Posts from Those Nerdy Girls

All the posts from our Those Nerdy Girls Facebook page dating back to May 1st, 2020, are currently archived here and can be searched for by category, key words, etc. Be sure to check back often as additional posts are being added each day.

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Can people get re-infected with SARS-CoV-2?

Infection and Spread

A: Prior reports of individuals testing positive again after recovering from COVID-19 raised concerns that individuals were being re-infected with SARS-CoV-2. Tests used to determine if someone has COVID-19, detect presence of the virus’s genetic material, but do not indicate whether a person is actively shedding virus capable of infecting cells-an indicator of active infection. Read more…

I see advertisements for Covid-19 antibody tests. Is it worth getting tested? What will an antibody test tell me?

Testing and Contact Tracing

A: Antibody tests are important in understanding Covid-19 and its spread through a population, but the information might not be as useful on a personal level just yet. When considering a serology test, we encourage you to think about why you are getting the test, where you will receive the test, and how it will Read more…

What’s my personal risk for a bad COVID outcome should I become infected?

Clinical Symptoms Infection and Spread Staying Safe

A: A variety of “risk calculators” have been developed to help you answer this very question (Links below). BIG CAVEAT: There are huge margins of error on the results, often making the risk scores MORE PRECISE THAN ACCURATE. Background: As much of the country continues to move through re-opening phases, we as individuals are having Read more…

What is the effect of COVID-19 on people who live in slums?

Social and Racial Justice

A: Over 1 billion people worldwide live in slums, characterized by dense living, lack of infrastructure (potable water, adequate sewerage), unstable homes, no land tenure, and widespread poverty. These conditions put slum residents at high risk of disease, especially COVID-19. While some countries are imposing lockdowns, other countries are doing nothing. While there are reports Read more…

My state is re-opening. Yay! Also, yikes! Are we…ready??


A: Short answer: Probably not. Longer answer: The White House published “gating criteria” in their Reopening America Again guidelines. These are data-driven criteria that each state or region should satisfy before reopening. They include things like having a 14-day downward trajectory or new cases, hospital capacity to treat all patients without crisis, and a “robust” Read more…

I keep hearing about a move towards a “harm reduction” phase of the pandemic response, what does this mean?

Reopening Staying Safe

A: As defined in the article below, “harm reduction refers to policies and practices designed to minimize negative health, social and legal impacts of a particular activity.” An example of public health efforts aimed at harm reduction are needle exchange programs where individuals using injected drugs can exchange used needles for clean ones as a Read more…

I need to know more about this virus. With all this talk about church choirs being risky events, does this imply that the virus is spread through the air?

Clinical Symptoms Infection and Spread

A: We still believe that the virus is transmitted primarily through droplets. But, here’s the truth: there is a very fine line between droplet and airborne transmission. Airborne: Transmitted by tiny droplets that remain suspended in the air. Can travel distances. (Hypothesized for SARS and MERS) Droplet: Transmitted by larger droplets that fall to the Read more…

I live a simple life. I don’t go to dance clubs or bars. If we practice social distancing, will it be okay to return to church? I miss being with other people.

Socializing Staying Safe

A: I understand. This is hard. Unfortunately, any activity (e.g., grocery store, church, birthday party) where you are in an enclosed space with a group of people poses a risk. Being outdoors and keeping interactions brief likely minimizes this risk. Take this recent CDC report of a 61-person choir that met for 2.5 hours on Read more…

My state is starting to re-open, but it isn’t clear when or if childcare or camps will be available in my area–what will we do with the kids all summer?!?

Families/Kids Reopening Staying Safe

A: As states move away from stay at home orders and change recommendations to permit gatherings of slightly larger groups, one option for addressing childcare needs may be for two families (i.e., households) to join together to form a slightly bigger “bubble”. Under this approach, two households combine exclusively (i.e., minimize all other outside contacts). Read more…

I’m afraid of wearing a mask because I heard it reduces oxygen intake and forces people to breathe in their own carbon dioxide. Is this true?


A. Short answer: Not really. Long answer: Inhaling *high* levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) (also called hypercapnia, or CO2 toxicity) can in fact cause health issues like headache, dizziness, confusion, and even suffocation. But the key word is *high.* Few people are actually at risk of hypercapnia, whether they wear masks or not. Conditions like Read more…