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Reproductive Health

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A: The number of people estimated to be transgender in the U.S. has increased slightly over the past ~5-6 years, particularly among those aged 13-24 years. TL; DR: There has been an increase in the number of teens and young adults estimated to be transgender in the U.S. There may be several reasons for this, Read more…

It’s World Breastfeeding Week!

Reproductive Health Videos

In honor of the global celebration of human lactation, also known as World Breastfeeding Week, let’s celebrate some scientific facts about lactation. Did you know that anyone with mammary tissue can produce human milk with the right support? What do I mean by support? In this case, not only do I mean physical, emotional, psychological, Read more…

How does the new OTC birth control pill compare to prescription ones?

Reproductive Health

Q: How does the new OTC birth control pill compare to prescription ones? – Lili C. A: The newly approved OTC birth control pill is a low-dose progestin-only pill that was previously prescription-only. It is very safe and highly effective. This particular pill (norgestrel 0.075 mg, now marketed as Opill) was initially approved for prescription Read more…

What does the science say about gender identity?

Reproductive Health

A: Differences in brain structure and/or function, hormone levels during different phases of development, and even genetics seem to shape our internal sense of gender identity. We all have a gender identity, or an internal sense of self as belonging somewhere on a gender spectrum. For most people, their gender identity aligns with what is Read more…

Are doulas accessible to everyone?

Reproductive Health

The Short Answer: Like many holistic care practices today, there is a valid concern that doulas are at risk of being “gentrified” in the sense that they will become more inaccessible as they grow more popular. But here’s the truth: Anyone who is planning a family, starting a family, or is looking to make a Read more…

What is preeclampsia? Who is most at risk? What should we be aware of?

Reproductive Health

Preeclampsia and other severe pregnancy complications, especially among Black people, have thankfully been getting more attention in the media in the last couple of weeks. These individual stories are so important because they humanize what can sometimes become numbing statistics. And they are highlighting some of the significant health disparities in the U.S. that Black Read more…

Doulas: Who are they?

Reproductive Health

Happy Pride Month, Nerds! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️⚧ Each day, we find ourselves on the receiving end of rhetoric that minimizes and even directly threatens the joy, safety, lives, and livelihoods of LGBTQIA+ folks. This, combined with the ongoing challenges to reproductive health rights, means that we could all use any emotional support we can come across. And Read more…

What’s the latest on the new RSV vaccine for pregnant people?

Infectious Diseases Reproductive Health Vaccines

A: Pfizer’s clinical trial of a new RSV vaccine in pregnancy showed high vaccine efficacy against severe disease in infants. The FDA advisory committee discussed an observed difference in premature births in the placebo vs. vaccine group, but concluded that the difference was likely due to chance rather than from the vaccine itself. TL;DR: The Read more…

I heard that “the pill” might become illegal? Is it all birth control pills?

Reproductive Health

There are lots of different types of “pills” related to pregnancy. It’s most helpful to break them into two categories: Contraceptives PREVENT someone from becoming pregnant. Other types of pills are used when there is ALREADY an established pregnancy. It’s mifepristone, from this second group, whose FDA approval is currently being contested in the U.S. Read more…

What’s going on with syphilis rates in the U.S.?

Reproductive Health

Syphilis rates are on the rise in the U.S. There are a variety of factors that might be responsible for this, including underfunding of public health clinics and failure to train clinicians to take adequate sexual histories. Rates of sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) have been climbing in the U.S., especially since 2020 when the COVID pandemic Read more…

Are screening tests and diagnostic tests the same thing?

Data Literacy Reproductive Health Uncertainty and Misinformation

The Short Answer: Nope! 🙅🏾‍♀️ The goal of a screening test is to determine the likelihood of disease in a person who currently shows no signs or symptoms, while a diagnostic test detects whether (and what type of) disease might be present in someone with symptoms. While some screening tests can be self-administered at home Read more…

Nerdy Girls Live 04/28/23

General Health Reproductive Health Vaccines Videos

Those Nerdy Girls offer up straight talk about sex, gender, chocolate and Mifepristone, plus an update on COVID-19 boosters. Hosted by: – Mary-Kathleen Haber, FNP-C, MSN, IBCLC, TNG Contributing Member, Reproductive Squad – Chana Davis, PhD: TNG Contributing Writer & Founder of Fueled by Science ➡️ Hello and Introductions (00:00-01:10) ➡️ What are the latest Read more…

How will the loss of mifepristone affect reproductive health care?

Reproductive Health

UPDATE 4/14/2023 at 4:45pm EDT: SCOTUS has temporarily restored full access to mifepristone until next week. Read here for more info. A: Loss of FDA approval for mifepristone will result in decreased access to safe abortion care. It will also prevent patients with certain types of miscarriage from receiving one of the standard treatment options. Read more…