What happened with that Yankees COVID-19 outbreak? What does it mean for vaccine effectiveness?

Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines

A: While several vaccinated players tested positive, they were almost all asymptomatic. TL; DR- Nine members of the New York Yankees tested positive for COVID-19 after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Among those who tested positive only one reported mild symptoms. These cases were discovered because the Yankees test regularly, unlike most other vaccinated Read more…

¿Qué se sabe sobre el síndrome inflamatorio multisistémico pediátrico (SIMP)?

Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Posts en Español

R: El síndrome inflamatorio multisistémico pediátrico (SIMP) ocurre cuando los niños con COVID-19 se enferman gravemente y diferentes partes del cuerpo (como los pulmones, el corazón, los riñones, el cerebro o el intestino) se inflaman, lo cual puede poner en peligro la vida. Aunque es menos probable que los niños enfermen gravemente de COVID-19, a Read more…

Las muertes por COVID siguen aumentando en el mundo, pero ¿por qué parece que nos hemos vuelto insensibles a esto?

Mental Health Posts en Español

R: Algo llamado “fatiga de compasión” puede estar contribuyendo a esto- a medida que la tragedia por la pandemia del COVID-19 crece, especialmente en países fuera de EE.UU. como en latinoamérica, nos resulta más difícil procesar pérdidas tan enormes. La fatiga de compasión suele ser experimentada por el público en general como un sentimiento de Read more…

Is it true that new research shows that COVID-19 vaccine spike protein could cause cardiovascular damage just as the COVID -19 virus spike does?


A: No. The spike protein delivered by the COVID-19 vaccines does not cause cardiovascular damage. 🤔 Let’s start by taking a look at the role of the spike protein in SARS-CoV-2 infection. The virus can enter our bodies when we breathe in droplets breathed out by an infected person. The virus then gets into lung Read more…

What are COVID nails?

Clinical Symptoms

A. TL;DR. Some COVID-19 survivors have noticed that their fingernails have developed horizontal grooves. While these nail markings do not occur in all COVID-19 patients, they could be caused by a temporary interruption in nail growth. These changes are not permanent and nothing to worry about. We continue to learn new things about COVID-19, which Read more…

¿Qué debo saber sobre las nuevas pautas de los CDC que dicen que las personas completamente vacunadas puedan dejar de usar la mascarilla?

Infection and Spread Posts en Español Staying Safe Vaccines

R: Las nuevas recomendaciones por los CDC aplican solamente a las personas completamente vacunadas en EE.UU. Este cambio de política a nivel individual tiene implicaciones complicadas para la salud de la población. Como gran parte de los últimos 15 meses, nada está escrito en piedra. Lea esta publicación para conocer algunos detalles importantes. Según la Read more…

Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED) or affect sperm? (Updated 5/24/21)

Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms

A: It’s possible. #VaxUpToGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. COVID-19 infection HAS been associated with a reduction in sperm counts in early research. A recent study found Read more…

Nerdy Kids Get Vaccinated!

Families/Kids Vaccines

Two Nerdy Girls on the team took their kids 🚸 in the 12-15 year old age group to be vaccinated last week after the Pfizer vaccine 💉 was granted emergency use authorization-we asked them and their kids a few questions ❓about why they did and how it went! What was your main reason for vaccinating Read more…