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What does contact tracing look like now, what could it look like in the future and do I need to be worried about privacy?

Testing and Contact Tracing

A: Health departments are notified when an individual tests positive for COVID-19. Contact tracing staff reach out to new cases by phone to determine who (i.e., friends, family, co-workers) they may have had close contact with (within 6 ft) beginning with the days leading up to the onset of their symptoms, as well as what Read more…

How do we best protect front-line physicians when society reopens?

Reopening Testing and Contact Tracing

A: A relentless focus on the three “Ts” — TEST, TRACE, and TREAT. (And, for all that is good and holy, more PPE). The Nerdy Girls are proud supporters of the amazing physician leaders at Impact, authors of this U.S. News and World Report article. cc: Vinny Arora Eve Bloomgarden Pfanzelter Laura Zimmermann Shikha Jain Kumar Amisha Wallia Link Read more…

I have been hearing about CT scans as possibly being better at testing for COVID-19 than the current swab test. Is this true?

Clinical Symptoms Testing and Contact Tracing

A: It’s a little more complicated. Experts believe that the false negative rate (people who have a negative test result but are actually positive) can be around 30% with the swab test, generally due to improper sample collection. CT scans check for lung appearance, specifically ”ground glass” opacities, which are common to several diseases (pneumonia, Read more…

What do individuals who are infected with coronavirus and are asymptomatic, pre-symptomatic or mildly symptomatic have in common?

Infection and Spread

A: All three types of infected individuals may be able to transmit coronavirus to others without realizing they themselves have been infected. ASYMPTOMATIC individuals are those that carry the active virus in their body but never develop any symptoms. PRE-SYMPTOMATIC individuals are those that have been infected with the virus but haven’t started to show Read more…

I am pregnant and am worried about my delivery and my mental health. Where can I turn?

Families/Kids Mental Health

A: You are not alone. More than 20% of new mothers experience a perinatal mood and/or anxiety disorder. Increasing evidence from top journals such as the Lancet are telling us that the effects of COVID-19 isolation policies are influencing our mental health, regardless of whether we had any mental health issues prior to this crisis. Read more…

Why is everyone suddenly talking about the positivity rate? Is this positive psychology or something else?

Data and Metrics Data Literacy Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing

A: Definitely not positive psychology! The positivity rate is simply the fraction of people who test positive for COVID-19 out of all the people who get tested. It is important because it is a rough indicator of how much of the true extent of COVID-19 infection is being detected and diagnosed. In other words, a Read more…

What’s the latest on whether kids are as likely as adults to be hospitalized and to fall critically ill from COVID-19?

Data and Metrics Families/Kids

A: The latest news is good news for those worried about kids: The chances of being hospitalized and ending up in intensive care are much lower — by an order of magnitude — for children <18 years old compared to those 18-64. Here’s the core nugget of results from the study as reported by NPR: Read more…

When can we restart society?


A: Leading experts suggest four guideposts: (1) We see a sustained 14 day decrease in cases; (2) Our health care system can handle the existing load; (3) We can test at least everyone who has symptoms; (4) We can trace confirmed cases and their close contacts. Different geographies will reach these milestones at different times. Read more…

Frequent and proper hand-washing is essential to prevent the spread of COVID-19. But all this hand-washing (and use of sanitizers) is leading to dry, cracked skin which can increase the risk of infections. Can anything be done about this?

Infection and Spread Staying Safe

A. Yes! The following are steps you can take to prevent dryness: -Use a hand soap that’s mild and fragrance-free -Wash with warm, not hot water -After washing hands, pat them dry (don’t rub) -Use an oil-based hand cream (not a lotion!) immediately afterwards to seal in the moisture -at night, apply a thick hand Read more…