February 1, 2023
¿Cómo puedo apoyar a alguien que está inmunocomprometida?
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Ser inmunocomprometida quiere decir que el cuerpo no puede combatir la infección bien. En unos casos el cuerpo no identifica las células/los virus/las bacterias fuera del cuerpo y en otros casos no puede crear una defensa inmune a estas células/virus/bacterias. Algunas veces no puede hacer cualquiera. 🦠 🧫 💊 Las personas están inmunocomprometidas por varias Read more…
February 1, 2023
Are we over-counting Covid deaths?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
No. Sadly, we are most likely still UNDER-counting Covid-19 deaths. Among the most persistent COVID-19 myths is the idea that COVID-19 deaths are being over-counted, which recently resurfaced in a Washington Post editorial. We’ve all heard stories of COVID positive motorcycle accident victims being counted or the saying that people are dying *with* COVID-19 rather Read more…
Ser inmunocomprometida quiere decir que el cuerpo no puede combatir la infección bien. En unos casos el cuerpo no identifica las células/los virus/las bacterias fuera del cuerpo y en otros casos no puede crear una defensa inmune a estas células/virus/bacterias. Algunas veces no puede hacer cualquiera. 🦠 🧫 💊 Las personas están inmunocomprometidas por varias Read more…
February 1, 2023
Are we over-counting Covid deaths?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
No. Sadly, we are most likely still UNDER-counting Covid-19 deaths. Among the most persistent COVID-19 myths is the idea that COVID-19 deaths are being over-counted, which recently resurfaced in a Washington Post editorial. We’ve all heard stories of COVID positive motorcycle accident victims being counted or the saying that people are dying *with* COVID-19 rather Read more…
No. Sadly, we are most likely still UNDER-counting Covid-19 deaths. Among the most persistent COVID-19 myths is the idea that COVID-19 deaths are being over-counted, which recently resurfaced in a Washington Post editorial. We’ve all heard stories of COVID positive motorcycle accident victims being counted or the saying that people are dying *with* COVID-19 rather Read more…