
Dear Pandemic Shout-Out to Healthcare Workers


Although the nightly cheering for health care workers doesn’t happen anymore, Dear Pandemic/Those Nerdy Girls wants these heroes to know how much we appreciate their efforts, now more than ever.

We recognize the vast challenges they face right now as they fight the daunting wave of Delta variant across the United State.

We know that many of these health care workers are suffering. They are burned out, both physically and mentally. Many have voiced frustration that they are seeing so much preventable severe illness (and death) among unvaccinated patients. Still, they give 1000% of themselves day and night to save each and every life.

We know that we have a contingent of health care workers among our loyal Dear Pandemic readers. We want you to know that we see you, we owe a debt of gratitude to you, and we want to support you the best ways we can. Please tell us in the comments below, how are you doing? And what would you like our readers to know?


Slate: Doctors and Nurses Are Traumatized and Burned Out. I Should Know: I’m Treating Them.

KPIX5: COVID: Case Surge From Delta Variant Leading to Health Care Worker Fatigue

M Live: Hospital workers are carrying the weight of COVID-19, and it’s crushing them

Axios: Health care’s burnout crisis

Link to Original FB Post