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Infectious Diseases

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Do flu shots work?

Infectious Diseases Vaccines

Yes. Annual flu vaccines prevent hundreds of thousands of cases of flu and save thousands of lives every year. The answer to the question “how well do they work” isn’t black and white because it changes from year to year, and even sometimes within a season. But even in a year when the flu vaccine Read more…

Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 11-21-22

Families/Kids Infection and Spread Infectious Diseases Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos

Those Nerdy Girls offer advice on staying well during a “triple threat” holiday season and insights into science denial – why it happens and how to navigate tricky conversations. Hosted by Those Nerdy Girls with: * Sara Gorman, PhD, MPH: Co-Founder of Critica, Author of Denying to the Grave & Contributing Writer at TNG * Read more…

Should I get the flu vaccine while I’m pregnant?

Infectious Diseases Reproductive Health Vaccines

A: YES! The flu vaccine protects against the higher risk of severe flu disease during pregnancy AND protects the newborn from flu during the first few months of life. TL;DR: Flu season looks especially bad this year. Influenza (“the flu”) vaccination is strongly recommended in pregnancy. Because the virus is seasonal, vaccination is recommended as Read more…

Do flu shots work?

Infectious Diseases

Yes. Annual flu vaccines prevent hundreds of thousands of cases of flu and save thousands of lives every year. The answer to the question “how well do they work” isn’t black and white because it changes from year to year, and even sometimes within a season. But even in a year when the flu vaccine Read more…