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Any ideas for year-end giving?


A: Support the science communication work of Those Nerdy Girls! Those Nerdy Girls aren’t going anywhere. While our work was born in a moment of crisis (a really long moment), the need for accessible, practical science is evident now more than ever. This year we’ve expanded our work with a new Reproductive Health squad to Read more…

Nerdy Girl Live Friday, 5/6 @ 1 pm EDT!


Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…

Dear Pandemic Origin Story Revisited


This week, to commemorate two years of the magical collaboration that is Dear Pandemic, we’ll be re-sharing some posts from back in the day… back when we thought we would sunset this project by August 2020 at the latest. Back when the best data we had was coming off of the #DiamondPrincess. Back when we Read more…