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Data Literacy

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How Can I Spot Misinformation & Disinformation in News Info?

Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation

Spotting misinformation (inaccurate information) and disinformation (misleading information and lies) is a vital news literacy skill, and there are several tips to help. TL;DR: Check the URL, look out for errors, question the stats, avoid clickbait, and scrutinize AI. Today, news is served up 24/7 from a range of sources—from journalists to bloggers, to influencers—on Read more…

What is overdiagnosis in cancer screening and why does it matter?

Data Literacy General Health

Cancer screening is a critical tool to improve health. It helps to detect cancer early, before symptoms even appear, and can increase the chances of successful treatment. However, cancer screening does come with risks. One important and sometimes confusing risk is overdiagnosis. When we think about cancer screening, we really have two goals: to detect Read more…

Q: Can I search for questions already answered by Those Nerdy Girls?

Data Literacy

A: YES! You can search our past posts on our website at (by keyword, phrase, and topic)! Since March 2020, Those Nerdy Girls have answered 1000s of questions and almost all of our past posts are searchable at! For example, we have written *104* posts on ‘Reproductive Health’, *188* on “Uncertainty and Misinformation’, Read more…

Do you know of any resources for educators who want to help kids build skills in identifying and evaluating information this summer?

Data Literacy Families/Kids

A: Yes! So glad you asked! Tl; DR: The News Literacy Project just released a new (and free!) ‘Camp Fact-Check” kit that is designed to help educators build kids in searching for information, evaluating evidence, and assessing claims. Are you teaching summer school and looking for curriculum ideas that can boost kids skills in news Read more…

What resources are available to help train the next generation of Nerdy Girls (and Guys) to navigate misinformation?

Data Literacy Families/Kids Uncertainty and Misinformation

A: Whether you are a teacher or a parent, there are lots of resources available to help kids boost their skills in navigating misinformation. Check out a few we like below! 🔵 Checkology: a free e-learning platform from The News Literacy Project that offers interactive lessons led by journalists and other experts on topics including Read more…

What is a confounder (confounding variable) and why should I care?

Data Literacy

What is a confounder (confounding variable) and why should I care? — Tips for making sense of science Confounders (or confounding variables) are factors that are associated with both the “cause” and “effect” (or exposure and outcome) in a potential cause-and-effect relationship. If ignored, they can cause misleading results and conclusions. Common confounders include age, Read more…

Nerdy Girls Live 04/12/24: Fact-checking science-based claims.

Data Literacy Videos

Those Nerdy Girls and talk about fact-checking science-based claims. Hosted by: – Lori Robertson: Managing Editor at ( – Chana Davis, PhD: Contributing Writer at Those Nerdy Girls (@thosenerdygirls) ➡️ 0:00 – 0:33 General welcome and intros ➡️ 0:34 – 2:21 Introduction to ➡️ 2:22 – 3:46 Introduction to Those Nerdy Girls Read more…