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Infection and Spread

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Are vaccinated people infected with Delta *really* as contagious as the unvaccinated?

COVID Variants Infection and Spread

A: Probably not. And when you count the reduction in getting infected in the first place, vaccinated people are much less likely to transmit the virus. 💥 TL;DR: Vaccinated people likely *can* transmit the virus, but this risk is NOT the same as the unvaccinated. Among growing concerns about Delta, recent news that vaccinated people Read more…

What should I make of the “leaked” CDC slides last week? Is Delta worse than we thought?!

COVID Variants Data and Metrics Infection and Spread

A: KEEP CALM AND VAX ON. Just when we thought our summer might be more relaxing than last year, SARS-CoV-2 is humbling us again. But despite the emotionally amped up headlines (which are, after all, designed to make you click), we’re here to reassure you that in countries with access to vaccinations, the trajectory is Read more…

So who’s getting COVID-19 these days?

Data and Metrics Infection and Spread Vaccines

A: Unvaccinated people, for the most part. Q: Will the “delta” variant change that? A: Not likely. As new cases of COVID-19 continue to decline in the US 🇺🇸and Canada 🇨🇦, but are rising steeply elsewhere (UK 🇬🇧and South Africa🇿🇦, we see you 🤗💕!), you might be wondering who is bearing the burden of new Read more…