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Do I really need a COVID-19 booster shot?


A: Yes. PLEASE, PLEASE go get your 3rd dose (that means YOU America!). Official COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. reached another numbing milestone this week—900,000 souls. And we are still tallying more than 2500 new COVID deaths PER DAY. While much of Europe has also seen skyrocketing Omicron cases, hospitalizations and deaths per case have Read more…

Q: If 50% of COVID hospitalizations are among the vaccinated, does that mean the vaccines aren’t working?

Data and Metrics Data Literacy Vaccines

A: No. This metric sounds useful, but it can’t tell us anything about vaccine effectiveness. Since the roll-out of COVID vaccinations, many headlines have reported the percent of COVID hospitalizations and deaths who were vaccinated, trying to convey how well the vaccines are working. ‘Only 1% of COVID hospitalizations are vaccinated people’ sounds encouraging, doesn’t Read more…

Pfizer initiated a request for FDA emergency use authorization of their vaccine in kids aged 6 months to <5 years today!

Families/Kids Vaccines

💥Breaking News !!💥 ✔️ Pfizer initiated a request for FDA emergency use authorization of their vaccine in kids aged 6 months to <5 years today! Back in December, Pfizer announced that 2, 3 µg doses given 3 weeks apart in kids aged 6 months to <5 years, was *SAFE*, but did not produce as strong Read more…

💥 If you are pregnant- please, please get your COVID-19 vaccine!!

Families/Kids Vaccines

According to the CDC, only 40% of pregnant people in the U.S. had been vaccinated against COVID-19 by January 1, 2022. Sadly, this low vaccine uptake is having tragic consequences. 💥 Vaccination during pregnancy: ➡️ Is safe (no connection with miscarriage or fertility). ➡️ Protects against hospitalization and death (both mother and baby) associated with Read more…

Can I be a vaccine ambassador?

Vaccines Women in STEM

YES! YES! YES! People are more likely to listen to information from someone they already trust. Here are a few wonderful resources to support YOU in becoming a community resource from Dr. Rupali Limaye, a behavioral and social scientist from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Tips on starting discussions about vaccines. See the Read more…

Everyone I know is getting Omicron. Does this mean the vaccines don’t work?

COVID Variants Vaccines

A: No. COVID-19 vaccines are still acing their #1 job- preventing serious disease. TL;DR: Omicron is better at infecting people with immunity from vaccination or prior infection. But the vaccines (especially 3 doses) still *reduce* the risk of infection with Omicron, and *dramatically* reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. Vaccination is still the best Read more…