I’m vaccinated – yay! What do I do with my COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card?


A: Make a copy, share it with your primary care provider, think before sharing it on social media, probably best not to laminate the original, and don’t panic if you lose it.

Here’s your 👍 Do This, Not That list 👎 for your new favorite little piece of paper.

Congratulations! You’ve been vaccinated. You’ll get a little white card that is an important medical document. It may also become a passport for travel and other group events in the coming months. Here’s a quick guide to your next steps – and how you can help other family members, too.

👌 DO THIS with your COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card 👌

📷 Take a photo of the card. Snap a photo of your official #CDC or other government-issued vaccination card in case it gets lost. Take a photo after the first shot, and another one after your second shot (if you are getting a two-dose vaccine).

👩‍⚕️Send it to your primary care provider. Upload a copy of the completed vaccination card to main clinician or to your online medical chart so it can be included in your official vaccination records.

📱Ask for a digital copy. Some U.S. pharmacy chains, like Walgreens, are offering digital copies of your vaccination records in case the paper copy is lost or damaged. Walmart is launching an app for those who have been vaccinated in their pharmacies to share with third parties looking to verify your vaccination status.

🧓🏽 Help elderly relatives and family members. Help your parents, grandparents and elderly relatives make digital copies of their vaccination records and send it to their health care providers, too.

👛 Print a copy for your wallet. Keep your original vaccination record card in a safe place, but carry a digital copy and a printed copy with you, if possible.

🛂 Keep an ear out for news on (trusted) online vaccine registries. This week, New York State is launching Excelsior Pass, an app providing a digital way to share your health and vaccine status. On a global scale, CommonPass and other non-profit organizations are working to do the same thing, but most aren’t available or universally accepted yet. We’ll watch this space for you, too.

🍩 Enjoy a donut. Krispy Kreme is offering a free donut to customers showing their vaccination record card, if that’s your thing. And Uber and Lyft are offering free or discounted travel to and from your vaccine appointment.

⛔ DON’T (rush to) DO THAT with your COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card ⛔

🤳🏿 Immediately share a selfie on social media. Yes, it’s awesome to share your excitement with friends, but just make sure that you cover up any identifying information that isn’t already available online. Put your finger over your last name and/or blur out your date of birth just to be on the safe side.

💳 Carry the original in your wallet. Make several copies – both digital and print – so you don’t lose the vaccination record. There may be certain circumstances where you will need the original, but for the most part, it’s best to keep it with your passport, social security card and other important documents.

✨ Laminate the vaccination card. There is some debate about this. Some companies are offering free lamination services of the COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card, and several online sources recommend doing this. But we may need booster shots in the future. Records of the date and type of those boosters could be added to your original card to keep all the information in one place. Instead, we suggest laminating a COPY of the vaccination card and carrying that in your wallet, keeping the paper card safe at home.

😱 Freak out that you lost your card. Life happens. Good news: There should be a record of your vaccination with your state immunization registry. (See link below) Bad news: It’s a lot like losing your passport. It will take time and putting up with some hassle to request a new one. Get started ASAP.

And as with so many tips right now, this is a #developing story. Share your suggestions and tricks with us in the comments.

Those Nerdy Girls

For more on the basics of keeping your vaccination record card safe from ABC News

For more on New York’s Excelsior app

For more on CommonPass

For more on how to get your donut from Forbes

For more on what to do and not to do from Forbes

For more information about reaching your state’s vaccine registry or IIS if you’ve lost your vaccination card

Link to original FB post