
Posts from Those Nerdy Girls

All the posts from our Those Nerdy Girls Facebook page dating back to May 1st, 2020, are currently archived here and can be searched for by category, key words, etc. Be sure to check back often as additional posts are being added each day.

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The number of babies born with syphilis has risen dramatically over the last 10 years. What’s going on?

Infectious Diseases Reproductive Health

Tl;dr: Congenital syphilis is a disease that occurs when a pregnant person passes the infection on to their baby during pregnancy and can be very serious. Rates of congenital syphilis have significantly increased in the last decade. Congenital syphilis can be prevented by finding and treating syphilis in pregnancy. Unfortunately, lack of access to pregnancy Read more…

How long do flu shots last?

Infectious Diseases Vaccines

In general, you can count on 6 months of meaningful protection starting two weeks after you get your annual flu vaccine. Protection may wane earlier in older adults. Getting vaccinated in advance of flu season’s start ensures that you have good coverage when the season begins, and in most adults, your protection will stick around Read more…

Can the keywords you use in a search help you figure out whether a rumor or claim is legit?

Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation

A: Yes! Being strategic about your search terms can help you more effectively identify credible, fact-checked information and avoid just bringing up a bunch of websites promoting the rumor or false claim. TL; DR: MediaWise recommends keywords include specific names or places, target the specific topic or claim, and help focus the results on credible Read more…

Does the Novavax COVID-19 cause fewer side effects?


The Novavax COVID-19 vaccine (Nuvaxovid) causes slightly fewer side effects on average, but the difference is modest at best. People who get the Novavax shot are somewhat less likely to report symptoms at the injection site (e.g. soreness) or throughout the body (e.g. fatigue). Mild to moderate side effects are still very common with Novavax. Read more…

How can we prevent dating violence among teens?

Health & Wellness Mental Health

This post discusses intimate partner violence.  ______________________ A: Supporting healthy relationships and creating a safe environment are key to preventing and stopping teen dating violence. TL; DR: Partner violence can start in early teen years. The emotional and behavioral effects are severe and can carry over into adulthood for both victims and perpetrators. However, abuse Read more…

What is period poverty?

Reproductive Health Social and Racial Justice

A: Period poverty refers to the additional costs (financial, social, or societal) incurred from menstruating. TLDR: Over two thirds of people who menstruate have trouble paying for period supplies, many of whom are low income or from a historically marginalized group. Expanding access to more affordable or free supplies can make it easier for these Read more…

Do I have PTSD?

Mental Health

PTSD is complex, but in a nutshell, it is the body’s response to a stressful or fear provoking event. It causes our bodies to go into a constant state of preparation to fight something dangerous or scary. Over time this can lead to depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, and physical health symptoms. PTSD is not something Read more…

Do flu vaccines work?

Infectious Diseases Vaccines

Yes. Annual flu vaccines prevent hundreds of thousands of cases of flu and save thousands of lives every year. The answer to the question “how well do they work” isn’t black and white because it changes from year to year, and even sometimes within a season. But even in a year when the flu vaccine Read more…

How does Intimate Partner Violence affect the LGBTQ+ community?

Health & Wellness Mental Health

This post discusses intimate partner violence. If you or anyone you know needs help, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). Anonymous, confidential help is available 24/7. How does Intimate Partner Violence affect the LGBTQ+ community? TL;DR: People in the LGBTQ+ community are more likely to experience IPV. The Read more…

Those Nerdy Girls Has New Plans!


Those Nerdy Girls is turning over a new leaf! I took the helm on October 1 as the new Executive Director of Those Nerdy Girls. For those of you who don’t know me, I am a psychology and public health expert with a strong focus on the science of communication and misinformation. I’ve published several Read more…

What is ageism?


Ageism is words or actions that judge someone based on their age, old or young. Ageist behaviors can be purposeful or accidental with personal and societal consequences. While most people think ageism only involves older adults, anyone can be ageist or be affected by ageism. First used by Dr. Robert Butler in 1969, ageism is Read more…