Posts from Those Nerdy Girls

All the posts from our Those Nerdy Girls Facebook page dating back to May 1st, 2020, are currently archived here and can be searched for by category, key words, etc. Be sure to check back often as additional posts are being added each day.

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TNG is growing…


TNG is growing… It is with bittersweet earnestness that we say “Good luck in your new endeavors,” to our amazing Executive Director, Sara Gorman. We are not saying “Goodbye,” because, well, once a Nerd, always a Nerd, am I right 🤓?! Sara will still write and edit for Those Nerdy Girls in addition to serving Read more…

How Can I Spot Misinformation & Disinformation in News Info?

Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation

Spotting misinformation (inaccurate information) and disinformation (misleading information and lies) is a vital news literacy skill, and there are several tips to help. TL;DR: Check the URL, look out for errors, question the stats, avoid clickbait, and scrutinize AI. Today, news is served up 24/7 from a range of sources—from journalists to bloggers, to influencers—on Read more…

How can you count on Those Nerdy Girls to cover current events?

Uncertainty and Misinformation

Building and maintaining trusting relationships with our readers and our partners has always been our guiding principle. We do that by doing what we have always done. And we will continue to do that now. We will: Provide evidenced-based information Address events and decisions that affect public health rather than focusing on the decision makers. Read more…

Can social factors affect your ability to maintain healthy iron levels?

General Health Social and Racial Justice

Q: Can social factors affect your ability to maintain healthy blood iron levels? A: Yes, they can. But there are ways to offset these factors by building personal and community awareness and advocating for social change. Health-related social factors (also known as social determinants of health, often shortened to SDOH) are non-medical aspects of life Read more…

Those Nerdy Girls and the Test to Treat Program

Infectious Diseases Testing and Contact Tracing

The Home Test to Treat program was a national telehealth pilot program to evaluate the effectiveness of home testing and treatment for COVID-19 and flu. It was a collaboration among NIH/NIBIB, ASPR, CDC, eMed, VentureWell, and UMass Chan Medical School. The program was available from August 2023-April 2024 and during that time, 80,000+ people enrolled Read more…

Blood Donation Q&A: Answers to Common Questions

General Health

Blood donation is safe, simple, and life-saving. By the time you read this sentence, someone in the U.S. required a blood transfusion. That’s right, about every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood for surgery, childbirth, serious injury, treatment for cancer or chronic health conditions, and more. Because there is no replacement for blood, Read more…

How much iron should I take?

General Health Videos

Your iron supplement dose depends on how much iron you need and how well you tolerate iron. Taking your iron pill every other day and combining it with vitamin C may help you get the most benefit from your supplement. Watch this video by Nerdy Girl Daphne Berryhill, RPh to learn more! For additional information Read more…

What is the latest on Bird Flu?

Infectious Diseases

Although dairy cattle and poultry continue to get infected and there are several more human cases, the risk to the general public is still low. Scientists and authorities are monitoring this closely and more testing of animals, humans and milk is underway. This information is correct as of January 13th, 2025, 12:00PM EST Avian influenza, Read more…