What’s the real-world evidence that COVID-19 vaccines for little kids work?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
TL;DR: Recent real-world data from the US show that COVID-19 vaccines for kids ages 6 months to 5 years reduced their risk of visiting an ER with COVID-19 by half or more for at least 60 days after their last dose. Protection started to decline after 60 days, similar to what we have seen in Read more…
July 11, 2023
What should I know about marijuana now that it’s becoming legal in more states?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Marijuana may not be as addictive as opioids or alcohol, but it is definitely associated with some negative consequences, especially among adolescents. In June of this year, a study was published in Nature Medicine detailing the efficacy in a small trial of an experimental drug to combat marijuana addiction. When it comes to marijuana, there Read more…
June 9, 2023
What’s to know about the new Surgeon General report on social media and youth mental health?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The report indicates strong signals of social media’s harm to youth mental health, although it is still hard to know for sure if social media directly causes mental health problems. Last month, the Surgeon General released an in-depth report about the potential harms of social media to youth mental health. Amidst a crisis of Read more…
April 8, 2023
Can kids 6 months to 4 years old get an updated COVID-19 vaccine (targeting both the original and BA.4 and BA.5 strains of SARS-CoV-2)?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that kids aged 6 months to 4 years old that got the original Moderna vaccine for the primary series get an updated Moderna booster and that kids in this age group that got the original Pfizer vaccine for all three doses of the primary series get Read more…
March 9, 2023
Can my kids get the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as other childhood vaccines?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Yes! COVID-19 vaccines are safe to give with other vaccines. Vaccination is incredibly important and delaying vaccination can result in increased risks of infection, serious illness, or death. Many parents and families worry about giving the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as other routine childhood vaccines. But we come with good news! It Read more…
February 9, 2023
Help! How can I stop the spread of a “stomach flu” caused by Norovirus?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Chana Davis, PhD
A) To stop the spread of Norovirus: reach for bleach, wash your hands, don’t share, close the lid, and stay home for two full days if possible. Noroviruses are the most common cause of “stomach bug” outbreaks (vomiting, diarrhea) in older kids and adults. They strike fast and hard, and are very contagious. 🦠Norovirus is Read more…
January 24, 2023
Do kids need COVID-19 vaccines?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes. Kids need COVID-19 vaccines. It is safe. It is necessary. When we compare kids who get COVID-19 to kids who do not get COVID-19, we see quite clearly that kids CAN and DO get really sick, and it is worth protecting them. And when we compare vaccinated kids to unvaccinated kids, the results are Read more…
January 9, 2023
Dear Readers: How are families with high-risk kids faring?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
December 12, 2022
Where can I get my kid who is <5 years old a COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Your child’s clinician, health departments, pharmacies, and grocery stores are all possible options-but the ages <5 each site serves varies. TL; DR: Check with the person your child normally sees for medical care first. If they are not offering COVID-19 vaccines for kids <5, your local health department, pharmacy, or grocery store may be Read more…
December 8, 2022
Help! There is a shortage of fever medicines for kids. How do I take care of my child with fever?
Families/Kids Treatments
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL:DR: If your child is older than 6 months, they probably do not need to be treated for fever. Fever reducing medicines can be given if the kiddo is uncomfortable or has had febrile convulsions. But fear not! There are things we can do other than medicines to help our children feel better when they Read more…
November 21, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 11-21-22
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Those Nerdy Girls offer advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: * Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Denying to the Grave & Contributing Writer at TNG * Read more…
November 19, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Q&A on Mon, 11/21: Triple Threat Thanksgiving & Science Denial
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Chana Davis, PhD
Monday, 11/21/22, at 1:30 pm EST/10:30 am PST Join Those Nerdy Girls for timely advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and practical insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Read more…
November 14, 2022
How do I know if we have RSV, the flu, or COVID-19?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The short answer is: process of elimination. First, rule out COVID-19 with a home test (with nose+throat swab technique! See link below). If that’s negative, assess your symptoms. If your first symptoms are drippy nose/sneezing, it’s more likely RSV. If your symptoms start out with a sudden high fever and body aches, it’s more likely Read more…
TL;DR: Recent real-world data from the US show that COVID-19 vaccines for kids ages 6 months to 5 years reduced their risk of visiting an ER with COVID-19 by half or more for at least 60 days after their last dose. Protection started to decline after 60 days, similar to what we have seen in Read more…
What should I know about marijuana now that it’s becoming legal in more states?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
Marijuana may not be as addictive as opioids or alcohol, but it is definitely associated with some negative consequences, especially among adolescents. In June of this year, a study was published in Nature Medicine detailing the efficacy in a small trial of an experimental drug to combat marijuana addiction. When it comes to marijuana, there Read more…
June 9, 2023
What’s to know about the new Surgeon General report on social media and youth mental health?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The report indicates strong signals of social media’s harm to youth mental health, although it is still hard to know for sure if social media directly causes mental health problems. Last month, the Surgeon General released an in-depth report about the potential harms of social media to youth mental health. Amidst a crisis of Read more…
April 8, 2023
Can kids 6 months to 4 years old get an updated COVID-19 vaccine (targeting both the original and BA.4 and BA.5 strains of SARS-CoV-2)?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that kids aged 6 months to 4 years old that got the original Moderna vaccine for the primary series get an updated Moderna booster and that kids in this age group that got the original Pfizer vaccine for all three doses of the primary series get Read more…
March 9, 2023
Can my kids get the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as other childhood vaccines?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Yes! COVID-19 vaccines are safe to give with other vaccines. Vaccination is incredibly important and delaying vaccination can result in increased risks of infection, serious illness, or death. Many parents and families worry about giving the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as other routine childhood vaccines. But we come with good news! It Read more…
February 9, 2023
Help! How can I stop the spread of a “stomach flu” caused by Norovirus?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Chana Davis, PhD
A) To stop the spread of Norovirus: reach for bleach, wash your hands, don’t share, close the lid, and stay home for two full days if possible. Noroviruses are the most common cause of “stomach bug” outbreaks (vomiting, diarrhea) in older kids and adults. They strike fast and hard, and are very contagious. 🦠Norovirus is Read more…
January 24, 2023
Do kids need COVID-19 vaccines?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes. Kids need COVID-19 vaccines. It is safe. It is necessary. When we compare kids who get COVID-19 to kids who do not get COVID-19, we see quite clearly that kids CAN and DO get really sick, and it is worth protecting them. And when we compare vaccinated kids to unvaccinated kids, the results are Read more…
January 9, 2023
Dear Readers: How are families with high-risk kids faring?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
December 12, 2022
Where can I get my kid who is <5 years old a COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Your child’s clinician, health departments, pharmacies, and grocery stores are all possible options-but the ages <5 each site serves varies. TL; DR: Check with the person your child normally sees for medical care first. If they are not offering COVID-19 vaccines for kids <5, your local health department, pharmacy, or grocery store may be Read more…
December 8, 2022
Help! There is a shortage of fever medicines for kids. How do I take care of my child with fever?
Families/Kids Treatments
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL:DR: If your child is older than 6 months, they probably do not need to be treated for fever. Fever reducing medicines can be given if the kiddo is uncomfortable or has had febrile convulsions. But fear not! There are things we can do other than medicines to help our children feel better when they Read more…
November 21, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 11-21-22
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Those Nerdy Girls offer advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: * Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Denying to the Grave & Contributing Writer at TNG * Read more…
November 19, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Q&A on Mon, 11/21: Triple Threat Thanksgiving & Science Denial
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Chana Davis, PhD
Monday, 11/21/22, at 1:30 pm EST/10:30 am PST Join Those Nerdy Girls for timely advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and practical insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Read more…
November 14, 2022
How do I know if we have RSV, the flu, or COVID-19?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The short answer is: process of elimination. First, rule out COVID-19 with a home test (with nose+throat swab technique! See link below). If that’s negative, assess your symptoms. If your first symptoms are drippy nose/sneezing, it’s more likely RSV. If your symptoms start out with a sudden high fever and body aches, it’s more likely Read more…
Marijuana may not be as addictive as opioids or alcohol, but it is definitely associated with some negative consequences, especially among adolescents. In June of this year, a study was published in Nature Medicine detailing the efficacy in a small trial of an experimental drug to combat marijuana addiction. When it comes to marijuana, there Read more…
What’s to know about the new Surgeon General report on social media and youth mental health?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: The report indicates strong signals of social media’s harm to youth mental health, although it is still hard to know for sure if social media directly causes mental health problems. Last month, the Surgeon General released an in-depth report about the potential harms of social media to youth mental health. Amidst a crisis of Read more…
April 8, 2023
Can kids 6 months to 4 years old get an updated COVID-19 vaccine (targeting both the original and BA.4 and BA.5 strains of SARS-CoV-2)?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that kids aged 6 months to 4 years old that got the original Moderna vaccine for the primary series get an updated Moderna booster and that kids in this age group that got the original Pfizer vaccine for all three doses of the primary series get Read more…
March 9, 2023
Can my kids get the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as other childhood vaccines?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Yes! COVID-19 vaccines are safe to give with other vaccines. Vaccination is incredibly important and delaying vaccination can result in increased risks of infection, serious illness, or death. Many parents and families worry about giving the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as other routine childhood vaccines. But we come with good news! It Read more…
February 9, 2023
Help! How can I stop the spread of a “stomach flu” caused by Norovirus?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Chana Davis, PhD
A) To stop the spread of Norovirus: reach for bleach, wash your hands, don’t share, close the lid, and stay home for two full days if possible. Noroviruses are the most common cause of “stomach bug” outbreaks (vomiting, diarrhea) in older kids and adults. They strike fast and hard, and are very contagious. 🦠Norovirus is Read more…
January 24, 2023
Do kids need COVID-19 vaccines?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes. Kids need COVID-19 vaccines. It is safe. It is necessary. When we compare kids who get COVID-19 to kids who do not get COVID-19, we see quite clearly that kids CAN and DO get really sick, and it is worth protecting them. And when we compare vaccinated kids to unvaccinated kids, the results are Read more…
January 9, 2023
Dear Readers: How are families with high-risk kids faring?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
December 12, 2022
Where can I get my kid who is <5 years old a COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Your child’s clinician, health departments, pharmacies, and grocery stores are all possible options-but the ages <5 each site serves varies. TL; DR: Check with the person your child normally sees for medical care first. If they are not offering COVID-19 vaccines for kids <5, your local health department, pharmacy, or grocery store may be Read more…
December 8, 2022
Help! There is a shortage of fever medicines for kids. How do I take care of my child with fever?
Families/Kids Treatments
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL:DR: If your child is older than 6 months, they probably do not need to be treated for fever. Fever reducing medicines can be given if the kiddo is uncomfortable or has had febrile convulsions. But fear not! There are things we can do other than medicines to help our children feel better when they Read more…
November 21, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 11-21-22
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Those Nerdy Girls offer advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: * Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Denying to the Grave & Contributing Writer at TNG * Read more…
November 19, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Q&A on Mon, 11/21: Triple Threat Thanksgiving & Science Denial
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Chana Davis, PhD
Monday, 11/21/22, at 1:30 pm EST/10:30 am PST Join Those Nerdy Girls for timely advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and practical insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Read more…
November 14, 2022
How do I know if we have RSV, the flu, or COVID-19?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The short answer is: process of elimination. First, rule out COVID-19 with a home test (with nose+throat swab technique! See link below). If that’s negative, assess your symptoms. If your first symptoms are drippy nose/sneezing, it’s more likely RSV. If your symptoms start out with a sudden high fever and body aches, it’s more likely Read more…
A: The report indicates strong signals of social media’s harm to youth mental health, although it is still hard to know for sure if social media directly causes mental health problems. Last month, the Surgeon General released an in-depth report about the potential harms of social media to youth mental health. Amidst a crisis of Read more…
Can kids 6 months to 4 years old get an updated COVID-19 vaccine (targeting both the original and BA.4 and BA.5 strains of SARS-CoV-2)?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that kids aged 6 months to 4 years old that got the original Moderna vaccine for the primary series get an updated Moderna booster and that kids in this age group that got the original Pfizer vaccine for all three doses of the primary series get Read more…
March 9, 2023
Can my kids get the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as other childhood vaccines?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Yes! COVID-19 vaccines are safe to give with other vaccines. Vaccination is incredibly important and delaying vaccination can result in increased risks of infection, serious illness, or death. Many parents and families worry about giving the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as other routine childhood vaccines. But we come with good news! It Read more…
February 9, 2023
Help! How can I stop the spread of a “stomach flu” caused by Norovirus?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Chana Davis, PhD
A) To stop the spread of Norovirus: reach for bleach, wash your hands, don’t share, close the lid, and stay home for two full days if possible. Noroviruses are the most common cause of “stomach bug” outbreaks (vomiting, diarrhea) in older kids and adults. They strike fast and hard, and are very contagious. 🦠Norovirus is Read more…
January 24, 2023
Do kids need COVID-19 vaccines?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes. Kids need COVID-19 vaccines. It is safe. It is necessary. When we compare kids who get COVID-19 to kids who do not get COVID-19, we see quite clearly that kids CAN and DO get really sick, and it is worth protecting them. And when we compare vaccinated kids to unvaccinated kids, the results are Read more…
January 9, 2023
Dear Readers: How are families with high-risk kids faring?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
December 12, 2022
Where can I get my kid who is <5 years old a COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Your child’s clinician, health departments, pharmacies, and grocery stores are all possible options-but the ages <5 each site serves varies. TL; DR: Check with the person your child normally sees for medical care first. If they are not offering COVID-19 vaccines for kids <5, your local health department, pharmacy, or grocery store may be Read more…
December 8, 2022
Help! There is a shortage of fever medicines for kids. How do I take care of my child with fever?
Families/Kids Treatments
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL:DR: If your child is older than 6 months, they probably do not need to be treated for fever. Fever reducing medicines can be given if the kiddo is uncomfortable or has had febrile convulsions. But fear not! There are things we can do other than medicines to help our children feel better when they Read more…
November 21, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 11-21-22
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Those Nerdy Girls offer advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: * Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Denying to the Grave & Contributing Writer at TNG * Read more…
November 19, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Q&A on Mon, 11/21: Triple Threat Thanksgiving & Science Denial
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Chana Davis, PhD
Monday, 11/21/22, at 1:30 pm EST/10:30 am PST Join Those Nerdy Girls for timely advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and practical insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Read more…
November 14, 2022
How do I know if we have RSV, the flu, or COVID-19?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The short answer is: process of elimination. First, rule out COVID-19 with a home test (with nose+throat swab technique! See link below). If that’s negative, assess your symptoms. If your first symptoms are drippy nose/sneezing, it’s more likely RSV. If your symptoms start out with a sudden high fever and body aches, it’s more likely Read more…
A: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that kids aged 6 months to 4 years old that got the original Moderna vaccine for the primary series get an updated Moderna booster and that kids in this age group that got the original Pfizer vaccine for all three doses of the primary series get Read more…
Can my kids get the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as other childhood vaccines?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Yes! COVID-19 vaccines are safe to give with other vaccines. Vaccination is incredibly important and delaying vaccination can result in increased risks of infection, serious illness, or death. Many parents and families worry about giving the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as other routine childhood vaccines. But we come with good news! It Read more…
February 9, 2023
Help! How can I stop the spread of a “stomach flu” caused by Norovirus?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Chana Davis, PhD
A) To stop the spread of Norovirus: reach for bleach, wash your hands, don’t share, close the lid, and stay home for two full days if possible. Noroviruses are the most common cause of “stomach bug” outbreaks (vomiting, diarrhea) in older kids and adults. They strike fast and hard, and are very contagious. 🦠Norovirus is Read more…
January 24, 2023
Do kids need COVID-19 vaccines?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes. Kids need COVID-19 vaccines. It is safe. It is necessary. When we compare kids who get COVID-19 to kids who do not get COVID-19, we see quite clearly that kids CAN and DO get really sick, and it is worth protecting them. And when we compare vaccinated kids to unvaccinated kids, the results are Read more…
January 9, 2023
Dear Readers: How are families with high-risk kids faring?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
December 12, 2022
Where can I get my kid who is <5 years old a COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Your child’s clinician, health departments, pharmacies, and grocery stores are all possible options-but the ages <5 each site serves varies. TL; DR: Check with the person your child normally sees for medical care first. If they are not offering COVID-19 vaccines for kids <5, your local health department, pharmacy, or grocery store may be Read more…
December 8, 2022
Help! There is a shortage of fever medicines for kids. How do I take care of my child with fever?
Families/Kids Treatments
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL:DR: If your child is older than 6 months, they probably do not need to be treated for fever. Fever reducing medicines can be given if the kiddo is uncomfortable or has had febrile convulsions. But fear not! There are things we can do other than medicines to help our children feel better when they Read more…
November 21, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 11-21-22
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Those Nerdy Girls offer advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: * Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Denying to the Grave & Contributing Writer at TNG * Read more…
November 19, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Q&A on Mon, 11/21: Triple Threat Thanksgiving & Science Denial
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Chana Davis, PhD
Monday, 11/21/22, at 1:30 pm EST/10:30 am PST Join Those Nerdy Girls for timely advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and practical insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Read more…
November 14, 2022
How do I know if we have RSV, the flu, or COVID-19?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The short answer is: process of elimination. First, rule out COVID-19 with a home test (with nose+throat swab technique! See link below). If that’s negative, assess your symptoms. If your first symptoms are drippy nose/sneezing, it’s more likely RSV. If your symptoms start out with a sudden high fever and body aches, it’s more likely Read more…
A: Yes! COVID-19 vaccines are safe to give with other vaccines. Vaccination is incredibly important and delaying vaccination can result in increased risks of infection, serious illness, or death. Many parents and families worry about giving the COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as other routine childhood vaccines. But we come with good news! It Read more…
Help! How can I stop the spread of a “stomach flu” caused by Norovirus?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Chana Davis, PhD
A) To stop the spread of Norovirus: reach for bleach, wash your hands, don’t share, close the lid, and stay home for two full days if possible. Noroviruses are the most common cause of “stomach bug” outbreaks (vomiting, diarrhea) in older kids and adults. They strike fast and hard, and are very contagious. 🦠Norovirus is Read more…
January 24, 2023
Do kids need COVID-19 vaccines?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes. Kids need COVID-19 vaccines. It is safe. It is necessary. When we compare kids who get COVID-19 to kids who do not get COVID-19, we see quite clearly that kids CAN and DO get really sick, and it is worth protecting them. And when we compare vaccinated kids to unvaccinated kids, the results are Read more…
January 9, 2023
Dear Readers: How are families with high-risk kids faring?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
December 12, 2022
Where can I get my kid who is <5 years old a COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Your child’s clinician, health departments, pharmacies, and grocery stores are all possible options-but the ages <5 each site serves varies. TL; DR: Check with the person your child normally sees for medical care first. If they are not offering COVID-19 vaccines for kids <5, your local health department, pharmacy, or grocery store may be Read more…
December 8, 2022
Help! There is a shortage of fever medicines for kids. How do I take care of my child with fever?
Families/Kids Treatments
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL:DR: If your child is older than 6 months, they probably do not need to be treated for fever. Fever reducing medicines can be given if the kiddo is uncomfortable or has had febrile convulsions. But fear not! There are things we can do other than medicines to help our children feel better when they Read more…
November 21, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 11-21-22
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Those Nerdy Girls offer advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: * Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Denying to the Grave & Contributing Writer at TNG * Read more…
November 19, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Q&A on Mon, 11/21: Triple Threat Thanksgiving & Science Denial
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Chana Davis, PhD
Monday, 11/21/22, at 1:30 pm EST/10:30 am PST Join Those Nerdy Girls for timely advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and practical insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Read more…
November 14, 2022
How do I know if we have RSV, the flu, or COVID-19?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The short answer is: process of elimination. First, rule out COVID-19 with a home test (with nose+throat swab technique! See link below). If that’s negative, assess your symptoms. If your first symptoms are drippy nose/sneezing, it’s more likely RSV. If your symptoms start out with a sudden high fever and body aches, it’s more likely Read more…
A) To stop the spread of Norovirus: reach for bleach, wash your hands, don’t share, close the lid, and stay home for two full days if possible. Noroviruses are the most common cause of “stomach bug” outbreaks (vomiting, diarrhea) in older kids and adults. They strike fast and hard, and are very contagious. 🦠Norovirus is Read more…
Do kids need COVID-19 vaccines?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Yes. Kids need COVID-19 vaccines. It is safe. It is necessary. When we compare kids who get COVID-19 to kids who do not get COVID-19, we see quite clearly that kids CAN and DO get really sick, and it is worth protecting them. And when we compare vaccinated kids to unvaccinated kids, the results are Read more…
January 9, 2023
Dear Readers: How are families with high-risk kids faring?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
December 12, 2022
Where can I get my kid who is <5 years old a COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Your child’s clinician, health departments, pharmacies, and grocery stores are all possible options-but the ages <5 each site serves varies. TL; DR: Check with the person your child normally sees for medical care first. If they are not offering COVID-19 vaccines for kids <5, your local health department, pharmacy, or grocery store may be Read more…
December 8, 2022
Help! There is a shortage of fever medicines for kids. How do I take care of my child with fever?
Families/Kids Treatments
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL:DR: If your child is older than 6 months, they probably do not need to be treated for fever. Fever reducing medicines can be given if the kiddo is uncomfortable or has had febrile convulsions. But fear not! There are things we can do other than medicines to help our children feel better when they Read more…
November 21, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 11-21-22
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Those Nerdy Girls offer advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: * Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Denying to the Grave & Contributing Writer at TNG * Read more…
November 19, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Q&A on Mon, 11/21: Triple Threat Thanksgiving & Science Denial
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Chana Davis, PhD
Monday, 11/21/22, at 1:30 pm EST/10:30 am PST Join Those Nerdy Girls for timely advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and practical insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Read more…
November 14, 2022
How do I know if we have RSV, the flu, or COVID-19?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The short answer is: process of elimination. First, rule out COVID-19 with a home test (with nose+throat swab technique! See link below). If that’s negative, assess your symptoms. If your first symptoms are drippy nose/sneezing, it’s more likely RSV. If your symptoms start out with a sudden high fever and body aches, it’s more likely Read more…
Yes. Kids need COVID-19 vaccines. It is safe. It is necessary. When we compare kids who get COVID-19 to kids who do not get COVID-19, we see quite clearly that kids CAN and DO get really sick, and it is worth protecting them. And when we compare vaccinated kids to unvaccinated kids, the results are Read more…
Dear Readers: How are families with high-risk kids faring?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
December 12, 2022
Where can I get my kid who is <5 years old a COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Your child’s clinician, health departments, pharmacies, and grocery stores are all possible options-but the ages <5 each site serves varies. TL; DR: Check with the person your child normally sees for medical care first. If they are not offering COVID-19 vaccines for kids <5, your local health department, pharmacy, or grocery store may be Read more…
December 8, 2022
Help! There is a shortage of fever medicines for kids. How do I take care of my child with fever?
Families/Kids Treatments
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL:DR: If your child is older than 6 months, they probably do not need to be treated for fever. Fever reducing medicines can be given if the kiddo is uncomfortable or has had febrile convulsions. But fear not! There are things we can do other than medicines to help our children feel better when they Read more…
November 21, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 11-21-22
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Those Nerdy Girls offer advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: * Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Denying to the Grave & Contributing Writer at TNG * Read more…
November 19, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Q&A on Mon, 11/21: Triple Threat Thanksgiving & Science Denial
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Chana Davis, PhD
Monday, 11/21/22, at 1:30 pm EST/10:30 am PST Join Those Nerdy Girls for timely advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and practical insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Read more…
November 14, 2022
How do I know if we have RSV, the flu, or COVID-19?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The short answer is: process of elimination. First, rule out COVID-19 with a home test (with nose+throat swab technique! See link below). If that’s negative, assess your symptoms. If your first symptoms are drippy nose/sneezing, it’s more likely RSV. If your symptoms start out with a sudden high fever and body aches, it’s more likely Read more…
Nerdy Girl Joanna here. As we approach the 4th year of the COVID pandemic, Those Nerdy Girls want to acknowledge those families who continue to struggle with how to keep their high-risk kids safe from COVID. Mine is one of those families. Thankfully, my teenage son has not yet been infected with COVID. I am Read more…
Where can I get my kid who is <5 years old a COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Your child’s clinician, health departments, pharmacies, and grocery stores are all possible options-but the ages <5 each site serves varies. TL; DR: Check with the person your child normally sees for medical care first. If they are not offering COVID-19 vaccines for kids <5, your local health department, pharmacy, or grocery store may be Read more…
December 8, 2022
Help! There is a shortage of fever medicines for kids. How do I take care of my child with fever?
Families/Kids Treatments
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL:DR: If your child is older than 6 months, they probably do not need to be treated for fever. Fever reducing medicines can be given if the kiddo is uncomfortable or has had febrile convulsions. But fear not! There are things we can do other than medicines to help our children feel better when they Read more…
November 21, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 11-21-22
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Those Nerdy Girls offer advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: * Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Denying to the Grave & Contributing Writer at TNG * Read more…
November 19, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Q&A on Mon, 11/21: Triple Threat Thanksgiving & Science Denial
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Chana Davis, PhD
Monday, 11/21/22, at 1:30 pm EST/10:30 am PST Join Those Nerdy Girls for timely advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and practical insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Read more…
November 14, 2022
How do I know if we have RSV, the flu, or COVID-19?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The short answer is: process of elimination. First, rule out COVID-19 with a home test (with nose+throat swab technique! See link below). If that’s negative, assess your symptoms. If your first symptoms are drippy nose/sneezing, it’s more likely RSV. If your symptoms start out with a sudden high fever and body aches, it’s more likely Read more…
A: Your child’s clinician, health departments, pharmacies, and grocery stores are all possible options-but the ages <5 each site serves varies. TL; DR: Check with the person your child normally sees for medical care first. If they are not offering COVID-19 vaccines for kids <5, your local health department, pharmacy, or grocery store may be Read more…
Help! There is a shortage of fever medicines for kids. How do I take care of my child with fever?
Families/Kids Treatments
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL:DR: If your child is older than 6 months, they probably do not need to be treated for fever. Fever reducing medicines can be given if the kiddo is uncomfortable or has had febrile convulsions. But fear not! There are things we can do other than medicines to help our children feel better when they Read more…
November 21, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 11-21-22
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Those Nerdy Girls offer advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: * Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Denying to the Grave & Contributing Writer at TNG * Read more…
November 19, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Q&A on Mon, 11/21: Triple Threat Thanksgiving & Science Denial
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Chana Davis, PhD
Monday, 11/21/22, at 1:30 pm EST/10:30 am PST Join Those Nerdy Girls for timely advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and practical insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Read more…
November 14, 2022
How do I know if we have RSV, the flu, or COVID-19?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The short answer is: process of elimination. First, rule out COVID-19 with a home test (with nose+throat swab technique! See link below). If that’s negative, assess your symptoms. If your first symptoms are drippy nose/sneezing, it’s more likely RSV. If your symptoms start out with a sudden high fever and body aches, it’s more likely Read more…
TL:DR: If your child is older than 6 months, they probably do not need to be treated for fever. Fever reducing medicines can be given if the kiddo is uncomfortable or has had febrile convulsions. But fear not! There are things we can do other than medicines to help our children feel better when they Read more…
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 11-21-22
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Uncertainty and Misinformation VideosThose Nerdy Girls offer advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: * Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Denying to the Grave & Contributing Writer at TNG * Read more…
Nerdy Girl Live Q&A on Mon, 11/21: Triple Threat Thanksgiving & Science Denial
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Chana Davis, PhD
Monday, 11/21/22, at 1:30 pm EST/10:30 am PST Join Those Nerdy Girls for timely advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and practical insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Read more…
November 14, 2022
How do I know if we have RSV, the flu, or COVID-19?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The short answer is: process of elimination. First, rule out COVID-19 with a home test (with nose+throat swab technique! See link below). If that’s negative, assess your symptoms. If your first symptoms are drippy nose/sneezing, it’s more likely RSV. If your symptoms start out with a sudden high fever and body aches, it’s more likely Read more…
Monday, 11/21/22, at 1:30 pm EST/10:30 am PST Join Those Nerdy Girls for timely advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and practical insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Read more…
How do I know if we have RSV, the flu, or COVID-19?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The short answer is: process of elimination. First, rule out COVID-19 with a home test (with nose+throat swab technique! See link below). If that’s negative, assess your symptoms. If your first symptoms are drippy nose/sneezing, it’s more likely RSV. If your symptoms start out with a sudden high fever and body aches, it’s more likely Read more…
The short answer is: process of elimination. First, rule out COVID-19 with a home test (with nose+throat swab technique! See link below). If that’s negative, assess your symptoms. If your first symptoms are drippy nose/sneezing, it’s more likely RSV. If your symptoms start out with a sudden high fever and body aches, it’s more likely Read more…