Masks and Summer Camps for Kids
Families/Kids Reopening Staying SafeMalia Jones, PhD MPH
May 31, 2021
Cases are coming down. Am I now safe from COVID-19 even if I’m unvaccinated?
Data and Metrics Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No, not yet. In some U.S states case and hospitalization rates AMONG the unvaccinated are still as high as during the winter surge. We recently highlighted the good news of declining cases in the U.S. While this is still true overall, the statistics obscure higher rates among those who are not vaccinated. With vaccines Read more…
May 27, 2021
Coronaviruses are so small. Why does my mask help?
Masks Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Because size really does matter. Here is the “Keep It Simple, Scientist” version of relative particle size. Many infections like COVID-19, the common cold, and flu are spread from person-to-person by respiratory droplets. That’s why it is good to cover your cough or sneeze. The spray that hits you when someone near you sneezes Read more…
May 20, 2021
Am I the only one who missed regular medical appointments because of the pandemic?
Families/Kids Reopening Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: No, you are not alone. Over half of those surveyed who needed to seek medical care during early the months of 2020 missed getting that care. In a national survey of 1337 people, 41% said they skipped general medical care from March through mid-July 2020. Numbers were even higher for people who needed specific Read more…
May 7, 2021
What’s up with otters getting COVID-19?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL; DR. Otters at the Georgia Aquarium recently joined the growing list of animals that test positive for COVID-19. T hey were showing mild symptoms but there is no expectation of long-term effects. While transmission from animals to humans is extremely rare, scientists recommend taking precautions to limit exposures in either direction. What’s up Read more…
May 1, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic’s contributors Drs. Michelle Kinder, Aparna Kumar, and Malia Jones will be taking questions submitted by kids on this weeks’ Live event! We’ll be talking about bats, masks, nanometers, and so much more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and our kids’ Favorite Books (0:00-2:42) ➡️ Greta from Camp Hill, PA asks: Why do you need the Read more…
April 28, 2021
What is the new guidance for wearing masks outdoors, particularly if we are vaccinated?
Masks Staying Safe Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Vaccinated people in the United States (US) only need to wear a mask outdoors in crowded settings (think sporting events, parades, and concerts). In other words, being vaccinated means you can get back to nearly normal outdoor activities just as the weather is warming up! Yeah!! TL;DR The new guidelines for mask use in Read more…
April 23, 2021
Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic, or are there truly safe ways to use them where ventilation is concerned? TL;DR. Public bathrooms may present a higher COVID-19 risk than some other public spaces. We provide some tips on how to reduce this risk. As we’ve noted in other posts, bathrooms can carry Read more…
April 15, 2021
The local bar is now open for indoor drinks. Is this a good idea?
Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Safer options exist, especially if you are not vaccinated. It is hard to maintain masks, distance, and airflow inside a bar, especially after a few drinks. COVID-19 cases spread at the bar have a way of traveling through the community and affecting many. A recent study identified 46 cases of COVID-19 linked to one Read more…
April 14, 2021
I got the J&J shot and now I’m freaking out… what should I do?
Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: We understand you may be fearful. Here’s what you need to do if you recently got the J&J vaccine. 1️⃣ Watch for the specific symptoms: severe headache, abdominal pain (belly or gut), leg pain, or shortness of breath. If you have any of these symptoms up to a month after receiving the J&J vaccine, Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
April 3, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Videos
Christine Whelan, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Christine Whelan and Dr. Ashley Ritter will be tackling questions about kids and COVID, whether mask-wearing will become standard preventative health in the future, what to do with your official vaccination record card, and what to consider as we head into summer. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:00-1:17) ➡️ Read more…
April 2, 2021
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel Vaccines
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
March 27, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Jennifer Beam Dowd and Dr. Lindsey Leininger will be tackling questions about vaccines, kids and outdoor play, safety of swimming lessons, and more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:20-1:50) ➡️ Vaccines Updates – for pregnant people, kids, and the AZ vaccine trial kerfuffle (1:51-5:09) Related Link ➡️ Announcements (5:13-7:01) Read more…
March 26, 2021
What the heck is a fomite?
Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL; DR: The term fomite refers to a contaminated surface or object (e.g., serving spoon, door knob) that allows for the transmission of an infectious agent. The good news is that fomite transmission is not common for the virus that causes COVID-19. The Nerdy Girls love words! Let’s take a dive into the origin Read more…
March 25, 2021
Based on information gathered from Emily Oster’s recent article in The Atlantic, can I consider it safe for children to travel and have unmasked/indoor playdates, especially looking ahead to summer?
Families/Kids Staying Safe Vaccines
A: No. Dr. Oster’s article did not suggest that it’s safe for children to have unmasked playdates and return to 100% normal life this summer. As science journalist Tara Haelle put it, “it’s fine for your unvaccinated kids to go on a road trip and hug their vaccinated grandmas. It’s just not okay to pretend Read more…
Cases are coming down. Am I now safe from COVID-19 even if I’m unvaccinated?
Data and Metrics Staying SafeJennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No, not yet. In some U.S states case and hospitalization rates AMONG the unvaccinated are still as high as during the winter surge. We recently highlighted the good news of declining cases in the U.S. While this is still true overall, the statistics obscure higher rates among those who are not vaccinated. With vaccines Read more…
May 27, 2021
Coronaviruses are so small. Why does my mask help?
Masks Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Because size really does matter. Here is the “Keep It Simple, Scientist” version of relative particle size. Many infections like COVID-19, the common cold, and flu are spread from person-to-person by respiratory droplets. That’s why it is good to cover your cough or sneeze. The spray that hits you when someone near you sneezes Read more…
May 20, 2021
Am I the only one who missed regular medical appointments because of the pandemic?
Families/Kids Reopening Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: No, you are not alone. Over half of those surveyed who needed to seek medical care during early the months of 2020 missed getting that care. In a national survey of 1337 people, 41% said they skipped general medical care from March through mid-July 2020. Numbers were even higher for people who needed specific Read more…
May 7, 2021
What’s up with otters getting COVID-19?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL; DR. Otters at the Georgia Aquarium recently joined the growing list of animals that test positive for COVID-19. T hey were showing mild symptoms but there is no expectation of long-term effects. While transmission from animals to humans is extremely rare, scientists recommend taking precautions to limit exposures in either direction. What’s up Read more…
May 1, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic’s contributors Drs. Michelle Kinder, Aparna Kumar, and Malia Jones will be taking questions submitted by kids on this weeks’ Live event! We’ll be talking about bats, masks, nanometers, and so much more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and our kids’ Favorite Books (0:00-2:42) ➡️ Greta from Camp Hill, PA asks: Why do you need the Read more…
April 28, 2021
What is the new guidance for wearing masks outdoors, particularly if we are vaccinated?
Masks Staying Safe Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Vaccinated people in the United States (US) only need to wear a mask outdoors in crowded settings (think sporting events, parades, and concerts). In other words, being vaccinated means you can get back to nearly normal outdoor activities just as the weather is warming up! Yeah!! TL;DR The new guidelines for mask use in Read more…
April 23, 2021
Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic, or are there truly safe ways to use them where ventilation is concerned? TL;DR. Public bathrooms may present a higher COVID-19 risk than some other public spaces. We provide some tips on how to reduce this risk. As we’ve noted in other posts, bathrooms can carry Read more…
April 15, 2021
The local bar is now open for indoor drinks. Is this a good idea?
Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Safer options exist, especially if you are not vaccinated. It is hard to maintain masks, distance, and airflow inside a bar, especially after a few drinks. COVID-19 cases spread at the bar have a way of traveling through the community and affecting many. A recent study identified 46 cases of COVID-19 linked to one Read more…
April 14, 2021
I got the J&J shot and now I’m freaking out… what should I do?
Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: We understand you may be fearful. Here’s what you need to do if you recently got the J&J vaccine. 1️⃣ Watch for the specific symptoms: severe headache, abdominal pain (belly or gut), leg pain, or shortness of breath. If you have any of these symptoms up to a month after receiving the J&J vaccine, Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
April 3, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Videos
Christine Whelan, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Christine Whelan and Dr. Ashley Ritter will be tackling questions about kids and COVID, whether mask-wearing will become standard preventative health in the future, what to do with your official vaccination record card, and what to consider as we head into summer. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:00-1:17) ➡️ Read more…
April 2, 2021
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel Vaccines
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
March 27, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Jennifer Beam Dowd and Dr. Lindsey Leininger will be tackling questions about vaccines, kids and outdoor play, safety of swimming lessons, and more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:20-1:50) ➡️ Vaccines Updates – for pregnant people, kids, and the AZ vaccine trial kerfuffle (1:51-5:09) Related Link ➡️ Announcements (5:13-7:01) Read more…
March 26, 2021
What the heck is a fomite?
Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL; DR: The term fomite refers to a contaminated surface or object (e.g., serving spoon, door knob) that allows for the transmission of an infectious agent. The good news is that fomite transmission is not common for the virus that causes COVID-19. The Nerdy Girls love words! Let’s take a dive into the origin Read more…
March 25, 2021
Based on information gathered from Emily Oster’s recent article in The Atlantic, can I consider it safe for children to travel and have unmasked/indoor playdates, especially looking ahead to summer?
Families/Kids Staying Safe Vaccines
A: No. Dr. Oster’s article did not suggest that it’s safe for children to have unmasked playdates and return to 100% normal life this summer. As science journalist Tara Haelle put it, “it’s fine for your unvaccinated kids to go on a road trip and hug their vaccinated grandmas. It’s just not okay to pretend Read more…
A: No, not yet. In some U.S states case and hospitalization rates AMONG the unvaccinated are still as high as during the winter surge. We recently highlighted the good news of declining cases in the U.S. While this is still true overall, the statistics obscure higher rates among those who are not vaccinated. With vaccines Read more…
Coronaviruses are so small. Why does my mask help?
Masks Staying SafeVerdena Jennings, DO
A: Because size really does matter. Here is the “Keep It Simple, Scientist” version of relative particle size. Many infections like COVID-19, the common cold, and flu are spread from person-to-person by respiratory droplets. That’s why it is good to cover your cough or sneeze. The spray that hits you when someone near you sneezes Read more…
May 20, 2021
Am I the only one who missed regular medical appointments because of the pandemic?
Families/Kids Reopening Staying Safe
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: No, you are not alone. Over half of those surveyed who needed to seek medical care during early the months of 2020 missed getting that care. In a national survey of 1337 people, 41% said they skipped general medical care from March through mid-July 2020. Numbers were even higher for people who needed specific Read more…
May 7, 2021
What’s up with otters getting COVID-19?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL; DR. Otters at the Georgia Aquarium recently joined the growing list of animals that test positive for COVID-19. T hey were showing mild symptoms but there is no expectation of long-term effects. While transmission from animals to humans is extremely rare, scientists recommend taking precautions to limit exposures in either direction. What’s up Read more…
May 1, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic’s contributors Drs. Michelle Kinder, Aparna Kumar, and Malia Jones will be taking questions submitted by kids on this weeks’ Live event! We’ll be talking about bats, masks, nanometers, and so much more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and our kids’ Favorite Books (0:00-2:42) ➡️ Greta from Camp Hill, PA asks: Why do you need the Read more…
April 28, 2021
What is the new guidance for wearing masks outdoors, particularly if we are vaccinated?
Masks Staying Safe Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Vaccinated people in the United States (US) only need to wear a mask outdoors in crowded settings (think sporting events, parades, and concerts). In other words, being vaccinated means you can get back to nearly normal outdoor activities just as the weather is warming up! Yeah!! TL;DR The new guidelines for mask use in Read more…
April 23, 2021
Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic, or are there truly safe ways to use them where ventilation is concerned? TL;DR. Public bathrooms may present a higher COVID-19 risk than some other public spaces. We provide some tips on how to reduce this risk. As we’ve noted in other posts, bathrooms can carry Read more…
April 15, 2021
The local bar is now open for indoor drinks. Is this a good idea?
Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Safer options exist, especially if you are not vaccinated. It is hard to maintain masks, distance, and airflow inside a bar, especially after a few drinks. COVID-19 cases spread at the bar have a way of traveling through the community and affecting many. A recent study identified 46 cases of COVID-19 linked to one Read more…
April 14, 2021
I got the J&J shot and now I’m freaking out… what should I do?
Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: We understand you may be fearful. Here’s what you need to do if you recently got the J&J vaccine. 1️⃣ Watch for the specific symptoms: severe headache, abdominal pain (belly or gut), leg pain, or shortness of breath. If you have any of these symptoms up to a month after receiving the J&J vaccine, Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
April 3, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Videos
Christine Whelan, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Christine Whelan and Dr. Ashley Ritter will be tackling questions about kids and COVID, whether mask-wearing will become standard preventative health in the future, what to do with your official vaccination record card, and what to consider as we head into summer. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:00-1:17) ➡️ Read more…
April 2, 2021
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel Vaccines
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
March 27, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Jennifer Beam Dowd and Dr. Lindsey Leininger will be tackling questions about vaccines, kids and outdoor play, safety of swimming lessons, and more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:20-1:50) ➡️ Vaccines Updates – for pregnant people, kids, and the AZ vaccine trial kerfuffle (1:51-5:09) Related Link ➡️ Announcements (5:13-7:01) Read more…
March 26, 2021
What the heck is a fomite?
Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL; DR: The term fomite refers to a contaminated surface or object (e.g., serving spoon, door knob) that allows for the transmission of an infectious agent. The good news is that fomite transmission is not common for the virus that causes COVID-19. The Nerdy Girls love words! Let’s take a dive into the origin Read more…
March 25, 2021
Based on information gathered from Emily Oster’s recent article in The Atlantic, can I consider it safe for children to travel and have unmasked/indoor playdates, especially looking ahead to summer?
Families/Kids Staying Safe Vaccines
A: No. Dr. Oster’s article did not suggest that it’s safe for children to have unmasked playdates and return to 100% normal life this summer. As science journalist Tara Haelle put it, “it’s fine for your unvaccinated kids to go on a road trip and hug their vaccinated grandmas. It’s just not okay to pretend Read more…
A: Because size really does matter. Here is the “Keep It Simple, Scientist” version of relative particle size. Many infections like COVID-19, the common cold, and flu are spread from person-to-person by respiratory droplets. That’s why it is good to cover your cough or sneeze. The spray that hits you when someone near you sneezes Read more…
Am I the only one who missed regular medical appointments because of the pandemic?
Families/Kids Reopening Staying SafeVerdena Jennings, DO
A: No, you are not alone. Over half of those surveyed who needed to seek medical care during early the months of 2020 missed getting that care. In a national survey of 1337 people, 41% said they skipped general medical care from March through mid-July 2020. Numbers were even higher for people who needed specific Read more…
May 7, 2021
What’s up with otters getting COVID-19?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL; DR. Otters at the Georgia Aquarium recently joined the growing list of animals that test positive for COVID-19. T hey were showing mild symptoms but there is no expectation of long-term effects. While transmission from animals to humans is extremely rare, scientists recommend taking precautions to limit exposures in either direction. What’s up Read more…
May 1, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic’s contributors Drs. Michelle Kinder, Aparna Kumar, and Malia Jones will be taking questions submitted by kids on this weeks’ Live event! We’ll be talking about bats, masks, nanometers, and so much more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and our kids’ Favorite Books (0:00-2:42) ➡️ Greta from Camp Hill, PA asks: Why do you need the Read more…
April 28, 2021
What is the new guidance for wearing masks outdoors, particularly if we are vaccinated?
Masks Staying Safe Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Vaccinated people in the United States (US) only need to wear a mask outdoors in crowded settings (think sporting events, parades, and concerts). In other words, being vaccinated means you can get back to nearly normal outdoor activities just as the weather is warming up! Yeah!! TL;DR The new guidelines for mask use in Read more…
April 23, 2021
Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic, or are there truly safe ways to use them where ventilation is concerned? TL;DR. Public bathrooms may present a higher COVID-19 risk than some other public spaces. We provide some tips on how to reduce this risk. As we’ve noted in other posts, bathrooms can carry Read more…
April 15, 2021
The local bar is now open for indoor drinks. Is this a good idea?
Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Safer options exist, especially if you are not vaccinated. It is hard to maintain masks, distance, and airflow inside a bar, especially after a few drinks. COVID-19 cases spread at the bar have a way of traveling through the community and affecting many. A recent study identified 46 cases of COVID-19 linked to one Read more…
April 14, 2021
I got the J&J shot and now I’m freaking out… what should I do?
Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: We understand you may be fearful. Here’s what you need to do if you recently got the J&J vaccine. 1️⃣ Watch for the specific symptoms: severe headache, abdominal pain (belly or gut), leg pain, or shortness of breath. If you have any of these symptoms up to a month after receiving the J&J vaccine, Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
April 3, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Videos
Christine Whelan, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Christine Whelan and Dr. Ashley Ritter will be tackling questions about kids and COVID, whether mask-wearing will become standard preventative health in the future, what to do with your official vaccination record card, and what to consider as we head into summer. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:00-1:17) ➡️ Read more…
April 2, 2021
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel Vaccines
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
March 27, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Jennifer Beam Dowd and Dr. Lindsey Leininger will be tackling questions about vaccines, kids and outdoor play, safety of swimming lessons, and more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:20-1:50) ➡️ Vaccines Updates – for pregnant people, kids, and the AZ vaccine trial kerfuffle (1:51-5:09) Related Link ➡️ Announcements (5:13-7:01) Read more…
March 26, 2021
What the heck is a fomite?
Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL; DR: The term fomite refers to a contaminated surface or object (e.g., serving spoon, door knob) that allows for the transmission of an infectious agent. The good news is that fomite transmission is not common for the virus that causes COVID-19. The Nerdy Girls love words! Let’s take a dive into the origin Read more…
March 25, 2021
Based on information gathered from Emily Oster’s recent article in The Atlantic, can I consider it safe for children to travel and have unmasked/indoor playdates, especially looking ahead to summer?
Families/Kids Staying Safe Vaccines
A: No. Dr. Oster’s article did not suggest that it’s safe for children to have unmasked playdates and return to 100% normal life this summer. As science journalist Tara Haelle put it, “it’s fine for your unvaccinated kids to go on a road trip and hug their vaccinated grandmas. It’s just not okay to pretend Read more…
A: No, you are not alone. Over half of those surveyed who needed to seek medical care during early the months of 2020 missed getting that care. In a national survey of 1337 people, 41% said they skipped general medical care from March through mid-July 2020. Numbers were even higher for people who needed specific Read more…
What’s up with otters getting COVID-19?
Families/Kids Staying SafeLauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL; DR. Otters at the Georgia Aquarium recently joined the growing list of animals that test positive for COVID-19. T hey were showing mild symptoms but there is no expectation of long-term effects. While transmission from animals to humans is extremely rare, scientists recommend taking precautions to limit exposures in either direction. What’s up Read more…
May 1, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic’s contributors Drs. Michelle Kinder, Aparna Kumar, and Malia Jones will be taking questions submitted by kids on this weeks’ Live event! We’ll be talking about bats, masks, nanometers, and so much more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and our kids’ Favorite Books (0:00-2:42) ➡️ Greta from Camp Hill, PA asks: Why do you need the Read more…
April 28, 2021
What is the new guidance for wearing masks outdoors, particularly if we are vaccinated?
Masks Staying Safe Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Vaccinated people in the United States (US) only need to wear a mask outdoors in crowded settings (think sporting events, parades, and concerts). In other words, being vaccinated means you can get back to nearly normal outdoor activities just as the weather is warming up! Yeah!! TL;DR The new guidelines for mask use in Read more…
April 23, 2021
Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic, or are there truly safe ways to use them where ventilation is concerned? TL;DR. Public bathrooms may present a higher COVID-19 risk than some other public spaces. We provide some tips on how to reduce this risk. As we’ve noted in other posts, bathrooms can carry Read more…
April 15, 2021
The local bar is now open for indoor drinks. Is this a good idea?
Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Safer options exist, especially if you are not vaccinated. It is hard to maintain masks, distance, and airflow inside a bar, especially after a few drinks. COVID-19 cases spread at the bar have a way of traveling through the community and affecting many. A recent study identified 46 cases of COVID-19 linked to one Read more…
April 14, 2021
I got the J&J shot and now I’m freaking out… what should I do?
Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: We understand you may be fearful. Here’s what you need to do if you recently got the J&J vaccine. 1️⃣ Watch for the specific symptoms: severe headache, abdominal pain (belly or gut), leg pain, or shortness of breath. If you have any of these symptoms up to a month after receiving the J&J vaccine, Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
April 3, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Videos
Christine Whelan, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Christine Whelan and Dr. Ashley Ritter will be tackling questions about kids and COVID, whether mask-wearing will become standard preventative health in the future, what to do with your official vaccination record card, and what to consider as we head into summer. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:00-1:17) ➡️ Read more…
April 2, 2021
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel Vaccines
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
March 27, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Jennifer Beam Dowd and Dr. Lindsey Leininger will be tackling questions about vaccines, kids and outdoor play, safety of swimming lessons, and more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:20-1:50) ➡️ Vaccines Updates – for pregnant people, kids, and the AZ vaccine trial kerfuffle (1:51-5:09) Related Link ➡️ Announcements (5:13-7:01) Read more…
March 26, 2021
What the heck is a fomite?
Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL; DR: The term fomite refers to a contaminated surface or object (e.g., serving spoon, door knob) that allows for the transmission of an infectious agent. The good news is that fomite transmission is not common for the virus that causes COVID-19. The Nerdy Girls love words! Let’s take a dive into the origin Read more…
March 25, 2021
Based on information gathered from Emily Oster’s recent article in The Atlantic, can I consider it safe for children to travel and have unmasked/indoor playdates, especially looking ahead to summer?
Families/Kids Staying Safe Vaccines
A: No. Dr. Oster’s article did not suggest that it’s safe for children to have unmasked playdates and return to 100% normal life this summer. As science journalist Tara Haelle put it, “it’s fine for your unvaccinated kids to go on a road trip and hug their vaccinated grandmas. It’s just not okay to pretend Read more…
A: TL; DR. Otters at the Georgia Aquarium recently joined the growing list of animals that test positive for COVID-19. T hey were showing mild symptoms but there is no expectation of long-term effects. While transmission from animals to humans is extremely rare, scientists recommend taking precautions to limit exposures in either direction. What’s up Read more…
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines VideosMalia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic’s contributors Drs. Michelle Kinder, Aparna Kumar, and Malia Jones will be taking questions submitted by kids on this weeks’ Live event! We’ll be talking about bats, masks, nanometers, and so much more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and our kids’ Favorite Books (0:00-2:42) ➡️ Greta from Camp Hill, PA asks: Why do you need the Read more…
April 28, 2021
What is the new guidance for wearing masks outdoors, particularly if we are vaccinated?
Masks Staying Safe Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Vaccinated people in the United States (US) only need to wear a mask outdoors in crowded settings (think sporting events, parades, and concerts). In other words, being vaccinated means you can get back to nearly normal outdoor activities just as the weather is warming up! Yeah!! TL;DR The new guidelines for mask use in Read more…
April 23, 2021
Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic, or are there truly safe ways to use them where ventilation is concerned? TL;DR. Public bathrooms may present a higher COVID-19 risk than some other public spaces. We provide some tips on how to reduce this risk. As we’ve noted in other posts, bathrooms can carry Read more…
April 15, 2021
The local bar is now open for indoor drinks. Is this a good idea?
Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Safer options exist, especially if you are not vaccinated. It is hard to maintain masks, distance, and airflow inside a bar, especially after a few drinks. COVID-19 cases spread at the bar have a way of traveling through the community and affecting many. A recent study identified 46 cases of COVID-19 linked to one Read more…
April 14, 2021
I got the J&J shot and now I’m freaking out… what should I do?
Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: We understand you may be fearful. Here’s what you need to do if you recently got the J&J vaccine. 1️⃣ Watch for the specific symptoms: severe headache, abdominal pain (belly or gut), leg pain, or shortness of breath. If you have any of these symptoms up to a month after receiving the J&J vaccine, Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
April 3, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Videos
Christine Whelan, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Christine Whelan and Dr. Ashley Ritter will be tackling questions about kids and COVID, whether mask-wearing will become standard preventative health in the future, what to do with your official vaccination record card, and what to consider as we head into summer. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:00-1:17) ➡️ Read more…
April 2, 2021
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel Vaccines
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
March 27, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Jennifer Beam Dowd and Dr. Lindsey Leininger will be tackling questions about vaccines, kids and outdoor play, safety of swimming lessons, and more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:20-1:50) ➡️ Vaccines Updates – for pregnant people, kids, and the AZ vaccine trial kerfuffle (1:51-5:09) Related Link ➡️ Announcements (5:13-7:01) Read more…
March 26, 2021
What the heck is a fomite?
Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL; DR: The term fomite refers to a contaminated surface or object (e.g., serving spoon, door knob) that allows for the transmission of an infectious agent. The good news is that fomite transmission is not common for the virus that causes COVID-19. The Nerdy Girls love words! Let’s take a dive into the origin Read more…
March 25, 2021
Based on information gathered from Emily Oster’s recent article in The Atlantic, can I consider it safe for children to travel and have unmasked/indoor playdates, especially looking ahead to summer?
Families/Kids Staying Safe Vaccines
A: No. Dr. Oster’s article did not suggest that it’s safe for children to have unmasked playdates and return to 100% normal life this summer. As science journalist Tara Haelle put it, “it’s fine for your unvaccinated kids to go on a road trip and hug their vaccinated grandmas. It’s just not okay to pretend Read more…
Dear Pandemic’s contributors Drs. Michelle Kinder, Aparna Kumar, and Malia Jones will be taking questions submitted by kids on this weeks’ Live event! We’ll be talking about bats, masks, nanometers, and so much more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and our kids’ Favorite Books (0:00-2:42) ➡️ Greta from Camp Hill, PA asks: Why do you need the Read more…
What is the new guidance for wearing masks outdoors, particularly if we are vaccinated?
Masks Staying Safe VaccinesAmanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Vaccinated people in the United States (US) only need to wear a mask outdoors in crowded settings (think sporting events, parades, and concerts). In other words, being vaccinated means you can get back to nearly normal outdoor activities just as the weather is warming up! Yeah!! TL;DR The new guidelines for mask use in Read more…
April 23, 2021
Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic, or are there truly safe ways to use them where ventilation is concerned? TL;DR. Public bathrooms may present a higher COVID-19 risk than some other public spaces. We provide some tips on how to reduce this risk. As we’ve noted in other posts, bathrooms can carry Read more…
April 15, 2021
The local bar is now open for indoor drinks. Is this a good idea?
Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Safer options exist, especially if you are not vaccinated. It is hard to maintain masks, distance, and airflow inside a bar, especially after a few drinks. COVID-19 cases spread at the bar have a way of traveling through the community and affecting many. A recent study identified 46 cases of COVID-19 linked to one Read more…
April 14, 2021
I got the J&J shot and now I’m freaking out… what should I do?
Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: We understand you may be fearful. Here’s what you need to do if you recently got the J&J vaccine. 1️⃣ Watch for the specific symptoms: severe headache, abdominal pain (belly or gut), leg pain, or shortness of breath. If you have any of these symptoms up to a month after receiving the J&J vaccine, Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
April 3, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Videos
Christine Whelan, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Christine Whelan and Dr. Ashley Ritter will be tackling questions about kids and COVID, whether mask-wearing will become standard preventative health in the future, what to do with your official vaccination record card, and what to consider as we head into summer. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:00-1:17) ➡️ Read more…
April 2, 2021
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel Vaccines
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
March 27, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Jennifer Beam Dowd and Dr. Lindsey Leininger will be tackling questions about vaccines, kids and outdoor play, safety of swimming lessons, and more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:20-1:50) ➡️ Vaccines Updates – for pregnant people, kids, and the AZ vaccine trial kerfuffle (1:51-5:09) Related Link ➡️ Announcements (5:13-7:01) Read more…
March 26, 2021
What the heck is a fomite?
Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL; DR: The term fomite refers to a contaminated surface or object (e.g., serving spoon, door knob) that allows for the transmission of an infectious agent. The good news is that fomite transmission is not common for the virus that causes COVID-19. The Nerdy Girls love words! Let’s take a dive into the origin Read more…
March 25, 2021
Based on information gathered from Emily Oster’s recent article in The Atlantic, can I consider it safe for children to travel and have unmasked/indoor playdates, especially looking ahead to summer?
Families/Kids Staying Safe Vaccines
A: No. Dr. Oster’s article did not suggest that it’s safe for children to have unmasked playdates and return to 100% normal life this summer. As science journalist Tara Haelle put it, “it’s fine for your unvaccinated kids to go on a road trip and hug their vaccinated grandmas. It’s just not okay to pretend Read more…
A: Vaccinated people in the United States (US) only need to wear a mask outdoors in crowded settings (think sporting events, parades, and concerts). In other words, being vaccinated means you can get back to nearly normal outdoor activities just as the weather is warming up! Yeah!! TL;DR The new guidelines for mask use in Read more…
Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic?
Infection and Spread Staying SafeLauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic, or are there truly safe ways to use them where ventilation is concerned? TL;DR. Public bathrooms may present a higher COVID-19 risk than some other public spaces. We provide some tips on how to reduce this risk. As we’ve noted in other posts, bathrooms can carry Read more…
April 15, 2021
The local bar is now open for indoor drinks. Is this a good idea?
Socializing Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Safer options exist, especially if you are not vaccinated. It is hard to maintain masks, distance, and airflow inside a bar, especially after a few drinks. COVID-19 cases spread at the bar have a way of traveling through the community and affecting many. A recent study identified 46 cases of COVID-19 linked to one Read more…
April 14, 2021
I got the J&J shot and now I’m freaking out… what should I do?
Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: We understand you may be fearful. Here’s what you need to do if you recently got the J&J vaccine. 1️⃣ Watch for the specific symptoms: severe headache, abdominal pain (belly or gut), leg pain, or shortness of breath. If you have any of these symptoms up to a month after receiving the J&J vaccine, Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
April 3, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Videos
Christine Whelan, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Christine Whelan and Dr. Ashley Ritter will be tackling questions about kids and COVID, whether mask-wearing will become standard preventative health in the future, what to do with your official vaccination record card, and what to consider as we head into summer. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:00-1:17) ➡️ Read more…
April 2, 2021
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel Vaccines
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
March 27, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Jennifer Beam Dowd and Dr. Lindsey Leininger will be tackling questions about vaccines, kids and outdoor play, safety of swimming lessons, and more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:20-1:50) ➡️ Vaccines Updates – for pregnant people, kids, and the AZ vaccine trial kerfuffle (1:51-5:09) Related Link ➡️ Announcements (5:13-7:01) Read more…
March 26, 2021
What the heck is a fomite?
Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL; DR: The term fomite refers to a contaminated surface or object (e.g., serving spoon, door knob) that allows for the transmission of an infectious agent. The good news is that fomite transmission is not common for the virus that causes COVID-19. The Nerdy Girls love words! Let’s take a dive into the origin Read more…
March 25, 2021
Based on information gathered from Emily Oster’s recent article in The Atlantic, can I consider it safe for children to travel and have unmasked/indoor playdates, especially looking ahead to summer?
Families/Kids Staying Safe Vaccines
A: No. Dr. Oster’s article did not suggest that it’s safe for children to have unmasked playdates and return to 100% normal life this summer. As science journalist Tara Haelle put it, “it’s fine for your unvaccinated kids to go on a road trip and hug their vaccinated grandmas. It’s just not okay to pretend Read more…
Q: Are public restrooms best avoided during the pandemic, or are there truly safe ways to use them where ventilation is concerned? TL;DR. Public bathrooms may present a higher COVID-19 risk than some other public spaces. We provide some tips on how to reduce this risk. As we’ve noted in other posts, bathrooms can carry Read more…
The local bar is now open for indoor drinks. Is this a good idea?
Socializing Staying SafeAshley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Safer options exist, especially if you are not vaccinated. It is hard to maintain masks, distance, and airflow inside a bar, especially after a few drinks. COVID-19 cases spread at the bar have a way of traveling through the community and affecting many. A recent study identified 46 cases of COVID-19 linked to one Read more…
April 14, 2021
I got the J&J shot and now I’m freaking out… what should I do?
Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: We understand you may be fearful. Here’s what you need to do if you recently got the J&J vaccine. 1️⃣ Watch for the specific symptoms: severe headache, abdominal pain (belly or gut), leg pain, or shortness of breath. If you have any of these symptoms up to a month after receiving the J&J vaccine, Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
April 3, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Videos
Christine Whelan, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Christine Whelan and Dr. Ashley Ritter will be tackling questions about kids and COVID, whether mask-wearing will become standard preventative health in the future, what to do with your official vaccination record card, and what to consider as we head into summer. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:00-1:17) ➡️ Read more…
April 2, 2021
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel Vaccines
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
March 27, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Jennifer Beam Dowd and Dr. Lindsey Leininger will be tackling questions about vaccines, kids and outdoor play, safety of swimming lessons, and more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:20-1:50) ➡️ Vaccines Updates – for pregnant people, kids, and the AZ vaccine trial kerfuffle (1:51-5:09) Related Link ➡️ Announcements (5:13-7:01) Read more…
March 26, 2021
What the heck is a fomite?
Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL; DR: The term fomite refers to a contaminated surface or object (e.g., serving spoon, door knob) that allows for the transmission of an infectious agent. The good news is that fomite transmission is not common for the virus that causes COVID-19. The Nerdy Girls love words! Let’s take a dive into the origin Read more…
March 25, 2021
Based on information gathered from Emily Oster’s recent article in The Atlantic, can I consider it safe for children to travel and have unmasked/indoor playdates, especially looking ahead to summer?
Families/Kids Staying Safe Vaccines
A: No. Dr. Oster’s article did not suggest that it’s safe for children to have unmasked playdates and return to 100% normal life this summer. As science journalist Tara Haelle put it, “it’s fine for your unvaccinated kids to go on a road trip and hug their vaccinated grandmas. It’s just not okay to pretend Read more…
A: Safer options exist, especially if you are not vaccinated. It is hard to maintain masks, distance, and airflow inside a bar, especially after a few drinks. COVID-19 cases spread at the bar have a way of traveling through the community and affecting many. A recent study identified 46 cases of COVID-19 linked to one Read more…
I got the J&J shot and now I’m freaking out… what should I do?
Mental Health Staying Safe VaccinesMalia Jones, PhD MPH
A: We understand you may be fearful. Here’s what you need to do if you recently got the J&J vaccine. 1️⃣ Watch for the specific symptoms: severe headache, abdominal pain (belly or gut), leg pain, or shortness of breath. If you have any of these symptoms up to a month after receiving the J&J vaccine, Read more…
April 10, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
April 3, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Videos
Christine Whelan, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Christine Whelan and Dr. Ashley Ritter will be tackling questions about kids and COVID, whether mask-wearing will become standard preventative health in the future, what to do with your official vaccination record card, and what to consider as we head into summer. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:00-1:17) ➡️ Read more…
April 2, 2021
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel Vaccines
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
March 27, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Jennifer Beam Dowd and Dr. Lindsey Leininger will be tackling questions about vaccines, kids and outdoor play, safety of swimming lessons, and more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:20-1:50) ➡️ Vaccines Updates – for pregnant people, kids, and the AZ vaccine trial kerfuffle (1:51-5:09) Related Link ➡️ Announcements (5:13-7:01) Read more…
March 26, 2021
What the heck is a fomite?
Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL; DR: The term fomite refers to a contaminated surface or object (e.g., serving spoon, door knob) that allows for the transmission of an infectious agent. The good news is that fomite transmission is not common for the virus that causes COVID-19. The Nerdy Girls love words! Let’s take a dive into the origin Read more…
March 25, 2021
Based on information gathered from Emily Oster’s recent article in The Atlantic, can I consider it safe for children to travel and have unmasked/indoor playdates, especially looking ahead to summer?
Families/Kids Staying Safe Vaccines
A: No. Dr. Oster’s article did not suggest that it’s safe for children to have unmasked playdates and return to 100% normal life this summer. As science journalist Tara Haelle put it, “it’s fine for your unvaccinated kids to go on a road trip and hug their vaccinated grandmas. It’s just not okay to pretend Read more…
A: We understand you may be fearful. Here’s what you need to do if you recently got the J&J vaccine. 1️⃣ Watch for the specific symptoms: severe headache, abdominal pain (belly or gut), leg pain, or shortness of breath. If you have any of these symptoms up to a month after receiving the J&J vaccine, Read more…
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines VideosMalia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
April 3, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Videos
Christine Whelan, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Christine Whelan and Dr. Ashley Ritter will be tackling questions about kids and COVID, whether mask-wearing will become standard preventative health in the future, what to do with your official vaccination record card, and what to consider as we head into summer. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:00-1:17) ➡️ Read more…
April 2, 2021
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel Vaccines
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
March 27, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Jennifer Beam Dowd and Dr. Lindsey Leininger will be tackling questions about vaccines, kids and outdoor play, safety of swimming lessons, and more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:20-1:50) ➡️ Vaccines Updates – for pregnant people, kids, and the AZ vaccine trial kerfuffle (1:51-5:09) Related Link ➡️ Announcements (5:13-7:01) Read more…
March 26, 2021
What the heck is a fomite?
Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL; DR: The term fomite refers to a contaminated surface or object (e.g., serving spoon, door knob) that allows for the transmission of an infectious agent. The good news is that fomite transmission is not common for the virus that causes COVID-19. The Nerdy Girls love words! Let’s take a dive into the origin Read more…
March 25, 2021
Based on information gathered from Emily Oster’s recent article in The Atlantic, can I consider it safe for children to travel and have unmasked/indoor playdates, especially looking ahead to summer?
Families/Kids Staying Safe Vaccines
A: No. Dr. Oster’s article did not suggest that it’s safe for children to have unmasked playdates and return to 100% normal life this summer. As science journalist Tara Haelle put it, “it’s fine for your unvaccinated kids to go on a road trip and hug their vaccinated grandmas. It’s just not okay to pretend Read more…
In this live Q&A, we’re teaming up with our science gal-pals at the Unbiased Science Podcast, Drs. Andrea Love and Jessica Steier! We’ll be answering reader questions about antibody testing after vaccination, viral variants & kids, #thrifting, and whether your COVID-19 vaccine can make you test positive for COVID. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Comments Read more…
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe VideosChristine Whelan, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Christine Whelan and Dr. Ashley Ritter will be tackling questions about kids and COVID, whether mask-wearing will become standard preventative health in the future, what to do with your official vaccination record card, and what to consider as we head into summer. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:00-1:17) ➡️ Read more…
April 2, 2021
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel Vaccines
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
March 27, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Jennifer Beam Dowd and Dr. Lindsey Leininger will be tackling questions about vaccines, kids and outdoor play, safety of swimming lessons, and more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:20-1:50) ➡️ Vaccines Updates – for pregnant people, kids, and the AZ vaccine trial kerfuffle (1:51-5:09) Related Link ➡️ Announcements (5:13-7:01) Read more…
March 26, 2021
What the heck is a fomite?
Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL; DR: The term fomite refers to a contaminated surface or object (e.g., serving spoon, door knob) that allows for the transmission of an infectious agent. The good news is that fomite transmission is not common for the virus that causes COVID-19. The Nerdy Girls love words! Let’s take a dive into the origin Read more…
March 25, 2021
Based on information gathered from Emily Oster’s recent article in The Atlantic, can I consider it safe for children to travel and have unmasked/indoor playdates, especially looking ahead to summer?
Families/Kids Staying Safe Vaccines
A: No. Dr. Oster’s article did not suggest that it’s safe for children to have unmasked playdates and return to 100% normal life this summer. As science journalist Tara Haelle put it, “it’s fine for your unvaccinated kids to go on a road trip and hug their vaccinated grandmas. It’s just not okay to pretend Read more…
In this live Q&A, Dr. Christine Whelan and Dr. Ashley Ritter will be tackling questions about kids and COVID, whether mask-wearing will become standard preventative health in the future, what to do with your official vaccination record card, and what to consider as we head into summer. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:00-1:17) ➡️ Read more…
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel VaccinesAlison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
March 27, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Jennifer Beam Dowd and Dr. Lindsey Leininger will be tackling questions about vaccines, kids and outdoor play, safety of swimming lessons, and more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:20-1:50) ➡️ Vaccines Updates – for pregnant people, kids, and the AZ vaccine trial kerfuffle (1:51-5:09) Related Link ➡️ Announcements (5:13-7:01) Read more…
March 26, 2021
What the heck is a fomite?
Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL; DR: The term fomite refers to a contaminated surface or object (e.g., serving spoon, door knob) that allows for the transmission of an infectious agent. The good news is that fomite transmission is not common for the virus that causes COVID-19. The Nerdy Girls love words! Let’s take a dive into the origin Read more…
March 25, 2021
Based on information gathered from Emily Oster’s recent article in The Atlantic, can I consider it safe for children to travel and have unmasked/indoor playdates, especially looking ahead to summer?
Families/Kids Staying Safe Vaccines
A: No. Dr. Oster’s article did not suggest that it’s safe for children to have unmasked playdates and return to 100% normal life this summer. As science journalist Tara Haelle put it, “it’s fine for your unvaccinated kids to go on a road trip and hug their vaccinated grandmas. It’s just not okay to pretend Read more…
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe TravelMalia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
March 27, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Jennifer Beam Dowd and Dr. Lindsey Leininger will be tackling questions about vaccines, kids and outdoor play, safety of swimming lessons, and more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:20-1:50) ➡️ Vaccines Updates – for pregnant people, kids, and the AZ vaccine trial kerfuffle (1:51-5:09) Related Link ➡️ Announcements (5:13-7:01) Read more…
March 26, 2021
What the heck is a fomite?
Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL; DR: The term fomite refers to a contaminated surface or object (e.g., serving spoon, door knob) that allows for the transmission of an infectious agent. The good news is that fomite transmission is not common for the virus that causes COVID-19. The Nerdy Girls love words! Let’s take a dive into the origin Read more…
March 25, 2021
Based on information gathered from Emily Oster’s recent article in The Atlantic, can I consider it safe for children to travel and have unmasked/indoor playdates, especially looking ahead to summer?
Families/Kids Staying Safe Vaccines
A: No. Dr. Oster’s article did not suggest that it’s safe for children to have unmasked playdates and return to 100% normal life this summer. As science journalist Tara Haelle put it, “it’s fine for your unvaccinated kids to go on a road trip and hug their vaccinated grandmas. It’s just not okay to pretend Read more…
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines VideosJennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
In this live Q&A, Dr. Jennifer Beam Dowd and Dr. Lindsey Leininger will be tackling questions about vaccines, kids and outdoor play, safety of swimming lessons, and more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:20-1:50) ➡️ Vaccines Updates – for pregnant people, kids, and the AZ vaccine trial kerfuffle (1:51-5:09) Related Link ➡️ Announcements (5:13-7:01) Read more…
March 26, 2021
What the heck is a fomite?
Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL; DR: The term fomite refers to a contaminated surface or object (e.g., serving spoon, door knob) that allows for the transmission of an infectious agent. The good news is that fomite transmission is not common for the virus that causes COVID-19. The Nerdy Girls love words! Let’s take a dive into the origin Read more…
March 25, 2021
Based on information gathered from Emily Oster’s recent article in The Atlantic, can I consider it safe for children to travel and have unmasked/indoor playdates, especially looking ahead to summer?
Families/Kids Staying Safe Vaccines
A: No. Dr. Oster’s article did not suggest that it’s safe for children to have unmasked playdates and return to 100% normal life this summer. As science journalist Tara Haelle put it, “it’s fine for your unvaccinated kids to go on a road trip and hug their vaccinated grandmas. It’s just not okay to pretend Read more…
In this live Q&A, Dr. Jennifer Beam Dowd and Dr. Lindsey Leininger will be tackling questions about vaccines, kids and outdoor play, safety of swimming lessons, and more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and Chit Chat (0:20-1:50) ➡️ Vaccines Updates – for pregnant people, kids, and the AZ vaccine trial kerfuffle (1:51-5:09) Related Link ➡️ Announcements (5:13-7:01) Read more…
What the heck is a fomite?
Staying SafeLauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL; DR: The term fomite refers to a contaminated surface or object (e.g., serving spoon, door knob) that allows for the transmission of an infectious agent. The good news is that fomite transmission is not common for the virus that causes COVID-19. The Nerdy Girls love words! Let’s take a dive into the origin Read more…
March 25, 2021
Based on information gathered from Emily Oster’s recent article in The Atlantic, can I consider it safe for children to travel and have unmasked/indoor playdates, especially looking ahead to summer?
Families/Kids Staying Safe Vaccines
A: No. Dr. Oster’s article did not suggest that it’s safe for children to have unmasked playdates and return to 100% normal life this summer. As science journalist Tara Haelle put it, “it’s fine for your unvaccinated kids to go on a road trip and hug their vaccinated grandmas. It’s just not okay to pretend Read more…
A. TL; DR: The term fomite refers to a contaminated surface or object (e.g., serving spoon, door knob) that allows for the transmission of an infectious agent. The good news is that fomite transmission is not common for the virus that causes COVID-19. The Nerdy Girls love words! Let’s take a dive into the origin Read more…
Based on information gathered from Emily Oster’s recent article in The Atlantic, can I consider it safe for children to travel and have unmasked/indoor playdates, especially looking ahead to summer?
Families/Kids Staying Safe VaccinesA: No. Dr. Oster’s article did not suggest that it’s safe for children to have unmasked playdates and return to 100% normal life this summer. As science journalist Tara Haelle put it, “it’s fine for your unvaccinated kids to go on a road trip and hug their vaccinated grandmas. It’s just not okay to pretend Read more…