February 16, 2023
¿Puedo vacunarme contra el COVID-19 o influenza si estoy enfermo?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
¡Depende! No debe vacunarse si está enfermo por COVID-19, pero los cuadros leves de otras enfermedades, no son necesariamente una razón para retrasar la vacunación. Muchas personas se están enfermando en este momento con distintos tipos de virus, como gripe, resfriados, RSV y COVID-19. Es posible que se sienta mal justo en el momento en Read more…
February 16, 2023
Is it true that 30% of people with COVID develop Long COVID? And does it last your whole life?
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Estimates for the percentage of people who currently have Long COVID range from around 5% to 30%. Long COVID may go away with time in some people. It’s very difficult to accurately count Long COVID cases. Here are some reasons why: ❧There’s no consensus on how to diagnose and define Long COVID. It includes Read more…
¡Depende! No debe vacunarse si está enfermo por COVID-19, pero los cuadros leves de otras enfermedades, no son necesariamente una razón para retrasar la vacunación. Muchas personas se están enfermando en este momento con distintos tipos de virus, como gripe, resfriados, RSV y COVID-19. Es posible que se sienta mal justo en el momento en Read more…
February 16, 2023
Is it true that 30% of people with COVID develop Long COVID? And does it last your whole life?
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Estimates for the percentage of people who currently have Long COVID range from around 5% to 30%. Long COVID may go away with time in some people. It’s very difficult to accurately count Long COVID cases. Here are some reasons why: ❧There’s no consensus on how to diagnose and define Long COVID. It includes Read more…
A: Estimates for the percentage of people who currently have Long COVID range from around 5% to 30%. Long COVID may go away with time in some people. It’s very difficult to accurately count Long COVID cases. Here are some reasons why: ❧There’s no consensus on how to diagnose and define Long COVID. It includes Read more…