Those Nerdy Girls chosen as a case study by WHO

Women in STEM

🎉 Those Nerdy Girls were recently honored to be chosen as a case study by the World Health Organization (WHO) for innovative science communication during the COVID-19 pandemic! “The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the importance of translating science in a timely and accessible manner to different audiences. As the pandemic progressed, the evidence evolved and Read more…

Efectos a largo plazo de la COVID-19

Long COVID Posts en Español

“Casi un 50% de personas presentan una sintomatología persistente durante semanas o incluso meses después de una infección inicial por el SARS-CoV-2” Lea nuestra publicación sobre el Covid largo aquí Fuente: Fisiopatología de la COVID-19 en diferentes órganos y sistemas. Elsevier España Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook

What is depression anyways?

Mental Health

💧 Depression is a medical illness, influenced by genes 🧬 , 😞 stressors in our lives, and the 🏡 environment around us. It is influenced by biological, social, and psychological factors. There is no one cause for depression. Depression can affect any person, regardless of age or social status. Some people are more likely to Read more…

¡Ayuda! Es el día 10 y mi prueba rápida de antígeno sigue saliendo positiva. ¿Soy contagioso?

Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing

Desgraciadamente, no podemos decirte tu riesgo de contagio de COVID, porque no se ha realizado el estudio ideal, uno que haga un seguimiento de las personas positivas al antígeno después del día 10 y que rastree la transmisión posterior. Podemos decir que, para la mayoría de las personas, el riesgo de contagio de COVID a Read more…

Meet Those Nerdy Girls: Maggie Hayes

Women in STEM

Today we get to introduce another one of Those Nerdy Girls, Maggie Hayes. Maggie is our Spanish language science communications intern, and she helps with operations, translation, and community engagement on our Spanish-language channel, Querida Pandemia. Maggie is a UW-Madison undergraduate majoring in Spanish and Sociology with a certificate in Chicana and Latina Studies. She Read more…

Is it safe to . . .?!

Staying Safe

“How risky is being indoors with our 10-year-old granddaughter without masks? We have plans to have birthday tea together. Are we safe?” That question, from a woman named Debby in California, is just one of hundreds I’ve received from concerned people who are worried about COVID-19. I’m an epidemiologist and one of the women behind Read more…

A estas alturas de la pandemia ¿será cierto que ya casi todos se han infectado con COVID-19?

Data and Metrics Posts en Español

Las estimaciones más recientes sugieren que alrededor del 58% de la población en los EE. UU. y más del 70 % en Inglaterra ya se ha contagiado,siendo la ola de Ómicron la responsable de los incrementos más GRANDES en los casos registrados. Los CDCs publicaron recientemente un informe MMWR, que estima el porcentaje de residentes Read more…

COVID Treatment Round Up!


As COVID-19 cases are on the rise in many parts of the world, now seems like a good time to review treatment options. Treatment options depend on how sick someone is. For this post, we are going to give the run down treatments for adults across the clinical spectrum of disease (from no symptoms at Read more…