Noticias sobre una opción de tratamiento del COVID-19 muy prometedora
Posts en Español Treatments
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
El fabricante de medicamentos Merck ha presentado recientemente los datos de los ensayos clínicos de su tratamiento oral de investigación para el COVID-19, llamado -molnupiravir-. Esto es lo que sabemos hasta ahora: La píldora antiviral de Merck redujo a la mitad las probabilidades de que los pacientes recién diagnosticados de COVID-19 fueran hospitalizados, en comparación Read more…
November 18, 2021
☹️ Influenza season is here! ☹️
Infectious Diseases Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Flu cases are starting to rise, and we are already seeing a big influenza outbreak at the University of Michigan. At the university, there have been over 500 cases diagnosed since October 6th, prompting the CDC to send in Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) officers to help the local authorities manage the outbreak. Most of the Read more…
November 17, 2021
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Key points: ✔️ Randomized trial data suggest Pfizer’s COVID-19 antiviral pill is safe and efficacious in high-risk unvaccinated populations ✔️ Taken in combo w/a common HIV drug, Pfizer’s antiviral reduces risk of hospitalization or death by 89% over placebo when taken w/in 3 days of onset ✔️ What scientists still want to know: How well Read more…
November 17, 2021
HELP! My hair is falling out.
Clinical Symptoms Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
HELP! My hair is falling out. -Many readers from many places A: You are not alone. Be selective in your panic Googling (tips below). Don’t fall for product peddlers on the internet. Talk to a trusted medical provider. First, hugs from the Nerdy Girls. Pandemic-era living stinks for a lot of reasons, and the “near-perfect Read more…
November 16, 2021
¿Se pueden mezclar las vacunas o recibir una dosis de refuerzo de una marca diferente?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
¡Sí se puede! Los resultados del ensayo de “mezcla” de vacunas de refuerzo han sido publicados, y esto es lo que dicen: Un refuerzo de CUALQUIER vacuna elevó mucho los anticuerpos, sin importar el tipo de las primeras dosis (o marca) de vacunas. El refuerzo con una vacuna de ARNm (Moderna o Pfizer) después de Read more…
November 16, 2021
A Nerdy Girl and her family get COVID-19!
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Yes- even Those Nerdy Girls are not invincible to the wrath of COVID-19. Dr. Ashley Ritter, Dear Pandemic’s Chief Nerd, here to share my family’s experience with COVID-19 infection. The moral of the story: Unvaccinated children can spread COVID-19 in their household, even among vaccinated housemates. Adults and kids 5 and older – GO GET Read more…
November 15, 2021
Deer in the U.S. have the virus that causes COVID-19.
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
ETA: Trigger warning: this post contains real bad news and it also mentions deer hunting. *************** 🦌⚠️🦌 Deer Pandemic?! 🦌⚠️🦌 Scientists recently learned that TONS of white-tailed deer in the United States have SARS-CoV-2. More than a few curse words were spoken by infectious disease epidemiologists upon hearing this news. It is very important and Read more…
November 14, 2021
Do I need a COVID-19 booster?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Thanks to our friends at Impact for this helpful booster cheat sheet (U.S. CDC guidelines): Link to Original FB Post
November 14, 2021
Un recordatorio a todas las mujeres amamantando de parte de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la vacuna contra el COVID-19 es segura -protégete!
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
November 13, 2021
How do COVID-19 mRNA vaccines work?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A picture (or video) truly is worth a thousand words. (See link below.) Thanks to The Vaccine Makers Project (VMP) for this beautiful visualization of the miracle of science. VMP is the classroom-based program of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The VMP is committed to public education about vaccine Read more…
November 13, 2021
Are pets getting sick from COVID?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR. Yes, pets and other animals can get infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Most of these pets that get sick with COVID-19 have mild illness and fully recover. However, people with COVID-19 should still act in a way to protect pets from infection. A recent study out of the UK demonstrated Read more…
November 12, 2021
How can I help my anxious child prepare for the COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🛑 Stop. 🫁 Breathe. ✨Don’t Panic. ✔️ And then try a few of the tried and true strategies are here (with thanks and appreciation to Dr. Aparna’s former colleagues at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) for their guidance and training). 📅 The bottom line: It is all about the preparation! 1. Keep it simple Read more…
November 11, 2021
What are the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in kids ages 5-11?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Chana Davis, PhD
A: The side effects from COVID-19 vaccines are similar to those from flu shots. The most common reactions are pain at the injection site, fatigue, and headache. Symptoms are typically mild to moderate and resolve in 1-2 days. Kids who had already been infected with COVID-19 tend to have fewer side effects. To understand what Read more…
November 11, 2021
La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas sin peligro.
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
A Recordar: La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas con seguridad. Hay muy pocas razones para que los niños estén exentos de llevar una mascarilla en la escuela. 🤔 Hay mucha confusión en torno a quién puede optar a una exención médica de una mascarilla, especialmente cuando los niños están volviendo a la Read more…
November 10, 2021
Can kids get “Long Covid?”
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Long COVID
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Sadly, yes. Though we don’t know exactly how many kids who had COVID-19 will have prolonged symptoms (often called Long Covid), Long Covid is possible even in kids who had mild or asymptomatic infections. You might hear it called “Long Covid,” “Long Haul Covid,” or “Post-Covid Conditions.” All these names are talking about the Read more…
November 9, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, *IS* available in the United States.
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Have you heard the latest social media rumor? Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, is not available in the United States/your state yet. True or false?! You guessed it–this is not true. And next time you run across something that smells a little fishy, don’t get caught! 🎣 Just google it followed by the words “fact check” Read more…
November 9, 2021
¿Estamos exagerando la mortalidad por COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No. Es realmente grave. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida en muchos países desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 👴Los hombres estadounidenses sufrieron algunas de las peores pérdidas: 2,2 años de esperanza de vida perdidos en 2020. Las mujeres de Estados Unidos perdieron 1,65 años de esperanza de vida. Read more…
November 8, 2021
Those Nerdy Girls tackle your questions about vaccines for 5-11-yr-olds
Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones, Dr. Aparna Kumar, Dr. Sarah Coles, and Dr. Chana Davis talk about the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 which is now available in the United States. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-3:12) ➡️ Overview of the recommendation for the Pfizer vaccine in kids ages 5-11 (3:21-9:50) Related Read more…
November 8, 2021
Looking back: A year ago, Pfizer first released their clinical trial results for COVID-19 vaccine.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see. We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy. There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still Read more…
November 7, 2021
The United States recently surpassed 750,000 deaths from COVID.
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…
El fabricante de medicamentos Merck ha presentado recientemente los datos de los ensayos clínicos de su tratamiento oral de investigación para el COVID-19, llamado -molnupiravir-. Esto es lo que sabemos hasta ahora: La píldora antiviral de Merck redujo a la mitad las probabilidades de que los pacientes recién diagnosticados de COVID-19 fueran hospitalizados, en comparación Read more…
☹️ Influenza season is here! ☹️
Infectious Diseases Staying Safe
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
Flu cases are starting to rise, and we are already seeing a big influenza outbreak at the University of Michigan. At the university, there have been over 500 cases diagnosed since October 6th, prompting the CDC to send in Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) officers to help the local authorities manage the outbreak. Most of the Read more…
November 17, 2021
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Key points: ✔️ Randomized trial data suggest Pfizer’s COVID-19 antiviral pill is safe and efficacious in high-risk unvaccinated populations ✔️ Taken in combo w/a common HIV drug, Pfizer’s antiviral reduces risk of hospitalization or death by 89% over placebo when taken w/in 3 days of onset ✔️ What scientists still want to know: How well Read more…
November 17, 2021
HELP! My hair is falling out.
Clinical Symptoms Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
HELP! My hair is falling out. -Many readers from many places A: You are not alone. Be selective in your panic Googling (tips below). Don’t fall for product peddlers on the internet. Talk to a trusted medical provider. First, hugs from the Nerdy Girls. Pandemic-era living stinks for a lot of reasons, and the “near-perfect Read more…
November 16, 2021
¿Se pueden mezclar las vacunas o recibir una dosis de refuerzo de una marca diferente?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
¡Sí se puede! Los resultados del ensayo de “mezcla” de vacunas de refuerzo han sido publicados, y esto es lo que dicen: Un refuerzo de CUALQUIER vacuna elevó mucho los anticuerpos, sin importar el tipo de las primeras dosis (o marca) de vacunas. El refuerzo con una vacuna de ARNm (Moderna o Pfizer) después de Read more…
November 16, 2021
A Nerdy Girl and her family get COVID-19!
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Yes- even Those Nerdy Girls are not invincible to the wrath of COVID-19. Dr. Ashley Ritter, Dear Pandemic’s Chief Nerd, here to share my family’s experience with COVID-19 infection. The moral of the story: Unvaccinated children can spread COVID-19 in their household, even among vaccinated housemates. Adults and kids 5 and older – GO GET Read more…
November 15, 2021
Deer in the U.S. have the virus that causes COVID-19.
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
ETA: Trigger warning: this post contains real bad news and it also mentions deer hunting. *************** 🦌⚠️🦌 Deer Pandemic?! 🦌⚠️🦌 Scientists recently learned that TONS of white-tailed deer in the United States have SARS-CoV-2. More than a few curse words were spoken by infectious disease epidemiologists upon hearing this news. It is very important and Read more…
November 14, 2021
Do I need a COVID-19 booster?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Thanks to our friends at Impact for this helpful booster cheat sheet (U.S. CDC guidelines): Link to Original FB Post
November 14, 2021
Un recordatorio a todas las mujeres amamantando de parte de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la vacuna contra el COVID-19 es segura -protégete!
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
November 13, 2021
How do COVID-19 mRNA vaccines work?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A picture (or video) truly is worth a thousand words. (See link below.) Thanks to The Vaccine Makers Project (VMP) for this beautiful visualization of the miracle of science. VMP is the classroom-based program of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The VMP is committed to public education about vaccine Read more…
November 13, 2021
Are pets getting sick from COVID?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR. Yes, pets and other animals can get infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Most of these pets that get sick with COVID-19 have mild illness and fully recover. However, people with COVID-19 should still act in a way to protect pets from infection. A recent study out of the UK demonstrated Read more…
November 12, 2021
How can I help my anxious child prepare for the COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🛑 Stop. 🫁 Breathe. ✨Don’t Panic. ✔️ And then try a few of the tried and true strategies are here (with thanks and appreciation to Dr. Aparna’s former colleagues at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) for their guidance and training). 📅 The bottom line: It is all about the preparation! 1. Keep it simple Read more…
November 11, 2021
What are the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in kids ages 5-11?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Chana Davis, PhD
A: The side effects from COVID-19 vaccines are similar to those from flu shots. The most common reactions are pain at the injection site, fatigue, and headache. Symptoms are typically mild to moderate and resolve in 1-2 days. Kids who had already been infected with COVID-19 tend to have fewer side effects. To understand what Read more…
November 11, 2021
La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas sin peligro.
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
A Recordar: La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas con seguridad. Hay muy pocas razones para que los niños estén exentos de llevar una mascarilla en la escuela. 🤔 Hay mucha confusión en torno a quién puede optar a una exención médica de una mascarilla, especialmente cuando los niños están volviendo a la Read more…
November 10, 2021
Can kids get “Long Covid?”
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Long COVID
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Sadly, yes. Though we don’t know exactly how many kids who had COVID-19 will have prolonged symptoms (often called Long Covid), Long Covid is possible even in kids who had mild or asymptomatic infections. You might hear it called “Long Covid,” “Long Haul Covid,” or “Post-Covid Conditions.” All these names are talking about the Read more…
November 9, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, *IS* available in the United States.
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Have you heard the latest social media rumor? Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, is not available in the United States/your state yet. True or false?! You guessed it–this is not true. And next time you run across something that smells a little fishy, don’t get caught! 🎣 Just google it followed by the words “fact check” Read more…
November 9, 2021
¿Estamos exagerando la mortalidad por COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No. Es realmente grave. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida en muchos países desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 👴Los hombres estadounidenses sufrieron algunas de las peores pérdidas: 2,2 años de esperanza de vida perdidos en 2020. Las mujeres de Estados Unidos perdieron 1,65 años de esperanza de vida. Read more…
November 8, 2021
Those Nerdy Girls tackle your questions about vaccines for 5-11-yr-olds
Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones, Dr. Aparna Kumar, Dr. Sarah Coles, and Dr. Chana Davis talk about the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 which is now available in the United States. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-3:12) ➡️ Overview of the recommendation for the Pfizer vaccine in kids ages 5-11 (3:21-9:50) Related Read more…
November 8, 2021
Looking back: A year ago, Pfizer first released their clinical trial results for COVID-19 vaccine.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see. We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy. There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still Read more…
November 7, 2021
The United States recently surpassed 750,000 deaths from COVID.
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…
Flu cases are starting to rise, and we are already seeing a big influenza outbreak at the University of Michigan. At the university, there have been over 500 cases diagnosed since October 6th, prompting the CDC to send in Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) officers to help the local authorities manage the outbreak. Most of the Read more…
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
Key points: ✔️ Randomized trial data suggest Pfizer’s COVID-19 antiviral pill is safe and efficacious in high-risk unvaccinated populations ✔️ Taken in combo w/a common HIV drug, Pfizer’s antiviral reduces risk of hospitalization or death by 89% over placebo when taken w/in 3 days of onset ✔️ What scientists still want to know: How well Read more…
November 17, 2021
HELP! My hair is falling out.
Clinical Symptoms Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
HELP! My hair is falling out. -Many readers from many places A: You are not alone. Be selective in your panic Googling (tips below). Don’t fall for product peddlers on the internet. Talk to a trusted medical provider. First, hugs from the Nerdy Girls. Pandemic-era living stinks for a lot of reasons, and the “near-perfect Read more…
November 16, 2021
¿Se pueden mezclar las vacunas o recibir una dosis de refuerzo de una marca diferente?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
¡Sí se puede! Los resultados del ensayo de “mezcla” de vacunas de refuerzo han sido publicados, y esto es lo que dicen: Un refuerzo de CUALQUIER vacuna elevó mucho los anticuerpos, sin importar el tipo de las primeras dosis (o marca) de vacunas. El refuerzo con una vacuna de ARNm (Moderna o Pfizer) después de Read more…
November 16, 2021
A Nerdy Girl and her family get COVID-19!
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Yes- even Those Nerdy Girls are not invincible to the wrath of COVID-19. Dr. Ashley Ritter, Dear Pandemic’s Chief Nerd, here to share my family’s experience with COVID-19 infection. The moral of the story: Unvaccinated children can spread COVID-19 in their household, even among vaccinated housemates. Adults and kids 5 and older – GO GET Read more…
November 15, 2021
Deer in the U.S. have the virus that causes COVID-19.
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
ETA: Trigger warning: this post contains real bad news and it also mentions deer hunting. *************** 🦌⚠️🦌 Deer Pandemic?! 🦌⚠️🦌 Scientists recently learned that TONS of white-tailed deer in the United States have SARS-CoV-2. More than a few curse words were spoken by infectious disease epidemiologists upon hearing this news. It is very important and Read more…
November 14, 2021
Do I need a COVID-19 booster?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Thanks to our friends at Impact for this helpful booster cheat sheet (U.S. CDC guidelines): Link to Original FB Post
November 14, 2021
Un recordatorio a todas las mujeres amamantando de parte de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la vacuna contra el COVID-19 es segura -protégete!
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
November 13, 2021
How do COVID-19 mRNA vaccines work?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A picture (or video) truly is worth a thousand words. (See link below.) Thanks to The Vaccine Makers Project (VMP) for this beautiful visualization of the miracle of science. VMP is the classroom-based program of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The VMP is committed to public education about vaccine Read more…
November 13, 2021
Are pets getting sick from COVID?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR. Yes, pets and other animals can get infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Most of these pets that get sick with COVID-19 have mild illness and fully recover. However, people with COVID-19 should still act in a way to protect pets from infection. A recent study out of the UK demonstrated Read more…
November 12, 2021
How can I help my anxious child prepare for the COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🛑 Stop. 🫁 Breathe. ✨Don’t Panic. ✔️ And then try a few of the tried and true strategies are here (with thanks and appreciation to Dr. Aparna’s former colleagues at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) for their guidance and training). 📅 The bottom line: It is all about the preparation! 1. Keep it simple Read more…
November 11, 2021
What are the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in kids ages 5-11?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Chana Davis, PhD
A: The side effects from COVID-19 vaccines are similar to those from flu shots. The most common reactions are pain at the injection site, fatigue, and headache. Symptoms are typically mild to moderate and resolve in 1-2 days. Kids who had already been infected with COVID-19 tend to have fewer side effects. To understand what Read more…
November 11, 2021
La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas sin peligro.
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
A Recordar: La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas con seguridad. Hay muy pocas razones para que los niños estén exentos de llevar una mascarilla en la escuela. 🤔 Hay mucha confusión en torno a quién puede optar a una exención médica de una mascarilla, especialmente cuando los niños están volviendo a la Read more…
November 10, 2021
Can kids get “Long Covid?”
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Long COVID
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Sadly, yes. Though we don’t know exactly how many kids who had COVID-19 will have prolonged symptoms (often called Long Covid), Long Covid is possible even in kids who had mild or asymptomatic infections. You might hear it called “Long Covid,” “Long Haul Covid,” or “Post-Covid Conditions.” All these names are talking about the Read more…
November 9, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, *IS* available in the United States.
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Have you heard the latest social media rumor? Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, is not available in the United States/your state yet. True or false?! You guessed it–this is not true. And next time you run across something that smells a little fishy, don’t get caught! 🎣 Just google it followed by the words “fact check” Read more…
November 9, 2021
¿Estamos exagerando la mortalidad por COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No. Es realmente grave. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida en muchos países desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 👴Los hombres estadounidenses sufrieron algunas de las peores pérdidas: 2,2 años de esperanza de vida perdidos en 2020. Las mujeres de Estados Unidos perdieron 1,65 años de esperanza de vida. Read more…
November 8, 2021
Those Nerdy Girls tackle your questions about vaccines for 5-11-yr-olds
Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones, Dr. Aparna Kumar, Dr. Sarah Coles, and Dr. Chana Davis talk about the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 which is now available in the United States. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-3:12) ➡️ Overview of the recommendation for the Pfizer vaccine in kids ages 5-11 (3:21-9:50) Related Read more…
November 8, 2021
Looking back: A year ago, Pfizer first released their clinical trial results for COVID-19 vaccine.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see. We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy. There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still Read more…
November 7, 2021
The United States recently surpassed 750,000 deaths from COVID.
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…
Key points: ✔️ Randomized trial data suggest Pfizer’s COVID-19 antiviral pill is safe and efficacious in high-risk unvaccinated populations ✔️ Taken in combo w/a common HIV drug, Pfizer’s antiviral reduces risk of hospitalization or death by 89% over placebo when taken w/in 3 days of onset ✔️ What scientists still want to know: How well Read more…
HELP! My hair is falling out.
Clinical Symptoms Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
HELP! My hair is falling out. -Many readers from many places A: You are not alone. Be selective in your panic Googling (tips below). Don’t fall for product peddlers on the internet. Talk to a trusted medical provider. First, hugs from the Nerdy Girls. Pandemic-era living stinks for a lot of reasons, and the “near-perfect Read more…
November 16, 2021
¿Se pueden mezclar las vacunas o recibir una dosis de refuerzo de una marca diferente?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
¡Sí se puede! Los resultados del ensayo de “mezcla” de vacunas de refuerzo han sido publicados, y esto es lo que dicen: Un refuerzo de CUALQUIER vacuna elevó mucho los anticuerpos, sin importar el tipo de las primeras dosis (o marca) de vacunas. El refuerzo con una vacuna de ARNm (Moderna o Pfizer) después de Read more…
November 16, 2021
A Nerdy Girl and her family get COVID-19!
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Yes- even Those Nerdy Girls are not invincible to the wrath of COVID-19. Dr. Ashley Ritter, Dear Pandemic’s Chief Nerd, here to share my family’s experience with COVID-19 infection. The moral of the story: Unvaccinated children can spread COVID-19 in their household, even among vaccinated housemates. Adults and kids 5 and older – GO GET Read more…
November 15, 2021
Deer in the U.S. have the virus that causes COVID-19.
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
ETA: Trigger warning: this post contains real bad news and it also mentions deer hunting. *************** 🦌⚠️🦌 Deer Pandemic?! 🦌⚠️🦌 Scientists recently learned that TONS of white-tailed deer in the United States have SARS-CoV-2. More than a few curse words were spoken by infectious disease epidemiologists upon hearing this news. It is very important and Read more…
November 14, 2021
Do I need a COVID-19 booster?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Thanks to our friends at Impact for this helpful booster cheat sheet (U.S. CDC guidelines): Link to Original FB Post
November 14, 2021
Un recordatorio a todas las mujeres amamantando de parte de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la vacuna contra el COVID-19 es segura -protégete!
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
November 13, 2021
How do COVID-19 mRNA vaccines work?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A picture (or video) truly is worth a thousand words. (See link below.) Thanks to The Vaccine Makers Project (VMP) for this beautiful visualization of the miracle of science. VMP is the classroom-based program of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The VMP is committed to public education about vaccine Read more…
November 13, 2021
Are pets getting sick from COVID?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR. Yes, pets and other animals can get infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Most of these pets that get sick with COVID-19 have mild illness and fully recover. However, people with COVID-19 should still act in a way to protect pets from infection. A recent study out of the UK demonstrated Read more…
November 12, 2021
How can I help my anxious child prepare for the COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🛑 Stop. 🫁 Breathe. ✨Don’t Panic. ✔️ And then try a few of the tried and true strategies are here (with thanks and appreciation to Dr. Aparna’s former colleagues at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) for their guidance and training). 📅 The bottom line: It is all about the preparation! 1. Keep it simple Read more…
November 11, 2021
What are the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in kids ages 5-11?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Chana Davis, PhD
A: The side effects from COVID-19 vaccines are similar to those from flu shots. The most common reactions are pain at the injection site, fatigue, and headache. Symptoms are typically mild to moderate and resolve in 1-2 days. Kids who had already been infected with COVID-19 tend to have fewer side effects. To understand what Read more…
November 11, 2021
La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas sin peligro.
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
A Recordar: La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas con seguridad. Hay muy pocas razones para que los niños estén exentos de llevar una mascarilla en la escuela. 🤔 Hay mucha confusión en torno a quién puede optar a una exención médica de una mascarilla, especialmente cuando los niños están volviendo a la Read more…
November 10, 2021
Can kids get “Long Covid?”
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Long COVID
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Sadly, yes. Though we don’t know exactly how many kids who had COVID-19 will have prolonged symptoms (often called Long Covid), Long Covid is possible even in kids who had mild or asymptomatic infections. You might hear it called “Long Covid,” “Long Haul Covid,” or “Post-Covid Conditions.” All these names are talking about the Read more…
November 9, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, *IS* available in the United States.
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Have you heard the latest social media rumor? Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, is not available in the United States/your state yet. True or false?! You guessed it–this is not true. And next time you run across something that smells a little fishy, don’t get caught! 🎣 Just google it followed by the words “fact check” Read more…
November 9, 2021
¿Estamos exagerando la mortalidad por COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No. Es realmente grave. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida en muchos países desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 👴Los hombres estadounidenses sufrieron algunas de las peores pérdidas: 2,2 años de esperanza de vida perdidos en 2020. Las mujeres de Estados Unidos perdieron 1,65 años de esperanza de vida. Read more…
November 8, 2021
Those Nerdy Girls tackle your questions about vaccines for 5-11-yr-olds
Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones, Dr. Aparna Kumar, Dr. Sarah Coles, and Dr. Chana Davis talk about the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 which is now available in the United States. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-3:12) ➡️ Overview of the recommendation for the Pfizer vaccine in kids ages 5-11 (3:21-9:50) Related Read more…
November 8, 2021
Looking back: A year ago, Pfizer first released their clinical trial results for COVID-19 vaccine.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see. We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy. There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still Read more…
November 7, 2021
The United States recently surpassed 750,000 deaths from COVID.
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…
HELP! My hair is falling out. -Many readers from many places A: You are not alone. Be selective in your panic Googling (tips below). Don’t fall for product peddlers on the internet. Talk to a trusted medical provider. First, hugs from the Nerdy Girls. Pandemic-era living stinks for a lot of reasons, and the “near-perfect Read more…
¿Se pueden mezclar las vacunas o recibir una dosis de refuerzo de una marca diferente?
Posts en Español Vaccines
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
¡Sí se puede! Los resultados del ensayo de “mezcla” de vacunas de refuerzo han sido publicados, y esto es lo que dicen: Un refuerzo de CUALQUIER vacuna elevó mucho los anticuerpos, sin importar el tipo de las primeras dosis (o marca) de vacunas. El refuerzo con una vacuna de ARNm (Moderna o Pfizer) después de Read more…
November 16, 2021
A Nerdy Girl and her family get COVID-19!
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Yes- even Those Nerdy Girls are not invincible to the wrath of COVID-19. Dr. Ashley Ritter, Dear Pandemic’s Chief Nerd, here to share my family’s experience with COVID-19 infection. The moral of the story: Unvaccinated children can spread COVID-19 in their household, even among vaccinated housemates. Adults and kids 5 and older – GO GET Read more…
November 15, 2021
Deer in the U.S. have the virus that causes COVID-19.
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
ETA: Trigger warning: this post contains real bad news and it also mentions deer hunting. *************** 🦌⚠️🦌 Deer Pandemic?! 🦌⚠️🦌 Scientists recently learned that TONS of white-tailed deer in the United States have SARS-CoV-2. More than a few curse words were spoken by infectious disease epidemiologists upon hearing this news. It is very important and Read more…
November 14, 2021
Do I need a COVID-19 booster?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Thanks to our friends at Impact for this helpful booster cheat sheet (U.S. CDC guidelines): Link to Original FB Post
November 14, 2021
Un recordatorio a todas las mujeres amamantando de parte de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la vacuna contra el COVID-19 es segura -protégete!
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
November 13, 2021
How do COVID-19 mRNA vaccines work?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A picture (or video) truly is worth a thousand words. (See link below.) Thanks to The Vaccine Makers Project (VMP) for this beautiful visualization of the miracle of science. VMP is the classroom-based program of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The VMP is committed to public education about vaccine Read more…
November 13, 2021
Are pets getting sick from COVID?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR. Yes, pets and other animals can get infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Most of these pets that get sick with COVID-19 have mild illness and fully recover. However, people with COVID-19 should still act in a way to protect pets from infection. A recent study out of the UK demonstrated Read more…
November 12, 2021
How can I help my anxious child prepare for the COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🛑 Stop. 🫁 Breathe. ✨Don’t Panic. ✔️ And then try a few of the tried and true strategies are here (with thanks and appreciation to Dr. Aparna’s former colleagues at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) for their guidance and training). 📅 The bottom line: It is all about the preparation! 1. Keep it simple Read more…
November 11, 2021
What are the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in kids ages 5-11?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Chana Davis, PhD
A: The side effects from COVID-19 vaccines are similar to those from flu shots. The most common reactions are pain at the injection site, fatigue, and headache. Symptoms are typically mild to moderate and resolve in 1-2 days. Kids who had already been infected with COVID-19 tend to have fewer side effects. To understand what Read more…
November 11, 2021
La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas sin peligro.
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
A Recordar: La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas con seguridad. Hay muy pocas razones para que los niños estén exentos de llevar una mascarilla en la escuela. 🤔 Hay mucha confusión en torno a quién puede optar a una exención médica de una mascarilla, especialmente cuando los niños están volviendo a la Read more…
November 10, 2021
Can kids get “Long Covid?”
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Long COVID
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Sadly, yes. Though we don’t know exactly how many kids who had COVID-19 will have prolonged symptoms (often called Long Covid), Long Covid is possible even in kids who had mild or asymptomatic infections. You might hear it called “Long Covid,” “Long Haul Covid,” or “Post-Covid Conditions.” All these names are talking about the Read more…
November 9, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, *IS* available in the United States.
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Have you heard the latest social media rumor? Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, is not available in the United States/your state yet. True or false?! You guessed it–this is not true. And next time you run across something that smells a little fishy, don’t get caught! 🎣 Just google it followed by the words “fact check” Read more…
November 9, 2021
¿Estamos exagerando la mortalidad por COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No. Es realmente grave. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida en muchos países desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 👴Los hombres estadounidenses sufrieron algunas de las peores pérdidas: 2,2 años de esperanza de vida perdidos en 2020. Las mujeres de Estados Unidos perdieron 1,65 años de esperanza de vida. Read more…
November 8, 2021
Those Nerdy Girls tackle your questions about vaccines for 5-11-yr-olds
Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones, Dr. Aparna Kumar, Dr. Sarah Coles, and Dr. Chana Davis talk about the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 which is now available in the United States. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-3:12) ➡️ Overview of the recommendation for the Pfizer vaccine in kids ages 5-11 (3:21-9:50) Related Read more…
November 8, 2021
Looking back: A year ago, Pfizer first released their clinical trial results for COVID-19 vaccine.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see. We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy. There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still Read more…
November 7, 2021
The United States recently surpassed 750,000 deaths from COVID.
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…
¡Sí se puede! Los resultados del ensayo de “mezcla” de vacunas de refuerzo han sido publicados, y esto es lo que dicen: Un refuerzo de CUALQUIER vacuna elevó mucho los anticuerpos, sin importar el tipo de las primeras dosis (o marca) de vacunas. El refuerzo con una vacuna de ARNm (Moderna o Pfizer) después de Read more…
A Nerdy Girl and her family get COVID-19!
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
Yes- even Those Nerdy Girls are not invincible to the wrath of COVID-19. Dr. Ashley Ritter, Dear Pandemic’s Chief Nerd, here to share my family’s experience with COVID-19 infection. The moral of the story: Unvaccinated children can spread COVID-19 in their household, even among vaccinated housemates. Adults and kids 5 and older – GO GET Read more…
November 15, 2021
Deer in the U.S. have the virus that causes COVID-19.
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
ETA: Trigger warning: this post contains real bad news and it also mentions deer hunting. *************** 🦌⚠️🦌 Deer Pandemic?! 🦌⚠️🦌 Scientists recently learned that TONS of white-tailed deer in the United States have SARS-CoV-2. More than a few curse words were spoken by infectious disease epidemiologists upon hearing this news. It is very important and Read more…
November 14, 2021
Do I need a COVID-19 booster?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Thanks to our friends at Impact for this helpful booster cheat sheet (U.S. CDC guidelines): Link to Original FB Post
November 14, 2021
Un recordatorio a todas las mujeres amamantando de parte de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la vacuna contra el COVID-19 es segura -protégete!
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
November 13, 2021
How do COVID-19 mRNA vaccines work?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A picture (or video) truly is worth a thousand words. (See link below.) Thanks to The Vaccine Makers Project (VMP) for this beautiful visualization of the miracle of science. VMP is the classroom-based program of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The VMP is committed to public education about vaccine Read more…
November 13, 2021
Are pets getting sick from COVID?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR. Yes, pets and other animals can get infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Most of these pets that get sick with COVID-19 have mild illness and fully recover. However, people with COVID-19 should still act in a way to protect pets from infection. A recent study out of the UK demonstrated Read more…
November 12, 2021
How can I help my anxious child prepare for the COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🛑 Stop. 🫁 Breathe. ✨Don’t Panic. ✔️ And then try a few of the tried and true strategies are here (with thanks and appreciation to Dr. Aparna’s former colleagues at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) for their guidance and training). 📅 The bottom line: It is all about the preparation! 1. Keep it simple Read more…
November 11, 2021
What are the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in kids ages 5-11?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Chana Davis, PhD
A: The side effects from COVID-19 vaccines are similar to those from flu shots. The most common reactions are pain at the injection site, fatigue, and headache. Symptoms are typically mild to moderate and resolve in 1-2 days. Kids who had already been infected with COVID-19 tend to have fewer side effects. To understand what Read more…
November 11, 2021
La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas sin peligro.
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
A Recordar: La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas con seguridad. Hay muy pocas razones para que los niños estén exentos de llevar una mascarilla en la escuela. 🤔 Hay mucha confusión en torno a quién puede optar a una exención médica de una mascarilla, especialmente cuando los niños están volviendo a la Read more…
November 10, 2021
Can kids get “Long Covid?”
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Long COVID
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Sadly, yes. Though we don’t know exactly how many kids who had COVID-19 will have prolonged symptoms (often called Long Covid), Long Covid is possible even in kids who had mild or asymptomatic infections. You might hear it called “Long Covid,” “Long Haul Covid,” or “Post-Covid Conditions.” All these names are talking about the Read more…
November 9, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, *IS* available in the United States.
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Have you heard the latest social media rumor? Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, is not available in the United States/your state yet. True or false?! You guessed it–this is not true. And next time you run across something that smells a little fishy, don’t get caught! 🎣 Just google it followed by the words “fact check” Read more…
November 9, 2021
¿Estamos exagerando la mortalidad por COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No. Es realmente grave. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida en muchos países desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 👴Los hombres estadounidenses sufrieron algunas de las peores pérdidas: 2,2 años de esperanza de vida perdidos en 2020. Las mujeres de Estados Unidos perdieron 1,65 años de esperanza de vida. Read more…
November 8, 2021
Those Nerdy Girls tackle your questions about vaccines for 5-11-yr-olds
Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones, Dr. Aparna Kumar, Dr. Sarah Coles, and Dr. Chana Davis talk about the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 which is now available in the United States. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-3:12) ➡️ Overview of the recommendation for the Pfizer vaccine in kids ages 5-11 (3:21-9:50) Related Read more…
November 8, 2021
Looking back: A year ago, Pfizer first released their clinical trial results for COVID-19 vaccine.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see. We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy. There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still Read more…
November 7, 2021
The United States recently surpassed 750,000 deaths from COVID.
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…
Yes- even Those Nerdy Girls are not invincible to the wrath of COVID-19. Dr. Ashley Ritter, Dear Pandemic’s Chief Nerd, here to share my family’s experience with COVID-19 infection. The moral of the story: Unvaccinated children can spread COVID-19 in their household, even among vaccinated housemates. Adults and kids 5 and older – GO GET Read more…
Deer in the U.S. have the virus that causes COVID-19.
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
ETA: Trigger warning: this post contains real bad news and it also mentions deer hunting. *************** 🦌⚠️🦌 Deer Pandemic?! 🦌⚠️🦌 Scientists recently learned that TONS of white-tailed deer in the United States have SARS-CoV-2. More than a few curse words were spoken by infectious disease epidemiologists upon hearing this news. It is very important and Read more…
November 14, 2021
Do I need a COVID-19 booster?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Thanks to our friends at Impact for this helpful booster cheat sheet (U.S. CDC guidelines): Link to Original FB Post
November 14, 2021
Un recordatorio a todas las mujeres amamantando de parte de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la vacuna contra el COVID-19 es segura -protégete!
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
November 13, 2021
How do COVID-19 mRNA vaccines work?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A picture (or video) truly is worth a thousand words. (See link below.) Thanks to The Vaccine Makers Project (VMP) for this beautiful visualization of the miracle of science. VMP is the classroom-based program of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The VMP is committed to public education about vaccine Read more…
November 13, 2021
Are pets getting sick from COVID?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR. Yes, pets and other animals can get infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Most of these pets that get sick with COVID-19 have mild illness and fully recover. However, people with COVID-19 should still act in a way to protect pets from infection. A recent study out of the UK demonstrated Read more…
November 12, 2021
How can I help my anxious child prepare for the COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🛑 Stop. 🫁 Breathe. ✨Don’t Panic. ✔️ And then try a few of the tried and true strategies are here (with thanks and appreciation to Dr. Aparna’s former colleagues at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) for their guidance and training). 📅 The bottom line: It is all about the preparation! 1. Keep it simple Read more…
November 11, 2021
What are the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in kids ages 5-11?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Chana Davis, PhD
A: The side effects from COVID-19 vaccines are similar to those from flu shots. The most common reactions are pain at the injection site, fatigue, and headache. Symptoms are typically mild to moderate and resolve in 1-2 days. Kids who had already been infected with COVID-19 tend to have fewer side effects. To understand what Read more…
November 11, 2021
La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas sin peligro.
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
A Recordar: La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas con seguridad. Hay muy pocas razones para que los niños estén exentos de llevar una mascarilla en la escuela. 🤔 Hay mucha confusión en torno a quién puede optar a una exención médica de una mascarilla, especialmente cuando los niños están volviendo a la Read more…
November 10, 2021
Can kids get “Long Covid?”
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Long COVID
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Sadly, yes. Though we don’t know exactly how many kids who had COVID-19 will have prolonged symptoms (often called Long Covid), Long Covid is possible even in kids who had mild or asymptomatic infections. You might hear it called “Long Covid,” “Long Haul Covid,” or “Post-Covid Conditions.” All these names are talking about the Read more…
November 9, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, *IS* available in the United States.
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Have you heard the latest social media rumor? Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, is not available in the United States/your state yet. True or false?! You guessed it–this is not true. And next time you run across something that smells a little fishy, don’t get caught! 🎣 Just google it followed by the words “fact check” Read more…
November 9, 2021
¿Estamos exagerando la mortalidad por COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No. Es realmente grave. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida en muchos países desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 👴Los hombres estadounidenses sufrieron algunas de las peores pérdidas: 2,2 años de esperanza de vida perdidos en 2020. Las mujeres de Estados Unidos perdieron 1,65 años de esperanza de vida. Read more…
November 8, 2021
Those Nerdy Girls tackle your questions about vaccines for 5-11-yr-olds
Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones, Dr. Aparna Kumar, Dr. Sarah Coles, and Dr. Chana Davis talk about the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 which is now available in the United States. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-3:12) ➡️ Overview of the recommendation for the Pfizer vaccine in kids ages 5-11 (3:21-9:50) Related Read more…
November 8, 2021
Looking back: A year ago, Pfizer first released their clinical trial results for COVID-19 vaccine.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see. We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy. There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still Read more…
November 7, 2021
The United States recently surpassed 750,000 deaths from COVID.
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…
ETA: Trigger warning: this post contains real bad news and it also mentions deer hunting. *************** 🦌⚠️🦌 Deer Pandemic?! 🦌⚠️🦌 Scientists recently learned that TONS of white-tailed deer in the United States have SARS-CoV-2. More than a few curse words were spoken by infectious disease epidemiologists upon hearing this news. It is very important and Read more…
Do I need a COVID-19 booster?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Thanks to our friends at Impact for this helpful booster cheat sheet (U.S. CDC guidelines): Link to Original FB Post
November 14, 2021
Un recordatorio a todas las mujeres amamantando de parte de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la vacuna contra el COVID-19 es segura -protégete!
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
November 13, 2021
How do COVID-19 mRNA vaccines work?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A picture (or video) truly is worth a thousand words. (See link below.) Thanks to The Vaccine Makers Project (VMP) for this beautiful visualization of the miracle of science. VMP is the classroom-based program of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The VMP is committed to public education about vaccine Read more…
November 13, 2021
Are pets getting sick from COVID?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR. Yes, pets and other animals can get infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Most of these pets that get sick with COVID-19 have mild illness and fully recover. However, people with COVID-19 should still act in a way to protect pets from infection. A recent study out of the UK demonstrated Read more…
November 12, 2021
How can I help my anxious child prepare for the COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🛑 Stop. 🫁 Breathe. ✨Don’t Panic. ✔️ And then try a few of the tried and true strategies are here (with thanks and appreciation to Dr. Aparna’s former colleagues at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) for their guidance and training). 📅 The bottom line: It is all about the preparation! 1. Keep it simple Read more…
November 11, 2021
What are the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in kids ages 5-11?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Chana Davis, PhD
A: The side effects from COVID-19 vaccines are similar to those from flu shots. The most common reactions are pain at the injection site, fatigue, and headache. Symptoms are typically mild to moderate and resolve in 1-2 days. Kids who had already been infected with COVID-19 tend to have fewer side effects. To understand what Read more…
November 11, 2021
La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas sin peligro.
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
A Recordar: La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas con seguridad. Hay muy pocas razones para que los niños estén exentos de llevar una mascarilla en la escuela. 🤔 Hay mucha confusión en torno a quién puede optar a una exención médica de una mascarilla, especialmente cuando los niños están volviendo a la Read more…
November 10, 2021
Can kids get “Long Covid?”
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Long COVID
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Sadly, yes. Though we don’t know exactly how many kids who had COVID-19 will have prolonged symptoms (often called Long Covid), Long Covid is possible even in kids who had mild or asymptomatic infections. You might hear it called “Long Covid,” “Long Haul Covid,” or “Post-Covid Conditions.” All these names are talking about the Read more…
November 9, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, *IS* available in the United States.
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Have you heard the latest social media rumor? Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, is not available in the United States/your state yet. True or false?! You guessed it–this is not true. And next time you run across something that smells a little fishy, don’t get caught! 🎣 Just google it followed by the words “fact check” Read more…
November 9, 2021
¿Estamos exagerando la mortalidad por COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No. Es realmente grave. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida en muchos países desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 👴Los hombres estadounidenses sufrieron algunas de las peores pérdidas: 2,2 años de esperanza de vida perdidos en 2020. Las mujeres de Estados Unidos perdieron 1,65 años de esperanza de vida. Read more…
November 8, 2021
Those Nerdy Girls tackle your questions about vaccines for 5-11-yr-olds
Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones, Dr. Aparna Kumar, Dr. Sarah Coles, and Dr. Chana Davis talk about the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 which is now available in the United States. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-3:12) ➡️ Overview of the recommendation for the Pfizer vaccine in kids ages 5-11 (3:21-9:50) Related Read more…
November 8, 2021
Looking back: A year ago, Pfizer first released their clinical trial results for COVID-19 vaccine.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see. We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy. There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still Read more…
November 7, 2021
The United States recently surpassed 750,000 deaths from COVID.
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…
Thanks to our friends at Impact for this helpful booster cheat sheet (U.S. CDC guidelines): Link to Original FB Post
Un recordatorio a todas las mujeres amamantando de parte de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la vacuna contra el COVID-19 es segura -protégete!
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
November 13, 2021
How do COVID-19 mRNA vaccines work?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A picture (or video) truly is worth a thousand words. (See link below.) Thanks to The Vaccine Makers Project (VMP) for this beautiful visualization of the miracle of science. VMP is the classroom-based program of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The VMP is committed to public education about vaccine Read more…
November 13, 2021
Are pets getting sick from COVID?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR. Yes, pets and other animals can get infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Most of these pets that get sick with COVID-19 have mild illness and fully recover. However, people with COVID-19 should still act in a way to protect pets from infection. A recent study out of the UK demonstrated Read more…
November 12, 2021
How can I help my anxious child prepare for the COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🛑 Stop. 🫁 Breathe. ✨Don’t Panic. ✔️ And then try a few of the tried and true strategies are here (with thanks and appreciation to Dr. Aparna’s former colleagues at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) for their guidance and training). 📅 The bottom line: It is all about the preparation! 1. Keep it simple Read more…
November 11, 2021
What are the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in kids ages 5-11?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Chana Davis, PhD
A: The side effects from COVID-19 vaccines are similar to those from flu shots. The most common reactions are pain at the injection site, fatigue, and headache. Symptoms are typically mild to moderate and resolve in 1-2 days. Kids who had already been infected with COVID-19 tend to have fewer side effects. To understand what Read more…
November 11, 2021
La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas sin peligro.
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
A Recordar: La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas con seguridad. Hay muy pocas razones para que los niños estén exentos de llevar una mascarilla en la escuela. 🤔 Hay mucha confusión en torno a quién puede optar a una exención médica de una mascarilla, especialmente cuando los niños están volviendo a la Read more…
November 10, 2021
Can kids get “Long Covid?”
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Long COVID
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Sadly, yes. Though we don’t know exactly how many kids who had COVID-19 will have prolonged symptoms (often called Long Covid), Long Covid is possible even in kids who had mild or asymptomatic infections. You might hear it called “Long Covid,” “Long Haul Covid,” or “Post-Covid Conditions.” All these names are talking about the Read more…
November 9, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, *IS* available in the United States.
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Have you heard the latest social media rumor? Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, is not available in the United States/your state yet. True or false?! You guessed it–this is not true. And next time you run across something that smells a little fishy, don’t get caught! 🎣 Just google it followed by the words “fact check” Read more…
November 9, 2021
¿Estamos exagerando la mortalidad por COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No. Es realmente grave. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida en muchos países desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 👴Los hombres estadounidenses sufrieron algunas de las peores pérdidas: 2,2 años de esperanza de vida perdidos en 2020. Las mujeres de Estados Unidos perdieron 1,65 años de esperanza de vida. Read more…
November 8, 2021
Those Nerdy Girls tackle your questions about vaccines for 5-11-yr-olds
Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones, Dr. Aparna Kumar, Dr. Sarah Coles, and Dr. Chana Davis talk about the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 which is now available in the United States. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-3:12) ➡️ Overview of the recommendation for the Pfizer vaccine in kids ages 5-11 (3:21-9:50) Related Read more…
November 8, 2021
Looking back: A year ago, Pfizer first released their clinical trial results for COVID-19 vaccine.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see. We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy. There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still Read more…
November 7, 2021
The United States recently surpassed 750,000 deaths from COVID.
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…
Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
How do COVID-19 mRNA vaccines work?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: A picture (or video) truly is worth a thousand words. (See link below.) Thanks to The Vaccine Makers Project (VMP) for this beautiful visualization of the miracle of science. VMP is the classroom-based program of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The VMP is committed to public education about vaccine Read more…
November 13, 2021
Are pets getting sick from COVID?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR. Yes, pets and other animals can get infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Most of these pets that get sick with COVID-19 have mild illness and fully recover. However, people with COVID-19 should still act in a way to protect pets from infection. A recent study out of the UK demonstrated Read more…
November 12, 2021
How can I help my anxious child prepare for the COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🛑 Stop. 🫁 Breathe. ✨Don’t Panic. ✔️ And then try a few of the tried and true strategies are here (with thanks and appreciation to Dr. Aparna’s former colleagues at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) for their guidance and training). 📅 The bottom line: It is all about the preparation! 1. Keep it simple Read more…
November 11, 2021
What are the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in kids ages 5-11?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Chana Davis, PhD
A: The side effects from COVID-19 vaccines are similar to those from flu shots. The most common reactions are pain at the injection site, fatigue, and headache. Symptoms are typically mild to moderate and resolve in 1-2 days. Kids who had already been infected with COVID-19 tend to have fewer side effects. To understand what Read more…
November 11, 2021
La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas sin peligro.
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
A Recordar: La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas con seguridad. Hay muy pocas razones para que los niños estén exentos de llevar una mascarilla en la escuela. 🤔 Hay mucha confusión en torno a quién puede optar a una exención médica de una mascarilla, especialmente cuando los niños están volviendo a la Read more…
November 10, 2021
Can kids get “Long Covid?”
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Long COVID
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Sadly, yes. Though we don’t know exactly how many kids who had COVID-19 will have prolonged symptoms (often called Long Covid), Long Covid is possible even in kids who had mild or asymptomatic infections. You might hear it called “Long Covid,” “Long Haul Covid,” or “Post-Covid Conditions.” All these names are talking about the Read more…
November 9, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, *IS* available in the United States.
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Have you heard the latest social media rumor? Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, is not available in the United States/your state yet. True or false?! You guessed it–this is not true. And next time you run across something that smells a little fishy, don’t get caught! 🎣 Just google it followed by the words “fact check” Read more…
November 9, 2021
¿Estamos exagerando la mortalidad por COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No. Es realmente grave. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida en muchos países desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 👴Los hombres estadounidenses sufrieron algunas de las peores pérdidas: 2,2 años de esperanza de vida perdidos en 2020. Las mujeres de Estados Unidos perdieron 1,65 años de esperanza de vida. Read more…
November 8, 2021
Those Nerdy Girls tackle your questions about vaccines for 5-11-yr-olds
Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones, Dr. Aparna Kumar, Dr. Sarah Coles, and Dr. Chana Davis talk about the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 which is now available in the United States. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-3:12) ➡️ Overview of the recommendation for the Pfizer vaccine in kids ages 5-11 (3:21-9:50) Related Read more…
November 8, 2021
Looking back: A year ago, Pfizer first released their clinical trial results for COVID-19 vaccine.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see. We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy. There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still Read more…
November 7, 2021
The United States recently surpassed 750,000 deaths from COVID.
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…
A: A picture (or video) truly is worth a thousand words. (See link below.) Thanks to The Vaccine Makers Project (VMP) for this beautiful visualization of the miracle of science. VMP is the classroom-based program of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The VMP is committed to public education about vaccine Read more…
Are pets getting sick from COVID?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL, DR. Yes, pets and other animals can get infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Most of these pets that get sick with COVID-19 have mild illness and fully recover. However, people with COVID-19 should still act in a way to protect pets from infection. A recent study out of the UK demonstrated Read more…
November 12, 2021
How can I help my anxious child prepare for the COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🛑 Stop. 🫁 Breathe. ✨Don’t Panic. ✔️ And then try a few of the tried and true strategies are here (with thanks and appreciation to Dr. Aparna’s former colleagues at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) for their guidance and training). 📅 The bottom line: It is all about the preparation! 1. Keep it simple Read more…
November 11, 2021
What are the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in kids ages 5-11?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Chana Davis, PhD
A: The side effects from COVID-19 vaccines are similar to those from flu shots. The most common reactions are pain at the injection site, fatigue, and headache. Symptoms are typically mild to moderate and resolve in 1-2 days. Kids who had already been infected with COVID-19 tend to have fewer side effects. To understand what Read more…
November 11, 2021
La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas sin peligro.
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
A Recordar: La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas con seguridad. Hay muy pocas razones para que los niños estén exentos de llevar una mascarilla en la escuela. 🤔 Hay mucha confusión en torno a quién puede optar a una exención médica de una mascarilla, especialmente cuando los niños están volviendo a la Read more…
November 10, 2021
Can kids get “Long Covid?”
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Long COVID
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Sadly, yes. Though we don’t know exactly how many kids who had COVID-19 will have prolonged symptoms (often called Long Covid), Long Covid is possible even in kids who had mild or asymptomatic infections. You might hear it called “Long Covid,” “Long Haul Covid,” or “Post-Covid Conditions.” All these names are talking about the Read more…
November 9, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, *IS* available in the United States.
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Have you heard the latest social media rumor? Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, is not available in the United States/your state yet. True or false?! You guessed it–this is not true. And next time you run across something that smells a little fishy, don’t get caught! 🎣 Just google it followed by the words “fact check” Read more…
November 9, 2021
¿Estamos exagerando la mortalidad por COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No. Es realmente grave. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida en muchos países desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 👴Los hombres estadounidenses sufrieron algunas de las peores pérdidas: 2,2 años de esperanza de vida perdidos en 2020. Las mujeres de Estados Unidos perdieron 1,65 años de esperanza de vida. Read more…
November 8, 2021
Those Nerdy Girls tackle your questions about vaccines for 5-11-yr-olds
Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones, Dr. Aparna Kumar, Dr. Sarah Coles, and Dr. Chana Davis talk about the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 which is now available in the United States. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-3:12) ➡️ Overview of the recommendation for the Pfizer vaccine in kids ages 5-11 (3:21-9:50) Related Read more…
November 8, 2021
Looking back: A year ago, Pfizer first released their clinical trial results for COVID-19 vaccine.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see. We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy. There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still Read more…
November 7, 2021
The United States recently surpassed 750,000 deaths from COVID.
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…
A: TL, DR. Yes, pets and other animals can get infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Most of these pets that get sick with COVID-19 have mild illness and fully recover. However, people with COVID-19 should still act in a way to protect pets from infection. A recent study out of the UK demonstrated Read more…
How can I help my anxious child prepare for the COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
🛑 Stop. 🫁 Breathe. ✨Don’t Panic. ✔️ And then try a few of the tried and true strategies are here (with thanks and appreciation to Dr. Aparna’s former colleagues at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) for their guidance and training). 📅 The bottom line: It is all about the preparation! 1. Keep it simple Read more…
November 11, 2021
What are the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in kids ages 5-11?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Chana Davis, PhD
A: The side effects from COVID-19 vaccines are similar to those from flu shots. The most common reactions are pain at the injection site, fatigue, and headache. Symptoms are typically mild to moderate and resolve in 1-2 days. Kids who had already been infected with COVID-19 tend to have fewer side effects. To understand what Read more…
November 11, 2021
La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas sin peligro.
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
A Recordar: La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas con seguridad. Hay muy pocas razones para que los niños estén exentos de llevar una mascarilla en la escuela. 🤔 Hay mucha confusión en torno a quién puede optar a una exención médica de una mascarilla, especialmente cuando los niños están volviendo a la Read more…
November 10, 2021
Can kids get “Long Covid?”
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Long COVID
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Sadly, yes. Though we don’t know exactly how many kids who had COVID-19 will have prolonged symptoms (often called Long Covid), Long Covid is possible even in kids who had mild or asymptomatic infections. You might hear it called “Long Covid,” “Long Haul Covid,” or “Post-Covid Conditions.” All these names are talking about the Read more…
November 9, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, *IS* available in the United States.
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Have you heard the latest social media rumor? Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, is not available in the United States/your state yet. True or false?! You guessed it–this is not true. And next time you run across something that smells a little fishy, don’t get caught! 🎣 Just google it followed by the words “fact check” Read more…
November 9, 2021
¿Estamos exagerando la mortalidad por COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No. Es realmente grave. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida en muchos países desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 👴Los hombres estadounidenses sufrieron algunas de las peores pérdidas: 2,2 años de esperanza de vida perdidos en 2020. Las mujeres de Estados Unidos perdieron 1,65 años de esperanza de vida. Read more…
November 8, 2021
Those Nerdy Girls tackle your questions about vaccines for 5-11-yr-olds
Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones, Dr. Aparna Kumar, Dr. Sarah Coles, and Dr. Chana Davis talk about the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 which is now available in the United States. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-3:12) ➡️ Overview of the recommendation for the Pfizer vaccine in kids ages 5-11 (3:21-9:50) Related Read more…
November 8, 2021
Looking back: A year ago, Pfizer first released their clinical trial results for COVID-19 vaccine.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see. We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy. There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still Read more…
November 7, 2021
The United States recently surpassed 750,000 deaths from COVID.
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…
🛑 Stop. 🫁 Breathe. ✨Don’t Panic. ✔️ And then try a few of the tried and true strategies are here (with thanks and appreciation to Dr. Aparna’s former colleagues at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) for their guidance and training). 📅 The bottom line: It is all about the preparation! 1. Keep it simple Read more…
What are the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines in kids ages 5-11?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Chana Davis, PhD
A: The side effects from COVID-19 vaccines are similar to those from flu shots. The most common reactions are pain at the injection site, fatigue, and headache. Symptoms are typically mild to moderate and resolve in 1-2 days. Kids who had already been infected with COVID-19 tend to have fewer side effects. To understand what Read more…
November 11, 2021
La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas sin peligro.
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
A Recordar: La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas con seguridad. Hay muy pocas razones para que los niños estén exentos de llevar una mascarilla en la escuela. 🤔 Hay mucha confusión en torno a quién puede optar a una exención médica de una mascarilla, especialmente cuando los niños están volviendo a la Read more…
November 10, 2021
Can kids get “Long Covid?”
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Long COVID
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Sadly, yes. Though we don’t know exactly how many kids who had COVID-19 will have prolonged symptoms (often called Long Covid), Long Covid is possible even in kids who had mild or asymptomatic infections. You might hear it called “Long Covid,” “Long Haul Covid,” or “Post-Covid Conditions.” All these names are talking about the Read more…
November 9, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, *IS* available in the United States.
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Have you heard the latest social media rumor? Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, is not available in the United States/your state yet. True or false?! You guessed it–this is not true. And next time you run across something that smells a little fishy, don’t get caught! 🎣 Just google it followed by the words “fact check” Read more…
November 9, 2021
¿Estamos exagerando la mortalidad por COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No. Es realmente grave. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida en muchos países desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 👴Los hombres estadounidenses sufrieron algunas de las peores pérdidas: 2,2 años de esperanza de vida perdidos en 2020. Las mujeres de Estados Unidos perdieron 1,65 años de esperanza de vida. Read more…
November 8, 2021
Those Nerdy Girls tackle your questions about vaccines for 5-11-yr-olds
Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones, Dr. Aparna Kumar, Dr. Sarah Coles, and Dr. Chana Davis talk about the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 which is now available in the United States. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-3:12) ➡️ Overview of the recommendation for the Pfizer vaccine in kids ages 5-11 (3:21-9:50) Related Read more…
November 8, 2021
Looking back: A year ago, Pfizer first released their clinical trial results for COVID-19 vaccine.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see. We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy. There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still Read more…
November 7, 2021
The United States recently surpassed 750,000 deaths from COVID.
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…
A: The side effects from COVID-19 vaccines are similar to those from flu shots. The most common reactions are pain at the injection site, fatigue, and headache. Symptoms are typically mild to moderate and resolve in 1-2 days. Kids who had already been infected with COVID-19 tend to have fewer side effects. To understand what Read more…
La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas sin peligro.
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
A Recordar: La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas con seguridad. Hay muy pocas razones para que los niños estén exentos de llevar una mascarilla en la escuela. 🤔 Hay mucha confusión en torno a quién puede optar a una exención médica de una mascarilla, especialmente cuando los niños están volviendo a la Read more…
November 10, 2021
Can kids get “Long Covid?”
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Long COVID
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Sadly, yes. Though we don’t know exactly how many kids who had COVID-19 will have prolonged symptoms (often called Long Covid), Long Covid is possible even in kids who had mild or asymptomatic infections. You might hear it called “Long Covid,” “Long Haul Covid,” or “Post-Covid Conditions.” All these names are talking about the Read more…
November 9, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, *IS* available in the United States.
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Have you heard the latest social media rumor? Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, is not available in the United States/your state yet. True or false?! You guessed it–this is not true. And next time you run across something that smells a little fishy, don’t get caught! 🎣 Just google it followed by the words “fact check” Read more…
November 9, 2021
¿Estamos exagerando la mortalidad por COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No. Es realmente grave. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida en muchos países desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 👴Los hombres estadounidenses sufrieron algunas de las peores pérdidas: 2,2 años de esperanza de vida perdidos en 2020. Las mujeres de Estados Unidos perdieron 1,65 años de esperanza de vida. Read more…
November 8, 2021
Those Nerdy Girls tackle your questions about vaccines for 5-11-yr-olds
Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones, Dr. Aparna Kumar, Dr. Sarah Coles, and Dr. Chana Davis talk about the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 which is now available in the United States. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-3:12) ➡️ Overview of the recommendation for the Pfizer vaccine in kids ages 5-11 (3:21-9:50) Related Read more…
November 8, 2021
Looking back: A year ago, Pfizer first released their clinical trial results for COVID-19 vaccine.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see. We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy. There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still Read more…
November 7, 2021
The United States recently surpassed 750,000 deaths from COVID.
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…
A Recordar: La mayoría de los niños pueden usar las mascarillas con seguridad. Hay muy pocas razones para que los niños estén exentos de llevar una mascarilla en la escuela. 🤔 Hay mucha confusión en torno a quién puede optar a una exención médica de una mascarilla, especialmente cuando los niños están volviendo a la Read more…
Can kids get “Long Covid?”
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Long COVID
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Sadly, yes. Though we don’t know exactly how many kids who had COVID-19 will have prolonged symptoms (often called Long Covid), Long Covid is possible even in kids who had mild or asymptomatic infections. You might hear it called “Long Covid,” “Long Haul Covid,” or “Post-Covid Conditions.” All these names are talking about the Read more…
November 9, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, *IS* available in the United States.
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Have you heard the latest social media rumor? Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, is not available in the United States/your state yet. True or false?! You guessed it–this is not true. And next time you run across something that smells a little fishy, don’t get caught! 🎣 Just google it followed by the words “fact check” Read more…
November 9, 2021
¿Estamos exagerando la mortalidad por COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No. Es realmente grave. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida en muchos países desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 👴Los hombres estadounidenses sufrieron algunas de las peores pérdidas: 2,2 años de esperanza de vida perdidos en 2020. Las mujeres de Estados Unidos perdieron 1,65 años de esperanza de vida. Read more…
November 8, 2021
Those Nerdy Girls tackle your questions about vaccines for 5-11-yr-olds
Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones, Dr. Aparna Kumar, Dr. Sarah Coles, and Dr. Chana Davis talk about the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 which is now available in the United States. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-3:12) ➡️ Overview of the recommendation for the Pfizer vaccine in kids ages 5-11 (3:21-9:50) Related Read more…
November 8, 2021
Looking back: A year ago, Pfizer first released their clinical trial results for COVID-19 vaccine.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see. We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy. There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still Read more…
November 7, 2021
The United States recently surpassed 750,000 deaths from COVID.
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…
A: Sadly, yes. Though we don’t know exactly how many kids who had COVID-19 will have prolonged symptoms (often called Long Covid), Long Covid is possible even in kids who had mild or asymptomatic infections. You might hear it called “Long Covid,” “Long Haul Covid,” or “Post-Covid Conditions.” All these names are talking about the Read more…
Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, *IS* available in the United States.
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Have you heard the latest social media rumor? Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, is not available in the United States/your state yet. True or false?! You guessed it–this is not true. And next time you run across something that smells a little fishy, don’t get caught! 🎣 Just google it followed by the words “fact check” Read more…
November 9, 2021
¿Estamos exagerando la mortalidad por COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No. Es realmente grave. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida en muchos países desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 👴Los hombres estadounidenses sufrieron algunas de las peores pérdidas: 2,2 años de esperanza de vida perdidos en 2020. Las mujeres de Estados Unidos perdieron 1,65 años de esperanza de vida. Read more…
November 8, 2021
Those Nerdy Girls tackle your questions about vaccines for 5-11-yr-olds
Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones, Dr. Aparna Kumar, Dr. Sarah Coles, and Dr. Chana Davis talk about the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 which is now available in the United States. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-3:12) ➡️ Overview of the recommendation for the Pfizer vaccine in kids ages 5-11 (3:21-9:50) Related Read more…
November 8, 2021
Looking back: A year ago, Pfizer first released their clinical trial results for COVID-19 vaccine.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see. We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy. There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still Read more…
November 7, 2021
The United States recently surpassed 750,000 deaths from COVID.
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…
Have you heard the latest social media rumor? Pfizer-BioNTech’s FDA-approved vaccine, Comirnaty, is not available in the United States/your state yet. True or false?! You guessed it–this is not true. And next time you run across something that smells a little fishy, don’t get caught! 🎣 Just google it followed by the words “fact check” Read more…
¿Estamos exagerando la mortalidad por COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No. Es realmente grave. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida en muchos países desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 👴Los hombres estadounidenses sufrieron algunas de las peores pérdidas: 2,2 años de esperanza de vida perdidos en 2020. Las mujeres de Estados Unidos perdieron 1,65 años de esperanza de vida. Read more…
November 8, 2021
Those Nerdy Girls tackle your questions about vaccines for 5-11-yr-olds
Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones, Dr. Aparna Kumar, Dr. Sarah Coles, and Dr. Chana Davis talk about the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 which is now available in the United States. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-3:12) ➡️ Overview of the recommendation for the Pfizer vaccine in kids ages 5-11 (3:21-9:50) Related Read more…
November 8, 2021
Looking back: A year ago, Pfizer first released their clinical trial results for COVID-19 vaccine.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see. We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy. There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still Read more…
November 7, 2021
The United States recently surpassed 750,000 deaths from COVID.
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…
No. Es realmente grave. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida en muchos países desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. 👴Los hombres estadounidenses sufrieron algunas de las peores pérdidas: 2,2 años de esperanza de vida perdidos en 2020. Las mujeres de Estados Unidos perdieron 1,65 años de esperanza de vida. Read more…
Those Nerdy Girls tackle your questions about vaccines for 5-11-yr-olds
Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones, Dr. Aparna Kumar, Dr. Sarah Coles, and Dr. Chana Davis talk about the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 which is now available in the United States. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-3:12) ➡️ Overview of the recommendation for the Pfizer vaccine in kids ages 5-11 (3:21-9:50) Related Read more…
November 8, 2021
Looking back: A year ago, Pfizer first released their clinical trial results for COVID-19 vaccine.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see. We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy. There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still Read more…
November 7, 2021
The United States recently surpassed 750,000 deaths from COVID.
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…
Those Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones, Dr. Aparna Kumar, Dr. Sarah Coles, and Dr. Chana Davis talk about the Pfizer vaccine for kids ages 5-11 which is now available in the United States. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-3:12) ➡️ Overview of the recommendation for the Pfizer vaccine in kids ages 5-11 (3:21-9:50) Related Read more…
Looking back: A year ago, Pfizer first released their clinical trial results for COVID-19 vaccine.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see. We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy. There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still Read more…
November 7, 2021
The United States recently surpassed 750,000 deaths from COVID.
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…
☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see. We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy. There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still Read more…
The United States recently surpassed 750,000 deaths from COVID.
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…
This past week brought us exciting news with the long-awaited emergency authorization of COVID vaccines for kids ages 5-11 in the United States. We know that many of our readers (and many of Those Nerdy Girls, too) are jubilant that their kids are finally eligible, and in fact some have already received their first doses! Read more…