delta” del virus que causa COVID-19 puede ser más transmisible?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…
La semana pasada, los CDC en EE.UU. actualizaron su guía para *recomendar* la vacunación contra Covid-19 para TODOS los mayores de 12 años, incluidos aquellos que puedan estar embarazadas, amamantando o que estén tratando de quedar embarazadas. Anteriormente, los CDC habían declarado que “si está embarazada, *puede* recibir una vacuna contra Covid-19”. ➡️ Estas son Read more…
Dear Pandemic Shout-Out to Healthcare Workers
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Although the nightly cheering for health care workers doesn’t happen anymore, Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls wants these heroes to know how much we appreciate their efforts, now more than ever. We recognize the vast challenges they face right now as they fight the daunting wave of Delta variant across the United State. We know that Read more…
August 16, 2021
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
This week the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated their guidance to *recommend* Covid-19 vaccination for EVERYONE ages 12 and older, including those who may be pregnant, breastfeeding, or who are trying to get pregnant. Previously the CDC had stated that “If you are pregnant, you *can* receive a Covid-19 vaccine.” ➡️ Read more…
August 16, 2021
Autorización de la tercera dosis de la vacuna COVID-19 para personas inmunodeprimidas en los EEUU
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El 12 de agosto, la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos de los Estados Unidos (FDA) autorizó una dosis adicional de las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna para ciertas personas inmunodeprimidas mayores de 12 años. El 13 de agosto, el Comité Asesor de Prácticas de Inmunización (ACIP) de los CDC también votó para recomendar estas dosis adicionales. Read more…
August 15, 2021
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aquí en EE.UU, a medida que vemos a más niños hospitalizados con COVID-19, y a medida que nuestros sistemas hospitalarios alcanzan la capacidad máxima con pacientes adultos que en su mayoría no están vacunados, nuestros colegas Impact crearon esta infografía para ayudar a los adultos a comprender por qué es importante estar completamente vacunado. Enlace Read more…
August 14, 2021
What can I do to prepare for back to school?
Families/Kids School
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Delta and a fourth wave of COVID-19 was not the plan. In this unfortunate reality, focus and flexibility will go a long way. Back-to-school will be bumpy. The timing of the Delta surge in the United States is overlapping with the return to classes for students. This is complicated, frustrating, scary (and many other Read more…
August 13, 2021
3rd Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Authorized for Immunocompromised in US
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥BREAKING💥: 3rd dose COVID-19 vaccine authorization & recommendation for immunocompromised in the U.S. Yesterday (August 12th,) the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized an additional dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for certain immunocompromised individuals ages 12+. Today (August 13th) the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) also voted to recommend these Read more…
August 13, 2021
How can I help my 8th grader manage anxiety about the upcoming school year?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Many young people are struggling with anxiety and stress about the upcoming uncertainties surrounding the school year. We can help them by focusing on the basics of mental wellness and creating an environment that is supportive. We can also create a strong framework for young people, a “scaffold,” to offer tools to find solutions for Read more…
August 13, 2021
¿Por qué la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta es tan diferente entre los estudios?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
¿Inmunidad decreciente, medición imperfecta o algo más? Hay varias razones por las que la eficacia de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 puede diferir entre los estudios. Los nuevos estudios están midiendo la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta en entornos del mundo real en lugar de en un ensayo clínico. En estudios del Read more…
August 12, 2021
Should I lie to get my not-yet-12-year-old vaccinated before school starts?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: No. This is a bad idea for a few reasons, which I’ll get to below. But first I want to offer some solidarity. As the parent of an 11-year-old looking at the start of 6th grade in just 3 weeks, I feel you. I know exactly how you arrived at this question. I also Read more…
August 12, 2021
What is psychological PPE (personal protective equipment)?
Mental Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
August 11, 2021
Will my kids get any protection if they wear a mask, but most other kids are not wearing one?
Families/Kids Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. A well-fitted mask can provide good protection for the wearer (though two-sided masking remains most effective). We know that plans to drop mask mandates in many schools have many parents of unvaccinated children on edge, especially with the rise of the more transmissible Delta variant. While we encourage parents to communicate concerns they Read more…
August 11, 2021
Si recibí la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, ¿necesito una vacuna de refuerzo debido a la variante Delta?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
August 11, 2021
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 9, 2021
¿Por qué la variante “Delta” del virus que causa COVID-19 puede ser más transmisible?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…
Although the nightly cheering for health care workers doesn’t happen anymore, Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls wants these heroes to know how much we appreciate their efforts, now more than ever. We recognize the vast challenges they face right now as they fight the daunting wave of Delta variant across the United State. We know that Read more…
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
This week the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated their guidance to *recommend* Covid-19 vaccination for EVERYONE ages 12 and older, including those who may be pregnant, breastfeeding, or who are trying to get pregnant. Previously the CDC had stated that “If you are pregnant, you *can* receive a Covid-19 vaccine.” ➡️ Read more…
August 16, 2021
Autorización de la tercera dosis de la vacuna COVID-19 para personas inmunodeprimidas en los EEUU
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El 12 de agosto, la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos de los Estados Unidos (FDA) autorizó una dosis adicional de las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna para ciertas personas inmunodeprimidas mayores de 12 años. El 13 de agosto, el Comité Asesor de Prácticas de Inmunización (ACIP) de los CDC también votó para recomendar estas dosis adicionales. Read more…
August 15, 2021
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aquí en EE.UU, a medida que vemos a más niños hospitalizados con COVID-19, y a medida que nuestros sistemas hospitalarios alcanzan la capacidad máxima con pacientes adultos que en su mayoría no están vacunados, nuestros colegas Impact crearon esta infografía para ayudar a los adultos a comprender por qué es importante estar completamente vacunado. Enlace Read more…
August 14, 2021
What can I do to prepare for back to school?
Families/Kids School
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Delta and a fourth wave of COVID-19 was not the plan. In this unfortunate reality, focus and flexibility will go a long way. Back-to-school will be bumpy. The timing of the Delta surge in the United States is overlapping with the return to classes for students. This is complicated, frustrating, scary (and many other Read more…
August 13, 2021
3rd Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Authorized for Immunocompromised in US
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥BREAKING💥: 3rd dose COVID-19 vaccine authorization & recommendation for immunocompromised in the U.S. Yesterday (August 12th,) the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized an additional dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for certain immunocompromised individuals ages 12+. Today (August 13th) the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) also voted to recommend these Read more…
August 13, 2021
How can I help my 8th grader manage anxiety about the upcoming school year?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Many young people are struggling with anxiety and stress about the upcoming uncertainties surrounding the school year. We can help them by focusing on the basics of mental wellness and creating an environment that is supportive. We can also create a strong framework for young people, a “scaffold,” to offer tools to find solutions for Read more…
August 13, 2021
¿Por qué la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta es tan diferente entre los estudios?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
¿Inmunidad decreciente, medición imperfecta o algo más? Hay varias razones por las que la eficacia de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 puede diferir entre los estudios. Los nuevos estudios están midiendo la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta en entornos del mundo real en lugar de en un ensayo clínico. En estudios del Read more…
August 12, 2021
Should I lie to get my not-yet-12-year-old vaccinated before school starts?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: No. This is a bad idea for a few reasons, which I’ll get to below. But first I want to offer some solidarity. As the parent of an 11-year-old looking at the start of 6th grade in just 3 weeks, I feel you. I know exactly how you arrived at this question. I also Read more…
August 12, 2021
What is psychological PPE (personal protective equipment)?
Mental Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
August 11, 2021
Will my kids get any protection if they wear a mask, but most other kids are not wearing one?
Families/Kids Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. A well-fitted mask can provide good protection for the wearer (though two-sided masking remains most effective). We know that plans to drop mask mandates in many schools have many parents of unvaccinated children on edge, especially with the rise of the more transmissible Delta variant. While we encourage parents to communicate concerns they Read more…
August 11, 2021
Si recibí la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, ¿necesito una vacuna de refuerzo debido a la variante Delta?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
August 11, 2021
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 9, 2021
¿Por qué la variante “Delta” del virus que causa COVID-19 puede ser más transmisible?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…
This week the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated their guidance to *recommend* Covid-19 vaccination for EVERYONE ages 12 and older, including those who may be pregnant, breastfeeding, or who are trying to get pregnant. Previously the CDC had stated that “If you are pregnant, you *can* receive a Covid-19 vaccine.” ➡️ Read more…
Autorización de la tercera dosis de la vacuna COVID-19 para personas inmunodeprimidas en los EEUU
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El 12 de agosto, la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos de los Estados Unidos (FDA) autorizó una dosis adicional de las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna para ciertas personas inmunodeprimidas mayores de 12 años. El 13 de agosto, el Comité Asesor de Prácticas de Inmunización (ACIP) de los CDC también votó para recomendar estas dosis adicionales. Read more…
August 15, 2021
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aquí en EE.UU, a medida que vemos a más niños hospitalizados con COVID-19, y a medida que nuestros sistemas hospitalarios alcanzan la capacidad máxima con pacientes adultos que en su mayoría no están vacunados, nuestros colegas Impact crearon esta infografía para ayudar a los adultos a comprender por qué es importante estar completamente vacunado. Enlace Read more…
August 14, 2021
What can I do to prepare for back to school?
Families/Kids School
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Delta and a fourth wave of COVID-19 was not the plan. In this unfortunate reality, focus and flexibility will go a long way. Back-to-school will be bumpy. The timing of the Delta surge in the United States is overlapping with the return to classes for students. This is complicated, frustrating, scary (and many other Read more…
August 13, 2021
3rd Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Authorized for Immunocompromised in US
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥BREAKING💥: 3rd dose COVID-19 vaccine authorization & recommendation for immunocompromised in the U.S. Yesterday (August 12th,) the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized an additional dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for certain immunocompromised individuals ages 12+. Today (August 13th) the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) also voted to recommend these Read more…
August 13, 2021
How can I help my 8th grader manage anxiety about the upcoming school year?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Many young people are struggling with anxiety and stress about the upcoming uncertainties surrounding the school year. We can help them by focusing on the basics of mental wellness and creating an environment that is supportive. We can also create a strong framework for young people, a “scaffold,” to offer tools to find solutions for Read more…
August 13, 2021
¿Por qué la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta es tan diferente entre los estudios?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
¿Inmunidad decreciente, medición imperfecta o algo más? Hay varias razones por las que la eficacia de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 puede diferir entre los estudios. Los nuevos estudios están midiendo la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta en entornos del mundo real en lugar de en un ensayo clínico. En estudios del Read more…
August 12, 2021
Should I lie to get my not-yet-12-year-old vaccinated before school starts?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: No. This is a bad idea for a few reasons, which I’ll get to below. But first I want to offer some solidarity. As the parent of an 11-year-old looking at the start of 6th grade in just 3 weeks, I feel you. I know exactly how you arrived at this question. I also Read more…
August 12, 2021
What is psychological PPE (personal protective equipment)?
Mental Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
August 11, 2021
Will my kids get any protection if they wear a mask, but most other kids are not wearing one?
Families/Kids Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. A well-fitted mask can provide good protection for the wearer (though two-sided masking remains most effective). We know that plans to drop mask mandates in many schools have many parents of unvaccinated children on edge, especially with the rise of the more transmissible Delta variant. While we encourage parents to communicate concerns they Read more…
August 11, 2021
Si recibí la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, ¿necesito una vacuna de refuerzo debido a la variante Delta?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
August 11, 2021
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 9, 2021
¿Por qué la variante “Delta” del virus que causa COVID-19 puede ser más transmisible?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…
El 12 de agosto, la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos de los Estados Unidos (FDA) autorizó una dosis adicional de las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna para ciertas personas inmunodeprimidas mayores de 12 años. El 13 de agosto, el Comité Asesor de Prácticas de Inmunización (ACIP) de los CDC también votó para recomendar estas dosis adicionales. Read more…
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aquí en EE.UU, a medida que vemos a más niños hospitalizados con COVID-19, y a medida que nuestros sistemas hospitalarios alcanzan la capacidad máxima con pacientes adultos que en su mayoría no están vacunados, nuestros colegas Impact crearon esta infografía para ayudar a los adultos a comprender por qué es importante estar completamente vacunado. Enlace Read more…
August 14, 2021
What can I do to prepare for back to school?
Families/Kids School
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Delta and a fourth wave of COVID-19 was not the plan. In this unfortunate reality, focus and flexibility will go a long way. Back-to-school will be bumpy. The timing of the Delta surge in the United States is overlapping with the return to classes for students. This is complicated, frustrating, scary (and many other Read more…
August 13, 2021
3rd Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Authorized for Immunocompromised in US
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥BREAKING💥: 3rd dose COVID-19 vaccine authorization & recommendation for immunocompromised in the U.S. Yesterday (August 12th,) the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized an additional dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for certain immunocompromised individuals ages 12+. Today (August 13th) the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) also voted to recommend these Read more…
August 13, 2021
How can I help my 8th grader manage anxiety about the upcoming school year?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Many young people are struggling with anxiety and stress about the upcoming uncertainties surrounding the school year. We can help them by focusing on the basics of mental wellness and creating an environment that is supportive. We can also create a strong framework for young people, a “scaffold,” to offer tools to find solutions for Read more…
August 13, 2021
¿Por qué la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta es tan diferente entre los estudios?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
¿Inmunidad decreciente, medición imperfecta o algo más? Hay varias razones por las que la eficacia de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 puede diferir entre los estudios. Los nuevos estudios están midiendo la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta en entornos del mundo real en lugar de en un ensayo clínico. En estudios del Read more…
August 12, 2021
Should I lie to get my not-yet-12-year-old vaccinated before school starts?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: No. This is a bad idea for a few reasons, which I’ll get to below. But first I want to offer some solidarity. As the parent of an 11-year-old looking at the start of 6th grade in just 3 weeks, I feel you. I know exactly how you arrived at this question. I also Read more…
August 12, 2021
What is psychological PPE (personal protective equipment)?
Mental Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
August 11, 2021
Will my kids get any protection if they wear a mask, but most other kids are not wearing one?
Families/Kids Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. A well-fitted mask can provide good protection for the wearer (though two-sided masking remains most effective). We know that plans to drop mask mandates in many schools have many parents of unvaccinated children on edge, especially with the rise of the more transmissible Delta variant. While we encourage parents to communicate concerns they Read more…
August 11, 2021
Si recibí la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, ¿necesito una vacuna de refuerzo debido a la variante Delta?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
August 11, 2021
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 9, 2021
¿Por qué la variante “Delta” del virus que causa COVID-19 puede ser más transmisible?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…
Aquí en EE.UU, a medida que vemos a más niños hospitalizados con COVID-19, y a medida que nuestros sistemas hospitalarios alcanzan la capacidad máxima con pacientes adultos que en su mayoría no están vacunados, nuestros colegas Impact crearon esta infografía para ayudar a los adultos a comprender por qué es importante estar completamente vacunado. Enlace Read more…
What can I do to prepare for back to school?
Families/Kids School
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Delta and a fourth wave of COVID-19 was not the plan. In this unfortunate reality, focus and flexibility will go a long way. Back-to-school will be bumpy. The timing of the Delta surge in the United States is overlapping with the return to classes for students. This is complicated, frustrating, scary (and many other Read more…
August 13, 2021
3rd Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Authorized for Immunocompromised in US
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥BREAKING💥: 3rd dose COVID-19 vaccine authorization & recommendation for immunocompromised in the U.S. Yesterday (August 12th,) the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized an additional dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for certain immunocompromised individuals ages 12+. Today (August 13th) the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) also voted to recommend these Read more…
August 13, 2021
How can I help my 8th grader manage anxiety about the upcoming school year?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Many young people are struggling with anxiety and stress about the upcoming uncertainties surrounding the school year. We can help them by focusing on the basics of mental wellness and creating an environment that is supportive. We can also create a strong framework for young people, a “scaffold,” to offer tools to find solutions for Read more…
August 13, 2021
¿Por qué la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta es tan diferente entre los estudios?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
¿Inmunidad decreciente, medición imperfecta o algo más? Hay varias razones por las que la eficacia de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 puede diferir entre los estudios. Los nuevos estudios están midiendo la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta en entornos del mundo real en lugar de en un ensayo clínico. En estudios del Read more…
August 12, 2021
Should I lie to get my not-yet-12-year-old vaccinated before school starts?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: No. This is a bad idea for a few reasons, which I’ll get to below. But first I want to offer some solidarity. As the parent of an 11-year-old looking at the start of 6th grade in just 3 weeks, I feel you. I know exactly how you arrived at this question. I also Read more…
August 12, 2021
What is psychological PPE (personal protective equipment)?
Mental Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
August 11, 2021
Will my kids get any protection if they wear a mask, but most other kids are not wearing one?
Families/Kids Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. A well-fitted mask can provide good protection for the wearer (though two-sided masking remains most effective). We know that plans to drop mask mandates in many schools have many parents of unvaccinated children on edge, especially with the rise of the more transmissible Delta variant. While we encourage parents to communicate concerns they Read more…
August 11, 2021
Si recibí la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, ¿necesito una vacuna de refuerzo debido a la variante Delta?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
August 11, 2021
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 9, 2021
¿Por qué la variante “Delta” del virus que causa COVID-19 puede ser más transmisible?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…
A: Delta and a fourth wave of COVID-19 was not the plan. In this unfortunate reality, focus and flexibility will go a long way. Back-to-school will be bumpy. The timing of the Delta surge in the United States is overlapping with the return to classes for students. This is complicated, frustrating, scary (and many other Read more…
3rd Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Authorized for Immunocompromised in US
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥BREAKING💥: 3rd dose COVID-19 vaccine authorization & recommendation for immunocompromised in the U.S. Yesterday (August 12th,) the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized an additional dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for certain immunocompromised individuals ages 12+. Today (August 13th) the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) also voted to recommend these Read more…
August 13, 2021
How can I help my 8th grader manage anxiety about the upcoming school year?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Many young people are struggling with anxiety and stress about the upcoming uncertainties surrounding the school year. We can help them by focusing on the basics of mental wellness and creating an environment that is supportive. We can also create a strong framework for young people, a “scaffold,” to offer tools to find solutions for Read more…
August 13, 2021
¿Por qué la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta es tan diferente entre los estudios?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
¿Inmunidad decreciente, medición imperfecta o algo más? Hay varias razones por las que la eficacia de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 puede diferir entre los estudios. Los nuevos estudios están midiendo la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta en entornos del mundo real en lugar de en un ensayo clínico. En estudios del Read more…
August 12, 2021
Should I lie to get my not-yet-12-year-old vaccinated before school starts?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: No. This is a bad idea for a few reasons, which I’ll get to below. But first I want to offer some solidarity. As the parent of an 11-year-old looking at the start of 6th grade in just 3 weeks, I feel you. I know exactly how you arrived at this question. I also Read more…
August 12, 2021
What is psychological PPE (personal protective equipment)?
Mental Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
August 11, 2021
Will my kids get any protection if they wear a mask, but most other kids are not wearing one?
Families/Kids Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. A well-fitted mask can provide good protection for the wearer (though two-sided masking remains most effective). We know that plans to drop mask mandates in many schools have many parents of unvaccinated children on edge, especially with the rise of the more transmissible Delta variant. While we encourage parents to communicate concerns they Read more…
August 11, 2021
Si recibí la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, ¿necesito una vacuna de refuerzo debido a la variante Delta?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
August 11, 2021
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 9, 2021
¿Por qué la variante “Delta” del virus que causa COVID-19 puede ser más transmisible?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…
💥BREAKING💥: 3rd dose COVID-19 vaccine authorization & recommendation for immunocompromised in the U.S. Yesterday (August 12th,) the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized an additional dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for certain immunocompromised individuals ages 12+. Today (August 13th) the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) also voted to recommend these Read more…
How can I help my 8th grader manage anxiety about the upcoming school year?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Many young people are struggling with anxiety and stress about the upcoming uncertainties surrounding the school year. We can help them by focusing on the basics of mental wellness and creating an environment that is supportive. We can also create a strong framework for young people, a “scaffold,” to offer tools to find solutions for Read more…
August 13, 2021
¿Por qué la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta es tan diferente entre los estudios?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
¿Inmunidad decreciente, medición imperfecta o algo más? Hay varias razones por las que la eficacia de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 puede diferir entre los estudios. Los nuevos estudios están midiendo la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta en entornos del mundo real en lugar de en un ensayo clínico. En estudios del Read more…
August 12, 2021
Should I lie to get my not-yet-12-year-old vaccinated before school starts?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: No. This is a bad idea for a few reasons, which I’ll get to below. But first I want to offer some solidarity. As the parent of an 11-year-old looking at the start of 6th grade in just 3 weeks, I feel you. I know exactly how you arrived at this question. I also Read more…
August 12, 2021
What is psychological PPE (personal protective equipment)?
Mental Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
August 11, 2021
Will my kids get any protection if they wear a mask, but most other kids are not wearing one?
Families/Kids Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. A well-fitted mask can provide good protection for the wearer (though two-sided masking remains most effective). We know that plans to drop mask mandates in many schools have many parents of unvaccinated children on edge, especially with the rise of the more transmissible Delta variant. While we encourage parents to communicate concerns they Read more…
August 11, 2021
Si recibí la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, ¿necesito una vacuna de refuerzo debido a la variante Delta?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
August 11, 2021
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 9, 2021
¿Por qué la variante “Delta” del virus que causa COVID-19 puede ser más transmisible?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…
A: Many young people are struggling with anxiety and stress about the upcoming uncertainties surrounding the school year. We can help them by focusing on the basics of mental wellness and creating an environment that is supportive. We can also create a strong framework for young people, a “scaffold,” to offer tools to find solutions for Read more…
¿Por qué la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta es tan diferente entre los estudios?
Posts en Español Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
¿Inmunidad decreciente, medición imperfecta o algo más? Hay varias razones por las que la eficacia de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 puede diferir entre los estudios. Los nuevos estudios están midiendo la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta en entornos del mundo real en lugar de en un ensayo clínico. En estudios del Read more…
August 12, 2021
Should I lie to get my not-yet-12-year-old vaccinated before school starts?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: No. This is a bad idea for a few reasons, which I’ll get to below. But first I want to offer some solidarity. As the parent of an 11-year-old looking at the start of 6th grade in just 3 weeks, I feel you. I know exactly how you arrived at this question. I also Read more…
August 12, 2021
What is psychological PPE (personal protective equipment)?
Mental Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
August 11, 2021
Will my kids get any protection if they wear a mask, but most other kids are not wearing one?
Families/Kids Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. A well-fitted mask can provide good protection for the wearer (though two-sided masking remains most effective). We know that plans to drop mask mandates in many schools have many parents of unvaccinated children on edge, especially with the rise of the more transmissible Delta variant. While we encourage parents to communicate concerns they Read more…
August 11, 2021
Si recibí la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, ¿necesito una vacuna de refuerzo debido a la variante Delta?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
August 11, 2021
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 9, 2021
¿Por qué la variante “Delta” del virus que causa COVID-19 puede ser más transmisible?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…
¿Inmunidad decreciente, medición imperfecta o algo más? Hay varias razones por las que la eficacia de las vacunas contra el COVID-19 puede diferir entre los estudios. Los nuevos estudios están midiendo la eficacia de las vacunas contra la variante Delta en entornos del mundo real en lugar de en un ensayo clínico. En estudios del Read more…
Should I lie to get my not-yet-12-year-old vaccinated before school starts?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: No. This is a bad idea for a few reasons, which I’ll get to below. But first I want to offer some solidarity. As the parent of an 11-year-old looking at the start of 6th grade in just 3 weeks, I feel you. I know exactly how you arrived at this question. I also Read more…
August 12, 2021
What is psychological PPE (personal protective equipment)?
Mental Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
August 11, 2021
Will my kids get any protection if they wear a mask, but most other kids are not wearing one?
Families/Kids Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. A well-fitted mask can provide good protection for the wearer (though two-sided masking remains most effective). We know that plans to drop mask mandates in many schools have many parents of unvaccinated children on edge, especially with the rise of the more transmissible Delta variant. While we encourage parents to communicate concerns they Read more…
August 11, 2021
Si recibí la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, ¿necesito una vacuna de refuerzo debido a la variante Delta?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
August 11, 2021
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 9, 2021
¿Por qué la variante “Delta” del virus que causa COVID-19 puede ser más transmisible?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…
A: No. This is a bad idea for a few reasons, which I’ll get to below. But first I want to offer some solidarity. As the parent of an 11-year-old looking at the start of 6th grade in just 3 weeks, I feel you. I know exactly how you arrived at this question. I also Read more…
What is psychological PPE (personal protective equipment)?
Mental Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
August 11, 2021
Will my kids get any protection if they wear a mask, but most other kids are not wearing one?
Families/Kids Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. A well-fitted mask can provide good protection for the wearer (though two-sided masking remains most effective). We know that plans to drop mask mandates in many schools have many parents of unvaccinated children on edge, especially with the rise of the more transmissible Delta variant. While we encourage parents to communicate concerns they Read more…
August 11, 2021
Si recibí la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, ¿necesito una vacuna de refuerzo debido a la variante Delta?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
August 11, 2021
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 9, 2021
¿Por qué la variante “Delta” del virus que causa COVID-19 puede ser más transmisible?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…
A: We all know that personal protective equipment (like masks) has been important during the COVID-19 pandemic. But psychological PPE is important too! Psychological PPE includes individual and systems-wide actions that can be taken to protect your mental health, the mental health of those around you and protect against burnout. As the pandemic rages on Read more…
Will my kids get any protection if they wear a mask, but most other kids are not wearing one?
Families/Kids Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Yes. A well-fitted mask can provide good protection for the wearer (though two-sided masking remains most effective). We know that plans to drop mask mandates in many schools have many parents of unvaccinated children on edge, especially with the rise of the more transmissible Delta variant. While we encourage parents to communicate concerns they Read more…
August 11, 2021
Si recibí la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, ¿necesito una vacuna de refuerzo debido a la variante Delta?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
August 11, 2021
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 9, 2021
¿Por qué la variante “Delta” del virus que causa COVID-19 puede ser más transmisible?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…
A: Yes. A well-fitted mask can provide good protection for the wearer (though two-sided masking remains most effective). We know that plans to drop mask mandates in many schools have many parents of unvaccinated children on edge, especially with the rise of the more transmissible Delta variant. While we encourage parents to communicate concerns they Read more…
Si recibí la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, ¿necesito una vacuna de refuerzo debido a la variante Delta?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
August 11, 2021
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 9, 2021
¿Por qué la variante “Delta” del virus que causa COVID-19 puede ser más transmisible?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…
Aún no se tiene una respuesta concreta. Aunque algunos científicos están compartiendo sus decisiones personales de reforzar su vacuna de J&J con una segunda dosis de la vacuna de ARNm, los reguladores de vacunas de los EE.UU. no han aprobado esta estrategia. Esto puede poner a clínicos y farmacéuticos en una posición difícil si los Read more…
Family Precautions if a Fully Vaccinated Parent Tests Positive for COVID
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 9, 2021
¿Por qué la variante “Delta” del virus que causa COVID-19 puede ser más transmisible?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…
Q: “I am a fully vaccinated parent who got a positive on a surveillance test. I live with my two kids under 12 and fully vaccinated partner, who are also being tested. What precautions should we take now?” A: If you test positive, 10-day isolation parameters still apply whether you are vaccinated or not and Read more…
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 9, 2021
¿Por qué la variante “Delta” del virus que causa COVID-19 puede ser más transmisible?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
¿Por qué la variante “Delta” del virus que causa COVID-19 puede ser más transmisible?
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…
Según la viróloga Dra. Angela Rasmussen, “las personas infectadas con Delta están diseminando mucho más el virus que las personas infectadas con variantes anteriores”. Un estudio reciente examinó la transmisibilidad de Delta al probar las cargas virales en contactos cercanos de casos confirmados en cuarentena. Los contactos se sometieron a pruebas diarias mediante la técnica Read more…