Let’s celebrate our LGBTQ2SIA+ scientists and clinicians!
Women in STEM
To round out the end of Pride Month, Those Nerdy Girls would like to use today’s post to celebrate our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Questioning, Two Spirit, Intersex, Agender, and Asexual (LGBTQ2SIA+) brothers, sisters, and siblings in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Wow, that is a mouthful! Thank goodness for acronyms! 😅 Read more…
June 29, 2023
What does the science say about gender identity?
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Differences in brain structure and/or function, hormone levels during different phases of development, and even genetics seem to shape our internal sense of gender identity. We all have a gender identity, or an internal sense of self as belonging somewhere on a gender spectrum. For most people, their gender identity aligns with what is Read more…
June 28, 2023
How long does it take to grieve the death of a loved one?
Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
The process of grief is different for everyone taking place over weeks, months, and often years. This post provides science on grief as well as perspective on coping with the death of a loved one with the hope of normalizing a process that is both extremely personal and universally shared. Grief is the process of Read more…
June 26, 2023
Are doulas accessible to everyone?
Reproductive Health
MacKenzie (Kenzie) Isaac, MA
The Short Answer: Like many holistic care practices today, there is a valid concern that doulas are at risk of being “gentrified” in the sense that they will become more inaccessible as they grow more popular. But here’s the truth: Anyone who is planning a family, starting a family, or is looking to make a Read more…
June 24, 2023
What is preeclampsia? Who is most at risk? What should we be aware of?
Reproductive Health
Preeclampsia and other severe pregnancy complications, especially among Black people, have thankfully been getting more attention in the media in the last couple of weeks. These individual stories are so important because they humanize what can sometimes become numbing statistics. And they are highlighting some of the significant health disparities in the U.S. that Black Read more…
June 23, 2023
Doulas: Who are they?
Reproductive Health
MacKenzie (Kenzie) Isaac, MA
Happy Pride Month, Nerds! 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️⚧ Each day, we find ourselves on the receiving end of rhetoric that minimizes and even directly threatens the joy, safety, lives, and livelihoods of LGBTQIA+ folks. This, combined with the ongoing challenges to reproductive health rights, means that we could all use any emotional support we can come across. And Read more…
June 22, 2023
Nerdy Girls Live 06/22/23
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Those Nerdy Girls discuss COVID-19 risks, precautions, and boosters. Hosted by: – Jenn Dowd, PhD: TNG Editor in Chief & Founding Member – Chana Davis, PhD: TNG Contributing Writer & Founder of Fueled by Science ➡️ Hello and Introductions (00:00-01:12) ➡️ Current COVID-19 risk level (What is it and how is it measured?) (1:13-5:13) ➡️ Read more…
June 22, 2023
¿Qué es este medicamento Ozempic del que sigo escuchando?
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Ozempic es un medicamento que se usa para tratar la diabetes y últimamente se ha promocionado como una opción útil para estimular la pérdida de peso. Ozempic (semaglutida) fue aprobado en 2017 para el tratamiento de la diabetes. En algún momento de 2022, el fabricante del fármaco, Novo Nordisk, anunció que escaseaba el fármaco, en Read more…
June 22, 2023
What’s the latest on the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people?
Infectious Diseases Reproductive Health Vaccines
Andrea Harmony, NP-C, PMHS
A: Pfizer’s clinical trial of a new RSV vaccine in pregnancy showed high vaccine efficacy against severe disease in infants. The FDA advisory committee discussed an observed difference in premature births in the placebo vs. vaccine group, but concluded that the difference was likely due to chance rather than from the vaccine itself. TL;DR: The Read more…
June 21, 2023
I heard that “the pill” might become illegal? Is it all birth control pills?
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
There are lots of different types of “pills” related to pregnancy. It’s most helpful to break them into two categories: Contraceptives PREVENT someone from becoming pregnant. Other types of pills are used when there is ALREADY an established pregnancy. It’s mifepristone, from this second group, whose FDA approval is currently being contested in the U.S. Read more…
June 20, 2023
¿Qué pasa con las pautas de detección de mamografías?
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Las mamografías son una herramienta de detección útil para el cáncer de mama, pero no son pruebas perfectas. Descubrir la mejor manera de usarlas es complicado y cambia con el tiempo. Un borrador reciente de las pautas estadounidenses propone cambiar la edad de inicio de 50 a 40 y continuar recomendando un intervalo de dos Read more…
June 20, 2023
I’m pretty healthy overall, so do I need to take a daily multivitamin to prevent illness?
General Health
Megan Madsen, DO
For most people, a multivitamin is probably not necessary to improve health. TL/DR: If you eat a varied diet that contains many fruits and vegetables, you probably do not need to supplement with a multivitamin. There is no evidence that vitamins reduce the development of chronic illnesses such as heart disease or significantly reduce risk Read more…
June 19, 2023
Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth
Social and Racial Justice
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
Today Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth. Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. It is named for June 19th, the day in 1865 that enslaved people in Texas found out they were free. Ms. Lee, who refers to herself as “just a little old lady in Read more…
June 16, 2023
Will there be an updated COVID booster this fall?
A: Yes. It looks like an updated formula with an XBB variant will be headed our way soon in the US. TL;DR: ✅Fall boosters will be comprised of one (a “monovalent”) XBB strain. ✅The closely related XBB strains protect well against each other, so vaccine makers will pick one (might be XBB1.5). ✅The original SARS-CoV-2 Read more…
June 16, 2023
¿Qué es la violencia armada y a quién afecta?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
La violencia armada se ha convertido en una alarmante crisis de salud pública en Estados Unidos. Su precio va mucho más allá de los miles de vidas que se pierden cada año. Devasta familias y comunidades. Amenaza nuestra sensación de seguridad. Datos básicos sobre la violencia armada en Estados Unidos Según el informe de 2020 Read more…
June 13, 2023
What’s going on with syphilis rates in the U.S.?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Syphilis rates are on the rise in the U.S. There are a variety of factors that might be responsible for this, including underfunding of public health clinics and failure to train clinicians to take adequate sexual histories. Rates of sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) have been climbing in the U.S., especially since 2020 when the COVID pandemic Read more…
June 9, 2023
What’s to know about the new Surgeon General report on social media and youth mental health?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The report indicates strong signals of social media’s harm to youth mental health, although it is still hard to know for sure if social media directly causes mental health problems. Last month, the Surgeon General released an in-depth report about the potential harms of social media to youth mental health. Amidst a crisis of Read more…
June 8, 2023
¿Las reinfecciones por COVID son peores que una primera infección?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No lo son – especialmente para la mayoría de las personas. Pero para las personas vulnerables, las reinfecciones pueden seguir siendo peligrosas. Y cada infección conlleva su propio riesgo de COVID a largo plazo. El virus SARS-CoV-2 ha llegado para quedarse en las poblaciones humanas. Estamos oyendo el consabido estribillo de que el COVID no Read more…
June 8, 2023
What is decision fatigue?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Decision fatigue is that worn out, run down feeling we get when we have too many choices to make. As we become overwhelmed with choices, our ability to make decisions gets worse. We can minimize decision fatigue by reducing the number of decisions we need to make every day, having routines, and resting. Ever Read more…
June 7, 2023
What is Air Quality Index? And how can you use it to stay safe?
Staying Safe
The AQI, or Air Quality Index, is a daily measurement of the safety of the air quality in your area. The Index is a range between 0-500. 0-50 Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. 51-100 Air quality is acceptable for most people but for some, particularly those who are Read more…
To round out the end of Pride Month, Those Nerdy Girls would like to use today’s post to celebrate our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Questioning, Two Spirit, Intersex, Agender, and Asexual (LGBTQ2SIA+) brothers, sisters, and siblings in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Wow, that is a mouthful! Thank goodness for acronyms! 😅 Read more…
What does the science say about gender identity?
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Differences in brain structure and/or function, hormone levels during different phases of development, and even genetics seem to shape our internal sense of gender identity. We all have a gender identity, or an internal sense of self as belonging somewhere on a gender spectrum. For most people, their gender identity aligns with what is Read more…
June 28, 2023
How long does it take to grieve the death of a loved one?
Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
The process of grief is different for everyone taking place over weeks, months, and often years. This post provides science on grief as well as perspective on coping with the death of a loved one with the hope of normalizing a process that is both extremely personal and universally shared. Grief is the process of Read more…
June 26, 2023
Are doulas accessible to everyone?
Reproductive Health
MacKenzie (Kenzie) Isaac, MA
The Short Answer: Like many holistic care practices today, there is a valid concern that doulas are at risk of being “gentrified” in the sense that they will become more inaccessible as they grow more popular. But here’s the truth: Anyone who is planning a family, starting a family, or is looking to make a Read more…
June 24, 2023
What is preeclampsia? Who is most at risk? What should we be aware of?
Reproductive Health
Preeclampsia and other severe pregnancy complications, especially among Black people, have thankfully been getting more attention in the media in the last couple of weeks. These individual stories are so important because they humanize what can sometimes become numbing statistics. And they are highlighting some of the significant health disparities in the U.S. that Black Read more…
June 23, 2023
Doulas: Who are they?
Reproductive Health
MacKenzie (Kenzie) Isaac, MA
Happy Pride Month, Nerds! 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️⚧ Each day, we find ourselves on the receiving end of rhetoric that minimizes and even directly threatens the joy, safety, lives, and livelihoods of LGBTQIA+ folks. This, combined with the ongoing challenges to reproductive health rights, means that we could all use any emotional support we can come across. And Read more…
June 22, 2023
Nerdy Girls Live 06/22/23
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Those Nerdy Girls discuss COVID-19 risks, precautions, and boosters. Hosted by: – Jenn Dowd, PhD: TNG Editor in Chief & Founding Member – Chana Davis, PhD: TNG Contributing Writer & Founder of Fueled by Science ➡️ Hello and Introductions (00:00-01:12) ➡️ Current COVID-19 risk level (What is it and how is it measured?) (1:13-5:13) ➡️ Read more…
June 22, 2023
¿Qué es este medicamento Ozempic del que sigo escuchando?
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Ozempic es un medicamento que se usa para tratar la diabetes y últimamente se ha promocionado como una opción útil para estimular la pérdida de peso. Ozempic (semaglutida) fue aprobado en 2017 para el tratamiento de la diabetes. En algún momento de 2022, el fabricante del fármaco, Novo Nordisk, anunció que escaseaba el fármaco, en Read more…
June 22, 2023
What’s the latest on the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people?
Infectious Diseases Reproductive Health Vaccines
Andrea Harmony, NP-C, PMHS
A: Pfizer’s clinical trial of a new RSV vaccine in pregnancy showed high vaccine efficacy against severe disease in infants. The FDA advisory committee discussed an observed difference in premature births in the placebo vs. vaccine group, but concluded that the difference was likely due to chance rather than from the vaccine itself. TL;DR: The Read more…
June 21, 2023
I heard that “the pill” might become illegal? Is it all birth control pills?
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
There are lots of different types of “pills” related to pregnancy. It’s most helpful to break them into two categories: Contraceptives PREVENT someone from becoming pregnant. Other types of pills are used when there is ALREADY an established pregnancy. It’s mifepristone, from this second group, whose FDA approval is currently being contested in the U.S. Read more…
June 20, 2023
¿Qué pasa con las pautas de detección de mamografías?
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Las mamografías son una herramienta de detección útil para el cáncer de mama, pero no son pruebas perfectas. Descubrir la mejor manera de usarlas es complicado y cambia con el tiempo. Un borrador reciente de las pautas estadounidenses propone cambiar la edad de inicio de 50 a 40 y continuar recomendando un intervalo de dos Read more…
June 20, 2023
I’m pretty healthy overall, so do I need to take a daily multivitamin to prevent illness?
General Health
Megan Madsen, DO
For most people, a multivitamin is probably not necessary to improve health. TL/DR: If you eat a varied diet that contains many fruits and vegetables, you probably do not need to supplement with a multivitamin. There is no evidence that vitamins reduce the development of chronic illnesses such as heart disease or significantly reduce risk Read more…
June 19, 2023
Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth
Social and Racial Justice
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
Today Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth. Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. It is named for June 19th, the day in 1865 that enslaved people in Texas found out they were free. Ms. Lee, who refers to herself as “just a little old lady in Read more…
June 16, 2023
Will there be an updated COVID booster this fall?
A: Yes. It looks like an updated formula with an XBB variant will be headed our way soon in the US. TL;DR: ✅Fall boosters will be comprised of one (a “monovalent”) XBB strain. ✅The closely related XBB strains protect well against each other, so vaccine makers will pick one (might be XBB1.5). ✅The original SARS-CoV-2 Read more…
June 16, 2023
¿Qué es la violencia armada y a quién afecta?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
La violencia armada se ha convertido en una alarmante crisis de salud pública en Estados Unidos. Su precio va mucho más allá de los miles de vidas que se pierden cada año. Devasta familias y comunidades. Amenaza nuestra sensación de seguridad. Datos básicos sobre la violencia armada en Estados Unidos Según el informe de 2020 Read more…
June 13, 2023
What’s going on with syphilis rates in the U.S.?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Syphilis rates are on the rise in the U.S. There are a variety of factors that might be responsible for this, including underfunding of public health clinics and failure to train clinicians to take adequate sexual histories. Rates of sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) have been climbing in the U.S., especially since 2020 when the COVID pandemic Read more…
June 9, 2023
What’s to know about the new Surgeon General report on social media and youth mental health?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The report indicates strong signals of social media’s harm to youth mental health, although it is still hard to know for sure if social media directly causes mental health problems. Last month, the Surgeon General released an in-depth report about the potential harms of social media to youth mental health. Amidst a crisis of Read more…
June 8, 2023
¿Las reinfecciones por COVID son peores que una primera infección?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No lo son – especialmente para la mayoría de las personas. Pero para las personas vulnerables, las reinfecciones pueden seguir siendo peligrosas. Y cada infección conlleva su propio riesgo de COVID a largo plazo. El virus SARS-CoV-2 ha llegado para quedarse en las poblaciones humanas. Estamos oyendo el consabido estribillo de que el COVID no Read more…
June 8, 2023
What is decision fatigue?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Decision fatigue is that worn out, run down feeling we get when we have too many choices to make. As we become overwhelmed with choices, our ability to make decisions gets worse. We can minimize decision fatigue by reducing the number of decisions we need to make every day, having routines, and resting. Ever Read more…
June 7, 2023
What is Air Quality Index? And how can you use it to stay safe?
Staying Safe
The AQI, or Air Quality Index, is a daily measurement of the safety of the air quality in your area. The Index is a range between 0-500. 0-50 Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. 51-100 Air quality is acceptable for most people but for some, particularly those who are Read more…
A: Differences in brain structure and/or function, hormone levels during different phases of development, and even genetics seem to shape our internal sense of gender identity. We all have a gender identity, or an internal sense of self as belonging somewhere on a gender spectrum. For most people, their gender identity aligns with what is Read more…
How long does it take to grieve the death of a loved one?
Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
The process of grief is different for everyone taking place over weeks, months, and often years. This post provides science on grief as well as perspective on coping with the death of a loved one with the hope of normalizing a process that is both extremely personal and universally shared. Grief is the process of Read more…
June 26, 2023
Are doulas accessible to everyone?
Reproductive Health
MacKenzie (Kenzie) Isaac, MA
The Short Answer: Like many holistic care practices today, there is a valid concern that doulas are at risk of being “gentrified” in the sense that they will become more inaccessible as they grow more popular. But here’s the truth: Anyone who is planning a family, starting a family, or is looking to make a Read more…
June 24, 2023
What is preeclampsia? Who is most at risk? What should we be aware of?
Reproductive Health
Preeclampsia and other severe pregnancy complications, especially among Black people, have thankfully been getting more attention in the media in the last couple of weeks. These individual stories are so important because they humanize what can sometimes become numbing statistics. And they are highlighting some of the significant health disparities in the U.S. that Black Read more…
June 23, 2023
Doulas: Who are they?
Reproductive Health
MacKenzie (Kenzie) Isaac, MA
Happy Pride Month, Nerds! 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️⚧ Each day, we find ourselves on the receiving end of rhetoric that minimizes and even directly threatens the joy, safety, lives, and livelihoods of LGBTQIA+ folks. This, combined with the ongoing challenges to reproductive health rights, means that we could all use any emotional support we can come across. And Read more…
June 22, 2023
Nerdy Girls Live 06/22/23
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Those Nerdy Girls discuss COVID-19 risks, precautions, and boosters. Hosted by: – Jenn Dowd, PhD: TNG Editor in Chief & Founding Member – Chana Davis, PhD: TNG Contributing Writer & Founder of Fueled by Science ➡️ Hello and Introductions (00:00-01:12) ➡️ Current COVID-19 risk level (What is it and how is it measured?) (1:13-5:13) ➡️ Read more…
June 22, 2023
¿Qué es este medicamento Ozempic del que sigo escuchando?
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Ozempic es un medicamento que se usa para tratar la diabetes y últimamente se ha promocionado como una opción útil para estimular la pérdida de peso. Ozempic (semaglutida) fue aprobado en 2017 para el tratamiento de la diabetes. En algún momento de 2022, el fabricante del fármaco, Novo Nordisk, anunció que escaseaba el fármaco, en Read more…
June 22, 2023
What’s the latest on the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people?
Infectious Diseases Reproductive Health Vaccines
Andrea Harmony, NP-C, PMHS
A: Pfizer’s clinical trial of a new RSV vaccine in pregnancy showed high vaccine efficacy against severe disease in infants. The FDA advisory committee discussed an observed difference in premature births in the placebo vs. vaccine group, but concluded that the difference was likely due to chance rather than from the vaccine itself. TL;DR: The Read more…
June 21, 2023
I heard that “the pill” might become illegal? Is it all birth control pills?
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
There are lots of different types of “pills” related to pregnancy. It’s most helpful to break them into two categories: Contraceptives PREVENT someone from becoming pregnant. Other types of pills are used when there is ALREADY an established pregnancy. It’s mifepristone, from this second group, whose FDA approval is currently being contested in the U.S. Read more…
June 20, 2023
¿Qué pasa con las pautas de detección de mamografías?
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Las mamografías son una herramienta de detección útil para el cáncer de mama, pero no son pruebas perfectas. Descubrir la mejor manera de usarlas es complicado y cambia con el tiempo. Un borrador reciente de las pautas estadounidenses propone cambiar la edad de inicio de 50 a 40 y continuar recomendando un intervalo de dos Read more…
June 20, 2023
I’m pretty healthy overall, so do I need to take a daily multivitamin to prevent illness?
General Health
Megan Madsen, DO
For most people, a multivitamin is probably not necessary to improve health. TL/DR: If you eat a varied diet that contains many fruits and vegetables, you probably do not need to supplement with a multivitamin. There is no evidence that vitamins reduce the development of chronic illnesses such as heart disease or significantly reduce risk Read more…
June 19, 2023
Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth
Social and Racial Justice
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
Today Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth. Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. It is named for June 19th, the day in 1865 that enslaved people in Texas found out they were free. Ms. Lee, who refers to herself as “just a little old lady in Read more…
June 16, 2023
Will there be an updated COVID booster this fall?
A: Yes. It looks like an updated formula with an XBB variant will be headed our way soon in the US. TL;DR: ✅Fall boosters will be comprised of one (a “monovalent”) XBB strain. ✅The closely related XBB strains protect well against each other, so vaccine makers will pick one (might be XBB1.5). ✅The original SARS-CoV-2 Read more…
June 16, 2023
¿Qué es la violencia armada y a quién afecta?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
La violencia armada se ha convertido en una alarmante crisis de salud pública en Estados Unidos. Su precio va mucho más allá de los miles de vidas que se pierden cada año. Devasta familias y comunidades. Amenaza nuestra sensación de seguridad. Datos básicos sobre la violencia armada en Estados Unidos Según el informe de 2020 Read more…
June 13, 2023
What’s going on with syphilis rates in the U.S.?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Syphilis rates are on the rise in the U.S. There are a variety of factors that might be responsible for this, including underfunding of public health clinics and failure to train clinicians to take adequate sexual histories. Rates of sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) have been climbing in the U.S., especially since 2020 when the COVID pandemic Read more…
June 9, 2023
What’s to know about the new Surgeon General report on social media and youth mental health?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The report indicates strong signals of social media’s harm to youth mental health, although it is still hard to know for sure if social media directly causes mental health problems. Last month, the Surgeon General released an in-depth report about the potential harms of social media to youth mental health. Amidst a crisis of Read more…
June 8, 2023
¿Las reinfecciones por COVID son peores que una primera infección?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No lo son – especialmente para la mayoría de las personas. Pero para las personas vulnerables, las reinfecciones pueden seguir siendo peligrosas. Y cada infección conlleva su propio riesgo de COVID a largo plazo. El virus SARS-CoV-2 ha llegado para quedarse en las poblaciones humanas. Estamos oyendo el consabido estribillo de que el COVID no Read more…
June 8, 2023
What is decision fatigue?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Decision fatigue is that worn out, run down feeling we get when we have too many choices to make. As we become overwhelmed with choices, our ability to make decisions gets worse. We can minimize decision fatigue by reducing the number of decisions we need to make every day, having routines, and resting. Ever Read more…
June 7, 2023
What is Air Quality Index? And how can you use it to stay safe?
Staying Safe
The AQI, or Air Quality Index, is a daily measurement of the safety of the air quality in your area. The Index is a range between 0-500. 0-50 Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. 51-100 Air quality is acceptable for most people but for some, particularly those who are Read more…
The process of grief is different for everyone taking place over weeks, months, and often years. This post provides science on grief as well as perspective on coping with the death of a loved one with the hope of normalizing a process that is both extremely personal and universally shared. Grief is the process of Read more…
Are doulas accessible to everyone?
Reproductive Health
MacKenzie (Kenzie) Isaac, MA
The Short Answer: Like many holistic care practices today, there is a valid concern that doulas are at risk of being “gentrified” in the sense that they will become more inaccessible as they grow more popular. But here’s the truth: Anyone who is planning a family, starting a family, or is looking to make a Read more…
June 24, 2023
What is preeclampsia? Who is most at risk? What should we be aware of?
Reproductive Health
Preeclampsia and other severe pregnancy complications, especially among Black people, have thankfully been getting more attention in the media in the last couple of weeks. These individual stories are so important because they humanize what can sometimes become numbing statistics. And they are highlighting some of the significant health disparities in the U.S. that Black Read more…
June 23, 2023
Doulas: Who are they?
Reproductive Health
MacKenzie (Kenzie) Isaac, MA
Happy Pride Month, Nerds! 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️⚧ Each day, we find ourselves on the receiving end of rhetoric that minimizes and even directly threatens the joy, safety, lives, and livelihoods of LGBTQIA+ folks. This, combined with the ongoing challenges to reproductive health rights, means that we could all use any emotional support we can come across. And Read more…
June 22, 2023
Nerdy Girls Live 06/22/23
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Those Nerdy Girls discuss COVID-19 risks, precautions, and boosters. Hosted by: – Jenn Dowd, PhD: TNG Editor in Chief & Founding Member – Chana Davis, PhD: TNG Contributing Writer & Founder of Fueled by Science ➡️ Hello and Introductions (00:00-01:12) ➡️ Current COVID-19 risk level (What is it and how is it measured?) (1:13-5:13) ➡️ Read more…
June 22, 2023
¿Qué es este medicamento Ozempic del que sigo escuchando?
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Ozempic es un medicamento que se usa para tratar la diabetes y últimamente se ha promocionado como una opción útil para estimular la pérdida de peso. Ozempic (semaglutida) fue aprobado en 2017 para el tratamiento de la diabetes. En algún momento de 2022, el fabricante del fármaco, Novo Nordisk, anunció que escaseaba el fármaco, en Read more…
June 22, 2023
What’s the latest on the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people?
Infectious Diseases Reproductive Health Vaccines
Andrea Harmony, NP-C, PMHS
A: Pfizer’s clinical trial of a new RSV vaccine in pregnancy showed high vaccine efficacy against severe disease in infants. The FDA advisory committee discussed an observed difference in premature births in the placebo vs. vaccine group, but concluded that the difference was likely due to chance rather than from the vaccine itself. TL;DR: The Read more…
June 21, 2023
I heard that “the pill” might become illegal? Is it all birth control pills?
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
There are lots of different types of “pills” related to pregnancy. It’s most helpful to break them into two categories: Contraceptives PREVENT someone from becoming pregnant. Other types of pills are used when there is ALREADY an established pregnancy. It’s mifepristone, from this second group, whose FDA approval is currently being contested in the U.S. Read more…
June 20, 2023
¿Qué pasa con las pautas de detección de mamografías?
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Las mamografías son una herramienta de detección útil para el cáncer de mama, pero no son pruebas perfectas. Descubrir la mejor manera de usarlas es complicado y cambia con el tiempo. Un borrador reciente de las pautas estadounidenses propone cambiar la edad de inicio de 50 a 40 y continuar recomendando un intervalo de dos Read more…
June 20, 2023
I’m pretty healthy overall, so do I need to take a daily multivitamin to prevent illness?
General Health
Megan Madsen, DO
For most people, a multivitamin is probably not necessary to improve health. TL/DR: If you eat a varied diet that contains many fruits and vegetables, you probably do not need to supplement with a multivitamin. There is no evidence that vitamins reduce the development of chronic illnesses such as heart disease or significantly reduce risk Read more…
June 19, 2023
Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth
Social and Racial Justice
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
Today Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth. Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. It is named for June 19th, the day in 1865 that enslaved people in Texas found out they were free. Ms. Lee, who refers to herself as “just a little old lady in Read more…
June 16, 2023
Will there be an updated COVID booster this fall?
A: Yes. It looks like an updated formula with an XBB variant will be headed our way soon in the US. TL;DR: ✅Fall boosters will be comprised of one (a “monovalent”) XBB strain. ✅The closely related XBB strains protect well against each other, so vaccine makers will pick one (might be XBB1.5). ✅The original SARS-CoV-2 Read more…
June 16, 2023
¿Qué es la violencia armada y a quién afecta?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
La violencia armada se ha convertido en una alarmante crisis de salud pública en Estados Unidos. Su precio va mucho más allá de los miles de vidas que se pierden cada año. Devasta familias y comunidades. Amenaza nuestra sensación de seguridad. Datos básicos sobre la violencia armada en Estados Unidos Según el informe de 2020 Read more…
June 13, 2023
What’s going on with syphilis rates in the U.S.?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Syphilis rates are on the rise in the U.S. There are a variety of factors that might be responsible for this, including underfunding of public health clinics and failure to train clinicians to take adequate sexual histories. Rates of sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) have been climbing in the U.S., especially since 2020 when the COVID pandemic Read more…
June 9, 2023
What’s to know about the new Surgeon General report on social media and youth mental health?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The report indicates strong signals of social media’s harm to youth mental health, although it is still hard to know for sure if social media directly causes mental health problems. Last month, the Surgeon General released an in-depth report about the potential harms of social media to youth mental health. Amidst a crisis of Read more…
June 8, 2023
¿Las reinfecciones por COVID son peores que una primera infección?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No lo son – especialmente para la mayoría de las personas. Pero para las personas vulnerables, las reinfecciones pueden seguir siendo peligrosas. Y cada infección conlleva su propio riesgo de COVID a largo plazo. El virus SARS-CoV-2 ha llegado para quedarse en las poblaciones humanas. Estamos oyendo el consabido estribillo de que el COVID no Read more…
June 8, 2023
What is decision fatigue?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Decision fatigue is that worn out, run down feeling we get when we have too many choices to make. As we become overwhelmed with choices, our ability to make decisions gets worse. We can minimize decision fatigue by reducing the number of decisions we need to make every day, having routines, and resting. Ever Read more…
June 7, 2023
What is Air Quality Index? And how can you use it to stay safe?
Staying Safe
The AQI, or Air Quality Index, is a daily measurement of the safety of the air quality in your area. The Index is a range between 0-500. 0-50 Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. 51-100 Air quality is acceptable for most people but for some, particularly those who are Read more…
The Short Answer: Like many holistic care practices today, there is a valid concern that doulas are at risk of being “gentrified” in the sense that they will become more inaccessible as they grow more popular. But here’s the truth: Anyone who is planning a family, starting a family, or is looking to make a Read more…
What is preeclampsia? Who is most at risk? What should we be aware of?
Reproductive Health
Preeclampsia and other severe pregnancy complications, especially among Black people, have thankfully been getting more attention in the media in the last couple of weeks. These individual stories are so important because they humanize what can sometimes become numbing statistics. And they are highlighting some of the significant health disparities in the U.S. that Black Read more…
June 23, 2023
Doulas: Who are they?
Reproductive Health
MacKenzie (Kenzie) Isaac, MA
Happy Pride Month, Nerds! 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️⚧ Each day, we find ourselves on the receiving end of rhetoric that minimizes and even directly threatens the joy, safety, lives, and livelihoods of LGBTQIA+ folks. This, combined with the ongoing challenges to reproductive health rights, means that we could all use any emotional support we can come across. And Read more…
June 22, 2023
Nerdy Girls Live 06/22/23
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Those Nerdy Girls discuss COVID-19 risks, precautions, and boosters. Hosted by: – Jenn Dowd, PhD: TNG Editor in Chief & Founding Member – Chana Davis, PhD: TNG Contributing Writer & Founder of Fueled by Science ➡️ Hello and Introductions (00:00-01:12) ➡️ Current COVID-19 risk level (What is it and how is it measured?) (1:13-5:13) ➡️ Read more…
June 22, 2023
¿Qué es este medicamento Ozempic del que sigo escuchando?
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Ozempic es un medicamento que se usa para tratar la diabetes y últimamente se ha promocionado como una opción útil para estimular la pérdida de peso. Ozempic (semaglutida) fue aprobado en 2017 para el tratamiento de la diabetes. En algún momento de 2022, el fabricante del fármaco, Novo Nordisk, anunció que escaseaba el fármaco, en Read more…
June 22, 2023
What’s the latest on the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people?
Infectious Diseases Reproductive Health Vaccines
Andrea Harmony, NP-C, PMHS
A: Pfizer’s clinical trial of a new RSV vaccine in pregnancy showed high vaccine efficacy against severe disease in infants. The FDA advisory committee discussed an observed difference in premature births in the placebo vs. vaccine group, but concluded that the difference was likely due to chance rather than from the vaccine itself. TL;DR: The Read more…
June 21, 2023
I heard that “the pill” might become illegal? Is it all birth control pills?
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
There are lots of different types of “pills” related to pregnancy. It’s most helpful to break them into two categories: Contraceptives PREVENT someone from becoming pregnant. Other types of pills are used when there is ALREADY an established pregnancy. It’s mifepristone, from this second group, whose FDA approval is currently being contested in the U.S. Read more…
June 20, 2023
¿Qué pasa con las pautas de detección de mamografías?
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Las mamografías son una herramienta de detección útil para el cáncer de mama, pero no son pruebas perfectas. Descubrir la mejor manera de usarlas es complicado y cambia con el tiempo. Un borrador reciente de las pautas estadounidenses propone cambiar la edad de inicio de 50 a 40 y continuar recomendando un intervalo de dos Read more…
June 20, 2023
I’m pretty healthy overall, so do I need to take a daily multivitamin to prevent illness?
General Health
Megan Madsen, DO
For most people, a multivitamin is probably not necessary to improve health. TL/DR: If you eat a varied diet that contains many fruits and vegetables, you probably do not need to supplement with a multivitamin. There is no evidence that vitamins reduce the development of chronic illnesses such as heart disease or significantly reduce risk Read more…
June 19, 2023
Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth
Social and Racial Justice
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
Today Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth. Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. It is named for June 19th, the day in 1865 that enslaved people in Texas found out they were free. Ms. Lee, who refers to herself as “just a little old lady in Read more…
June 16, 2023
Will there be an updated COVID booster this fall?
A: Yes. It looks like an updated formula with an XBB variant will be headed our way soon in the US. TL;DR: ✅Fall boosters will be comprised of one (a “monovalent”) XBB strain. ✅The closely related XBB strains protect well against each other, so vaccine makers will pick one (might be XBB1.5). ✅The original SARS-CoV-2 Read more…
June 16, 2023
¿Qué es la violencia armada y a quién afecta?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
La violencia armada se ha convertido en una alarmante crisis de salud pública en Estados Unidos. Su precio va mucho más allá de los miles de vidas que se pierden cada año. Devasta familias y comunidades. Amenaza nuestra sensación de seguridad. Datos básicos sobre la violencia armada en Estados Unidos Según el informe de 2020 Read more…
June 13, 2023
What’s going on with syphilis rates in the U.S.?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Syphilis rates are on the rise in the U.S. There are a variety of factors that might be responsible for this, including underfunding of public health clinics and failure to train clinicians to take adequate sexual histories. Rates of sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) have been climbing in the U.S., especially since 2020 when the COVID pandemic Read more…
June 9, 2023
What’s to know about the new Surgeon General report on social media and youth mental health?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The report indicates strong signals of social media’s harm to youth mental health, although it is still hard to know for sure if social media directly causes mental health problems. Last month, the Surgeon General released an in-depth report about the potential harms of social media to youth mental health. Amidst a crisis of Read more…
June 8, 2023
¿Las reinfecciones por COVID son peores que una primera infección?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No lo son – especialmente para la mayoría de las personas. Pero para las personas vulnerables, las reinfecciones pueden seguir siendo peligrosas. Y cada infección conlleva su propio riesgo de COVID a largo plazo. El virus SARS-CoV-2 ha llegado para quedarse en las poblaciones humanas. Estamos oyendo el consabido estribillo de que el COVID no Read more…
June 8, 2023
What is decision fatigue?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Decision fatigue is that worn out, run down feeling we get when we have too many choices to make. As we become overwhelmed with choices, our ability to make decisions gets worse. We can minimize decision fatigue by reducing the number of decisions we need to make every day, having routines, and resting. Ever Read more…
June 7, 2023
What is Air Quality Index? And how can you use it to stay safe?
Staying Safe
The AQI, or Air Quality Index, is a daily measurement of the safety of the air quality in your area. The Index is a range between 0-500. 0-50 Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. 51-100 Air quality is acceptable for most people but for some, particularly those who are Read more…
Preeclampsia and other severe pregnancy complications, especially among Black people, have thankfully been getting more attention in the media in the last couple of weeks. These individual stories are so important because they humanize what can sometimes become numbing statistics. And they are highlighting some of the significant health disparities in the U.S. that Black Read more…
Doulas: Who are they?
Reproductive Health
MacKenzie (Kenzie) Isaac, MA
Happy Pride Month, Nerds! 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️⚧ Each day, we find ourselves on the receiving end of rhetoric that minimizes and even directly threatens the joy, safety, lives, and livelihoods of LGBTQIA+ folks. This, combined with the ongoing challenges to reproductive health rights, means that we could all use any emotional support we can come across. And Read more…
June 22, 2023
Nerdy Girls Live 06/22/23
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Those Nerdy Girls discuss COVID-19 risks, precautions, and boosters. Hosted by: – Jenn Dowd, PhD: TNG Editor in Chief & Founding Member – Chana Davis, PhD: TNG Contributing Writer & Founder of Fueled by Science ➡️ Hello and Introductions (00:00-01:12) ➡️ Current COVID-19 risk level (What is it and how is it measured?) (1:13-5:13) ➡️ Read more…
June 22, 2023
¿Qué es este medicamento Ozempic del que sigo escuchando?
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Ozempic es un medicamento que se usa para tratar la diabetes y últimamente se ha promocionado como una opción útil para estimular la pérdida de peso. Ozempic (semaglutida) fue aprobado en 2017 para el tratamiento de la diabetes. En algún momento de 2022, el fabricante del fármaco, Novo Nordisk, anunció que escaseaba el fármaco, en Read more…
June 22, 2023
What’s the latest on the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people?
Infectious Diseases Reproductive Health Vaccines
Andrea Harmony, NP-C, PMHS
A: Pfizer’s clinical trial of a new RSV vaccine in pregnancy showed high vaccine efficacy against severe disease in infants. The FDA advisory committee discussed an observed difference in premature births in the placebo vs. vaccine group, but concluded that the difference was likely due to chance rather than from the vaccine itself. TL;DR: The Read more…
June 21, 2023
I heard that “the pill” might become illegal? Is it all birth control pills?
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
There are lots of different types of “pills” related to pregnancy. It’s most helpful to break them into two categories: Contraceptives PREVENT someone from becoming pregnant. Other types of pills are used when there is ALREADY an established pregnancy. It’s mifepristone, from this second group, whose FDA approval is currently being contested in the U.S. Read more…
June 20, 2023
¿Qué pasa con las pautas de detección de mamografías?
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Las mamografías son una herramienta de detección útil para el cáncer de mama, pero no son pruebas perfectas. Descubrir la mejor manera de usarlas es complicado y cambia con el tiempo. Un borrador reciente de las pautas estadounidenses propone cambiar la edad de inicio de 50 a 40 y continuar recomendando un intervalo de dos Read more…
June 20, 2023
I’m pretty healthy overall, so do I need to take a daily multivitamin to prevent illness?
General Health
Megan Madsen, DO
For most people, a multivitamin is probably not necessary to improve health. TL/DR: If you eat a varied diet that contains many fruits and vegetables, you probably do not need to supplement with a multivitamin. There is no evidence that vitamins reduce the development of chronic illnesses such as heart disease or significantly reduce risk Read more…
June 19, 2023
Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth
Social and Racial Justice
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
Today Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth. Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. It is named for June 19th, the day in 1865 that enslaved people in Texas found out they were free. Ms. Lee, who refers to herself as “just a little old lady in Read more…
June 16, 2023
Will there be an updated COVID booster this fall?
A: Yes. It looks like an updated formula with an XBB variant will be headed our way soon in the US. TL;DR: ✅Fall boosters will be comprised of one (a “monovalent”) XBB strain. ✅The closely related XBB strains protect well against each other, so vaccine makers will pick one (might be XBB1.5). ✅The original SARS-CoV-2 Read more…
June 16, 2023
¿Qué es la violencia armada y a quién afecta?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
La violencia armada se ha convertido en una alarmante crisis de salud pública en Estados Unidos. Su precio va mucho más allá de los miles de vidas que se pierden cada año. Devasta familias y comunidades. Amenaza nuestra sensación de seguridad. Datos básicos sobre la violencia armada en Estados Unidos Según el informe de 2020 Read more…
June 13, 2023
What’s going on with syphilis rates in the U.S.?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Syphilis rates are on the rise in the U.S. There are a variety of factors that might be responsible for this, including underfunding of public health clinics and failure to train clinicians to take adequate sexual histories. Rates of sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) have been climbing in the U.S., especially since 2020 when the COVID pandemic Read more…
June 9, 2023
What’s to know about the new Surgeon General report on social media and youth mental health?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The report indicates strong signals of social media’s harm to youth mental health, although it is still hard to know for sure if social media directly causes mental health problems. Last month, the Surgeon General released an in-depth report about the potential harms of social media to youth mental health. Amidst a crisis of Read more…
June 8, 2023
¿Las reinfecciones por COVID son peores que una primera infección?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No lo son – especialmente para la mayoría de las personas. Pero para las personas vulnerables, las reinfecciones pueden seguir siendo peligrosas. Y cada infección conlleva su propio riesgo de COVID a largo plazo. El virus SARS-CoV-2 ha llegado para quedarse en las poblaciones humanas. Estamos oyendo el consabido estribillo de que el COVID no Read more…
June 8, 2023
What is decision fatigue?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Decision fatigue is that worn out, run down feeling we get when we have too many choices to make. As we become overwhelmed with choices, our ability to make decisions gets worse. We can minimize decision fatigue by reducing the number of decisions we need to make every day, having routines, and resting. Ever Read more…
June 7, 2023
What is Air Quality Index? And how can you use it to stay safe?
Staying Safe
The AQI, or Air Quality Index, is a daily measurement of the safety of the air quality in your area. The Index is a range between 0-500. 0-50 Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. 51-100 Air quality is acceptable for most people but for some, particularly those who are Read more…
Happy Pride Month, Nerds! 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️⚧ Each day, we find ourselves on the receiving end of rhetoric that minimizes and even directly threatens the joy, safety, lives, and livelihoods of LGBTQIA+ folks. This, combined with the ongoing challenges to reproductive health rights, means that we could all use any emotional support we can come across. And Read more…
Nerdy Girls Live 06/22/23
COVID Variants Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines VideosThose Nerdy Girls discuss COVID-19 risks, precautions, and boosters. Hosted by: – Jenn Dowd, PhD: TNG Editor in Chief & Founding Member – Chana Davis, PhD: TNG Contributing Writer & Founder of Fueled by Science ➡️ Hello and Introductions (00:00-01:12) ➡️ Current COVID-19 risk level (What is it and how is it measured?) (1:13-5:13) ➡️ Read more…
¿Qué es este medicamento Ozempic del que sigo escuchando?
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Ozempic es un medicamento que se usa para tratar la diabetes y últimamente se ha promocionado como una opción útil para estimular la pérdida de peso. Ozempic (semaglutida) fue aprobado en 2017 para el tratamiento de la diabetes. En algún momento de 2022, el fabricante del fármaco, Novo Nordisk, anunció que escaseaba el fármaco, en Read more…
June 22, 2023
What’s the latest on the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people?
Infectious Diseases Reproductive Health Vaccines
Andrea Harmony, NP-C, PMHS
A: Pfizer’s clinical trial of a new RSV vaccine in pregnancy showed high vaccine efficacy against severe disease in infants. The FDA advisory committee discussed an observed difference in premature births in the placebo vs. vaccine group, but concluded that the difference was likely due to chance rather than from the vaccine itself. TL;DR: The Read more…
June 21, 2023
I heard that “the pill” might become illegal? Is it all birth control pills?
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
There are lots of different types of “pills” related to pregnancy. It’s most helpful to break them into two categories: Contraceptives PREVENT someone from becoming pregnant. Other types of pills are used when there is ALREADY an established pregnancy. It’s mifepristone, from this second group, whose FDA approval is currently being contested in the U.S. Read more…
June 20, 2023
¿Qué pasa con las pautas de detección de mamografías?
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Las mamografías son una herramienta de detección útil para el cáncer de mama, pero no son pruebas perfectas. Descubrir la mejor manera de usarlas es complicado y cambia con el tiempo. Un borrador reciente de las pautas estadounidenses propone cambiar la edad de inicio de 50 a 40 y continuar recomendando un intervalo de dos Read more…
June 20, 2023
I’m pretty healthy overall, so do I need to take a daily multivitamin to prevent illness?
General Health
Megan Madsen, DO
For most people, a multivitamin is probably not necessary to improve health. TL/DR: If you eat a varied diet that contains many fruits and vegetables, you probably do not need to supplement with a multivitamin. There is no evidence that vitamins reduce the development of chronic illnesses such as heart disease or significantly reduce risk Read more…
June 19, 2023
Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth
Social and Racial Justice
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
Today Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth. Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. It is named for June 19th, the day in 1865 that enslaved people in Texas found out they were free. Ms. Lee, who refers to herself as “just a little old lady in Read more…
June 16, 2023
Will there be an updated COVID booster this fall?
A: Yes. It looks like an updated formula with an XBB variant will be headed our way soon in the US. TL;DR: ✅Fall boosters will be comprised of one (a “monovalent”) XBB strain. ✅The closely related XBB strains protect well against each other, so vaccine makers will pick one (might be XBB1.5). ✅The original SARS-CoV-2 Read more…
June 16, 2023
¿Qué es la violencia armada y a quién afecta?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
La violencia armada se ha convertido en una alarmante crisis de salud pública en Estados Unidos. Su precio va mucho más allá de los miles de vidas que se pierden cada año. Devasta familias y comunidades. Amenaza nuestra sensación de seguridad. Datos básicos sobre la violencia armada en Estados Unidos Según el informe de 2020 Read more…
June 13, 2023
What’s going on with syphilis rates in the U.S.?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Syphilis rates are on the rise in the U.S. There are a variety of factors that might be responsible for this, including underfunding of public health clinics and failure to train clinicians to take adequate sexual histories. Rates of sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) have been climbing in the U.S., especially since 2020 when the COVID pandemic Read more…
June 9, 2023
What’s to know about the new Surgeon General report on social media and youth mental health?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The report indicates strong signals of social media’s harm to youth mental health, although it is still hard to know for sure if social media directly causes mental health problems. Last month, the Surgeon General released an in-depth report about the potential harms of social media to youth mental health. Amidst a crisis of Read more…
June 8, 2023
¿Las reinfecciones por COVID son peores que una primera infección?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No lo son – especialmente para la mayoría de las personas. Pero para las personas vulnerables, las reinfecciones pueden seguir siendo peligrosas. Y cada infección conlleva su propio riesgo de COVID a largo plazo. El virus SARS-CoV-2 ha llegado para quedarse en las poblaciones humanas. Estamos oyendo el consabido estribillo de que el COVID no Read more…
June 8, 2023
What is decision fatigue?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Decision fatigue is that worn out, run down feeling we get when we have too many choices to make. As we become overwhelmed with choices, our ability to make decisions gets worse. We can minimize decision fatigue by reducing the number of decisions we need to make every day, having routines, and resting. Ever Read more…
June 7, 2023
What is Air Quality Index? And how can you use it to stay safe?
Staying Safe
The AQI, or Air Quality Index, is a daily measurement of the safety of the air quality in your area. The Index is a range between 0-500. 0-50 Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. 51-100 Air quality is acceptable for most people but for some, particularly those who are Read more…
Ozempic es un medicamento que se usa para tratar la diabetes y últimamente se ha promocionado como una opción útil para estimular la pérdida de peso. Ozempic (semaglutida) fue aprobado en 2017 para el tratamiento de la diabetes. En algún momento de 2022, el fabricante del fármaco, Novo Nordisk, anunció que escaseaba el fármaco, en Read more…
What’s the latest on the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people?
Infectious Diseases Reproductive Health Vaccines
Andrea Harmony, NP-C, PMHS
A: Pfizer’s clinical trial of a new RSV vaccine in pregnancy showed high vaccine efficacy against severe disease in infants. The FDA advisory committee discussed an observed difference in premature births in the placebo vs. vaccine group, but concluded that the difference was likely due to chance rather than from the vaccine itself. TL;DR: The Read more…
June 21, 2023
I heard that “the pill” might become illegal? Is it all birth control pills?
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
There are lots of different types of “pills” related to pregnancy. It’s most helpful to break them into two categories: Contraceptives PREVENT someone from becoming pregnant. Other types of pills are used when there is ALREADY an established pregnancy. It’s mifepristone, from this second group, whose FDA approval is currently being contested in the U.S. Read more…
June 20, 2023
¿Qué pasa con las pautas de detección de mamografías?
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Las mamografías son una herramienta de detección útil para el cáncer de mama, pero no son pruebas perfectas. Descubrir la mejor manera de usarlas es complicado y cambia con el tiempo. Un borrador reciente de las pautas estadounidenses propone cambiar la edad de inicio de 50 a 40 y continuar recomendando un intervalo de dos Read more…
June 20, 2023
I’m pretty healthy overall, so do I need to take a daily multivitamin to prevent illness?
General Health
Megan Madsen, DO
For most people, a multivitamin is probably not necessary to improve health. TL/DR: If you eat a varied diet that contains many fruits and vegetables, you probably do not need to supplement with a multivitamin. There is no evidence that vitamins reduce the development of chronic illnesses such as heart disease or significantly reduce risk Read more…
June 19, 2023
Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth
Social and Racial Justice
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
Today Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth. Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. It is named for June 19th, the day in 1865 that enslaved people in Texas found out they were free. Ms. Lee, who refers to herself as “just a little old lady in Read more…
June 16, 2023
Will there be an updated COVID booster this fall?
A: Yes. It looks like an updated formula with an XBB variant will be headed our way soon in the US. TL;DR: ✅Fall boosters will be comprised of one (a “monovalent”) XBB strain. ✅The closely related XBB strains protect well against each other, so vaccine makers will pick one (might be XBB1.5). ✅The original SARS-CoV-2 Read more…
June 16, 2023
¿Qué es la violencia armada y a quién afecta?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
La violencia armada se ha convertido en una alarmante crisis de salud pública en Estados Unidos. Su precio va mucho más allá de los miles de vidas que se pierden cada año. Devasta familias y comunidades. Amenaza nuestra sensación de seguridad. Datos básicos sobre la violencia armada en Estados Unidos Según el informe de 2020 Read more…
June 13, 2023
What’s going on with syphilis rates in the U.S.?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Syphilis rates are on the rise in the U.S. There are a variety of factors that might be responsible for this, including underfunding of public health clinics and failure to train clinicians to take adequate sexual histories. Rates of sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) have been climbing in the U.S., especially since 2020 when the COVID pandemic Read more…
June 9, 2023
What’s to know about the new Surgeon General report on social media and youth mental health?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The report indicates strong signals of social media’s harm to youth mental health, although it is still hard to know for sure if social media directly causes mental health problems. Last month, the Surgeon General released an in-depth report about the potential harms of social media to youth mental health. Amidst a crisis of Read more…
June 8, 2023
¿Las reinfecciones por COVID son peores que una primera infección?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No lo son – especialmente para la mayoría de las personas. Pero para las personas vulnerables, las reinfecciones pueden seguir siendo peligrosas. Y cada infección conlleva su propio riesgo de COVID a largo plazo. El virus SARS-CoV-2 ha llegado para quedarse en las poblaciones humanas. Estamos oyendo el consabido estribillo de que el COVID no Read more…
June 8, 2023
What is decision fatigue?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Decision fatigue is that worn out, run down feeling we get when we have too many choices to make. As we become overwhelmed with choices, our ability to make decisions gets worse. We can minimize decision fatigue by reducing the number of decisions we need to make every day, having routines, and resting. Ever Read more…
June 7, 2023
What is Air Quality Index? And how can you use it to stay safe?
Staying Safe
The AQI, or Air Quality Index, is a daily measurement of the safety of the air quality in your area. The Index is a range between 0-500. 0-50 Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. 51-100 Air quality is acceptable for most people but for some, particularly those who are Read more…
A: Pfizer’s clinical trial of a new RSV vaccine in pregnancy showed high vaccine efficacy against severe disease in infants. The FDA advisory committee discussed an observed difference in premature births in the placebo vs. vaccine group, but concluded that the difference was likely due to chance rather than from the vaccine itself. TL;DR: The Read more…
I heard that “the pill” might become illegal? Is it all birth control pills?
Reproductive Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
There are lots of different types of “pills” related to pregnancy. It’s most helpful to break them into two categories: Contraceptives PREVENT someone from becoming pregnant. Other types of pills are used when there is ALREADY an established pregnancy. It’s mifepristone, from this second group, whose FDA approval is currently being contested in the U.S. Read more…
June 20, 2023
¿Qué pasa con las pautas de detección de mamografías?
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Las mamografías son una herramienta de detección útil para el cáncer de mama, pero no son pruebas perfectas. Descubrir la mejor manera de usarlas es complicado y cambia con el tiempo. Un borrador reciente de las pautas estadounidenses propone cambiar la edad de inicio de 50 a 40 y continuar recomendando un intervalo de dos Read more…
June 20, 2023
I’m pretty healthy overall, so do I need to take a daily multivitamin to prevent illness?
General Health
Megan Madsen, DO
For most people, a multivitamin is probably not necessary to improve health. TL/DR: If you eat a varied diet that contains many fruits and vegetables, you probably do not need to supplement with a multivitamin. There is no evidence that vitamins reduce the development of chronic illnesses such as heart disease or significantly reduce risk Read more…
June 19, 2023
Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth
Social and Racial Justice
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
Today Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth. Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. It is named for June 19th, the day in 1865 that enslaved people in Texas found out they were free. Ms. Lee, who refers to herself as “just a little old lady in Read more…
June 16, 2023
Will there be an updated COVID booster this fall?
A: Yes. It looks like an updated formula with an XBB variant will be headed our way soon in the US. TL;DR: ✅Fall boosters will be comprised of one (a “monovalent”) XBB strain. ✅The closely related XBB strains protect well against each other, so vaccine makers will pick one (might be XBB1.5). ✅The original SARS-CoV-2 Read more…
June 16, 2023
¿Qué es la violencia armada y a quién afecta?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
La violencia armada se ha convertido en una alarmante crisis de salud pública en Estados Unidos. Su precio va mucho más allá de los miles de vidas que se pierden cada año. Devasta familias y comunidades. Amenaza nuestra sensación de seguridad. Datos básicos sobre la violencia armada en Estados Unidos Según el informe de 2020 Read more…
June 13, 2023
What’s going on with syphilis rates in the U.S.?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Syphilis rates are on the rise in the U.S. There are a variety of factors that might be responsible for this, including underfunding of public health clinics and failure to train clinicians to take adequate sexual histories. Rates of sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) have been climbing in the U.S., especially since 2020 when the COVID pandemic Read more…
June 9, 2023
What’s to know about the new Surgeon General report on social media and youth mental health?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The report indicates strong signals of social media’s harm to youth mental health, although it is still hard to know for sure if social media directly causes mental health problems. Last month, the Surgeon General released an in-depth report about the potential harms of social media to youth mental health. Amidst a crisis of Read more…
June 8, 2023
¿Las reinfecciones por COVID son peores que una primera infección?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No lo son – especialmente para la mayoría de las personas. Pero para las personas vulnerables, las reinfecciones pueden seguir siendo peligrosas. Y cada infección conlleva su propio riesgo de COVID a largo plazo. El virus SARS-CoV-2 ha llegado para quedarse en las poblaciones humanas. Estamos oyendo el consabido estribillo de que el COVID no Read more…
June 8, 2023
What is decision fatigue?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Decision fatigue is that worn out, run down feeling we get when we have too many choices to make. As we become overwhelmed with choices, our ability to make decisions gets worse. We can minimize decision fatigue by reducing the number of decisions we need to make every day, having routines, and resting. Ever Read more…
June 7, 2023
What is Air Quality Index? And how can you use it to stay safe?
Staying Safe
The AQI, or Air Quality Index, is a daily measurement of the safety of the air quality in your area. The Index is a range between 0-500. 0-50 Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. 51-100 Air quality is acceptable for most people but for some, particularly those who are Read more…
There are lots of different types of “pills” related to pregnancy. It’s most helpful to break them into two categories: Contraceptives PREVENT someone from becoming pregnant. Other types of pills are used when there is ALREADY an established pregnancy. It’s mifepristone, from this second group, whose FDA approval is currently being contested in the U.S. Read more…
¿Qué pasa con las pautas de detección de mamografías?
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Las mamografías son una herramienta de detección útil para el cáncer de mama, pero no son pruebas perfectas. Descubrir la mejor manera de usarlas es complicado y cambia con el tiempo. Un borrador reciente de las pautas estadounidenses propone cambiar la edad de inicio de 50 a 40 y continuar recomendando un intervalo de dos Read more…
June 20, 2023
I’m pretty healthy overall, so do I need to take a daily multivitamin to prevent illness?
General Health
Megan Madsen, DO
For most people, a multivitamin is probably not necessary to improve health. TL/DR: If you eat a varied diet that contains many fruits and vegetables, you probably do not need to supplement with a multivitamin. There is no evidence that vitamins reduce the development of chronic illnesses such as heart disease or significantly reduce risk Read more…
June 19, 2023
Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth
Social and Racial Justice
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
Today Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth. Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. It is named for June 19th, the day in 1865 that enslaved people in Texas found out they were free. Ms. Lee, who refers to herself as “just a little old lady in Read more…
June 16, 2023
Will there be an updated COVID booster this fall?
A: Yes. It looks like an updated formula with an XBB variant will be headed our way soon in the US. TL;DR: ✅Fall boosters will be comprised of one (a “monovalent”) XBB strain. ✅The closely related XBB strains protect well against each other, so vaccine makers will pick one (might be XBB1.5). ✅The original SARS-CoV-2 Read more…
June 16, 2023
¿Qué es la violencia armada y a quién afecta?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
La violencia armada se ha convertido en una alarmante crisis de salud pública en Estados Unidos. Su precio va mucho más allá de los miles de vidas que se pierden cada año. Devasta familias y comunidades. Amenaza nuestra sensación de seguridad. Datos básicos sobre la violencia armada en Estados Unidos Según el informe de 2020 Read more…
June 13, 2023
What’s going on with syphilis rates in the U.S.?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Syphilis rates are on the rise in the U.S. There are a variety of factors that might be responsible for this, including underfunding of public health clinics and failure to train clinicians to take adequate sexual histories. Rates of sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) have been climbing in the U.S., especially since 2020 when the COVID pandemic Read more…
June 9, 2023
What’s to know about the new Surgeon General report on social media and youth mental health?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The report indicates strong signals of social media’s harm to youth mental health, although it is still hard to know for sure if social media directly causes mental health problems. Last month, the Surgeon General released an in-depth report about the potential harms of social media to youth mental health. Amidst a crisis of Read more…
June 8, 2023
¿Las reinfecciones por COVID son peores que una primera infección?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No lo son – especialmente para la mayoría de las personas. Pero para las personas vulnerables, las reinfecciones pueden seguir siendo peligrosas. Y cada infección conlleva su propio riesgo de COVID a largo plazo. El virus SARS-CoV-2 ha llegado para quedarse en las poblaciones humanas. Estamos oyendo el consabido estribillo de que el COVID no Read more…
June 8, 2023
What is decision fatigue?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Decision fatigue is that worn out, run down feeling we get when we have too many choices to make. As we become overwhelmed with choices, our ability to make decisions gets worse. We can minimize decision fatigue by reducing the number of decisions we need to make every day, having routines, and resting. Ever Read more…
June 7, 2023
What is Air Quality Index? And how can you use it to stay safe?
Staying Safe
The AQI, or Air Quality Index, is a daily measurement of the safety of the air quality in your area. The Index is a range between 0-500. 0-50 Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. 51-100 Air quality is acceptable for most people but for some, particularly those who are Read more…
Las mamografías son una herramienta de detección útil para el cáncer de mama, pero no son pruebas perfectas. Descubrir la mejor manera de usarlas es complicado y cambia con el tiempo. Un borrador reciente de las pautas estadounidenses propone cambiar la edad de inicio de 50 a 40 y continuar recomendando un intervalo de dos Read more…
I’m pretty healthy overall, so do I need to take a daily multivitamin to prevent illness?
General Health
Megan Madsen, DO
For most people, a multivitamin is probably not necessary to improve health. TL/DR: If you eat a varied diet that contains many fruits and vegetables, you probably do not need to supplement with a multivitamin. There is no evidence that vitamins reduce the development of chronic illnesses such as heart disease or significantly reduce risk Read more…
June 19, 2023
Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth
Social and Racial Justice
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
Today Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth. Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. It is named for June 19th, the day in 1865 that enslaved people in Texas found out they were free. Ms. Lee, who refers to herself as “just a little old lady in Read more…
June 16, 2023
Will there be an updated COVID booster this fall?
A: Yes. It looks like an updated formula with an XBB variant will be headed our way soon in the US. TL;DR: ✅Fall boosters will be comprised of one (a “monovalent”) XBB strain. ✅The closely related XBB strains protect well against each other, so vaccine makers will pick one (might be XBB1.5). ✅The original SARS-CoV-2 Read more…
June 16, 2023
¿Qué es la violencia armada y a quién afecta?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
La violencia armada se ha convertido en una alarmante crisis de salud pública en Estados Unidos. Su precio va mucho más allá de los miles de vidas que se pierden cada año. Devasta familias y comunidades. Amenaza nuestra sensación de seguridad. Datos básicos sobre la violencia armada en Estados Unidos Según el informe de 2020 Read more…
June 13, 2023
What’s going on with syphilis rates in the U.S.?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Syphilis rates are on the rise in the U.S. There are a variety of factors that might be responsible for this, including underfunding of public health clinics and failure to train clinicians to take adequate sexual histories. Rates of sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) have been climbing in the U.S., especially since 2020 when the COVID pandemic Read more…
June 9, 2023
What’s to know about the new Surgeon General report on social media and youth mental health?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The report indicates strong signals of social media’s harm to youth mental health, although it is still hard to know for sure if social media directly causes mental health problems. Last month, the Surgeon General released an in-depth report about the potential harms of social media to youth mental health. Amidst a crisis of Read more…
June 8, 2023
¿Las reinfecciones por COVID son peores que una primera infección?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No lo son – especialmente para la mayoría de las personas. Pero para las personas vulnerables, las reinfecciones pueden seguir siendo peligrosas. Y cada infección conlleva su propio riesgo de COVID a largo plazo. El virus SARS-CoV-2 ha llegado para quedarse en las poblaciones humanas. Estamos oyendo el consabido estribillo de que el COVID no Read more…
June 8, 2023
What is decision fatigue?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Decision fatigue is that worn out, run down feeling we get when we have too many choices to make. As we become overwhelmed with choices, our ability to make decisions gets worse. We can minimize decision fatigue by reducing the number of decisions we need to make every day, having routines, and resting. Ever Read more…
June 7, 2023
What is Air Quality Index? And how can you use it to stay safe?
Staying Safe
The AQI, or Air Quality Index, is a daily measurement of the safety of the air quality in your area. The Index is a range between 0-500. 0-50 Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. 51-100 Air quality is acceptable for most people but for some, particularly those who are Read more…
For most people, a multivitamin is probably not necessary to improve health. TL/DR: If you eat a varied diet that contains many fruits and vegetables, you probably do not need to supplement with a multivitamin. There is no evidence that vitamins reduce the development of chronic illnesses such as heart disease or significantly reduce risk Read more…
Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth
Social and Racial Justice
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
Today Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth. Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. It is named for June 19th, the day in 1865 that enslaved people in Texas found out they were free. Ms. Lee, who refers to herself as “just a little old lady in Read more…
June 16, 2023
Will there be an updated COVID booster this fall?
A: Yes. It looks like an updated formula with an XBB variant will be headed our way soon in the US. TL;DR: ✅Fall boosters will be comprised of one (a “monovalent”) XBB strain. ✅The closely related XBB strains protect well against each other, so vaccine makers will pick one (might be XBB1.5). ✅The original SARS-CoV-2 Read more…
June 16, 2023
¿Qué es la violencia armada y a quién afecta?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
La violencia armada se ha convertido en una alarmante crisis de salud pública en Estados Unidos. Su precio va mucho más allá de los miles de vidas que se pierden cada año. Devasta familias y comunidades. Amenaza nuestra sensación de seguridad. Datos básicos sobre la violencia armada en Estados Unidos Según el informe de 2020 Read more…
June 13, 2023
What’s going on with syphilis rates in the U.S.?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Syphilis rates are on the rise in the U.S. There are a variety of factors that might be responsible for this, including underfunding of public health clinics and failure to train clinicians to take adequate sexual histories. Rates of sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) have been climbing in the U.S., especially since 2020 when the COVID pandemic Read more…
June 9, 2023
What’s to know about the new Surgeon General report on social media and youth mental health?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The report indicates strong signals of social media’s harm to youth mental health, although it is still hard to know for sure if social media directly causes mental health problems. Last month, the Surgeon General released an in-depth report about the potential harms of social media to youth mental health. Amidst a crisis of Read more…
June 8, 2023
¿Las reinfecciones por COVID son peores que una primera infección?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No lo son – especialmente para la mayoría de las personas. Pero para las personas vulnerables, las reinfecciones pueden seguir siendo peligrosas. Y cada infección conlleva su propio riesgo de COVID a largo plazo. El virus SARS-CoV-2 ha llegado para quedarse en las poblaciones humanas. Estamos oyendo el consabido estribillo de que el COVID no Read more…
June 8, 2023
What is decision fatigue?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Decision fatigue is that worn out, run down feeling we get when we have too many choices to make. As we become overwhelmed with choices, our ability to make decisions gets worse. We can minimize decision fatigue by reducing the number of decisions we need to make every day, having routines, and resting. Ever Read more…
June 7, 2023
What is Air Quality Index? And how can you use it to stay safe?
Staying Safe
The AQI, or Air Quality Index, is a daily measurement of the safety of the air quality in your area. The Index is a range between 0-500. 0-50 Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. 51-100 Air quality is acceptable for most people but for some, particularly those who are Read more…
Today Those Nerdy Girls honor Ms. Opal Lee, the Grandmother of Juneteenth. Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. It is named for June 19th, the day in 1865 that enslaved people in Texas found out they were free. Ms. Lee, who refers to herself as “just a little old lady in Read more…
Will there be an updated COVID booster this fall?
VaccinesA: Yes. It looks like an updated formula with an XBB variant will be headed our way soon in the US. TL;DR: ✅Fall boosters will be comprised of one (a “monovalent”) XBB strain. ✅The closely related XBB strains protect well against each other, so vaccine makers will pick one (might be XBB1.5). ✅The original SARS-CoV-2 Read more…
¿Qué es la violencia armada y a quién afecta?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
La violencia armada se ha convertido en una alarmante crisis de salud pública en Estados Unidos. Su precio va mucho más allá de los miles de vidas que se pierden cada año. Devasta familias y comunidades. Amenaza nuestra sensación de seguridad. Datos básicos sobre la violencia armada en Estados Unidos Según el informe de 2020 Read more…
June 13, 2023
What’s going on with syphilis rates in the U.S.?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Syphilis rates are on the rise in the U.S. There are a variety of factors that might be responsible for this, including underfunding of public health clinics and failure to train clinicians to take adequate sexual histories. Rates of sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) have been climbing in the U.S., especially since 2020 when the COVID pandemic Read more…
June 9, 2023
What’s to know about the new Surgeon General report on social media and youth mental health?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The report indicates strong signals of social media’s harm to youth mental health, although it is still hard to know for sure if social media directly causes mental health problems. Last month, the Surgeon General released an in-depth report about the potential harms of social media to youth mental health. Amidst a crisis of Read more…
June 8, 2023
¿Las reinfecciones por COVID son peores que una primera infección?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No lo son – especialmente para la mayoría de las personas. Pero para las personas vulnerables, las reinfecciones pueden seguir siendo peligrosas. Y cada infección conlleva su propio riesgo de COVID a largo plazo. El virus SARS-CoV-2 ha llegado para quedarse en las poblaciones humanas. Estamos oyendo el consabido estribillo de que el COVID no Read more…
June 8, 2023
What is decision fatigue?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Decision fatigue is that worn out, run down feeling we get when we have too many choices to make. As we become overwhelmed with choices, our ability to make decisions gets worse. We can minimize decision fatigue by reducing the number of decisions we need to make every day, having routines, and resting. Ever Read more…
June 7, 2023
What is Air Quality Index? And how can you use it to stay safe?
Staying Safe
The AQI, or Air Quality Index, is a daily measurement of the safety of the air quality in your area. The Index is a range between 0-500. 0-50 Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. 51-100 Air quality is acceptable for most people but for some, particularly those who are Read more…
La violencia armada se ha convertido en una alarmante crisis de salud pública en Estados Unidos. Su precio va mucho más allá de los miles de vidas que se pierden cada año. Devasta familias y comunidades. Amenaza nuestra sensación de seguridad. Datos básicos sobre la violencia armada en Estados Unidos Según el informe de 2020 Read more…
What’s going on with syphilis rates in the U.S.?
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Syphilis rates are on the rise in the U.S. There are a variety of factors that might be responsible for this, including underfunding of public health clinics and failure to train clinicians to take adequate sexual histories. Rates of sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) have been climbing in the U.S., especially since 2020 when the COVID pandemic Read more…
June 9, 2023
What’s to know about the new Surgeon General report on social media and youth mental health?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The report indicates strong signals of social media’s harm to youth mental health, although it is still hard to know for sure if social media directly causes mental health problems. Last month, the Surgeon General released an in-depth report about the potential harms of social media to youth mental health. Amidst a crisis of Read more…
June 8, 2023
¿Las reinfecciones por COVID son peores que una primera infección?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No lo son – especialmente para la mayoría de las personas. Pero para las personas vulnerables, las reinfecciones pueden seguir siendo peligrosas. Y cada infección conlleva su propio riesgo de COVID a largo plazo. El virus SARS-CoV-2 ha llegado para quedarse en las poblaciones humanas. Estamos oyendo el consabido estribillo de que el COVID no Read more…
June 8, 2023
What is decision fatigue?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Decision fatigue is that worn out, run down feeling we get when we have too many choices to make. As we become overwhelmed with choices, our ability to make decisions gets worse. We can minimize decision fatigue by reducing the number of decisions we need to make every day, having routines, and resting. Ever Read more…
June 7, 2023
What is Air Quality Index? And how can you use it to stay safe?
Staying Safe
The AQI, or Air Quality Index, is a daily measurement of the safety of the air quality in your area. The Index is a range between 0-500. 0-50 Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. 51-100 Air quality is acceptable for most people but for some, particularly those who are Read more…
Syphilis rates are on the rise in the U.S. There are a variety of factors that might be responsible for this, including underfunding of public health clinics and failure to train clinicians to take adequate sexual histories. Rates of sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) have been climbing in the U.S., especially since 2020 when the COVID pandemic Read more…
What’s to know about the new Surgeon General report on social media and youth mental health?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The report indicates strong signals of social media’s harm to youth mental health, although it is still hard to know for sure if social media directly causes mental health problems. Last month, the Surgeon General released an in-depth report about the potential harms of social media to youth mental health. Amidst a crisis of Read more…
June 8, 2023
¿Las reinfecciones por COVID son peores que una primera infección?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No lo son – especialmente para la mayoría de las personas. Pero para las personas vulnerables, las reinfecciones pueden seguir siendo peligrosas. Y cada infección conlleva su propio riesgo de COVID a largo plazo. El virus SARS-CoV-2 ha llegado para quedarse en las poblaciones humanas. Estamos oyendo el consabido estribillo de que el COVID no Read more…
June 8, 2023
What is decision fatigue?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Decision fatigue is that worn out, run down feeling we get when we have too many choices to make. As we become overwhelmed with choices, our ability to make decisions gets worse. We can minimize decision fatigue by reducing the number of decisions we need to make every day, having routines, and resting. Ever Read more…
June 7, 2023
What is Air Quality Index? And how can you use it to stay safe?
Staying Safe
The AQI, or Air Quality Index, is a daily measurement of the safety of the air quality in your area. The Index is a range between 0-500. 0-50 Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. 51-100 Air quality is acceptable for most people but for some, particularly those who are Read more…
A: The report indicates strong signals of social media’s harm to youth mental health, although it is still hard to know for sure if social media directly causes mental health problems. Last month, the Surgeon General released an in-depth report about the potential harms of social media to youth mental health. Amidst a crisis of Read more…
¿Las reinfecciones por COVID son peores que una primera infección?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
No lo son – especialmente para la mayoría de las personas. Pero para las personas vulnerables, las reinfecciones pueden seguir siendo peligrosas. Y cada infección conlleva su propio riesgo de COVID a largo plazo. El virus SARS-CoV-2 ha llegado para quedarse en las poblaciones humanas. Estamos oyendo el consabido estribillo de que el COVID no Read more…
June 8, 2023
What is decision fatigue?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Decision fatigue is that worn out, run down feeling we get when we have too many choices to make. As we become overwhelmed with choices, our ability to make decisions gets worse. We can minimize decision fatigue by reducing the number of decisions we need to make every day, having routines, and resting. Ever Read more…
June 7, 2023
What is Air Quality Index? And how can you use it to stay safe?
Staying Safe
The AQI, or Air Quality Index, is a daily measurement of the safety of the air quality in your area. The Index is a range between 0-500. 0-50 Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. 51-100 Air quality is acceptable for most people but for some, particularly those who are Read more…
No lo son – especialmente para la mayoría de las personas. Pero para las personas vulnerables, las reinfecciones pueden seguir siendo peligrosas. Y cada infección conlleva su propio riesgo de COVID a largo plazo. El virus SARS-CoV-2 ha llegado para quedarse en las poblaciones humanas. Estamos oyendo el consabido estribillo de que el COVID no Read more…
What is decision fatigue?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Tl;dr: Decision fatigue is that worn out, run down feeling we get when we have too many choices to make. As we become overwhelmed with choices, our ability to make decisions gets worse. We can minimize decision fatigue by reducing the number of decisions we need to make every day, having routines, and resting. Ever Read more…
June 7, 2023
What is Air Quality Index? And how can you use it to stay safe?
Staying Safe
The AQI, or Air Quality Index, is a daily measurement of the safety of the air quality in your area. The Index is a range between 0-500. 0-50 Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. 51-100 Air quality is acceptable for most people but for some, particularly those who are Read more…
Tl;dr: Decision fatigue is that worn out, run down feeling we get when we have too many choices to make. As we become overwhelmed with choices, our ability to make decisions gets worse. We can minimize decision fatigue by reducing the number of decisions we need to make every day, having routines, and resting. Ever Read more…
What is Air Quality Index? And how can you use it to stay safe?
Staying Safe
The AQI, or Air Quality Index, is a daily measurement of the safety of the air quality in your area. The Index is a range between 0-500. 0-50 Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. 51-100 Air quality is acceptable for most people but for some, particularly those who are Read more…
The AQI, or Air Quality Index, is a daily measurement of the safety of the air quality in your area. The Index is a range between 0-500. 0-50 Air quality is satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk. 51-100 Air quality is acceptable for most people but for some, particularly those who are Read more…