What resources are available to help train the next generation of Nerdy Girls (and Guys) to navigate misinformation?
Data Literacy Families/Kids Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Whether you are a teacher or a parent, there are lots of resources available to help kids boost their skills in navigating misinformation. Check out a few we like below! 🔵 Checkology: a free e-learning platform from The News Literacy Project that offers interactive lessons led by journalists and other experts on topics including Read more…
April 26, 2024
Avian flu update – April 2024
Hot Health Topics Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The avian flu virus infecting dairy cattle herds, poultry, and many wild birds in the United States is an emerging situation with unanswered questions. At this point, no case of a human passing the virus along to another human has been identified. This means that it’s unlikely to become widespread among humans in its current Read more…
April 23, 2024
What is a confounder (confounding variable) and why should I care?
Data Literacy
Chana Davis, PhD
What is a confounder (confounding variable) and why should I care? — Tips for making sense of science Confounders (or confounding variables) are factors that are associated with both the “cause” and “effect” (or exposure and outcome) in a potential cause-and-effect relationship. If ignored, they can cause misleading results and conclusions. Common confounders include age, Read more…
April 19, 2024
It’s National Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day! How should I celebrate?
Aging General Health Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Over-the-counter and prescription medications have a way of accumulating in cabinets, drawers, bags, and forgotten pockets. Unused and expired medications should be discarded safely to avoid misuse. Take a few minutes with Those Nerdy Girls to safely dispose of your old medications today. Think about all the places you store medication and then clean them Read more…
April 17, 2024
What do we need to know about Black Maternal Health?
Reproductive Health
Black Maternal Health Awareness Week is wrapping up. What do we need to know about Black Maternal Health? During pregnancy, childbirth, or the first 42 days after delivery of a living child, Black people are dying at almost three times the rate (CDC, 2021) as white people. More than 80% of pregnancy-related deaths are preventable Read more…
April 16, 2024
How stable are conspiracy theory beliefs?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Although it’s not very common, conspiracy beliefs can change over time. This gives us new hope about the promise of interventions to change these ideas. When we think about a person who believes one or multiple conspiracy theories, we tend to think of someone whose beliefs are relatively stable and fixed. In the public imagination, Read more…
April 12, 2024
Nerdy Girls Live 04/12/24: Fact-checking science-based claims.
Data Literacy Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls and FactCheck.org talk about fact-checking science-based claims. Hosted by: – Lori Robertson: Managing Editor at FactCheck.org (@factcheck.org) – Chana Davis, PhD: Contributing Writer at Those Nerdy Girls (@thosenerdygirls) ➡️ 0:00 – 0:33 General welcome and intros ➡️ 0:34 – 2:21 Introduction to FactCheck.org ➡️ 2:22 – 3:46 Introduction to Those Nerdy Girls Read more…
April 12, 2024
COVID vaccination reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes after a COVID infection.
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
New data shows an important benefit of COVID vaccines – lowering your risk of cardiovascular events after an infection. As if a nasty illness, hospitalization, or long COVID were not enough, the risk of a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or stroke is higher for weeks (or even months) after a COVID infection. Read more…
April 9, 2024
What are sensitivity and specificity and why should I care?
Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Good question! Sensitivity and specificity are characteristics of a medical test that help us determine how useful that test is and how to interpret the result. But, they aren’t the be all and end all. We also want to know the positive and negative predictive value. Strap in for the ride and let’s talk Read more…
April 5, 2024
How can I prepare to get the most out of my next medical appointment?
Aging General Health
Clara Ke, BSN, RN
Organize your thoughts beforehand on paper, and bring a friend or family member if you need additional support. It can be easy to get flustered sitting in an exam room. Yet your time with your clinician is a valuable opportunity to get your questions answered and prepare to continue to take care of your health. Read more…
April 2, 2024
Nerdy Girl Alex answers the question “Does getting an IUD hurt?”
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Yes, either a lot or a little depending on your situation, but most people feel it’s totally worth it. Getting an IUD is an awkward, uncomfortable sometimes painful and miserable experience, but the vast majority of people who get them say it was totally worth it. In a survey that I did with a Read more…
A: Whether you are a teacher or a parent, there are lots of resources available to help kids boost their skills in navigating misinformation. Check out a few we like below! 🔵 Checkology: a free e-learning platform from The News Literacy Project that offers interactive lessons led by journalists and other experts on topics including Read more…
Avian flu update – April 2024
Hot Health Topics Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The avian flu virus infecting dairy cattle herds, poultry, and many wild birds in the United States is an emerging situation with unanswered questions. At this point, no case of a human passing the virus along to another human has been identified. This means that it’s unlikely to become widespread among humans in its current Read more…
April 23, 2024
What is a confounder (confounding variable) and why should I care?
Data Literacy
Chana Davis, PhD
What is a confounder (confounding variable) and why should I care? — Tips for making sense of science Confounders (or confounding variables) are factors that are associated with both the “cause” and “effect” (or exposure and outcome) in a potential cause-and-effect relationship. If ignored, they can cause misleading results and conclusions. Common confounders include age, Read more…
April 19, 2024
It’s National Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day! How should I celebrate?
Aging General Health Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Over-the-counter and prescription medications have a way of accumulating in cabinets, drawers, bags, and forgotten pockets. Unused and expired medications should be discarded safely to avoid misuse. Take a few minutes with Those Nerdy Girls to safely dispose of your old medications today. Think about all the places you store medication and then clean them Read more…
April 17, 2024
What do we need to know about Black Maternal Health?
Reproductive Health
Black Maternal Health Awareness Week is wrapping up. What do we need to know about Black Maternal Health? During pregnancy, childbirth, or the first 42 days after delivery of a living child, Black people are dying at almost three times the rate (CDC, 2021) as white people. More than 80% of pregnancy-related deaths are preventable Read more…
April 16, 2024
How stable are conspiracy theory beliefs?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Although it’s not very common, conspiracy beliefs can change over time. This gives us new hope about the promise of interventions to change these ideas. When we think about a person who believes one or multiple conspiracy theories, we tend to think of someone whose beliefs are relatively stable and fixed. In the public imagination, Read more…
April 12, 2024
Nerdy Girls Live 04/12/24: Fact-checking science-based claims.
Data Literacy Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls and FactCheck.org talk about fact-checking science-based claims. Hosted by: – Lori Robertson: Managing Editor at FactCheck.org (@factcheck.org) – Chana Davis, PhD: Contributing Writer at Those Nerdy Girls (@thosenerdygirls) ➡️ 0:00 – 0:33 General welcome and intros ➡️ 0:34 – 2:21 Introduction to FactCheck.org ➡️ 2:22 – 3:46 Introduction to Those Nerdy Girls Read more…
April 12, 2024
COVID vaccination reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes after a COVID infection.
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
New data shows an important benefit of COVID vaccines – lowering your risk of cardiovascular events after an infection. As if a nasty illness, hospitalization, or long COVID were not enough, the risk of a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or stroke is higher for weeks (or even months) after a COVID infection. Read more…
April 9, 2024
What are sensitivity and specificity and why should I care?
Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Good question! Sensitivity and specificity are characteristics of a medical test that help us determine how useful that test is and how to interpret the result. But, they aren’t the be all and end all. We also want to know the positive and negative predictive value. Strap in for the ride and let’s talk Read more…
April 5, 2024
How can I prepare to get the most out of my next medical appointment?
Aging General Health
Clara Ke, BSN, RN
Organize your thoughts beforehand on paper, and bring a friend or family member if you need additional support. It can be easy to get flustered sitting in an exam room. Yet your time with your clinician is a valuable opportunity to get your questions answered and prepare to continue to take care of your health. Read more…
April 2, 2024
Nerdy Girl Alex answers the question “Does getting an IUD hurt?”
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Yes, either a lot or a little depending on your situation, but most people feel it’s totally worth it. Getting an IUD is an awkward, uncomfortable sometimes painful and miserable experience, but the vast majority of people who get them say it was totally worth it. In a survey that I did with a Read more…
The avian flu virus infecting dairy cattle herds, poultry, and many wild birds in the United States is an emerging situation with unanswered questions. At this point, no case of a human passing the virus along to another human has been identified. This means that it’s unlikely to become widespread among humans in its current Read more…
What is a confounder (confounding variable) and why should I care?
Data Literacy
Chana Davis, PhD
What is a confounder (confounding variable) and why should I care? — Tips for making sense of science Confounders (or confounding variables) are factors that are associated with both the “cause” and “effect” (or exposure and outcome) in a potential cause-and-effect relationship. If ignored, they can cause misleading results and conclusions. Common confounders include age, Read more…
April 19, 2024
It’s National Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day! How should I celebrate?
Aging General Health Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Over-the-counter and prescription medications have a way of accumulating in cabinets, drawers, bags, and forgotten pockets. Unused and expired medications should be discarded safely to avoid misuse. Take a few minutes with Those Nerdy Girls to safely dispose of your old medications today. Think about all the places you store medication and then clean them Read more…
April 17, 2024
What do we need to know about Black Maternal Health?
Reproductive Health
Black Maternal Health Awareness Week is wrapping up. What do we need to know about Black Maternal Health? During pregnancy, childbirth, or the first 42 days after delivery of a living child, Black people are dying at almost three times the rate (CDC, 2021) as white people. More than 80% of pregnancy-related deaths are preventable Read more…
April 16, 2024
How stable are conspiracy theory beliefs?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Although it’s not very common, conspiracy beliefs can change over time. This gives us new hope about the promise of interventions to change these ideas. When we think about a person who believes one or multiple conspiracy theories, we tend to think of someone whose beliefs are relatively stable and fixed. In the public imagination, Read more…
April 12, 2024
Nerdy Girls Live 04/12/24: Fact-checking science-based claims.
Data Literacy Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls and FactCheck.org talk about fact-checking science-based claims. Hosted by: – Lori Robertson: Managing Editor at FactCheck.org (@factcheck.org) – Chana Davis, PhD: Contributing Writer at Those Nerdy Girls (@thosenerdygirls) ➡️ 0:00 – 0:33 General welcome and intros ➡️ 0:34 – 2:21 Introduction to FactCheck.org ➡️ 2:22 – 3:46 Introduction to Those Nerdy Girls Read more…
April 12, 2024
COVID vaccination reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes after a COVID infection.
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
New data shows an important benefit of COVID vaccines – lowering your risk of cardiovascular events after an infection. As if a nasty illness, hospitalization, or long COVID were not enough, the risk of a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or stroke is higher for weeks (or even months) after a COVID infection. Read more…
April 9, 2024
What are sensitivity and specificity and why should I care?
Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Good question! Sensitivity and specificity are characteristics of a medical test that help us determine how useful that test is and how to interpret the result. But, they aren’t the be all and end all. We also want to know the positive and negative predictive value. Strap in for the ride and let’s talk Read more…
April 5, 2024
How can I prepare to get the most out of my next medical appointment?
Aging General Health
Clara Ke, BSN, RN
Organize your thoughts beforehand on paper, and bring a friend or family member if you need additional support. It can be easy to get flustered sitting in an exam room. Yet your time with your clinician is a valuable opportunity to get your questions answered and prepare to continue to take care of your health. Read more…
April 2, 2024
Nerdy Girl Alex answers the question “Does getting an IUD hurt?”
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Yes, either a lot or a little depending on your situation, but most people feel it’s totally worth it. Getting an IUD is an awkward, uncomfortable sometimes painful and miserable experience, but the vast majority of people who get them say it was totally worth it. In a survey that I did with a Read more…
What is a confounder (confounding variable) and why should I care? — Tips for making sense of science Confounders (or confounding variables) are factors that are associated with both the “cause” and “effect” (or exposure and outcome) in a potential cause-and-effect relationship. If ignored, they can cause misleading results and conclusions. Common confounders include age, Read more…
It’s National Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day! How should I celebrate?
Aging General Health Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Over-the-counter and prescription medications have a way of accumulating in cabinets, drawers, bags, and forgotten pockets. Unused and expired medications should be discarded safely to avoid misuse. Take a few minutes with Those Nerdy Girls to safely dispose of your old medications today. Think about all the places you store medication and then clean them Read more…
April 17, 2024
What do we need to know about Black Maternal Health?
Reproductive Health
Black Maternal Health Awareness Week is wrapping up. What do we need to know about Black Maternal Health? During pregnancy, childbirth, or the first 42 days after delivery of a living child, Black people are dying at almost three times the rate (CDC, 2021) as white people. More than 80% of pregnancy-related deaths are preventable Read more…
April 16, 2024
How stable are conspiracy theory beliefs?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Although it’s not very common, conspiracy beliefs can change over time. This gives us new hope about the promise of interventions to change these ideas. When we think about a person who believes one or multiple conspiracy theories, we tend to think of someone whose beliefs are relatively stable and fixed. In the public imagination, Read more…
April 12, 2024
Nerdy Girls Live 04/12/24: Fact-checking science-based claims.
Data Literacy Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls and FactCheck.org talk about fact-checking science-based claims. Hosted by: – Lori Robertson: Managing Editor at FactCheck.org (@factcheck.org) – Chana Davis, PhD: Contributing Writer at Those Nerdy Girls (@thosenerdygirls) ➡️ 0:00 – 0:33 General welcome and intros ➡️ 0:34 – 2:21 Introduction to FactCheck.org ➡️ 2:22 – 3:46 Introduction to Those Nerdy Girls Read more…
April 12, 2024
COVID vaccination reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes after a COVID infection.
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
New data shows an important benefit of COVID vaccines – lowering your risk of cardiovascular events after an infection. As if a nasty illness, hospitalization, or long COVID were not enough, the risk of a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or stroke is higher for weeks (or even months) after a COVID infection. Read more…
April 9, 2024
What are sensitivity and specificity and why should I care?
Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Good question! Sensitivity and specificity are characteristics of a medical test that help us determine how useful that test is and how to interpret the result. But, they aren’t the be all and end all. We also want to know the positive and negative predictive value. Strap in for the ride and let’s talk Read more…
April 5, 2024
How can I prepare to get the most out of my next medical appointment?
Aging General Health
Clara Ke, BSN, RN
Organize your thoughts beforehand on paper, and bring a friend or family member if you need additional support. It can be easy to get flustered sitting in an exam room. Yet your time with your clinician is a valuable opportunity to get your questions answered and prepare to continue to take care of your health. Read more…
April 2, 2024
Nerdy Girl Alex answers the question “Does getting an IUD hurt?”
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Yes, either a lot or a little depending on your situation, but most people feel it’s totally worth it. Getting an IUD is an awkward, uncomfortable sometimes painful and miserable experience, but the vast majority of people who get them say it was totally worth it. In a survey that I did with a Read more…
Over-the-counter and prescription medications have a way of accumulating in cabinets, drawers, bags, and forgotten pockets. Unused and expired medications should be discarded safely to avoid misuse. Take a few minutes with Those Nerdy Girls to safely dispose of your old medications today. Think about all the places you store medication and then clean them Read more…
What do we need to know about Black Maternal Health?
Reproductive HealthBlack Maternal Health Awareness Week is wrapping up. What do we need to know about Black Maternal Health? During pregnancy, childbirth, or the first 42 days after delivery of a living child, Black people are dying at almost three times the rate (CDC, 2021) as white people. More than 80% of pregnancy-related deaths are preventable Read more…
How stable are conspiracy theory beliefs?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Although it’s not very common, conspiracy beliefs can change over time. This gives us new hope about the promise of interventions to change these ideas. When we think about a person who believes one or multiple conspiracy theories, we tend to think of someone whose beliefs are relatively stable and fixed. In the public imagination, Read more…
April 12, 2024
Nerdy Girls Live 04/12/24: Fact-checking science-based claims.
Data Literacy Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls and FactCheck.org talk about fact-checking science-based claims. Hosted by: – Lori Robertson: Managing Editor at FactCheck.org (@factcheck.org) – Chana Davis, PhD: Contributing Writer at Those Nerdy Girls (@thosenerdygirls) ➡️ 0:00 – 0:33 General welcome and intros ➡️ 0:34 – 2:21 Introduction to FactCheck.org ➡️ 2:22 – 3:46 Introduction to Those Nerdy Girls Read more…
April 12, 2024
COVID vaccination reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes after a COVID infection.
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
New data shows an important benefit of COVID vaccines – lowering your risk of cardiovascular events after an infection. As if a nasty illness, hospitalization, or long COVID were not enough, the risk of a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or stroke is higher for weeks (or even months) after a COVID infection. Read more…
April 9, 2024
What are sensitivity and specificity and why should I care?
Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Good question! Sensitivity and specificity are characteristics of a medical test that help us determine how useful that test is and how to interpret the result. But, they aren’t the be all and end all. We also want to know the positive and negative predictive value. Strap in for the ride and let’s talk Read more…
April 5, 2024
How can I prepare to get the most out of my next medical appointment?
Aging General Health
Clara Ke, BSN, RN
Organize your thoughts beforehand on paper, and bring a friend or family member if you need additional support. It can be easy to get flustered sitting in an exam room. Yet your time with your clinician is a valuable opportunity to get your questions answered and prepare to continue to take care of your health. Read more…
April 2, 2024
Nerdy Girl Alex answers the question “Does getting an IUD hurt?”
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Yes, either a lot or a little depending on your situation, but most people feel it’s totally worth it. Getting an IUD is an awkward, uncomfortable sometimes painful and miserable experience, but the vast majority of people who get them say it was totally worth it. In a survey that I did with a Read more…
Although it’s not very common, conspiracy beliefs can change over time. This gives us new hope about the promise of interventions to change these ideas. When we think about a person who believes one or multiple conspiracy theories, we tend to think of someone whose beliefs are relatively stable and fixed. In the public imagination, Read more…
Nerdy Girls Live 04/12/24: Fact-checking science-based claims.
Data Literacy Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls and FactCheck.org talk about fact-checking science-based claims. Hosted by: – Lori Robertson: Managing Editor at FactCheck.org (@factcheck.org) – Chana Davis, PhD: Contributing Writer at Those Nerdy Girls (@thosenerdygirls) ➡️ 0:00 – 0:33 General welcome and intros ➡️ 0:34 – 2:21 Introduction to FactCheck.org ➡️ 2:22 – 3:46 Introduction to Those Nerdy Girls Read more…
April 12, 2024
COVID vaccination reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes after a COVID infection.
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
New data shows an important benefit of COVID vaccines – lowering your risk of cardiovascular events after an infection. As if a nasty illness, hospitalization, or long COVID were not enough, the risk of a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or stroke is higher for weeks (or even months) after a COVID infection. Read more…
April 9, 2024
What are sensitivity and specificity and why should I care?
Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Good question! Sensitivity and specificity are characteristics of a medical test that help us determine how useful that test is and how to interpret the result. But, they aren’t the be all and end all. We also want to know the positive and negative predictive value. Strap in for the ride and let’s talk Read more…
April 5, 2024
How can I prepare to get the most out of my next medical appointment?
Aging General Health
Clara Ke, BSN, RN
Organize your thoughts beforehand on paper, and bring a friend or family member if you need additional support. It can be easy to get flustered sitting in an exam room. Yet your time with your clinician is a valuable opportunity to get your questions answered and prepare to continue to take care of your health. Read more…
April 2, 2024
Nerdy Girl Alex answers the question “Does getting an IUD hurt?”
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Yes, either a lot or a little depending on your situation, but most people feel it’s totally worth it. Getting an IUD is an awkward, uncomfortable sometimes painful and miserable experience, but the vast majority of people who get them say it was totally worth it. In a survey that I did with a Read more…
Those Nerdy Girls and FactCheck.org talk about fact-checking science-based claims. Hosted by: – Lori Robertson: Managing Editor at FactCheck.org (@factcheck.org) – Chana Davis, PhD: Contributing Writer at Those Nerdy Girls (@thosenerdygirls) ➡️ 0:00 – 0:33 General welcome and intros ➡️ 0:34 – 2:21 Introduction to FactCheck.org ➡️ 2:22 – 3:46 Introduction to Those Nerdy Girls Read more…
COVID vaccination reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes after a COVID infection.
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
New data shows an important benefit of COVID vaccines – lowering your risk of cardiovascular events after an infection. As if a nasty illness, hospitalization, or long COVID were not enough, the risk of a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or stroke is higher for weeks (or even months) after a COVID infection. Read more…
April 9, 2024
What are sensitivity and specificity and why should I care?
Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Good question! Sensitivity and specificity are characteristics of a medical test that help us determine how useful that test is and how to interpret the result. But, they aren’t the be all and end all. We also want to know the positive and negative predictive value. Strap in for the ride and let’s talk Read more…
April 5, 2024
How can I prepare to get the most out of my next medical appointment?
Aging General Health
Clara Ke, BSN, RN
Organize your thoughts beforehand on paper, and bring a friend or family member if you need additional support. It can be easy to get flustered sitting in an exam room. Yet your time with your clinician is a valuable opportunity to get your questions answered and prepare to continue to take care of your health. Read more…
April 2, 2024
Nerdy Girl Alex answers the question “Does getting an IUD hurt?”
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Yes, either a lot or a little depending on your situation, but most people feel it’s totally worth it. Getting an IUD is an awkward, uncomfortable sometimes painful and miserable experience, but the vast majority of people who get them say it was totally worth it. In a survey that I did with a Read more…
New data shows an important benefit of COVID vaccines – lowering your risk of cardiovascular events after an infection. As if a nasty illness, hospitalization, or long COVID were not enough, the risk of a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or stroke is higher for weeks (or even months) after a COVID infection. Read more…
What are sensitivity and specificity and why should I care?
Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Good question! Sensitivity and specificity are characteristics of a medical test that help us determine how useful that test is and how to interpret the result. But, they aren’t the be all and end all. We also want to know the positive and negative predictive value. Strap in for the ride and let’s talk Read more…
April 5, 2024
How can I prepare to get the most out of my next medical appointment?
Aging General Health
Clara Ke, BSN, RN
Organize your thoughts beforehand on paper, and bring a friend or family member if you need additional support. It can be easy to get flustered sitting in an exam room. Yet your time with your clinician is a valuable opportunity to get your questions answered and prepare to continue to take care of your health. Read more…
April 2, 2024
Nerdy Girl Alex answers the question “Does getting an IUD hurt?”
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Yes, either a lot or a little depending on your situation, but most people feel it’s totally worth it. Getting an IUD is an awkward, uncomfortable sometimes painful and miserable experience, but the vast majority of people who get them say it was totally worth it. In a survey that I did with a Read more…
A: Good question! Sensitivity and specificity are characteristics of a medical test that help us determine how useful that test is and how to interpret the result. But, they aren’t the be all and end all. We also want to know the positive and negative predictive value. Strap in for the ride and let’s talk Read more…
How can I prepare to get the most out of my next medical appointment?
Aging General Health
Clara Ke, BSN, RN
Organize your thoughts beforehand on paper, and bring a friend or family member if you need additional support. It can be easy to get flustered sitting in an exam room. Yet your time with your clinician is a valuable opportunity to get your questions answered and prepare to continue to take care of your health. Read more…
April 2, 2024
Nerdy Girl Alex answers the question “Does getting an IUD hurt?”
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Yes, either a lot or a little depending on your situation, but most people feel it’s totally worth it. Getting an IUD is an awkward, uncomfortable sometimes painful and miserable experience, but the vast majority of people who get them say it was totally worth it. In a survey that I did with a Read more…
Organize your thoughts beforehand on paper, and bring a friend or family member if you need additional support. It can be easy to get flustered sitting in an exam room. Yet your time with your clinician is a valuable opportunity to get your questions answered and prepare to continue to take care of your health. Read more…
Nerdy Girl Alex answers the question “Does getting an IUD hurt?”
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Yes, either a lot or a little depending on your situation, but most people feel it’s totally worth it. Getting an IUD is an awkward, uncomfortable sometimes painful and miserable experience, but the vast majority of people who get them say it was totally worth it. In a survey that I did with a Read more…
A: Yes, either a lot or a little depending on your situation, but most people feel it’s totally worth it. Getting an IUD is an awkward, uncomfortable sometimes painful and miserable experience, but the vast majority of people who get them say it was totally worth it. In a survey that I did with a Read more…