When can I get another COVID booster?
VaccinesJennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
I got my updated/bivalent booster in September, and I’m worried my protection is waning. A: We don’t know yet, but the FDA may be giving guidance soon. We love this enthusiasm for vaccine protection (!), but here is currently no authorization or recommendation for additional COVID-19 boosters if you have already received the bivalent/Omicron updated Read more…
January 16, 2023
Time to pause and reflect.
Social and Racial Justice
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Join us today in setting aside some time to pause and reflect. Today we honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life, work, and legacy of creating a more just society. We reflect on his call to regard each and every person as equally valuable, essential and loved. In the United States, MLK Day is a Read more…
January 15, 2023
Ser agradecido, tener y mostrar gratitud mejora la salud. Así que siga adelante y comparta un poco de gratitud mientras nos dirigimos a este feriado -día de MLK- en los EE. UU. Es un día para servir, reflexionar y renovarse.
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Les deseamos a todos unas vacaciones seguras, pacíficas y saludables. Cuerpo sano. Mente sana. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 14, 2023
¿Es normal estar muy ansiosa seis meses después de tener un bebé? Todo el mundo me dice que mejorará.
Mental Health Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí y no. Cierto grado de adaptación es normal, pero los cambios repentinos en cómo te sientes pueden ser un signo de que estás experimentando un trastorno del estado de ánimo o de ansiedad en el periodo perinatal (a veces denominado trastorno de ansiedad postparto). ¿Así que mucha gente realmente pasa por esto? Por supuesto. Read more…
January 14, 2023
Part 2 of How can we all keep supporting our loved ones who are immunocompromised or at risk of getting sick?
Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Last week we wrote about how to support a loved one who is immunocompromised. Let’s continue the conversation. Recently we reviewed a post with suggestions from a person with a family member who is immunocompromised. We wanted to share the readers’ suggestions here as food for thought. 1. Require people to always mask in medical Read more…
January 13, 2023
Help! Some of my friends/family are not up to date on their vaccines. How do I start the conversation?
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Bottom line – start small (with questions) and be empathic. Don’t focus on why they’re “wrong.” While a majority of Americans (about 79%) have received at least one dose of the primary COVID-19 vaccine series, many have not stayed up to date on boosters (or finished their primary series). Some are still waiting for Read more…
January 13, 2023
El Día Mundial de la Lucha contra la Depresión
Mental Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Hoy es el Día Mundial de la Lucha contra la Depresión y Las Nerdy Girls les queremos recordar que este es un trastorno mental que puede afectar a cualquier persona de cualquier edad -desde niños hasta adultos- y es importante buscar ayuda si cree que padece esta condición. Más información sobre la Depresión aquí Esta Read more…
January 12, 2023
¿Cuál es el periodo de contagio de la gripe/influenza?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las personas con gripe son más contagiosas entre el tercer y quinto día después de sentirse mal por primera vez 🤧. Esta es una infección un poco más retardada que la infección por COVID-19, que a menudo se propaga uno o dos días antes de los síntomas. La gripe se puede infectar a alguien un Read more…
January 12, 2023
What’s going on with strep infections?
Infectious Diseases
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Group A streptococcus is a bacteria that can cause infections of the throat and skin. In rare cases, it can lead to serious and invasive diseases like necrotizing fasciitis, toxic shock syndrome, and other severe infections. Though still rare, the WHO Health Organization, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and the US Read more…
January 10, 2023
Does getting COVID-19 rapid tests covered by your insurance require you to pay out-of-pocket and then get reimbursed?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Not always! In many cases you can walk into a pharmacy, provide your insurance card, and walk out with 8 free tests! No paperwork or reimbursement required. If you have health insurance in the U.S. (via your employer, Medicare Part B, Medicaid, or the Affordable Care Act marketplace) **EACH PERSON** in your family covered on Read more…
January 9, 2023
Dear Readers: How are families with high-risk kids faring?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
January 8, 2023
¡Siempre es importante recordar cuándo y cómo usar un condón!
Posts en Español Reproductive Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Puede ayudar a protegerla de las enfermedades de transmisión sexual y del embarazo. Cuerpo sano. Mente Sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 7, 2023
How can I support a loved one who is immunocompromised?
Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Understand what it means to be immunocompromised, know the current recommendations, and take concrete actions to support them. TL; DR: Being immunocompromised means the body can’t fight infection well. This can be caused by something or the person could have been born with this condition. If you are supporting someone who is immunocompromised, it is Read more…
January 6, 2023
How can I help if someone has a cardiac arrest?
General Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Quick CPR and use of an AED can save a life! With the recent and very public tragedy of Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest, a lot of folks are wondering what happened and what they could do in a similar situation. When someone’s heart stops beating, there are three things to do. First, call 911. Read more…
January 5, 2023
¿Es posible tener síntomas de depresión poco después de haber tenido COVID?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🫥 Sí, es posible. Las personas también pueden tener síntomas de ansiedad y otras alteraciones en el estado de ánimo después de un cuadro de COVID-19. Entre el 20 y el 30 % de las personas pueden desarrollar síntomas relacionados con alteraciones en la salud mental hasta 6 meses después una infección por COVID-19 o Read more…
January 5, 2023
Weight loss is my New Year’s Resolution. What can I do?
General Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As we enter the New Year, people are putting a lot of weight on their weight. Losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. But your health is more than just a number. Here are some ideas to help you focus on what really matters here. Maybe you have noticed that Read more…
January 3, 2023
¿Esta temporada de enfermedades respiratorias (como VRS e influenza) se debe a una “deuda de inmunidad”?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La expresión “deuda de inmunidad” es confusa e inútil. No existe tal “deuda de inmunidad” para las personas. No es necesario infectarnos para protegernos de un contagio. Cuantas menos exposiciones a patógenos durante la vida, mejor. (Tan sólo pregúnteles a las generaciones anteriores que sufrieron sarampión, cólera, polio, viruela, etc.). Para que los niños desarrollen Read more…
January 3, 2023
How concerned should I be about the new XBB.1.5 variant?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
XBB.1.5 has a transmission advantage, but this doesn’t make it a game-changing “super variant.” Keep calm, get boosted (and ramp-up precautions), and carry-on. At this stage of the pandemic, new variants are *guaranteed* to come and go. Variants arise from random errors as viruses make copies of itself. Most of these errors will be neutral Read more…
January 2, 2023
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Gracias por su apoyo…ahora y todos los días. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 2, 2023
Winter is coming… GO, GO, GO and get your updated COVID booster!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…
I got my updated/bivalent booster in September, and I’m worried my protection is waning. A: We don’t know yet, but the FDA may be giving guidance soon. We love this enthusiasm for vaccine protection (!), but here is currently no authorization or recommendation for additional COVID-19 boosters if you have already received the bivalent/Omicron updated Read more…
Time to pause and reflect.
Social and Racial JusticeAparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Join us today in setting aside some time to pause and reflect. Today we honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life, work, and legacy of creating a more just society. We reflect on his call to regard each and every person as equally valuable, essential and loved. In the United States, MLK Day is a Read more…
January 15, 2023
Ser agradecido, tener y mostrar gratitud mejora la salud. Así que siga adelante y comparta un poco de gratitud mientras nos dirigimos a este feriado -día de MLK- en los EE. UU. Es un día para servir, reflexionar y renovarse.
General Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Les deseamos a todos unas vacaciones seguras, pacíficas y saludables. Cuerpo sano. Mente sana. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 14, 2023
¿Es normal estar muy ansiosa seis meses después de tener un bebé? Todo el mundo me dice que mejorará.
Mental Health Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí y no. Cierto grado de adaptación es normal, pero los cambios repentinos en cómo te sientes pueden ser un signo de que estás experimentando un trastorno del estado de ánimo o de ansiedad en el periodo perinatal (a veces denominado trastorno de ansiedad postparto). ¿Así que mucha gente realmente pasa por esto? Por supuesto. Read more…
January 14, 2023
Part 2 of How can we all keep supporting our loved ones who are immunocompromised or at risk of getting sick?
Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Last week we wrote about how to support a loved one who is immunocompromised. Let’s continue the conversation. Recently we reviewed a post with suggestions from a person with a family member who is immunocompromised. We wanted to share the readers’ suggestions here as food for thought. 1. Require people to always mask in medical Read more…
January 13, 2023
Help! Some of my friends/family are not up to date on their vaccines. How do I start the conversation?
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Bottom line – start small (with questions) and be empathic. Don’t focus on why they’re “wrong.” While a majority of Americans (about 79%) have received at least one dose of the primary COVID-19 vaccine series, many have not stayed up to date on boosters (or finished their primary series). Some are still waiting for Read more…
January 13, 2023
El Día Mundial de la Lucha contra la Depresión
Mental Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Hoy es el Día Mundial de la Lucha contra la Depresión y Las Nerdy Girls les queremos recordar que este es un trastorno mental que puede afectar a cualquier persona de cualquier edad -desde niños hasta adultos- y es importante buscar ayuda si cree que padece esta condición. Más información sobre la Depresión aquí Esta Read more…
January 12, 2023
¿Cuál es el periodo de contagio de la gripe/influenza?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las personas con gripe son más contagiosas entre el tercer y quinto día después de sentirse mal por primera vez 🤧. Esta es una infección un poco más retardada que la infección por COVID-19, que a menudo se propaga uno o dos días antes de los síntomas. La gripe se puede infectar a alguien un Read more…
January 12, 2023
What’s going on with strep infections?
Infectious Diseases
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Group A streptococcus is a bacteria that can cause infections of the throat and skin. In rare cases, it can lead to serious and invasive diseases like necrotizing fasciitis, toxic shock syndrome, and other severe infections. Though still rare, the WHO Health Organization, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and the US Read more…
January 10, 2023
Does getting COVID-19 rapid tests covered by your insurance require you to pay out-of-pocket and then get reimbursed?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Not always! In many cases you can walk into a pharmacy, provide your insurance card, and walk out with 8 free tests! No paperwork or reimbursement required. If you have health insurance in the U.S. (via your employer, Medicare Part B, Medicaid, or the Affordable Care Act marketplace) **EACH PERSON** in your family covered on Read more…
January 9, 2023
Dear Readers: How are families with high-risk kids faring?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
January 8, 2023
¡Siempre es importante recordar cuándo y cómo usar un condón!
Posts en Español Reproductive Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Puede ayudar a protegerla de las enfermedades de transmisión sexual y del embarazo. Cuerpo sano. Mente Sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 7, 2023
How can I support a loved one who is immunocompromised?
Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Understand what it means to be immunocompromised, know the current recommendations, and take concrete actions to support them. TL; DR: Being immunocompromised means the body can’t fight infection well. This can be caused by something or the person could have been born with this condition. If you are supporting someone who is immunocompromised, it is Read more…
January 6, 2023
How can I help if someone has a cardiac arrest?
General Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Quick CPR and use of an AED can save a life! With the recent and very public tragedy of Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest, a lot of folks are wondering what happened and what they could do in a similar situation. When someone’s heart stops beating, there are three things to do. First, call 911. Read more…
January 5, 2023
¿Es posible tener síntomas de depresión poco después de haber tenido COVID?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🫥 Sí, es posible. Las personas también pueden tener síntomas de ansiedad y otras alteraciones en el estado de ánimo después de un cuadro de COVID-19. Entre el 20 y el 30 % de las personas pueden desarrollar síntomas relacionados con alteraciones en la salud mental hasta 6 meses después una infección por COVID-19 o Read more…
January 5, 2023
Weight loss is my New Year’s Resolution. What can I do?
General Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As we enter the New Year, people are putting a lot of weight on their weight. Losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. But your health is more than just a number. Here are some ideas to help you focus on what really matters here. Maybe you have noticed that Read more…
January 3, 2023
¿Esta temporada de enfermedades respiratorias (como VRS e influenza) se debe a una “deuda de inmunidad”?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La expresión “deuda de inmunidad” es confusa e inútil. No existe tal “deuda de inmunidad” para las personas. No es necesario infectarnos para protegernos de un contagio. Cuantas menos exposiciones a patógenos durante la vida, mejor. (Tan sólo pregúnteles a las generaciones anteriores que sufrieron sarampión, cólera, polio, viruela, etc.). Para que los niños desarrollen Read more…
January 3, 2023
How concerned should I be about the new XBB.1.5 variant?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
XBB.1.5 has a transmission advantage, but this doesn’t make it a game-changing “super variant.” Keep calm, get boosted (and ramp-up precautions), and carry-on. At this stage of the pandemic, new variants are *guaranteed* to come and go. Variants arise from random errors as viruses make copies of itself. Most of these errors will be neutral Read more…
January 2, 2023
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Gracias por su apoyo…ahora y todos los días. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 2, 2023
Winter is coming… GO, GO, GO and get your updated COVID booster!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…
Join us today in setting aside some time to pause and reflect. Today we honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life, work, and legacy of creating a more just society. We reflect on his call to regard each and every person as equally valuable, essential and loved. In the United States, MLK Day is a Read more…
Ser agradecido, tener y mostrar gratitud mejora la salud. Así que siga adelante y comparta un poco de gratitud mientras nos dirigimos a este feriado -día de MLK- en los EE. UU. Es un día para servir, reflexionar y renovarse.
General Health Posts en EspañolAparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Les deseamos a todos unas vacaciones seguras, pacíficas y saludables. Cuerpo sano. Mente sana. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 14, 2023
¿Es normal estar muy ansiosa seis meses después de tener un bebé? Todo el mundo me dice que mejorará.
Mental Health Posts en Español Reproductive Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí y no. Cierto grado de adaptación es normal, pero los cambios repentinos en cómo te sientes pueden ser un signo de que estás experimentando un trastorno del estado de ánimo o de ansiedad en el periodo perinatal (a veces denominado trastorno de ansiedad postparto). ¿Así que mucha gente realmente pasa por esto? Por supuesto. Read more…
January 14, 2023
Part 2 of How can we all keep supporting our loved ones who are immunocompromised or at risk of getting sick?
Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Last week we wrote about how to support a loved one who is immunocompromised. Let’s continue the conversation. Recently we reviewed a post with suggestions from a person with a family member who is immunocompromised. We wanted to share the readers’ suggestions here as food for thought. 1. Require people to always mask in medical Read more…
January 13, 2023
Help! Some of my friends/family are not up to date on their vaccines. How do I start the conversation?
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Bottom line – start small (with questions) and be empathic. Don’t focus on why they’re “wrong.” While a majority of Americans (about 79%) have received at least one dose of the primary COVID-19 vaccine series, many have not stayed up to date on boosters (or finished their primary series). Some are still waiting for Read more…
January 13, 2023
El Día Mundial de la Lucha contra la Depresión
Mental Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Hoy es el Día Mundial de la Lucha contra la Depresión y Las Nerdy Girls les queremos recordar que este es un trastorno mental que puede afectar a cualquier persona de cualquier edad -desde niños hasta adultos- y es importante buscar ayuda si cree que padece esta condición. Más información sobre la Depresión aquí Esta Read more…
January 12, 2023
¿Cuál es el periodo de contagio de la gripe/influenza?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las personas con gripe son más contagiosas entre el tercer y quinto día después de sentirse mal por primera vez 🤧. Esta es una infección un poco más retardada que la infección por COVID-19, que a menudo se propaga uno o dos días antes de los síntomas. La gripe se puede infectar a alguien un Read more…
January 12, 2023
What’s going on with strep infections?
Infectious Diseases
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Group A streptococcus is a bacteria that can cause infections of the throat and skin. In rare cases, it can lead to serious and invasive diseases like necrotizing fasciitis, toxic shock syndrome, and other severe infections. Though still rare, the WHO Health Organization, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and the US Read more…
January 10, 2023
Does getting COVID-19 rapid tests covered by your insurance require you to pay out-of-pocket and then get reimbursed?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Not always! In many cases you can walk into a pharmacy, provide your insurance card, and walk out with 8 free tests! No paperwork or reimbursement required. If you have health insurance in the U.S. (via your employer, Medicare Part B, Medicaid, or the Affordable Care Act marketplace) **EACH PERSON** in your family covered on Read more…
January 9, 2023
Dear Readers: How are families with high-risk kids faring?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
January 8, 2023
¡Siempre es importante recordar cuándo y cómo usar un condón!
Posts en Español Reproductive Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Puede ayudar a protegerla de las enfermedades de transmisión sexual y del embarazo. Cuerpo sano. Mente Sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 7, 2023
How can I support a loved one who is immunocompromised?
Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Understand what it means to be immunocompromised, know the current recommendations, and take concrete actions to support them. TL; DR: Being immunocompromised means the body can’t fight infection well. This can be caused by something or the person could have been born with this condition. If you are supporting someone who is immunocompromised, it is Read more…
January 6, 2023
How can I help if someone has a cardiac arrest?
General Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Quick CPR and use of an AED can save a life! With the recent and very public tragedy of Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest, a lot of folks are wondering what happened and what they could do in a similar situation. When someone’s heart stops beating, there are three things to do. First, call 911. Read more…
January 5, 2023
¿Es posible tener síntomas de depresión poco después de haber tenido COVID?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🫥 Sí, es posible. Las personas también pueden tener síntomas de ansiedad y otras alteraciones en el estado de ánimo después de un cuadro de COVID-19. Entre el 20 y el 30 % de las personas pueden desarrollar síntomas relacionados con alteraciones en la salud mental hasta 6 meses después una infección por COVID-19 o Read more…
January 5, 2023
Weight loss is my New Year’s Resolution. What can I do?
General Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As we enter the New Year, people are putting a lot of weight on their weight. Losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. But your health is more than just a number. Here are some ideas to help you focus on what really matters here. Maybe you have noticed that Read more…
January 3, 2023
¿Esta temporada de enfermedades respiratorias (como VRS e influenza) se debe a una “deuda de inmunidad”?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La expresión “deuda de inmunidad” es confusa e inútil. No existe tal “deuda de inmunidad” para las personas. No es necesario infectarnos para protegernos de un contagio. Cuantas menos exposiciones a patógenos durante la vida, mejor. (Tan sólo pregúnteles a las generaciones anteriores que sufrieron sarampión, cólera, polio, viruela, etc.). Para que los niños desarrollen Read more…
January 3, 2023
How concerned should I be about the new XBB.1.5 variant?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
XBB.1.5 has a transmission advantage, but this doesn’t make it a game-changing “super variant.” Keep calm, get boosted (and ramp-up precautions), and carry-on. At this stage of the pandemic, new variants are *guaranteed* to come and go. Variants arise from random errors as viruses make copies of itself. Most of these errors will be neutral Read more…
January 2, 2023
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Gracias por su apoyo…ahora y todos los días. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 2, 2023
Winter is coming… GO, GO, GO and get your updated COVID booster!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…
Les deseamos a todos unas vacaciones seguras, pacíficas y saludables. Cuerpo sano. Mente sana. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
¿Es normal estar muy ansiosa seis meses después de tener un bebé? Todo el mundo me dice que mejorará.
Mental Health Posts en Español Reproductive HealthAparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Sí y no. Cierto grado de adaptación es normal, pero los cambios repentinos en cómo te sientes pueden ser un signo de que estás experimentando un trastorno del estado de ánimo o de ansiedad en el periodo perinatal (a veces denominado trastorno de ansiedad postparto). ¿Así que mucha gente realmente pasa por esto? Por supuesto. Read more…
January 14, 2023
Part 2 of How can we all keep supporting our loved ones who are immunocompromised or at risk of getting sick?
Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Last week we wrote about how to support a loved one who is immunocompromised. Let’s continue the conversation. Recently we reviewed a post with suggestions from a person with a family member who is immunocompromised. We wanted to share the readers’ suggestions here as food for thought. 1. Require people to always mask in medical Read more…
January 13, 2023
Help! Some of my friends/family are not up to date on their vaccines. How do I start the conversation?
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Bottom line – start small (with questions) and be empathic. Don’t focus on why they’re “wrong.” While a majority of Americans (about 79%) have received at least one dose of the primary COVID-19 vaccine series, many have not stayed up to date on boosters (or finished their primary series). Some are still waiting for Read more…
January 13, 2023
El Día Mundial de la Lucha contra la Depresión
Mental Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Hoy es el Día Mundial de la Lucha contra la Depresión y Las Nerdy Girls les queremos recordar que este es un trastorno mental que puede afectar a cualquier persona de cualquier edad -desde niños hasta adultos- y es importante buscar ayuda si cree que padece esta condición. Más información sobre la Depresión aquí Esta Read more…
January 12, 2023
¿Cuál es el periodo de contagio de la gripe/influenza?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las personas con gripe son más contagiosas entre el tercer y quinto día después de sentirse mal por primera vez 🤧. Esta es una infección un poco más retardada que la infección por COVID-19, que a menudo se propaga uno o dos días antes de los síntomas. La gripe se puede infectar a alguien un Read more…
January 12, 2023
What’s going on with strep infections?
Infectious Diseases
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Group A streptococcus is a bacteria that can cause infections of the throat and skin. In rare cases, it can lead to serious and invasive diseases like necrotizing fasciitis, toxic shock syndrome, and other severe infections. Though still rare, the WHO Health Organization, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and the US Read more…
January 10, 2023
Does getting COVID-19 rapid tests covered by your insurance require you to pay out-of-pocket and then get reimbursed?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Not always! In many cases you can walk into a pharmacy, provide your insurance card, and walk out with 8 free tests! No paperwork or reimbursement required. If you have health insurance in the U.S. (via your employer, Medicare Part B, Medicaid, or the Affordable Care Act marketplace) **EACH PERSON** in your family covered on Read more…
January 9, 2023
Dear Readers: How are families with high-risk kids faring?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
January 8, 2023
¡Siempre es importante recordar cuándo y cómo usar un condón!
Posts en Español Reproductive Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Puede ayudar a protegerla de las enfermedades de transmisión sexual y del embarazo. Cuerpo sano. Mente Sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 7, 2023
How can I support a loved one who is immunocompromised?
Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Understand what it means to be immunocompromised, know the current recommendations, and take concrete actions to support them. TL; DR: Being immunocompromised means the body can’t fight infection well. This can be caused by something or the person could have been born with this condition. If you are supporting someone who is immunocompromised, it is Read more…
January 6, 2023
How can I help if someone has a cardiac arrest?
General Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Quick CPR and use of an AED can save a life! With the recent and very public tragedy of Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest, a lot of folks are wondering what happened and what they could do in a similar situation. When someone’s heart stops beating, there are three things to do. First, call 911. Read more…
January 5, 2023
¿Es posible tener síntomas de depresión poco después de haber tenido COVID?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🫥 Sí, es posible. Las personas también pueden tener síntomas de ansiedad y otras alteraciones en el estado de ánimo después de un cuadro de COVID-19. Entre el 20 y el 30 % de las personas pueden desarrollar síntomas relacionados con alteraciones en la salud mental hasta 6 meses después una infección por COVID-19 o Read more…
January 5, 2023
Weight loss is my New Year’s Resolution. What can I do?
General Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As we enter the New Year, people are putting a lot of weight on their weight. Losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. But your health is more than just a number. Here are some ideas to help you focus on what really matters here. Maybe you have noticed that Read more…
January 3, 2023
¿Esta temporada de enfermedades respiratorias (como VRS e influenza) se debe a una “deuda de inmunidad”?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La expresión “deuda de inmunidad” es confusa e inútil. No existe tal “deuda de inmunidad” para las personas. No es necesario infectarnos para protegernos de un contagio. Cuantas menos exposiciones a patógenos durante la vida, mejor. (Tan sólo pregúnteles a las generaciones anteriores que sufrieron sarampión, cólera, polio, viruela, etc.). Para que los niños desarrollen Read more…
January 3, 2023
How concerned should I be about the new XBB.1.5 variant?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
XBB.1.5 has a transmission advantage, but this doesn’t make it a game-changing “super variant.” Keep calm, get boosted (and ramp-up precautions), and carry-on. At this stage of the pandemic, new variants are *guaranteed* to come and go. Variants arise from random errors as viruses make copies of itself. Most of these errors will be neutral Read more…
January 2, 2023
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Gracias por su apoyo…ahora y todos los días. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 2, 2023
Winter is coming… GO, GO, GO and get your updated COVID booster!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…
Sí y no. Cierto grado de adaptación es normal, pero los cambios repentinos en cómo te sientes pueden ser un signo de que estás experimentando un trastorno del estado de ánimo o de ansiedad en el periodo perinatal (a veces denominado trastorno de ansiedad postparto). ¿Así que mucha gente realmente pasa por esto? Por supuesto. Read more…
Part 2 of How can we all keep supporting our loved ones who are immunocompromised or at risk of getting sick?
Staying SafeAparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Last week we wrote about how to support a loved one who is immunocompromised. Let’s continue the conversation. Recently we reviewed a post with suggestions from a person with a family member who is immunocompromised. We wanted to share the readers’ suggestions here as food for thought. 1. Require people to always mask in medical Read more…
January 13, 2023
Help! Some of my friends/family are not up to date on their vaccines. How do I start the conversation?
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Bottom line – start small (with questions) and be empathic. Don’t focus on why they’re “wrong.” While a majority of Americans (about 79%) have received at least one dose of the primary COVID-19 vaccine series, many have not stayed up to date on boosters (or finished their primary series). Some are still waiting for Read more…
January 13, 2023
El Día Mundial de la Lucha contra la Depresión
Mental Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Hoy es el Día Mundial de la Lucha contra la Depresión y Las Nerdy Girls les queremos recordar que este es un trastorno mental que puede afectar a cualquier persona de cualquier edad -desde niños hasta adultos- y es importante buscar ayuda si cree que padece esta condición. Más información sobre la Depresión aquí Esta Read more…
January 12, 2023
¿Cuál es el periodo de contagio de la gripe/influenza?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las personas con gripe son más contagiosas entre el tercer y quinto día después de sentirse mal por primera vez 🤧. Esta es una infección un poco más retardada que la infección por COVID-19, que a menudo se propaga uno o dos días antes de los síntomas. La gripe se puede infectar a alguien un Read more…
January 12, 2023
What’s going on with strep infections?
Infectious Diseases
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Group A streptococcus is a bacteria that can cause infections of the throat and skin. In rare cases, it can lead to serious and invasive diseases like necrotizing fasciitis, toxic shock syndrome, and other severe infections. Though still rare, the WHO Health Organization, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and the US Read more…
January 10, 2023
Does getting COVID-19 rapid tests covered by your insurance require you to pay out-of-pocket and then get reimbursed?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Not always! In many cases you can walk into a pharmacy, provide your insurance card, and walk out with 8 free tests! No paperwork or reimbursement required. If you have health insurance in the U.S. (via your employer, Medicare Part B, Medicaid, or the Affordable Care Act marketplace) **EACH PERSON** in your family covered on Read more…
January 9, 2023
Dear Readers: How are families with high-risk kids faring?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
January 8, 2023
¡Siempre es importante recordar cuándo y cómo usar un condón!
Posts en Español Reproductive Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Puede ayudar a protegerla de las enfermedades de transmisión sexual y del embarazo. Cuerpo sano. Mente Sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 7, 2023
How can I support a loved one who is immunocompromised?
Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Understand what it means to be immunocompromised, know the current recommendations, and take concrete actions to support them. TL; DR: Being immunocompromised means the body can’t fight infection well. This can be caused by something or the person could have been born with this condition. If you are supporting someone who is immunocompromised, it is Read more…
January 6, 2023
How can I help if someone has a cardiac arrest?
General Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Quick CPR and use of an AED can save a life! With the recent and very public tragedy of Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest, a lot of folks are wondering what happened and what they could do in a similar situation. When someone’s heart stops beating, there are three things to do. First, call 911. Read more…
January 5, 2023
¿Es posible tener síntomas de depresión poco después de haber tenido COVID?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🫥 Sí, es posible. Las personas también pueden tener síntomas de ansiedad y otras alteraciones en el estado de ánimo después de un cuadro de COVID-19. Entre el 20 y el 30 % de las personas pueden desarrollar síntomas relacionados con alteraciones en la salud mental hasta 6 meses después una infección por COVID-19 o Read more…
January 5, 2023
Weight loss is my New Year’s Resolution. What can I do?
General Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As we enter the New Year, people are putting a lot of weight on their weight. Losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. But your health is more than just a number. Here are some ideas to help you focus on what really matters here. Maybe you have noticed that Read more…
January 3, 2023
¿Esta temporada de enfermedades respiratorias (como VRS e influenza) se debe a una “deuda de inmunidad”?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La expresión “deuda de inmunidad” es confusa e inútil. No existe tal “deuda de inmunidad” para las personas. No es necesario infectarnos para protegernos de un contagio. Cuantas menos exposiciones a patógenos durante la vida, mejor. (Tan sólo pregúnteles a las generaciones anteriores que sufrieron sarampión, cólera, polio, viruela, etc.). Para que los niños desarrollen Read more…
January 3, 2023
How concerned should I be about the new XBB.1.5 variant?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
XBB.1.5 has a transmission advantage, but this doesn’t make it a game-changing “super variant.” Keep calm, get boosted (and ramp-up precautions), and carry-on. At this stage of the pandemic, new variants are *guaranteed* to come and go. Variants arise from random errors as viruses make copies of itself. Most of these errors will be neutral Read more…
January 2, 2023
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Gracias por su apoyo…ahora y todos los días. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 2, 2023
Winter is coming… GO, GO, GO and get your updated COVID booster!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…
Last week we wrote about how to support a loved one who is immunocompromised. Let’s continue the conversation. Recently we reviewed a post with suggestions from a person with a family member who is immunocompromised. We wanted to share the readers’ suggestions here as food for thought. 1. Require people to always mask in medical Read more…
Help! Some of my friends/family are not up to date on their vaccines. How do I start the conversation?
VaccinesSara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Bottom line – start small (with questions) and be empathic. Don’t focus on why they’re “wrong.” While a majority of Americans (about 79%) have received at least one dose of the primary COVID-19 vaccine series, many have not stayed up to date on boosters (or finished their primary series). Some are still waiting for Read more…
January 13, 2023
El Día Mundial de la Lucha contra la Depresión
Mental Health Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Hoy es el Día Mundial de la Lucha contra la Depresión y Las Nerdy Girls les queremos recordar que este es un trastorno mental que puede afectar a cualquier persona de cualquier edad -desde niños hasta adultos- y es importante buscar ayuda si cree que padece esta condición. Más información sobre la Depresión aquí Esta Read more…
January 12, 2023
¿Cuál es el periodo de contagio de la gripe/influenza?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las personas con gripe son más contagiosas entre el tercer y quinto día después de sentirse mal por primera vez 🤧. Esta es una infección un poco más retardada que la infección por COVID-19, que a menudo se propaga uno o dos días antes de los síntomas. La gripe se puede infectar a alguien un Read more…
January 12, 2023
What’s going on with strep infections?
Infectious Diseases
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Group A streptococcus is a bacteria that can cause infections of the throat and skin. In rare cases, it can lead to serious and invasive diseases like necrotizing fasciitis, toxic shock syndrome, and other severe infections. Though still rare, the WHO Health Organization, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and the US Read more…
January 10, 2023
Does getting COVID-19 rapid tests covered by your insurance require you to pay out-of-pocket and then get reimbursed?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Not always! In many cases you can walk into a pharmacy, provide your insurance card, and walk out with 8 free tests! No paperwork or reimbursement required. If you have health insurance in the U.S. (via your employer, Medicare Part B, Medicaid, or the Affordable Care Act marketplace) **EACH PERSON** in your family covered on Read more…
January 9, 2023
Dear Readers: How are families with high-risk kids faring?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
January 8, 2023
¡Siempre es importante recordar cuándo y cómo usar un condón!
Posts en Español Reproductive Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Puede ayudar a protegerla de las enfermedades de transmisión sexual y del embarazo. Cuerpo sano. Mente Sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 7, 2023
How can I support a loved one who is immunocompromised?
Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Understand what it means to be immunocompromised, know the current recommendations, and take concrete actions to support them. TL; DR: Being immunocompromised means the body can’t fight infection well. This can be caused by something or the person could have been born with this condition. If you are supporting someone who is immunocompromised, it is Read more…
January 6, 2023
How can I help if someone has a cardiac arrest?
General Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Quick CPR and use of an AED can save a life! With the recent and very public tragedy of Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest, a lot of folks are wondering what happened and what they could do in a similar situation. When someone’s heart stops beating, there are three things to do. First, call 911. Read more…
January 5, 2023
¿Es posible tener síntomas de depresión poco después de haber tenido COVID?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🫥 Sí, es posible. Las personas también pueden tener síntomas de ansiedad y otras alteraciones en el estado de ánimo después de un cuadro de COVID-19. Entre el 20 y el 30 % de las personas pueden desarrollar síntomas relacionados con alteraciones en la salud mental hasta 6 meses después una infección por COVID-19 o Read more…
January 5, 2023
Weight loss is my New Year’s Resolution. What can I do?
General Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As we enter the New Year, people are putting a lot of weight on their weight. Losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. But your health is more than just a number. Here are some ideas to help you focus on what really matters here. Maybe you have noticed that Read more…
January 3, 2023
¿Esta temporada de enfermedades respiratorias (como VRS e influenza) se debe a una “deuda de inmunidad”?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La expresión “deuda de inmunidad” es confusa e inútil. No existe tal “deuda de inmunidad” para las personas. No es necesario infectarnos para protegernos de un contagio. Cuantas menos exposiciones a patógenos durante la vida, mejor. (Tan sólo pregúnteles a las generaciones anteriores que sufrieron sarampión, cólera, polio, viruela, etc.). Para que los niños desarrollen Read more…
January 3, 2023
How concerned should I be about the new XBB.1.5 variant?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
XBB.1.5 has a transmission advantage, but this doesn’t make it a game-changing “super variant.” Keep calm, get boosted (and ramp-up precautions), and carry-on. At this stage of the pandemic, new variants are *guaranteed* to come and go. Variants arise from random errors as viruses make copies of itself. Most of these errors will be neutral Read more…
January 2, 2023
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Gracias por su apoyo…ahora y todos los días. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 2, 2023
Winter is coming… GO, GO, GO and get your updated COVID booster!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…
A: Bottom line – start small (with questions) and be empathic. Don’t focus on why they’re “wrong.” While a majority of Americans (about 79%) have received at least one dose of the primary COVID-19 vaccine series, many have not stayed up to date on boosters (or finished their primary series). Some are still waiting for Read more…
El Día Mundial de la Lucha contra la Depresión
Mental Health Posts en EspañolTita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Hoy es el Día Mundial de la Lucha contra la Depresión y Las Nerdy Girls les queremos recordar que este es un trastorno mental que puede afectar a cualquier persona de cualquier edad -desde niños hasta adultos- y es importante buscar ayuda si cree que padece esta condición. Más información sobre la Depresión aquí Esta Read more…
January 12, 2023
¿Cuál es el periodo de contagio de la gripe/influenza?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las personas con gripe son más contagiosas entre el tercer y quinto día después de sentirse mal por primera vez 🤧. Esta es una infección un poco más retardada que la infección por COVID-19, que a menudo se propaga uno o dos días antes de los síntomas. La gripe se puede infectar a alguien un Read more…
January 12, 2023
What’s going on with strep infections?
Infectious Diseases
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Group A streptococcus is a bacteria that can cause infections of the throat and skin. In rare cases, it can lead to serious and invasive diseases like necrotizing fasciitis, toxic shock syndrome, and other severe infections. Though still rare, the WHO Health Organization, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and the US Read more…
January 10, 2023
Does getting COVID-19 rapid tests covered by your insurance require you to pay out-of-pocket and then get reimbursed?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Not always! In many cases you can walk into a pharmacy, provide your insurance card, and walk out with 8 free tests! No paperwork or reimbursement required. If you have health insurance in the U.S. (via your employer, Medicare Part B, Medicaid, or the Affordable Care Act marketplace) **EACH PERSON** in your family covered on Read more…
January 9, 2023
Dear Readers: How are families with high-risk kids faring?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
January 8, 2023
¡Siempre es importante recordar cuándo y cómo usar un condón!
Posts en Español Reproductive Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Puede ayudar a protegerla de las enfermedades de transmisión sexual y del embarazo. Cuerpo sano. Mente Sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 7, 2023
How can I support a loved one who is immunocompromised?
Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Understand what it means to be immunocompromised, know the current recommendations, and take concrete actions to support them. TL; DR: Being immunocompromised means the body can’t fight infection well. This can be caused by something or the person could have been born with this condition. If you are supporting someone who is immunocompromised, it is Read more…
January 6, 2023
How can I help if someone has a cardiac arrest?
General Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Quick CPR and use of an AED can save a life! With the recent and very public tragedy of Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest, a lot of folks are wondering what happened and what they could do in a similar situation. When someone’s heart stops beating, there are three things to do. First, call 911. Read more…
January 5, 2023
¿Es posible tener síntomas de depresión poco después de haber tenido COVID?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🫥 Sí, es posible. Las personas también pueden tener síntomas de ansiedad y otras alteraciones en el estado de ánimo después de un cuadro de COVID-19. Entre el 20 y el 30 % de las personas pueden desarrollar síntomas relacionados con alteraciones en la salud mental hasta 6 meses después una infección por COVID-19 o Read more…
January 5, 2023
Weight loss is my New Year’s Resolution. What can I do?
General Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As we enter the New Year, people are putting a lot of weight on their weight. Losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. But your health is more than just a number. Here are some ideas to help you focus on what really matters here. Maybe you have noticed that Read more…
January 3, 2023
¿Esta temporada de enfermedades respiratorias (como VRS e influenza) se debe a una “deuda de inmunidad”?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La expresión “deuda de inmunidad” es confusa e inútil. No existe tal “deuda de inmunidad” para las personas. No es necesario infectarnos para protegernos de un contagio. Cuantas menos exposiciones a patógenos durante la vida, mejor. (Tan sólo pregúnteles a las generaciones anteriores que sufrieron sarampión, cólera, polio, viruela, etc.). Para que los niños desarrollen Read more…
January 3, 2023
How concerned should I be about the new XBB.1.5 variant?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
XBB.1.5 has a transmission advantage, but this doesn’t make it a game-changing “super variant.” Keep calm, get boosted (and ramp-up precautions), and carry-on. At this stage of the pandemic, new variants are *guaranteed* to come and go. Variants arise from random errors as viruses make copies of itself. Most of these errors will be neutral Read more…
January 2, 2023
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Gracias por su apoyo…ahora y todos los días. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 2, 2023
Winter is coming… GO, GO, GO and get your updated COVID booster!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…
Hoy es el Día Mundial de la Lucha contra la Depresión y Las Nerdy Girls les queremos recordar que este es un trastorno mental que puede afectar a cualquier persona de cualquier edad -desde niños hasta adultos- y es importante buscar ayuda si cree que padece esta condición. Más información sobre la Depresión aquí Esta Read more…
¿Cuál es el periodo de contagio de la gripe/influenza?
Infectious Diseases Posts en EspañolTita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las personas con gripe son más contagiosas entre el tercer y quinto día después de sentirse mal por primera vez 🤧. Esta es una infección un poco más retardada que la infección por COVID-19, que a menudo se propaga uno o dos días antes de los síntomas. La gripe se puede infectar a alguien un Read more…
January 12, 2023
What’s going on with strep infections?
Infectious Diseases
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Group A streptococcus is a bacteria that can cause infections of the throat and skin. In rare cases, it can lead to serious and invasive diseases like necrotizing fasciitis, toxic shock syndrome, and other severe infections. Though still rare, the WHO Health Organization, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and the US Read more…
January 10, 2023
Does getting COVID-19 rapid tests covered by your insurance require you to pay out-of-pocket and then get reimbursed?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Not always! In many cases you can walk into a pharmacy, provide your insurance card, and walk out with 8 free tests! No paperwork or reimbursement required. If you have health insurance in the U.S. (via your employer, Medicare Part B, Medicaid, or the Affordable Care Act marketplace) **EACH PERSON** in your family covered on Read more…
January 9, 2023
Dear Readers: How are families with high-risk kids faring?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
January 8, 2023
¡Siempre es importante recordar cuándo y cómo usar un condón!
Posts en Español Reproductive Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Puede ayudar a protegerla de las enfermedades de transmisión sexual y del embarazo. Cuerpo sano. Mente Sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 7, 2023
How can I support a loved one who is immunocompromised?
Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Understand what it means to be immunocompromised, know the current recommendations, and take concrete actions to support them. TL; DR: Being immunocompromised means the body can’t fight infection well. This can be caused by something or the person could have been born with this condition. If you are supporting someone who is immunocompromised, it is Read more…
January 6, 2023
How can I help if someone has a cardiac arrest?
General Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Quick CPR and use of an AED can save a life! With the recent and very public tragedy of Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest, a lot of folks are wondering what happened and what they could do in a similar situation. When someone’s heart stops beating, there are three things to do. First, call 911. Read more…
January 5, 2023
¿Es posible tener síntomas de depresión poco después de haber tenido COVID?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🫥 Sí, es posible. Las personas también pueden tener síntomas de ansiedad y otras alteraciones en el estado de ánimo después de un cuadro de COVID-19. Entre el 20 y el 30 % de las personas pueden desarrollar síntomas relacionados con alteraciones en la salud mental hasta 6 meses después una infección por COVID-19 o Read more…
January 5, 2023
Weight loss is my New Year’s Resolution. What can I do?
General Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As we enter the New Year, people are putting a lot of weight on their weight. Losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. But your health is more than just a number. Here are some ideas to help you focus on what really matters here. Maybe you have noticed that Read more…
January 3, 2023
¿Esta temporada de enfermedades respiratorias (como VRS e influenza) se debe a una “deuda de inmunidad”?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La expresión “deuda de inmunidad” es confusa e inútil. No existe tal “deuda de inmunidad” para las personas. No es necesario infectarnos para protegernos de un contagio. Cuantas menos exposiciones a patógenos durante la vida, mejor. (Tan sólo pregúnteles a las generaciones anteriores que sufrieron sarampión, cólera, polio, viruela, etc.). Para que los niños desarrollen Read more…
January 3, 2023
How concerned should I be about the new XBB.1.5 variant?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
XBB.1.5 has a transmission advantage, but this doesn’t make it a game-changing “super variant.” Keep calm, get boosted (and ramp-up precautions), and carry-on. At this stage of the pandemic, new variants are *guaranteed* to come and go. Variants arise from random errors as viruses make copies of itself. Most of these errors will be neutral Read more…
January 2, 2023
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Gracias por su apoyo…ahora y todos los días. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 2, 2023
Winter is coming… GO, GO, GO and get your updated COVID booster!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…
Las personas con gripe son más contagiosas entre el tercer y quinto día después de sentirse mal por primera vez 🤧. Esta es una infección un poco más retardada que la infección por COVID-19, que a menudo se propaga uno o dos días antes de los síntomas. La gripe se puede infectar a alguien un Read more…
What’s going on with strep infections?
Infectious DiseasesSarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: Group A streptococcus is a bacteria that can cause infections of the throat and skin. In rare cases, it can lead to serious and invasive diseases like necrotizing fasciitis, toxic shock syndrome, and other severe infections. Though still rare, the WHO Health Organization, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and the US Read more…
January 10, 2023
Does getting COVID-19 rapid tests covered by your insurance require you to pay out-of-pocket and then get reimbursed?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Not always! In many cases you can walk into a pharmacy, provide your insurance card, and walk out with 8 free tests! No paperwork or reimbursement required. If you have health insurance in the U.S. (via your employer, Medicare Part B, Medicaid, or the Affordable Care Act marketplace) **EACH PERSON** in your family covered on Read more…
January 9, 2023
Dear Readers: How are families with high-risk kids faring?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
January 8, 2023
¡Siempre es importante recordar cuándo y cómo usar un condón!
Posts en Español Reproductive Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Puede ayudar a protegerla de las enfermedades de transmisión sexual y del embarazo. Cuerpo sano. Mente Sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 7, 2023
How can I support a loved one who is immunocompromised?
Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Understand what it means to be immunocompromised, know the current recommendations, and take concrete actions to support them. TL; DR: Being immunocompromised means the body can’t fight infection well. This can be caused by something or the person could have been born with this condition. If you are supporting someone who is immunocompromised, it is Read more…
January 6, 2023
How can I help if someone has a cardiac arrest?
General Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Quick CPR and use of an AED can save a life! With the recent and very public tragedy of Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest, a lot of folks are wondering what happened and what they could do in a similar situation. When someone’s heart stops beating, there are three things to do. First, call 911. Read more…
January 5, 2023
¿Es posible tener síntomas de depresión poco después de haber tenido COVID?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🫥 Sí, es posible. Las personas también pueden tener síntomas de ansiedad y otras alteraciones en el estado de ánimo después de un cuadro de COVID-19. Entre el 20 y el 30 % de las personas pueden desarrollar síntomas relacionados con alteraciones en la salud mental hasta 6 meses después una infección por COVID-19 o Read more…
January 5, 2023
Weight loss is my New Year’s Resolution. What can I do?
General Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As we enter the New Year, people are putting a lot of weight on their weight. Losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. But your health is more than just a number. Here are some ideas to help you focus on what really matters here. Maybe you have noticed that Read more…
January 3, 2023
¿Esta temporada de enfermedades respiratorias (como VRS e influenza) se debe a una “deuda de inmunidad”?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La expresión “deuda de inmunidad” es confusa e inútil. No existe tal “deuda de inmunidad” para las personas. No es necesario infectarnos para protegernos de un contagio. Cuantas menos exposiciones a patógenos durante la vida, mejor. (Tan sólo pregúnteles a las generaciones anteriores que sufrieron sarampión, cólera, polio, viruela, etc.). Para que los niños desarrollen Read more…
January 3, 2023
How concerned should I be about the new XBB.1.5 variant?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
XBB.1.5 has a transmission advantage, but this doesn’t make it a game-changing “super variant.” Keep calm, get boosted (and ramp-up precautions), and carry-on. At this stage of the pandemic, new variants are *guaranteed* to come and go. Variants arise from random errors as viruses make copies of itself. Most of these errors will be neutral Read more…
January 2, 2023
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Gracias por su apoyo…ahora y todos los días. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 2, 2023
Winter is coming… GO, GO, GO and get your updated COVID booster!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…
TL;DR: Group A streptococcus is a bacteria that can cause infections of the throat and skin. In rare cases, it can lead to serious and invasive diseases like necrotizing fasciitis, toxic shock syndrome, and other severe infections. Though still rare, the WHO Health Organization, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and the US Read more…
Does getting COVID-19 rapid tests covered by your insurance require you to pay out-of-pocket and then get reimbursed?
Testing and Contact TracingAmanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Not always! In many cases you can walk into a pharmacy, provide your insurance card, and walk out with 8 free tests! No paperwork or reimbursement required. If you have health insurance in the U.S. (via your employer, Medicare Part B, Medicaid, or the Affordable Care Act marketplace) **EACH PERSON** in your family covered on Read more…
January 9, 2023
Dear Readers: How are families with high-risk kids faring?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
January 8, 2023
¡Siempre es importante recordar cuándo y cómo usar un condón!
Posts en Español Reproductive Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Puede ayudar a protegerla de las enfermedades de transmisión sexual y del embarazo. Cuerpo sano. Mente Sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 7, 2023
How can I support a loved one who is immunocompromised?
Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Understand what it means to be immunocompromised, know the current recommendations, and take concrete actions to support them. TL; DR: Being immunocompromised means the body can’t fight infection well. This can be caused by something or the person could have been born with this condition. If you are supporting someone who is immunocompromised, it is Read more…
January 6, 2023
How can I help if someone has a cardiac arrest?
General Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Quick CPR and use of an AED can save a life! With the recent and very public tragedy of Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest, a lot of folks are wondering what happened and what they could do in a similar situation. When someone’s heart stops beating, there are three things to do. First, call 911. Read more…
January 5, 2023
¿Es posible tener síntomas de depresión poco después de haber tenido COVID?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🫥 Sí, es posible. Las personas también pueden tener síntomas de ansiedad y otras alteraciones en el estado de ánimo después de un cuadro de COVID-19. Entre el 20 y el 30 % de las personas pueden desarrollar síntomas relacionados con alteraciones en la salud mental hasta 6 meses después una infección por COVID-19 o Read more…
January 5, 2023
Weight loss is my New Year’s Resolution. What can I do?
General Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As we enter the New Year, people are putting a lot of weight on their weight. Losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. But your health is more than just a number. Here are some ideas to help you focus on what really matters here. Maybe you have noticed that Read more…
January 3, 2023
¿Esta temporada de enfermedades respiratorias (como VRS e influenza) se debe a una “deuda de inmunidad”?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La expresión “deuda de inmunidad” es confusa e inútil. No existe tal “deuda de inmunidad” para las personas. No es necesario infectarnos para protegernos de un contagio. Cuantas menos exposiciones a patógenos durante la vida, mejor. (Tan sólo pregúnteles a las generaciones anteriores que sufrieron sarampión, cólera, polio, viruela, etc.). Para que los niños desarrollen Read more…
January 3, 2023
How concerned should I be about the new XBB.1.5 variant?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
XBB.1.5 has a transmission advantage, but this doesn’t make it a game-changing “super variant.” Keep calm, get boosted (and ramp-up precautions), and carry-on. At this stage of the pandemic, new variants are *guaranteed* to come and go. Variants arise from random errors as viruses make copies of itself. Most of these errors will be neutral Read more…
January 2, 2023
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Gracias por su apoyo…ahora y todos los días. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 2, 2023
Winter is coming… GO, GO, GO and get your updated COVID booster!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…
Not always! In many cases you can walk into a pharmacy, provide your insurance card, and walk out with 8 free tests! No paperwork or reimbursement required. If you have health insurance in the U.S. (via your employer, Medicare Part B, Medicaid, or the Affordable Care Act marketplace) **EACH PERSON** in your family covered on Read more…
Dear Readers: How are families with high-risk kids faring?
Families/Kids Staying SafeJoanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
January 8, 2023
¡Siempre es importante recordar cuándo y cómo usar un condón!
Posts en Español Reproductive Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Puede ayudar a protegerla de las enfermedades de transmisión sexual y del embarazo. Cuerpo sano. Mente Sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 7, 2023
How can I support a loved one who is immunocompromised?
Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Understand what it means to be immunocompromised, know the current recommendations, and take concrete actions to support them. TL; DR: Being immunocompromised means the body can’t fight infection well. This can be caused by something or the person could have been born with this condition. If you are supporting someone who is immunocompromised, it is Read more…
January 6, 2023
How can I help if someone has a cardiac arrest?
General Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Quick CPR and use of an AED can save a life! With the recent and very public tragedy of Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest, a lot of folks are wondering what happened and what they could do in a similar situation. When someone’s heart stops beating, there are three things to do. First, call 911. Read more…
January 5, 2023
¿Es posible tener síntomas de depresión poco después de haber tenido COVID?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🫥 Sí, es posible. Las personas también pueden tener síntomas de ansiedad y otras alteraciones en el estado de ánimo después de un cuadro de COVID-19. Entre el 20 y el 30 % de las personas pueden desarrollar síntomas relacionados con alteraciones en la salud mental hasta 6 meses después una infección por COVID-19 o Read more…
January 5, 2023
Weight loss is my New Year’s Resolution. What can I do?
General Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As we enter the New Year, people are putting a lot of weight on their weight. Losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. But your health is more than just a number. Here are some ideas to help you focus on what really matters here. Maybe you have noticed that Read more…
January 3, 2023
¿Esta temporada de enfermedades respiratorias (como VRS e influenza) se debe a una “deuda de inmunidad”?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La expresión “deuda de inmunidad” es confusa e inútil. No existe tal “deuda de inmunidad” para las personas. No es necesario infectarnos para protegernos de un contagio. Cuantas menos exposiciones a patógenos durante la vida, mejor. (Tan sólo pregúnteles a las generaciones anteriores que sufrieron sarampión, cólera, polio, viruela, etc.). Para que los niños desarrollen Read more…
January 3, 2023
How concerned should I be about the new XBB.1.5 variant?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
XBB.1.5 has a transmission advantage, but this doesn’t make it a game-changing “super variant.” Keep calm, get boosted (and ramp-up precautions), and carry-on. At this stage of the pandemic, new variants are *guaranteed* to come and go. Variants arise from random errors as viruses make copies of itself. Most of these errors will be neutral Read more…
January 2, 2023
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Gracias por su apoyo…ahora y todos los días. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 2, 2023
Winter is coming… GO, GO, GO and get your updated COVID booster!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
¡Siempre es importante recordar cuándo y cómo usar un condón!
Posts en Español Reproductive Health Uncertainty and MisinformationAparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Puede ayudar a protegerla de las enfermedades de transmisión sexual y del embarazo. Cuerpo sano. Mente Sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 7, 2023
How can I support a loved one who is immunocompromised?
Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Understand what it means to be immunocompromised, know the current recommendations, and take concrete actions to support them. TL; DR: Being immunocompromised means the body can’t fight infection well. This can be caused by something or the person could have been born with this condition. If you are supporting someone who is immunocompromised, it is Read more…
January 6, 2023
How can I help if someone has a cardiac arrest?
General Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Quick CPR and use of an AED can save a life! With the recent and very public tragedy of Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest, a lot of folks are wondering what happened and what they could do in a similar situation. When someone’s heart stops beating, there are three things to do. First, call 911. Read more…
January 5, 2023
¿Es posible tener síntomas de depresión poco después de haber tenido COVID?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🫥 Sí, es posible. Las personas también pueden tener síntomas de ansiedad y otras alteraciones en el estado de ánimo después de un cuadro de COVID-19. Entre el 20 y el 30 % de las personas pueden desarrollar síntomas relacionados con alteraciones en la salud mental hasta 6 meses después una infección por COVID-19 o Read more…
January 5, 2023
Weight loss is my New Year’s Resolution. What can I do?
General Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As we enter the New Year, people are putting a lot of weight on their weight. Losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. But your health is more than just a number. Here are some ideas to help you focus on what really matters here. Maybe you have noticed that Read more…
January 3, 2023
¿Esta temporada de enfermedades respiratorias (como VRS e influenza) se debe a una “deuda de inmunidad”?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La expresión “deuda de inmunidad” es confusa e inútil. No existe tal “deuda de inmunidad” para las personas. No es necesario infectarnos para protegernos de un contagio. Cuantas menos exposiciones a patógenos durante la vida, mejor. (Tan sólo pregúnteles a las generaciones anteriores que sufrieron sarampión, cólera, polio, viruela, etc.). Para que los niños desarrollen Read more…
January 3, 2023
How concerned should I be about the new XBB.1.5 variant?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
XBB.1.5 has a transmission advantage, but this doesn’t make it a game-changing “super variant.” Keep calm, get boosted (and ramp-up precautions), and carry-on. At this stage of the pandemic, new variants are *guaranteed* to come and go. Variants arise from random errors as viruses make copies of itself. Most of these errors will be neutral Read more…
January 2, 2023
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Gracias por su apoyo…ahora y todos los días. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 2, 2023
Winter is coming… GO, GO, GO and get your updated COVID booster!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…
Puede ayudar a protegerla de las enfermedades de transmisión sexual y del embarazo. Cuerpo sano. Mente Sana. Las Nerdy Girls Fuente: Pictoline Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
How can I support a loved one who is immunocompromised?
Staying SafeAparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Understand what it means to be immunocompromised, know the current recommendations, and take concrete actions to support them. TL; DR: Being immunocompromised means the body can’t fight infection well. This can be caused by something or the person could have been born with this condition. If you are supporting someone who is immunocompromised, it is Read more…
January 6, 2023
How can I help if someone has a cardiac arrest?
General Health
Alexandra Hall, MD
A: Quick CPR and use of an AED can save a life! With the recent and very public tragedy of Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest, a lot of folks are wondering what happened and what they could do in a similar situation. When someone’s heart stops beating, there are three things to do. First, call 911. Read more…
January 5, 2023
¿Es posible tener síntomas de depresión poco después de haber tenido COVID?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🫥 Sí, es posible. Las personas también pueden tener síntomas de ansiedad y otras alteraciones en el estado de ánimo después de un cuadro de COVID-19. Entre el 20 y el 30 % de las personas pueden desarrollar síntomas relacionados con alteraciones en la salud mental hasta 6 meses después una infección por COVID-19 o Read more…
January 5, 2023
Weight loss is my New Year’s Resolution. What can I do?
General Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As we enter the New Year, people are putting a lot of weight on their weight. Losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. But your health is more than just a number. Here are some ideas to help you focus on what really matters here. Maybe you have noticed that Read more…
January 3, 2023
¿Esta temporada de enfermedades respiratorias (como VRS e influenza) se debe a una “deuda de inmunidad”?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La expresión “deuda de inmunidad” es confusa e inútil. No existe tal “deuda de inmunidad” para las personas. No es necesario infectarnos para protegernos de un contagio. Cuantas menos exposiciones a patógenos durante la vida, mejor. (Tan sólo pregúnteles a las generaciones anteriores que sufrieron sarampión, cólera, polio, viruela, etc.). Para que los niños desarrollen Read more…
January 3, 2023
How concerned should I be about the new XBB.1.5 variant?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
XBB.1.5 has a transmission advantage, but this doesn’t make it a game-changing “super variant.” Keep calm, get boosted (and ramp-up precautions), and carry-on. At this stage of the pandemic, new variants are *guaranteed* to come and go. Variants arise from random errors as viruses make copies of itself. Most of these errors will be neutral Read more…
January 2, 2023
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Gracias por su apoyo…ahora y todos los días. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 2, 2023
Winter is coming… GO, GO, GO and get your updated COVID booster!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…
Understand what it means to be immunocompromised, know the current recommendations, and take concrete actions to support them. TL; DR: Being immunocompromised means the body can’t fight infection well. This can be caused by something or the person could have been born with this condition. If you are supporting someone who is immunocompromised, it is Read more…
How can I help if someone has a cardiac arrest?
General HealthAlexandra Hall, MD
A: Quick CPR and use of an AED can save a life! With the recent and very public tragedy of Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest, a lot of folks are wondering what happened and what they could do in a similar situation. When someone’s heart stops beating, there are three things to do. First, call 911. Read more…
January 5, 2023
¿Es posible tener síntomas de depresión poco después de haber tenido COVID?
Mental Health Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🫥 Sí, es posible. Las personas también pueden tener síntomas de ansiedad y otras alteraciones en el estado de ánimo después de un cuadro de COVID-19. Entre el 20 y el 30 % de las personas pueden desarrollar síntomas relacionados con alteraciones en la salud mental hasta 6 meses después una infección por COVID-19 o Read more…
January 5, 2023
Weight loss is my New Year’s Resolution. What can I do?
General Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As we enter the New Year, people are putting a lot of weight on their weight. Losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. But your health is more than just a number. Here are some ideas to help you focus on what really matters here. Maybe you have noticed that Read more…
January 3, 2023
¿Esta temporada de enfermedades respiratorias (como VRS e influenza) se debe a una “deuda de inmunidad”?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La expresión “deuda de inmunidad” es confusa e inútil. No existe tal “deuda de inmunidad” para las personas. No es necesario infectarnos para protegernos de un contagio. Cuantas menos exposiciones a patógenos durante la vida, mejor. (Tan sólo pregúnteles a las generaciones anteriores que sufrieron sarampión, cólera, polio, viruela, etc.). Para que los niños desarrollen Read more…
January 3, 2023
How concerned should I be about the new XBB.1.5 variant?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
XBB.1.5 has a transmission advantage, but this doesn’t make it a game-changing “super variant.” Keep calm, get boosted (and ramp-up precautions), and carry-on. At this stage of the pandemic, new variants are *guaranteed* to come and go. Variants arise from random errors as viruses make copies of itself. Most of these errors will be neutral Read more…
January 2, 2023
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Gracias por su apoyo…ahora y todos los días. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 2, 2023
Winter is coming… GO, GO, GO and get your updated COVID booster!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…
A: Quick CPR and use of an AED can save a life! With the recent and very public tragedy of Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest, a lot of folks are wondering what happened and what they could do in a similar situation. When someone’s heart stops beating, there are three things to do. First, call 911. Read more…
¿Es posible tener síntomas de depresión poco después de haber tenido COVID?
Mental Health Posts en EspañolAparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🫥 Sí, es posible. Las personas también pueden tener síntomas de ansiedad y otras alteraciones en el estado de ánimo después de un cuadro de COVID-19. Entre el 20 y el 30 % de las personas pueden desarrollar síntomas relacionados con alteraciones en la salud mental hasta 6 meses después una infección por COVID-19 o Read more…
January 5, 2023
Weight loss is my New Year’s Resolution. What can I do?
General Health
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As we enter the New Year, people are putting a lot of weight on their weight. Losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. But your health is more than just a number. Here are some ideas to help you focus on what really matters here. Maybe you have noticed that Read more…
January 3, 2023
¿Esta temporada de enfermedades respiratorias (como VRS e influenza) se debe a una “deuda de inmunidad”?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La expresión “deuda de inmunidad” es confusa e inútil. No existe tal “deuda de inmunidad” para las personas. No es necesario infectarnos para protegernos de un contagio. Cuantas menos exposiciones a patógenos durante la vida, mejor. (Tan sólo pregúnteles a las generaciones anteriores que sufrieron sarampión, cólera, polio, viruela, etc.). Para que los niños desarrollen Read more…
January 3, 2023
How concerned should I be about the new XBB.1.5 variant?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
XBB.1.5 has a transmission advantage, but this doesn’t make it a game-changing “super variant.” Keep calm, get boosted (and ramp-up precautions), and carry-on. At this stage of the pandemic, new variants are *guaranteed* to come and go. Variants arise from random errors as viruses make copies of itself. Most of these errors will be neutral Read more…
January 2, 2023
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Gracias por su apoyo…ahora y todos los días. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 2, 2023
Winter is coming… GO, GO, GO and get your updated COVID booster!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…
🫥 Sí, es posible. Las personas también pueden tener síntomas de ansiedad y otras alteraciones en el estado de ánimo después de un cuadro de COVID-19. Entre el 20 y el 30 % de las personas pueden desarrollar síntomas relacionados con alteraciones en la salud mental hasta 6 meses después una infección por COVID-19 o Read more…
Weight loss is my New Year’s Resolution. What can I do?
General HealthSarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: As we enter the New Year, people are putting a lot of weight on their weight. Losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. But your health is more than just a number. Here are some ideas to help you focus on what really matters here. Maybe you have noticed that Read more…
January 3, 2023
¿Esta temporada de enfermedades respiratorias (como VRS e influenza) se debe a una “deuda de inmunidad”?
Infectious Diseases Posts en Español
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La expresión “deuda de inmunidad” es confusa e inútil. No existe tal “deuda de inmunidad” para las personas. No es necesario infectarnos para protegernos de un contagio. Cuantas menos exposiciones a patógenos durante la vida, mejor. (Tan sólo pregúnteles a las generaciones anteriores que sufrieron sarampión, cólera, polio, viruela, etc.). Para que los niños desarrollen Read more…
January 3, 2023
How concerned should I be about the new XBB.1.5 variant?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
XBB.1.5 has a transmission advantage, but this doesn’t make it a game-changing “super variant.” Keep calm, get boosted (and ramp-up precautions), and carry-on. At this stage of the pandemic, new variants are *guaranteed* to come and go. Variants arise from random errors as viruses make copies of itself. Most of these errors will be neutral Read more…
January 2, 2023
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Gracias por su apoyo…ahora y todos los días. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 2, 2023
Winter is coming… GO, GO, GO and get your updated COVID booster!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…
A: As we enter the New Year, people are putting a lot of weight on their weight. Losing weight is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. But your health is more than just a number. Here are some ideas to help you focus on what really matters here. Maybe you have noticed that Read more…
¿Esta temporada de enfermedades respiratorias (como VRS e influenza) se debe a una “deuda de inmunidad”?
Infectious Diseases Posts en EspañolSandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
La expresión “deuda de inmunidad” es confusa e inútil. No existe tal “deuda de inmunidad” para las personas. No es necesario infectarnos para protegernos de un contagio. Cuantas menos exposiciones a patógenos durante la vida, mejor. (Tan sólo pregúnteles a las generaciones anteriores que sufrieron sarampión, cólera, polio, viruela, etc.). Para que los niños desarrollen Read more…
January 3, 2023
How concerned should I be about the new XBB.1.5 variant?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
XBB.1.5 has a transmission advantage, but this doesn’t make it a game-changing “super variant.” Keep calm, get boosted (and ramp-up precautions), and carry-on. At this stage of the pandemic, new variants are *guaranteed* to come and go. Variants arise from random errors as viruses make copies of itself. Most of these errors will be neutral Read more…
January 2, 2023
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Gracias por su apoyo…ahora y todos los días. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 2, 2023
Winter is coming… GO, GO, GO and get your updated COVID booster!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…
La expresión “deuda de inmunidad” es confusa e inútil. No existe tal “deuda de inmunidad” para las personas. No es necesario infectarnos para protegernos de un contagio. Cuantas menos exposiciones a patógenos durante la vida, mejor. (Tan sólo pregúnteles a las generaciones anteriores que sufrieron sarampión, cólera, polio, viruela, etc.). Para que los niños desarrollen Read more…
How concerned should I be about the new XBB.1.5 variant?
COVID VariantsJennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
XBB.1.5 has a transmission advantage, but this doesn’t make it a game-changing “super variant.” Keep calm, get boosted (and ramp-up precautions), and carry-on. At this stage of the pandemic, new variants are *guaranteed* to come and go. Variants arise from random errors as viruses make copies of itself. Most of these errors will be neutral Read more…
January 2, 2023
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Gracias por su apoyo…ahora y todos los días. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 2, 2023
Winter is coming… GO, GO, GO and get your updated COVID booster!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…
XBB.1.5 has a transmission advantage, but this doesn’t make it a game-changing “super variant.” Keep calm, get boosted (and ramp-up precautions), and carry-on. At this stage of the pandemic, new variants are *guaranteed* to come and go. Variants arise from random errors as viruses make copies of itself. Most of these errors will be neutral Read more…
¡Feliz año nuevo!
Posts en Español UncategorizedAparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Gracias por su apoyo…ahora y todos los días. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
January 2, 2023
Winter is coming… GO, GO, GO and get your updated COVID booster!
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…
¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Gracias por su apoyo…ahora y todos los días. Las Nerdy Girls Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
Winter is coming… GO, GO, GO and get your updated COVID booster!
VaccinesJennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…
COVID activity is picking up in the United States and much of Europe. We’ve heard from our own families that many people *think* they are up to date on boosters but actually haven’t gotten the updated (or “bivalent” booster). If you got your previous boosters prior to September 2022 but none since, you are eligible Read more…