Why should I get vaccinated if I already had COVID?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines Videos
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: The vaccine boosts your immune response and gives you better protection against new variants. ➡️ Most people who get COVID-19 do have some antibodies after they recover. ➡️ But the level of antibodies varies from one person to another… So some people have a lot of protection, others–not so much. ➡️ Immune response to Read more…
September 30, 2021
How are possible side effects from COVID-19 vaccines evaluated and tracked?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: The vaccines have been shown to be safe (much safer than getting COVID-19!) and effective, but safety monitoring continues and remains a priority. Several existing and some new strategies were put in place to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Below, get ready to wade through some acronyms and we’ll outline a few of Read more…
September 30, 2021
📊 REVISIÓN DE DATOS: La Sobrecarga Hospitalaria 📊
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
¿Cómo se monitorea la sobrecarga hospitalaria inducida por COVID? Los investigadores monitorean la sobrecarga con una métrica: El % del total de camas hospitalarias ocupadas por pacientes con COVID-19. Ninguna métrica es perfecta, pero esta es bastante útil. Y según esta medida, las cosas se ven bastante sombrías en los hospitales del sur en este Read more…
A: The vaccine boosts your immune response and gives you better protection against new variants. ➡️ Most people who get COVID-19 do have some antibodies after they recover. ➡️ But the level of antibodies varies from one person to another… So some people have a lot of protection, others–not so much. ➡️ Immune response to Read more…
How are possible side effects from COVID-19 vaccines evaluated and tracked?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: The vaccines have been shown to be safe (much safer than getting COVID-19!) and effective, but safety monitoring continues and remains a priority. Several existing and some new strategies were put in place to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Below, get ready to wade through some acronyms and we’ll outline a few of Read more…
September 30, 2021
📊 REVISIÓN DE DATOS: La Sobrecarga Hospitalaria 📊
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
¿Cómo se monitorea la sobrecarga hospitalaria inducida por COVID? Los investigadores monitorean la sobrecarga con una métrica: El % del total de camas hospitalarias ocupadas por pacientes con COVID-19. Ninguna métrica es perfecta, pero esta es bastante útil. Y según esta medida, las cosas se ven bastante sombrías en los hospitales del sur en este Read more…
A: The vaccines have been shown to be safe (much safer than getting COVID-19!) and effective, but safety monitoring continues and remains a priority. Several existing and some new strategies were put in place to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Below, get ready to wade through some acronyms and we’ll outline a few of Read more…
📊 REVISIÓN DE DATOS: La Sobrecarga Hospitalaria 📊
Data and Metrics Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
¿Cómo se monitorea la sobrecarga hospitalaria inducida por COVID? Los investigadores monitorean la sobrecarga con una métrica: El % del total de camas hospitalarias ocupadas por pacientes con COVID-19. Ninguna métrica es perfecta, pero esta es bastante útil. Y según esta medida, las cosas se ven bastante sombrías en los hospitales del sur en este Read more…
¿Cómo se monitorea la sobrecarga hospitalaria inducida por COVID? Los investigadores monitorean la sobrecarga con una métrica: El % del total de camas hospitalarias ocupadas por pacientes con COVID-19. Ninguna métrica es perfecta, pero esta es bastante útil. Y según esta medida, las cosas se ven bastante sombrías en los hospitales del sur en este Read more…