¿Puedo recibir la vacuna contra el COVID-19 a la misma vez que otras vacunas?

Posts en Español Vaccines

R: ¡Sí claro! Las vacunas contra el COVID-19 se pueden administrar con otras vacunas. Esto es un cambio de las recomendaciones anteriores que aconsejaban que las personas deberían esperar 2 semanas para recibir la vacuna COVID-19 si recibieron otra vacuna para una enfermedad diferente. ¿Cuál fue el motivo de la recomendación inicial? Inicialmente, los Centros Read more…

Is it a HIPAA violation for someone to ask me if I got the Covid-19 vaccine?


A: No. Businesses, employers, family, or friends can ask about someone’s vaccine status without violating HIPAA. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a US federal law that created national standards to protect patient health information from being disclosed without that person’s consent. This law only applies to certain organizations and businesses, called Read more…

What is gene therapy? How is it different from vaccines?

Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines

A: Gene therapies treat diseases using genetic tools. They usually work by making lasting changes to your DNA — the genetic “cookbook” that provides instructions to make you. Vaccines, by contrast, deliver a short-lived signal (e.g. a burst of protein), then disappear. Vaccines and gene therapies both use customized genetic tools to achieve their goals. Read more…

Nerdy Girls’ Favorite Science News Sources

Uncertainty and Misinformation

Today we are taking #GoodNewsTues quite literally – sharing out the Nerdy Girls’ favorite science news sources! Please let us know YOUR faves in the comments! The Nerdies’ List: 🐐Gretchen: NPR’s Goats and Soda and Kaiser Health News Morning Briefing ☝️Malia: Al Tompkins’ Covering COVID-19 Newsletter (via Poynter) 📉 Jenn: John Burn-Murdoch (@jburnmurdoch) on Twitter Read more…