It is almost 2022……BUT I have COVID-19 and I feel guilty.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Don’t feel guilty. Do …. DO YOUR PART. Listen. We Nerdy Girls look at the data, news, and updates ALL THE TIME. The Omicron variant is more transmissible than prior variants and a lot of people have it. Just in England, it is estimated that nearly 1 in 25 people had COVID-19 last week. Depending Read more…
December 31, 2021
¿Cuál es la mejor MASCARILLA para protegerse de la variante Omicron?
Masks Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Utiliza una mascarilla N95, KN95, FFP2 o KF94 bien ajustada. La variante Omicron es más transmisible porque las personas infectadas propagan las partículas del virus por la nariz y la boca. La vacunación es todavía la defensa número uno contra la variante Omicron, pero también es una muy buena idea MEJORAR TU MASCARILLA cuando estés Read more…
December 30, 2021
💥 Some GOOD breaking news to ring in the New Year💥
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
➡️ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration plans to extend eligibility for boosters of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to to 12- to 15-year-olds. ➡️ They also plan to reduce the minimum wait time for 3rd doses from 6 months to 5 months after the 2nd dose. ➡️ A booster shot is also expected to be authorized Read more…
December 30, 2021
Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes. One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans with other people. Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant and holiday get-togethers is hitting communities and health care settings with FORCE! Testing is in short supply. Health care is Read more…
December 29, 2021
The CDC’s Updated Guidance on Isolation
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
The one certainty in this pandemic is CHANGE….. And in science, changing evidence means that we learn more about what we are studying. And that means that we update based on new knowledge. This is sort of, kind of, what happened this week. See Dr. Lindsey’s earlier post on this…..and the WHY…. Before diving in, Read more…
December 29, 2021
Is the new CDC isolation policy good or bad?
Health Policy
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: There are no easy answers, only tough tradeoffs. Read below to learn how to stay calm and think on. 💥Think Like a Health Policy Nerd: A New Occasional Series💥 Pandemic policy chatter is a bit like an epidemic curve. A controversial health policy decision lands. It’s met with loud cheers by some and louder Read more…
December 28, 2021
What should I do if I can’t get a COVID-19 test and I am symptomatic?
Clinical Symptoms
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Stay calm and isolate. Let someone know you are not feeling well if you are alone. Continue to monitor for worsening symptoms. Call for help if symptoms worsen. Seek emergency care if you are unable to care for yourself at home. COVID-19 testing is difficult to find at the moment in many places. If you Read more…
December 28, 2021
La vacuna para COVID-19 de Novavax estará disponible en el mercado mundial pronto.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta vacuna está hecha con el mismo proceso de varias vacunas ya disponibles actualmente– igual a las que nos protegen de la tos ferina, la neumonía y la hepatitis B. Se llaman vacunas de proteínas subunidades y tienen varias ventajas, incluyendo que son bien toleradas, baratas, no requieren tecnología avanzada para fabricar y no tienen Read more…
December 26, 2021
Cuidar de la variante Omicron!
COVID Variants Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Cuidémonos de la variante Omicron, por nuestro bienestar y el de nuestras familias y amigos, vacunémonos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 25, 2021
Las celebraciones de fin de año
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las celebraciones de fin de año (especialmente durante la pandemia de COVID) pueden producir MUCHOS sentimientos, buenos y malos, al mismo tiempo. A medida que avanzamos en esta temporada navideña, ¡tomemos un momento para nosotros mismos! Que cada uno de nosotros lleve nuestras fortalezas, reflexiones y compasión al Año Nuevo. Con cariño, Las Nerdy Read more…
December 24, 2021
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season – and that means taking care of your mental health in addition to keeping your #SMARTS* for COVID-19 safety. With Love, Those Nerdy Girls *SMARTS are our nerdy way to remember: Space, Masks, Air, Restricting people, Limiting time with them, and getting your Shots! Remember Read more…
December 23, 2021
Tips para una celebración de las fiestas navideñas/invernales de manera segura.
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las Nerdy Girls les deseamos Felices Fiestas a todos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 23, 2021
News Alert! The CDC now recommends mRNA vaccines over the Janssen (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: The Janssen vaccine is still definitely better than no vaccine at all, but the mRNA vaccine appears to be safer and more effective. If you haven’t gotten your first vaccine yet, Pfizer or Moderna is preferred. If you already got the first Janssen shot but haven’t yet got your booster, the mRNA is recommended Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 21, 2021
¿Por qué deberíamos recibir el refuerzo de la vacuna COVID existente cuando se está preparando una nueva para Omicron?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Los refuerzos con las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna originales aumentan la protección contra la variante omicron… AHORA. Hace unas semanas publicamos los resultados de Pfizer que mostraban que: ➡️ Una tercera dosis de la vacuna Pfizer original aumentó 25 veces los niveles de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra la variante omicron, en comparación con los niveles observados Read more…
December 21, 2021
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Omicron variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Omicron may be even more transmissible than previous variants, possibly due to faster replication in the upper airways, meaning people will expel lots of virus when breathing and talking. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Omicron, it’s also a Read more…
December 21, 2021
Why should we get a booster with the existing COVID vaccine when a new one is in the works for Omicron?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Boosters with the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increase protection against the omicron variant…NOW. A few weeks ago we posted on results from Pfizer showing that: 🔵 A third dose of the original Pfizer vaccine increased neutralizing antibody titers against the omicron variant by 25-fold, compared to levels seen with only two doses 🔵 Read more…
December 20, 2021
Is it true that Omicron is less severe than previous variants?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We HOPE so, but we don’t know yet. The evidence so far is mixed. TL;DR We are WAY past due for some good variant news. But pinning our Omicron hopes on a less virulent variant is not wise for two reasons: 1) It might not be less severe in those who are “immune naïve” Read more…
December 19, 2021
La transmisión de COVID-19 y las medidas de protección para evitarla
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con la nueva ola de Omicron en aumento, es súper importante recordar los métodos de contagio y las medidas de protección para evitarlos. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 18, 2021
Can I boost with an mRNA vaccine if I got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…
Don’t feel guilty. Do …. DO YOUR PART. Listen. We Nerdy Girls look at the data, news, and updates ALL THE TIME. The Omicron variant is more transmissible than prior variants and a lot of people have it. Just in England, it is estimated that nearly 1 in 25 people had COVID-19 last week. Depending Read more…
¿Cuál es la mejor MASCARILLA para protegerse de la variante Omicron?
Masks Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Utiliza una mascarilla N95, KN95, FFP2 o KF94 bien ajustada. La variante Omicron es más transmisible porque las personas infectadas propagan las partículas del virus por la nariz y la boca. La vacunación es todavía la defensa número uno contra la variante Omicron, pero también es una muy buena idea MEJORAR TU MASCARILLA cuando estés Read more…
December 30, 2021
💥 Some GOOD breaking news to ring in the New Year💥
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
➡️ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration plans to extend eligibility for boosters of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to to 12- to 15-year-olds. ➡️ They also plan to reduce the minimum wait time for 3rd doses from 6 months to 5 months after the 2nd dose. ➡️ A booster shot is also expected to be authorized Read more…
December 30, 2021
Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes. One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans with other people. Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant and holiday get-togethers is hitting communities and health care settings with FORCE! Testing is in short supply. Health care is Read more…
December 29, 2021
The CDC’s Updated Guidance on Isolation
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
The one certainty in this pandemic is CHANGE….. And in science, changing evidence means that we learn more about what we are studying. And that means that we update based on new knowledge. This is sort of, kind of, what happened this week. See Dr. Lindsey’s earlier post on this…..and the WHY…. Before diving in, Read more…
December 29, 2021
Is the new CDC isolation policy good or bad?
Health Policy
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: There are no easy answers, only tough tradeoffs. Read below to learn how to stay calm and think on. 💥Think Like a Health Policy Nerd: A New Occasional Series💥 Pandemic policy chatter is a bit like an epidemic curve. A controversial health policy decision lands. It’s met with loud cheers by some and louder Read more…
December 28, 2021
What should I do if I can’t get a COVID-19 test and I am symptomatic?
Clinical Symptoms
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Stay calm and isolate. Let someone know you are not feeling well if you are alone. Continue to monitor for worsening symptoms. Call for help if symptoms worsen. Seek emergency care if you are unable to care for yourself at home. COVID-19 testing is difficult to find at the moment in many places. If you Read more…
December 28, 2021
La vacuna para COVID-19 de Novavax estará disponible en el mercado mundial pronto.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta vacuna está hecha con el mismo proceso de varias vacunas ya disponibles actualmente– igual a las que nos protegen de la tos ferina, la neumonía y la hepatitis B. Se llaman vacunas de proteínas subunidades y tienen varias ventajas, incluyendo que son bien toleradas, baratas, no requieren tecnología avanzada para fabricar y no tienen Read more…
December 26, 2021
Cuidar de la variante Omicron!
COVID Variants Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Cuidémonos de la variante Omicron, por nuestro bienestar y el de nuestras familias y amigos, vacunémonos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 25, 2021
Las celebraciones de fin de año
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las celebraciones de fin de año (especialmente durante la pandemia de COVID) pueden producir MUCHOS sentimientos, buenos y malos, al mismo tiempo. A medida que avanzamos en esta temporada navideña, ¡tomemos un momento para nosotros mismos! Que cada uno de nosotros lleve nuestras fortalezas, reflexiones y compasión al Año Nuevo. Con cariño, Las Nerdy Read more…
December 24, 2021
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season – and that means taking care of your mental health in addition to keeping your #SMARTS* for COVID-19 safety. With Love, Those Nerdy Girls *SMARTS are our nerdy way to remember: Space, Masks, Air, Restricting people, Limiting time with them, and getting your Shots! Remember Read more…
December 23, 2021
Tips para una celebración de las fiestas navideñas/invernales de manera segura.
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las Nerdy Girls les deseamos Felices Fiestas a todos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 23, 2021
News Alert! The CDC now recommends mRNA vaccines over the Janssen (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: The Janssen vaccine is still definitely better than no vaccine at all, but the mRNA vaccine appears to be safer and more effective. If you haven’t gotten your first vaccine yet, Pfizer or Moderna is preferred. If you already got the first Janssen shot but haven’t yet got your booster, the mRNA is recommended Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 21, 2021
¿Por qué deberíamos recibir el refuerzo de la vacuna COVID existente cuando se está preparando una nueva para Omicron?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Los refuerzos con las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna originales aumentan la protección contra la variante omicron… AHORA. Hace unas semanas publicamos los resultados de Pfizer que mostraban que: ➡️ Una tercera dosis de la vacuna Pfizer original aumentó 25 veces los niveles de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra la variante omicron, en comparación con los niveles observados Read more…
December 21, 2021
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Omicron variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Omicron may be even more transmissible than previous variants, possibly due to faster replication in the upper airways, meaning people will expel lots of virus when breathing and talking. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Omicron, it’s also a Read more…
December 21, 2021
Why should we get a booster with the existing COVID vaccine when a new one is in the works for Omicron?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Boosters with the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increase protection against the omicron variant…NOW. A few weeks ago we posted on results from Pfizer showing that: 🔵 A third dose of the original Pfizer vaccine increased neutralizing antibody titers against the omicron variant by 25-fold, compared to levels seen with only two doses 🔵 Read more…
December 20, 2021
Is it true that Omicron is less severe than previous variants?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We HOPE so, but we don’t know yet. The evidence so far is mixed. TL;DR We are WAY past due for some good variant news. But pinning our Omicron hopes on a less virulent variant is not wise for two reasons: 1) It might not be less severe in those who are “immune naïve” Read more…
December 19, 2021
La transmisión de COVID-19 y las medidas de protección para evitarla
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con la nueva ola de Omicron en aumento, es súper importante recordar los métodos de contagio y las medidas de protección para evitarlos. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 18, 2021
Can I boost with an mRNA vaccine if I got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…
Utiliza una mascarilla N95, KN95, FFP2 o KF94 bien ajustada. La variante Omicron es más transmisible porque las personas infectadas propagan las partículas del virus por la nariz y la boca. La vacunación es todavía la defensa número uno contra la variante Omicron, pero también es una muy buena idea MEJORAR TU MASCARILLA cuando estés Read more…
💥 Some GOOD breaking news to ring in the New Year💥
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
➡️ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration plans to extend eligibility for boosters of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to to 12- to 15-year-olds. ➡️ They also plan to reduce the minimum wait time for 3rd doses from 6 months to 5 months after the 2nd dose. ➡️ A booster shot is also expected to be authorized Read more…
December 30, 2021
Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes. One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans with other people. Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant and holiday get-togethers is hitting communities and health care settings with FORCE! Testing is in short supply. Health care is Read more…
December 29, 2021
The CDC’s Updated Guidance on Isolation
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
The one certainty in this pandemic is CHANGE….. And in science, changing evidence means that we learn more about what we are studying. And that means that we update based on new knowledge. This is sort of, kind of, what happened this week. See Dr. Lindsey’s earlier post on this…..and the WHY…. Before diving in, Read more…
December 29, 2021
Is the new CDC isolation policy good or bad?
Health Policy
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: There are no easy answers, only tough tradeoffs. Read below to learn how to stay calm and think on. 💥Think Like a Health Policy Nerd: A New Occasional Series💥 Pandemic policy chatter is a bit like an epidemic curve. A controversial health policy decision lands. It’s met with loud cheers by some and louder Read more…
December 28, 2021
What should I do if I can’t get a COVID-19 test and I am symptomatic?
Clinical Symptoms
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Stay calm and isolate. Let someone know you are not feeling well if you are alone. Continue to monitor for worsening symptoms. Call for help if symptoms worsen. Seek emergency care if you are unable to care for yourself at home. COVID-19 testing is difficult to find at the moment in many places. If you Read more…
December 28, 2021
La vacuna para COVID-19 de Novavax estará disponible en el mercado mundial pronto.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta vacuna está hecha con el mismo proceso de varias vacunas ya disponibles actualmente– igual a las que nos protegen de la tos ferina, la neumonía y la hepatitis B. Se llaman vacunas de proteínas subunidades y tienen varias ventajas, incluyendo que son bien toleradas, baratas, no requieren tecnología avanzada para fabricar y no tienen Read more…
December 26, 2021
Cuidar de la variante Omicron!
COVID Variants Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Cuidémonos de la variante Omicron, por nuestro bienestar y el de nuestras familias y amigos, vacunémonos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 25, 2021
Las celebraciones de fin de año
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las celebraciones de fin de año (especialmente durante la pandemia de COVID) pueden producir MUCHOS sentimientos, buenos y malos, al mismo tiempo. A medida que avanzamos en esta temporada navideña, ¡tomemos un momento para nosotros mismos! Que cada uno de nosotros lleve nuestras fortalezas, reflexiones y compasión al Año Nuevo. Con cariño, Las Nerdy Read more…
December 24, 2021
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season – and that means taking care of your mental health in addition to keeping your #SMARTS* for COVID-19 safety. With Love, Those Nerdy Girls *SMARTS are our nerdy way to remember: Space, Masks, Air, Restricting people, Limiting time with them, and getting your Shots! Remember Read more…
December 23, 2021
Tips para una celebración de las fiestas navideñas/invernales de manera segura.
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las Nerdy Girls les deseamos Felices Fiestas a todos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 23, 2021
News Alert! The CDC now recommends mRNA vaccines over the Janssen (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: The Janssen vaccine is still definitely better than no vaccine at all, but the mRNA vaccine appears to be safer and more effective. If you haven’t gotten your first vaccine yet, Pfizer or Moderna is preferred. If you already got the first Janssen shot but haven’t yet got your booster, the mRNA is recommended Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 21, 2021
¿Por qué deberíamos recibir el refuerzo de la vacuna COVID existente cuando se está preparando una nueva para Omicron?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Los refuerzos con las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna originales aumentan la protección contra la variante omicron… AHORA. Hace unas semanas publicamos los resultados de Pfizer que mostraban que: ➡️ Una tercera dosis de la vacuna Pfizer original aumentó 25 veces los niveles de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra la variante omicron, en comparación con los niveles observados Read more…
December 21, 2021
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Omicron variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Omicron may be even more transmissible than previous variants, possibly due to faster replication in the upper airways, meaning people will expel lots of virus when breathing and talking. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Omicron, it’s also a Read more…
December 21, 2021
Why should we get a booster with the existing COVID vaccine when a new one is in the works for Omicron?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Boosters with the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increase protection against the omicron variant…NOW. A few weeks ago we posted on results from Pfizer showing that: 🔵 A third dose of the original Pfizer vaccine increased neutralizing antibody titers against the omicron variant by 25-fold, compared to levels seen with only two doses 🔵 Read more…
December 20, 2021
Is it true that Omicron is less severe than previous variants?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We HOPE so, but we don’t know yet. The evidence so far is mixed. TL;DR We are WAY past due for some good variant news. But pinning our Omicron hopes on a less virulent variant is not wise for two reasons: 1) It might not be less severe in those who are “immune naïve” Read more…
December 19, 2021
La transmisión de COVID-19 y las medidas de protección para evitarla
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con la nueva ola de Omicron en aumento, es súper importante recordar los métodos de contagio y las medidas de protección para evitarlos. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 18, 2021
Can I boost with an mRNA vaccine if I got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…
➡️ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration plans to extend eligibility for boosters of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to to 12- to 15-year-olds. ➡️ They also plan to reduce the minimum wait time for 3rd doses from 6 months to 5 months after the 2nd dose. ➡️ A booster shot is also expected to be authorized Read more…
Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes. One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans with other people. Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant and holiday get-togethers is hitting communities and health care settings with FORCE! Testing is in short supply. Health care is Read more…
December 29, 2021
The CDC’s Updated Guidance on Isolation
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
The one certainty in this pandemic is CHANGE….. And in science, changing evidence means that we learn more about what we are studying. And that means that we update based on new knowledge. This is sort of, kind of, what happened this week. See Dr. Lindsey’s earlier post on this…..and the WHY…. Before diving in, Read more…
December 29, 2021
Is the new CDC isolation policy good or bad?
Health Policy
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: There are no easy answers, only tough tradeoffs. Read below to learn how to stay calm and think on. 💥Think Like a Health Policy Nerd: A New Occasional Series💥 Pandemic policy chatter is a bit like an epidemic curve. A controversial health policy decision lands. It’s met with loud cheers by some and louder Read more…
December 28, 2021
What should I do if I can’t get a COVID-19 test and I am symptomatic?
Clinical Symptoms
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Stay calm and isolate. Let someone know you are not feeling well if you are alone. Continue to monitor for worsening symptoms. Call for help if symptoms worsen. Seek emergency care if you are unable to care for yourself at home. COVID-19 testing is difficult to find at the moment in many places. If you Read more…
December 28, 2021
La vacuna para COVID-19 de Novavax estará disponible en el mercado mundial pronto.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta vacuna está hecha con el mismo proceso de varias vacunas ya disponibles actualmente– igual a las que nos protegen de la tos ferina, la neumonía y la hepatitis B. Se llaman vacunas de proteínas subunidades y tienen varias ventajas, incluyendo que son bien toleradas, baratas, no requieren tecnología avanzada para fabricar y no tienen Read more…
December 26, 2021
Cuidar de la variante Omicron!
COVID Variants Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Cuidémonos de la variante Omicron, por nuestro bienestar y el de nuestras familias y amigos, vacunémonos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 25, 2021
Las celebraciones de fin de año
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las celebraciones de fin de año (especialmente durante la pandemia de COVID) pueden producir MUCHOS sentimientos, buenos y malos, al mismo tiempo. A medida que avanzamos en esta temporada navideña, ¡tomemos un momento para nosotros mismos! Que cada uno de nosotros lleve nuestras fortalezas, reflexiones y compasión al Año Nuevo. Con cariño, Las Nerdy Read more…
December 24, 2021
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season – and that means taking care of your mental health in addition to keeping your #SMARTS* for COVID-19 safety. With Love, Those Nerdy Girls *SMARTS are our nerdy way to remember: Space, Masks, Air, Restricting people, Limiting time with them, and getting your Shots! Remember Read more…
December 23, 2021
Tips para una celebración de las fiestas navideñas/invernales de manera segura.
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las Nerdy Girls les deseamos Felices Fiestas a todos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 23, 2021
News Alert! The CDC now recommends mRNA vaccines over the Janssen (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: The Janssen vaccine is still definitely better than no vaccine at all, but the mRNA vaccine appears to be safer and more effective. If you haven’t gotten your first vaccine yet, Pfizer or Moderna is preferred. If you already got the first Janssen shot but haven’t yet got your booster, the mRNA is recommended Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 21, 2021
¿Por qué deberíamos recibir el refuerzo de la vacuna COVID existente cuando se está preparando una nueva para Omicron?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Los refuerzos con las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna originales aumentan la protección contra la variante omicron… AHORA. Hace unas semanas publicamos los resultados de Pfizer que mostraban que: ➡️ Una tercera dosis de la vacuna Pfizer original aumentó 25 veces los niveles de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra la variante omicron, en comparación con los niveles observados Read more…
December 21, 2021
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Omicron variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Omicron may be even more transmissible than previous variants, possibly due to faster replication in the upper airways, meaning people will expel lots of virus when breathing and talking. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Omicron, it’s also a Read more…
December 21, 2021
Why should we get a booster with the existing COVID vaccine when a new one is in the works for Omicron?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Boosters with the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increase protection against the omicron variant…NOW. A few weeks ago we posted on results from Pfizer showing that: 🔵 A third dose of the original Pfizer vaccine increased neutralizing antibody titers against the omicron variant by 25-fold, compared to levels seen with only two doses 🔵 Read more…
December 20, 2021
Is it true that Omicron is less severe than previous variants?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We HOPE so, but we don’t know yet. The evidence so far is mixed. TL;DR We are WAY past due for some good variant news. But pinning our Omicron hopes on a less virulent variant is not wise for two reasons: 1) It might not be less severe in those who are “immune naïve” Read more…
December 19, 2021
La transmisión de COVID-19 y las medidas de protección para evitarla
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con la nueva ola de Omicron en aumento, es súper importante recordar los métodos de contagio y las medidas de protección para evitarlos. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 18, 2021
Can I boost with an mRNA vaccine if I got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…
Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes. One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans with other people. Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant and holiday get-togethers is hitting communities and health care settings with FORCE! Testing is in short supply. Health care is Read more…
The CDC’s Updated Guidance on Isolation
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
The one certainty in this pandemic is CHANGE….. And in science, changing evidence means that we learn more about what we are studying. And that means that we update based on new knowledge. This is sort of, kind of, what happened this week. See Dr. Lindsey’s earlier post on this…..and the WHY…. Before diving in, Read more…
December 29, 2021
Is the new CDC isolation policy good or bad?
Health Policy
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: There are no easy answers, only tough tradeoffs. Read below to learn how to stay calm and think on. 💥Think Like a Health Policy Nerd: A New Occasional Series💥 Pandemic policy chatter is a bit like an epidemic curve. A controversial health policy decision lands. It’s met with loud cheers by some and louder Read more…
December 28, 2021
What should I do if I can’t get a COVID-19 test and I am symptomatic?
Clinical Symptoms
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Stay calm and isolate. Let someone know you are not feeling well if you are alone. Continue to monitor for worsening symptoms. Call for help if symptoms worsen. Seek emergency care if you are unable to care for yourself at home. COVID-19 testing is difficult to find at the moment in many places. If you Read more…
December 28, 2021
La vacuna para COVID-19 de Novavax estará disponible en el mercado mundial pronto.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta vacuna está hecha con el mismo proceso de varias vacunas ya disponibles actualmente– igual a las que nos protegen de la tos ferina, la neumonía y la hepatitis B. Se llaman vacunas de proteínas subunidades y tienen varias ventajas, incluyendo que son bien toleradas, baratas, no requieren tecnología avanzada para fabricar y no tienen Read more…
December 26, 2021
Cuidar de la variante Omicron!
COVID Variants Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Cuidémonos de la variante Omicron, por nuestro bienestar y el de nuestras familias y amigos, vacunémonos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 25, 2021
Las celebraciones de fin de año
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las celebraciones de fin de año (especialmente durante la pandemia de COVID) pueden producir MUCHOS sentimientos, buenos y malos, al mismo tiempo. A medida que avanzamos en esta temporada navideña, ¡tomemos un momento para nosotros mismos! Que cada uno de nosotros lleve nuestras fortalezas, reflexiones y compasión al Año Nuevo. Con cariño, Las Nerdy Read more…
December 24, 2021
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season – and that means taking care of your mental health in addition to keeping your #SMARTS* for COVID-19 safety. With Love, Those Nerdy Girls *SMARTS are our nerdy way to remember: Space, Masks, Air, Restricting people, Limiting time with them, and getting your Shots! Remember Read more…
December 23, 2021
Tips para una celebración de las fiestas navideñas/invernales de manera segura.
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las Nerdy Girls les deseamos Felices Fiestas a todos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 23, 2021
News Alert! The CDC now recommends mRNA vaccines over the Janssen (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: The Janssen vaccine is still definitely better than no vaccine at all, but the mRNA vaccine appears to be safer and more effective. If you haven’t gotten your first vaccine yet, Pfizer or Moderna is preferred. If you already got the first Janssen shot but haven’t yet got your booster, the mRNA is recommended Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 21, 2021
¿Por qué deberíamos recibir el refuerzo de la vacuna COVID existente cuando se está preparando una nueva para Omicron?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Los refuerzos con las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna originales aumentan la protección contra la variante omicron… AHORA. Hace unas semanas publicamos los resultados de Pfizer que mostraban que: ➡️ Una tercera dosis de la vacuna Pfizer original aumentó 25 veces los niveles de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra la variante omicron, en comparación con los niveles observados Read more…
December 21, 2021
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Omicron variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Omicron may be even more transmissible than previous variants, possibly due to faster replication in the upper airways, meaning people will expel lots of virus when breathing and talking. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Omicron, it’s also a Read more…
December 21, 2021
Why should we get a booster with the existing COVID vaccine when a new one is in the works for Omicron?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Boosters with the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increase protection against the omicron variant…NOW. A few weeks ago we posted on results from Pfizer showing that: 🔵 A third dose of the original Pfizer vaccine increased neutralizing antibody titers against the omicron variant by 25-fold, compared to levels seen with only two doses 🔵 Read more…
December 20, 2021
Is it true that Omicron is less severe than previous variants?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We HOPE so, but we don’t know yet. The evidence so far is mixed. TL;DR We are WAY past due for some good variant news. But pinning our Omicron hopes on a less virulent variant is not wise for two reasons: 1) It might not be less severe in those who are “immune naïve” Read more…
December 19, 2021
La transmisión de COVID-19 y las medidas de protección para evitarla
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con la nueva ola de Omicron en aumento, es súper importante recordar los métodos de contagio y las medidas de protección para evitarlos. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 18, 2021
Can I boost with an mRNA vaccine if I got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…
The one certainty in this pandemic is CHANGE….. And in science, changing evidence means that we learn more about what we are studying. And that means that we update based on new knowledge. This is sort of, kind of, what happened this week. See Dr. Lindsey’s earlier post on this…..and the WHY…. Before diving in, Read more…
Is the new CDC isolation policy good or bad?
Health Policy
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: There are no easy answers, only tough tradeoffs. Read below to learn how to stay calm and think on. 💥Think Like a Health Policy Nerd: A New Occasional Series💥 Pandemic policy chatter is a bit like an epidemic curve. A controversial health policy decision lands. It’s met with loud cheers by some and louder Read more…
December 28, 2021
What should I do if I can’t get a COVID-19 test and I am symptomatic?
Clinical Symptoms
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Stay calm and isolate. Let someone know you are not feeling well if you are alone. Continue to monitor for worsening symptoms. Call for help if symptoms worsen. Seek emergency care if you are unable to care for yourself at home. COVID-19 testing is difficult to find at the moment in many places. If you Read more…
December 28, 2021
La vacuna para COVID-19 de Novavax estará disponible en el mercado mundial pronto.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta vacuna está hecha con el mismo proceso de varias vacunas ya disponibles actualmente– igual a las que nos protegen de la tos ferina, la neumonía y la hepatitis B. Se llaman vacunas de proteínas subunidades y tienen varias ventajas, incluyendo que son bien toleradas, baratas, no requieren tecnología avanzada para fabricar y no tienen Read more…
December 26, 2021
Cuidar de la variante Omicron!
COVID Variants Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Cuidémonos de la variante Omicron, por nuestro bienestar y el de nuestras familias y amigos, vacunémonos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 25, 2021
Las celebraciones de fin de año
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las celebraciones de fin de año (especialmente durante la pandemia de COVID) pueden producir MUCHOS sentimientos, buenos y malos, al mismo tiempo. A medida que avanzamos en esta temporada navideña, ¡tomemos un momento para nosotros mismos! Que cada uno de nosotros lleve nuestras fortalezas, reflexiones y compasión al Año Nuevo. Con cariño, Las Nerdy Read more…
December 24, 2021
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season – and that means taking care of your mental health in addition to keeping your #SMARTS* for COVID-19 safety. With Love, Those Nerdy Girls *SMARTS are our nerdy way to remember: Space, Masks, Air, Restricting people, Limiting time with them, and getting your Shots! Remember Read more…
December 23, 2021
Tips para una celebración de las fiestas navideñas/invernales de manera segura.
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las Nerdy Girls les deseamos Felices Fiestas a todos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 23, 2021
News Alert! The CDC now recommends mRNA vaccines over the Janssen (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: The Janssen vaccine is still definitely better than no vaccine at all, but the mRNA vaccine appears to be safer and more effective. If you haven’t gotten your first vaccine yet, Pfizer or Moderna is preferred. If you already got the first Janssen shot but haven’t yet got your booster, the mRNA is recommended Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 21, 2021
¿Por qué deberíamos recibir el refuerzo de la vacuna COVID existente cuando se está preparando una nueva para Omicron?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Los refuerzos con las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna originales aumentan la protección contra la variante omicron… AHORA. Hace unas semanas publicamos los resultados de Pfizer que mostraban que: ➡️ Una tercera dosis de la vacuna Pfizer original aumentó 25 veces los niveles de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra la variante omicron, en comparación con los niveles observados Read more…
December 21, 2021
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Omicron variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Omicron may be even more transmissible than previous variants, possibly due to faster replication in the upper airways, meaning people will expel lots of virus when breathing and talking. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Omicron, it’s also a Read more…
December 21, 2021
Why should we get a booster with the existing COVID vaccine when a new one is in the works for Omicron?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Boosters with the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increase protection against the omicron variant…NOW. A few weeks ago we posted on results from Pfizer showing that: 🔵 A third dose of the original Pfizer vaccine increased neutralizing antibody titers against the omicron variant by 25-fold, compared to levels seen with only two doses 🔵 Read more…
December 20, 2021
Is it true that Omicron is less severe than previous variants?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We HOPE so, but we don’t know yet. The evidence so far is mixed. TL;DR We are WAY past due for some good variant news. But pinning our Omicron hopes on a less virulent variant is not wise for two reasons: 1) It might not be less severe in those who are “immune naïve” Read more…
December 19, 2021
La transmisión de COVID-19 y las medidas de protección para evitarla
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con la nueva ola de Omicron en aumento, es súper importante recordar los métodos de contagio y las medidas de protección para evitarlos. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 18, 2021
Can I boost with an mRNA vaccine if I got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…
A: There are no easy answers, only tough tradeoffs. Read below to learn how to stay calm and think on. 💥Think Like a Health Policy Nerd: A New Occasional Series💥 Pandemic policy chatter is a bit like an epidemic curve. A controversial health policy decision lands. It’s met with loud cheers by some and louder Read more…
What should I do if I can’t get a COVID-19 test and I am symptomatic?
Clinical Symptoms
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Stay calm and isolate. Let someone know you are not feeling well if you are alone. Continue to monitor for worsening symptoms. Call for help if symptoms worsen. Seek emergency care if you are unable to care for yourself at home. COVID-19 testing is difficult to find at the moment in many places. If you Read more…
December 28, 2021
La vacuna para COVID-19 de Novavax estará disponible en el mercado mundial pronto.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta vacuna está hecha con el mismo proceso de varias vacunas ya disponibles actualmente– igual a las que nos protegen de la tos ferina, la neumonía y la hepatitis B. Se llaman vacunas de proteínas subunidades y tienen varias ventajas, incluyendo que son bien toleradas, baratas, no requieren tecnología avanzada para fabricar y no tienen Read more…
December 26, 2021
Cuidar de la variante Omicron!
COVID Variants Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Cuidémonos de la variante Omicron, por nuestro bienestar y el de nuestras familias y amigos, vacunémonos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 25, 2021
Las celebraciones de fin de año
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las celebraciones de fin de año (especialmente durante la pandemia de COVID) pueden producir MUCHOS sentimientos, buenos y malos, al mismo tiempo. A medida que avanzamos en esta temporada navideña, ¡tomemos un momento para nosotros mismos! Que cada uno de nosotros lleve nuestras fortalezas, reflexiones y compasión al Año Nuevo. Con cariño, Las Nerdy Read more…
December 24, 2021
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season – and that means taking care of your mental health in addition to keeping your #SMARTS* for COVID-19 safety. With Love, Those Nerdy Girls *SMARTS are our nerdy way to remember: Space, Masks, Air, Restricting people, Limiting time with them, and getting your Shots! Remember Read more…
December 23, 2021
Tips para una celebración de las fiestas navideñas/invernales de manera segura.
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las Nerdy Girls les deseamos Felices Fiestas a todos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 23, 2021
News Alert! The CDC now recommends mRNA vaccines over the Janssen (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: The Janssen vaccine is still definitely better than no vaccine at all, but the mRNA vaccine appears to be safer and more effective. If you haven’t gotten your first vaccine yet, Pfizer or Moderna is preferred. If you already got the first Janssen shot but haven’t yet got your booster, the mRNA is recommended Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 21, 2021
¿Por qué deberíamos recibir el refuerzo de la vacuna COVID existente cuando se está preparando una nueva para Omicron?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Los refuerzos con las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna originales aumentan la protección contra la variante omicron… AHORA. Hace unas semanas publicamos los resultados de Pfizer que mostraban que: ➡️ Una tercera dosis de la vacuna Pfizer original aumentó 25 veces los niveles de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra la variante omicron, en comparación con los niveles observados Read more…
December 21, 2021
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Omicron variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Omicron may be even more transmissible than previous variants, possibly due to faster replication in the upper airways, meaning people will expel lots of virus when breathing and talking. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Omicron, it’s also a Read more…
December 21, 2021
Why should we get a booster with the existing COVID vaccine when a new one is in the works for Omicron?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Boosters with the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increase protection against the omicron variant…NOW. A few weeks ago we posted on results from Pfizer showing that: 🔵 A third dose of the original Pfizer vaccine increased neutralizing antibody titers against the omicron variant by 25-fold, compared to levels seen with only two doses 🔵 Read more…
December 20, 2021
Is it true that Omicron is less severe than previous variants?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We HOPE so, but we don’t know yet. The evidence so far is mixed. TL;DR We are WAY past due for some good variant news. But pinning our Omicron hopes on a less virulent variant is not wise for two reasons: 1) It might not be less severe in those who are “immune naïve” Read more…
December 19, 2021
La transmisión de COVID-19 y las medidas de protección para evitarla
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con la nueva ola de Omicron en aumento, es súper importante recordar los métodos de contagio y las medidas de protección para evitarlos. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 18, 2021
Can I boost with an mRNA vaccine if I got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…
Stay calm and isolate. Let someone know you are not feeling well if you are alone. Continue to monitor for worsening symptoms. Call for help if symptoms worsen. Seek emergency care if you are unable to care for yourself at home. COVID-19 testing is difficult to find at the moment in many places. If you Read more…
La vacuna para COVID-19 de Novavax estará disponible en el mercado mundial pronto.
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Esta vacuna está hecha con el mismo proceso de varias vacunas ya disponibles actualmente– igual a las que nos protegen de la tos ferina, la neumonía y la hepatitis B. Se llaman vacunas de proteínas subunidades y tienen varias ventajas, incluyendo que son bien toleradas, baratas, no requieren tecnología avanzada para fabricar y no tienen Read more…
December 26, 2021
Cuidar de la variante Omicron!
COVID Variants Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Cuidémonos de la variante Omicron, por nuestro bienestar y el de nuestras familias y amigos, vacunémonos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 25, 2021
Las celebraciones de fin de año
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las celebraciones de fin de año (especialmente durante la pandemia de COVID) pueden producir MUCHOS sentimientos, buenos y malos, al mismo tiempo. A medida que avanzamos en esta temporada navideña, ¡tomemos un momento para nosotros mismos! Que cada uno de nosotros lleve nuestras fortalezas, reflexiones y compasión al Año Nuevo. Con cariño, Las Nerdy Read more…
December 24, 2021
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season – and that means taking care of your mental health in addition to keeping your #SMARTS* for COVID-19 safety. With Love, Those Nerdy Girls *SMARTS are our nerdy way to remember: Space, Masks, Air, Restricting people, Limiting time with them, and getting your Shots! Remember Read more…
December 23, 2021
Tips para una celebración de las fiestas navideñas/invernales de manera segura.
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las Nerdy Girls les deseamos Felices Fiestas a todos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 23, 2021
News Alert! The CDC now recommends mRNA vaccines over the Janssen (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: The Janssen vaccine is still definitely better than no vaccine at all, but the mRNA vaccine appears to be safer and more effective. If you haven’t gotten your first vaccine yet, Pfizer or Moderna is preferred. If you already got the first Janssen shot but haven’t yet got your booster, the mRNA is recommended Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 21, 2021
¿Por qué deberíamos recibir el refuerzo de la vacuna COVID existente cuando se está preparando una nueva para Omicron?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Los refuerzos con las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna originales aumentan la protección contra la variante omicron… AHORA. Hace unas semanas publicamos los resultados de Pfizer que mostraban que: ➡️ Una tercera dosis de la vacuna Pfizer original aumentó 25 veces los niveles de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra la variante omicron, en comparación con los niveles observados Read more…
December 21, 2021
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Omicron variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Omicron may be even more transmissible than previous variants, possibly due to faster replication in the upper airways, meaning people will expel lots of virus when breathing and talking. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Omicron, it’s also a Read more…
December 21, 2021
Why should we get a booster with the existing COVID vaccine when a new one is in the works for Omicron?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Boosters with the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increase protection against the omicron variant…NOW. A few weeks ago we posted on results from Pfizer showing that: 🔵 A third dose of the original Pfizer vaccine increased neutralizing antibody titers against the omicron variant by 25-fold, compared to levels seen with only two doses 🔵 Read more…
December 20, 2021
Is it true that Omicron is less severe than previous variants?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We HOPE so, but we don’t know yet. The evidence so far is mixed. TL;DR We are WAY past due for some good variant news. But pinning our Omicron hopes on a less virulent variant is not wise for two reasons: 1) It might not be less severe in those who are “immune naïve” Read more…
December 19, 2021
La transmisión de COVID-19 y las medidas de protección para evitarla
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con la nueva ola de Omicron en aumento, es súper importante recordar los métodos de contagio y las medidas de protección para evitarlos. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 18, 2021
Can I boost with an mRNA vaccine if I got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…
Esta vacuna está hecha con el mismo proceso de varias vacunas ya disponibles actualmente– igual a las que nos protegen de la tos ferina, la neumonía y la hepatitis B. Se llaman vacunas de proteínas subunidades y tienen varias ventajas, incluyendo que son bien toleradas, baratas, no requieren tecnología avanzada para fabricar y no tienen Read more…
Cuidar de la variante Omicron!
COVID Variants Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Cuidémonos de la variante Omicron, por nuestro bienestar y el de nuestras familias y amigos, vacunémonos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 25, 2021
Las celebraciones de fin de año
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las celebraciones de fin de año (especialmente durante la pandemia de COVID) pueden producir MUCHOS sentimientos, buenos y malos, al mismo tiempo. A medida que avanzamos en esta temporada navideña, ¡tomemos un momento para nosotros mismos! Que cada uno de nosotros lleve nuestras fortalezas, reflexiones y compasión al Año Nuevo. Con cariño, Las Nerdy Read more…
December 24, 2021
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season – and that means taking care of your mental health in addition to keeping your #SMARTS* for COVID-19 safety. With Love, Those Nerdy Girls *SMARTS are our nerdy way to remember: Space, Masks, Air, Restricting people, Limiting time with them, and getting your Shots! Remember Read more…
December 23, 2021
Tips para una celebración de las fiestas navideñas/invernales de manera segura.
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las Nerdy Girls les deseamos Felices Fiestas a todos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 23, 2021
News Alert! The CDC now recommends mRNA vaccines over the Janssen (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: The Janssen vaccine is still definitely better than no vaccine at all, but the mRNA vaccine appears to be safer and more effective. If you haven’t gotten your first vaccine yet, Pfizer or Moderna is preferred. If you already got the first Janssen shot but haven’t yet got your booster, the mRNA is recommended Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 21, 2021
¿Por qué deberíamos recibir el refuerzo de la vacuna COVID existente cuando se está preparando una nueva para Omicron?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Los refuerzos con las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna originales aumentan la protección contra la variante omicron… AHORA. Hace unas semanas publicamos los resultados de Pfizer que mostraban que: ➡️ Una tercera dosis de la vacuna Pfizer original aumentó 25 veces los niveles de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra la variante omicron, en comparación con los niveles observados Read more…
December 21, 2021
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Omicron variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Omicron may be even more transmissible than previous variants, possibly due to faster replication in the upper airways, meaning people will expel lots of virus when breathing and talking. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Omicron, it’s also a Read more…
December 21, 2021
Why should we get a booster with the existing COVID vaccine when a new one is in the works for Omicron?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Boosters with the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increase protection against the omicron variant…NOW. A few weeks ago we posted on results from Pfizer showing that: 🔵 A third dose of the original Pfizer vaccine increased neutralizing antibody titers against the omicron variant by 25-fold, compared to levels seen with only two doses 🔵 Read more…
December 20, 2021
Is it true that Omicron is less severe than previous variants?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We HOPE so, but we don’t know yet. The evidence so far is mixed. TL;DR We are WAY past due for some good variant news. But pinning our Omicron hopes on a less virulent variant is not wise for two reasons: 1) It might not be less severe in those who are “immune naïve” Read more…
December 19, 2021
La transmisión de COVID-19 y las medidas de protección para evitarla
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con la nueva ola de Omicron en aumento, es súper importante recordar los métodos de contagio y las medidas de protección para evitarlos. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 18, 2021
Can I boost with an mRNA vaccine if I got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…
Cuidémonos de la variante Omicron, por nuestro bienestar y el de nuestras familias y amigos, vacunémonos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
Las celebraciones de fin de año
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las celebraciones de fin de año (especialmente durante la pandemia de COVID) pueden producir MUCHOS sentimientos, buenos y malos, al mismo tiempo. A medida que avanzamos en esta temporada navideña, ¡tomemos un momento para nosotros mismos! Que cada uno de nosotros lleve nuestras fortalezas, reflexiones y compasión al Año Nuevo. Con cariño, Las Nerdy Read more…
December 24, 2021
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season – and that means taking care of your mental health in addition to keeping your #SMARTS* for COVID-19 safety. With Love, Those Nerdy Girls *SMARTS are our nerdy way to remember: Space, Masks, Air, Restricting people, Limiting time with them, and getting your Shots! Remember Read more…
December 23, 2021
Tips para una celebración de las fiestas navideñas/invernales de manera segura.
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las Nerdy Girls les deseamos Felices Fiestas a todos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 23, 2021
News Alert! The CDC now recommends mRNA vaccines over the Janssen (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: The Janssen vaccine is still definitely better than no vaccine at all, but the mRNA vaccine appears to be safer and more effective. If you haven’t gotten your first vaccine yet, Pfizer or Moderna is preferred. If you already got the first Janssen shot but haven’t yet got your booster, the mRNA is recommended Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 21, 2021
¿Por qué deberíamos recibir el refuerzo de la vacuna COVID existente cuando se está preparando una nueva para Omicron?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Los refuerzos con las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna originales aumentan la protección contra la variante omicron… AHORA. Hace unas semanas publicamos los resultados de Pfizer que mostraban que: ➡️ Una tercera dosis de la vacuna Pfizer original aumentó 25 veces los niveles de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra la variante omicron, en comparación con los niveles observados Read more…
December 21, 2021
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Omicron variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Omicron may be even more transmissible than previous variants, possibly due to faster replication in the upper airways, meaning people will expel lots of virus when breathing and talking. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Omicron, it’s also a Read more…
December 21, 2021
Why should we get a booster with the existing COVID vaccine when a new one is in the works for Omicron?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Boosters with the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increase protection against the omicron variant…NOW. A few weeks ago we posted on results from Pfizer showing that: 🔵 A third dose of the original Pfizer vaccine increased neutralizing antibody titers against the omicron variant by 25-fold, compared to levels seen with only two doses 🔵 Read more…
December 20, 2021
Is it true that Omicron is less severe than previous variants?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We HOPE so, but we don’t know yet. The evidence so far is mixed. TL;DR We are WAY past due for some good variant news. But pinning our Omicron hopes on a less virulent variant is not wise for two reasons: 1) It might not be less severe in those who are “immune naïve” Read more…
December 19, 2021
La transmisión de COVID-19 y las medidas de protección para evitarla
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con la nueva ola de Omicron en aumento, es súper importante recordar los métodos de contagio y las medidas de protección para evitarlos. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 18, 2021
Can I boost with an mRNA vaccine if I got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…
Las celebraciones de fin de año (especialmente durante la pandemia de COVID) pueden producir MUCHOS sentimientos, buenos y malos, al mismo tiempo. A medida que avanzamos en esta temporada navideña, ¡tomemos un momento para nosotros mismos! Que cada uno de nosotros lleve nuestras fortalezas, reflexiones y compasión al Año Nuevo. Con cariño, Las Nerdy Read more…
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season – and that means taking care of your mental health in addition to keeping your #SMARTS* for COVID-19 safety. With Love, Those Nerdy Girls *SMARTS are our nerdy way to remember: Space, Masks, Air, Restricting people, Limiting time with them, and getting your Shots! Remember Read more…
December 23, 2021
Tips para una celebración de las fiestas navideñas/invernales de manera segura.
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las Nerdy Girls les deseamos Felices Fiestas a todos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 23, 2021
News Alert! The CDC now recommends mRNA vaccines over the Janssen (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: The Janssen vaccine is still definitely better than no vaccine at all, but the mRNA vaccine appears to be safer and more effective. If you haven’t gotten your first vaccine yet, Pfizer or Moderna is preferred. If you already got the first Janssen shot but haven’t yet got your booster, the mRNA is recommended Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 21, 2021
¿Por qué deberíamos recibir el refuerzo de la vacuna COVID existente cuando se está preparando una nueva para Omicron?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Los refuerzos con las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna originales aumentan la protección contra la variante omicron… AHORA. Hace unas semanas publicamos los resultados de Pfizer que mostraban que: ➡️ Una tercera dosis de la vacuna Pfizer original aumentó 25 veces los niveles de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra la variante omicron, en comparación con los niveles observados Read more…
December 21, 2021
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Omicron variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Omicron may be even more transmissible than previous variants, possibly due to faster replication in the upper airways, meaning people will expel lots of virus when breathing and talking. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Omicron, it’s also a Read more…
December 21, 2021
Why should we get a booster with the existing COVID vaccine when a new one is in the works for Omicron?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Boosters with the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increase protection against the omicron variant…NOW. A few weeks ago we posted on results from Pfizer showing that: 🔵 A third dose of the original Pfizer vaccine increased neutralizing antibody titers against the omicron variant by 25-fold, compared to levels seen with only two doses 🔵 Read more…
December 20, 2021
Is it true that Omicron is less severe than previous variants?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We HOPE so, but we don’t know yet. The evidence so far is mixed. TL;DR We are WAY past due for some good variant news. But pinning our Omicron hopes on a less virulent variant is not wise for two reasons: 1) It might not be less severe in those who are “immune naïve” Read more…
December 19, 2021
La transmisión de COVID-19 y las medidas de protección para evitarla
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con la nueva ola de Omicron en aumento, es súper importante recordar los métodos de contagio y las medidas de protección para evitarlos. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 18, 2021
Can I boost with an mRNA vaccine if I got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…
Dear Pandemic wishes you a safe and peaceful holiday season – and that means taking care of your mental health in addition to keeping your #SMARTS* for COVID-19 safety. With Love, Those Nerdy Girls *SMARTS are our nerdy way to remember: Space, Masks, Air, Restricting people, Limiting time with them, and getting your Shots! Remember Read more…
Tips para una celebración de las fiestas navideñas/invernales de manera segura.
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Las Nerdy Girls les deseamos Felices Fiestas a todos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 23, 2021
News Alert! The CDC now recommends mRNA vaccines over the Janssen (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: The Janssen vaccine is still definitely better than no vaccine at all, but the mRNA vaccine appears to be safer and more effective. If you haven’t gotten your first vaccine yet, Pfizer or Moderna is preferred. If you already got the first Janssen shot but haven’t yet got your booster, the mRNA is recommended Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 21, 2021
¿Por qué deberíamos recibir el refuerzo de la vacuna COVID existente cuando se está preparando una nueva para Omicron?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Los refuerzos con las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna originales aumentan la protección contra la variante omicron… AHORA. Hace unas semanas publicamos los resultados de Pfizer que mostraban que: ➡️ Una tercera dosis de la vacuna Pfizer original aumentó 25 veces los niveles de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra la variante omicron, en comparación con los niveles observados Read more…
December 21, 2021
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Omicron variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Omicron may be even more transmissible than previous variants, possibly due to faster replication in the upper airways, meaning people will expel lots of virus when breathing and talking. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Omicron, it’s also a Read more…
December 21, 2021
Why should we get a booster with the existing COVID vaccine when a new one is in the works for Omicron?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Boosters with the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increase protection against the omicron variant…NOW. A few weeks ago we posted on results from Pfizer showing that: 🔵 A third dose of the original Pfizer vaccine increased neutralizing antibody titers against the omicron variant by 25-fold, compared to levels seen with only two doses 🔵 Read more…
December 20, 2021
Is it true that Omicron is less severe than previous variants?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We HOPE so, but we don’t know yet. The evidence so far is mixed. TL;DR We are WAY past due for some good variant news. But pinning our Omicron hopes on a less virulent variant is not wise for two reasons: 1) It might not be less severe in those who are “immune naïve” Read more…
December 19, 2021
La transmisión de COVID-19 y las medidas de protección para evitarla
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con la nueva ola de Omicron en aumento, es súper importante recordar los métodos de contagio y las medidas de protección para evitarlos. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 18, 2021
Can I boost with an mRNA vaccine if I got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…
Las Nerdy Girls les deseamos Felices Fiestas a todos! Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
News Alert! The CDC now recommends mRNA vaccines over the Janssen (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine.
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
TL;DR: The Janssen vaccine is still definitely better than no vaccine at all, but the mRNA vaccine appears to be safer and more effective. If you haven’t gotten your first vaccine yet, Pfizer or Moderna is preferred. If you already got the first Janssen shot but haven’t yet got your booster, the mRNA is recommended Read more…
December 22, 2021
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 21, 2021
¿Por qué deberíamos recibir el refuerzo de la vacuna COVID existente cuando se está preparando una nueva para Omicron?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Los refuerzos con las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna originales aumentan la protección contra la variante omicron… AHORA. Hace unas semanas publicamos los resultados de Pfizer que mostraban que: ➡️ Una tercera dosis de la vacuna Pfizer original aumentó 25 veces los niveles de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra la variante omicron, en comparación con los niveles observados Read more…
December 21, 2021
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Omicron variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Omicron may be even more transmissible than previous variants, possibly due to faster replication in the upper airways, meaning people will expel lots of virus when breathing and talking. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Omicron, it’s also a Read more…
December 21, 2021
Why should we get a booster with the existing COVID vaccine when a new one is in the works for Omicron?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Boosters with the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increase protection against the omicron variant…NOW. A few weeks ago we posted on results from Pfizer showing that: 🔵 A third dose of the original Pfizer vaccine increased neutralizing antibody titers against the omicron variant by 25-fold, compared to levels seen with only two doses 🔵 Read more…
December 20, 2021
Is it true that Omicron is less severe than previous variants?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We HOPE so, but we don’t know yet. The evidence so far is mixed. TL;DR We are WAY past due for some good variant news. But pinning our Omicron hopes on a less virulent variant is not wise for two reasons: 1) It might not be less severe in those who are “immune naïve” Read more…
December 19, 2021
La transmisión de COVID-19 y las medidas de protección para evitarla
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con la nueva ola de Omicron en aumento, es súper importante recordar los métodos de contagio y las medidas de protección para evitarlos. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 18, 2021
Can I boost with an mRNA vaccine if I got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…
TL;DR: The Janssen vaccine is still definitely better than no vaccine at all, but the mRNA vaccine appears to be safer and more effective. If you haven’t gotten your first vaccine yet, Pfizer or Moderna is preferred. If you already got the first Janssen shot but haven’t yet got your booster, the mRNA is recommended Read more…
My family stares at screens all day! What are the effects on our eyes? What can we do about it?
Families/Kids School
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
December 21, 2021
¿Por qué deberíamos recibir el refuerzo de la vacuna COVID existente cuando se está preparando una nueva para Omicron?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Los refuerzos con las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna originales aumentan la protección contra la variante omicron… AHORA. Hace unas semanas publicamos los resultados de Pfizer que mostraban que: ➡️ Una tercera dosis de la vacuna Pfizer original aumentó 25 veces los niveles de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra la variante omicron, en comparación con los niveles observados Read more…
December 21, 2021
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Omicron variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Omicron may be even more transmissible than previous variants, possibly due to faster replication in the upper airways, meaning people will expel lots of virus when breathing and talking. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Omicron, it’s also a Read more…
December 21, 2021
Why should we get a booster with the existing COVID vaccine when a new one is in the works for Omicron?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Boosters with the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increase protection against the omicron variant…NOW. A few weeks ago we posted on results from Pfizer showing that: 🔵 A third dose of the original Pfizer vaccine increased neutralizing antibody titers against the omicron variant by 25-fold, compared to levels seen with only two doses 🔵 Read more…
December 20, 2021
Is it true that Omicron is less severe than previous variants?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We HOPE so, but we don’t know yet. The evidence so far is mixed. TL;DR We are WAY past due for some good variant news. But pinning our Omicron hopes on a less virulent variant is not wise for two reasons: 1) It might not be less severe in those who are “immune naïve” Read more…
December 19, 2021
La transmisión de COVID-19 y las medidas de protección para evitarla
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con la nueva ola de Omicron en aumento, es súper importante recordar los métodos de contagio y las medidas de protección para evitarlos. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 18, 2021
Can I boost with an mRNA vaccine if I got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…
A.) TL; DR: Your eyes need a holiday! Increased time on screens is linked to vision changes, dry eyes, blurry vision, eye fatigue, and headaches. Here are some ocular health tips for you and your family. * GO OUTSIDE. Outdoor time exposes your eyes to a different type of light than screens. Bright natural light Read more…
¿Por qué deberíamos recibir el refuerzo de la vacuna COVID existente cuando se está preparando una nueva para Omicron?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Los refuerzos con las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna originales aumentan la protección contra la variante omicron… AHORA. Hace unas semanas publicamos los resultados de Pfizer que mostraban que: ➡️ Una tercera dosis de la vacuna Pfizer original aumentó 25 veces los niveles de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra la variante omicron, en comparación con los niveles observados Read more…
December 21, 2021
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Omicron variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Omicron may be even more transmissible than previous variants, possibly due to faster replication in the upper airways, meaning people will expel lots of virus when breathing and talking. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Omicron, it’s also a Read more…
December 21, 2021
Why should we get a booster with the existing COVID vaccine when a new one is in the works for Omicron?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Boosters with the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increase protection against the omicron variant…NOW. A few weeks ago we posted on results from Pfizer showing that: 🔵 A third dose of the original Pfizer vaccine increased neutralizing antibody titers against the omicron variant by 25-fold, compared to levels seen with only two doses 🔵 Read more…
December 20, 2021
Is it true that Omicron is less severe than previous variants?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We HOPE so, but we don’t know yet. The evidence so far is mixed. TL;DR We are WAY past due for some good variant news. But pinning our Omicron hopes on a less virulent variant is not wise for two reasons: 1) It might not be less severe in those who are “immune naïve” Read more…
December 19, 2021
La transmisión de COVID-19 y las medidas de protección para evitarla
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con la nueva ola de Omicron en aumento, es súper importante recordar los métodos de contagio y las medidas de protección para evitarlos. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 18, 2021
Can I boost with an mRNA vaccine if I got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…
Los refuerzos con las vacunas Pfizer y Moderna originales aumentan la protección contra la variante omicron… AHORA. Hace unas semanas publicamos los resultados de Pfizer que mostraban que: ➡️ Una tercera dosis de la vacuna Pfizer original aumentó 25 veces los niveles de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra la variante omicron, en comparación con los niveles observados Read more…
What’s the best MASK to protect me from the Omicron variant?
COVID Variants Masks
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Omicron may be even more transmissible than previous variants, possibly due to faster replication in the upper airways, meaning people will expel lots of virus when breathing and talking. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Omicron, it’s also a Read more…
December 21, 2021
Why should we get a booster with the existing COVID vaccine when a new one is in the works for Omicron?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Boosters with the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increase protection against the omicron variant…NOW. A few weeks ago we posted on results from Pfizer showing that: 🔵 A third dose of the original Pfizer vaccine increased neutralizing antibody titers against the omicron variant by 25-fold, compared to levels seen with only two doses 🔵 Read more…
December 20, 2021
Is it true that Omicron is less severe than previous variants?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We HOPE so, but we don’t know yet. The evidence so far is mixed. TL;DR We are WAY past due for some good variant news. But pinning our Omicron hopes on a less virulent variant is not wise for two reasons: 1) It might not be less severe in those who are “immune naïve” Read more…
December 19, 2021
La transmisión de COVID-19 y las medidas de protección para evitarla
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con la nueva ola de Omicron en aumento, es súper importante recordar los métodos de contagio y las medidas de protección para evitarlos. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 18, 2021
Can I boost with an mRNA vaccine if I got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…
A: A well-fitted, high filtration mask such as N95, KN95, FFP2 or KF94. ⚠️ Omicron may be even more transmissible than previous variants, possibly due to faster replication in the upper airways, meaning people will expel lots of virus when breathing and talking. While vaccination is still your #1 defense against Omicron, it’s also a Read more…
Why should we get a booster with the existing COVID vaccine when a new one is in the works for Omicron?
COVID Variants Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Boosters with the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increase protection against the omicron variant…NOW. A few weeks ago we posted on results from Pfizer showing that: 🔵 A third dose of the original Pfizer vaccine increased neutralizing antibody titers against the omicron variant by 25-fold, compared to levels seen with only two doses 🔵 Read more…
December 20, 2021
Is it true that Omicron is less severe than previous variants?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We HOPE so, but we don’t know yet. The evidence so far is mixed. TL;DR We are WAY past due for some good variant news. But pinning our Omicron hopes on a less virulent variant is not wise for two reasons: 1) It might not be less severe in those who are “immune naïve” Read more…
December 19, 2021
La transmisión de COVID-19 y las medidas de protección para evitarla
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con la nueva ola de Omicron en aumento, es súper importante recordar los métodos de contagio y las medidas de protección para evitarlos. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 18, 2021
Can I boost with an mRNA vaccine if I got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…
A: Boosters with the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increase protection against the omicron variant…NOW. A few weeks ago we posted on results from Pfizer showing that: 🔵 A third dose of the original Pfizer vaccine increased neutralizing antibody titers against the omicron variant by 25-fold, compared to levels seen with only two doses 🔵 Read more…
Is it true that Omicron is less severe than previous variants?
COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We HOPE so, but we don’t know yet. The evidence so far is mixed. TL;DR We are WAY past due for some good variant news. But pinning our Omicron hopes on a less virulent variant is not wise for two reasons: 1) It might not be less severe in those who are “immune naïve” Read more…
December 19, 2021
La transmisión de COVID-19 y las medidas de protección para evitarla
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con la nueva ola de Omicron en aumento, es súper importante recordar los métodos de contagio y las medidas de protección para evitarlos. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 18, 2021
Can I boost with an mRNA vaccine if I got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…
A: We HOPE so, but we don’t know yet. The evidence so far is mixed. TL;DR We are WAY past due for some good variant news. But pinning our Omicron hopes on a less virulent variant is not wise for two reasons: 1) It might not be less severe in those who are “immune naïve” Read more…
La transmisión de COVID-19 y las medidas de protección para evitarla
Infection and Spread Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con la nueva ola de Omicron en aumento, es súper importante recordar los métodos de contagio y las medidas de protección para evitarlos. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
December 18, 2021
Can I boost with an mRNA vaccine if I got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…
Con la nueva ola de Omicron en aumento, es súper importante recordar los métodos de contagio y las medidas de protección para evitarlos. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
Can I boost with an mRNA vaccine if I got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…
A: Yes, you can. If you got Sinovac or Sinopharm originally, it won’t hurt to boost with an mRNA vaccine–and it might help. No one really knows what the BEST combination is at this point, but overall protection is higher for those who do opt for a different brand booster shot. And most important, there Read more…