April 13, 2023
¿Quién debe hacerse las pruebas de Papanicolaou? ¿En qué momento se vuelven innecesarios?
Health & Wellness Posts en EspañolAparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
RPV: Todas las personas con cuello uterino de 21 a 65 años deben someterse a pruebas de detección de cáncer de cuello uterino cada 3 a 5 años. Las pruebas de detección deben usar una prueba de Papanicolaou que busca células precancerosas o cancerosas en el cuello uterino y/o una prueba del virus del papiloma Read more…
April 13, 2023
What do I need to know about sexually transmitted infections in the US??
Reproductive Health
Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Some infection rates have dropped, and others have risen. Read the post to learn about important trends in this group of illnesses. Did you know that April is Sexually Transmitted Infection Awareness Month? Well, you do now! In honor of this month’s national health theme and its slogan *TALK, TEST, TREAT*, we wanted to Read more…
RPV: Todas las personas con cuello uterino de 21 a 65 años deben someterse a pruebas de detección de cáncer de cuello uterino cada 3 a 5 años. Las pruebas de detección deben usar una prueba de Papanicolaou que busca células precancerosas o cancerosas en el cuello uterino y/o una prueba del virus del papiloma Read more…
April 13, 2023
What do I need to know about sexually transmitted infections in the US??
Reproductive HealthSara Gorman, PhD, MPH
A: Some infection rates have dropped, and others have risen. Read the post to learn about important trends in this group of illnesses. Did you know that April is Sexually Transmitted Infection Awareness Month? Well, you do now! In honor of this month’s national health theme and its slogan *TALK, TEST, TREAT*, we wanted to Read more…
A: Some infection rates have dropped, and others have risen. Read the post to learn about important trends in this group of illnesses. Did you know that April is Sexually Transmitted Infection Awareness Month? Well, you do now! In honor of this month’s national health theme and its slogan *TALK, TEST, TREAT*, we wanted to Read more…