I have COVID-19. What should I do to take care of myself?
Clinical Symptoms
Maya Clark-Cutaia, PhD
A: Here are some self-care tips from our visiting scholar, Dr. Maya Clark-Cutaia. Dr. Clark-Cutaia is a nurse practitioner and researcher who has triaged thousands of patients experiencing COVID-19 symptoms in the last 18 months. Perhaps you are experiencing fevers, cough, shortness of breath, congestion, headache, sore throat. Maybe you have some nausea or diarrhea. Read more…
September 16, 2021
ICUs in Critical Condition
Data and Metrics
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
/* This is NOT a drill : ICUs in critical condition */ 🏥 1 in 4 U.S. hospitals report worrisome ICU bed occupancy levels, up from 1 in 10 from June As AP reports, “a maxed-out ICU can become a staffing and logistical nightmare.” Staff shortages are particularly acute in many places. At one hospital Read more…
September 15, 2021
Can I get a flu shot and a COVID-19 vaccine at the same time?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: YES! It is common to receive multiple vaccines at the same time. In fact, vaccines such as a TDAP include three different vaccinations in one shot (Tetanus, Diptheria, and Pertussis in case you were wondering.) So why the change in guidance now? The CDC updated their guidance on August 31st removing the recommendation to Read more…
September 14, 2021
COVID vaccine does NOT cause testicles to swell or lead to impotence
Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
🍌 Apropos of nothing…a Nerdy reminder that the COVID vaccine does NOT cause testicles to swell or lead to impotence. COVID *infection*, on the other hand…. TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, Read more…
September 14, 2021
Fighting Pandemic Loneliness
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Loneliness is not just about being alone. It is about feeling isolated, disconnected, and even losing meaning in our daily life. It is an internal and subjective experience. And unsurprisingly, a lot of us are experiencing it right now, especially young people. Some surveys suggest that up to half of us are feeling lonely across Read more…
September 13, 2021
What is the real COVID-19 death toll? Are we over-counting deaths?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sadly, we are most likely UNDER-COUNTING Covid-19 deaths. While the official global death toll from Covid-19 is now 4.6 million, the actual toll is estimated to be close to 15.4 MILLION people. Among the most persistent COVID-19 myths is the idea that COVID-19 deaths are being over-counted, including stories of victims of motorcycle accidents Read more…
September 10, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech Will Soon Ask for Approval of Vaccine for 5 Years and Over
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Today’s news about vaccine for younger kids: From the article: “The makers of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will soon ask regulators to approve its use in children 5 years and over, and are getting ready to make smaller doses of the vaccine for younger children, according to one of the founders of BioNTech, the German company Read more…
September 10, 2021
How do I make an air purifier?
School Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL; DR: The Corsi Air Box (sometimes called the Corsi-Rosenthal Cube or a Comparetto Cube) is the hot new trend in DIY air purifiers! See links below for instructions. With the return to in-person school for most US school children and many college students, we need to continue to use many layers of protection Read more…
September 9, 2021
Moderna Releases Data on mRNA Vaccine for 3 Respiratory Viruses
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Good news image released today by Moderna, showing positive pre-clinical data (IN MICE!) for an mRNA vaccine that combines mRNA for 3 different respiratory viruses in 1 vaccine: COVID-19 + Flu + RSV. One silver lining of this terrible pandemic might be a huge leap forward in our scientific knowledge and specifically vaccine technology… let’s Read more…
September 9, 2021
What’s up with monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19 infections?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
The safety profile for monoclonal antibody treatment is very good. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are Read more…
September 8, 2021
What is the difference between ‘an additional primary dose’ and a ‘booster dose’?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. It’s a subtle difference. A booster dose builds up waning immunity in people who made a good immune response to the first vaccine series. A third (or additional) dose helps people who did not make a good response to the first vaccine series and whose immune systems benefit from the additional dose. 👉🏽TL;DR. A Read more…
September 7, 2021
Coxsackieviruses: They’re almost as unpleasant as they sound!
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Does your under-5 child have a runny nose accompanied by a general tendency toward being absolutely and uncharacteristically miserable? Do they want nothing other than to whine and drink cold milk around the clock? Coxsackie! No, that’s not a swear; it’s the name of a family of viruses, and it might be the reason for Read more…
September 6, 2021
Is immunity from natural COVID infection “better” than vaccine immunity?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Getting vaccinated is by far the safest way to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2. If you’ve already been infected, getting vaccinated still provides you with the best protection-in fact likely *better* than either previous infection or the vaccine alone. A recent study from Israel created waves with findings that people with previous COVID-19 infection Read more…
September 4, 2021
New evidence shows mask wearing reduces COVID-19 infections in the community.
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A recent study examining strategies to increase mask wearing and the effect of mask wearing on the number of COVID-19 infections is a work of art. Those Nerdy Girls are celebrating this study for two reasons: Excellent scientific rigor and real life implications. The take home message from this great real-world study: Masks work in Read more…
A: Here are some self-care tips from our visiting scholar, Dr. Maya Clark-Cutaia. Dr. Clark-Cutaia is a nurse practitioner and researcher who has triaged thousands of patients experiencing COVID-19 symptoms in the last 18 months. Perhaps you are experiencing fevers, cough, shortness of breath, congestion, headache, sore throat. Maybe you have some nausea or diarrhea. Read more…
ICUs in Critical Condition
Data and Metrics
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
/* This is NOT a drill : ICUs in critical condition */ 🏥 1 in 4 U.S. hospitals report worrisome ICU bed occupancy levels, up from 1 in 10 from June As AP reports, “a maxed-out ICU can become a staffing and logistical nightmare.” Staff shortages are particularly acute in many places. At one hospital Read more…
September 15, 2021
Can I get a flu shot and a COVID-19 vaccine at the same time?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: YES! It is common to receive multiple vaccines at the same time. In fact, vaccines such as a TDAP include three different vaccinations in one shot (Tetanus, Diptheria, and Pertussis in case you were wondering.) So why the change in guidance now? The CDC updated their guidance on August 31st removing the recommendation to Read more…
September 14, 2021
COVID vaccine does NOT cause testicles to swell or lead to impotence
Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
🍌 Apropos of nothing…a Nerdy reminder that the COVID vaccine does NOT cause testicles to swell or lead to impotence. COVID *infection*, on the other hand…. TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, Read more…
September 14, 2021
Fighting Pandemic Loneliness
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Loneliness is not just about being alone. It is about feeling isolated, disconnected, and even losing meaning in our daily life. It is an internal and subjective experience. And unsurprisingly, a lot of us are experiencing it right now, especially young people. Some surveys suggest that up to half of us are feeling lonely across Read more…
September 13, 2021
What is the real COVID-19 death toll? Are we over-counting deaths?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sadly, we are most likely UNDER-COUNTING Covid-19 deaths. While the official global death toll from Covid-19 is now 4.6 million, the actual toll is estimated to be close to 15.4 MILLION people. Among the most persistent COVID-19 myths is the idea that COVID-19 deaths are being over-counted, including stories of victims of motorcycle accidents Read more…
September 10, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech Will Soon Ask for Approval of Vaccine for 5 Years and Over
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Today’s news about vaccine for younger kids: From the article: “The makers of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will soon ask regulators to approve its use in children 5 years and over, and are getting ready to make smaller doses of the vaccine for younger children, according to one of the founders of BioNTech, the German company Read more…
September 10, 2021
How do I make an air purifier?
School Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL; DR: The Corsi Air Box (sometimes called the Corsi-Rosenthal Cube or a Comparetto Cube) is the hot new trend in DIY air purifiers! See links below for instructions. With the return to in-person school for most US school children and many college students, we need to continue to use many layers of protection Read more…
September 9, 2021
Moderna Releases Data on mRNA Vaccine for 3 Respiratory Viruses
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Good news image released today by Moderna, showing positive pre-clinical data (IN MICE!) for an mRNA vaccine that combines mRNA for 3 different respiratory viruses in 1 vaccine: COVID-19 + Flu + RSV. One silver lining of this terrible pandemic might be a huge leap forward in our scientific knowledge and specifically vaccine technology… let’s Read more…
September 9, 2021
What’s up with monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19 infections?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
The safety profile for monoclonal antibody treatment is very good. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are Read more…
September 8, 2021
What is the difference between ‘an additional primary dose’ and a ‘booster dose’?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. It’s a subtle difference. A booster dose builds up waning immunity in people who made a good immune response to the first vaccine series. A third (or additional) dose helps people who did not make a good response to the first vaccine series and whose immune systems benefit from the additional dose. 👉🏽TL;DR. A Read more…
September 7, 2021
Coxsackieviruses: They’re almost as unpleasant as they sound!
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Does your under-5 child have a runny nose accompanied by a general tendency toward being absolutely and uncharacteristically miserable? Do they want nothing other than to whine and drink cold milk around the clock? Coxsackie! No, that’s not a swear; it’s the name of a family of viruses, and it might be the reason for Read more…
September 6, 2021
Is immunity from natural COVID infection “better” than vaccine immunity?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Getting vaccinated is by far the safest way to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2. If you’ve already been infected, getting vaccinated still provides you with the best protection-in fact likely *better* than either previous infection or the vaccine alone. A recent study from Israel created waves with findings that people with previous COVID-19 infection Read more…
September 4, 2021
New evidence shows mask wearing reduces COVID-19 infections in the community.
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A recent study examining strategies to increase mask wearing and the effect of mask wearing on the number of COVID-19 infections is a work of art. Those Nerdy Girls are celebrating this study for two reasons: Excellent scientific rigor and real life implications. The take home message from this great real-world study: Masks work in Read more…
/* This is NOT a drill : ICUs in critical condition */ 🏥 1 in 4 U.S. hospitals report worrisome ICU bed occupancy levels, up from 1 in 10 from June As AP reports, “a maxed-out ICU can become a staffing and logistical nightmare.” Staff shortages are particularly acute in many places. At one hospital Read more…
Can I get a flu shot and a COVID-19 vaccine at the same time?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: YES! It is common to receive multiple vaccines at the same time. In fact, vaccines such as a TDAP include three different vaccinations in one shot (Tetanus, Diptheria, and Pertussis in case you were wondering.) So why the change in guidance now? The CDC updated their guidance on August 31st removing the recommendation to Read more…
September 14, 2021
COVID vaccine does NOT cause testicles to swell or lead to impotence
Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
🍌 Apropos of nothing…a Nerdy reminder that the COVID vaccine does NOT cause testicles to swell or lead to impotence. COVID *infection*, on the other hand…. TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, Read more…
September 14, 2021
Fighting Pandemic Loneliness
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Loneliness is not just about being alone. It is about feeling isolated, disconnected, and even losing meaning in our daily life. It is an internal and subjective experience. And unsurprisingly, a lot of us are experiencing it right now, especially young people. Some surveys suggest that up to half of us are feeling lonely across Read more…
September 13, 2021
What is the real COVID-19 death toll? Are we over-counting deaths?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sadly, we are most likely UNDER-COUNTING Covid-19 deaths. While the official global death toll from Covid-19 is now 4.6 million, the actual toll is estimated to be close to 15.4 MILLION people. Among the most persistent COVID-19 myths is the idea that COVID-19 deaths are being over-counted, including stories of victims of motorcycle accidents Read more…
September 10, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech Will Soon Ask for Approval of Vaccine for 5 Years and Over
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Today’s news about vaccine for younger kids: From the article: “The makers of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will soon ask regulators to approve its use in children 5 years and over, and are getting ready to make smaller doses of the vaccine for younger children, according to one of the founders of BioNTech, the German company Read more…
September 10, 2021
How do I make an air purifier?
School Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL; DR: The Corsi Air Box (sometimes called the Corsi-Rosenthal Cube or a Comparetto Cube) is the hot new trend in DIY air purifiers! See links below for instructions. With the return to in-person school for most US school children and many college students, we need to continue to use many layers of protection Read more…
September 9, 2021
Moderna Releases Data on mRNA Vaccine for 3 Respiratory Viruses
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Good news image released today by Moderna, showing positive pre-clinical data (IN MICE!) for an mRNA vaccine that combines mRNA for 3 different respiratory viruses in 1 vaccine: COVID-19 + Flu + RSV. One silver lining of this terrible pandemic might be a huge leap forward in our scientific knowledge and specifically vaccine technology… let’s Read more…
September 9, 2021
What’s up with monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19 infections?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
The safety profile for monoclonal antibody treatment is very good. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are Read more…
September 8, 2021
What is the difference between ‘an additional primary dose’ and a ‘booster dose’?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. It’s a subtle difference. A booster dose builds up waning immunity in people who made a good immune response to the first vaccine series. A third (or additional) dose helps people who did not make a good response to the first vaccine series and whose immune systems benefit from the additional dose. 👉🏽TL;DR. A Read more…
September 7, 2021
Coxsackieviruses: They’re almost as unpleasant as they sound!
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Does your under-5 child have a runny nose accompanied by a general tendency toward being absolutely and uncharacteristically miserable? Do they want nothing other than to whine and drink cold milk around the clock? Coxsackie! No, that’s not a swear; it’s the name of a family of viruses, and it might be the reason for Read more…
September 6, 2021
Is immunity from natural COVID infection “better” than vaccine immunity?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Getting vaccinated is by far the safest way to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2. If you’ve already been infected, getting vaccinated still provides you with the best protection-in fact likely *better* than either previous infection or the vaccine alone. A recent study from Israel created waves with findings that people with previous COVID-19 infection Read more…
September 4, 2021
New evidence shows mask wearing reduces COVID-19 infections in the community.
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A recent study examining strategies to increase mask wearing and the effect of mask wearing on the number of COVID-19 infections is a work of art. Those Nerdy Girls are celebrating this study for two reasons: Excellent scientific rigor and real life implications. The take home message from this great real-world study: Masks work in Read more…
A: YES! It is common to receive multiple vaccines at the same time. In fact, vaccines such as a TDAP include three different vaccinations in one shot (Tetanus, Diptheria, and Pertussis in case you were wondering.) So why the change in guidance now? The CDC updated their guidance on August 31st removing the recommendation to Read more…
COVID vaccine does NOT cause testicles to swell or lead to impotence
Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
🍌 Apropos of nothing…a Nerdy reminder that the COVID vaccine does NOT cause testicles to swell or lead to impotence. COVID *infection*, on the other hand…. TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, Read more…
September 14, 2021
Fighting Pandemic Loneliness
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Loneliness is not just about being alone. It is about feeling isolated, disconnected, and even losing meaning in our daily life. It is an internal and subjective experience. And unsurprisingly, a lot of us are experiencing it right now, especially young people. Some surveys suggest that up to half of us are feeling lonely across Read more…
September 13, 2021
What is the real COVID-19 death toll? Are we over-counting deaths?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sadly, we are most likely UNDER-COUNTING Covid-19 deaths. While the official global death toll from Covid-19 is now 4.6 million, the actual toll is estimated to be close to 15.4 MILLION people. Among the most persistent COVID-19 myths is the idea that COVID-19 deaths are being over-counted, including stories of victims of motorcycle accidents Read more…
September 10, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech Will Soon Ask for Approval of Vaccine for 5 Years and Over
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Today’s news about vaccine for younger kids: From the article: “The makers of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will soon ask regulators to approve its use in children 5 years and over, and are getting ready to make smaller doses of the vaccine for younger children, according to one of the founders of BioNTech, the German company Read more…
September 10, 2021
How do I make an air purifier?
School Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL; DR: The Corsi Air Box (sometimes called the Corsi-Rosenthal Cube or a Comparetto Cube) is the hot new trend in DIY air purifiers! See links below for instructions. With the return to in-person school for most US school children and many college students, we need to continue to use many layers of protection Read more…
September 9, 2021
Moderna Releases Data on mRNA Vaccine for 3 Respiratory Viruses
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Good news image released today by Moderna, showing positive pre-clinical data (IN MICE!) for an mRNA vaccine that combines mRNA for 3 different respiratory viruses in 1 vaccine: COVID-19 + Flu + RSV. One silver lining of this terrible pandemic might be a huge leap forward in our scientific knowledge and specifically vaccine technology… let’s Read more…
September 9, 2021
What’s up with monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19 infections?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
The safety profile for monoclonal antibody treatment is very good. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are Read more…
September 8, 2021
What is the difference between ‘an additional primary dose’ and a ‘booster dose’?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. It’s a subtle difference. A booster dose builds up waning immunity in people who made a good immune response to the first vaccine series. A third (or additional) dose helps people who did not make a good response to the first vaccine series and whose immune systems benefit from the additional dose. 👉🏽TL;DR. A Read more…
September 7, 2021
Coxsackieviruses: They’re almost as unpleasant as they sound!
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Does your under-5 child have a runny nose accompanied by a general tendency toward being absolutely and uncharacteristically miserable? Do they want nothing other than to whine and drink cold milk around the clock? Coxsackie! No, that’s not a swear; it’s the name of a family of viruses, and it might be the reason for Read more…
September 6, 2021
Is immunity from natural COVID infection “better” than vaccine immunity?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Getting vaccinated is by far the safest way to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2. If you’ve already been infected, getting vaccinated still provides you with the best protection-in fact likely *better* than either previous infection or the vaccine alone. A recent study from Israel created waves with findings that people with previous COVID-19 infection Read more…
September 4, 2021
New evidence shows mask wearing reduces COVID-19 infections in the community.
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A recent study examining strategies to increase mask wearing and the effect of mask wearing on the number of COVID-19 infections is a work of art. Those Nerdy Girls are celebrating this study for two reasons: Excellent scientific rigor and real life implications. The take home message from this great real-world study: Masks work in Read more…
🍌 Apropos of nothing…a Nerdy reminder that the COVID vaccine does NOT cause testicles to swell or lead to impotence. COVID *infection*, on the other hand…. TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, Read more…
Fighting Pandemic Loneliness
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Loneliness is not just about being alone. It is about feeling isolated, disconnected, and even losing meaning in our daily life. It is an internal and subjective experience. And unsurprisingly, a lot of us are experiencing it right now, especially young people. Some surveys suggest that up to half of us are feeling lonely across Read more…
September 13, 2021
What is the real COVID-19 death toll? Are we over-counting deaths?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sadly, we are most likely UNDER-COUNTING Covid-19 deaths. While the official global death toll from Covid-19 is now 4.6 million, the actual toll is estimated to be close to 15.4 MILLION people. Among the most persistent COVID-19 myths is the idea that COVID-19 deaths are being over-counted, including stories of victims of motorcycle accidents Read more…
September 10, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech Will Soon Ask for Approval of Vaccine for 5 Years and Over
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Today’s news about vaccine for younger kids: From the article: “The makers of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will soon ask regulators to approve its use in children 5 years and over, and are getting ready to make smaller doses of the vaccine for younger children, according to one of the founders of BioNTech, the German company Read more…
September 10, 2021
How do I make an air purifier?
School Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL; DR: The Corsi Air Box (sometimes called the Corsi-Rosenthal Cube or a Comparetto Cube) is the hot new trend in DIY air purifiers! See links below for instructions. With the return to in-person school for most US school children and many college students, we need to continue to use many layers of protection Read more…
September 9, 2021
Moderna Releases Data on mRNA Vaccine for 3 Respiratory Viruses
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Good news image released today by Moderna, showing positive pre-clinical data (IN MICE!) for an mRNA vaccine that combines mRNA for 3 different respiratory viruses in 1 vaccine: COVID-19 + Flu + RSV. One silver lining of this terrible pandemic might be a huge leap forward in our scientific knowledge and specifically vaccine technology… let’s Read more…
September 9, 2021
What’s up with monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19 infections?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
The safety profile for monoclonal antibody treatment is very good. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are Read more…
September 8, 2021
What is the difference between ‘an additional primary dose’ and a ‘booster dose’?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. It’s a subtle difference. A booster dose builds up waning immunity in people who made a good immune response to the first vaccine series. A third (or additional) dose helps people who did not make a good response to the first vaccine series and whose immune systems benefit from the additional dose. 👉🏽TL;DR. A Read more…
September 7, 2021
Coxsackieviruses: They’re almost as unpleasant as they sound!
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Does your under-5 child have a runny nose accompanied by a general tendency toward being absolutely and uncharacteristically miserable? Do they want nothing other than to whine and drink cold milk around the clock? Coxsackie! No, that’s not a swear; it’s the name of a family of viruses, and it might be the reason for Read more…
September 6, 2021
Is immunity from natural COVID infection “better” than vaccine immunity?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Getting vaccinated is by far the safest way to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2. If you’ve already been infected, getting vaccinated still provides you with the best protection-in fact likely *better* than either previous infection or the vaccine alone. A recent study from Israel created waves with findings that people with previous COVID-19 infection Read more…
September 4, 2021
New evidence shows mask wearing reduces COVID-19 infections in the community.
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A recent study examining strategies to increase mask wearing and the effect of mask wearing on the number of COVID-19 infections is a work of art. Those Nerdy Girls are celebrating this study for two reasons: Excellent scientific rigor and real life implications. The take home message from this great real-world study: Masks work in Read more…
Loneliness is not just about being alone. It is about feeling isolated, disconnected, and even losing meaning in our daily life. It is an internal and subjective experience. And unsurprisingly, a lot of us are experiencing it right now, especially young people. Some surveys suggest that up to half of us are feeling lonely across Read more…
What is the real COVID-19 death toll? Are we over-counting deaths?
Data and Metrics Data Literacy
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Sadly, we are most likely UNDER-COUNTING Covid-19 deaths. While the official global death toll from Covid-19 is now 4.6 million, the actual toll is estimated to be close to 15.4 MILLION people. Among the most persistent COVID-19 myths is the idea that COVID-19 deaths are being over-counted, including stories of victims of motorcycle accidents Read more…
September 10, 2021
Pfizer-BioNTech Will Soon Ask for Approval of Vaccine for 5 Years and Over
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Today’s news about vaccine for younger kids: From the article: “The makers of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will soon ask regulators to approve its use in children 5 years and over, and are getting ready to make smaller doses of the vaccine for younger children, according to one of the founders of BioNTech, the German company Read more…
September 10, 2021
How do I make an air purifier?
School Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL; DR: The Corsi Air Box (sometimes called the Corsi-Rosenthal Cube or a Comparetto Cube) is the hot new trend in DIY air purifiers! See links below for instructions. With the return to in-person school for most US school children and many college students, we need to continue to use many layers of protection Read more…
September 9, 2021
Moderna Releases Data on mRNA Vaccine for 3 Respiratory Viruses
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Good news image released today by Moderna, showing positive pre-clinical data (IN MICE!) for an mRNA vaccine that combines mRNA for 3 different respiratory viruses in 1 vaccine: COVID-19 + Flu + RSV. One silver lining of this terrible pandemic might be a huge leap forward in our scientific knowledge and specifically vaccine technology… let’s Read more…
September 9, 2021
What’s up with monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19 infections?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
The safety profile for monoclonal antibody treatment is very good. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are Read more…
September 8, 2021
What is the difference between ‘an additional primary dose’ and a ‘booster dose’?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. It’s a subtle difference. A booster dose builds up waning immunity in people who made a good immune response to the first vaccine series. A third (or additional) dose helps people who did not make a good response to the first vaccine series and whose immune systems benefit from the additional dose. 👉🏽TL;DR. A Read more…
September 7, 2021
Coxsackieviruses: They’re almost as unpleasant as they sound!
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Does your under-5 child have a runny nose accompanied by a general tendency toward being absolutely and uncharacteristically miserable? Do they want nothing other than to whine and drink cold milk around the clock? Coxsackie! No, that’s not a swear; it’s the name of a family of viruses, and it might be the reason for Read more…
September 6, 2021
Is immunity from natural COVID infection “better” than vaccine immunity?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Getting vaccinated is by far the safest way to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2. If you’ve already been infected, getting vaccinated still provides you with the best protection-in fact likely *better* than either previous infection or the vaccine alone. A recent study from Israel created waves with findings that people with previous COVID-19 infection Read more…
September 4, 2021
New evidence shows mask wearing reduces COVID-19 infections in the community.
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A recent study examining strategies to increase mask wearing and the effect of mask wearing on the number of COVID-19 infections is a work of art. Those Nerdy Girls are celebrating this study for two reasons: Excellent scientific rigor and real life implications. The take home message from this great real-world study: Masks work in Read more…
A: Sadly, we are most likely UNDER-COUNTING Covid-19 deaths. While the official global death toll from Covid-19 is now 4.6 million, the actual toll is estimated to be close to 15.4 MILLION people. Among the most persistent COVID-19 myths is the idea that COVID-19 deaths are being over-counted, including stories of victims of motorcycle accidents Read more…
Pfizer-BioNTech Will Soon Ask for Approval of Vaccine for 5 Years and Over
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Today’s news about vaccine for younger kids: From the article: “The makers of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will soon ask regulators to approve its use in children 5 years and over, and are getting ready to make smaller doses of the vaccine for younger children, according to one of the founders of BioNTech, the German company Read more…
September 10, 2021
How do I make an air purifier?
School Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL; DR: The Corsi Air Box (sometimes called the Corsi-Rosenthal Cube or a Comparetto Cube) is the hot new trend in DIY air purifiers! See links below for instructions. With the return to in-person school for most US school children and many college students, we need to continue to use many layers of protection Read more…
September 9, 2021
Moderna Releases Data on mRNA Vaccine for 3 Respiratory Viruses
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Good news image released today by Moderna, showing positive pre-clinical data (IN MICE!) for an mRNA vaccine that combines mRNA for 3 different respiratory viruses in 1 vaccine: COVID-19 + Flu + RSV. One silver lining of this terrible pandemic might be a huge leap forward in our scientific knowledge and specifically vaccine technology… let’s Read more…
September 9, 2021
What’s up with monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19 infections?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
The safety profile for monoclonal antibody treatment is very good. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are Read more…
September 8, 2021
What is the difference between ‘an additional primary dose’ and a ‘booster dose’?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. It’s a subtle difference. A booster dose builds up waning immunity in people who made a good immune response to the first vaccine series. A third (or additional) dose helps people who did not make a good response to the first vaccine series and whose immune systems benefit from the additional dose. 👉🏽TL;DR. A Read more…
September 7, 2021
Coxsackieviruses: They’re almost as unpleasant as they sound!
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Does your under-5 child have a runny nose accompanied by a general tendency toward being absolutely and uncharacteristically miserable? Do they want nothing other than to whine and drink cold milk around the clock? Coxsackie! No, that’s not a swear; it’s the name of a family of viruses, and it might be the reason for Read more…
September 6, 2021
Is immunity from natural COVID infection “better” than vaccine immunity?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Getting vaccinated is by far the safest way to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2. If you’ve already been infected, getting vaccinated still provides you with the best protection-in fact likely *better* than either previous infection or the vaccine alone. A recent study from Israel created waves with findings that people with previous COVID-19 infection Read more…
September 4, 2021
New evidence shows mask wearing reduces COVID-19 infections in the community.
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A recent study examining strategies to increase mask wearing and the effect of mask wearing on the number of COVID-19 infections is a work of art. Those Nerdy Girls are celebrating this study for two reasons: Excellent scientific rigor and real life implications. The take home message from this great real-world study: Masks work in Read more…
Today’s news about vaccine for younger kids: From the article: “The makers of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will soon ask regulators to approve its use in children 5 years and over, and are getting ready to make smaller doses of the vaccine for younger children, according to one of the founders of BioNTech, the German company Read more…
How do I make an air purifier?
School Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL; DR: The Corsi Air Box (sometimes called the Corsi-Rosenthal Cube or a Comparetto Cube) is the hot new trend in DIY air purifiers! See links below for instructions. With the return to in-person school for most US school children and many college students, we need to continue to use many layers of protection Read more…
September 9, 2021
Moderna Releases Data on mRNA Vaccine for 3 Respiratory Viruses
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Good news image released today by Moderna, showing positive pre-clinical data (IN MICE!) for an mRNA vaccine that combines mRNA for 3 different respiratory viruses in 1 vaccine: COVID-19 + Flu + RSV. One silver lining of this terrible pandemic might be a huge leap forward in our scientific knowledge and specifically vaccine technology… let’s Read more…
September 9, 2021
What’s up with monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19 infections?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
The safety profile for monoclonal antibody treatment is very good. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are Read more…
September 8, 2021
What is the difference between ‘an additional primary dose’ and a ‘booster dose’?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. It’s a subtle difference. A booster dose builds up waning immunity in people who made a good immune response to the first vaccine series. A third (or additional) dose helps people who did not make a good response to the first vaccine series and whose immune systems benefit from the additional dose. 👉🏽TL;DR. A Read more…
September 7, 2021
Coxsackieviruses: They’re almost as unpleasant as they sound!
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Does your under-5 child have a runny nose accompanied by a general tendency toward being absolutely and uncharacteristically miserable? Do they want nothing other than to whine and drink cold milk around the clock? Coxsackie! No, that’s not a swear; it’s the name of a family of viruses, and it might be the reason for Read more…
September 6, 2021
Is immunity from natural COVID infection “better” than vaccine immunity?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Getting vaccinated is by far the safest way to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2. If you’ve already been infected, getting vaccinated still provides you with the best protection-in fact likely *better* than either previous infection or the vaccine alone. A recent study from Israel created waves with findings that people with previous COVID-19 infection Read more…
September 4, 2021
New evidence shows mask wearing reduces COVID-19 infections in the community.
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A recent study examining strategies to increase mask wearing and the effect of mask wearing on the number of COVID-19 infections is a work of art. Those Nerdy Girls are celebrating this study for two reasons: Excellent scientific rigor and real life implications. The take home message from this great real-world study: Masks work in Read more…
A: TL; DR: The Corsi Air Box (sometimes called the Corsi-Rosenthal Cube or a Comparetto Cube) is the hot new trend in DIY air purifiers! See links below for instructions. With the return to in-person school for most US school children and many college students, we need to continue to use many layers of protection Read more…
Moderna Releases Data on mRNA Vaccine for 3 Respiratory Viruses
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Good news image released today by Moderna, showing positive pre-clinical data (IN MICE!) for an mRNA vaccine that combines mRNA for 3 different respiratory viruses in 1 vaccine: COVID-19 + Flu + RSV. One silver lining of this terrible pandemic might be a huge leap forward in our scientific knowledge and specifically vaccine technology… let’s Read more…
September 9, 2021
What’s up with monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19 infections?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
The safety profile for monoclonal antibody treatment is very good. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are Read more…
September 8, 2021
What is the difference between ‘an additional primary dose’ and a ‘booster dose’?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. It’s a subtle difference. A booster dose builds up waning immunity in people who made a good immune response to the first vaccine series. A third (or additional) dose helps people who did not make a good response to the first vaccine series and whose immune systems benefit from the additional dose. 👉🏽TL;DR. A Read more…
September 7, 2021
Coxsackieviruses: They’re almost as unpleasant as they sound!
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Does your under-5 child have a runny nose accompanied by a general tendency toward being absolutely and uncharacteristically miserable? Do they want nothing other than to whine and drink cold milk around the clock? Coxsackie! No, that’s not a swear; it’s the name of a family of viruses, and it might be the reason for Read more…
September 6, 2021
Is immunity from natural COVID infection “better” than vaccine immunity?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Getting vaccinated is by far the safest way to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2. If you’ve already been infected, getting vaccinated still provides you with the best protection-in fact likely *better* than either previous infection or the vaccine alone. A recent study from Israel created waves with findings that people with previous COVID-19 infection Read more…
September 4, 2021
New evidence shows mask wearing reduces COVID-19 infections in the community.
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A recent study examining strategies to increase mask wearing and the effect of mask wearing on the number of COVID-19 infections is a work of art. Those Nerdy Girls are celebrating this study for two reasons: Excellent scientific rigor and real life implications. The take home message from this great real-world study: Masks work in Read more…
Good news image released today by Moderna, showing positive pre-clinical data (IN MICE!) for an mRNA vaccine that combines mRNA for 3 different respiratory viruses in 1 vaccine: COVID-19 + Flu + RSV. One silver lining of this terrible pandemic might be a huge leap forward in our scientific knowledge and specifically vaccine technology… let’s Read more…
What’s up with monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19 infections?
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
The safety profile for monoclonal antibody treatment is very good. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are Read more…
September 8, 2021
What is the difference between ‘an additional primary dose’ and a ‘booster dose’?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. It’s a subtle difference. A booster dose builds up waning immunity in people who made a good immune response to the first vaccine series. A third (or additional) dose helps people who did not make a good response to the first vaccine series and whose immune systems benefit from the additional dose. 👉🏽TL;DR. A Read more…
September 7, 2021
Coxsackieviruses: They’re almost as unpleasant as they sound!
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Does your under-5 child have a runny nose accompanied by a general tendency toward being absolutely and uncharacteristically miserable? Do they want nothing other than to whine and drink cold milk around the clock? Coxsackie! No, that’s not a swear; it’s the name of a family of viruses, and it might be the reason for Read more…
September 6, 2021
Is immunity from natural COVID infection “better” than vaccine immunity?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Getting vaccinated is by far the safest way to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2. If you’ve already been infected, getting vaccinated still provides you with the best protection-in fact likely *better* than either previous infection or the vaccine alone. A recent study from Israel created waves with findings that people with previous COVID-19 infection Read more…
September 4, 2021
New evidence shows mask wearing reduces COVID-19 infections in the community.
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A recent study examining strategies to increase mask wearing and the effect of mask wearing on the number of COVID-19 infections is a work of art. Those Nerdy Girls are celebrating this study for two reasons: Excellent scientific rigor and real life implications. The take home message from this great real-world study: Masks work in Read more…
The safety profile for monoclonal antibody treatment is very good. For people with COVID-19 infections who do not need to be hospitalized and who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness, monoclonal antibody therapies can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. Monoclonal antibody therapies use laboratory made antibodies that are Read more…
What is the difference between ‘an additional primary dose’ and a ‘booster dose’?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. It’s a subtle difference. A booster dose builds up waning immunity in people who made a good immune response to the first vaccine series. A third (or additional) dose helps people who did not make a good response to the first vaccine series and whose immune systems benefit from the additional dose. 👉🏽TL;DR. A Read more…
September 7, 2021
Coxsackieviruses: They’re almost as unpleasant as they sound!
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Does your under-5 child have a runny nose accompanied by a general tendency toward being absolutely and uncharacteristically miserable? Do they want nothing other than to whine and drink cold milk around the clock? Coxsackie! No, that’s not a swear; it’s the name of a family of viruses, and it might be the reason for Read more…
September 6, 2021
Is immunity from natural COVID infection “better” than vaccine immunity?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Getting vaccinated is by far the safest way to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2. If you’ve already been infected, getting vaccinated still provides you with the best protection-in fact likely *better* than either previous infection or the vaccine alone. A recent study from Israel created waves with findings that people with previous COVID-19 infection Read more…
September 4, 2021
New evidence shows mask wearing reduces COVID-19 infections in the community.
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A recent study examining strategies to increase mask wearing and the effect of mask wearing on the number of COVID-19 infections is a work of art. Those Nerdy Girls are celebrating this study for two reasons: Excellent scientific rigor and real life implications. The take home message from this great real-world study: Masks work in Read more…
A. It’s a subtle difference. A booster dose builds up waning immunity in people who made a good immune response to the first vaccine series. A third (or additional) dose helps people who did not make a good response to the first vaccine series and whose immune systems benefit from the additional dose. 👉🏽TL;DR. A Read more…
Coxsackieviruses: They’re almost as unpleasant as they sound!
Infectious Diseases
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Does your under-5 child have a runny nose accompanied by a general tendency toward being absolutely and uncharacteristically miserable? Do they want nothing other than to whine and drink cold milk around the clock? Coxsackie! No, that’s not a swear; it’s the name of a family of viruses, and it might be the reason for Read more…
September 6, 2021
Is immunity from natural COVID infection “better” than vaccine immunity?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Getting vaccinated is by far the safest way to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2. If you’ve already been infected, getting vaccinated still provides you with the best protection-in fact likely *better* than either previous infection or the vaccine alone. A recent study from Israel created waves with findings that people with previous COVID-19 infection Read more…
September 4, 2021
New evidence shows mask wearing reduces COVID-19 infections in the community.
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A recent study examining strategies to increase mask wearing and the effect of mask wearing on the number of COVID-19 infections is a work of art. Those Nerdy Girls are celebrating this study for two reasons: Excellent scientific rigor and real life implications. The take home message from this great real-world study: Masks work in Read more…
Does your under-5 child have a runny nose accompanied by a general tendency toward being absolutely and uncharacteristically miserable? Do they want nothing other than to whine and drink cold milk around the clock? Coxsackie! No, that’s not a swear; it’s the name of a family of viruses, and it might be the reason for Read more…
Is immunity from natural COVID infection “better” than vaccine immunity?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Getting vaccinated is by far the safest way to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2. If you’ve already been infected, getting vaccinated still provides you with the best protection-in fact likely *better* than either previous infection or the vaccine alone. A recent study from Israel created waves with findings that people with previous COVID-19 infection Read more…
September 4, 2021
New evidence shows mask wearing reduces COVID-19 infections in the community.
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A recent study examining strategies to increase mask wearing and the effect of mask wearing on the number of COVID-19 infections is a work of art. Those Nerdy Girls are celebrating this study for two reasons: Excellent scientific rigor and real life implications. The take home message from this great real-world study: Masks work in Read more…
A: No. Getting vaccinated is by far the safest way to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2. If you’ve already been infected, getting vaccinated still provides you with the best protection-in fact likely *better* than either previous infection or the vaccine alone. A recent study from Israel created waves with findings that people with previous COVID-19 infection Read more…
New evidence shows mask wearing reduces COVID-19 infections in the community.
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A recent study examining strategies to increase mask wearing and the effect of mask wearing on the number of COVID-19 infections is a work of art. Those Nerdy Girls are celebrating this study for two reasons: Excellent scientific rigor and real life implications. The take home message from this great real-world study: Masks work in Read more…
A recent study examining strategies to increase mask wearing and the effect of mask wearing on the number of COVID-19 infections is a work of art. Those Nerdy Girls are celebrating this study for two reasons: Excellent scientific rigor and real life implications. The take home message from this great real-world study: Masks work in Read more…