Did you know you can get 8 more *FREE* COVID-19 rapid tests sent directly to your house?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: It’s true! Even if your household already received free tests before! In the U.S. only though. Visit here and order yours today: https://www.covid.gov/tests. All you need to do is enter your name and a shipping address…THAT’S IT! You can also call here to order instead: 1-800-232-0233 (TTY 1-888-720-7489).
May 16, 2022
If I’ve already been infected with Omicron, am I protected against new variants?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The OG Omicron variant doesn’t seem to produce great cross-protection against other variants. BUT, if you were vaccinated + infected, the protection is MUCH higher. Omicron is spawning a lot of new “sub-variants,” no doubt thanks to the millions of chances it’s had to replicate and win the mutation lottery. Two sub-variants of Omicron Read more…
May 15, 2022
¿Estar expuestos a menos gérmenes durante los últimos dos años ha debilitado nuestro sistema inmunitario?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No es probable. Si tus hijos se enferman mucho de repente, es porque se están “poniendo al día” con los virus normales de los niños, no porque su sistema inmunitario esté debilitado. Muchas familias con niños pequeños llevan casi dos años en casa. ¡Eso es mucho de toda la vida de un niño pequeño! Aunque Read more…
May 15, 2022
Tiempos aproximados para recibir una dosis infecciosa para alguien sin infección de COVID-19
Infection and Spread Masks Posts en Español
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
May 14, 2022
May is Mental Health Awareness month.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Nearly 1 in 5 people will experience a mental health condition in any given year. And over half of all people will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. This is not just about some of us. It is about all of us. Our mental health is complex and influenced by many factors. Mental Read more…
May 13, 2022
2do refuerzo: ¿qué sabemos?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con el aumento de la BA.2, si eres elegible (mayor de 50 años o inmunocomprometido, en los EE.UU.), recibir la siguiente vacuna de refuerzo puede mantener tu protección alta con pocos inconvenientes. Lo que sabemos ahora es que una segunda vacuna de refuerzo presenta pocos riesgos, pero los beneficios varían de una persona a otra. Read more…
May 13, 2022
Why do some people not get COVID when everyone around them has it?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread
Guest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
TLDR; Many things impact infection risk, including vaccination status, prior exposures, genetics, and the specific details of one’s contact with infected people. Even when conditions seem ideal for transmission, it’s not a done deal. This is why, if COVID comes to your home, it’s worth trying to limit spread. And sometimes, you just get lucky. Read more…
May 12, 2022
What is sensitivity and specificity, and why should I care?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Good question! Sensitivity and specificity are characteristics of a medical test that help us determine how useful that test is and how to interpret the result. BUT, they aren’t the be all and end all. We also want to know the positive and negative predictive value. Strap in for the ride and let’s talk Read more…
May 11, 2022
What is Paxlovid Mouth?
Megan Madsen, DO
While effective and generally safe, Paxlovid does have the potential for some side effects. One temporary, but particularly distasteful side effect reported is “Paxlovid mouth.” Paxlovid (Nirmatrelvir + Ritonavir) has become a household name since its March 2022 Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) approval as an at-home option to treat COVID-19. It consists of a 5 Read more…
May 10, 2022
¿Una infección por COVID-19 aumenta mi riesgo de diabetes?
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo estudio publicado en la revista médica, The Lancet, sugiere que la gente que tuvo una infección por COVID-19 tiene un mayor riesgo de desarrollar diabetes dentro de un año. Cada vez más investigaciones muestran que las infecciones por COVID-19 pueden resultar en consecuencias para la salud a largo plazo. En el estudio publicado Read more…
May 10, 2022
Shingles and the Shingles Vaccine: Get the Facts
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Shingles is a painful, blistering rash that often develops in a stripe that wraps around one side of the body or face. Besides the rash, symptoms include fever, headache, and chills. But mainly, you hear about the rash because it HURTS! If you’re over 50, the shingles vaccine Shingrix can help you avoid this super Read more…
May 9, 2022
Is there a baby formula shortage in the U.S.?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Answer: Yes. Across the U.S. there are multiple reports of shortages. In some cases up to 40% of the most popular formulas are not currently available on store shelves for the week of April 24. The hardest hit states have been: Connecticut, Delaware, Montana, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington. Parents have reported empty Read more…
May 7, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 05-07-22
General Health Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Live COVID Q&A with Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD – TNG CEO & Founding Member Chana Davis, PhD, Fueled by Science: TNG Contributing Writer Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:02) ➡️ The impact of pandemic Read more…
May 7, 2022
¿Se puede usar Flonase, el spray nasal para alergias, el spray nasal salino, o la irrigación nasal antes de administrar una prueba rápida de COVID-19 o cambiarán mis resultados?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No hay evidencia de que usar el spray nasal cambiará los resultados de su prueba. 🧪Las pruebas rápidas de COVID-19 son positivas cuando detectan una gran cantidad de la proteína que está presente en SARS CoV-2 en sus orificios nasales. No es probable que el spray nasal para alergias cambie la cantidad de 🦠 virus Read more…
May 7, 2022
Should I get boosted now or wait?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…
May 6, 2022
Should I be worried about hepatitis in children?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: You should be aware of the signs and symptoms of hepatitis in children, but there is no reason to panic. Cases seem to be on the rise among children, but scientists are still watching the data closely and do not yet know the cause. 🤒 What is hepatitis anyways? Hepatitis is a broad term Read more…
May 5, 2022
Con tantas personas usando pruebas caseras (que en su mayoría no se reportan en los conteos oficiales), ¿cómo podemos rastrear de manera confiable la transmisión de COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El uso de pruebas caseras complica el registro de todos los casos nuevos, ya que si alguien se hace una prueba casera de COVID-19, posiblemente no informe los resultados (ya sean positivos o negativos) al departamento de salud. Como resultado, el conteo total de casos nuevos y el rastreo de positividad (pruebas positivas/pruebas totales) se Read more…
May 5, 2022
Help! It’s Day 10 and my rapid antigen test is still positive. Am I contagious?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: For most people, the risk of spreading to COVID to others is likely minimal after Day 10 – but not so low that you can throw caution to the wind. While rapid antigen tests can be useful as proxies for contagiousness, their value is unclear after Day 10. Infectious disease experts generally support exiting Read more…
May 4, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Friday, 5/6 @ 1 pm EDT!
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…
May 4, 2022
Can you catch COVID-19 from a fart?
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…
A: It’s true! Even if your household already received free tests before! In the U.S. only though. Visit here and order yours today: https://www.covid.gov/tests. All you need to do is enter your name and a shipping address…THAT’S IT! You can also call here to order instead: 1-800-232-0233 (TTY 1-888-720-7489).
If I’ve already been infected with Omicron, am I protected against new variants?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The OG Omicron variant doesn’t seem to produce great cross-protection against other variants. BUT, if you were vaccinated + infected, the protection is MUCH higher. Omicron is spawning a lot of new “sub-variants,” no doubt thanks to the millions of chances it’s had to replicate and win the mutation lottery. Two sub-variants of Omicron Read more…
May 15, 2022
¿Estar expuestos a menos gérmenes durante los últimos dos años ha debilitado nuestro sistema inmunitario?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No es probable. Si tus hijos se enferman mucho de repente, es porque se están “poniendo al día” con los virus normales de los niños, no porque su sistema inmunitario esté debilitado. Muchas familias con niños pequeños llevan casi dos años en casa. ¡Eso es mucho de toda la vida de un niño pequeño! Aunque Read more…
May 15, 2022
Tiempos aproximados para recibir una dosis infecciosa para alguien sin infección de COVID-19
Infection and Spread Masks Posts en Español
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
May 14, 2022
May is Mental Health Awareness month.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Nearly 1 in 5 people will experience a mental health condition in any given year. And over half of all people will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. This is not just about some of us. It is about all of us. Our mental health is complex and influenced by many factors. Mental Read more…
May 13, 2022
2do refuerzo: ¿qué sabemos?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con el aumento de la BA.2, si eres elegible (mayor de 50 años o inmunocomprometido, en los EE.UU.), recibir la siguiente vacuna de refuerzo puede mantener tu protección alta con pocos inconvenientes. Lo que sabemos ahora es que una segunda vacuna de refuerzo presenta pocos riesgos, pero los beneficios varían de una persona a otra. Read more…
May 13, 2022
Why do some people not get COVID when everyone around them has it?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread
Guest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
TLDR; Many things impact infection risk, including vaccination status, prior exposures, genetics, and the specific details of one’s contact with infected people. Even when conditions seem ideal for transmission, it’s not a done deal. This is why, if COVID comes to your home, it’s worth trying to limit spread. And sometimes, you just get lucky. Read more…
May 12, 2022
What is sensitivity and specificity, and why should I care?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Good question! Sensitivity and specificity are characteristics of a medical test that help us determine how useful that test is and how to interpret the result. BUT, they aren’t the be all and end all. We also want to know the positive and negative predictive value. Strap in for the ride and let’s talk Read more…
May 11, 2022
What is Paxlovid Mouth?
Megan Madsen, DO
While effective and generally safe, Paxlovid does have the potential for some side effects. One temporary, but particularly distasteful side effect reported is “Paxlovid mouth.” Paxlovid (Nirmatrelvir + Ritonavir) has become a household name since its March 2022 Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) approval as an at-home option to treat COVID-19. It consists of a 5 Read more…
May 10, 2022
¿Una infección por COVID-19 aumenta mi riesgo de diabetes?
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo estudio publicado en la revista médica, The Lancet, sugiere que la gente que tuvo una infección por COVID-19 tiene un mayor riesgo de desarrollar diabetes dentro de un año. Cada vez más investigaciones muestran que las infecciones por COVID-19 pueden resultar en consecuencias para la salud a largo plazo. En el estudio publicado Read more…
May 10, 2022
Shingles and the Shingles Vaccine: Get the Facts
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Shingles is a painful, blistering rash that often develops in a stripe that wraps around one side of the body or face. Besides the rash, symptoms include fever, headache, and chills. But mainly, you hear about the rash because it HURTS! If you’re over 50, the shingles vaccine Shingrix can help you avoid this super Read more…
May 9, 2022
Is there a baby formula shortage in the U.S.?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Answer: Yes. Across the U.S. there are multiple reports of shortages. In some cases up to 40% of the most popular formulas are not currently available on store shelves for the week of April 24. The hardest hit states have been: Connecticut, Delaware, Montana, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington. Parents have reported empty Read more…
May 7, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 05-07-22
General Health Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Live COVID Q&A with Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD – TNG CEO & Founding Member Chana Davis, PhD, Fueled by Science: TNG Contributing Writer Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:02) ➡️ The impact of pandemic Read more…
May 7, 2022
¿Se puede usar Flonase, el spray nasal para alergias, el spray nasal salino, o la irrigación nasal antes de administrar una prueba rápida de COVID-19 o cambiarán mis resultados?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No hay evidencia de que usar el spray nasal cambiará los resultados de su prueba. 🧪Las pruebas rápidas de COVID-19 son positivas cuando detectan una gran cantidad de la proteína que está presente en SARS CoV-2 en sus orificios nasales. No es probable que el spray nasal para alergias cambie la cantidad de 🦠 virus Read more…
May 7, 2022
Should I get boosted now or wait?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…
May 6, 2022
Should I be worried about hepatitis in children?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: You should be aware of the signs and symptoms of hepatitis in children, but there is no reason to panic. Cases seem to be on the rise among children, but scientists are still watching the data closely and do not yet know the cause. 🤒 What is hepatitis anyways? Hepatitis is a broad term Read more…
May 5, 2022
Con tantas personas usando pruebas caseras (que en su mayoría no se reportan en los conteos oficiales), ¿cómo podemos rastrear de manera confiable la transmisión de COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El uso de pruebas caseras complica el registro de todos los casos nuevos, ya que si alguien se hace una prueba casera de COVID-19, posiblemente no informe los resultados (ya sean positivos o negativos) al departamento de salud. Como resultado, el conteo total de casos nuevos y el rastreo de positividad (pruebas positivas/pruebas totales) se Read more…
May 5, 2022
Help! It’s Day 10 and my rapid antigen test is still positive. Am I contagious?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: For most people, the risk of spreading to COVID to others is likely minimal after Day 10 – but not so low that you can throw caution to the wind. While rapid antigen tests can be useful as proxies for contagiousness, their value is unclear after Day 10. Infectious disease experts generally support exiting Read more…
May 4, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Friday, 5/6 @ 1 pm EDT!
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…
May 4, 2022
Can you catch COVID-19 from a fart?
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…
A: The OG Omicron variant doesn’t seem to produce great cross-protection against other variants. BUT, if you were vaccinated + infected, the protection is MUCH higher. Omicron is spawning a lot of new “sub-variants,” no doubt thanks to the millions of chances it’s had to replicate and win the mutation lottery. Two sub-variants of Omicron Read more…
¿Estar expuestos a menos gérmenes durante los últimos dos años ha debilitado nuestro sistema inmunitario?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No es probable. Si tus hijos se enferman mucho de repente, es porque se están “poniendo al día” con los virus normales de los niños, no porque su sistema inmunitario esté debilitado. Muchas familias con niños pequeños llevan casi dos años en casa. ¡Eso es mucho de toda la vida de un niño pequeño! Aunque Read more…
May 15, 2022
Tiempos aproximados para recibir una dosis infecciosa para alguien sin infección de COVID-19
Infection and Spread Masks Posts en Español
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
May 14, 2022
May is Mental Health Awareness month.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Nearly 1 in 5 people will experience a mental health condition in any given year. And over half of all people will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. This is not just about some of us. It is about all of us. Our mental health is complex and influenced by many factors. Mental Read more…
May 13, 2022
2do refuerzo: ¿qué sabemos?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con el aumento de la BA.2, si eres elegible (mayor de 50 años o inmunocomprometido, en los EE.UU.), recibir la siguiente vacuna de refuerzo puede mantener tu protección alta con pocos inconvenientes. Lo que sabemos ahora es que una segunda vacuna de refuerzo presenta pocos riesgos, pero los beneficios varían de una persona a otra. Read more…
May 13, 2022
Why do some people not get COVID when everyone around them has it?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread
Guest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
TLDR; Many things impact infection risk, including vaccination status, prior exposures, genetics, and the specific details of one’s contact with infected people. Even when conditions seem ideal for transmission, it’s not a done deal. This is why, if COVID comes to your home, it’s worth trying to limit spread. And sometimes, you just get lucky. Read more…
May 12, 2022
What is sensitivity and specificity, and why should I care?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Good question! Sensitivity and specificity are characteristics of a medical test that help us determine how useful that test is and how to interpret the result. BUT, they aren’t the be all and end all. We also want to know the positive and negative predictive value. Strap in for the ride and let’s talk Read more…
May 11, 2022
What is Paxlovid Mouth?
Megan Madsen, DO
While effective and generally safe, Paxlovid does have the potential for some side effects. One temporary, but particularly distasteful side effect reported is “Paxlovid mouth.” Paxlovid (Nirmatrelvir + Ritonavir) has become a household name since its March 2022 Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) approval as an at-home option to treat COVID-19. It consists of a 5 Read more…
May 10, 2022
¿Una infección por COVID-19 aumenta mi riesgo de diabetes?
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo estudio publicado en la revista médica, The Lancet, sugiere que la gente que tuvo una infección por COVID-19 tiene un mayor riesgo de desarrollar diabetes dentro de un año. Cada vez más investigaciones muestran que las infecciones por COVID-19 pueden resultar en consecuencias para la salud a largo plazo. En el estudio publicado Read more…
May 10, 2022
Shingles and the Shingles Vaccine: Get the Facts
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Shingles is a painful, blistering rash that often develops in a stripe that wraps around one side of the body or face. Besides the rash, symptoms include fever, headache, and chills. But mainly, you hear about the rash because it HURTS! If you’re over 50, the shingles vaccine Shingrix can help you avoid this super Read more…
May 9, 2022
Is there a baby formula shortage in the U.S.?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Answer: Yes. Across the U.S. there are multiple reports of shortages. In some cases up to 40% of the most popular formulas are not currently available on store shelves for the week of April 24. The hardest hit states have been: Connecticut, Delaware, Montana, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington. Parents have reported empty Read more…
May 7, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 05-07-22
General Health Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Live COVID Q&A with Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD – TNG CEO & Founding Member Chana Davis, PhD, Fueled by Science: TNG Contributing Writer Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:02) ➡️ The impact of pandemic Read more…
May 7, 2022
¿Se puede usar Flonase, el spray nasal para alergias, el spray nasal salino, o la irrigación nasal antes de administrar una prueba rápida de COVID-19 o cambiarán mis resultados?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No hay evidencia de que usar el spray nasal cambiará los resultados de su prueba. 🧪Las pruebas rápidas de COVID-19 son positivas cuando detectan una gran cantidad de la proteína que está presente en SARS CoV-2 en sus orificios nasales. No es probable que el spray nasal para alergias cambie la cantidad de 🦠 virus Read more…
May 7, 2022
Should I get boosted now or wait?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…
May 6, 2022
Should I be worried about hepatitis in children?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: You should be aware of the signs and symptoms of hepatitis in children, but there is no reason to panic. Cases seem to be on the rise among children, but scientists are still watching the data closely and do not yet know the cause. 🤒 What is hepatitis anyways? Hepatitis is a broad term Read more…
May 5, 2022
Con tantas personas usando pruebas caseras (que en su mayoría no se reportan en los conteos oficiales), ¿cómo podemos rastrear de manera confiable la transmisión de COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El uso de pruebas caseras complica el registro de todos los casos nuevos, ya que si alguien se hace una prueba casera de COVID-19, posiblemente no informe los resultados (ya sean positivos o negativos) al departamento de salud. Como resultado, el conteo total de casos nuevos y el rastreo de positividad (pruebas positivas/pruebas totales) se Read more…
May 5, 2022
Help! It’s Day 10 and my rapid antigen test is still positive. Am I contagious?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: For most people, the risk of spreading to COVID to others is likely minimal after Day 10 – but not so low that you can throw caution to the wind. While rapid antigen tests can be useful as proxies for contagiousness, their value is unclear after Day 10. Infectious disease experts generally support exiting Read more…
May 4, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Friday, 5/6 @ 1 pm EDT!
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…
May 4, 2022
Can you catch COVID-19 from a fart?
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…
No es probable. Si tus hijos se enferman mucho de repente, es porque se están “poniendo al día” con los virus normales de los niños, no porque su sistema inmunitario esté debilitado. Muchas familias con niños pequeños llevan casi dos años en casa. ¡Eso es mucho de toda la vida de un niño pequeño! Aunque Read more…
Tiempos aproximados para recibir una dosis infecciosa para alguien sin infección de COVID-19
Infection and Spread Masks Posts en Español
Heidi Schutz, PhD
Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
May 14, 2022
May is Mental Health Awareness month.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Nearly 1 in 5 people will experience a mental health condition in any given year. And over half of all people will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. This is not just about some of us. It is about all of us. Our mental health is complex and influenced by many factors. Mental Read more…
May 13, 2022
2do refuerzo: ¿qué sabemos?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con el aumento de la BA.2, si eres elegible (mayor de 50 años o inmunocomprometido, en los EE.UU.), recibir la siguiente vacuna de refuerzo puede mantener tu protección alta con pocos inconvenientes. Lo que sabemos ahora es que una segunda vacuna de refuerzo presenta pocos riesgos, pero los beneficios varían de una persona a otra. Read more…
May 13, 2022
Why do some people not get COVID when everyone around them has it?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread
Guest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
TLDR; Many things impact infection risk, including vaccination status, prior exposures, genetics, and the specific details of one’s contact with infected people. Even when conditions seem ideal for transmission, it’s not a done deal. This is why, if COVID comes to your home, it’s worth trying to limit spread. And sometimes, you just get lucky. Read more…
May 12, 2022
What is sensitivity and specificity, and why should I care?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Good question! Sensitivity and specificity are characteristics of a medical test that help us determine how useful that test is and how to interpret the result. BUT, they aren’t the be all and end all. We also want to know the positive and negative predictive value. Strap in for the ride and let’s talk Read more…
May 11, 2022
What is Paxlovid Mouth?
Megan Madsen, DO
While effective and generally safe, Paxlovid does have the potential for some side effects. One temporary, but particularly distasteful side effect reported is “Paxlovid mouth.” Paxlovid (Nirmatrelvir + Ritonavir) has become a household name since its March 2022 Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) approval as an at-home option to treat COVID-19. It consists of a 5 Read more…
May 10, 2022
¿Una infección por COVID-19 aumenta mi riesgo de diabetes?
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo estudio publicado en la revista médica, The Lancet, sugiere que la gente que tuvo una infección por COVID-19 tiene un mayor riesgo de desarrollar diabetes dentro de un año. Cada vez más investigaciones muestran que las infecciones por COVID-19 pueden resultar en consecuencias para la salud a largo plazo. En el estudio publicado Read more…
May 10, 2022
Shingles and the Shingles Vaccine: Get the Facts
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Shingles is a painful, blistering rash that often develops in a stripe that wraps around one side of the body or face. Besides the rash, symptoms include fever, headache, and chills. But mainly, you hear about the rash because it HURTS! If you’re over 50, the shingles vaccine Shingrix can help you avoid this super Read more…
May 9, 2022
Is there a baby formula shortage in the U.S.?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Answer: Yes. Across the U.S. there are multiple reports of shortages. In some cases up to 40% of the most popular formulas are not currently available on store shelves for the week of April 24. The hardest hit states have been: Connecticut, Delaware, Montana, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington. Parents have reported empty Read more…
May 7, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 05-07-22
General Health Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Live COVID Q&A with Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD – TNG CEO & Founding Member Chana Davis, PhD, Fueled by Science: TNG Contributing Writer Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:02) ➡️ The impact of pandemic Read more…
May 7, 2022
¿Se puede usar Flonase, el spray nasal para alergias, el spray nasal salino, o la irrigación nasal antes de administrar una prueba rápida de COVID-19 o cambiarán mis resultados?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No hay evidencia de que usar el spray nasal cambiará los resultados de su prueba. 🧪Las pruebas rápidas de COVID-19 son positivas cuando detectan una gran cantidad de la proteína que está presente en SARS CoV-2 en sus orificios nasales. No es probable que el spray nasal para alergias cambie la cantidad de 🦠 virus Read more…
May 7, 2022
Should I get boosted now or wait?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…
May 6, 2022
Should I be worried about hepatitis in children?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: You should be aware of the signs and symptoms of hepatitis in children, but there is no reason to panic. Cases seem to be on the rise among children, but scientists are still watching the data closely and do not yet know the cause. 🤒 What is hepatitis anyways? Hepatitis is a broad term Read more…
May 5, 2022
Con tantas personas usando pruebas caseras (que en su mayoría no se reportan en los conteos oficiales), ¿cómo podemos rastrear de manera confiable la transmisión de COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El uso de pruebas caseras complica el registro de todos los casos nuevos, ya que si alguien se hace una prueba casera de COVID-19, posiblemente no informe los resultados (ya sean positivos o negativos) al departamento de salud. Como resultado, el conteo total de casos nuevos y el rastreo de positividad (pruebas positivas/pruebas totales) se Read more…
May 5, 2022
Help! It’s Day 10 and my rapid antigen test is still positive. Am I contagious?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: For most people, the risk of spreading to COVID to others is likely minimal after Day 10 – but not so low that you can throw caution to the wind. While rapid antigen tests can be useful as proxies for contagiousness, their value is unclear after Day 10. Infectious disease experts generally support exiting Read more…
May 4, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Friday, 5/6 @ 1 pm EDT!
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…
May 4, 2022
Can you catch COVID-19 from a fart?
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…
Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
May is Mental Health Awareness month.
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Nearly 1 in 5 people will experience a mental health condition in any given year. And over half of all people will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. This is not just about some of us. It is about all of us. Our mental health is complex and influenced by many factors. Mental Read more…
May 13, 2022
2do refuerzo: ¿qué sabemos?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con el aumento de la BA.2, si eres elegible (mayor de 50 años o inmunocomprometido, en los EE.UU.), recibir la siguiente vacuna de refuerzo puede mantener tu protección alta con pocos inconvenientes. Lo que sabemos ahora es que una segunda vacuna de refuerzo presenta pocos riesgos, pero los beneficios varían de una persona a otra. Read more…
May 13, 2022
Why do some people not get COVID when everyone around them has it?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread
Guest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
TLDR; Many things impact infection risk, including vaccination status, prior exposures, genetics, and the specific details of one’s contact with infected people. Even when conditions seem ideal for transmission, it’s not a done deal. This is why, if COVID comes to your home, it’s worth trying to limit spread. And sometimes, you just get lucky. Read more…
May 12, 2022
What is sensitivity and specificity, and why should I care?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Good question! Sensitivity and specificity are characteristics of a medical test that help us determine how useful that test is and how to interpret the result. BUT, they aren’t the be all and end all. We also want to know the positive and negative predictive value. Strap in for the ride and let’s talk Read more…
May 11, 2022
What is Paxlovid Mouth?
Megan Madsen, DO
While effective and generally safe, Paxlovid does have the potential for some side effects. One temporary, but particularly distasteful side effect reported is “Paxlovid mouth.” Paxlovid (Nirmatrelvir + Ritonavir) has become a household name since its March 2022 Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) approval as an at-home option to treat COVID-19. It consists of a 5 Read more…
May 10, 2022
¿Una infección por COVID-19 aumenta mi riesgo de diabetes?
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo estudio publicado en la revista médica, The Lancet, sugiere que la gente que tuvo una infección por COVID-19 tiene un mayor riesgo de desarrollar diabetes dentro de un año. Cada vez más investigaciones muestran que las infecciones por COVID-19 pueden resultar en consecuencias para la salud a largo plazo. En el estudio publicado Read more…
May 10, 2022
Shingles and the Shingles Vaccine: Get the Facts
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Shingles is a painful, blistering rash that often develops in a stripe that wraps around one side of the body or face. Besides the rash, symptoms include fever, headache, and chills. But mainly, you hear about the rash because it HURTS! If you’re over 50, the shingles vaccine Shingrix can help you avoid this super Read more…
May 9, 2022
Is there a baby formula shortage in the U.S.?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Answer: Yes. Across the U.S. there are multiple reports of shortages. In some cases up to 40% of the most popular formulas are not currently available on store shelves for the week of April 24. The hardest hit states have been: Connecticut, Delaware, Montana, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington. Parents have reported empty Read more…
May 7, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 05-07-22
General Health Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Live COVID Q&A with Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD – TNG CEO & Founding Member Chana Davis, PhD, Fueled by Science: TNG Contributing Writer Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:02) ➡️ The impact of pandemic Read more…
May 7, 2022
¿Se puede usar Flonase, el spray nasal para alergias, el spray nasal salino, o la irrigación nasal antes de administrar una prueba rápida de COVID-19 o cambiarán mis resultados?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No hay evidencia de que usar el spray nasal cambiará los resultados de su prueba. 🧪Las pruebas rápidas de COVID-19 son positivas cuando detectan una gran cantidad de la proteína que está presente en SARS CoV-2 en sus orificios nasales. No es probable que el spray nasal para alergias cambie la cantidad de 🦠 virus Read more…
May 7, 2022
Should I get boosted now or wait?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…
May 6, 2022
Should I be worried about hepatitis in children?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: You should be aware of the signs and symptoms of hepatitis in children, but there is no reason to panic. Cases seem to be on the rise among children, but scientists are still watching the data closely and do not yet know the cause. 🤒 What is hepatitis anyways? Hepatitis is a broad term Read more…
May 5, 2022
Con tantas personas usando pruebas caseras (que en su mayoría no se reportan en los conteos oficiales), ¿cómo podemos rastrear de manera confiable la transmisión de COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El uso de pruebas caseras complica el registro de todos los casos nuevos, ya que si alguien se hace una prueba casera de COVID-19, posiblemente no informe los resultados (ya sean positivos o negativos) al departamento de salud. Como resultado, el conteo total de casos nuevos y el rastreo de positividad (pruebas positivas/pruebas totales) se Read more…
May 5, 2022
Help! It’s Day 10 and my rapid antigen test is still positive. Am I contagious?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: For most people, the risk of spreading to COVID to others is likely minimal after Day 10 – but not so low that you can throw caution to the wind. While rapid antigen tests can be useful as proxies for contagiousness, their value is unclear after Day 10. Infectious disease experts generally support exiting Read more…
May 4, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Friday, 5/6 @ 1 pm EDT!
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…
May 4, 2022
Can you catch COVID-19 from a fart?
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…
Nearly 1 in 5 people will experience a mental health condition in any given year. And over half of all people will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. This is not just about some of us. It is about all of us. Our mental health is complex and influenced by many factors. Mental Read more…
2do refuerzo: ¿qué sabemos?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Con el aumento de la BA.2, si eres elegible (mayor de 50 años o inmunocomprometido, en los EE.UU.), recibir la siguiente vacuna de refuerzo puede mantener tu protección alta con pocos inconvenientes. Lo que sabemos ahora es que una segunda vacuna de refuerzo presenta pocos riesgos, pero los beneficios varían de una persona a otra. Read more…
May 13, 2022
Why do some people not get COVID when everyone around them has it?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread
Guest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
TLDR; Many things impact infection risk, including vaccination status, prior exposures, genetics, and the specific details of one’s contact with infected people. Even when conditions seem ideal for transmission, it’s not a done deal. This is why, if COVID comes to your home, it’s worth trying to limit spread. And sometimes, you just get lucky. Read more…
May 12, 2022
What is sensitivity and specificity, and why should I care?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Good question! Sensitivity and specificity are characteristics of a medical test that help us determine how useful that test is and how to interpret the result. BUT, they aren’t the be all and end all. We also want to know the positive and negative predictive value. Strap in for the ride and let’s talk Read more…
May 11, 2022
What is Paxlovid Mouth?
Megan Madsen, DO
While effective and generally safe, Paxlovid does have the potential for some side effects. One temporary, but particularly distasteful side effect reported is “Paxlovid mouth.” Paxlovid (Nirmatrelvir + Ritonavir) has become a household name since its March 2022 Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) approval as an at-home option to treat COVID-19. It consists of a 5 Read more…
May 10, 2022
¿Una infección por COVID-19 aumenta mi riesgo de diabetes?
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo estudio publicado en la revista médica, The Lancet, sugiere que la gente que tuvo una infección por COVID-19 tiene un mayor riesgo de desarrollar diabetes dentro de un año. Cada vez más investigaciones muestran que las infecciones por COVID-19 pueden resultar en consecuencias para la salud a largo plazo. En el estudio publicado Read more…
May 10, 2022
Shingles and the Shingles Vaccine: Get the Facts
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Shingles is a painful, blistering rash that often develops in a stripe that wraps around one side of the body or face. Besides the rash, symptoms include fever, headache, and chills. But mainly, you hear about the rash because it HURTS! If you’re over 50, the shingles vaccine Shingrix can help you avoid this super Read more…
May 9, 2022
Is there a baby formula shortage in the U.S.?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Answer: Yes. Across the U.S. there are multiple reports of shortages. In some cases up to 40% of the most popular formulas are not currently available on store shelves for the week of April 24. The hardest hit states have been: Connecticut, Delaware, Montana, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington. Parents have reported empty Read more…
May 7, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 05-07-22
General Health Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Live COVID Q&A with Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD – TNG CEO & Founding Member Chana Davis, PhD, Fueled by Science: TNG Contributing Writer Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:02) ➡️ The impact of pandemic Read more…
May 7, 2022
¿Se puede usar Flonase, el spray nasal para alergias, el spray nasal salino, o la irrigación nasal antes de administrar una prueba rápida de COVID-19 o cambiarán mis resultados?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No hay evidencia de que usar el spray nasal cambiará los resultados de su prueba. 🧪Las pruebas rápidas de COVID-19 son positivas cuando detectan una gran cantidad de la proteína que está presente en SARS CoV-2 en sus orificios nasales. No es probable que el spray nasal para alergias cambie la cantidad de 🦠 virus Read more…
May 7, 2022
Should I get boosted now or wait?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…
May 6, 2022
Should I be worried about hepatitis in children?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: You should be aware of the signs and symptoms of hepatitis in children, but there is no reason to panic. Cases seem to be on the rise among children, but scientists are still watching the data closely and do not yet know the cause. 🤒 What is hepatitis anyways? Hepatitis is a broad term Read more…
May 5, 2022
Con tantas personas usando pruebas caseras (que en su mayoría no se reportan en los conteos oficiales), ¿cómo podemos rastrear de manera confiable la transmisión de COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El uso de pruebas caseras complica el registro de todos los casos nuevos, ya que si alguien se hace una prueba casera de COVID-19, posiblemente no informe los resultados (ya sean positivos o negativos) al departamento de salud. Como resultado, el conteo total de casos nuevos y el rastreo de positividad (pruebas positivas/pruebas totales) se Read more…
May 5, 2022
Help! It’s Day 10 and my rapid antigen test is still positive. Am I contagious?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: For most people, the risk of spreading to COVID to others is likely minimal after Day 10 – but not so low that you can throw caution to the wind. While rapid antigen tests can be useful as proxies for contagiousness, their value is unclear after Day 10. Infectious disease experts generally support exiting Read more…
May 4, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Friday, 5/6 @ 1 pm EDT!
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…
May 4, 2022
Can you catch COVID-19 from a fart?
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…
Con el aumento de la BA.2, si eres elegible (mayor de 50 años o inmunocomprometido, en los EE.UU.), recibir la siguiente vacuna de refuerzo puede mantener tu protección alta con pocos inconvenientes. Lo que sabemos ahora es que una segunda vacuna de refuerzo presenta pocos riesgos, pero los beneficios varían de una persona a otra. Read more…
Why do some people not get COVID when everyone around them has it?
Biology/Immunity Infection and SpreadGuest Author Jessica Williams-Nguyen, PhD
TLDR; Many things impact infection risk, including vaccination status, prior exposures, genetics, and the specific details of one’s contact with infected people. Even when conditions seem ideal for transmission, it’s not a done deal. This is why, if COVID comes to your home, it’s worth trying to limit spread. And sometimes, you just get lucky. Read more…
May 12, 2022
What is sensitivity and specificity, and why should I care?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Good question! Sensitivity and specificity are characteristics of a medical test that help us determine how useful that test is and how to interpret the result. BUT, they aren’t the be all and end all. We also want to know the positive and negative predictive value. Strap in for the ride and let’s talk Read more…
May 11, 2022
What is Paxlovid Mouth?
Megan Madsen, DO
While effective and generally safe, Paxlovid does have the potential for some side effects. One temporary, but particularly distasteful side effect reported is “Paxlovid mouth.” Paxlovid (Nirmatrelvir + Ritonavir) has become a household name since its March 2022 Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) approval as an at-home option to treat COVID-19. It consists of a 5 Read more…
May 10, 2022
¿Una infección por COVID-19 aumenta mi riesgo de diabetes?
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo estudio publicado en la revista médica, The Lancet, sugiere que la gente que tuvo una infección por COVID-19 tiene un mayor riesgo de desarrollar diabetes dentro de un año. Cada vez más investigaciones muestran que las infecciones por COVID-19 pueden resultar en consecuencias para la salud a largo plazo. En el estudio publicado Read more…
May 10, 2022
Shingles and the Shingles Vaccine: Get the Facts
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Shingles is a painful, blistering rash that often develops in a stripe that wraps around one side of the body or face. Besides the rash, symptoms include fever, headache, and chills. But mainly, you hear about the rash because it HURTS! If you’re over 50, the shingles vaccine Shingrix can help you avoid this super Read more…
May 9, 2022
Is there a baby formula shortage in the U.S.?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Answer: Yes. Across the U.S. there are multiple reports of shortages. In some cases up to 40% of the most popular formulas are not currently available on store shelves for the week of April 24. The hardest hit states have been: Connecticut, Delaware, Montana, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington. Parents have reported empty Read more…
May 7, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 05-07-22
General Health Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Live COVID Q&A with Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD – TNG CEO & Founding Member Chana Davis, PhD, Fueled by Science: TNG Contributing Writer Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:02) ➡️ The impact of pandemic Read more…
May 7, 2022
¿Se puede usar Flonase, el spray nasal para alergias, el spray nasal salino, o la irrigación nasal antes de administrar una prueba rápida de COVID-19 o cambiarán mis resultados?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No hay evidencia de que usar el spray nasal cambiará los resultados de su prueba. 🧪Las pruebas rápidas de COVID-19 son positivas cuando detectan una gran cantidad de la proteína que está presente en SARS CoV-2 en sus orificios nasales. No es probable que el spray nasal para alergias cambie la cantidad de 🦠 virus Read more…
May 7, 2022
Should I get boosted now or wait?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…
May 6, 2022
Should I be worried about hepatitis in children?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: You should be aware of the signs and symptoms of hepatitis in children, but there is no reason to panic. Cases seem to be on the rise among children, but scientists are still watching the data closely and do not yet know the cause. 🤒 What is hepatitis anyways? Hepatitis is a broad term Read more…
May 5, 2022
Con tantas personas usando pruebas caseras (que en su mayoría no se reportan en los conteos oficiales), ¿cómo podemos rastrear de manera confiable la transmisión de COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El uso de pruebas caseras complica el registro de todos los casos nuevos, ya que si alguien se hace una prueba casera de COVID-19, posiblemente no informe los resultados (ya sean positivos o negativos) al departamento de salud. Como resultado, el conteo total de casos nuevos y el rastreo de positividad (pruebas positivas/pruebas totales) se Read more…
May 5, 2022
Help! It’s Day 10 and my rapid antigen test is still positive. Am I contagious?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: For most people, the risk of spreading to COVID to others is likely minimal after Day 10 – but not so low that you can throw caution to the wind. While rapid antigen tests can be useful as proxies for contagiousness, their value is unclear after Day 10. Infectious disease experts generally support exiting Read more…
May 4, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Friday, 5/6 @ 1 pm EDT!
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…
May 4, 2022
Can you catch COVID-19 from a fart?
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…
TLDR; Many things impact infection risk, including vaccination status, prior exposures, genetics, and the specific details of one’s contact with infected people. Even when conditions seem ideal for transmission, it’s not a done deal. This is why, if COVID comes to your home, it’s worth trying to limit spread. And sometimes, you just get lucky. Read more…
What is sensitivity and specificity, and why should I care?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Good question! Sensitivity and specificity are characteristics of a medical test that help us determine how useful that test is and how to interpret the result. BUT, they aren’t the be all and end all. We also want to know the positive and negative predictive value. Strap in for the ride and let’s talk Read more…
May 11, 2022
What is Paxlovid Mouth?
Megan Madsen, DO
While effective and generally safe, Paxlovid does have the potential for some side effects. One temporary, but particularly distasteful side effect reported is “Paxlovid mouth.” Paxlovid (Nirmatrelvir + Ritonavir) has become a household name since its March 2022 Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) approval as an at-home option to treat COVID-19. It consists of a 5 Read more…
May 10, 2022
¿Una infección por COVID-19 aumenta mi riesgo de diabetes?
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo estudio publicado en la revista médica, The Lancet, sugiere que la gente que tuvo una infección por COVID-19 tiene un mayor riesgo de desarrollar diabetes dentro de un año. Cada vez más investigaciones muestran que las infecciones por COVID-19 pueden resultar en consecuencias para la salud a largo plazo. En el estudio publicado Read more…
May 10, 2022
Shingles and the Shingles Vaccine: Get the Facts
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Shingles is a painful, blistering rash that often develops in a stripe that wraps around one side of the body or face. Besides the rash, symptoms include fever, headache, and chills. But mainly, you hear about the rash because it HURTS! If you’re over 50, the shingles vaccine Shingrix can help you avoid this super Read more…
May 9, 2022
Is there a baby formula shortage in the U.S.?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Answer: Yes. Across the U.S. there are multiple reports of shortages. In some cases up to 40% of the most popular formulas are not currently available on store shelves for the week of April 24. The hardest hit states have been: Connecticut, Delaware, Montana, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington. Parents have reported empty Read more…
May 7, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 05-07-22
General Health Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Live COVID Q&A with Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD – TNG CEO & Founding Member Chana Davis, PhD, Fueled by Science: TNG Contributing Writer Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:02) ➡️ The impact of pandemic Read more…
May 7, 2022
¿Se puede usar Flonase, el spray nasal para alergias, el spray nasal salino, o la irrigación nasal antes de administrar una prueba rápida de COVID-19 o cambiarán mis resultados?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No hay evidencia de que usar el spray nasal cambiará los resultados de su prueba. 🧪Las pruebas rápidas de COVID-19 son positivas cuando detectan una gran cantidad de la proteína que está presente en SARS CoV-2 en sus orificios nasales. No es probable que el spray nasal para alergias cambie la cantidad de 🦠 virus Read more…
May 7, 2022
Should I get boosted now or wait?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…
May 6, 2022
Should I be worried about hepatitis in children?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: You should be aware of the signs and symptoms of hepatitis in children, but there is no reason to panic. Cases seem to be on the rise among children, but scientists are still watching the data closely and do not yet know the cause. 🤒 What is hepatitis anyways? Hepatitis is a broad term Read more…
May 5, 2022
Con tantas personas usando pruebas caseras (que en su mayoría no se reportan en los conteos oficiales), ¿cómo podemos rastrear de manera confiable la transmisión de COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El uso de pruebas caseras complica el registro de todos los casos nuevos, ya que si alguien se hace una prueba casera de COVID-19, posiblemente no informe los resultados (ya sean positivos o negativos) al departamento de salud. Como resultado, el conteo total de casos nuevos y el rastreo de positividad (pruebas positivas/pruebas totales) se Read more…
May 5, 2022
Help! It’s Day 10 and my rapid antigen test is still positive. Am I contagious?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: For most people, the risk of spreading to COVID to others is likely minimal after Day 10 – but not so low that you can throw caution to the wind. While rapid antigen tests can be useful as proxies for contagiousness, their value is unclear after Day 10. Infectious disease experts generally support exiting Read more…
May 4, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Friday, 5/6 @ 1 pm EDT!
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…
May 4, 2022
Can you catch COVID-19 from a fart?
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…
A: Good question! Sensitivity and specificity are characteristics of a medical test that help us determine how useful that test is and how to interpret the result. BUT, they aren’t the be all and end all. We also want to know the positive and negative predictive value. Strap in for the ride and let’s talk Read more…
What is Paxlovid Mouth?
Megan Madsen, DO
While effective and generally safe, Paxlovid does have the potential for some side effects. One temporary, but particularly distasteful side effect reported is “Paxlovid mouth.” Paxlovid (Nirmatrelvir + Ritonavir) has become a household name since its March 2022 Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) approval as an at-home option to treat COVID-19. It consists of a 5 Read more…
May 10, 2022
¿Una infección por COVID-19 aumenta mi riesgo de diabetes?
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo estudio publicado en la revista médica, The Lancet, sugiere que la gente que tuvo una infección por COVID-19 tiene un mayor riesgo de desarrollar diabetes dentro de un año. Cada vez más investigaciones muestran que las infecciones por COVID-19 pueden resultar en consecuencias para la salud a largo plazo. En el estudio publicado Read more…
May 10, 2022
Shingles and the Shingles Vaccine: Get the Facts
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Shingles is a painful, blistering rash that often develops in a stripe that wraps around one side of the body or face. Besides the rash, symptoms include fever, headache, and chills. But mainly, you hear about the rash because it HURTS! If you’re over 50, the shingles vaccine Shingrix can help you avoid this super Read more…
May 9, 2022
Is there a baby formula shortage in the U.S.?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Answer: Yes. Across the U.S. there are multiple reports of shortages. In some cases up to 40% of the most popular formulas are not currently available on store shelves for the week of April 24. The hardest hit states have been: Connecticut, Delaware, Montana, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington. Parents have reported empty Read more…
May 7, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 05-07-22
General Health Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Live COVID Q&A with Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD – TNG CEO & Founding Member Chana Davis, PhD, Fueled by Science: TNG Contributing Writer Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:02) ➡️ The impact of pandemic Read more…
May 7, 2022
¿Se puede usar Flonase, el spray nasal para alergias, el spray nasal salino, o la irrigación nasal antes de administrar una prueba rápida de COVID-19 o cambiarán mis resultados?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No hay evidencia de que usar el spray nasal cambiará los resultados de su prueba. 🧪Las pruebas rápidas de COVID-19 son positivas cuando detectan una gran cantidad de la proteína que está presente en SARS CoV-2 en sus orificios nasales. No es probable que el spray nasal para alergias cambie la cantidad de 🦠 virus Read more…
May 7, 2022
Should I get boosted now or wait?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…
May 6, 2022
Should I be worried about hepatitis in children?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: You should be aware of the signs and symptoms of hepatitis in children, but there is no reason to panic. Cases seem to be on the rise among children, but scientists are still watching the data closely and do not yet know the cause. 🤒 What is hepatitis anyways? Hepatitis is a broad term Read more…
May 5, 2022
Con tantas personas usando pruebas caseras (que en su mayoría no se reportan en los conteos oficiales), ¿cómo podemos rastrear de manera confiable la transmisión de COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El uso de pruebas caseras complica el registro de todos los casos nuevos, ya que si alguien se hace una prueba casera de COVID-19, posiblemente no informe los resultados (ya sean positivos o negativos) al departamento de salud. Como resultado, el conteo total de casos nuevos y el rastreo de positividad (pruebas positivas/pruebas totales) se Read more…
May 5, 2022
Help! It’s Day 10 and my rapid antigen test is still positive. Am I contagious?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: For most people, the risk of spreading to COVID to others is likely minimal after Day 10 – but not so low that you can throw caution to the wind. While rapid antigen tests can be useful as proxies for contagiousness, their value is unclear after Day 10. Infectious disease experts generally support exiting Read more…
May 4, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Friday, 5/6 @ 1 pm EDT!
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…
May 4, 2022
Can you catch COVID-19 from a fart?
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…
While effective and generally safe, Paxlovid does have the potential for some side effects. One temporary, but particularly distasteful side effect reported is “Paxlovid mouth.” Paxlovid (Nirmatrelvir + Ritonavir) has become a household name since its March 2022 Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) approval as an at-home option to treat COVID-19. It consists of a 5 Read more…
¿Una infección por COVID-19 aumenta mi riesgo de diabetes?
Posts en Español Uncategorized
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Un nuevo estudio publicado en la revista médica, The Lancet, sugiere que la gente que tuvo una infección por COVID-19 tiene un mayor riesgo de desarrollar diabetes dentro de un año. Cada vez más investigaciones muestran que las infecciones por COVID-19 pueden resultar en consecuencias para la salud a largo plazo. En el estudio publicado Read more…
May 10, 2022
Shingles and the Shingles Vaccine: Get the Facts
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Shingles is a painful, blistering rash that often develops in a stripe that wraps around one side of the body or face. Besides the rash, symptoms include fever, headache, and chills. But mainly, you hear about the rash because it HURTS! If you’re over 50, the shingles vaccine Shingrix can help you avoid this super Read more…
May 9, 2022
Is there a baby formula shortage in the U.S.?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Answer: Yes. Across the U.S. there are multiple reports of shortages. In some cases up to 40% of the most popular formulas are not currently available on store shelves for the week of April 24. The hardest hit states have been: Connecticut, Delaware, Montana, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington. Parents have reported empty Read more…
May 7, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 05-07-22
General Health Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Live COVID Q&A with Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD – TNG CEO & Founding Member Chana Davis, PhD, Fueled by Science: TNG Contributing Writer Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:02) ➡️ The impact of pandemic Read more…
May 7, 2022
¿Se puede usar Flonase, el spray nasal para alergias, el spray nasal salino, o la irrigación nasal antes de administrar una prueba rápida de COVID-19 o cambiarán mis resultados?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No hay evidencia de que usar el spray nasal cambiará los resultados de su prueba. 🧪Las pruebas rápidas de COVID-19 son positivas cuando detectan una gran cantidad de la proteína que está presente en SARS CoV-2 en sus orificios nasales. No es probable que el spray nasal para alergias cambie la cantidad de 🦠 virus Read more…
May 7, 2022
Should I get boosted now or wait?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…
May 6, 2022
Should I be worried about hepatitis in children?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: You should be aware of the signs and symptoms of hepatitis in children, but there is no reason to panic. Cases seem to be on the rise among children, but scientists are still watching the data closely and do not yet know the cause. 🤒 What is hepatitis anyways? Hepatitis is a broad term Read more…
May 5, 2022
Con tantas personas usando pruebas caseras (que en su mayoría no se reportan en los conteos oficiales), ¿cómo podemos rastrear de manera confiable la transmisión de COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El uso de pruebas caseras complica el registro de todos los casos nuevos, ya que si alguien se hace una prueba casera de COVID-19, posiblemente no informe los resultados (ya sean positivos o negativos) al departamento de salud. Como resultado, el conteo total de casos nuevos y el rastreo de positividad (pruebas positivas/pruebas totales) se Read more…
May 5, 2022
Help! It’s Day 10 and my rapid antigen test is still positive. Am I contagious?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: For most people, the risk of spreading to COVID to others is likely minimal after Day 10 – but not so low that you can throw caution to the wind. While rapid antigen tests can be useful as proxies for contagiousness, their value is unclear after Day 10. Infectious disease experts generally support exiting Read more…
May 4, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Friday, 5/6 @ 1 pm EDT!
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…
May 4, 2022
Can you catch COVID-19 from a fart?
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…
Un nuevo estudio publicado en la revista médica, The Lancet, sugiere que la gente que tuvo una infección por COVID-19 tiene un mayor riesgo de desarrollar diabetes dentro de un año. Cada vez más investigaciones muestran que las infecciones por COVID-19 pueden resultar en consecuencias para la salud a largo plazo. En el estudio publicado Read more…
Shingles and the Shingles Vaccine: Get the Facts
Infectious Diseases Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Shingles is a painful, blistering rash that often develops in a stripe that wraps around one side of the body or face. Besides the rash, symptoms include fever, headache, and chills. But mainly, you hear about the rash because it HURTS! If you’re over 50, the shingles vaccine Shingrix can help you avoid this super Read more…
May 9, 2022
Is there a baby formula shortage in the U.S.?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Answer: Yes. Across the U.S. there are multiple reports of shortages. In some cases up to 40% of the most popular formulas are not currently available on store shelves for the week of April 24. The hardest hit states have been: Connecticut, Delaware, Montana, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington. Parents have reported empty Read more…
May 7, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 05-07-22
General Health Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Live COVID Q&A with Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD – TNG CEO & Founding Member Chana Davis, PhD, Fueled by Science: TNG Contributing Writer Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:02) ➡️ The impact of pandemic Read more…
May 7, 2022
¿Se puede usar Flonase, el spray nasal para alergias, el spray nasal salino, o la irrigación nasal antes de administrar una prueba rápida de COVID-19 o cambiarán mis resultados?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No hay evidencia de que usar el spray nasal cambiará los resultados de su prueba. 🧪Las pruebas rápidas de COVID-19 son positivas cuando detectan una gran cantidad de la proteína que está presente en SARS CoV-2 en sus orificios nasales. No es probable que el spray nasal para alergias cambie la cantidad de 🦠 virus Read more…
May 7, 2022
Should I get boosted now or wait?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…
May 6, 2022
Should I be worried about hepatitis in children?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: You should be aware of the signs and symptoms of hepatitis in children, but there is no reason to panic. Cases seem to be on the rise among children, but scientists are still watching the data closely and do not yet know the cause. 🤒 What is hepatitis anyways? Hepatitis is a broad term Read more…
May 5, 2022
Con tantas personas usando pruebas caseras (que en su mayoría no se reportan en los conteos oficiales), ¿cómo podemos rastrear de manera confiable la transmisión de COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El uso de pruebas caseras complica el registro de todos los casos nuevos, ya que si alguien se hace una prueba casera de COVID-19, posiblemente no informe los resultados (ya sean positivos o negativos) al departamento de salud. Como resultado, el conteo total de casos nuevos y el rastreo de positividad (pruebas positivas/pruebas totales) se Read more…
May 5, 2022
Help! It’s Day 10 and my rapid antigen test is still positive. Am I contagious?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: For most people, the risk of spreading to COVID to others is likely minimal after Day 10 – but not so low that you can throw caution to the wind. While rapid antigen tests can be useful as proxies for contagiousness, their value is unclear after Day 10. Infectious disease experts generally support exiting Read more…
May 4, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Friday, 5/6 @ 1 pm EDT!
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…
May 4, 2022
Can you catch COVID-19 from a fart?
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…
Shingles is a painful, blistering rash that often develops in a stripe that wraps around one side of the body or face. Besides the rash, symptoms include fever, headache, and chills. But mainly, you hear about the rash because it HURTS! If you’re over 50, the shingles vaccine Shingrix can help you avoid this super Read more…
Is there a baby formula shortage in the U.S.?
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Answer: Yes. Across the U.S. there are multiple reports of shortages. In some cases up to 40% of the most popular formulas are not currently available on store shelves for the week of April 24. The hardest hit states have been: Connecticut, Delaware, Montana, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington. Parents have reported empty Read more…
May 7, 2022
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 05-07-22
General Health Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Live COVID Q&A with Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD – TNG CEO & Founding Member Chana Davis, PhD, Fueled by Science: TNG Contributing Writer Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:02) ➡️ The impact of pandemic Read more…
May 7, 2022
¿Se puede usar Flonase, el spray nasal para alergias, el spray nasal salino, o la irrigación nasal antes de administrar una prueba rápida de COVID-19 o cambiarán mis resultados?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No hay evidencia de que usar el spray nasal cambiará los resultados de su prueba. 🧪Las pruebas rápidas de COVID-19 son positivas cuando detectan una gran cantidad de la proteína que está presente en SARS CoV-2 en sus orificios nasales. No es probable que el spray nasal para alergias cambie la cantidad de 🦠 virus Read more…
May 7, 2022
Should I get boosted now or wait?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…
May 6, 2022
Should I be worried about hepatitis in children?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: You should be aware of the signs and symptoms of hepatitis in children, but there is no reason to panic. Cases seem to be on the rise among children, but scientists are still watching the data closely and do not yet know the cause. 🤒 What is hepatitis anyways? Hepatitis is a broad term Read more…
May 5, 2022
Con tantas personas usando pruebas caseras (que en su mayoría no se reportan en los conteos oficiales), ¿cómo podemos rastrear de manera confiable la transmisión de COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El uso de pruebas caseras complica el registro de todos los casos nuevos, ya que si alguien se hace una prueba casera de COVID-19, posiblemente no informe los resultados (ya sean positivos o negativos) al departamento de salud. Como resultado, el conteo total de casos nuevos y el rastreo de positividad (pruebas positivas/pruebas totales) se Read more…
May 5, 2022
Help! It’s Day 10 and my rapid antigen test is still positive. Am I contagious?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: For most people, the risk of spreading to COVID to others is likely minimal after Day 10 – but not so low that you can throw caution to the wind. While rapid antigen tests can be useful as proxies for contagiousness, their value is unclear after Day 10. Infectious disease experts generally support exiting Read more…
May 4, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Friday, 5/6 @ 1 pm EDT!
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…
May 4, 2022
Can you catch COVID-19 from a fart?
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…
Answer: Yes. Across the U.S. there are multiple reports of shortages. In some cases up to 40% of the most popular formulas are not currently available on store shelves for the week of April 24. The hardest hit states have been: Connecticut, Delaware, Montana, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington. Parents have reported empty Read more…
Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 05-07-22
General Health Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Live COVID Q&A with Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD – TNG CEO & Founding Member Chana Davis, PhD, Fueled by Science: TNG Contributing Writer Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:02) ➡️ The impact of pandemic Read more…
May 7, 2022
¿Se puede usar Flonase, el spray nasal para alergias, el spray nasal salino, o la irrigación nasal antes de administrar una prueba rápida de COVID-19 o cambiarán mis resultados?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No hay evidencia de que usar el spray nasal cambiará los resultados de su prueba. 🧪Las pruebas rápidas de COVID-19 son positivas cuando detectan una gran cantidad de la proteína que está presente en SARS CoV-2 en sus orificios nasales. No es probable que el spray nasal para alergias cambie la cantidad de 🦠 virus Read more…
May 7, 2022
Should I get boosted now or wait?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…
May 6, 2022
Should I be worried about hepatitis in children?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: You should be aware of the signs and symptoms of hepatitis in children, but there is no reason to panic. Cases seem to be on the rise among children, but scientists are still watching the data closely and do not yet know the cause. 🤒 What is hepatitis anyways? Hepatitis is a broad term Read more…
May 5, 2022
Con tantas personas usando pruebas caseras (que en su mayoría no se reportan en los conteos oficiales), ¿cómo podemos rastrear de manera confiable la transmisión de COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El uso de pruebas caseras complica el registro de todos los casos nuevos, ya que si alguien se hace una prueba casera de COVID-19, posiblemente no informe los resultados (ya sean positivos o negativos) al departamento de salud. Como resultado, el conteo total de casos nuevos y el rastreo de positividad (pruebas positivas/pruebas totales) se Read more…
May 5, 2022
Help! It’s Day 10 and my rapid antigen test is still positive. Am I contagious?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: For most people, the risk of spreading to COVID to others is likely minimal after Day 10 – but not so low that you can throw caution to the wind. While rapid antigen tests can be useful as proxies for contagiousness, their value is unclear after Day 10. Infectious disease experts generally support exiting Read more…
May 4, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Friday, 5/6 @ 1 pm EDT!
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…
May 4, 2022
Can you catch COVID-19 from a fart?
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…
Live COVID Q&A with Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD – TNG CEO & Founding Member Chana Davis, PhD, Fueled by Science: TNG Contributing Writer Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:02) ➡️ The impact of pandemic Read more…
¿Se puede usar Flonase, el spray nasal para alergias, el spray nasal salino, o la irrigación nasal antes de administrar una prueba rápida de COVID-19 o cambiarán mis resultados?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No hay evidencia de que usar el spray nasal cambiará los resultados de su prueba. 🧪Las pruebas rápidas de COVID-19 son positivas cuando detectan una gran cantidad de la proteína que está presente en SARS CoV-2 en sus orificios nasales. No es probable que el spray nasal para alergias cambie la cantidad de 🦠 virus Read more…
May 7, 2022
Should I get boosted now or wait?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…
May 6, 2022
Should I be worried about hepatitis in children?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: You should be aware of the signs and symptoms of hepatitis in children, but there is no reason to panic. Cases seem to be on the rise among children, but scientists are still watching the data closely and do not yet know the cause. 🤒 What is hepatitis anyways? Hepatitis is a broad term Read more…
May 5, 2022
Con tantas personas usando pruebas caseras (que en su mayoría no se reportan en los conteos oficiales), ¿cómo podemos rastrear de manera confiable la transmisión de COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El uso de pruebas caseras complica el registro de todos los casos nuevos, ya que si alguien se hace una prueba casera de COVID-19, posiblemente no informe los resultados (ya sean positivos o negativos) al departamento de salud. Como resultado, el conteo total de casos nuevos y el rastreo de positividad (pruebas positivas/pruebas totales) se Read more…
May 5, 2022
Help! It’s Day 10 and my rapid antigen test is still positive. Am I contagious?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: For most people, the risk of spreading to COVID to others is likely minimal after Day 10 – but not so low that you can throw caution to the wind. While rapid antigen tests can be useful as proxies for contagiousness, their value is unclear after Day 10. Infectious disease experts generally support exiting Read more…
May 4, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Friday, 5/6 @ 1 pm EDT!
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…
May 4, 2022
Can you catch COVID-19 from a fart?
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…
No hay evidencia de que usar el spray nasal cambiará los resultados de su prueba. 🧪Las pruebas rápidas de COVID-19 son positivas cuando detectan una gran cantidad de la proteína que está presente en SARS CoV-2 en sus orificios nasales. No es probable que el spray nasal para alergias cambie la cantidad de 🦠 virus Read more…
Should I get boosted now or wait?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…
May 6, 2022
Should I be worried about hepatitis in children?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: You should be aware of the signs and symptoms of hepatitis in children, but there is no reason to panic. Cases seem to be on the rise among children, but scientists are still watching the data closely and do not yet know the cause. 🤒 What is hepatitis anyways? Hepatitis is a broad term Read more…
May 5, 2022
Con tantas personas usando pruebas caseras (que en su mayoría no se reportan en los conteos oficiales), ¿cómo podemos rastrear de manera confiable la transmisión de COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El uso de pruebas caseras complica el registro de todos los casos nuevos, ya que si alguien se hace una prueba casera de COVID-19, posiblemente no informe los resultados (ya sean positivos o negativos) al departamento de salud. Como resultado, el conteo total de casos nuevos y el rastreo de positividad (pruebas positivas/pruebas totales) se Read more…
May 5, 2022
Help! It’s Day 10 and my rapid antigen test is still positive. Am I contagious?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: For most people, the risk of spreading to COVID to others is likely minimal after Day 10 – but not so low that you can throw caution to the wind. While rapid antigen tests can be useful as proxies for contagiousness, their value is unclear after Day 10. Infectious disease experts generally support exiting Read more…
May 4, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Friday, 5/6 @ 1 pm EDT!
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…
May 4, 2022
Can you catch COVID-19 from a fart?
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…
If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…
Should I be worried about hepatitis in children?
Families/Kids Infectious Diseases
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: You should be aware of the signs and symptoms of hepatitis in children, but there is no reason to panic. Cases seem to be on the rise among children, but scientists are still watching the data closely and do not yet know the cause. 🤒 What is hepatitis anyways? Hepatitis is a broad term Read more…
May 5, 2022
Con tantas personas usando pruebas caseras (que en su mayoría no se reportan en los conteos oficiales), ¿cómo podemos rastrear de manera confiable la transmisión de COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El uso de pruebas caseras complica el registro de todos los casos nuevos, ya que si alguien se hace una prueba casera de COVID-19, posiblemente no informe los resultados (ya sean positivos o negativos) al departamento de salud. Como resultado, el conteo total de casos nuevos y el rastreo de positividad (pruebas positivas/pruebas totales) se Read more…
May 5, 2022
Help! It’s Day 10 and my rapid antigen test is still positive. Am I contagious?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: For most people, the risk of spreading to COVID to others is likely minimal after Day 10 – but not so low that you can throw caution to the wind. While rapid antigen tests can be useful as proxies for contagiousness, their value is unclear after Day 10. Infectious disease experts generally support exiting Read more…
May 4, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Friday, 5/6 @ 1 pm EDT!
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…
May 4, 2022
Can you catch COVID-19 from a fart?
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…
A: You should be aware of the signs and symptoms of hepatitis in children, but there is no reason to panic. Cases seem to be on the rise among children, but scientists are still watching the data closely and do not yet know the cause. 🤒 What is hepatitis anyways? Hepatitis is a broad term Read more…
Con tantas personas usando pruebas caseras (que en su mayoría no se reportan en los conteos oficiales), ¿cómo podemos rastrear de manera confiable la transmisión de COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
El uso de pruebas caseras complica el registro de todos los casos nuevos, ya que si alguien se hace una prueba casera de COVID-19, posiblemente no informe los resultados (ya sean positivos o negativos) al departamento de salud. Como resultado, el conteo total de casos nuevos y el rastreo de positividad (pruebas positivas/pruebas totales) se Read more…
May 5, 2022
Help! It’s Day 10 and my rapid antigen test is still positive. Am I contagious?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: For most people, the risk of spreading to COVID to others is likely minimal after Day 10 – but not so low that you can throw caution to the wind. While rapid antigen tests can be useful as proxies for contagiousness, their value is unclear after Day 10. Infectious disease experts generally support exiting Read more…
May 4, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Friday, 5/6 @ 1 pm EDT!
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…
May 4, 2022
Can you catch COVID-19 from a fart?
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…
El uso de pruebas caseras complica el registro de todos los casos nuevos, ya que si alguien se hace una prueba casera de COVID-19, posiblemente no informe los resultados (ya sean positivos o negativos) al departamento de salud. Como resultado, el conteo total de casos nuevos y el rastreo de positividad (pruebas positivas/pruebas totales) se Read more…
Help! It’s Day 10 and my rapid antigen test is still positive. Am I contagious?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A: For most people, the risk of spreading to COVID to others is likely minimal after Day 10 – but not so low that you can throw caution to the wind. While rapid antigen tests can be useful as proxies for contagiousness, their value is unclear after Day 10. Infectious disease experts generally support exiting Read more…
May 4, 2022
Nerdy Girl Live Friday, 5/6 @ 1 pm EDT!
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…
May 4, 2022
Can you catch COVID-19 from a fart?
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…
A: For most people, the risk of spreading to COVID to others is likely minimal after Day 10 – but not so low that you can throw caution to the wind. While rapid antigen tests can be useful as proxies for contagiousness, their value is unclear after Day 10. Infectious disease experts generally support exiting Read more…
Nerdy Girl Live Friday, 5/6 @ 1 pm EDT!
Chana Davis, PhD
Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…
May 4, 2022
Can you catch COVID-19 from a fart?
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…
Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. This month’s live Q&A topics include: * the impact of pandemic life on immune health * the value of one way masking * tracking COVID in the era of home testing * using rapid antigen tests to exit isolation Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, Read more…
Can you catch COVID-19 from a fart?
Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…
A: TL;DR. Unlikely. It’s been a while since we’ve had novel fart and poop content on Dear Pandemic, so let’s address this classic question about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a fart. In April 2020, when the pandemic was fresh and many of us were hoarding toilet paper, there were several articles flying around Read more…