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Is there any research or guidance regarding the vaccines for those of us who already had it?


A: Those who have had COVID19 are recommended to receive the vaccine. Data from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine trials demonstrated safety in participants that have had COVID19 previously. Scientists are hopeful that the vaccine will offer a higher level of protection than immunity to natural infection. Although the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine excluded participants Read more…

In vaccine trial data we trust?!

Data and Metrics Data Literacy Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines

A: Like a healthy democracy, a healthy data system relies on a sophisticated set of checks and balances. The FDA’s system is highly protective against data hanky-panky.* Today an FDA advisory panel meets to discuss Moderna’s vaccine data – with an eye towards recommending emergency use authorization. Your Nerdy Girls look forward to watching all Read more…

It has been a BIG day in vaccine news!


Today, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended the first COVID-19 vaccine! The ACIP met to review and make recommendations on the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, which was given emergency use authorization by the FDA last night. You can read all the information presented at the ACIP meeting (see the link at the bottom). Read more…

“I’ve read that the Pfizer vaccine causes female infertility by blocking a protein that is key in the formation of the placenta in mammals. Is there any shred of truth to this?”

Families/Kids Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines

A: No. There is no truth to this rumor. There is nothing in the human genome that is similar to the spike protein that each of the vaccines are targeting to prevent COVID-19. 💉First of all, rumors about similarity between the placenta proteins and spike protein just do not pass the sniff test. Remember: extraordinary Read more…

The FDA is meeting TODAY about the Pfizer Covid19 vaccine. How does a vaccine get from the lab to my doctor’s office?


A: It’s a big process with lots of steps and players! These include clinical development and testing, review by the FDA, review by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, distribution to communities, and finally, vaccination. Let’s run down the process. The Covid vaccine is on the horizon! Hooray! The FDA is meeting TODAY (watch it Read more…

I have family members and close friends who say they don’t want to get the Covid-19 vaccine when it’s their turn. How can I encourage them?

Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines

A: Lead with love, then with facts. Share your enthusiasm and commitment. Make it easy and fun. Acknowledge past hurts. We already know that hesitancy about the Covid-19 vaccine is running high. Recent survey data (linked below) show that anywhere from 20-40% of US residents report being “unlikely” or “very unlikely” to get the vaccine. Read more…

Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A

Vaccines Videos

On this week’s Live COVID Q&A, we’ll be taking all the questions about vaccines!! We have four nerdy girls today: Drs. Kinder, Coles, Leininger and Jones will be tackling a few of your MANY vaccine questions! If you have a question, please put it in our question box at! ➡️ Intros (0:00 – 2:15) Read more…

If studies have shown that the antibodies from COVID-19 diminish after a few months, can you talk about how a vaccine would differ from this?


Answer: There are a lot of reasons why vaccines are preferable to natural immunity (besides not getting sick!). Vaccines have immune enhancing strategies including: delivery of a uniform dose of immune stimulus, two injections and/ or use of an adjuvant (immune enhancer). You may have seen the recent publication profiled in the NY Times that Read more…

Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A

Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Vaccines Videos

Drs. Malia Jones and Lindsey Leininger tackle your thorny COVID questions in this week’s Facebook Live event! Submit your questions in advance at Today we tackle: ➡️ Happy Saturday greetings (0:00 – 1:59) ➡️ Pfizer vaccine news – yay hope! (2:00 – 6:50) ➡️ What settings seed viral spread? (6:54 – 15:59) ➡️ Pandemic Read more…