Do I need any special vaccinations for my upcoming trip to Costa Rica?
Travel Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Fun!! We are jealous! The CDC monitors infectious diseases all over the world and makes recommendations for immunizations you might need that aren’t common in the United States. They keep an up-do-date list for each country. Just go to the CDC Traveler’s Health website and choose your destination. You’ll see notices about any special health Read more…
September 8, 2022
Q: What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. As we’ve reported in prior posts, medical detection dogs have the miraculous capacity to sniff out COVID-19 patients from their sweat, saliva, or urine. This super sniffing power may allow Read more…
July 21, 2022
Q: What should I do if I get COVID on vacation 🌴?
Staying Safe Travel
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
The “Summer of BA.5” is here (with apologies to Bryan Adams). BA.5 is better at evading existing immunity than even the super sneaky original Omicron variants. If you’re like us, you’re hearing of more COVID-19 infections than ever in your social circles, especially people who are traveling. We *totally* understand the urge to travel and Read more…
March 21, 2022
Will a positive COVID test thwart your spring break plans?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Chana Davis, PhD
A: If it’s been fewer than 5 days since your COVID-19 infection began, you’re out of luck. Please stay home! During the Day 5-10 window, your odds of being cleared for travel are roughly 50-50 for rapid antigen tests. After two weeks, most of us can breathe easily on test day. 👉🏽Note: For molecular tests like Read more…
July 2, 2021
What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
June 18, 2021
What’s the link between COVID-19 and air pollution?
Infection and Spread Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL;DR. The relationship between COVID-19 and air pollution likely goes in both directions. First, air pollution is linked with higher COVID-19 mortality risk. Second, the lockdowns associated with the pandemic initially resulted in a large reduction in air pollution in some regions, with more modest and temporary reductions in other regions. The Nerdy Girls Read more…
April 12, 2021
Can we go to amusement parks this summer?
Families/Kids Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: A qualified “yes”! An outdoor amusement park can be a low-risk outing if you pay attention to context and use your SMARTS! Context matters, especially these three factors: 1️⃣ Do you have to travel a long way to get to the park? (Closer is better, no plane travel is better). 2️⃣ What is community Read more…
April 2, 2021
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel Vaccines
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
December 11, 2020
How many days do I need to quarantine if I plan to see family and friends for Christmas?
Socializing Travel
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: A 14-day quarantine prior to visiting family and friends continues to offer the greatest risk reduction. TODAY IS THE DAY TO START YOUR QUARANTINE! The CDC recently revised guidelines offering alternatives to a 14-day quarantine for people exposed to someone with Covid-19 who remain asymptomatic. (Look for an in-depth post on this change next Read more…
December 1, 2020
If I traveled over the holiday weekend, should I be taking any steps to protect others around me?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes. If you traveled and/or spent time in close contact with others outside your household over the holiday weekend, it is safest to assume you were exposed and minimize contact with others for at least the next 7 days with a negative test and ideally for 2 weeks. While no specific guidelines for what Read more…
November 14, 2020
I live in Waukesha County, Wisconsin. It’s looking like our Thanksgiving dinner is going to be just 15 people. What are the chances that someone at the dinner has COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Staying Safe Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: As of today, 58%. Maybe rethink your plans? We know many folks in the wonderful Dear Pandemic community are “running the numbers” on their holiday dinners to assess risk and adjust accordingly. To assist your calculations, a team at Georgia Tech led by Dr. Joshua Weitz has developed the COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Read more…
November 6, 2020
I was paying attention to the US election news this week and didn’t really follow the pandemic news. Now I check the numbers and — whoa! What happened??!?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: Does this mean more lockdowns? To be honest, I’m kinda done. A: Cases are surging, we have rough weeks ahead, and everyone’s collective will to combat the pandemic has eroded. Stay focused on the things you can do in the short term, and stay realistic about this new surge. First, the numbers: If you Read more…
October 21, 2020
How do I break it to my mother-in-law that we’re not coming to Christmas dinner? 😬😬😬
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Here’s the bottom line: you are not in control of other people’s thoughts, feelings, or actions. You can only control your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. And you do not have to sacrifice your comfort to make someone else happy. Be firm, be brief, focus on your own decisions rather than hers, and don’t Read more…
October 16, 2020
Could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays?
Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: Madeleine from Plano, TX asks, could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays? A: Yes! Since we last posted on this topic in August, a few new studies have suggested that risk of transmission of COVID-19 ON AIRPLANES themselves is fairly low *when masks are Read more…
Fun!! We are jealous! The CDC monitors infectious diseases all over the world and makes recommendations for immunizations you might need that aren’t common in the United States. They keep an up-do-date list for each country. Just go to the CDC Traveler’s Health website and choose your destination. You’ll see notices about any special health Read more…
Q: What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. As we’ve reported in prior posts, medical detection dogs have the miraculous capacity to sniff out COVID-19 patients from their sweat, saliva, or urine. This super sniffing power may allow Read more…
July 21, 2022
Q: What should I do if I get COVID on vacation 🌴?
Staying Safe Travel
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
The “Summer of BA.5” is here (with apologies to Bryan Adams). BA.5 is better at evading existing immunity than even the super sneaky original Omicron variants. If you’re like us, you’re hearing of more COVID-19 infections than ever in your social circles, especially people who are traveling. We *totally* understand the urge to travel and Read more…
March 21, 2022
Will a positive COVID test thwart your spring break plans?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Chana Davis, PhD
A: If it’s been fewer than 5 days since your COVID-19 infection began, you’re out of luck. Please stay home! During the Day 5-10 window, your odds of being cleared for travel are roughly 50-50 for rapid antigen tests. After two weeks, most of us can breathe easily on test day. 👉🏽Note: For molecular tests like Read more…
July 2, 2021
What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
June 18, 2021
What’s the link between COVID-19 and air pollution?
Infection and Spread Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL;DR. The relationship between COVID-19 and air pollution likely goes in both directions. First, air pollution is linked with higher COVID-19 mortality risk. Second, the lockdowns associated with the pandemic initially resulted in a large reduction in air pollution in some regions, with more modest and temporary reductions in other regions. The Nerdy Girls Read more…
April 12, 2021
Can we go to amusement parks this summer?
Families/Kids Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: A qualified “yes”! An outdoor amusement park can be a low-risk outing if you pay attention to context and use your SMARTS! Context matters, especially these three factors: 1️⃣ Do you have to travel a long way to get to the park? (Closer is better, no plane travel is better). 2️⃣ What is community Read more…
April 2, 2021
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel Vaccines
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
December 11, 2020
How many days do I need to quarantine if I plan to see family and friends for Christmas?
Socializing Travel
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: A 14-day quarantine prior to visiting family and friends continues to offer the greatest risk reduction. TODAY IS THE DAY TO START YOUR QUARANTINE! The CDC recently revised guidelines offering alternatives to a 14-day quarantine for people exposed to someone with Covid-19 who remain asymptomatic. (Look for an in-depth post on this change next Read more…
December 1, 2020
If I traveled over the holiday weekend, should I be taking any steps to protect others around me?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes. If you traveled and/or spent time in close contact with others outside your household over the holiday weekend, it is safest to assume you were exposed and minimize contact with others for at least the next 7 days with a negative test and ideally for 2 weeks. While no specific guidelines for what Read more…
November 14, 2020
I live in Waukesha County, Wisconsin. It’s looking like our Thanksgiving dinner is going to be just 15 people. What are the chances that someone at the dinner has COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Staying Safe Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: As of today, 58%. Maybe rethink your plans? We know many folks in the wonderful Dear Pandemic community are “running the numbers” on their holiday dinners to assess risk and adjust accordingly. To assist your calculations, a team at Georgia Tech led by Dr. Joshua Weitz has developed the COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Read more…
November 6, 2020
I was paying attention to the US election news this week and didn’t really follow the pandemic news. Now I check the numbers and — whoa! What happened??!?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: Does this mean more lockdowns? To be honest, I’m kinda done. A: Cases are surging, we have rough weeks ahead, and everyone’s collective will to combat the pandemic has eroded. Stay focused on the things you can do in the short term, and stay realistic about this new surge. First, the numbers: If you Read more…
October 21, 2020
How do I break it to my mother-in-law that we’re not coming to Christmas dinner? 😬😬😬
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Here’s the bottom line: you are not in control of other people’s thoughts, feelings, or actions. You can only control your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. And you do not have to sacrifice your comfort to make someone else happy. Be firm, be brief, focus on your own decisions rather than hers, and don’t Read more…
October 16, 2020
Could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays?
Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: Madeleine from Plano, TX asks, could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays? A: Yes! Since we last posted on this topic in August, a few new studies have suggested that risk of transmission of COVID-19 ON AIRPLANES themselves is fairly low *when masks are Read more…
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. As we’ve reported in prior posts, medical detection dogs have the miraculous capacity to sniff out COVID-19 patients from their sweat, saliva, or urine. This super sniffing power may allow Read more…
Q: What should I do if I get COVID on vacation 🌴?
Staying Safe Travel
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
The “Summer of BA.5” is here (with apologies to Bryan Adams). BA.5 is better at evading existing immunity than even the super sneaky original Omicron variants. If you’re like us, you’re hearing of more COVID-19 infections than ever in your social circles, especially people who are traveling. We *totally* understand the urge to travel and Read more…
March 21, 2022
Will a positive COVID test thwart your spring break plans?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Chana Davis, PhD
A: If it’s been fewer than 5 days since your COVID-19 infection began, you’re out of luck. Please stay home! During the Day 5-10 window, your odds of being cleared for travel are roughly 50-50 for rapid antigen tests. After two weeks, most of us can breathe easily on test day. 👉🏽Note: For molecular tests like Read more…
July 2, 2021
What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
June 18, 2021
What’s the link between COVID-19 and air pollution?
Infection and Spread Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL;DR. The relationship between COVID-19 and air pollution likely goes in both directions. First, air pollution is linked with higher COVID-19 mortality risk. Second, the lockdowns associated with the pandemic initially resulted in a large reduction in air pollution in some regions, with more modest and temporary reductions in other regions. The Nerdy Girls Read more…
April 12, 2021
Can we go to amusement parks this summer?
Families/Kids Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: A qualified “yes”! An outdoor amusement park can be a low-risk outing if you pay attention to context and use your SMARTS! Context matters, especially these three factors: 1️⃣ Do you have to travel a long way to get to the park? (Closer is better, no plane travel is better). 2️⃣ What is community Read more…
April 2, 2021
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel Vaccines
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
December 11, 2020
How many days do I need to quarantine if I plan to see family and friends for Christmas?
Socializing Travel
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: A 14-day quarantine prior to visiting family and friends continues to offer the greatest risk reduction. TODAY IS THE DAY TO START YOUR QUARANTINE! The CDC recently revised guidelines offering alternatives to a 14-day quarantine for people exposed to someone with Covid-19 who remain asymptomatic. (Look for an in-depth post on this change next Read more…
December 1, 2020
If I traveled over the holiday weekend, should I be taking any steps to protect others around me?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes. If you traveled and/or spent time in close contact with others outside your household over the holiday weekend, it is safest to assume you were exposed and minimize contact with others for at least the next 7 days with a negative test and ideally for 2 weeks. While no specific guidelines for what Read more…
November 14, 2020
I live in Waukesha County, Wisconsin. It’s looking like our Thanksgiving dinner is going to be just 15 people. What are the chances that someone at the dinner has COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Staying Safe Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: As of today, 58%. Maybe rethink your plans? We know many folks in the wonderful Dear Pandemic community are “running the numbers” on their holiday dinners to assess risk and adjust accordingly. To assist your calculations, a team at Georgia Tech led by Dr. Joshua Weitz has developed the COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Read more…
November 6, 2020
I was paying attention to the US election news this week and didn’t really follow the pandemic news. Now I check the numbers and — whoa! What happened??!?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: Does this mean more lockdowns? To be honest, I’m kinda done. A: Cases are surging, we have rough weeks ahead, and everyone’s collective will to combat the pandemic has eroded. Stay focused on the things you can do in the short term, and stay realistic about this new surge. First, the numbers: If you Read more…
October 21, 2020
How do I break it to my mother-in-law that we’re not coming to Christmas dinner? 😬😬😬
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Here’s the bottom line: you are not in control of other people’s thoughts, feelings, or actions. You can only control your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. And you do not have to sacrifice your comfort to make someone else happy. Be firm, be brief, focus on your own decisions rather than hers, and don’t Read more…
October 16, 2020
Could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays?
Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: Madeleine from Plano, TX asks, could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays? A: Yes! Since we last posted on this topic in August, a few new studies have suggested that risk of transmission of COVID-19 ON AIRPLANES themselves is fairly low *when masks are Read more…
The “Summer of BA.5” is here (with apologies to Bryan Adams). BA.5 is better at evading existing immunity than even the super sneaky original Omicron variants. If you’re like us, you’re hearing of more COVID-19 infections than ever in your social circles, especially people who are traveling. We *totally* understand the urge to travel and Read more…
Will a positive COVID test thwart your spring break plans?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Chana Davis, PhD
A: If it’s been fewer than 5 days since your COVID-19 infection began, you’re out of luck. Please stay home! During the Day 5-10 window, your odds of being cleared for travel are roughly 50-50 for rapid antigen tests. After two weeks, most of us can breathe easily on test day. 👉🏽Note: For molecular tests like Read more…
July 2, 2021
What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
June 18, 2021
What’s the link between COVID-19 and air pollution?
Infection and Spread Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL;DR. The relationship between COVID-19 and air pollution likely goes in both directions. First, air pollution is linked with higher COVID-19 mortality risk. Second, the lockdowns associated with the pandemic initially resulted in a large reduction in air pollution in some regions, with more modest and temporary reductions in other regions. The Nerdy Girls Read more…
April 12, 2021
Can we go to amusement parks this summer?
Families/Kids Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: A qualified “yes”! An outdoor amusement park can be a low-risk outing if you pay attention to context and use your SMARTS! Context matters, especially these three factors: 1️⃣ Do you have to travel a long way to get to the park? (Closer is better, no plane travel is better). 2️⃣ What is community Read more…
April 2, 2021
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel Vaccines
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
December 11, 2020
How many days do I need to quarantine if I plan to see family and friends for Christmas?
Socializing Travel
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: A 14-day quarantine prior to visiting family and friends continues to offer the greatest risk reduction. TODAY IS THE DAY TO START YOUR QUARANTINE! The CDC recently revised guidelines offering alternatives to a 14-day quarantine for people exposed to someone with Covid-19 who remain asymptomatic. (Look for an in-depth post on this change next Read more…
December 1, 2020
If I traveled over the holiday weekend, should I be taking any steps to protect others around me?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes. If you traveled and/or spent time in close contact with others outside your household over the holiday weekend, it is safest to assume you were exposed and minimize contact with others for at least the next 7 days with a negative test and ideally for 2 weeks. While no specific guidelines for what Read more…
November 14, 2020
I live in Waukesha County, Wisconsin. It’s looking like our Thanksgiving dinner is going to be just 15 people. What are the chances that someone at the dinner has COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Staying Safe Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: As of today, 58%. Maybe rethink your plans? We know many folks in the wonderful Dear Pandemic community are “running the numbers” on their holiday dinners to assess risk and adjust accordingly. To assist your calculations, a team at Georgia Tech led by Dr. Joshua Weitz has developed the COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Read more…
November 6, 2020
I was paying attention to the US election news this week and didn’t really follow the pandemic news. Now I check the numbers and — whoa! What happened??!?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: Does this mean more lockdowns? To be honest, I’m kinda done. A: Cases are surging, we have rough weeks ahead, and everyone’s collective will to combat the pandemic has eroded. Stay focused on the things you can do in the short term, and stay realistic about this new surge. First, the numbers: If you Read more…
October 21, 2020
How do I break it to my mother-in-law that we’re not coming to Christmas dinner? 😬😬😬
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Here’s the bottom line: you are not in control of other people’s thoughts, feelings, or actions. You can only control your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. And you do not have to sacrifice your comfort to make someone else happy. Be firm, be brief, focus on your own decisions rather than hers, and don’t Read more…
October 16, 2020
Could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays?
Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: Madeleine from Plano, TX asks, could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays? A: Yes! Since we last posted on this topic in August, a few new studies have suggested that risk of transmission of COVID-19 ON AIRPLANES themselves is fairly low *when masks are Read more…
A: If it’s been fewer than 5 days since your COVID-19 infection began, you’re out of luck. Please stay home! During the Day 5-10 window, your odds of being cleared for travel are roughly 50-50 for rapid antigen tests. After two weeks, most of us can breathe easily on test day. 👉🏽Note: For molecular tests like Read more…
What’s the update on COVID-sniffing dogs?
Testing and Contact Tracing Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
June 18, 2021
What’s the link between COVID-19 and air pollution?
Infection and Spread Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL;DR. The relationship between COVID-19 and air pollution likely goes in both directions. First, air pollution is linked with higher COVID-19 mortality risk. Second, the lockdowns associated with the pandemic initially resulted in a large reduction in air pollution in some regions, with more modest and temporary reductions in other regions. The Nerdy Girls Read more…
April 12, 2021
Can we go to amusement parks this summer?
Families/Kids Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: A qualified “yes”! An outdoor amusement park can be a low-risk outing if you pay attention to context and use your SMARTS! Context matters, especially these three factors: 1️⃣ Do you have to travel a long way to get to the park? (Closer is better, no plane travel is better). 2️⃣ What is community Read more…
April 2, 2021
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel Vaccines
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
December 11, 2020
How many days do I need to quarantine if I plan to see family and friends for Christmas?
Socializing Travel
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: A 14-day quarantine prior to visiting family and friends continues to offer the greatest risk reduction. TODAY IS THE DAY TO START YOUR QUARANTINE! The CDC recently revised guidelines offering alternatives to a 14-day quarantine for people exposed to someone with Covid-19 who remain asymptomatic. (Look for an in-depth post on this change next Read more…
December 1, 2020
If I traveled over the holiday weekend, should I be taking any steps to protect others around me?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes. If you traveled and/or spent time in close contact with others outside your household over the holiday weekend, it is safest to assume you were exposed and minimize contact with others for at least the next 7 days with a negative test and ideally for 2 weeks. While no specific guidelines for what Read more…
November 14, 2020
I live in Waukesha County, Wisconsin. It’s looking like our Thanksgiving dinner is going to be just 15 people. What are the chances that someone at the dinner has COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Staying Safe Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: As of today, 58%. Maybe rethink your plans? We know many folks in the wonderful Dear Pandemic community are “running the numbers” on their holiday dinners to assess risk and adjust accordingly. To assist your calculations, a team at Georgia Tech led by Dr. Joshua Weitz has developed the COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Read more…
November 6, 2020
I was paying attention to the US election news this week and didn’t really follow the pandemic news. Now I check the numbers and — whoa! What happened??!?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: Does this mean more lockdowns? To be honest, I’m kinda done. A: Cases are surging, we have rough weeks ahead, and everyone’s collective will to combat the pandemic has eroded. Stay focused on the things you can do in the short term, and stay realistic about this new surge. First, the numbers: If you Read more…
October 21, 2020
How do I break it to my mother-in-law that we’re not coming to Christmas dinner? 😬😬😬
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Here’s the bottom line: you are not in control of other people’s thoughts, feelings, or actions. You can only control your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. And you do not have to sacrifice your comfort to make someone else happy. Be firm, be brief, focus on your own decisions rather than hers, and don’t Read more…
October 16, 2020
Could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays?
Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: Madeleine from Plano, TX asks, could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays? A: Yes! Since we last posted on this topic in August, a few new studies have suggested that risk of transmission of COVID-19 ON AIRPLANES themselves is fairly low *when masks are Read more…
A: TL;DR. Dogs have proven their awesome ability to identify the smell of COVID-19 patients, but the logistics and cost are slowing down widespread implementation. The dog days of summer have arrived early in much of the United States, and with it, Dear Pandemic is here to update you on the potential for COVID-sniffing canines. Read more…
What’s the link between COVID-19 and air pollution?
Infection and Spread Travel
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A. TL;DR. The relationship between COVID-19 and air pollution likely goes in both directions. First, air pollution is linked with higher COVID-19 mortality risk. Second, the lockdowns associated with the pandemic initially resulted in a large reduction in air pollution in some regions, with more modest and temporary reductions in other regions. The Nerdy Girls Read more…
April 12, 2021
Can we go to amusement parks this summer?
Families/Kids Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: A qualified “yes”! An outdoor amusement park can be a low-risk outing if you pay attention to context and use your SMARTS! Context matters, especially these three factors: 1️⃣ Do you have to travel a long way to get to the park? (Closer is better, no plane travel is better). 2️⃣ What is community Read more…
April 2, 2021
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel Vaccines
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
December 11, 2020
How many days do I need to quarantine if I plan to see family and friends for Christmas?
Socializing Travel
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: A 14-day quarantine prior to visiting family and friends continues to offer the greatest risk reduction. TODAY IS THE DAY TO START YOUR QUARANTINE! The CDC recently revised guidelines offering alternatives to a 14-day quarantine for people exposed to someone with Covid-19 who remain asymptomatic. (Look for an in-depth post on this change next Read more…
December 1, 2020
If I traveled over the holiday weekend, should I be taking any steps to protect others around me?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes. If you traveled and/or spent time in close contact with others outside your household over the holiday weekend, it is safest to assume you were exposed and minimize contact with others for at least the next 7 days with a negative test and ideally for 2 weeks. While no specific guidelines for what Read more…
November 14, 2020
I live in Waukesha County, Wisconsin. It’s looking like our Thanksgiving dinner is going to be just 15 people. What are the chances that someone at the dinner has COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Staying Safe Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: As of today, 58%. Maybe rethink your plans? We know many folks in the wonderful Dear Pandemic community are “running the numbers” on their holiday dinners to assess risk and adjust accordingly. To assist your calculations, a team at Georgia Tech led by Dr. Joshua Weitz has developed the COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Read more…
November 6, 2020
I was paying attention to the US election news this week and didn’t really follow the pandemic news. Now I check the numbers and — whoa! What happened??!?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: Does this mean more lockdowns? To be honest, I’m kinda done. A: Cases are surging, we have rough weeks ahead, and everyone’s collective will to combat the pandemic has eroded. Stay focused on the things you can do in the short term, and stay realistic about this new surge. First, the numbers: If you Read more…
October 21, 2020
How do I break it to my mother-in-law that we’re not coming to Christmas dinner? 😬😬😬
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Here’s the bottom line: you are not in control of other people’s thoughts, feelings, or actions. You can only control your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. And you do not have to sacrifice your comfort to make someone else happy. Be firm, be brief, focus on your own decisions rather than hers, and don’t Read more…
October 16, 2020
Could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays?
Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: Madeleine from Plano, TX asks, could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays? A: Yes! Since we last posted on this topic in August, a few new studies have suggested that risk of transmission of COVID-19 ON AIRPLANES themselves is fairly low *when masks are Read more…
A. TL;DR. The relationship between COVID-19 and air pollution likely goes in both directions. First, air pollution is linked with higher COVID-19 mortality risk. Second, the lockdowns associated with the pandemic initially resulted in a large reduction in air pollution in some regions, with more modest and temporary reductions in other regions. The Nerdy Girls Read more…
Can we go to amusement parks this summer?
Families/Kids Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: A qualified “yes”! An outdoor amusement park can be a low-risk outing if you pay attention to context and use your SMARTS! Context matters, especially these three factors: 1️⃣ Do you have to travel a long way to get to the park? (Closer is better, no plane travel is better). 2️⃣ What is community Read more…
April 2, 2021
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel Vaccines
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
December 11, 2020
How many days do I need to quarantine if I plan to see family and friends for Christmas?
Socializing Travel
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: A 14-day quarantine prior to visiting family and friends continues to offer the greatest risk reduction. TODAY IS THE DAY TO START YOUR QUARANTINE! The CDC recently revised guidelines offering alternatives to a 14-day quarantine for people exposed to someone with Covid-19 who remain asymptomatic. (Look for an in-depth post on this change next Read more…
December 1, 2020
If I traveled over the holiday weekend, should I be taking any steps to protect others around me?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes. If you traveled and/or spent time in close contact with others outside your household over the holiday weekend, it is safest to assume you were exposed and minimize contact with others for at least the next 7 days with a negative test and ideally for 2 weeks. While no specific guidelines for what Read more…
November 14, 2020
I live in Waukesha County, Wisconsin. It’s looking like our Thanksgiving dinner is going to be just 15 people. What are the chances that someone at the dinner has COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Staying Safe Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: As of today, 58%. Maybe rethink your plans? We know many folks in the wonderful Dear Pandemic community are “running the numbers” on their holiday dinners to assess risk and adjust accordingly. To assist your calculations, a team at Georgia Tech led by Dr. Joshua Weitz has developed the COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Read more…
November 6, 2020
I was paying attention to the US election news this week and didn’t really follow the pandemic news. Now I check the numbers and — whoa! What happened??!?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: Does this mean more lockdowns? To be honest, I’m kinda done. A: Cases are surging, we have rough weeks ahead, and everyone’s collective will to combat the pandemic has eroded. Stay focused on the things you can do in the short term, and stay realistic about this new surge. First, the numbers: If you Read more…
October 21, 2020
How do I break it to my mother-in-law that we’re not coming to Christmas dinner? 😬😬😬
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Here’s the bottom line: you are not in control of other people’s thoughts, feelings, or actions. You can only control your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. And you do not have to sacrifice your comfort to make someone else happy. Be firm, be brief, focus on your own decisions rather than hers, and don’t Read more…
October 16, 2020
Could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays?
Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: Madeleine from Plano, TX asks, could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays? A: Yes! Since we last posted on this topic in August, a few new studies have suggested that risk of transmission of COVID-19 ON AIRPLANES themselves is fairly low *when masks are Read more…
A: A qualified “yes”! An outdoor amusement park can be a low-risk outing if you pay attention to context and use your SMARTS! Context matters, especially these three factors: 1️⃣ Do you have to travel a long way to get to the park? (Closer is better, no plane travel is better). 2️⃣ What is community Read more…
Updated CDC Travel Advice for Fully Vaccinated People
Staying Safe Travel Vaccines
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
March 30, 2021
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
December 11, 2020
How many days do I need to quarantine if I plan to see family and friends for Christmas?
Socializing Travel
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: A 14-day quarantine prior to visiting family and friends continues to offer the greatest risk reduction. TODAY IS THE DAY TO START YOUR QUARANTINE! The CDC recently revised guidelines offering alternatives to a 14-day quarantine for people exposed to someone with Covid-19 who remain asymptomatic. (Look for an in-depth post on this change next Read more…
December 1, 2020
If I traveled over the holiday weekend, should I be taking any steps to protect others around me?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes. If you traveled and/or spent time in close contact with others outside your household over the holiday weekend, it is safest to assume you were exposed and minimize contact with others for at least the next 7 days with a negative test and ideally for 2 weeks. While no specific guidelines for what Read more…
November 14, 2020
I live in Waukesha County, Wisconsin. It’s looking like our Thanksgiving dinner is going to be just 15 people. What are the chances that someone at the dinner has COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Staying Safe Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: As of today, 58%. Maybe rethink your plans? We know many folks in the wonderful Dear Pandemic community are “running the numbers” on their holiday dinners to assess risk and adjust accordingly. To assist your calculations, a team at Georgia Tech led by Dr. Joshua Weitz has developed the COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Read more…
November 6, 2020
I was paying attention to the US election news this week and didn’t really follow the pandemic news. Now I check the numbers and — whoa! What happened??!?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: Does this mean more lockdowns? To be honest, I’m kinda done. A: Cases are surging, we have rough weeks ahead, and everyone’s collective will to combat the pandemic has eroded. Stay focused on the things you can do in the short term, and stay realistic about this new surge. First, the numbers: If you Read more…
October 21, 2020
How do I break it to my mother-in-law that we’re not coming to Christmas dinner? 😬😬😬
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Here’s the bottom line: you are not in control of other people’s thoughts, feelings, or actions. You can only control your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. And you do not have to sacrifice your comfort to make someone else happy. Be firm, be brief, focus on your own decisions rather than hers, and don’t Read more…
October 16, 2020
Could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays?
Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: Madeleine from Plano, TX asks, could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays? A: Yes! Since we last posted on this topic in August, a few new studies have suggested that risk of transmission of COVID-19 ON AIRPLANES themselves is fairly low *when masks are Read more…
💥Friday news flash: CDC says fully vaccinated people can travel safely within the US, but encourages continued precautions including masking, distancing, and hand hygiene. ✈️Adding to the list of benefits the fully vaccinated can enjoy (like small unmasked indoor gatherings with other vaccinated folks), the CDC released new guidance on Friday acknowledging lower risk of Read more…
The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria?
Staying Safe Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
December 11, 2020
How many days do I need to quarantine if I plan to see family and friends for Christmas?
Socializing Travel
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: A 14-day quarantine prior to visiting family and friends continues to offer the greatest risk reduction. TODAY IS THE DAY TO START YOUR QUARANTINE! The CDC recently revised guidelines offering alternatives to a 14-day quarantine for people exposed to someone with Covid-19 who remain asymptomatic. (Look for an in-depth post on this change next Read more…
December 1, 2020
If I traveled over the holiday weekend, should I be taking any steps to protect others around me?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes. If you traveled and/or spent time in close contact with others outside your household over the holiday weekend, it is safest to assume you were exposed and minimize contact with others for at least the next 7 days with a negative test and ideally for 2 weeks. While no specific guidelines for what Read more…
November 14, 2020
I live in Waukesha County, Wisconsin. It’s looking like our Thanksgiving dinner is going to be just 15 people. What are the chances that someone at the dinner has COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Staying Safe Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: As of today, 58%. Maybe rethink your plans? We know many folks in the wonderful Dear Pandemic community are “running the numbers” on their holiday dinners to assess risk and adjust accordingly. To assist your calculations, a team at Georgia Tech led by Dr. Joshua Weitz has developed the COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Read more…
November 6, 2020
I was paying attention to the US election news this week and didn’t really follow the pandemic news. Now I check the numbers and — whoa! What happened??!?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: Does this mean more lockdowns? To be honest, I’m kinda done. A: Cases are surging, we have rough weeks ahead, and everyone’s collective will to combat the pandemic has eroded. Stay focused on the things you can do in the short term, and stay realistic about this new surge. First, the numbers: If you Read more…
October 21, 2020
How do I break it to my mother-in-law that we’re not coming to Christmas dinner? 😬😬😬
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Here’s the bottom line: you are not in control of other people’s thoughts, feelings, or actions. You can only control your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. And you do not have to sacrifice your comfort to make someone else happy. Be firm, be brief, focus on your own decisions rather than hers, and don’t Read more…
October 16, 2020
Could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays?
Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: Madeleine from Plano, TX asks, could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays? A: Yes! Since we last posted on this topic in August, a few new studies have suggested that risk of transmission of COVID-19 ON AIRPLANES themselves is fairly low *when masks are Read more…
Q: I’m dreaming of future travel… and newly aware of infectious disease threats. The CDC says there may be malaria where we want to go?! What do I need to know about malaria? A: Yup. COVID-19 has brought new attention to all the infectious diseases that threaten human health all the time, and malaria ranks Read more…
How many days do I need to quarantine if I plan to see family and friends for Christmas?
Socializing Travel
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: A 14-day quarantine prior to visiting family and friends continues to offer the greatest risk reduction. TODAY IS THE DAY TO START YOUR QUARANTINE! The CDC recently revised guidelines offering alternatives to a 14-day quarantine for people exposed to someone with Covid-19 who remain asymptomatic. (Look for an in-depth post on this change next Read more…
December 1, 2020
If I traveled over the holiday weekend, should I be taking any steps to protect others around me?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes. If you traveled and/or spent time in close contact with others outside your household over the holiday weekend, it is safest to assume you were exposed and minimize contact with others for at least the next 7 days with a negative test and ideally for 2 weeks. While no specific guidelines for what Read more…
November 14, 2020
I live in Waukesha County, Wisconsin. It’s looking like our Thanksgiving dinner is going to be just 15 people. What are the chances that someone at the dinner has COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Staying Safe Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: As of today, 58%. Maybe rethink your plans? We know many folks in the wonderful Dear Pandemic community are “running the numbers” on their holiday dinners to assess risk and adjust accordingly. To assist your calculations, a team at Georgia Tech led by Dr. Joshua Weitz has developed the COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Read more…
November 6, 2020
I was paying attention to the US election news this week and didn’t really follow the pandemic news. Now I check the numbers and — whoa! What happened??!?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: Does this mean more lockdowns? To be honest, I’m kinda done. A: Cases are surging, we have rough weeks ahead, and everyone’s collective will to combat the pandemic has eroded. Stay focused on the things you can do in the short term, and stay realistic about this new surge. First, the numbers: If you Read more…
October 21, 2020
How do I break it to my mother-in-law that we’re not coming to Christmas dinner? 😬😬😬
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Here’s the bottom line: you are not in control of other people’s thoughts, feelings, or actions. You can only control your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. And you do not have to sacrifice your comfort to make someone else happy. Be firm, be brief, focus on your own decisions rather than hers, and don’t Read more…
October 16, 2020
Could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays?
Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: Madeleine from Plano, TX asks, could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays? A: Yes! Since we last posted on this topic in August, a few new studies have suggested that risk of transmission of COVID-19 ON AIRPLANES themselves is fairly low *when masks are Read more…
A: A 14-day quarantine prior to visiting family and friends continues to offer the greatest risk reduction. TODAY IS THE DAY TO START YOUR QUARANTINE! The CDC recently revised guidelines offering alternatives to a 14-day quarantine for people exposed to someone with Covid-19 who remain asymptomatic. (Look for an in-depth post on this change next Read more…
If I traveled over the holiday weekend, should I be taking any steps to protect others around me?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes. If you traveled and/or spent time in close contact with others outside your household over the holiday weekend, it is safest to assume you were exposed and minimize contact with others for at least the next 7 days with a negative test and ideally for 2 weeks. While no specific guidelines for what Read more…
November 14, 2020
I live in Waukesha County, Wisconsin. It’s looking like our Thanksgiving dinner is going to be just 15 people. What are the chances that someone at the dinner has COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Staying Safe Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: As of today, 58%. Maybe rethink your plans? We know many folks in the wonderful Dear Pandemic community are “running the numbers” on their holiday dinners to assess risk and adjust accordingly. To assist your calculations, a team at Georgia Tech led by Dr. Joshua Weitz has developed the COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Read more…
November 6, 2020
I was paying attention to the US election news this week and didn’t really follow the pandemic news. Now I check the numbers and — whoa! What happened??!?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: Does this mean more lockdowns? To be honest, I’m kinda done. A: Cases are surging, we have rough weeks ahead, and everyone’s collective will to combat the pandemic has eroded. Stay focused on the things you can do in the short term, and stay realistic about this new surge. First, the numbers: If you Read more…
October 21, 2020
How do I break it to my mother-in-law that we’re not coming to Christmas dinner? 😬😬😬
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Here’s the bottom line: you are not in control of other people’s thoughts, feelings, or actions. You can only control your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. And you do not have to sacrifice your comfort to make someone else happy. Be firm, be brief, focus on your own decisions rather than hers, and don’t Read more…
October 16, 2020
Could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays?
Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: Madeleine from Plano, TX asks, could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays? A: Yes! Since we last posted on this topic in August, a few new studies have suggested that risk of transmission of COVID-19 ON AIRPLANES themselves is fairly low *when masks are Read more…
A: Yes. If you traveled and/or spent time in close contact with others outside your household over the holiday weekend, it is safest to assume you were exposed and minimize contact with others for at least the next 7 days with a negative test and ideally for 2 weeks. While no specific guidelines for what Read more…
I live in Waukesha County, Wisconsin. It’s looking like our Thanksgiving dinner is going to be just 15 people. What are the chances that someone at the dinner has COVID-19?
Data and Metrics Families/Kids Staying Safe Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
A: As of today, 58%. Maybe rethink your plans? We know many folks in the wonderful Dear Pandemic community are “running the numbers” on their holiday dinners to assess risk and adjust accordingly. To assist your calculations, a team at Georgia Tech led by Dr. Joshua Weitz has developed the COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Read more…
November 6, 2020
I was paying attention to the US election news this week and didn’t really follow the pandemic news. Now I check the numbers and — whoa! What happened??!?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: Does this mean more lockdowns? To be honest, I’m kinda done. A: Cases are surging, we have rough weeks ahead, and everyone’s collective will to combat the pandemic has eroded. Stay focused on the things you can do in the short term, and stay realistic about this new surge. First, the numbers: If you Read more…
October 21, 2020
How do I break it to my mother-in-law that we’re not coming to Christmas dinner? 😬😬😬
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Here’s the bottom line: you are not in control of other people’s thoughts, feelings, or actions. You can only control your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. And you do not have to sacrifice your comfort to make someone else happy. Be firm, be brief, focus on your own decisions rather than hers, and don’t Read more…
October 16, 2020
Could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays?
Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: Madeleine from Plano, TX asks, could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays? A: Yes! Since we last posted on this topic in August, a few new studies have suggested that risk of transmission of COVID-19 ON AIRPLANES themselves is fairly low *when masks are Read more…
A: As of today, 58%. Maybe rethink your plans? We know many folks in the wonderful Dear Pandemic community are “running the numbers” on their holiday dinners to assess risk and adjust accordingly. To assist your calculations, a team at Georgia Tech led by Dr. Joshua Weitz has developed the COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Read more…
I was paying attention to the US election news this week and didn’t really follow the pandemic news. Now I check the numbers and — whoa! What happened??!?
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Q: Does this mean more lockdowns? To be honest, I’m kinda done. A: Cases are surging, we have rough weeks ahead, and everyone’s collective will to combat the pandemic has eroded. Stay focused on the things you can do in the short term, and stay realistic about this new surge. First, the numbers: If you Read more…
October 21, 2020
How do I break it to my mother-in-law that we’re not coming to Christmas dinner? 😬😬😬
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Here’s the bottom line: you are not in control of other people’s thoughts, feelings, or actions. You can only control your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. And you do not have to sacrifice your comfort to make someone else happy. Be firm, be brief, focus on your own decisions rather than hers, and don’t Read more…
October 16, 2020
Could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays?
Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: Madeleine from Plano, TX asks, could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays? A: Yes! Since we last posted on this topic in August, a few new studies have suggested that risk of transmission of COVID-19 ON AIRPLANES themselves is fairly low *when masks are Read more…
Q: Does this mean more lockdowns? To be honest, I’m kinda done. A: Cases are surging, we have rough weeks ahead, and everyone’s collective will to combat the pandemic has eroded. Stay focused on the things you can do in the short term, and stay realistic about this new surge. First, the numbers: If you Read more…
How do I break it to my mother-in-law that we’re not coming to Christmas dinner? 😬😬😬
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Travel
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: Here’s the bottom line: you are not in control of other people’s thoughts, feelings, or actions. You can only control your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. And you do not have to sacrifice your comfort to make someone else happy. Be firm, be brief, focus on your own decisions rather than hers, and don’t Read more…
October 16, 2020
Could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays?
Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: Madeleine from Plano, TX asks, could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays? A: Yes! Since we last posted on this topic in August, a few new studies have suggested that risk of transmission of COVID-19 ON AIRPLANES themselves is fairly low *when masks are Read more…
A: Here’s the bottom line: you are not in control of other people’s thoughts, feelings, or actions. You can only control your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. And you do not have to sacrifice your comfort to make someone else happy. Be firm, be brief, focus on your own decisions rather than hers, and don’t Read more…
Could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays?
Staying Safe Travel
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
Q: Madeleine from Plano, TX asks, could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays? A: Yes! Since we last posted on this topic in August, a few new studies have suggested that risk of transmission of COVID-19 ON AIRPLANES themselves is fairly low *when masks are Read more…
Q: Madeleine from Plano, TX asks, could you provide any updates on safety of air travel at this time in advance of holidays? A: Yes! Since we last posted on this topic in August, a few new studies have suggested that risk of transmission of COVID-19 ON AIRPLANES themselves is fairly low *when masks are Read more…