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I’m fully vaccinated, but my kids are not. What does the new United States CDC guidance for fully vaccinated people say about our situation? I am so confused.

Families/Kids Staying Safe Vaccines

A: This question is on many minds. If you’re confused about this, you’re not alone! The CDC guidance allows us to do away with wearing masks and physical distancing if everyone at your upcoming private get-together is either 1️⃣ fully vaccinated OR 2️⃣ ALL of these: unvaccinated, not high-risk for severe COVID-19, doesn’t live with Read more…

Any update on safety of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in pregnancy?

Families/Kids Vaccines

A: Preliminary data presented to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) are reassuring. Pregnant persons who received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines did not have increased risk of side effects from the vaccines or bad outcomes (like preeclampsia, miscarriage, preterm birth, neonatal death, or congenital anomalies). More studies and safety monitoring are ongoing, but Read more…

Since there have been deaths reported after people received vaccination, should I be concerned? I’m scared to take the vaccine.

Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines

A: No. In spite of sensational headlines, no deaths have been linked to receiving COVID-19 vaccination. And hundreds of millions of vaccines have been given. As of early March, more than 330 million vaccinations in over 120 countries have been given. In detailed investigative reporting of vaccine-related deaths around the world, DW (Deutsche Welle) a Read more…

What’s with the news coming out of Europe on the Oxford/Astrazeneca vaccine and blood clots?

Data and Metrics Vaccines

A: So far there is no evidence that the risk of these events after vaccination is higher than would be expected based on normal rates. Several European countries including Ireland, Denmark and Norway have temporarily suspended use of the Oxford/Astrazeneca vaccine as a precaution while they review recent reports of blood clots following vaccination. Meanwhile, Read more…

What is the difference between Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and *approval* from the United States FDA?

Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines

A: In a nutshell, both require a careful scientific review of the potential benefits and harms of a new medical product, but EUA’s are used to expedite this review in an emergency situation like a pandemic. The full approval process for these vaccines will start when longer & more follow-up data from trial participants is Read more…

New CDC Guidelines on Fully Vaccinated People

Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines

*** Edited to clarify that children who have not been vaccinated are considered unvaccinated people under this guidance.*** It’s Good News Tues! Yesterday, the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued new guidelines stating that 👏🏼 fully 👏🏼vaccinated 👏🏼 people can safely: 🌟 Visit other vaccinated people indoors–without wearing masks or physically Read more…

What exactly is in the vaccine from Johnson & Johnson-Janssen (and, what isn’t)?

Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines

A: The active ingredient in the vaccine from Johnson & Johnson-Janssen (also called the J&J vaccine) is a genetically modified version of a virus that normally causes the common cold. The vaccine also contains two ingredients to balance its pH, ethanol, two ingredients that keep it from getting clumpy, salt, and water. It does NOT Read more…

Will the vaccines prevent Long Covid?


A: Likely! There is good biological reason to think so, but like many things we lack hard data. Many followers have asked this great question in recent weeks. Clinical trials have shown the vaccines are AMAZING at preventing serious disease and death. But what about those mild infections after a vaccine, could they still lead Read more…