
Looking back: A year ago, Pfizer first released their clinical trial results for COVID-19 vaccine.


☀️ This is the kind of FB memory we like to see.

We will never forget that Monday a year ago when Pfizer first released their clinical trial results showing a completely *stunning* >90% vaccine efficacy.

There was not a dry Nerdy Girl eye to be found that evening. We knew then what we still know now: vaccination is our way out of this pandemic.

It’s been a LONG road since we first saw that glimpse of that lighthouse in the storm. The gap between effective vaccines and vaccinations in arms remains large both within and across countries.

Delta threw us off guard. Much work remains to be done.

BUT… we reflect today on just how far we have come in one year. According to Our World in Data, 51% of the world population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. 7.3 billion doses have been administered globally, and 26.6 million are now administered each day.

We mourn the huge number of COVID-19 deaths that have happened in the past year but celebrate the hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and deaths that DIDN’T happen because of these vaccines.


Link to post from 11/10/20: Pfizer vaccine news! Is it really OK to hope?!

Link to Original FB Post