It’s feeling like a particularly strange and confusing stage of the pandemic?! Yikes!
Mental Health Reopening Uncertainty and Misinformation
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Indeed. Welcome to the #pandexit. Pandexit (n.) The final phase of a pandemic. The messy, halting, confusing labyrinth we must navigate to get from where we are to our new normal. Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Christine Whelan, who are also colleagues at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, teamed up to define and Read more…
April 14, 2021
I got the J&J shot and now I’m freaking out… what should I do?
Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: We understand you may be fearful. Here’s what you need to do if you recently got the J&J vaccine. 1️⃣ Watch for the specific symptoms: severe headache, abdominal pain (belly or gut), leg pain, or shortness of breath. If you have any of these symptoms up to a month after receiving the J&J vaccine, Read more…
April 5, 2021
This re-socializing thing is harder than I thought.
Mental Health Socializing
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: I met up with friends in person for the first time in a year. It was so awkward. Help! This re-socializing thing is harder than I thought. A: Pandemic introspection has taught some of us important lessons… and made many of us rusty on other-focused social skills. Embrace timeless advice from Dale Carnegie’s How Read more…
March 9, 2021
My thoughts seem to be on a treadmill, and I can’t get off. Especially at night. What can I do?
Mental Health
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: No matter how safe you make yourself against the virus, you may still have deep concerns that keep you awake at night. Cyclical thinking like this is called rumination. To fight it, try keeping a “done” list, meditation, writing, or movement. Chronic illness, a bill, or a family situation that needs your full attention Read more…
March 3, 2021
In the last year I made some not-so-awesome impulse purchases. Was that just me?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: Stress spending is real, and in the last year, it went way past buying too much toilet paper. According to one survey, 43% of respondents said they’d made an impulse purchase during the first few months of the pandemic as wine-o-clock internet purchases became an all-day thing for a subset of us. For others, Read more…
March 1, 2021
Baby Sleep Day
Families/Kids Mental Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The Nerdy Girls over at Dear Pandemic are thrilled to participate in Baby Sleep Day (Visit Pediatric Sleep Council for live Q&A all day or Baby Sleep Day for the schedule of experts). Healthy sleep during a pandemic can be tough – especially for parents who spend a lot of energy balancing their family and Read more…
February 26, 2021
How do I find a therapist?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I am struggling with my mental health right now. Nothing I have tried has worked. I think I need a therapist. Where do I start? A: We have a few tips to help you get the help you may need. Many of us are going through this right now (up to 40% of Americans Read more…
February 24, 2021
Should we be preparing to re-enter society?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: For otherwise healthy people, what’s safe to do these days? Should we be preparing to re-enter society? And if so, how do we address our serious fears about health safety? A: Safe socialization is important for our well-being and thriving, so when you’re ready, use your SMARTS, assess the risks, name the feelings that Read more…
February 20, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Sandra Albrecht and Malia Jones will be taking questions about pet birds, what 95% efficacy really means, when safety measures are just too much, and what’s up with that CDC thing about vaccines wearing off in 3 months. If you have a question, put it in Read more…
February 18, 2021
When did you first hear about COVID?
Mental Health
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
It’s time for Throwback Thursday! When did you first hear about COVID? How did you hear? Share your story below. We want to hear it! One year later, it’s kind of tough to remember a time in our lives before COVID. We’re going to be coming up on a lot of 1-year-ago-today memories as this Read more…
February 17, 2021
This pandemic winter is dragging on … and on. I need a safe happiness boost. Right now.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: We feel you! Here are four research-based tips to plant the seeds of change even as many of us are still buried under the (literal and figurative) snow. 😊 Say no more often. You might call it the “yes, sure… oh, dang” problem. Academics call it hyperbolic discounting. It’s the challenge we all have Read more…
February 15, 2021
What can I do to support a caregiver?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Caregivers need a back-up plan, a much deserved recharge, and financial support. Caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic has been further strained by disrupted child care, social isolation, unemployment, and a contagious and debilitating virus. If the caregivers fall, so does everything else. Caregivers come in many forms and are the backbone of daily life Read more…
February 12, 2021
Talk Money with Your Honey
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: The last year has been tough financially for my family, and now, in addition to worrying about health, we’re fighting about money. A: This Valentine’s Day, forget flowers. Talk money with your honey (or have a heart-to-heart with yourself) about setting up an emergency fund, rethinking your budget and planning what’s next for your Read more…
February 6, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Aparna Kumar and Christine Whelan will be joined by Lauren Ross, founder of Project Village! We’ll be tackling questions from our readers about mental health and community in the pandemic. If you have a question, put it in our question box at ➡️ Welcome, Intros, Read more…
February 5, 2021
I’m really stressed out. And I feel like it might be getting worse, not better.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: You are not alone: Surveys tell us that adults in the U.S. are reporting the highest stress levels since the early days of the pandemic. If the obvious stress-busting advice hasn’t helped, we’ve got some bigger-picture ideas to ponder. According to the American Psychological Association’s just-released January 2021 Stress Snapshot, 84% of American adults Read more…
February 3, 2021
How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: With school closures and working from home, I feel as if I am always saying no to my young child. How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way? A: Acknowledge feelings, help meet your child’s needs, and use nonverbal communication. Dr. Carolyn Broudy of the Family Connections Center provides a Read more…
January 29, 2021
Is this pandemic worse for extroverts than for introverts?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: And what can each personality type do to stay mentally healthy right now? A: The emotional toll of the pandemic has been tough on both extroverts and introverts. Research tells us taking a growth-mindset approach to personality is the healthiest way to stay flexible, and that communication about your socio-emotional needs is more important Read more…
January 27, 2021
I have been managing as well as can be expected during this pandemic, but lately I have been feeling angry.
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: A lot of it has to do with other people not taking COVID-19 as seriously as me. What can I do? A: Feel all the feels, engage in meaningful interactions, and focus on you. 😤 FEEL ALL THE FEELS: Remember the movie Inside Out? Joy, sadness, anger, grief, and disgust all have a role Read more…
A: Indeed. Welcome to the #pandexit. Pandexit (n.) The final phase of a pandemic. The messy, halting, confusing labyrinth we must navigate to get from where we are to our new normal. Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Christine Whelan, who are also colleagues at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, teamed up to define and Read more…
I got the J&J shot and now I’m freaking out… what should I do?
Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
A: We understand you may be fearful. Here’s what you need to do if you recently got the J&J vaccine. 1️⃣ Watch for the specific symptoms: severe headache, abdominal pain (belly or gut), leg pain, or shortness of breath. If you have any of these symptoms up to a month after receiving the J&J vaccine, Read more…
April 5, 2021
This re-socializing thing is harder than I thought.
Mental Health Socializing
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: I met up with friends in person for the first time in a year. It was so awkward. Help! This re-socializing thing is harder than I thought. A: Pandemic introspection has taught some of us important lessons… and made many of us rusty on other-focused social skills. Embrace timeless advice from Dale Carnegie’s How Read more…
March 9, 2021
My thoughts seem to be on a treadmill, and I can’t get off. Especially at night. What can I do?
Mental Health
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: No matter how safe you make yourself against the virus, you may still have deep concerns that keep you awake at night. Cyclical thinking like this is called rumination. To fight it, try keeping a “done” list, meditation, writing, or movement. Chronic illness, a bill, or a family situation that needs your full attention Read more…
March 3, 2021
In the last year I made some not-so-awesome impulse purchases. Was that just me?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: Stress spending is real, and in the last year, it went way past buying too much toilet paper. According to one survey, 43% of respondents said they’d made an impulse purchase during the first few months of the pandemic as wine-o-clock internet purchases became an all-day thing for a subset of us. For others, Read more…
March 1, 2021
Baby Sleep Day
Families/Kids Mental Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The Nerdy Girls over at Dear Pandemic are thrilled to participate in Baby Sleep Day (Visit Pediatric Sleep Council for live Q&A all day or Baby Sleep Day for the schedule of experts). Healthy sleep during a pandemic can be tough – especially for parents who spend a lot of energy balancing their family and Read more…
February 26, 2021
How do I find a therapist?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I am struggling with my mental health right now. Nothing I have tried has worked. I think I need a therapist. Where do I start? A: We have a few tips to help you get the help you may need. Many of us are going through this right now (up to 40% of Americans Read more…
February 24, 2021
Should we be preparing to re-enter society?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: For otherwise healthy people, what’s safe to do these days? Should we be preparing to re-enter society? And if so, how do we address our serious fears about health safety? A: Safe socialization is important for our well-being and thriving, so when you’re ready, use your SMARTS, assess the risks, name the feelings that Read more…
February 20, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Sandra Albrecht and Malia Jones will be taking questions about pet birds, what 95% efficacy really means, when safety measures are just too much, and what’s up with that CDC thing about vaccines wearing off in 3 months. If you have a question, put it in Read more…
February 18, 2021
When did you first hear about COVID?
Mental Health
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
It’s time for Throwback Thursday! When did you first hear about COVID? How did you hear? Share your story below. We want to hear it! One year later, it’s kind of tough to remember a time in our lives before COVID. We’re going to be coming up on a lot of 1-year-ago-today memories as this Read more…
February 17, 2021
This pandemic winter is dragging on … and on. I need a safe happiness boost. Right now.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: We feel you! Here are four research-based tips to plant the seeds of change even as many of us are still buried under the (literal and figurative) snow. 😊 Say no more often. You might call it the “yes, sure… oh, dang” problem. Academics call it hyperbolic discounting. It’s the challenge we all have Read more…
February 15, 2021
What can I do to support a caregiver?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Caregivers need a back-up plan, a much deserved recharge, and financial support. Caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic has been further strained by disrupted child care, social isolation, unemployment, and a contagious and debilitating virus. If the caregivers fall, so does everything else. Caregivers come in many forms and are the backbone of daily life Read more…
February 12, 2021
Talk Money with Your Honey
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: The last year has been tough financially for my family, and now, in addition to worrying about health, we’re fighting about money. A: This Valentine’s Day, forget flowers. Talk money with your honey (or have a heart-to-heart with yourself) about setting up an emergency fund, rethinking your budget and planning what’s next for your Read more…
February 6, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Aparna Kumar and Christine Whelan will be joined by Lauren Ross, founder of Project Village! We’ll be tackling questions from our readers about mental health and community in the pandemic. If you have a question, put it in our question box at ➡️ Welcome, Intros, Read more…
February 5, 2021
I’m really stressed out. And I feel like it might be getting worse, not better.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: You are not alone: Surveys tell us that adults in the U.S. are reporting the highest stress levels since the early days of the pandemic. If the obvious stress-busting advice hasn’t helped, we’ve got some bigger-picture ideas to ponder. According to the American Psychological Association’s just-released January 2021 Stress Snapshot, 84% of American adults Read more…
February 3, 2021
How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: With school closures and working from home, I feel as if I am always saying no to my young child. How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way? A: Acknowledge feelings, help meet your child’s needs, and use nonverbal communication. Dr. Carolyn Broudy of the Family Connections Center provides a Read more…
January 29, 2021
Is this pandemic worse for extroverts than for introverts?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: And what can each personality type do to stay mentally healthy right now? A: The emotional toll of the pandemic has been tough on both extroverts and introverts. Research tells us taking a growth-mindset approach to personality is the healthiest way to stay flexible, and that communication about your socio-emotional needs is more important Read more…
January 27, 2021
I have been managing as well as can be expected during this pandemic, but lately I have been feeling angry.
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: A lot of it has to do with other people not taking COVID-19 as seriously as me. What can I do? A: Feel all the feels, engage in meaningful interactions, and focus on you. 😤 FEEL ALL THE FEELS: Remember the movie Inside Out? Joy, sadness, anger, grief, and disgust all have a role Read more…
A: We understand you may be fearful. Here’s what you need to do if you recently got the J&J vaccine. 1️⃣ Watch for the specific symptoms: severe headache, abdominal pain (belly or gut), leg pain, or shortness of breath. If you have any of these symptoms up to a month after receiving the J&J vaccine, Read more…
This re-socializing thing is harder than I thought.
Mental Health Socializing
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: I met up with friends in person for the first time in a year. It was so awkward. Help! This re-socializing thing is harder than I thought. A: Pandemic introspection has taught some of us important lessons… and made many of us rusty on other-focused social skills. Embrace timeless advice from Dale Carnegie’s How Read more…
March 9, 2021
My thoughts seem to be on a treadmill, and I can’t get off. Especially at night. What can I do?
Mental Health
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: No matter how safe you make yourself against the virus, you may still have deep concerns that keep you awake at night. Cyclical thinking like this is called rumination. To fight it, try keeping a “done” list, meditation, writing, or movement. Chronic illness, a bill, or a family situation that needs your full attention Read more…
March 3, 2021
In the last year I made some not-so-awesome impulse purchases. Was that just me?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: Stress spending is real, and in the last year, it went way past buying too much toilet paper. According to one survey, 43% of respondents said they’d made an impulse purchase during the first few months of the pandemic as wine-o-clock internet purchases became an all-day thing for a subset of us. For others, Read more…
March 1, 2021
Baby Sleep Day
Families/Kids Mental Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The Nerdy Girls over at Dear Pandemic are thrilled to participate in Baby Sleep Day (Visit Pediatric Sleep Council for live Q&A all day or Baby Sleep Day for the schedule of experts). Healthy sleep during a pandemic can be tough – especially for parents who spend a lot of energy balancing their family and Read more…
February 26, 2021
How do I find a therapist?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I am struggling with my mental health right now. Nothing I have tried has worked. I think I need a therapist. Where do I start? A: We have a few tips to help you get the help you may need. Many of us are going through this right now (up to 40% of Americans Read more…
February 24, 2021
Should we be preparing to re-enter society?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: For otherwise healthy people, what’s safe to do these days? Should we be preparing to re-enter society? And if so, how do we address our serious fears about health safety? A: Safe socialization is important for our well-being and thriving, so when you’re ready, use your SMARTS, assess the risks, name the feelings that Read more…
February 20, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Sandra Albrecht and Malia Jones will be taking questions about pet birds, what 95% efficacy really means, when safety measures are just too much, and what’s up with that CDC thing about vaccines wearing off in 3 months. If you have a question, put it in Read more…
February 18, 2021
When did you first hear about COVID?
Mental Health
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
It’s time for Throwback Thursday! When did you first hear about COVID? How did you hear? Share your story below. We want to hear it! One year later, it’s kind of tough to remember a time in our lives before COVID. We’re going to be coming up on a lot of 1-year-ago-today memories as this Read more…
February 17, 2021
This pandemic winter is dragging on … and on. I need a safe happiness boost. Right now.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: We feel you! Here are four research-based tips to plant the seeds of change even as many of us are still buried under the (literal and figurative) snow. 😊 Say no more often. You might call it the “yes, sure… oh, dang” problem. Academics call it hyperbolic discounting. It’s the challenge we all have Read more…
February 15, 2021
What can I do to support a caregiver?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Caregivers need a back-up plan, a much deserved recharge, and financial support. Caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic has been further strained by disrupted child care, social isolation, unemployment, and a contagious and debilitating virus. If the caregivers fall, so does everything else. Caregivers come in many forms and are the backbone of daily life Read more…
February 12, 2021
Talk Money with Your Honey
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: The last year has been tough financially for my family, and now, in addition to worrying about health, we’re fighting about money. A: This Valentine’s Day, forget flowers. Talk money with your honey (or have a heart-to-heart with yourself) about setting up an emergency fund, rethinking your budget and planning what’s next for your Read more…
February 6, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Aparna Kumar and Christine Whelan will be joined by Lauren Ross, founder of Project Village! We’ll be tackling questions from our readers about mental health and community in the pandemic. If you have a question, put it in our question box at ➡️ Welcome, Intros, Read more…
February 5, 2021
I’m really stressed out. And I feel like it might be getting worse, not better.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: You are not alone: Surveys tell us that adults in the U.S. are reporting the highest stress levels since the early days of the pandemic. If the obvious stress-busting advice hasn’t helped, we’ve got some bigger-picture ideas to ponder. According to the American Psychological Association’s just-released January 2021 Stress Snapshot, 84% of American adults Read more…
February 3, 2021
How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: With school closures and working from home, I feel as if I am always saying no to my young child. How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way? A: Acknowledge feelings, help meet your child’s needs, and use nonverbal communication. Dr. Carolyn Broudy of the Family Connections Center provides a Read more…
January 29, 2021
Is this pandemic worse for extroverts than for introverts?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: And what can each personality type do to stay mentally healthy right now? A: The emotional toll of the pandemic has been tough on both extroverts and introverts. Research tells us taking a growth-mindset approach to personality is the healthiest way to stay flexible, and that communication about your socio-emotional needs is more important Read more…
January 27, 2021
I have been managing as well as can be expected during this pandemic, but lately I have been feeling angry.
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: A lot of it has to do with other people not taking COVID-19 as seriously as me. What can I do? A: Feel all the feels, engage in meaningful interactions, and focus on you. 😤 FEEL ALL THE FEELS: Remember the movie Inside Out? Joy, sadness, anger, grief, and disgust all have a role Read more…
Q: I met up with friends in person for the first time in a year. It was so awkward. Help! This re-socializing thing is harder than I thought. A: Pandemic introspection has taught some of us important lessons… and made many of us rusty on other-focused social skills. Embrace timeless advice from Dale Carnegie’s How Read more…
My thoughts seem to be on a treadmill, and I can’t get off. Especially at night. What can I do?
Mental Health
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: No matter how safe you make yourself against the virus, you may still have deep concerns that keep you awake at night. Cyclical thinking like this is called rumination. To fight it, try keeping a “done” list, meditation, writing, or movement. Chronic illness, a bill, or a family situation that needs your full attention Read more…
March 3, 2021
In the last year I made some not-so-awesome impulse purchases. Was that just me?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: Stress spending is real, and in the last year, it went way past buying too much toilet paper. According to one survey, 43% of respondents said they’d made an impulse purchase during the first few months of the pandemic as wine-o-clock internet purchases became an all-day thing for a subset of us. For others, Read more…
March 1, 2021
Baby Sleep Day
Families/Kids Mental Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The Nerdy Girls over at Dear Pandemic are thrilled to participate in Baby Sleep Day (Visit Pediatric Sleep Council for live Q&A all day or Baby Sleep Day for the schedule of experts). Healthy sleep during a pandemic can be tough – especially for parents who spend a lot of energy balancing their family and Read more…
February 26, 2021
How do I find a therapist?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I am struggling with my mental health right now. Nothing I have tried has worked. I think I need a therapist. Where do I start? A: We have a few tips to help you get the help you may need. Many of us are going through this right now (up to 40% of Americans Read more…
February 24, 2021
Should we be preparing to re-enter society?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: For otherwise healthy people, what’s safe to do these days? Should we be preparing to re-enter society? And if so, how do we address our serious fears about health safety? A: Safe socialization is important for our well-being and thriving, so when you’re ready, use your SMARTS, assess the risks, name the feelings that Read more…
February 20, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Sandra Albrecht and Malia Jones will be taking questions about pet birds, what 95% efficacy really means, when safety measures are just too much, and what’s up with that CDC thing about vaccines wearing off in 3 months. If you have a question, put it in Read more…
February 18, 2021
When did you first hear about COVID?
Mental Health
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
It’s time for Throwback Thursday! When did you first hear about COVID? How did you hear? Share your story below. We want to hear it! One year later, it’s kind of tough to remember a time in our lives before COVID. We’re going to be coming up on a lot of 1-year-ago-today memories as this Read more…
February 17, 2021
This pandemic winter is dragging on … and on. I need a safe happiness boost. Right now.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: We feel you! Here are four research-based tips to plant the seeds of change even as many of us are still buried under the (literal and figurative) snow. 😊 Say no more often. You might call it the “yes, sure… oh, dang” problem. Academics call it hyperbolic discounting. It’s the challenge we all have Read more…
February 15, 2021
What can I do to support a caregiver?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Caregivers need a back-up plan, a much deserved recharge, and financial support. Caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic has been further strained by disrupted child care, social isolation, unemployment, and a contagious and debilitating virus. If the caregivers fall, so does everything else. Caregivers come in many forms and are the backbone of daily life Read more…
February 12, 2021
Talk Money with Your Honey
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: The last year has been tough financially for my family, and now, in addition to worrying about health, we’re fighting about money. A: This Valentine’s Day, forget flowers. Talk money with your honey (or have a heart-to-heart with yourself) about setting up an emergency fund, rethinking your budget and planning what’s next for your Read more…
February 6, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Aparna Kumar and Christine Whelan will be joined by Lauren Ross, founder of Project Village! We’ll be tackling questions from our readers about mental health and community in the pandemic. If you have a question, put it in our question box at ➡️ Welcome, Intros, Read more…
February 5, 2021
I’m really stressed out. And I feel like it might be getting worse, not better.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: You are not alone: Surveys tell us that adults in the U.S. are reporting the highest stress levels since the early days of the pandemic. If the obvious stress-busting advice hasn’t helped, we’ve got some bigger-picture ideas to ponder. According to the American Psychological Association’s just-released January 2021 Stress Snapshot, 84% of American adults Read more…
February 3, 2021
How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: With school closures and working from home, I feel as if I am always saying no to my young child. How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way? A: Acknowledge feelings, help meet your child’s needs, and use nonverbal communication. Dr. Carolyn Broudy of the Family Connections Center provides a Read more…
January 29, 2021
Is this pandemic worse for extroverts than for introverts?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: And what can each personality type do to stay mentally healthy right now? A: The emotional toll of the pandemic has been tough on both extroverts and introverts. Research tells us taking a growth-mindset approach to personality is the healthiest way to stay flexible, and that communication about your socio-emotional needs is more important Read more…
January 27, 2021
I have been managing as well as can be expected during this pandemic, but lately I have been feeling angry.
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: A lot of it has to do with other people not taking COVID-19 as seriously as me. What can I do? A: Feel all the feels, engage in meaningful interactions, and focus on you. 😤 FEEL ALL THE FEELS: Remember the movie Inside Out? Joy, sadness, anger, grief, and disgust all have a role Read more…
A: No matter how safe you make yourself against the virus, you may still have deep concerns that keep you awake at night. Cyclical thinking like this is called rumination. To fight it, try keeping a “done” list, meditation, writing, or movement. Chronic illness, a bill, or a family situation that needs your full attention Read more…
In the last year I made some not-so-awesome impulse purchases. Was that just me?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: Stress spending is real, and in the last year, it went way past buying too much toilet paper. According to one survey, 43% of respondents said they’d made an impulse purchase during the first few months of the pandemic as wine-o-clock internet purchases became an all-day thing for a subset of us. For others, Read more…
March 1, 2021
Baby Sleep Day
Families/Kids Mental Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The Nerdy Girls over at Dear Pandemic are thrilled to participate in Baby Sleep Day (Visit Pediatric Sleep Council for live Q&A all day or Baby Sleep Day for the schedule of experts). Healthy sleep during a pandemic can be tough – especially for parents who spend a lot of energy balancing their family and Read more…
February 26, 2021
How do I find a therapist?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I am struggling with my mental health right now. Nothing I have tried has worked. I think I need a therapist. Where do I start? A: We have a few tips to help you get the help you may need. Many of us are going through this right now (up to 40% of Americans Read more…
February 24, 2021
Should we be preparing to re-enter society?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: For otherwise healthy people, what’s safe to do these days? Should we be preparing to re-enter society? And if so, how do we address our serious fears about health safety? A: Safe socialization is important for our well-being and thriving, so when you’re ready, use your SMARTS, assess the risks, name the feelings that Read more…
February 20, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Sandra Albrecht and Malia Jones will be taking questions about pet birds, what 95% efficacy really means, when safety measures are just too much, and what’s up with that CDC thing about vaccines wearing off in 3 months. If you have a question, put it in Read more…
February 18, 2021
When did you first hear about COVID?
Mental Health
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
It’s time for Throwback Thursday! When did you first hear about COVID? How did you hear? Share your story below. We want to hear it! One year later, it’s kind of tough to remember a time in our lives before COVID. We’re going to be coming up on a lot of 1-year-ago-today memories as this Read more…
February 17, 2021
This pandemic winter is dragging on … and on. I need a safe happiness boost. Right now.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: We feel you! Here are four research-based tips to plant the seeds of change even as many of us are still buried under the (literal and figurative) snow. 😊 Say no more often. You might call it the “yes, sure… oh, dang” problem. Academics call it hyperbolic discounting. It’s the challenge we all have Read more…
February 15, 2021
What can I do to support a caregiver?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Caregivers need a back-up plan, a much deserved recharge, and financial support. Caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic has been further strained by disrupted child care, social isolation, unemployment, and a contagious and debilitating virus. If the caregivers fall, so does everything else. Caregivers come in many forms and are the backbone of daily life Read more…
February 12, 2021
Talk Money with Your Honey
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: The last year has been tough financially for my family, and now, in addition to worrying about health, we’re fighting about money. A: This Valentine’s Day, forget flowers. Talk money with your honey (or have a heart-to-heart with yourself) about setting up an emergency fund, rethinking your budget and planning what’s next for your Read more…
February 6, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Aparna Kumar and Christine Whelan will be joined by Lauren Ross, founder of Project Village! We’ll be tackling questions from our readers about mental health and community in the pandemic. If you have a question, put it in our question box at ➡️ Welcome, Intros, Read more…
February 5, 2021
I’m really stressed out. And I feel like it might be getting worse, not better.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: You are not alone: Surveys tell us that adults in the U.S. are reporting the highest stress levels since the early days of the pandemic. If the obvious stress-busting advice hasn’t helped, we’ve got some bigger-picture ideas to ponder. According to the American Psychological Association’s just-released January 2021 Stress Snapshot, 84% of American adults Read more…
February 3, 2021
How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: With school closures and working from home, I feel as if I am always saying no to my young child. How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way? A: Acknowledge feelings, help meet your child’s needs, and use nonverbal communication. Dr. Carolyn Broudy of the Family Connections Center provides a Read more…
January 29, 2021
Is this pandemic worse for extroverts than for introverts?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: And what can each personality type do to stay mentally healthy right now? A: The emotional toll of the pandemic has been tough on both extroverts and introverts. Research tells us taking a growth-mindset approach to personality is the healthiest way to stay flexible, and that communication about your socio-emotional needs is more important Read more…
January 27, 2021
I have been managing as well as can be expected during this pandemic, but lately I have been feeling angry.
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: A lot of it has to do with other people not taking COVID-19 as seriously as me. What can I do? A: Feel all the feels, engage in meaningful interactions, and focus on you. 😤 FEEL ALL THE FEELS: Remember the movie Inside Out? Joy, sadness, anger, grief, and disgust all have a role Read more…
A: Stress spending is real, and in the last year, it went way past buying too much toilet paper. According to one survey, 43% of respondents said they’d made an impulse purchase during the first few months of the pandemic as wine-o-clock internet purchases became an all-day thing for a subset of us. For others, Read more…
Baby Sleep Day
Families/Kids Mental Health
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
The Nerdy Girls over at Dear Pandemic are thrilled to participate in Baby Sleep Day (Visit Pediatric Sleep Council for live Q&A all day or Baby Sleep Day for the schedule of experts). Healthy sleep during a pandemic can be tough – especially for parents who spend a lot of energy balancing their family and Read more…
February 26, 2021
How do I find a therapist?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I am struggling with my mental health right now. Nothing I have tried has worked. I think I need a therapist. Where do I start? A: We have a few tips to help you get the help you may need. Many of us are going through this right now (up to 40% of Americans Read more…
February 24, 2021
Should we be preparing to re-enter society?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: For otherwise healthy people, what’s safe to do these days? Should we be preparing to re-enter society? And if so, how do we address our serious fears about health safety? A: Safe socialization is important for our well-being and thriving, so when you’re ready, use your SMARTS, assess the risks, name the feelings that Read more…
February 20, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Sandra Albrecht and Malia Jones will be taking questions about pet birds, what 95% efficacy really means, when safety measures are just too much, and what’s up with that CDC thing about vaccines wearing off in 3 months. If you have a question, put it in Read more…
February 18, 2021
When did you first hear about COVID?
Mental Health
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
It’s time for Throwback Thursday! When did you first hear about COVID? How did you hear? Share your story below. We want to hear it! One year later, it’s kind of tough to remember a time in our lives before COVID. We’re going to be coming up on a lot of 1-year-ago-today memories as this Read more…
February 17, 2021
This pandemic winter is dragging on … and on. I need a safe happiness boost. Right now.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: We feel you! Here are four research-based tips to plant the seeds of change even as many of us are still buried under the (literal and figurative) snow. 😊 Say no more often. You might call it the “yes, sure… oh, dang” problem. Academics call it hyperbolic discounting. It’s the challenge we all have Read more…
February 15, 2021
What can I do to support a caregiver?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Caregivers need a back-up plan, a much deserved recharge, and financial support. Caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic has been further strained by disrupted child care, social isolation, unemployment, and a contagious and debilitating virus. If the caregivers fall, so does everything else. Caregivers come in many forms and are the backbone of daily life Read more…
February 12, 2021
Talk Money with Your Honey
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: The last year has been tough financially for my family, and now, in addition to worrying about health, we’re fighting about money. A: This Valentine’s Day, forget flowers. Talk money with your honey (or have a heart-to-heart with yourself) about setting up an emergency fund, rethinking your budget and planning what’s next for your Read more…
February 6, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Aparna Kumar and Christine Whelan will be joined by Lauren Ross, founder of Project Village! We’ll be tackling questions from our readers about mental health and community in the pandemic. If you have a question, put it in our question box at ➡️ Welcome, Intros, Read more…
February 5, 2021
I’m really stressed out. And I feel like it might be getting worse, not better.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: You are not alone: Surveys tell us that adults in the U.S. are reporting the highest stress levels since the early days of the pandemic. If the obvious stress-busting advice hasn’t helped, we’ve got some bigger-picture ideas to ponder. According to the American Psychological Association’s just-released January 2021 Stress Snapshot, 84% of American adults Read more…
February 3, 2021
How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: With school closures and working from home, I feel as if I am always saying no to my young child. How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way? A: Acknowledge feelings, help meet your child’s needs, and use nonverbal communication. Dr. Carolyn Broudy of the Family Connections Center provides a Read more…
January 29, 2021
Is this pandemic worse for extroverts than for introverts?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: And what can each personality type do to stay mentally healthy right now? A: The emotional toll of the pandemic has been tough on both extroverts and introverts. Research tells us taking a growth-mindset approach to personality is the healthiest way to stay flexible, and that communication about your socio-emotional needs is more important Read more…
January 27, 2021
I have been managing as well as can be expected during this pandemic, but lately I have been feeling angry.
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: A lot of it has to do with other people not taking COVID-19 as seriously as me. What can I do? A: Feel all the feels, engage in meaningful interactions, and focus on you. 😤 FEEL ALL THE FEELS: Remember the movie Inside Out? Joy, sadness, anger, grief, and disgust all have a role Read more…
The Nerdy Girls over at Dear Pandemic are thrilled to participate in Baby Sleep Day (Visit Pediatric Sleep Council for live Q&A all day or Baby Sleep Day for the schedule of experts). Healthy sleep during a pandemic can be tough – especially for parents who spend a lot of energy balancing their family and Read more…
How do I find a therapist?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: I am struggling with my mental health right now. Nothing I have tried has worked. I think I need a therapist. Where do I start? A: We have a few tips to help you get the help you may need. Many of us are going through this right now (up to 40% of Americans Read more…
February 24, 2021
Should we be preparing to re-enter society?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: For otherwise healthy people, what’s safe to do these days? Should we be preparing to re-enter society? And if so, how do we address our serious fears about health safety? A: Safe socialization is important for our well-being and thriving, so when you’re ready, use your SMARTS, assess the risks, name the feelings that Read more…
February 20, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Sandra Albrecht and Malia Jones will be taking questions about pet birds, what 95% efficacy really means, when safety measures are just too much, and what’s up with that CDC thing about vaccines wearing off in 3 months. If you have a question, put it in Read more…
February 18, 2021
When did you first hear about COVID?
Mental Health
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
It’s time for Throwback Thursday! When did you first hear about COVID? How did you hear? Share your story below. We want to hear it! One year later, it’s kind of tough to remember a time in our lives before COVID. We’re going to be coming up on a lot of 1-year-ago-today memories as this Read more…
February 17, 2021
This pandemic winter is dragging on … and on. I need a safe happiness boost. Right now.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: We feel you! Here are four research-based tips to plant the seeds of change even as many of us are still buried under the (literal and figurative) snow. 😊 Say no more often. You might call it the “yes, sure… oh, dang” problem. Academics call it hyperbolic discounting. It’s the challenge we all have Read more…
February 15, 2021
What can I do to support a caregiver?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Caregivers need a back-up plan, a much deserved recharge, and financial support. Caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic has been further strained by disrupted child care, social isolation, unemployment, and a contagious and debilitating virus. If the caregivers fall, so does everything else. Caregivers come in many forms and are the backbone of daily life Read more…
February 12, 2021
Talk Money with Your Honey
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: The last year has been tough financially for my family, and now, in addition to worrying about health, we’re fighting about money. A: This Valentine’s Day, forget flowers. Talk money with your honey (or have a heart-to-heart with yourself) about setting up an emergency fund, rethinking your budget and planning what’s next for your Read more…
February 6, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Aparna Kumar and Christine Whelan will be joined by Lauren Ross, founder of Project Village! We’ll be tackling questions from our readers about mental health and community in the pandemic. If you have a question, put it in our question box at ➡️ Welcome, Intros, Read more…
February 5, 2021
I’m really stressed out. And I feel like it might be getting worse, not better.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: You are not alone: Surveys tell us that adults in the U.S. are reporting the highest stress levels since the early days of the pandemic. If the obvious stress-busting advice hasn’t helped, we’ve got some bigger-picture ideas to ponder. According to the American Psychological Association’s just-released January 2021 Stress Snapshot, 84% of American adults Read more…
February 3, 2021
How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: With school closures and working from home, I feel as if I am always saying no to my young child. How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way? A: Acknowledge feelings, help meet your child’s needs, and use nonverbal communication. Dr. Carolyn Broudy of the Family Connections Center provides a Read more…
January 29, 2021
Is this pandemic worse for extroverts than for introverts?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: And what can each personality type do to stay mentally healthy right now? A: The emotional toll of the pandemic has been tough on both extroverts and introverts. Research tells us taking a growth-mindset approach to personality is the healthiest way to stay flexible, and that communication about your socio-emotional needs is more important Read more…
January 27, 2021
I have been managing as well as can be expected during this pandemic, but lately I have been feeling angry.
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: A lot of it has to do with other people not taking COVID-19 as seriously as me. What can I do? A: Feel all the feels, engage in meaningful interactions, and focus on you. 😤 FEEL ALL THE FEELS: Remember the movie Inside Out? Joy, sadness, anger, grief, and disgust all have a role Read more…
Q: I am struggling with my mental health right now. Nothing I have tried has worked. I think I need a therapist. Where do I start? A: We have a few tips to help you get the help you may need. Many of us are going through this right now (up to 40% of Americans Read more…
Should we be preparing to re-enter society?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: For otherwise healthy people, what’s safe to do these days? Should we be preparing to re-enter society? And if so, how do we address our serious fears about health safety? A: Safe socialization is important for our well-being and thriving, so when you’re ready, use your SMARTS, assess the risks, name the feelings that Read more…
February 20, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Sandra Albrecht and Malia Jones will be taking questions about pet birds, what 95% efficacy really means, when safety measures are just too much, and what’s up with that CDC thing about vaccines wearing off in 3 months. If you have a question, put it in Read more…
February 18, 2021
When did you first hear about COVID?
Mental Health
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
It’s time for Throwback Thursday! When did you first hear about COVID? How did you hear? Share your story below. We want to hear it! One year later, it’s kind of tough to remember a time in our lives before COVID. We’re going to be coming up on a lot of 1-year-ago-today memories as this Read more…
February 17, 2021
This pandemic winter is dragging on … and on. I need a safe happiness boost. Right now.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: We feel you! Here are four research-based tips to plant the seeds of change even as many of us are still buried under the (literal and figurative) snow. 😊 Say no more often. You might call it the “yes, sure… oh, dang” problem. Academics call it hyperbolic discounting. It’s the challenge we all have Read more…
February 15, 2021
What can I do to support a caregiver?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Caregivers need a back-up plan, a much deserved recharge, and financial support. Caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic has been further strained by disrupted child care, social isolation, unemployment, and a contagious and debilitating virus. If the caregivers fall, so does everything else. Caregivers come in many forms and are the backbone of daily life Read more…
February 12, 2021
Talk Money with Your Honey
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: The last year has been tough financially for my family, and now, in addition to worrying about health, we’re fighting about money. A: This Valentine’s Day, forget flowers. Talk money with your honey (or have a heart-to-heart with yourself) about setting up an emergency fund, rethinking your budget and planning what’s next for your Read more…
February 6, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Aparna Kumar and Christine Whelan will be joined by Lauren Ross, founder of Project Village! We’ll be tackling questions from our readers about mental health and community in the pandemic. If you have a question, put it in our question box at ➡️ Welcome, Intros, Read more…
February 5, 2021
I’m really stressed out. And I feel like it might be getting worse, not better.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: You are not alone: Surveys tell us that adults in the U.S. are reporting the highest stress levels since the early days of the pandemic. If the obvious stress-busting advice hasn’t helped, we’ve got some bigger-picture ideas to ponder. According to the American Psychological Association’s just-released January 2021 Stress Snapshot, 84% of American adults Read more…
February 3, 2021
How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: With school closures and working from home, I feel as if I am always saying no to my young child. How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way? A: Acknowledge feelings, help meet your child’s needs, and use nonverbal communication. Dr. Carolyn Broudy of the Family Connections Center provides a Read more…
January 29, 2021
Is this pandemic worse for extroverts than for introverts?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: And what can each personality type do to stay mentally healthy right now? A: The emotional toll of the pandemic has been tough on both extroverts and introverts. Research tells us taking a growth-mindset approach to personality is the healthiest way to stay flexible, and that communication about your socio-emotional needs is more important Read more…
January 27, 2021
I have been managing as well as can be expected during this pandemic, but lately I have been feeling angry.
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: A lot of it has to do with other people not taking COVID-19 as seriously as me. What can I do? A: Feel all the feels, engage in meaningful interactions, and focus on you. 😤 FEEL ALL THE FEELS: Remember the movie Inside Out? Joy, sadness, anger, grief, and disgust all have a role Read more…
Q: For otherwise healthy people, what’s safe to do these days? Should we be preparing to re-enter society? And if so, how do we address our serious fears about health safety? A: Safe socialization is important for our well-being and thriving, so when you’re ready, use your SMARTS, assess the risks, name the feelings that Read more…
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Mental Health Staying Safe Vaccines VideosIn this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Sandra Albrecht and Malia Jones will be taking questions about pet birds, what 95% efficacy really means, when safety measures are just too much, and what’s up with that CDC thing about vaccines wearing off in 3 months. If you have a question, put it in Read more…
When did you first hear about COVID?
Mental Health
Joanna Dreifus, MPH
It’s time for Throwback Thursday! When did you first hear about COVID? How did you hear? Share your story below. We want to hear it! One year later, it’s kind of tough to remember a time in our lives before COVID. We’re going to be coming up on a lot of 1-year-ago-today memories as this Read more…
February 17, 2021
This pandemic winter is dragging on … and on. I need a safe happiness boost. Right now.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: We feel you! Here are four research-based tips to plant the seeds of change even as many of us are still buried under the (literal and figurative) snow. 😊 Say no more often. You might call it the “yes, sure… oh, dang” problem. Academics call it hyperbolic discounting. It’s the challenge we all have Read more…
February 15, 2021
What can I do to support a caregiver?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Caregivers need a back-up plan, a much deserved recharge, and financial support. Caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic has been further strained by disrupted child care, social isolation, unemployment, and a contagious and debilitating virus. If the caregivers fall, so does everything else. Caregivers come in many forms and are the backbone of daily life Read more…
February 12, 2021
Talk Money with Your Honey
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: The last year has been tough financially for my family, and now, in addition to worrying about health, we’re fighting about money. A: This Valentine’s Day, forget flowers. Talk money with your honey (or have a heart-to-heart with yourself) about setting up an emergency fund, rethinking your budget and planning what’s next for your Read more…
February 6, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Aparna Kumar and Christine Whelan will be joined by Lauren Ross, founder of Project Village! We’ll be tackling questions from our readers about mental health and community in the pandemic. If you have a question, put it in our question box at ➡️ Welcome, Intros, Read more…
February 5, 2021
I’m really stressed out. And I feel like it might be getting worse, not better.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: You are not alone: Surveys tell us that adults in the U.S. are reporting the highest stress levels since the early days of the pandemic. If the obvious stress-busting advice hasn’t helped, we’ve got some bigger-picture ideas to ponder. According to the American Psychological Association’s just-released January 2021 Stress Snapshot, 84% of American adults Read more…
February 3, 2021
How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: With school closures and working from home, I feel as if I am always saying no to my young child. How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way? A: Acknowledge feelings, help meet your child’s needs, and use nonverbal communication. Dr. Carolyn Broudy of the Family Connections Center provides a Read more…
January 29, 2021
Is this pandemic worse for extroverts than for introverts?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: And what can each personality type do to stay mentally healthy right now? A: The emotional toll of the pandemic has been tough on both extroverts and introverts. Research tells us taking a growth-mindset approach to personality is the healthiest way to stay flexible, and that communication about your socio-emotional needs is more important Read more…
January 27, 2021
I have been managing as well as can be expected during this pandemic, but lately I have been feeling angry.
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: A lot of it has to do with other people not taking COVID-19 as seriously as me. What can I do? A: Feel all the feels, engage in meaningful interactions, and focus on you. 😤 FEEL ALL THE FEELS: Remember the movie Inside Out? Joy, sadness, anger, grief, and disgust all have a role Read more…
It’s time for Throwback Thursday! When did you first hear about COVID? How did you hear? Share your story below. We want to hear it! One year later, it’s kind of tough to remember a time in our lives before COVID. We’re going to be coming up on a lot of 1-year-ago-today memories as this Read more…
This pandemic winter is dragging on … and on. I need a safe happiness boost. Right now.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: We feel you! Here are four research-based tips to plant the seeds of change even as many of us are still buried under the (literal and figurative) snow. 😊 Say no more often. You might call it the “yes, sure… oh, dang” problem. Academics call it hyperbolic discounting. It’s the challenge we all have Read more…
February 15, 2021
What can I do to support a caregiver?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Caregivers need a back-up plan, a much deserved recharge, and financial support. Caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic has been further strained by disrupted child care, social isolation, unemployment, and a contagious and debilitating virus. If the caregivers fall, so does everything else. Caregivers come in many forms and are the backbone of daily life Read more…
February 12, 2021
Talk Money with Your Honey
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: The last year has been tough financially for my family, and now, in addition to worrying about health, we’re fighting about money. A: This Valentine’s Day, forget flowers. Talk money with your honey (or have a heart-to-heart with yourself) about setting up an emergency fund, rethinking your budget and planning what’s next for your Read more…
February 6, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Aparna Kumar and Christine Whelan will be joined by Lauren Ross, founder of Project Village! We’ll be tackling questions from our readers about mental health and community in the pandemic. If you have a question, put it in our question box at ➡️ Welcome, Intros, Read more…
February 5, 2021
I’m really stressed out. And I feel like it might be getting worse, not better.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: You are not alone: Surveys tell us that adults in the U.S. are reporting the highest stress levels since the early days of the pandemic. If the obvious stress-busting advice hasn’t helped, we’ve got some bigger-picture ideas to ponder. According to the American Psychological Association’s just-released January 2021 Stress Snapshot, 84% of American adults Read more…
February 3, 2021
How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: With school closures and working from home, I feel as if I am always saying no to my young child. How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way? A: Acknowledge feelings, help meet your child’s needs, and use nonverbal communication. Dr. Carolyn Broudy of the Family Connections Center provides a Read more…
January 29, 2021
Is this pandemic worse for extroverts than for introverts?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: And what can each personality type do to stay mentally healthy right now? A: The emotional toll of the pandemic has been tough on both extroverts and introverts. Research tells us taking a growth-mindset approach to personality is the healthiest way to stay flexible, and that communication about your socio-emotional needs is more important Read more…
January 27, 2021
I have been managing as well as can be expected during this pandemic, but lately I have been feeling angry.
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: A lot of it has to do with other people not taking COVID-19 as seriously as me. What can I do? A: Feel all the feels, engage in meaningful interactions, and focus on you. 😤 FEEL ALL THE FEELS: Remember the movie Inside Out? Joy, sadness, anger, grief, and disgust all have a role Read more…
A: We feel you! Here are four research-based tips to plant the seeds of change even as many of us are still buried under the (literal and figurative) snow. 😊 Say no more often. You might call it the “yes, sure… oh, dang” problem. Academics call it hyperbolic discounting. It’s the challenge we all have Read more…
What can I do to support a caregiver?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Caregivers need a back-up plan, a much deserved recharge, and financial support. Caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic has been further strained by disrupted child care, social isolation, unemployment, and a contagious and debilitating virus. If the caregivers fall, so does everything else. Caregivers come in many forms and are the backbone of daily life Read more…
February 12, 2021
Talk Money with Your Honey
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: The last year has been tough financially for my family, and now, in addition to worrying about health, we’re fighting about money. A: This Valentine’s Day, forget flowers. Talk money with your honey (or have a heart-to-heart with yourself) about setting up an emergency fund, rethinking your budget and planning what’s next for your Read more…
February 6, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Aparna Kumar and Christine Whelan will be joined by Lauren Ross, founder of Project Village! We’ll be tackling questions from our readers about mental health and community in the pandemic. If you have a question, put it in our question box at ➡️ Welcome, Intros, Read more…
February 5, 2021
I’m really stressed out. And I feel like it might be getting worse, not better.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: You are not alone: Surveys tell us that adults in the U.S. are reporting the highest stress levels since the early days of the pandemic. If the obvious stress-busting advice hasn’t helped, we’ve got some bigger-picture ideas to ponder. According to the American Psychological Association’s just-released January 2021 Stress Snapshot, 84% of American adults Read more…
February 3, 2021
How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: With school closures and working from home, I feel as if I am always saying no to my young child. How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way? A: Acknowledge feelings, help meet your child’s needs, and use nonverbal communication. Dr. Carolyn Broudy of the Family Connections Center provides a Read more…
January 29, 2021
Is this pandemic worse for extroverts than for introverts?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: And what can each personality type do to stay mentally healthy right now? A: The emotional toll of the pandemic has been tough on both extroverts and introverts. Research tells us taking a growth-mindset approach to personality is the healthiest way to stay flexible, and that communication about your socio-emotional needs is more important Read more…
January 27, 2021
I have been managing as well as can be expected during this pandemic, but lately I have been feeling angry.
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: A lot of it has to do with other people not taking COVID-19 as seriously as me. What can I do? A: Feel all the feels, engage in meaningful interactions, and focus on you. 😤 FEEL ALL THE FEELS: Remember the movie Inside Out? Joy, sadness, anger, grief, and disgust all have a role Read more…
A: Caregivers need a back-up plan, a much deserved recharge, and financial support. Caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic has been further strained by disrupted child care, social isolation, unemployment, and a contagious and debilitating virus. If the caregivers fall, so does everything else. Caregivers come in many forms and are the backbone of daily life Read more…
Talk Money with Your Honey
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: The last year has been tough financially for my family, and now, in addition to worrying about health, we’re fighting about money. A: This Valentine’s Day, forget flowers. Talk money with your honey (or have a heart-to-heart with yourself) about setting up an emergency fund, rethinking your budget and planning what’s next for your Read more…
February 6, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Aparna Kumar and Christine Whelan will be joined by Lauren Ross, founder of Project Village! We’ll be tackling questions from our readers about mental health and community in the pandemic. If you have a question, put it in our question box at ➡️ Welcome, Intros, Read more…
February 5, 2021
I’m really stressed out. And I feel like it might be getting worse, not better.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: You are not alone: Surveys tell us that adults in the U.S. are reporting the highest stress levels since the early days of the pandemic. If the obvious stress-busting advice hasn’t helped, we’ve got some bigger-picture ideas to ponder. According to the American Psychological Association’s just-released January 2021 Stress Snapshot, 84% of American adults Read more…
February 3, 2021
How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: With school closures and working from home, I feel as if I am always saying no to my young child. How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way? A: Acknowledge feelings, help meet your child’s needs, and use nonverbal communication. Dr. Carolyn Broudy of the Family Connections Center provides a Read more…
January 29, 2021
Is this pandemic worse for extroverts than for introverts?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: And what can each personality type do to stay mentally healthy right now? A: The emotional toll of the pandemic has been tough on both extroverts and introverts. Research tells us taking a growth-mindset approach to personality is the healthiest way to stay flexible, and that communication about your socio-emotional needs is more important Read more…
January 27, 2021
I have been managing as well as can be expected during this pandemic, but lately I have been feeling angry.
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: A lot of it has to do with other people not taking COVID-19 as seriously as me. What can I do? A: Feel all the feels, engage in meaningful interactions, and focus on you. 😤 FEEL ALL THE FEELS: Remember the movie Inside Out? Joy, sadness, anger, grief, and disgust all have a role Read more…
Q: The last year has been tough financially for my family, and now, in addition to worrying about health, we’re fighting about money. A: This Valentine’s Day, forget flowers. Talk money with your honey (or have a heart-to-heart with yourself) about setting up an emergency fund, rethinking your budget and planning what’s next for your Read more…
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Families/Kids Mental Health Socializing Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Aparna Kumar and Christine Whelan will be joined by Lauren Ross, founder of Project Village! We’ll be tackling questions from our readers about mental health and community in the pandemic. If you have a question, put it in our question box at ➡️ Welcome, Intros, Read more…
February 5, 2021
I’m really stressed out. And I feel like it might be getting worse, not better.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: You are not alone: Surveys tell us that adults in the U.S. are reporting the highest stress levels since the early days of the pandemic. If the obvious stress-busting advice hasn’t helped, we’ve got some bigger-picture ideas to ponder. According to the American Psychological Association’s just-released January 2021 Stress Snapshot, 84% of American adults Read more…
February 3, 2021
How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: With school closures and working from home, I feel as if I am always saying no to my young child. How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way? A: Acknowledge feelings, help meet your child’s needs, and use nonverbal communication. Dr. Carolyn Broudy of the Family Connections Center provides a Read more…
January 29, 2021
Is this pandemic worse for extroverts than for introverts?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: And what can each personality type do to stay mentally healthy right now? A: The emotional toll of the pandemic has been tough on both extroverts and introverts. Research tells us taking a growth-mindset approach to personality is the healthiest way to stay flexible, and that communication about your socio-emotional needs is more important Read more…
January 27, 2021
I have been managing as well as can be expected during this pandemic, but lately I have been feeling angry.
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: A lot of it has to do with other people not taking COVID-19 as seriously as me. What can I do? A: Feel all the feels, engage in meaningful interactions, and focus on you. 😤 FEEL ALL THE FEELS: Remember the movie Inside Out? Joy, sadness, anger, grief, and disgust all have a role Read more…
In this live Q&A, Dear Pandemic contributing scientists Drs. Aparna Kumar and Christine Whelan will be joined by Lauren Ross, founder of Project Village! We’ll be tackling questions from our readers about mental health and community in the pandemic. If you have a question, put it in our question box at ➡️ Welcome, Intros, Read more…
I’m really stressed out. And I feel like it might be getting worse, not better.
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
A: You are not alone: Surveys tell us that adults in the U.S. are reporting the highest stress levels since the early days of the pandemic. If the obvious stress-busting advice hasn’t helped, we’ve got some bigger-picture ideas to ponder. According to the American Psychological Association’s just-released January 2021 Stress Snapshot, 84% of American adults Read more…
February 3, 2021
How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: With school closures and working from home, I feel as if I am always saying no to my young child. How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way? A: Acknowledge feelings, help meet your child’s needs, and use nonverbal communication. Dr. Carolyn Broudy of the Family Connections Center provides a Read more…
January 29, 2021
Is this pandemic worse for extroverts than for introverts?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: And what can each personality type do to stay mentally healthy right now? A: The emotional toll of the pandemic has been tough on both extroverts and introverts. Research tells us taking a growth-mindset approach to personality is the healthiest way to stay flexible, and that communication about your socio-emotional needs is more important Read more…
January 27, 2021
I have been managing as well as can be expected during this pandemic, but lately I have been feeling angry.
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: A lot of it has to do with other people not taking COVID-19 as seriously as me. What can I do? A: Feel all the feels, engage in meaningful interactions, and focus on you. 😤 FEEL ALL THE FEELS: Remember the movie Inside Out? Joy, sadness, anger, grief, and disgust all have a role Read more…
A: You are not alone: Surveys tell us that adults in the U.S. are reporting the highest stress levels since the early days of the pandemic. If the obvious stress-busting advice hasn’t helped, we’ve got some bigger-picture ideas to ponder. According to the American Psychological Association’s just-released January 2021 Stress Snapshot, 84% of American adults Read more…
How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way?
Families/Kids Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: With school closures and working from home, I feel as if I am always saying no to my young child. How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way? A: Acknowledge feelings, help meet your child’s needs, and use nonverbal communication. Dr. Carolyn Broudy of the Family Connections Center provides a Read more…
January 29, 2021
Is this pandemic worse for extroverts than for introverts?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: And what can each personality type do to stay mentally healthy right now? A: The emotional toll of the pandemic has been tough on both extroverts and introverts. Research tells us taking a growth-mindset approach to personality is the healthiest way to stay flexible, and that communication about your socio-emotional needs is more important Read more…
January 27, 2021
I have been managing as well as can be expected during this pandemic, but lately I have been feeling angry.
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: A lot of it has to do with other people not taking COVID-19 as seriously as me. What can I do? A: Feel all the feels, engage in meaningful interactions, and focus on you. 😤 FEEL ALL THE FEELS: Remember the movie Inside Out? Joy, sadness, anger, grief, and disgust all have a role Read more…
Q: With school closures and working from home, I feel as if I am always saying no to my young child. How can I help my child understand “NO” in a kind way? A: Acknowledge feelings, help meet your child’s needs, and use nonverbal communication. Dr. Carolyn Broudy of the Family Connections Center provides a Read more…
Is this pandemic worse for extroverts than for introverts?
Mental Health
Christine Whelan, PhD
Q: And what can each personality type do to stay mentally healthy right now? A: The emotional toll of the pandemic has been tough on both extroverts and introverts. Research tells us taking a growth-mindset approach to personality is the healthiest way to stay flexible, and that communication about your socio-emotional needs is more important Read more…
January 27, 2021
I have been managing as well as can be expected during this pandemic, but lately I have been feeling angry.
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: A lot of it has to do with other people not taking COVID-19 as seriously as me. What can I do? A: Feel all the feels, engage in meaningful interactions, and focus on you. 😤 FEEL ALL THE FEELS: Remember the movie Inside Out? Joy, sadness, anger, grief, and disgust all have a role Read more…
Q: And what can each personality type do to stay mentally healthy right now? A: The emotional toll of the pandemic has been tough on both extroverts and introverts. Research tells us taking a growth-mindset approach to personality is the healthiest way to stay flexible, and that communication about your socio-emotional needs is more important Read more…
I have been managing as well as can be expected during this pandemic, but lately I have been feeling angry.
Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Q: A lot of it has to do with other people not taking COVID-19 as seriously as me. What can I do? A: Feel all the feels, engage in meaningful interactions, and focus on you. 😤 FEEL ALL THE FEELS: Remember the movie Inside Out? Joy, sadness, anger, grief, and disgust all have a role Read more…
Q: A lot of it has to do with other people not taking COVID-19 as seriously as me. What can I do? A: Feel all the feels, engage in meaningful interactions, and focus on you. 😤 FEEL ALL THE FEELS: Remember the movie Inside Out? Joy, sadness, anger, grief, and disgust all have a role Read more…