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Staying Safe

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Let’s talk about Lyme disease. . .

General Health Staying Safe

(Reposted from July 6, 2021) It’s summer. You’re hiking, you’re camping, you’re living your best summer life. So let’s talk about Lyme disease. Lyme disease comes from a bacterial infection transmitted via the bite of certain ticks, most especially the black-legged tick aka the deer tick. It’s very common in North America and Europe’s summer Read more…

Nerdy Girls Live 06/22/23

COVID Variants Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos

Those Nerdy Girls discuss COVID-19 risks, precautions, and boosters. Hosted by: – Jenn Dowd, PhD: TNG Editor in Chief & Founding Member – Chana Davis, PhD: TNG Contributing Writer & Founder of Fueled by Science ➡️ Hello and Introductions (00:00-01:12) ➡️ Current COVID-19 risk level (What is it and how is it measured?) (1:13-5:13) ➡️ Read more…

Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 01-18-23

COVID Variants Infectious Diseases Masks Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos

Those Nerdy Girls deliver a New Year’s message from our CEO Dr. Ashley Ritter and also share advice on staying healthy during the tripledemic, including testing, masking, and more. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: – Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD:TNG CEO & Founding Member – Chana Davis, PhD: TNG Contributing Writer & Founder at Fueled Read more…

Part 2 of How can we all keep supporting our loved ones who are immunocompromised or at risk of getting sick?

Staying Safe

Last week we wrote about how to support a loved one who is immunocompromised. Let’s continue the conversation. Recently we reviewed a post with suggestions from a person with a family member who is immunocompromised. We wanted to share the readers’ suggestions here as food for thought. 1. Require people to always mask in medical Read more…

Tips for a safer Thanksgiving

Socializing Staying Safe

RSV, Influenza and COVID are hitting our hospitals (especially kids hospitals) hard. As we face another Thanksgiving with surging viruses, how can we enjoy precious moments with family and friends while lowering the risk of getting or spreading illness? Think in terms of harm reduction: a little bit better is a little bit better. Small Read more…

Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 11-21-22

Families/Kids Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos

Those Nerdy Girls offer advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: * Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Denying to the Grave & Contributing Writer at TNG * Read more…

Nerdy Girl Live Q&A on Mon, 11/21: Triple Threat Thanksgiving & Science Denial

Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation

Monday, 11/21/22, at 1:30 pm EST/10:30 am PST Join Those Nerdy Girls for timely advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and practical insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Read more…

We can still do our part.

Staying Safe

You may have noticed the headlines in the past month or two. Kids, especially the littlest ones, have been increasingly at risk as we have seen more children admitted to the hospital for respiratory illnesses since August 2022. For babies in the 0-6 month group, it is estimated that 1 in 500 has been admitted Read more…

How can we make public indoor spaces safer with on-going risks from COVID?

Infection and Spread Staying Safe

Answer: Ventilation (add outdoor air to dilute virus in inside air) Filtration (capture and remove virus from inside air) Thanks to Whitney Robinson, PhD and Kathleen Harper, MSPH for making this convenient one-pager with tips on improving indoor air quality to minimize spread of COVID-19 (and other viruses) in public and shared spaces. Full document Read more…

I suspect that my kids may have been exposed to COVID-19 at summer camp. What can I do to protect my family and my community from the risk of infection?

Families/Kids Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing

Thanks to guest author Dr. Katie Schenk (who recently picked up her kids at camp) for offering to write this post. It’s a great American summer tradition: sleepaway camp! Campfires, singing, sports, smores, and now… COVID-19? Despite best intentions and precautions, the BA.5 surge has already contributed to many COVID-19 outbreaks at summer camp. Camps Read more…