Excess Mortality in the U.S. in 2020
Data and Metrics
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
July 8, 2021
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
Engaging in Conversations About COVID-19 Vaccination
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A recent article in SELF Magazine summarized helpful tips on having conversations about COVID-19 vaccination with family and friends. Here are the cliff notes (though it’s worth a full read). 👄 Invest in meaningful relationships with a conversation, even if it’s hard. Starting a complex conversation is sometimes easier if you lead with your shared Read more…
July 7, 2021
Need help navigating summer activities while keeping unvaccinated kids safe?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Balancing risks and benefits in an ever-changing COVID landscape is…. hard. We hope these infographics provide a framework for thinking through a variety of situations. 💥 These infographics were developed by our good friends at Your local epidemiologist, Unbiased Science Podcast and the rest of the #Nerdyneighborhood Link to Original FB Post
July 7, 2021
Trust vs. Truth
Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
I’m one of Those Nerdy Girls who is *not* a scientist, clinician, or researcher. As a retired teacher, I have been honored to have a place as COO of this amazing group for the past year. I am in awe of the power and strength of our entire Nerdy Community each and every day. Nerdy Read more…
July 6, 2021
Did the World Health Organization say that kids should NOT get the vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
No. Get the facts. The truth matters. Link to Original FB Post
July 5, 2021
Confused about when to mask up?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Confused about when to #MaskUp these days? We like this infographic from NPR‘s Goats & Soda highlighting several situations when you might want to continue mask-wearing if vaccinated, including…IF YOU FEEL LIKE IT! h/t Impact. Link to Goats and Soda Article Credit: Malaka Gharib/NPR Link to Original FB Post
July 5, 2021
If I don’t I have side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine does that mean it’s less effective?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No, it’s working just fine! ➡️ New data show no correlation between severity of side effects and levels of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 after vaccination. 🔥 While vaccine side effects, also known as “reactogenicity” can be a comforting sign for some that the immune system is ramping up, NOT having side effects does not mean Read more…
July 3, 2021
Well, nuts. I got COVID-19. What can I do to take care of myself?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Taking care of yourself and focusing on getting better is priority #1! Get rest, stay hydrated, isolate physically but connect emotionally, and watch out for warning signs. As cases rise in some communities, now is a good time to remind ourselves of the basics of self-care when diagnosed with COVID-19. 🏠Stay home. Most people Read more…
July 2, 2021
What are the TOP 5 Reasons to Get Vaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
1. The COVID-19 vaccine protects you from getting sick and hospitalized with COVID-19. Remarkably well, in fact! 2. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine means you will also be less likely to pass COVID-19 to others. Hooray for fully vaxxed hugs!!! 3. The more people who are vaccinated, the lower the chances are that those who can’t Read more…
July 2, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥VACCINES WORK. While London-based Nerdy Girl Jenn nervously watches exponential case growth in the UK, some beams of light are coming through the mist ☀️. In fact, this picture just made my FRIDAY! Hospitalizations and deaths always lag behind COVID-19 cases. But even taking that into account, the trajectories for this “3rd wave” in the Read more…
July 2, 2021
What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
July 1, 2021
How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated?
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: My campus is trying to get 75% of the campus population vaccinated. How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated? A: This is a wonderful goal that has been set by your college to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Reaching 70-75% vaccinated in a population is the best way to Read more…
June 30, 2021
Update on Delta variant in the UK
COVID Variants Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Update on the Delta variant in the UK, and what we can do about it. Read the full post here.
The oldest Americans bore the brunt of COVID-19 mortality, but working-age Americans suffered the vast majority of excess non-COVID deaths, most commonly resulting from external causes. Today we are thrilled to host Nerdy Guest Dana Glei, PhD, discussing her research on “excess mortality,” including an increase in drug-related mortality during the pandemic. Dr. Glei completed Read more…
Can I get COVID-19 through blood transfusion?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
July 8, 2021
Engaging in Conversations About COVID-19 Vaccination
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A recent article in SELF Magazine summarized helpful tips on having conversations about COVID-19 vaccination with family and friends. Here are the cliff notes (though it’s worth a full read). 👄 Invest in meaningful relationships with a conversation, even if it’s hard. Starting a complex conversation is sometimes easier if you lead with your shared Read more…
July 7, 2021
Need help navigating summer activities while keeping unvaccinated kids safe?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Balancing risks and benefits in an ever-changing COVID landscape is…. hard. We hope these infographics provide a framework for thinking through a variety of situations. 💥 These infographics were developed by our good friends at Your local epidemiologist, Unbiased Science Podcast and the rest of the #Nerdyneighborhood Link to Original FB Post
July 7, 2021
Trust vs. Truth
Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
I’m one of Those Nerdy Girls who is *not* a scientist, clinician, or researcher. As a retired teacher, I have been honored to have a place as COO of this amazing group for the past year. I am in awe of the power and strength of our entire Nerdy Community each and every day. Nerdy Read more…
July 6, 2021
Did the World Health Organization say that kids should NOT get the vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
No. Get the facts. The truth matters. Link to Original FB Post
July 5, 2021
Confused about when to mask up?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Confused about when to #MaskUp these days? We like this infographic from NPR‘s Goats & Soda highlighting several situations when you might want to continue mask-wearing if vaccinated, including…IF YOU FEEL LIKE IT! h/t Impact. Link to Goats and Soda Article Credit: Malaka Gharib/NPR Link to Original FB Post
July 5, 2021
If I don’t I have side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine does that mean it’s less effective?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No, it’s working just fine! ➡️ New data show no correlation between severity of side effects and levels of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 after vaccination. 🔥 While vaccine side effects, also known as “reactogenicity” can be a comforting sign for some that the immune system is ramping up, NOT having side effects does not mean Read more…
July 3, 2021
Well, nuts. I got COVID-19. What can I do to take care of myself?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Taking care of yourself and focusing on getting better is priority #1! Get rest, stay hydrated, isolate physically but connect emotionally, and watch out for warning signs. As cases rise in some communities, now is a good time to remind ourselves of the basics of self-care when diagnosed with COVID-19. 🏠Stay home. Most people Read more…
July 2, 2021
What are the TOP 5 Reasons to Get Vaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
1. The COVID-19 vaccine protects you from getting sick and hospitalized with COVID-19. Remarkably well, in fact! 2. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine means you will also be less likely to pass COVID-19 to others. Hooray for fully vaxxed hugs!!! 3. The more people who are vaccinated, the lower the chances are that those who can’t Read more…
July 2, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥VACCINES WORK. While London-based Nerdy Girl Jenn nervously watches exponential case growth in the UK, some beams of light are coming through the mist ☀️. In fact, this picture just made my FRIDAY! Hospitalizations and deaths always lag behind COVID-19 cases. But even taking that into account, the trajectories for this “3rd wave” in the Read more…
July 2, 2021
What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
July 1, 2021
How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated?
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: My campus is trying to get 75% of the campus population vaccinated. How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated? A: This is a wonderful goal that has been set by your college to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Reaching 70-75% vaccinated in a population is the best way to Read more…
June 30, 2021
Update on Delta variant in the UK
COVID Variants Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Update on the Delta variant in the UK, and what we can do about it. Read the full post here.
A: Many viruses can be transmitted by blood transfusion. However there are no reported cases of people getting COVID-19 by blood transfusion so far. Let’s look at the details. In 1628, British physician William Harvey reported the first description of blood circulation in Western medical literature. Soon after, transfusions were attempted. However, it was not Read more…
Engaging in Conversations About COVID-19 Vaccination
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A recent article in SELF Magazine summarized helpful tips on having conversations about COVID-19 vaccination with family and friends. Here are the cliff notes (though it’s worth a full read). 👄 Invest in meaningful relationships with a conversation, even if it’s hard. Starting a complex conversation is sometimes easier if you lead with your shared Read more…
July 7, 2021
Need help navigating summer activities while keeping unvaccinated kids safe?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Balancing risks and benefits in an ever-changing COVID landscape is…. hard. We hope these infographics provide a framework for thinking through a variety of situations. 💥 These infographics were developed by our good friends at Your local epidemiologist, Unbiased Science Podcast and the rest of the #Nerdyneighborhood Link to Original FB Post
July 7, 2021
Trust vs. Truth
Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
I’m one of Those Nerdy Girls who is *not* a scientist, clinician, or researcher. As a retired teacher, I have been honored to have a place as COO of this amazing group for the past year. I am in awe of the power and strength of our entire Nerdy Community each and every day. Nerdy Read more…
July 6, 2021
Did the World Health Organization say that kids should NOT get the vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
No. Get the facts. The truth matters. Link to Original FB Post
July 5, 2021
Confused about when to mask up?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Confused about when to #MaskUp these days? We like this infographic from NPR‘s Goats & Soda highlighting several situations when you might want to continue mask-wearing if vaccinated, including…IF YOU FEEL LIKE IT! h/t Impact. Link to Goats and Soda Article Credit: Malaka Gharib/NPR Link to Original FB Post
July 5, 2021
If I don’t I have side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine does that mean it’s less effective?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No, it’s working just fine! ➡️ New data show no correlation between severity of side effects and levels of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 after vaccination. 🔥 While vaccine side effects, also known as “reactogenicity” can be a comforting sign for some that the immune system is ramping up, NOT having side effects does not mean Read more…
July 3, 2021
Well, nuts. I got COVID-19. What can I do to take care of myself?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Taking care of yourself and focusing on getting better is priority #1! Get rest, stay hydrated, isolate physically but connect emotionally, and watch out for warning signs. As cases rise in some communities, now is a good time to remind ourselves of the basics of self-care when diagnosed with COVID-19. 🏠Stay home. Most people Read more…
July 2, 2021
What are the TOP 5 Reasons to Get Vaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
1. The COVID-19 vaccine protects you from getting sick and hospitalized with COVID-19. Remarkably well, in fact! 2. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine means you will also be less likely to pass COVID-19 to others. Hooray for fully vaxxed hugs!!! 3. The more people who are vaccinated, the lower the chances are that those who can’t Read more…
July 2, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥VACCINES WORK. While London-based Nerdy Girl Jenn nervously watches exponential case growth in the UK, some beams of light are coming through the mist ☀️. In fact, this picture just made my FRIDAY! Hospitalizations and deaths always lag behind COVID-19 cases. But even taking that into account, the trajectories for this “3rd wave” in the Read more…
July 2, 2021
What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
July 1, 2021
How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated?
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: My campus is trying to get 75% of the campus population vaccinated. How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated? A: This is a wonderful goal that has been set by your college to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Reaching 70-75% vaccinated in a population is the best way to Read more…
June 30, 2021
Update on Delta variant in the UK
COVID Variants Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Update on the Delta variant in the UK, and what we can do about it. Read the full post here.
A recent article in SELF Magazine summarized helpful tips on having conversations about COVID-19 vaccination with family and friends. Here are the cliff notes (though it’s worth a full read). 👄 Invest in meaningful relationships with a conversation, even if it’s hard. Starting a complex conversation is sometimes easier if you lead with your shared Read more…
Need help navigating summer activities while keeping unvaccinated kids safe?
Families/Kids Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Balancing risks and benefits in an ever-changing COVID landscape is…. hard. We hope these infographics provide a framework for thinking through a variety of situations. 💥 These infographics were developed by our good friends at Your local epidemiologist, Unbiased Science Podcast and the rest of the #Nerdyneighborhood Link to Original FB Post
July 7, 2021
Trust vs. Truth
Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
I’m one of Those Nerdy Girls who is *not* a scientist, clinician, or researcher. As a retired teacher, I have been honored to have a place as COO of this amazing group for the past year. I am in awe of the power and strength of our entire Nerdy Community each and every day. Nerdy Read more…
July 6, 2021
Did the World Health Organization say that kids should NOT get the vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
No. Get the facts. The truth matters. Link to Original FB Post
July 5, 2021
Confused about when to mask up?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Confused about when to #MaskUp these days? We like this infographic from NPR‘s Goats & Soda highlighting several situations when you might want to continue mask-wearing if vaccinated, including…IF YOU FEEL LIKE IT! h/t Impact. Link to Goats and Soda Article Credit: Malaka Gharib/NPR Link to Original FB Post
July 5, 2021
If I don’t I have side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine does that mean it’s less effective?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No, it’s working just fine! ➡️ New data show no correlation between severity of side effects and levels of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 after vaccination. 🔥 While vaccine side effects, also known as “reactogenicity” can be a comforting sign for some that the immune system is ramping up, NOT having side effects does not mean Read more…
July 3, 2021
Well, nuts. I got COVID-19. What can I do to take care of myself?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Taking care of yourself and focusing on getting better is priority #1! Get rest, stay hydrated, isolate physically but connect emotionally, and watch out for warning signs. As cases rise in some communities, now is a good time to remind ourselves of the basics of self-care when diagnosed with COVID-19. 🏠Stay home. Most people Read more…
July 2, 2021
What are the TOP 5 Reasons to Get Vaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
1. The COVID-19 vaccine protects you from getting sick and hospitalized with COVID-19. Remarkably well, in fact! 2. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine means you will also be less likely to pass COVID-19 to others. Hooray for fully vaxxed hugs!!! 3. The more people who are vaccinated, the lower the chances are that those who can’t Read more…
July 2, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥VACCINES WORK. While London-based Nerdy Girl Jenn nervously watches exponential case growth in the UK, some beams of light are coming through the mist ☀️. In fact, this picture just made my FRIDAY! Hospitalizations and deaths always lag behind COVID-19 cases. But even taking that into account, the trajectories for this “3rd wave” in the Read more…
July 2, 2021
What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
July 1, 2021
How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated?
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: My campus is trying to get 75% of the campus population vaccinated. How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated? A: This is a wonderful goal that has been set by your college to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Reaching 70-75% vaccinated in a population is the best way to Read more…
June 30, 2021
Update on Delta variant in the UK
COVID Variants Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Update on the Delta variant in the UK, and what we can do about it. Read the full post here.
Balancing risks and benefits in an ever-changing COVID landscape is…. hard. We hope these infographics provide a framework for thinking through a variety of situations. 💥 These infographics were developed by our good friends at Your local epidemiologist, Unbiased Science Podcast and the rest of the #Nerdyneighborhood Link to Original FB Post
Trust vs. Truth
Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Gretchen Peterson, Chief Operations Officer
I’m one of Those Nerdy Girls who is *not* a scientist, clinician, or researcher. As a retired teacher, I have been honored to have a place as COO of this amazing group for the past year. I am in awe of the power and strength of our entire Nerdy Community each and every day. Nerdy Read more…
July 6, 2021
Did the World Health Organization say that kids should NOT get the vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
No. Get the facts. The truth matters. Link to Original FB Post
July 5, 2021
Confused about when to mask up?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Confused about when to #MaskUp these days? We like this infographic from NPR‘s Goats & Soda highlighting several situations when you might want to continue mask-wearing if vaccinated, including…IF YOU FEEL LIKE IT! h/t Impact. Link to Goats and Soda Article Credit: Malaka Gharib/NPR Link to Original FB Post
July 5, 2021
If I don’t I have side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine does that mean it’s less effective?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No, it’s working just fine! ➡️ New data show no correlation between severity of side effects and levels of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 after vaccination. 🔥 While vaccine side effects, also known as “reactogenicity” can be a comforting sign for some that the immune system is ramping up, NOT having side effects does not mean Read more…
July 3, 2021
Well, nuts. I got COVID-19. What can I do to take care of myself?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Taking care of yourself and focusing on getting better is priority #1! Get rest, stay hydrated, isolate physically but connect emotionally, and watch out for warning signs. As cases rise in some communities, now is a good time to remind ourselves of the basics of self-care when diagnosed with COVID-19. 🏠Stay home. Most people Read more…
July 2, 2021
What are the TOP 5 Reasons to Get Vaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
1. The COVID-19 vaccine protects you from getting sick and hospitalized with COVID-19. Remarkably well, in fact! 2. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine means you will also be less likely to pass COVID-19 to others. Hooray for fully vaxxed hugs!!! 3. The more people who are vaccinated, the lower the chances are that those who can’t Read more…
July 2, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥VACCINES WORK. While London-based Nerdy Girl Jenn nervously watches exponential case growth in the UK, some beams of light are coming through the mist ☀️. In fact, this picture just made my FRIDAY! Hospitalizations and deaths always lag behind COVID-19 cases. But even taking that into account, the trajectories for this “3rd wave” in the Read more…
July 2, 2021
What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
July 1, 2021
How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated?
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: My campus is trying to get 75% of the campus population vaccinated. How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated? A: This is a wonderful goal that has been set by your college to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Reaching 70-75% vaccinated in a population is the best way to Read more…
June 30, 2021
Update on Delta variant in the UK
COVID Variants Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Update on the Delta variant in the UK, and what we can do about it. Read the full post here.
I’m one of Those Nerdy Girls who is *not* a scientist, clinician, or researcher. As a retired teacher, I have been honored to have a place as COO of this amazing group for the past year. I am in awe of the power and strength of our entire Nerdy Community each and every day. Nerdy Read more…
Did the World Health Organization say that kids should NOT get the vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
No. Get the facts. The truth matters. Link to Original FB Post
July 5, 2021
Confused about when to mask up?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Confused about when to #MaskUp these days? We like this infographic from NPR‘s Goats & Soda highlighting several situations when you might want to continue mask-wearing if vaccinated, including…IF YOU FEEL LIKE IT! h/t Impact. Link to Goats and Soda Article Credit: Malaka Gharib/NPR Link to Original FB Post
July 5, 2021
If I don’t I have side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine does that mean it’s less effective?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No, it’s working just fine! ➡️ New data show no correlation between severity of side effects and levels of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 after vaccination. 🔥 While vaccine side effects, also known as “reactogenicity” can be a comforting sign for some that the immune system is ramping up, NOT having side effects does not mean Read more…
July 3, 2021
Well, nuts. I got COVID-19. What can I do to take care of myself?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Taking care of yourself and focusing on getting better is priority #1! Get rest, stay hydrated, isolate physically but connect emotionally, and watch out for warning signs. As cases rise in some communities, now is a good time to remind ourselves of the basics of self-care when diagnosed with COVID-19. 🏠Stay home. Most people Read more…
July 2, 2021
What are the TOP 5 Reasons to Get Vaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
1. The COVID-19 vaccine protects you from getting sick and hospitalized with COVID-19. Remarkably well, in fact! 2. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine means you will also be less likely to pass COVID-19 to others. Hooray for fully vaxxed hugs!!! 3. The more people who are vaccinated, the lower the chances are that those who can’t Read more…
July 2, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥VACCINES WORK. While London-based Nerdy Girl Jenn nervously watches exponential case growth in the UK, some beams of light are coming through the mist ☀️. In fact, this picture just made my FRIDAY! Hospitalizations and deaths always lag behind COVID-19 cases. But even taking that into account, the trajectories for this “3rd wave” in the Read more…
July 2, 2021
What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
July 1, 2021
How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated?
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: My campus is trying to get 75% of the campus population vaccinated. How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated? A: This is a wonderful goal that has been set by your college to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Reaching 70-75% vaccinated in a population is the best way to Read more…
June 30, 2021
Update on Delta variant in the UK
COVID Variants Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Update on the Delta variant in the UK, and what we can do about it. Read the full post here.
No. Get the facts. The truth matters. Link to Original FB Post
Confused about when to mask up?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Confused about when to #MaskUp these days? We like this infographic from NPR‘s Goats & Soda highlighting several situations when you might want to continue mask-wearing if vaccinated, including…IF YOU FEEL LIKE IT! h/t Impact. Link to Goats and Soda Article Credit: Malaka Gharib/NPR Link to Original FB Post
July 5, 2021
If I don’t I have side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine does that mean it’s less effective?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No, it’s working just fine! ➡️ New data show no correlation between severity of side effects and levels of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 after vaccination. 🔥 While vaccine side effects, also known as “reactogenicity” can be a comforting sign for some that the immune system is ramping up, NOT having side effects does not mean Read more…
July 3, 2021
Well, nuts. I got COVID-19. What can I do to take care of myself?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Taking care of yourself and focusing on getting better is priority #1! Get rest, stay hydrated, isolate physically but connect emotionally, and watch out for warning signs. As cases rise in some communities, now is a good time to remind ourselves of the basics of self-care when diagnosed with COVID-19. 🏠Stay home. Most people Read more…
July 2, 2021
What are the TOP 5 Reasons to Get Vaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
1. The COVID-19 vaccine protects you from getting sick and hospitalized with COVID-19. Remarkably well, in fact! 2. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine means you will also be less likely to pass COVID-19 to others. Hooray for fully vaxxed hugs!!! 3. The more people who are vaccinated, the lower the chances are that those who can’t Read more…
July 2, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥VACCINES WORK. While London-based Nerdy Girl Jenn nervously watches exponential case growth in the UK, some beams of light are coming through the mist ☀️. In fact, this picture just made my FRIDAY! Hospitalizations and deaths always lag behind COVID-19 cases. But even taking that into account, the trajectories for this “3rd wave” in the Read more…
July 2, 2021
What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
July 1, 2021
How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated?
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: My campus is trying to get 75% of the campus population vaccinated. How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated? A: This is a wonderful goal that has been set by your college to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Reaching 70-75% vaccinated in a population is the best way to Read more…
June 30, 2021
Update on Delta variant in the UK
COVID Variants Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Update on the Delta variant in the UK, and what we can do about it. Read the full post here.
Confused about when to #MaskUp these days? We like this infographic from NPR‘s Goats & Soda highlighting several situations when you might want to continue mask-wearing if vaccinated, including…IF YOU FEEL LIKE IT! h/t Impact. Link to Goats and Soda Article Credit: Malaka Gharib/NPR Link to Original FB Post
If I don’t I have side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine does that mean it’s less effective?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No, it’s working just fine! ➡️ New data show no correlation between severity of side effects and levels of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 after vaccination. 🔥 While vaccine side effects, also known as “reactogenicity” can be a comforting sign for some that the immune system is ramping up, NOT having side effects does not mean Read more…
July 3, 2021
Well, nuts. I got COVID-19. What can I do to take care of myself?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Taking care of yourself and focusing on getting better is priority #1! Get rest, stay hydrated, isolate physically but connect emotionally, and watch out for warning signs. As cases rise in some communities, now is a good time to remind ourselves of the basics of self-care when diagnosed with COVID-19. 🏠Stay home. Most people Read more…
July 2, 2021
What are the TOP 5 Reasons to Get Vaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
1. The COVID-19 vaccine protects you from getting sick and hospitalized with COVID-19. Remarkably well, in fact! 2. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine means you will also be less likely to pass COVID-19 to others. Hooray for fully vaxxed hugs!!! 3. The more people who are vaccinated, the lower the chances are that those who can’t Read more…
July 2, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥VACCINES WORK. While London-based Nerdy Girl Jenn nervously watches exponential case growth in the UK, some beams of light are coming through the mist ☀️. In fact, this picture just made my FRIDAY! Hospitalizations and deaths always lag behind COVID-19 cases. But even taking that into account, the trajectories for this “3rd wave” in the Read more…
July 2, 2021
What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
July 1, 2021
How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated?
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: My campus is trying to get 75% of the campus population vaccinated. How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated? A: This is a wonderful goal that has been set by your college to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Reaching 70-75% vaccinated in a population is the best way to Read more…
June 30, 2021
Update on Delta variant in the UK
COVID Variants Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Update on the Delta variant in the UK, and what we can do about it. Read the full post here.
A: No, it’s working just fine! ➡️ New data show no correlation between severity of side effects and levels of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 after vaccination. 🔥 While vaccine side effects, also known as “reactogenicity” can be a comforting sign for some that the immune system is ramping up, NOT having side effects does not mean Read more…
Well, nuts. I got COVID-19. What can I do to take care of myself?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Taking care of yourself and focusing on getting better is priority #1! Get rest, stay hydrated, isolate physically but connect emotionally, and watch out for warning signs. As cases rise in some communities, now is a good time to remind ourselves of the basics of self-care when diagnosed with COVID-19. 🏠Stay home. Most people Read more…
July 2, 2021
What are the TOP 5 Reasons to Get Vaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
1. The COVID-19 vaccine protects you from getting sick and hospitalized with COVID-19. Remarkably well, in fact! 2. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine means you will also be less likely to pass COVID-19 to others. Hooray for fully vaxxed hugs!!! 3. The more people who are vaccinated, the lower the chances are that those who can’t Read more…
July 2, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥VACCINES WORK. While London-based Nerdy Girl Jenn nervously watches exponential case growth in the UK, some beams of light are coming through the mist ☀️. In fact, this picture just made my FRIDAY! Hospitalizations and deaths always lag behind COVID-19 cases. But even taking that into account, the trajectories for this “3rd wave” in the Read more…
July 2, 2021
What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
July 1, 2021
How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated?
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: My campus is trying to get 75% of the campus population vaccinated. How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated? A: This is a wonderful goal that has been set by your college to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Reaching 70-75% vaccinated in a population is the best way to Read more…
June 30, 2021
Update on Delta variant in the UK
COVID Variants Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Update on the Delta variant in the UK, and what we can do about it. Read the full post here.
A: Taking care of yourself and focusing on getting better is priority #1! Get rest, stay hydrated, isolate physically but connect emotionally, and watch out for warning signs. As cases rise in some communities, now is a good time to remind ourselves of the basics of self-care when diagnosed with COVID-19. 🏠Stay home. Most people Read more…
What are the TOP 5 Reasons to Get Vaccinated?
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
1. The COVID-19 vaccine protects you from getting sick and hospitalized with COVID-19. Remarkably well, in fact! 2. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine means you will also be less likely to pass COVID-19 to others. Hooray for fully vaxxed hugs!!! 3. The more people who are vaccinated, the lower the chances are that those who can’t Read more…
July 2, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥VACCINES WORK. While London-based Nerdy Girl Jenn nervously watches exponential case growth in the UK, some beams of light are coming through the mist ☀️. In fact, this picture just made my FRIDAY! Hospitalizations and deaths always lag behind COVID-19 cases. But even taking that into account, the trajectories for this “3rd wave” in the Read more…
July 2, 2021
What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
July 1, 2021
How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated?
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: My campus is trying to get 75% of the campus population vaccinated. How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated? A: This is a wonderful goal that has been set by your college to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Reaching 70-75% vaccinated in a population is the best way to Read more…
June 30, 2021
Update on Delta variant in the UK
COVID Variants Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Update on the Delta variant in the UK, and what we can do about it. Read the full post here.
1. The COVID-19 vaccine protects you from getting sick and hospitalized with COVID-19. Remarkably well, in fact! 2. Getting a COVID-19 vaccine means you will also be less likely to pass COVID-19 to others. Hooray for fully vaxxed hugs!!! 3. The more people who are vaccinated, the lower the chances are that those who can’t Read more…
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
💥VACCINES WORK. While London-based Nerdy Girl Jenn nervously watches exponential case growth in the UK, some beams of light are coming through the mist ☀️. In fact, this picture just made my FRIDAY! Hospitalizations and deaths always lag behind COVID-19 cases. But even taking that into account, the trajectories for this “3rd wave” in the Read more…
July 2, 2021
What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
July 1, 2021
How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated?
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: My campus is trying to get 75% of the campus population vaccinated. How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated? A: This is a wonderful goal that has been set by your college to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Reaching 70-75% vaccinated in a population is the best way to Read more…
June 30, 2021
Update on Delta variant in the UK
COVID Variants Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Update on the Delta variant in the UK, and what we can do about it. Read the full post here.
💥VACCINES WORK. While London-based Nerdy Girl Jenn nervously watches exponential case growth in the UK, some beams of light are coming through the mist ☀️. In fact, this picture just made my FRIDAY! Hospitalizations and deaths always lag behind COVID-19 cases. But even taking that into account, the trajectories for this “3rd wave” in the Read more…
What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
July 1, 2021
How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated?
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: My campus is trying to get 75% of the campus population vaccinated. How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated? A: This is a wonderful goal that has been set by your college to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Reaching 70-75% vaccinated in a population is the best way to Read more…
June 30, 2021
Update on Delta variant in the UK
COVID Variants Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Update on the Delta variant in the UK, and what we can do about it. Read the full post here.
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated?
Verdena Jennings, DO
Q: My campus is trying to get 75% of the campus population vaccinated. How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated? A: This is a wonderful goal that has been set by your college to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Reaching 70-75% vaccinated in a population is the best way to Read more…
June 30, 2021
Update on Delta variant in the UK
COVID Variants Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Update on the Delta variant in the UK, and what we can do about it. Read the full post here.
Q: My campus is trying to get 75% of the campus population vaccinated. How do we best encourage students, staff, and faculty to get vaccinated? A: This is a wonderful goal that has been set by your college to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Reaching 70-75% vaccinated in a population is the best way to Read more…
Update on Delta variant in the UK
COVID Variants Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Update on the Delta variant in the UK, and what we can do about it. Read the full post here.
Update on the Delta variant in the UK, and what we can do about it. Read the full post here.