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Mental Health

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Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A

Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines Videos

In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Sandra Albrecht and Malia Jones will be taking questions about pet birds, what 95% efficacy really means, when safety measures are just too much, and what’s up with that CDC thing about vaccines wearing off in 3 months. If you have a question, put it in Read more…

Talk Money with Your Honey

Mental Health

Q: The last year has been tough financially for my family, and now, in addition to worrying about health, we’re fighting about money. A: This Valentine’s Day, forget flowers. Talk money with your honey (or have a heart-to-heart with yourself) about setting up an emergency fund, rethinking your budget and planning what’s next for your Read more…

I’m really stressed out. And I feel like it might be getting worse, not better.

Mental Health

A: You are not alone: Surveys tell us that adults in the U.S. are reporting the highest stress levels since the early days of the pandemic. If the obvious stress-busting advice hasn’t helped, we’ve got some bigger-picture ideas to ponder. According to the American Psychological Association’s just-released January 2021 Stress Snapshot, 84% of American adults Read more…

Trauma and COVID-19

Mental Health Social and Racial Justice

Q: I’ve heard people using language about trauma and COVID-19. Can you explain? I know COVID-19 is bad… but what makes it traumatizing? A: COVID-19 has caused tragic loss for people around the world. What we consider to be a *loss* is very personal, and can be so emotionally intense that it creates traumatic responses. Read more…

I’ve reached a new mental low. It doesn’t seem like I’m getting the vaccine any time soon, and I’m just … done.

Mental Health

A: Deep breath. Experts told us the winter was going to be hard, and here we are. Research suggests that choosing (and accomplishing) a highlight each day — one activity, goal or project that is most important to you – will boost your self-efficacy and help you keep on keepin’ on. Feeling bored, anxious, irritable Read more…